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霍超  刘天绩  樊斌  赵岳  王丹凤  张吉路  郑翠 《地质论评》2021,67(6):67120005-67120005
随着双碳背景下国家能源结构调整和生态文明建设的要求,本文从保障国家主体能源安全和优化煤炭资源勘查开发布局的角度考虑,阐述了中国煤炭资源分布特点及勘查开发现状;从坚持集约与协调发展、改革与创新发展、绿色与清洁发展的基本原则出发,分析了新时期煤炭资源勘查目标:加强大型煤炭基地资源勘查、推进新增煤层气资源储量、加快煤系矿产资源勘查;从资源禀赋、开发强度、市场区位、环境容量、输送通道等方面出发,阐述了14个大型煤炭基地开发布局方向及建设规模,同时要加快煤层气的开发利用。研究成果对未来一段时期煤炭资源勘查开发及煤炭工业高质量发展具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

随着双碳背景下国家能源结构调整和生态文明建设的要求,本文从保障国家主体能源安全和优化煤炭资源勘查开发布局的角度考虑,阐述了中国煤炭资源分布特点及勘查开发现状;从坚持集约与协调发展、改革与创新发展、绿色与清洁发展的基本原则出发,分析了新时期煤炭资源勘查目标:加强大型煤炭基地资源勘查、推进新增煤层气资源储量、加快煤系矿产资源勘查;从资源禀赋、开发强度、市场区位、环境容量、输送通道等方面出发,阐述了14个大型煤炭基地开发布局方向及建设规模,同时要加快煤层气的开发利用。研究成果对未来一段时期煤炭资源勘查开发及煤炭工业高质量发展具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

湘中湘南地区在早古生代时期,由于受海平面变化以及全球古气候的影响,形成了有利于烃源岩形成的沉积环境。笔者通过对湘中湘南地区的奥陶纪达瑞威尔中晚期-凯迪早期开展沉积相、岩相古地理和油气地质等研究,结合前人所取得的相关研究成果,将该区划分为陆架相、盆地相和陆架边缘相。陆架相主要由砂质板岩、砂岩、黑色页岩和硅质岩组成;陆架边缘相为粉砂-细粒石英砂岩、长石石英砂岩夹条带状板岩、炭质板岩和硅质岩等组成;而盆地相为一套炭质页岩和硅质岩组成的黑色岩系,代表了一种平静还原的滞流缺氧环境。该套岩性有机质含量高,具较高的生烃潜力,且分布范围广,是湘中湘南地区达瑞威尔-凯迪阶的富烃沉积区,也是下一步油气地质调查和勘探的重要层位。  相似文献   

大地电磁测深在中上扬子地区油气调查中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用大地电磁( MT)测深技术,结合测区的地质和物性特征,对中上扬子地区的断裂、褶皱、地层展布进行了地面、地下对比分析,证实了该区构造划分与地面构造分布基本一致;综合地层分布、电阻率异常显示和地质情况,解释了局部构造发育情况。根据局部构造的发育位置和层序,结合油气地质分析,初步认为,剖面西部和中部局部构造电性特征清楚,构造落实程度较高;寒武系、震旦系埋深在4 km以下,上部志留系—上奥陶统低阻层分布稳定,盖层发育广泛,断层封堵性较好,有利于寒武系、震旦系油气的保存。  相似文献   

较为全面地介绍了航空天然场电磁观测系统( ZTEM)的方法原理、装置及应用实例,从测量参数、探测成果和工作效率等方面对比总结了航空天然场电磁法与地面MT法。在此基础上,提出了航空天然场电磁法和地面MT联合的点面结合勘探方案,即ZTEM航空电磁法进行大面积快速测量,地面天然场电磁法针对重点和可到达的区域进行辅助性质的完善测量和查证,并为ZTEM数据反演提供参考,最终获得全区的电性特征,从而为地质体推断提供可靠参考,可为我国高山峻岭区、森林覆盖区、水体覆盖区、环境保护区矿产资源的快速有效勘查提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

The Sarcheshmeh copper deposit is one of the world's largest Oligo-Miocene porphyry copper deposits in a continental arc setting with a well developed supergene sulfide zone, covered mainly by a hematitic gossan. Supergene oxidation and leaching, have developed a chalcocite enrichment blanket averaging 1.99% Cu, more than twice that of hypogene zone (0.89% Cu). The mature gossans overlying the Sarcheshmeh porphyry copper ores contain abundant hematite with variable amounts of goethite and jarosite, whereas immature gossans consist of iron-oxides, malachite, azurite and chrysocolla. In mature gossans, Au, Mo and Ag give significant anomalies much higher than the background concentrations. However, Cu has been leached in mature gossans and gives values close or even less than the normal or crustal content (< 36.7 ppm). Immature gossans are enriched in Cu (160.3 ppm), Zn (826.7 ppm), and Pb (88.6 ppm). Jarosite- and goethite-bearing gossans may have developed over the pyritic shell of most Iranian porphyry copper deposits with pyrite–chalcopyrite ratios greater than 10 and therefore, do not necessarily indicate a promising sulfide-enriched ore (Kader and Ijo). Hematite-bearing gossans overlying nonreactive alteration halos with pyrite–chalcopyrite ratios about 1.5 and quartz stringers have significant supergene sulfide ores (Sarcheshmeh and Miduk). The copper grade in supergene sulfide zone of Sarcheshmeh copper deposit ranges from 0.78% in propylitized rocks to 3.4% in sericitized volcanic rocks, corresponding to the increasing chalcopyrite–pyrite or chalcocite–pyrite ratios from 0.3 to 3, respectively. Immature gossans with dominant malachite and chrysocolla associated with jarosite and goethite give the most weakly developed enrichment zone, as at God-e-Kolvari. The average anomalous values of Au (59.6 ppb), Mo (42.5 ppm) and Ag (2.6 ppm) in mature gossans associated with the Sarcheshmeh copper mine may be a criterion that provides a significant exploration target for regional metallogenic blind porphyry ore districts in central Iranian volcano–plutonic continental arc settings. Drilling for new porphyry ores should be targeted where hematitic gossans are well developed. The ongoing gossan formation may result in natural acidic rock drainage (ARD).  相似文献   

呼吉尔特矿区深埋侏罗系煤层顶板含水层主要为河流相沉积。虽然构造比较简单,主要充水含水层与上覆白垩系及松散沙层间水力联系较弱,但是含、隔水层空间组合及结构较为复杂,富水性极不均一。针对上述特点,采用沉积地质学的研究方法对典型矿井含水层空间展布规律开展了研究,对矿井主要充水的直罗组含水层进行了识别、定位与精细划分,圈定了河流沉积砂体富水条带,并通过井下探放水实践得以验证。  相似文献   

This paper presents and validates a workflow that provides for the rapid collection of reliable and robust portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) data in a regolith-dominated exploration setting. The analysis of regolith material by pXRF is challenging because of its variable Fe content (e.g. 0 to >70 wt%) that results in large matrix effects, which can be mitigated with appropriate standards. Here, we present a dataset from the Western Mount Isa Inlier, Queensland, Australia, comprising soil, lag, rock and rotary air blast (RAB) samples. In the soil dataset, comparison of the laboratory and pXRF datasets for Cu, Pb and Zn have R2 > 0.9, and Cu and Zn fall within 2% of the laboratory data, while Pb is 77% less than the corresponding laboratory analyses. Iron, Al, K and Ca by pXRF perform reasonably well when compared with the laboratory data (R2 = 0.59 for Al, R2 > 0.9 for Fe, K and Ca, <25% variation from the laboratory data), while Mn, Rb and Sr have very good correlations (<8% variation) with R2 > 0.94. Titanium, Zr, Ni, Cr and As have poorer comparisons. Overall, the RAB dataset shows similar trends with Cu overestimated by 17%, Zn underestimated by 4% and Pb overestimated by 69%; R2 for all elements is >0.92. Since no suitable standards are available, the solid rock dataset was uncorrected; despite this limitation, the dataset shows good correlations with the laboratory data for many elements, and Cu is overestimated by 9.8% with an R2 = 0.87. The poor analytical performance of Pb in all datasets is associated with erroneous Bi concentrations being reported by the pXRF unit. When high Fe and Pb amounts are present in a sample, erroneous Pb and Bi concentrations are reported, owing to a pile-up of the Fe Kα peak (6.405 keV) at ~12.8 keV, which is proximal to the Pb Lβ (12.614 keV) and Bi Lβ (13.023 keV) peaks. Despite the care that is required in validating data, by using pXRF there is substantial opportunity for dynamic exploration campaigns in regolith-dominated terranes with rapid turnaround times, additional elements that may not otherwise be analysed for and low analytical costs. Decisions to stop, continue or infill drill holes while the drill rig is present can be made in near-real time, and not after laboratory results are available and the drill rig has left the area.  相似文献   

贺攀红  荣耀  龚治湘 《岩矿测试》2011,30(4):457-460
在王水介质条件下,用自行设计的微色谱柱在线分离富集系统分离富集矿石样品中的痕量金,采用火焰原子吸收光谱法进行测定。在原子吸收光谱仪吸喷溶液的流路上,用P350微色谱柱研究了金的分离富集条件,采用快速吸附和快速洗脱技术,以盐酸溶液为淋洗液,亚硫酸钠溶液为洗脱液,测定一个样品整个分离和测定过程仅需1 min,成功地克服了火焰原子吸收光谱法测定金灵敏度低的缺点。方法的相对标准偏差小于3.2%,检出限为0.078μg/g。与现行离线分离富集方法相比,建立的方法具有高效、快速、成本低廉的优点,经实际样品验证获得了较为满意的结果。  相似文献   

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