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Bolide impacts on Mars, within the proposed ocean boundaries (“contacts 1 and 2”) in the northern lowlands, would certainly have generated ultra high energy waves similar to tsunamis on Earth. Impacts into putative Noachian and Hesperian seas of variable areal extents and depths would have experienced high-energy inundations (transgressions), which would have left an imprint in the stack of deposits adjacent to the proposed shorelines. On Earth, the principal influencing factors for tsunami-wave energy are the character of shoreline topography and coastal water depth, which control wave compression and shoreline friction. Shorelines with narrow embayments and steep offshore gradients produce wave compression and increased collision of grains within the carried load contrasted with linear shorelines and shallow offshore gradients that dissipate energy. Steep offshore gradients produce concentrated major wave friction with the bed engendering high kinetic energy in the wave during emplacement of tsunami-generated sediment, which differs from shallow offshore beds that produce lower frictional effects over a wider area and drawdown of wave energy. Thus, overprinting of transported quartz grains on Earth is greatest where wave energy is highest, attenuated down to minor or nil overprinting where wave energy is less. Such grain overprinting in the form of energy-induced microtextures would also be observed in other grain types such as olivine and plagioclase, as such mineralogies are expected to dominate the Martian landscape based on orbital and local field (lander and rover) perspectives. Kinetic energy variation in tsunamis is controlled more by the square of velocity than mass, the resulting collisional effects of which produce swarms of v-shaped percussion microfeatures on quartz and other silicate mineral surfaces when velocity and compression are highest. This work indicates that a valid test for the ocean hypothesis is targeting “coastal” areas adjacent to narrow embayments where offshore depths are known to be highest, as possible tsunami-emplaced sediments, especially those that have been protected from atmospheric conditions through relatively rapid burial, may reveal a high frequency of percussion cracks, features of which appear to be unique to such terrestrial environments.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of the noble gases of the new Martian meteorite, the Dhofar 019 shergottite, found in the desert in the territory of the Sultanate of Oman on January 24, 2001, was investigated. Stepwise thermal annealing with isotopic analysis of each of the noble-gas temperature fractions was employed to determine the component composition. The concentration of the trapped noble gases in the new Martian meteorite Dhofar 019 is relatively high, although it lies within the range of concentrations in known SNC meteorites. A characteristic feature of all the trapped noble gases is the presence of two main components: a low-temperature, probably terrestrial atmospheric, component, trapped during the weathering of the meteorite on Earth, and a high-temperature trapped Martian component. Owing to the different ratios of the quantities of the two components, the trapped neon, argon, krypton, and xenon differ markedly in the kinetics of their release. The isotopic composition of the noble gases varies accordingly. The trapped xenon was found to contain two Martian components. One of them, with typical ratios of 129Xe/132Xe and 132Xe/84Kr, is representative of xenon and krypton of the Martian atmosphere; the other, of gases of the Martian mantle. Variations of the isotopic compositions of helium, neon, and argon (and also, to a lesser extent, of krypton and xenon) during the thermal annealing of the Dhofar 019 meteorite clearly point to a large proportion of cosmogenic as well as trapped components. The concentration of cosmogenic neon and argon in the meteorite is unusually high. This corresponds to a maximum exposure age among other SNC meteorites: 20 million years. Estimates of the potassium–argon age (gas-retention age) yielded the figure of 560 million years, which is within the range of values obtained for SNC meteorites by other authors, who used the rubidium–strontium and the potassium–argon technique.  相似文献   

火星陨石可以为研究火星岩浆演化过程提供直接证据并限制其源区特征.通常认为含粗粒橄榄石斑晶辉玻无球粒陨石携带有火星原始地幔的信息,因此选取该类样品Northwest Africa (NWA) 8716为研究对象,进行岩相结构及矿物成分分析. NWA8716由橄榄石、辉石、填隙状熔长石以及其他次要矿物组成.其中橄榄石颗粒有两种级别的粒径,长轴分别约为0.5–1.8 mm和50–400μm.较小橄榄石斑晶内部的熔体包裹体和NWA 8716全岩成分(计算值)均显示明显的轻稀土元素亏损([La/Yb]CI值为0.06–0.1),说明NWA 8716源于一个亏损的火星岩浆池.粗粒橄榄石斑晶的来源对衡量该样品是否能够代表原始熔体成分非常重要.对橄榄石晶体的粒径统计分析发现,粗粒橄榄石斑晶应为堆晶.进一步对铁-镁以及稀土元素分配特征的计算表明NWA 8716并非形成于一个封闭系统,但是计算所得原始熔体成分与全岩成分差异不大,因此粗粒橄榄石斑晶应当来源于与母岩浆成分相似的熔体.总的看来, NWA 8716应当来源于亏损型火星幔源区且演化程度较低.  相似文献   

Abstract. Examples of the problems encountered in the tracing, recovery and identification of meteorites from witnessed fireballs, indicate the failure of museum collections to be truly representative of the known increment from space and of our lack of knowledge of the varieties of material coming to earth from space. The history of the development of criteria for the recognition of meteorites is traced and some of the witnessed but rejected falls of history are listed. Objection is raised to the almost total dependence upon chemistry—particularly upon the presence of nickel—in meteoritic identification. Stress is laid upon the importance of fusion crust as an identifying characteristic of meteorites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Terrestrial impact structures provide field evidence for cratering processes on planetary bodies that have an atmosphere and volatiles in the target rocks. Here we discuss two examples that may yield implications for Martian craters: 1. Recent field analysis of the Ries crater has revealed the existence of subhorizontal shear planes (detachments) in the periphery of the crater beneath the ejecta blanket at 0.9–1.8 crater radii distance. Their formation and associated radial outward shearing was caused by weak spallation and subsequent dragging during deposition of the ejecta curtain. Both processes are enhanced in rheologically layered targets and in the presence of fluids. Detachment faulting may also occur in the periphery of Martian impacts and could be responsible for the formation of lobe‐parallel ridges and furrows in the inner layer of double‐layer and multiple‐layer ejecta craters. 2. The ejecta blanket of the Chicxulub crater was identified on the southeastern Yucatán Peninsula at distances of 3.0–5.0 crater radii from the impact center. Abundance of glide planes within the ejecta and particle abrasion both rise with crater distance, which implies a ground‐hugging, erosive, and cohesive secondary ejecta flow. Systematic measurement of motion indicators revealed that the flow was deviated by a preexisting karst relief. In analogy with Martian fluidized ejecta blankets, it is suggested that the large runout was related to subsurface volatiles and the presence of basal glide planes, and was influenced by eroded bedrock lithologies. It is proposed that ramparts may result from enhanced shear localization and a stacking of ejecta material along internal glide planes at decreasing flow rates when the flow begins to freeze below a certain yield stress.  相似文献   

Meteorite and meteoroid: New comprehensive definitions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract– Meteorites have traditionally been defined as solid objects that have fallen to Earth from space. This definition, however, is no longer adequate. In recent decades, man‐made objects have fallen to Earth from space, meteorites have been identified on the Moon and Mars, and small interplanetary objects have impacted orbiting spacecraft. Taking these facts and other potential complications into consideration, we offer new comprehensive definitions of the terms “meteorite,”“meteoroid,” and their smaller counterparts: A meteoroid is a 10‐μm to 1‐m‐size natural solid object moving in interplanetary space. A micrometeoroid is a meteoroid 10 μm to 2 mm in size. A meteorite is a natural, solid object larger than 10 μm in size, derived from a celestial body, that was transported by natural means from the body on which it formed to a region outside the dominant gravitational influence of that body and that later collided with a natural or artificial body larger than itself (even if it is the same body from which it was launched). Weathering and other secondary processes do not affect an object’s status as a meteorite as long as something recognizable remains of its original minerals or structure. An object loses its status as a meteorite if it is incorporated into a larger rock that becomes a meteorite itself. A micrometeorite is a meteorite between 10 μm and 2 mm in size. Meteorite– “a solid substance or body falling from the high regions of the atmosphere” ( Craig 1849 ); “[a] mass of stone and iron that ha[s] been directly observed to have fallen down to the Earth’s surface” (translated from Cohen 1894 ); “[a] solid bod[y] which came to the earth from space” ( Farrington 1915 ); “A mass of solid matter, too small to be considered an asteroid; either traveling through space as an unattached unit, or having landed on the earth and still retaining its identity” ( Nininger 1933 ); “[a meteoroid] which has reached the surface of the Earth without being vaporized” (1958 International Astronomical Union (IAU) definition, quoted by Millman 1961 ); “a solid body which has arrived on the Earth from outer space” ( Mason 1962 ); “[a] solid bod[y] which reach[es] the Earth (or the Moon, Mars, etc.) from interplanetary space and [is] large enough to survive passage through the Earth’s (or Mars’, etc.) atmosphere” ( Gomes and Keil 1980 ); “[a meteoroid] that survive[s] passage through the atmosphere and fall[s] to earth” ( Burke 1986 ); “a recovered fragment of a meteoroid that has survived transit through the earth’s atmosphere” ( McSween 1987 ); “[a] solid bod[y] of extraterrestrial material that penetrate[s] the atmosphere and reach[es] the Earth’s surface” ( Krot et al. 2003 ).  相似文献   

An approximate calculation of the amount of organic material (OM) delivered to the Earth by comets during the first 700 million years of the planet's existence has been carried out. Approximation formulas based on lunar-crater data have been used for the flux of bodies colliding with the Earth. The calculations of impact velocities have been performed with allowance made for dragging and ablation of bodies in the atmosphere. Semianalytical models used in these calculations take into account the increase in the cross-sectional area of a disrupted meteoroid due to aerodynamic forces, as well as specific features of radiative heat transfer at large optical depths. Particular attention has been given to oblique trajectories that correspond to the perigee distances of cometary orbits close to the Earth's radius. Kilometer-sized comets, which arrived at the surface with low velocities, contributed largely to the mean OM flux under conditions of a dense early terrestrial atmosphere. For the atmosphere with a near-surface pressure of 10 bars, this flux comprises (1–40) × 107 kg per year. As will be shown below, rare but highly probable events of atmospheric entry of large (10 km) comets along oblique trajectories may have produced high local concentrations of organic molecules.  相似文献   

New information has been obtained in recent years regarding formation rates and the production size‐frequency distribution (PSFD) of decameter‐scale primary Martian craters formed during recent orbiter missions. Here we compare the PSFD of the currently forming small primaries (P) with new data on the PSFD of the total small crater population that includes primaries and field secondaries (P + fS), which represents an average over longer time periods. The two data sets, if used in a combined manner, have extraordinary potential for clarifying not only the evolutionary history and resurfacing episodes of small Martian geological formations (as small as one or few km2) but also possible episodes of recent climatic change. In response to recent discussions of statistical methodologies, we point out that crater counts do not produce idealized statistics, and that inherent uncertainties limit improvements that can be made by more sophisticated statistical analyses. We propose three mutually supportive procedures for interpreting crater counts of small craters in this context. Applications of these procedures support suggestions that topographic features in upper meters of mid‐latitude ice‐rich areas date only from the last few periods of extreme Martian obliquity, and associated predicted climate excursions.  相似文献   

Abstract— The magnetic properties of samples of seven Martian meteorites (EET 79001, Zagami, Nakhla, Lafayette, Governador Valadares, Chassigny and ALH 84001) have been investigated. All possess a weak, very stable primary natural remanent magnetization (NRM), and some have less stable secondary components. In some cases, the latter are associated with magnetic contamination of the samples, imparted since their recovery, and with viscous magnetization, acquired during exposure of the meteorites to the geomagnetic field since they fell. The magnetic properties are carried by a small content (<1%) of titanomagnetite and, in ALH 84001, possibly by magnetite as well. The most likely source of the primary NRM is a thermoremanent magnetization acquired when the meteorite material last cooled from a high temperature in the presence of a magnetic field. Current evidence is that this was 1.3 Ga ago for the nakhlites and Chassigny and 180 Ma for shergottites: the time of the last relevant cooling of ALH 84001 is not presently known. Preliminary estimates of the strength of the magnetizing field are in the range 0.5–5 üT, which is at least an order of magnitude greater than the present field. It is tentatively concluded that the magnetic field was generated by a dynamo process in a Martian core with appropriate structure and properties.  相似文献   

We have attempted to reconstruct the orbit of the Farmington L5 chondrite which fell in Kansas in 1890. Because its radiation age is uniquely short (25 000 years), its orbit should still closely resemble that of its parent body. A search of 280 contemporary newspapers and other sources turned up more than 60 useable eyewitness reports from 32 localities, which led to the following estimate of the apparent radiant: height 60°, azimuth 20°, with an uncertainty of about 10°. Orbital elements were determined for this radiant for four plausible preatmospheric velocities: 13, 16, 19, and 22 km/sec. The results show quite definitely that Farmington had a small orbit of low inclination: semimajor axis 1–1.9 AU, perihelion ? 0.4 AU, aphelion ? 3.0 AU, inclination ? 16°. Because of the short radiation age, the parent body of Farmington must already have been in an Earth-crossing orbit when the meteorite was ejected from it by an impact. Of the 11 known Earth-crossing asteroids with encounter velocities below 22 km/sec, 1862 Apollo, Hermes, and 1865 Cerberus are passable matches, while 1620 Geographos and 1685 Toro are more marginal possibilities. Apparently Earth-crossing asteroids are the immediate parent bodies of at least some meteorites. Their ultimate source must be the ultimate source of most stony meteorites.  相似文献   

A review of the dust storms observed on Mars is made. This includes the seasonal and interannual variability of planet- encircling and regional dust storms. Although there is a significant interannual variability, planet-encircling dust storms have been observed to form during the southern spring and summer seasons, while regional dust storms tend to occur more frequently. Some aspects of possible mechanisms associated with the origin, maintenance and decay of the dust storms are also discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Devon Ice Cap, Northwest Territories, has been targeted for searches for extra-terrestrial material in the Canadian Arctic. Of three expeditions (1981, 1986, 1990), only the last met with weather conditions favourable for meteorite reconnaissance. Surveys were carried out on the ice cap margin, along boulder trains brought to the surface along ice layers, supra-glacial stream and lake sediments, and the ubiquitous cryoconite that covers the ice surface. In addition, outwash streams and plains were covered, in the hope of discerning meteoritic material lying on the Lower Palaeozoic bedrock. No meteorites were recovered, though a number of pseudotaks were identified as potential searching grounds for future expeditions. Samples of cryoconite, supra-glacial lake sediments and outwash silts were collected, and some of these have been given a preliminary examination. SEM analysis indicates that this material represents a new source for micro-meteoritic material, analogous to the deposits found in Greenland.  相似文献   

Abstract— Martian meteorites (MMs) have been launched from an estimated 5–9 sites on Mars within the last 20 Myr. Some 80–89% of these launch sites sampled igneous rock formations from only the last 29% of Martian time. We hypothesize that this imbalance arises not merely from poor statistics, but because the launch processes are dominated by two main phenomena: first, much of the older Martian surface is inefficient in launching rocks during impacts, and second, the volumetrically enormous reservoir of original cumulate crust enhances launch probability for 4.5 Gyr old rocks. There are four lines of evidence for the first point, not all of equal strength. First, impact theory implies that MM launch is favored by surface exposures of near‐surface coherent rock (≤102 m deep), whereas Noachian surfaces generally should have ≥102 m of loose or weakly cemented regolith with high ice content, reducing efficiency of rock launch. Second, similarly, both Mars Exploration Rovers found sedimentary strata, 1–2 orders of magnitude weaker than Martian igneous rocks, favoring low launch efficiency among some fluvial‐derived Hesperian and Noachian rocks. Even if launched, such rocks may be unrecognized as meteorites on Earth. Third, statistics of MM formation age versus cosmic‐ray exposure (CRE) age weakly suggest that older surfaces may need larger, deeper craters to launch rocks. Fourth, in direct confirmation, one of us (N. G. B.) has found that older surfaces need larger craters to produce secondary impact crater fields (cf. Barlow and Block 2004). In a survey of 200 craters, the smallest Noachian, Hesperian, and Amazonian craters with prominent fields of secondaries have diameters of ?45 km, ?19 km, and ?10 km, respectively. Because 40% of Mars is Noachian, and 74% is either Noachian or Hesperian, the subsurface geologic characteristics of the older areas probably affect statistics of recognized MMs and production rates of secondary crater populations, and the MM and secondary crater statistics may give us clues to those properties.  相似文献   

The SPICAM instrument onboard Mars Express has successfully performed two Martian years (MY 27 and MY28) of observations. Water ice cloud optical depths spatial and temporal distribution was retrieved from nadir measurements in the wavelength range 300–320 nm. During the northern spring the cloud hazes complex distribution was monitored. The clouds in the southern hemisphere formed a zonal belt in the latitude range 30–60°S. The edge of the retreating north polar hood merged with the northern tropical clouds in the range 250–350°E. The development of the aphelion cloud belt (ACB) started with the weak hazes formation (cloud optical thickness 0.1–0.3) in the equatorial region. At the end of the northern spring, the ACB cloud optical thickness reached already values of 0.3–1. The ACB decay in the end of the northern summer was accompanied with a presence of clouds in the north mid-latitudes. The expanded north polar hood merged with the north mid-latitude clouds in the eastern hemisphere. The interannual comparison indicates a decrease in cloud activity immediately after a strong dust storm in southern summer of MY28. The strong dust storms of the MY28 may also be a reason of the observed north polar hood edge shifting northward by 5°.  相似文献   

This paper considers the extent to which Martian craters can be explained by considering asteroidal impact. Sections I, II, and III of this paper derive the diameter distribution of hypothetical asteroidal craters on Mars from recent Palomar-Leiden asteroid statistics and show that the observed Martian craters correspond to a bombardment by roughly 100 times the present number of Mars-crossing asteroids. Section IV discusses the early bombardment history of Mars, based on the capture theory of Öpik and probable orbital parameters of early planetesimals. These results show that the visible craters and surface of Mars should not be identified with the initial, accreted surface. A backward extrapolation of the impact rates based on surviving Mars-crossing asteroids can account for the majority of Mars craters over an interval of several aeons, indicating that we see back in time no further than part-way into a period of intense bombardment. An early period of erosion and deposition is thus suggested. Section V presents a comparison with results and terminology of other authors.  相似文献   

Little scaled studies on the entire planet Mars, and large scale studies of a local area (3600 km in diameter) seem to indicate geographic relations between martian fiuidized craters and ridges: all the intensely ridged areas exhibit a lot of fluidized craters. Because the presence of fluidized craters indicates low viscosity states of the martial surface, this relation would indicate that the compressive stresses only induced ridges when they occurred at times and places of low viscosity states of the martian surface.  相似文献   

Schroeter's ratios (ratios of the rim volume to the apparent volume) are determined for a sample of 29 large, degraded Martian craters selected from the Goldstone Mars radar altimetry data. On the average, the values of the calculated Schroeter's ratios are about two orders of magnitude smaller than the same ratios for fresh lunar craters. This indicates a severe rim volume deficit in degraded Martian craters and it provides an additional support to the notion of a widespread resurfacing of intercrater plains on Mars. Schroeter's ratios for degraded craters could provide a semi-quantitative measure of the effects of the modification processes that had been active on Mars and on the other planetary bodies.  相似文献   

Steven W. Squyres 《Icarus》1978,34(3):600-613
Viking orbital photographs of two regions of Martian fretted terrain have revealed a number of landforms which appear to possess distinct flow lineations. These range from valley floors with lineations which parallel the valley walls to debris aprons with distinctly lobate profiles and lineations which radiate outward from the source area. These features are attributed to the deformation and flow of a mass consisting of erosional particles and ice incorporated from the atmosphere. Such a flow should behave much like a terrestrial rock glacier. A plastic deformation model is presented which is consistent with the known mechanical properties of rock glaciers and with the observed features of the landforms. The valley floor lineations are interpreted as being due to compressional forces resulting from debris flowing inward from the valley walls. Climatic implications of the features are discussed.  相似文献   

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