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Total suspended particulates(TSP)samples were collected using low pressure impactors(Andersen Series 20-800,USA)on typical clear,hazy and foggy days in Beijing in order to investigate the characteristics of size distributions and elemental compositions of particulate matter(PM)in different weather conditions. The concentrations of sixteen elements,including Na,Mg,Al,K,Ca,Mn,Fe,Ni,Cu,Zn,As,Se,Cd,Ba,Tl and Pb were detected using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS).The results showed that Ca,Al,Fe,Mg and Ba on foggy days were 2.0-2.6 times higher than on clear days,and 2.3-2.9 times higher than on hazy days.Concentrations of Cu,Zn,As,Se and Pb on foggy days were 163.5,1186.7,65.9,32.0 and 708.2 ng m-3,respectively,in fine particles,and 68.1,289.5,19.8,1.6 and 103.8 ng m-3,respectively,in coarse particles.This was 1.0-8.4 times higher and 1.4-7.4 times higher than on clear and hazy days,respectively.It is then shown that Mg,Al,Fe,Ca and Ba were mainly associated with coarse particles,peaking at 4.7-5.8μm;that Cd,Se,Zn,As,Tl and Pb were most dominant in fine particles,peaking at 0.43-1.1μm;and that Na,K,Ni,Cu and Mn had a multi-mode distribution,with peaks at 0.43-1.1μm and 4.7-5.8μm.The enrichment factors indicated that coal combustion along with vehicle and industry emissions may be the main sources of pollution elements.  相似文献   

北京大气气溶胶中碱性成分的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用7级冲击式分级采样器采集北京春秋季大气气溶胶样品,研究不同粒径颗粒物的可溶碱性成分,详细分析了钙盐和镁盐作为碱性组分的作用,表明可以采用可溶碱性钙盐代表颗粒物的可溶碱性组分即颗粒物对降水的酸中和能力。比较春、秋两季的结果,春秋季各级颗粒物中碱性钙盐占酸溶钙盐的比例基本恒定,1~7级粒径由大至小该比例分别为0.84、0.76、0.71、0.59、0.53、0.57、0.28,随着粒径增大而增大。这表明碱性钙盐及酸溶钙盐的粒径分布不随季节变化,且碱性钙盐主要分布于粗粒子中。最后,计算了北京春秋季各级颗粒物中的碱性钙盐量。  相似文献   

北京冬春季气溶胶化学成分及其谱分布研究   总被引:37,自引:6,他引:37  
1999年2月23~26日在北京气象塔47 m高度和3月10~12日在距地面6 m高度各进行了为期3天的气溶胶采样,获得12组分级采样样品,用PIXE方法对样品进行了分析,得到了20种元素的浓度及其谱分布,并对当前北京气溶胶的来源、化学元素成分的变化进行了研究。与过去相比,除Si、K、Ca、Ti、Sr、V元素浓度降低外,其他元素浓度均有不同幅度的增加。研究表明,当前北京地区气溶胶的来源已发生较大变化。  相似文献   

2002年北京风沙季节颗粒物测值分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为了了解风沙季节的颗粒物浓度特征,特别是在风沙天气来临前后颗粒物浓度的变化,2002年春季分别在北京的延庆和观象台进行了连续的颗粒物观测,并对观测资料进行了较为详细的统计分析。结果表明:在风沙季节,沙尘天气出现前后的颗粒物浓度变化幅度非常显著,对环境质量的影响明显增大;TSP与PM10,PM10与PM2.5的相关性非常显著,线性关系好。沙尘天气对不同粒径颗粒物浓度贡献的增加在33%~86%之间。  相似文献   

Three-month wind profiles, 260 m PM1 concentrations [i.e., particulate matter (PM) with an aerodynamic diameter ≤ 1 μm], and carrier-to-noise ratio data at two Beijing sites 55 km apart (urban and suburban) were collected to analyze the characteristics of low-level nocturnal wind and PM in autumn and winter. Three mountain-plain wind events with wind shear were selected for analysis. The measurements indicated that the maximum wind speeds of the northerly weak low-level jet (LLJ) below 320 m at the suburban site were weaker than those at the urban site, and the LLJ heights and depths at the suburban site were lower than those at the urban site. The nocturnal 140 m mean vertical velocities and the variations in vertical velocity at the urban site were larger than those at the suburban site. A nocturnal breeze with a weak LLJ of ~3 m s-1 noticeably offset nocturnal PM transport due to southerly flow and convergence within the northern urban area of Beijing. Characteristics of the nocturnal LLJ, such as start-up time, structure, intensity, and duration, were important factors in determining the decrease in the nocturnal horizontal range and site-based low-level variations in PM.  相似文献   

Particulate matter with diameters of 2.5 μm or smaller(PM_(2.5)) and ozone(O_3) are major pollutants in the urban atmosphere. PM_(2.5) can affect O_3 by altering the photolysis rate and heterogeneous reactions. However, these two processes and their relative importance remain uncertain. In this paper, with Nanjing in China as the target city, we investigate the characteristics and mechanism of interactions between particles and O_3 based on ground observations and numerical modeling.In 2008, the average concentrations of PM_(2.5) and O_3 at Caochangmen station are 64.6 ± 47.4 μg m~(-3) and 24.6 ± 22.8 ppb,respectively, while at Pukou station they are 94.1 ± 63.4 μg m~(-3) and 16.9 ± 14.9 ppb. The correlation coefficient between PM_(2.5) and O_3 is -0.46. In order to understand the reaction between PM_(2.5) and O_3, we construct a box model, in which an aerosol optical property model, ultraviolet radiation model, gas phase chemistry model, and heterogeneous chemistry model,are coupled. The model is employed to investigate the relative contribution of the aforementioned two processes, which vary under different particle concentrations, scattering capability and VOCs/NOxratios(VOCs: volatile organic compounds;NOx: nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide). Generally, photolysis rate effect can cause a greater O_3 reduction when the particle concentrations are higher, while heterogeneous reactions dominate O_3 reduction with low-level particle concentrations.Moreover, in typical VOC-sensitive regions, O_3 can even be increased by heterogeneous reactions. In Nanjing, both processes lead to O_3 reduction, and photolysis rate effect is dominant. Our study underscores the importance of photolysis rate effect and heterogeneous reactions for O_3, and such interaction processes should be fully considered in future atmospheric chemistry modeling.  相似文献   

保定市大气颗粒物中含碳组分粒径分布   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
北京-天津-河北地区工业城市保定大气颗粒物(Particulate matter,PM)污染严重,保定大气颗粒物尤其是细粒子和超细粒子污染严重,其中含碳组分具有重大贡献,PM1.1、PM2.1和PM2.1-9.0中含碳气溶胶总量(total carbonaceous aerosols,TCA)分别占到(49±20)%、(45±19)%和(19±7)%。PM9.0中的含碳气溶胶主要富集在PM2.1乃至PM1.1中。颗粒物浓度谱分布及含碳气溶胶富集量呈显著季节变化,由于采暖过程秋冬季各粒径段有机碳(organic carbon,OC)和元素碳(elemental carbon,EC)的浓度均增加,秋、冬季节细颗粒物中OC浓度可高达44.0±38.3、78.5±30.2μg m-3,EC浓度分别为3.5±1.6、8.5±6.8μg m-3。各个季节OC和EC在总悬浮颗粒物(total suspended particulate,TSP)中的几何平均直径(geometric mean diameter,GMD)均集中在较小粒径段。粗颗粒物中OC的GMD在春夏季较高,秋季减少,而冬季最低。而粗颗粒物中EC的GMD则是冬季最高,夏季最低。保定0.4μm的颗粒物中OC/EC比值4个季节的水平较为稳定,春、夏、秋、冬季OC/EC比值分别为5.2、3.5、4.1和5.4,来源主要为交通和燃煤。其余几个粒径段的颗粒物的来源更为复杂,其来源主要为燃煤、木材和生物质。  相似文献   

Atmospheric particle samples were collected at an urban site of Datong, Shanxi Province, during December 2004 and their element concentrations at different sizes were analyzed by particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE). Analysis of the observation data showed that particle pollution was heavy in winter at Datong and that concentrations of most elements were high in the coarse range. Factor analysis (FA) results indicated that the soil and dust, coal combustion dust, and industry dust are main sources for atmospheric particles in winter at Datong. The enrichment factors of element concentrations showed that particle pollution at Datong impacts the down-wind region--Beijing--in the dust season.  相似文献   

2013年夏季至2014年春季在中国长三角区域的临安大气本底站利用气溶胶质谱仪(AMS)对PM_1中主要化学成分质量浓度以及质量-粒度分布进行观测,发现观测期间PM_1的平均浓度约为53μg/m~3,其中有机物是最主要的成分(约占47%),其次为硫酸盐(23%)、硝酸盐(16%)、铵盐(12%)和氯化物(1.2%)。PM_1平均浓度冬季最高(84μg/m~3),秋季最低(38μg/m~3)。冬季污染时段PM_1浓度较清洁时段高24倍,其中硝酸盐浓度冬季升高最显著,这与冬季燃煤排放增加和低温有利其形成有密切联系。不同化学成分中,有机物粒度分布峰值粒径最小,硫酸盐最大。冬季各化学成分的峰值粒径在4个季节中最大(约600 nm),可能由于污染物积聚时间较长。夏季各成分峰值粒径最小(400~500 nm),且在夏季清洁时段浓度较其他季节高,局地产生的新粒子贡献可能很重要,伴随着光化学烟雾的气溶胶和臭氧污染在这些区域升高值得进一步关注。  相似文献   

Amines are important for new particle formation and subsequent growth in the atmosphere. Consequently, the processes involved are receiving more attention in recent years. Here, we conduct a field observation in order to investigate the atmospheric particulate amines at a background site in the Yangtze River Delta(YRD) during the summer of 2018.Four amines in PM_(2.5), i.e., methylamine(MA), dimethylamine(DMA), diethylamine(DEA), and trimethylamine(TMA),were collected, twice daily and analyzed. During the campaign, our measurements found the concentrations of MA, DMA,DEA, and TMA of 15.0 ± 15.0, 6.3 ± 6.9, 20.4 ± 30.1, and 4.0 ± 5.9 ng m–3, respectively, and the four amines correlated well with each other. The concentration of amines appear to be independent of whether they were collected during the day or night. Both MA and DMA exhibited a bimodal size distribution that had peaks at 0.67 and 1.1 μm, suggesting amines preferably distribute on submicron particles. Boundary layer height(BLH), relative humidity, and pH of aerosols were found have a negative relationship with amines, while aerosol liquid water content(ALWC) was found to have a positive relationship with amines. The PMF(positive matrix factorization) source apportionment results showed that the main source of amines in Chongming Island was of anthropogenic origin such as industrial and biomass emission, followed by marine sources including sea salt and marine biogenic sources. Given that the YRD region is still suffering from complex atmospheric pollution and that the knowledge on aerosol amines is still limited, more field studies are in urgent need for a better understanding of the pollution characteristics of amines.  相似文献   

北京一月大气气溶胶的化学成分及其谱分布   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
1983年1月分别在市中心生活区和市郊气象塔处进行了为期10天的气溶胶采样,获得26组分级采样样品,样品用PIXE方法进行了分析,得到了20种元素的浓度及其谱分布.发现大多数元素的谱分布都是双模的,但细粒和粗粒气溶胶分量的相对强度各不相同.Ca,Al和Ti等元素以粗粒态为主;Zn,As和Pb等以细粒态为主;Cl,K,S,Si等二种分量相当.其中S和Si的谱分布与过去文献中的报道有很大区别,表明它们来源的复杂性.粗粒态气溶胶中除个别元素外,城区浓度大约是市郊浓度的1.4倍,而细粒气溶胶各元素浓度城区与郊区差  相似文献   

Aerosol sampling was carried out at a city centre site and a suburb site in Beijing in January 1983. PIXE (Proton Induced X-ray Emission) compatible cascade impactors were employed. The samples were analysed for 20 elements by PIXE in Fudan University. It has been found that most of the elements have bi-mode size distributions with a gradual progression from mainly coarse mode Ca, Ti and Al to mainly fine mode Zn, As and Pb. Elements Cl, K, S and Si show most obvious bi-mode, of which Si and S are particularly interesting. The concentrations of coarse mode aerosol in the city centre are about 1.4 times as large as that in the suburb for most of the elements, while the concentrations of fine mode aerosol in the city centre differ greatly from that in the suburb and vary significantly among elements, indicating some industrial sources. The enrichment factors of elements indicate that the coal smoke has a large-scale influ-ence in North China.  相似文献   

采用电迁移率粒径谱仪SMPS 3936对颗粒物数浓度及其谱分布进行了实时监测,对2013年兰州市国际马拉松赛交通管制期间细颗粒物浓度及其谱分布特征开展研究,并通过多元对数正态分布拟合和主成分分析方法分别对数浓度谱特征及其影响因素进行了分析,以阐明2013年兰州国际马拉松赛期间交通管制对细颗粒物浓度及其谱特征的影响。气象条件相似的交通限行期间,交通限行日50~100 nm,100~200 nm和200~500 nm粒径段颗粒物数浓度均较正常周六有所降低,特别是50~200nm粒径段颗粒物表现最为显著,在此期间,交通限行日50~100 nm和100~200 nm粒径段平均颗粒物数浓度分别为2567.5±807.4 cm-3和1567.8±193.8 cm-3,分别较正常周六相应时段低60.2%和67.2%。交通限行对颗粒物数浓度的影响主要集中在107 nm为峰值粒径的积聚模态附近,而气象条件对10~300 nm粒径段颗粒物数浓度均有较显著的影响,最大影响在80 nm附近。  相似文献   

依据吐鲁番市2015年3月—2016年2月的PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)和气象资料,利用统计分析,探讨吐鲁番市PM_(10)和PM_(2.5)浓度的变化特征及其与气象要素的关系。结果表明:冬季PM2.5与PM10浓度的平均值最高(106 ug/m3、184 ug/m~3),春季次之(63 ug/m~3、163 ug/m~3),夏季最低(33 ug/m~3、95ug/m~3),且冬季二者浓度的平均值比夏季分别高大约69%、48%。11月至次年2月,每个月中PM_(2.5)和PM_(10)的污染程度在轻度污染以上的天数相比其它月份较多。PM_(10)与PM_(2.5)的日变化曲线特征呈现"双峰双谷"的特点;PM_(2.5)与PM_(10)的比值在冬季达到了60%~80%,这说明吐鲁番冬季主要以PM2.5污染为主;PM_(2.5)和PM_(10)与能见度之间存在极其显著的相关性,相关系数分别为-0.904、-0.792,与单一气象要素(如相对湿度、风速、温度等)的相关性不明显,但不同气象要素的共同作用对其有显著影响。  相似文献   

For the 2008 Olympic Games, drastic control measures were implemented on industrial and urban emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and other pollutants to address the issues of poor air quality in Beijing. To investigate the effects of SO2 and NOx reductions on the particulate sulfate and nitrate concentrations as well as their size distributions, size-segregated aerosol samples were collected using micro-orifice uniform deposit impactors (MOUDIs) at urban and downwind rural sites in Beijing before and after full-scale controls. During the sampling period, the mass concentrations of fine particles (PM1.8) at the urban and rural sites were 94.0 and 85.9 μg m-3, respectively. More than 90% of the sulfates and ~60% of nitrates formed as fine particles. Benefiting from the advantageous meteorological conditions and the source controls, sulfates were observed in rather low concentrations and primarily in condensation mode during the Olympics. The effects of the control measures were separately analyzed for the northerly and the southerly air-mass-dominated days to account for any bias. After the control measures were implemented, PM, sulfates, and nitrates were significantly reduced when the northerly air masses prevailed, with a higher percentage of reduction in larger particles. The droplet mode particles, which dominated the sulfates and nitrates before the controls were implemented, were remarkably reduced in mass concentration after the control measures were implemented. Nevertheless, when the polluted southerly air masses prevailed, the local source control measures in Beijing did not effectively reduce the ambient sulfate concentration due to the enormous regional contribution from the North China Plain.  相似文献   

沈阳冬夏季可吸入颗粒物浓度及尺度谱分布特征   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
利用沈阳大气成分监测站颗粒物监测仪 (Grimm 180) 连续测得的夏季 (2006年8月)、冬季 (2006年12月和2007年1月) 可吸入颗粒物的数浓度和质量浓度数据, 分析了沈阳市可吸入颗粒物浓度日变化、谱分布及污染特征, 在此基础上结合沈阳市常规气象资料, 分析了气象要素和颗粒物污染之间的关系。结果表明:沈阳市冬、夏季部分时段可吸入颗粒物浓度存在明显的日变化和日际变化; 谱分布较好地符合Junge分布; 沈阳冬季PM10超标日数占冬季观测总天数的77%, PM2.5超标日数 (按美国EPA日均标准) 占冬季观测总天数的87%, PM10平均数浓度为6668.7个/cm3, 平均质量浓度达252.8μg/m3, 分别是夏季的3.0和2.4倍; 冬、夏季PM2.5/PM10平均质量分数分别为0.647和0.603, PM2.5占可吸入颗粒物总数量的99%以上; 浓度变化在很大程度上受到各种气象要素的影响, 与温度、风速负相关, 与湿度正相关, 降雨、降雪过程使得颗粒物浓度明显降低, 近地层逆温和雾是颗粒物增多的一个重要因素。颗粒物污染对城市能见度影响较大。  相似文献   

利用地面常规观测气象资料、风廓线雷达等资料,从环流形势、边界层输送扩散条件等方面对比分析了成都地区2017年12月至2018年1月两次冬季典型重污染生消过程的异同,结果表明:(1)两次过程均为静稳型天气背景,高层盛行纬向环流,近地面为均压场、弱气压场,存在多层逆温,夜间相对湿度高,风速小,风向多变,近地面主导风向为西北风、西风,风向对污染的区域输送效果明显;(2)在污染累积阶段,边界层内存在平均风速小于2m/s、风向多变的小风层,清除阶段的小风层特征则不显著;(3)大气折射率结构常数C_(n)^(2)与垂直速度可以作为垂直扩散条件的判据:污染累积阶段,C_(n)^(2)大值区的高度一般为500~1500m,清除阶段,C_(n)^(2)大值区的高度显著抬升,且垂直速度强下沉区与C_(n)^(2)大值区基本重合;(4)局地回流指数(R_(F))与通风系数对污染过程生消的指示性非常显著。污染累积阶段,1000m高度以下的R_(F)小于0.6,近地层的R_(F)小于0.2,通风系数日平均值仅为1455m^(2)/s;清除阶段的R_(F)大于0.7,通风系数通常大于3000m^(2)/s;此外,较大的通风系数也可以起到传输上游污染物的作用。  相似文献   

北京地区气溶胶粒度谱分布初步研究   总被引:29,自引:6,他引:29  
对北京地区气溶胶数浓度及其谱分布特征进行了初步研究,重点探讨了气溶胶数浓度分布与相对湿度的关系。研究结果表明,气溶胶浓度和谱分布存在明显的日变化和逐日变化,并在很大程度上受空气相对湿度和里查森数影响。  相似文献   

基于2015、2016年河南省环境监测中心站获取的郑州市9个监测点颗粒物浓度和逐日气象数据,对气象因素和颗粒物浓度相关性进行了研究。结果表明:郑州市大气颗粒物浓度受季节影响较强,总体呈现冬季高、夏季低的趋势。降水量与大气颗粒物浓度呈现明显的负相关。相对湿度的增高不利于PM_(2. 5)浓度的降低,而PM_(10)的浓度则随着相对湿度的增高有所降低。春夏秋三季的主要风向为东北偏东,当春季风为东南风和西风时,颗粒物浓度最低;当夏季风为东北偏东风时,颗粒物浓度最低;秋季吹东北风时,颗粒物浓度最低。冬季吹西北风(郑州冬季盛行风向)时,大气颗粒物质量浓度最低。  相似文献   

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