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We present Fabry–Perot observations obtained in the frame of the GHASP survey (Gassendi HAlpha survey of SPirals). We have derived the Hα map, the velocity field and the rotation curve for a new set of 44 galaxies. The data presented in this paper are combined with the data published in the three previous papers providing a total number of 85 of the 96 galaxies observed up to now. This sample of kinematical data has been divided into two groups: isolated (ISO) and softly interacting (SOFT) galaxies. In this paper, the extension of the Hα discs, the shape of the rotation curves, the kinematical asymmetry and the Tully–Fisher relation have been investigated for both ISO and SOFT galaxies. The Hα extension is roughly proportional to R25 for ISO as well as for SOFT galaxies. The smallest extensions of the ionized disc are found for ISO galaxies. The inner slope of the rotation curves is found to be correlated with the central concentration of light more clearly than with the type or the kinematical asymmetry, for ISO as well as for SOFT galaxies. The outer slope of the rotation curves increases with the type and with the kinematical asymmetry for ISO galaxies but shows no special trend for SOFT galaxies. No decreasing rotation curve is found for SOFT galaxies. The asymmetry of the rotation curves is correlated with the morphological type, the luminosity, the  ( B − V )  colour and the maximal rotational velocity of galaxies. Our results show that the brightest, the most massive and the reddest galaxies, which are fast rotators, are the least asymmetric, meaning that they are the most efficient with which to average the mass distribution on the whole disc. Asymmetry in the rotation curves seems to be linked with local star formation, betraying disturbances of the gravitational potential. The Tully–Fisher relation has a smaller slope for ISO than for SOFT galaxies.  相似文献   

In the current ΛCDM cosmological scenario, N -body simulations provide us with a universal mass profile, and consequently a universal equilibrium circular velocity of the virialized objects, as galaxies. In this paper we obtain, by combining kinematical data of their inner regions with global observational properties, the universal rotation curve of disc galaxies and the corresponding mass distribution out to their virial radius. This curve extends the results of Paper I, concerning the inner luminous regions of Sb–Im spirals, out to the edge of the galaxy haloes.  相似文献   

We study the distribution of dark matter in dwarf spheroidal galaxies by modelling the moments of their line-of-sight velocity distributions. We discuss different dark matter density profiles, both cuspy and possessing flat density cores. The predictions are made in the framework of standard dynamical theory of two-component (stars and dark matter) spherical systems with different velocity distributions. We compare the predicted velocity dispersion profiles to observations in the case of Fornax and Draco dwarfs. For isotropic models the dark haloes with cores are found to fit the data better than those with cusps. Anisotropic models are studied by fitting two parameters, dark mass and velocity anisotropy, to the data. In this case all profiles yield good fits, but the steeper the cusp of the profile, the more tangential is the velocity distribution required to fit the data. To resolve this well-known degeneracy of density profile versus velocity anisotropy, we obtain predictions for the kurtosis of the line-of-sight velocity distribution for models found to provide best fits to the velocity dispersion profiles. It turns out that profiles with cores typically yield higher values of kurtosis which decrease more steeply with distance than the cuspy profiles, which will allow us to discriminate between the profiles once the kurtosis measurements become available. We also show that with present quality of the data the alternative explanation of velocity dispersions in terms of Modified Newtonian Dynamics cannot yet be ruled out.  相似文献   

We find a new Tully–Fisher-like relation for spiral galaxies holding at different galactocentric radii. This radial Tully–Fisher relation allows us to investigate the distribution of matter in the optical regions of spiral galaxies. This relation, applied to three different samples of rotation curves of spiral galaxies, directly proves that: (i) the rotation velocity of spirals is a good measure of their gravitational potential and both the rotation curve's amplitudes and profiles are well predicted by galaxy luminosity, (ii) the existence of a dark component, less concentrated than the luminous one, and (iii) a scaling law, according to which, inside the disc optical size:   M dark/ M lum= 0.5( L B /1011 L B )−0.7  .  相似文献   

We present the Hα gas kinematics of 21 representative barred spiral galaxies belonging to the BHαBAR sample. The galaxies were observed with FaNTOmM, a Fabry–Perot integral-field spectrometer, on three different telescopes. The three-dimensional data cubes were processed through a robust pipeline with the aim of providing the most homogeneous and accurate data set possible useful for further analysis. The data cubes were spatially binned to a constant signal-to-noise ratio, typically around 7. Maps of the monochromatic Hα emission line and of the velocity field were generated and the kinematical parameters were derived for the whole sample using tilted-ring models. The photometrical and kinematical parameters (position angle of the major axis, inclination, systemic velocity and kinematical centre) are in relative good agreement, except perhaps for the later-type spirals.  相似文献   

We have studied a mass model for spiral galaxies in which the dark matter surface density is a scaled version of the observed H  i surface density. Applying this mass model to a sample of 24 spiral galaxies with reliable rotation curves, one obtains good fits for most galaxies. The scaling factors cluster around 7, after correction for the presence of primordial helium. For several cases, however, different, often larger, values are found. For galaxies that cannot be fitted well, the discrepancy occurs at large radii and results from a fairly rapid decline of the H  i surface density in the outermost regions. Because of such imperfections and in view of possible selection effects, it is not possible to conclude here that there is a real coupling between H  i and dark matter in spiral galaxies.  相似文献   

We derive the disc masses of 18 spiral galaxies of different luminosity and Hubble type, both by mass modelling their rotation curves and by fitting their spectral energy distribution with spectrophotometric models. The good agreement of the estimates obtained from these two different methods allows us to quantify the reliability of their performance and to derive very accurate stellar mass-to-light ratio versus colour (and stellar mass) relationships.  相似文献   

We confirm and extend the recent finding that the central surface density  μ0D≡ r 0ρ0  of galaxy dark matter haloes, where r 0 and  ρ0  are the halo core radius and central density, is nearly constant and independent of galaxy luminosity. Based on the co-added rotation curves (RCs) of ∼1000 spiral galaxies, the mass models of individual dwarf irregular and spiral galaxies of late and early types with high-quality RCs, and the galaxy–galaxy weak-lensing signals from a sample of spiral and elliptical galaxies, we find that  log μ0D= 2.15 ± 0.2  in units of  log(M pc−2)  . We also show that the observed kinematics of Local Group dwarf spheroidal galaxies are consistent with this value. Our results are obtained for galactic systems spanning over 14 mag, belonging to different Hubble types and whose mass profiles have been determined by several independent methods. In the same objects, the approximate constancy of  μ0D  is in sharp contrast to the systematical variations, by several orders of magnitude, of galaxy properties, including  ρ0  and central stellar surface density.  相似文献   

The observed rotation curves of dark matter-dominated dwarf galaxies indicate low-density cores, contrary to the predictions of CDM models. A possible solution of this problem involves stellar feedback. A strong baryonic wind driven by vigorous star formation can remove a large fraction of the gas, causing the dark matter to expand. Using both numerical and analytical techniques, we explore the maximum effect of the feedback with an instantaneous removal of the gaseous disc. The energy input depends on the compactness of the disc, hence the specific angular momentum of the disc. For the plausible cosmological parameters and a wide range of the disc angular momenta, the feedback is insufficient to destroy the central halo cusp, while the inner density is lowered only by a modest factor of 2 to 6. Any realistic modelling of the feedback would have even lesser impact on dark matter. We find that no star formation effect can resolve the problems of CDM cusps.  相似文献   

We present evidence for cosmological gas accretion on to spiral galaxies in the local universe. The accretion is seen through its effects on the dynamics of the extraplanar neutral gas. The accretion rates that we estimate for two nearby spiral galaxies are of the order of their star formation rates. Our model shows that most of the extraplanar gas is produced by supernova feedback (galactic fountain) and only 10–20 per cent comes from accretion. The accreting material must have low specific angular momentum about the disc's spin axis, although the magnitude of the specific angular momentum vector can be higher. We also explore the effects of a hot corona on the dynamics of the extraplanar gas and find that it is unlikely to be responsible for the observed kinematical pattern and the source of accreted gas. However, the interaction with the fountain flow should profoundly affect the hydrodynamics of the corona.  相似文献   

We present stellar radial velocity data for the Draco dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxy obtained using the AF2/WYFFOS instrument combination on the William Herschel Telescope. Our data set consists of 186 member stars, 159 of which have good quality velocities, extending to a magnitude   V ≈19.5  with a mean velocity precision of ≈2 km s−1. As this survey is based on a high-precision photometric target list, it contains many more Draco members at large radii. For the first time, this allows a robust determination of the radial behaviour of the velocity dispersion in a dSph.
We find statistically strong evidence of a rising velocity dispersion consistent with a dark matter halo that has a gently rising rotation curve. There is a <2 σ signature of rotation about the long axis, inconsistent with tidal disruption as the source of the rising dispersion. By comparing our data set with earlier velocities, we find that Draco probably has a binary distribution and fraction comparable to those in the solar neighbourhood.
We apply a novel maximum likelihood algorithm and fit the velocity data to a two parameter spherical model with an adjustable dark matter content and velocity anisotropy. Draco is best fit by a weakly tangentially anisotropic distribution of stellar orbits in a dark matter halo with a very slowly rising rotation law  ( v circ∝ r 0.17)  . We are able to rule out both a mass-follows-light distribution and an extended halo with a harmonic core at the 2.5 to 3 σ significance level, depending on the details of our assumptions about Draco's stellar binary population. Our modelling lends support to the idea that the dark matter in dwarf spheroidals is distributed in the form of massive, nearly isothermal haloes.  相似文献   

The kinematics of satellite galaxies reflect the masses of the extended dark matter haloes in which they orbit, and thus shed light on the mass–luminosity relation (MLR) of their corresponding central galaxies. In this paper, we select a large sample of centrals and satellites from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and measure the kinematics (velocity dispersions) of the satellite galaxies as a function of the r -band luminosity of the central galaxies. Using the analytical framework presented in More, van den Bosch & Cacciato, we use these data to infer both the mean and the scatter of the MLR of central galaxies, carefully taking account of selection effects and biases introduced by the stacking procedure. As expected, brighter centrals on average reside in more massive haloes. In addition, we find that the scatter in halo masses for centrals of a given luminosity,  σlog  M   , also increases with increasing luminosity. As we demonstrate, this is consistent with  σlog  L   , which reflects the scatter in the conditional probability function   P ( L c| M )  , being independent of halo mass. Our analysis of the satellite kinematics yields  σlog  L = 0.16  ±  0.04  , in excellent agreement with constraints from clustering and group catalogues, and with predictions from a semi-analytical model of galaxy formation. We thus conclude that the amount of stochasticity in galaxy formation, which is characterized by  σlog  L   , is well constrained, independent of halo mass and in a good agreement with current models of galaxy formation.  相似文献   

We use high-quality optical rotation curves of nine low-luminosity disc galaxies to obtain the velocity profiles of the surrounding dark matter haloes. We find that they increase linearly with radius at least out to the edge of the stellar disc, implying that, over the entire stellar region, the density of the dark halo is about constant.
The properties of the mass structure of these haloes are similar to those found for a number of dwarf and low surface brightness galaxies, but provide a more substantial evidence of the discrepancy between the halo mass distribution predicted in the cold dark matter scenario and those actually detected around galaxies. We find that the density law proposed by Burkert reproduces the halo rotation curves, with halo central densities ( ρ 0∼1–4×10−24 g cm−3) and core radii ( r 0∼5–15 kpc) scaling as ρ 0∝ r 0−2/3.  相似文献   

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