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1932—1937年间在周口店中国猿人产地及其他地点采得八十馀件节足动物化石,多破碎,完整者极少。颜色不一,由乳白而棕黄,兼有呈半透明玻璃状者。经初步观察,应属节足动物门,多足纲,倍脚目,马陆科,计一属两种: 一、山马陆(Julus of.terrestris)此种在第一,三,十五地点及山顶洞均有发现。此与现生的山马陆无甚差异,仅肛板及由二肛板所成之肛门沟稍大。二、裴氏小马陆(Julus peii Chia & Liu(sp.nov.)此种於第一,四,十五地点及山顶洞均有发现。由身体及头部形态,身体环节数目(三十个以上),知其与山马陆同属。但其决非幼小山马陆,因其体节数目多於长成之山马陆。但与现生於日本的一种 Nipponoiulus truncatus 近似,惟後者体节数较少,尾端钝圆。关於马陆属化石,据现在所知最早发现於始新统地层中,直到现在仍有生存,变异极小。以上所述二种若非与其他脊椎动物化石共生於周口店地点,则其年代颇难鉴定,因其有以後爬入岩隙死後石化之可能,不过上述之标本不但有共生脊椎动物为证,且有的已埋藏於固结的砾岩中,其属於更新统时期可无疑义。  相似文献   

1932—1937年间在周口店中国猿人产地及其他地点采得八十馀件节足动物化石,多破碎,完整者极少。颜色不一,由乳白而棕黄,兼有呈半透明玻璃状者。经初步观察,应属节足动物门,多足纲,倍脚目,马陆科,计一属两种: 一、山马陆(Julus of.terrestris)此种在第一,三,十五地点及山顶洞均有发现。此与现生的山马陆无甚差异,仅肛板及由二肛板所成之肛门沟稍大。二、裴氏小马陆(Julus peii Chia & Liu(sp.nov.)此种於第一,四,十五地点及山顶洞均有发现。由身体及头部形态,身体环节数目(三十个以上),知其与山马陆同属。但其决非幼小山马陆,因其体节数目多於长成之山马陆。但与现生於日本的一种 Nipponoiulus truncatus 近似,惟後者体节数较少,尾端钝圆。关於马陆属化石,据现在所知最早发现於始新统地层中,直到现在仍有生存,变异极小。以上所述二种若非与其他脊椎动物化石共生於周口店地点,则其年代颇难鉴定,因其有以後爬入岩隙死後石化之可能,不过上述之标本不但有共生脊椎动物为证,且有的已埋藏於固结的砾岩中,其属於更新统时期可无疑义。  相似文献   

On two New Fossil Fishes from Southwestern China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Among many other important discoveries of vertebrate palacontology made inthe past few years,a few remains of fish afford special interest.In W Kunming,Yunnan,remains of Hybodus were found which represent the second knownshark in China.In Weiyuan,Szechuan,a dental plate of Ceratodus has beendiscovered,which is so far the only record of this interesting fish in China.Both are described in the following lines.  相似文献   

华东白垩纪鸭嘴龙类恐龙蛋化石的发现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
浙江天台白垩纪地层中最常见的蛋化石类型之一是赤城山组地层(锆石U-Pb法同位素年龄约92Ma)的树枝树枝蛋(Dendroolithus dendriticus)。对比河南西峡含恐龙胚胎的蛋化石,确定其为鸭嘴龙类(Hadrosaurs)恐龙所产。鸭嘴龙类恐龙在系统分类上归鸟脚亚目(Ornithopoda Marsh,1881)鸭嘴龙超科(Hadrosauroidea Cope,1869)鸭嘴龙科(Hadrosauridae Cope,1869),建议树枝蛋化石也相应归入圆形蛋化石亚目(Spheroolithineae账oosubord.nov.)树枝蛋化石超科(Dendroolithoidea oosuperfam.nov.)树枝蛋化石科(Dendroolithidae Zhaoand Li 1988),以便对应研究。从已知的鸭嘴龙类恐龙产蛋尺寸推算,浙江天台的树枝树枝蛋(Dendroolithus dendriticus)为身长不超过7m的恐龙所产,个体大小类似东北一蒙古发现的萨哈林日本龙(Nipponosaurus sachaIinensis)、李氏黑龙江龙(Amurosaurus riabinini)和姜氏巴克龙(Bactrosaurus johnsoni)。该蛋在巢穴里,无序放置,至少3层,常超过20枚,蛋壳具韧性,重力作用下呈扁球形。  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - A caudal vertebra of a dinosaur (Iguanodontia indet.) is described from Upper Cretaceous (lower Campanian) coastal marine deposits of Izhberda Quarry near Orsk (Orenburg...  相似文献   

Mammoth remains on Santa Cruz Island, one of the four Northern Channel Islands of California, are very sparse, in marked contrast to those reported from Santa Rosa and San Miguel Islands of the same island group. A probable major reason for this scarcity is that Quaternary deposits are greatly restricted on Santa Cruz Island. It is proposed, contrary to popular opinion, that fossils found on Santa Cruz Island were derived from animals which died on the island, and were not transported there by humans. Reasons for this conclusion are that the size and geological context of the fossils are similar to those of the largest mammoth fossils of Santa Rosa Island, and that, in spite of extensive investigations by many persons, mammoth remains have not been found in middens, either on the islands or on the adjacent mainland.  相似文献   

Fossil sharks     
Sharks were around as early as the Silurian and were most abundant during the Carboniferous. During the Eocene, some of them were even larger than today's Great White Shark.  相似文献   

Fossil viruses     
Viruses are very much in the news these days, unfortunately, but what about their geological history? Are viruses preserved in the fossil record? If so, how does that happen, and how far back do they go? And what about the roles of viruses in the environment? Are they significant or were they just the nasty invisible parasites we regard them to be today, disrupting life as we know it and leading to the very sad and untimely death of 1000s of people? Or were they both—good and bad? This article explores some of these issues.  相似文献   

Fossil wood     
Plants have been making wood (secondary xylem) for more than 370 million years. This familiar material is one of the keys to their massive success. Wood allows plants to attain breathtaking heights and maximize the capture of sunlight for growth. By creating complex, multi‐layered forests, the evolution of wood, has done more to shape life on land than almost any other innovation. Wood is one of the most common terrestrial fossils encountered in the geological record. Whether preserved as huge petrified logs or as minute chunks of charcoal, fossil wood is abundant in rocks of Late Devonian age and younger. It is of enormous scientific importance, shedding light on the identity and stature of ancient trees. As a record of growth over a sustained period, it also tells us much about the climates and environments in which those trees lived. In this article, I explain some aspects of the origin, evolution, preservation, and identification of fossil wood, and emphasise its great significance for geology.  相似文献   

The exquisitely preserved fossil embryos of Markuelia recovered from the limestones of the Middle Cambrian Haoqiao Formation and Upper Cambrian Bitiao formation in western Hunan, South China are described and illustrated in detail for the first time.A new species Markuelia elegans sp.nov.is established based mainly on embryos from the Upper Cambrian.A few of animal's resting eggs,which are comparable with those of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation,have been also found in the Upper Cambrian of western Hu...  相似文献   

Fossil remains of beetles and oribatid mites from a peat deposit dated 18,870 ± 300 yr B.P. near Verona, northeastern Italy, represent the first insect fauna of its kind from the last glacial maximum to be described from Italy. The assemblage includes the ground beetle Amara alpina, whose distribution today in Europe is restricted to mountains in Scandinavia and Scotland. Ecological requirements and geographic distribution of recent populations of the identified species suggest mesic habitats with standing water and peat bogs during the glacial maximum. The paleoenvironment was comparable to present-day lowland moors in Scandinavia or mesic environments above 1000 m altitude on the southern slopes of the Alps. The climate is inferred to have been colder and wetter than today. Mean July temperature may have been 8-9°C lower than at present.  相似文献   

An overview is provided of fossil echinoderm taxa recovered from the Jurassic (Lias Group) and Triassic (Penarth Group) of Ireland. Despite limited outcrop and generally poor exposure, at least 12 species are recorded (6 crinoids, 2 echinoids, 3 ophiuroids and one asteroid), with significant new material recovered from an early Hettangian lagerstätte. The crinoid Isocrinus angulatus (Fraas, 1858), omitted from an earlier Palaeontographical Society Monograph on Lower Jurassic crinoids, is described based on articulated material.  相似文献   

记辽宁一新翼龙化石(喙嘴龙亚目)   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
姬书安  季强 《江苏地质》1998,22(4):199-206
记述了辽宁北票四合屯炒米甸子组中一新翼龙化石,该翼龙个体极小,两翼展开仅约40cm。化石具有同形齿、长尾、极短的翼掌骨和非常发育的后肢第Ⅴ趾等特征,因而无疑可归入喙嘴龙亚目喙嘴龙科(Rhamphorhynchidae),并代表一新属种弯齿树翼龙(Dendrorhynchuscurviden-tatusgen.etsp.nov.)。该化石是我国及东亚晚侏罗世喙嘴龙类翼龙的首次记录,它的发现有力地表明包括中华龙鸟和孔子鸟在内的辽西四合屯化石层的地质时代应为晚侏罗世。  相似文献   

Fossil vertebrate footprints occur in sediments of all ages, from the first venturings onto land early in the Devonian to the present. They are to be found in sediments from which bones are not recovered, thus adding to our knowledge of animal distribution in the past, and allowing stratigraphical correlation and the interpretation of ancient environments. Most importantly, however, footprints furnish a dynamic record of the way in which animals lived and moved, even telling us something of their social behaviour.  相似文献   

C. C. YOUNG 《地质学报》1942,(Z2):304-322
正 During the late spring of 1941, Messrs. M. N. Bien, T. H. Mi and the present writer were fortunate enough to discover several localities of vertebrate fossils. The geological condition will be reported in another paper' and need not be repeated there. Most of the fossils were derived from the hill  相似文献   

侯连海  张子慧 《地质通报》2004,23(8):784-789
研究表明,内蒙古包头市阿善遗址的鸟类化石总计有5目7科10属10种鸟类,其中赤嘴潜鸭、白枕鹤和骨顶鸡为中国鸟类首次化石记录。阿善遗址鸟类群除3种为鸡形目地栖者外,其余全为涉水鸟类,是中国迄今为止首次发现的以水鸟为主体的史前时期鸟类群。这些鸟类化石对研究遗址的生态环境、气候变化以及鸟类地理分布、迁徙和演化等都有重要意义。  相似文献   

A new species of chimaeroid egg capsule, Rhinochimaera caucasica, from strata in the North Caucasus tentatively identified as of Lower Cretaceous age, is described. A summary review of the 31 known occurrences of these reproductive bodies from all parts of the earth is presented and the difficulty in treating them taxonomically is discussed. Justification is made for reference of the more complete, specifically named specimens regardless of geologic age to either one or the other of the living genera Harriotta, Rhinochimaera, and Callorhynchus. — D. H. Dunkle.  相似文献   

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