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We extend recent work that included the effect of pressure forces to derive the precession rate of eccentric accretion discs in cataclysmic variables to the case of double degenerate systems. We find that the logical scaling of the pressure force in such systems results in predictions of unrealistically high primary masses. Using the prototype AM CVn as a calibrator for the magnitude of the effect, we find that there is no scaling that applies consistently to all the systems in the class. We discuss the reasons for the lack of a superhump period to mass ratio relationship analogous to that known for SU UMa systems and suggest that this is because these secondaries do not have a single valued mass–radius relationship. We highlight the unreliability of mass ratios derived by applying the SU UMa expression to the AM CVn binaries.  相似文献   

We analysed archival spectroscopic data of AM CVn taken with the William Herschel Telescope in 1996. In the literature two orbital periods for AM CVn are proposed. A clear S-wave in the He  i 4471, 4387 and 4143 Å lines is revealed when the spectra are folded on the 1029-s period. No signature of this S-wave is seen when folded on 1051 s. Doppler tomography of the line profiles shows a clear signature of the hotspot. Using this we can constrain the value of K 2 to lie between 210 and 280 km s−1. Our work confirms the binary nature of AM CVn beyond any doubt, establishes 1028.73 s as the true orbital period and supports the interpretation of AM CVn as a permanent superhump system.  相似文献   

We report on the results from a five-night campaign of high-speed spectroscopy of the 17-min binary AM Canum Venaticorum (AM CVn), obtained with the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope on La Palma.
We detect a kinematic feature that appears to be entirely analogous to the 'central spike' known from the long-period, emission-line AM CVn stars GP Com, V396 Hya and SDSS J124058.03−015919.2, which has been attributed to the accreting white dwarf. Assuming that the feature indeed represents the projected velocity amplitude and phase of the accreting white dwarf, we derive a mass ratio   q = 0.18 ± 0.01  for AM CVn. This is significantly higher than the value found in previous, less direct measurements. We discuss the implications for AM CVn's evolutionary history and show that a helium star progenitor scenario is strongly favoured. We further discuss the implications for the interpretation of AM CVn's superhump behaviour, and for the detectability of its gravitational-wave signal with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna ( LISA ).
In addition, we demonstrate a method for measuring the circularity or eccentricity of AM CVn's accretion disc, using stroboscopic Doppler tomography. We test the predictions of an eccentric, precessing disc that are based on AM CVn's observed superhump behaviour. We limit the effective eccentricity in the outermost part of the disc, where the resonances that drive the eccentricity are thought to occur, to   e = 0.04 ± 0.01  , which is smaller than previous models indicated.  相似文献   

We analyse high time resolution spectroscopy of the AM CVn stars HP Librae and V803 Centauri, taken with the New Technology Telescope (NTT) and the Very Large Telescope (VLT) of the European Southern Observatory, Chile.
We present evidence that the literature value for V803 Cen's orbital period is incorrect, based on an observed ' S -wave' in the binary's spectrogram. We measure a spectroscopic period   P V803 Cen= 1596.4 ± 1.2 s  of the S -wave feature, which is significantly shorter than the 1611-s periods found in previous photometric studies. We conclude that the latter period likely represents a 'superhump'. If one assumes that our S -wave period is the orbital period, V803 Cen's mass ratio can be expected to be much less extreme than previously thought, at   q ∼ 0.07  rather than   q ∼ 0.016  . This relaxes the constraints on the masses of the components considerably: the donor star then does not need to be fully degenerate, and the mass of the accreting white dwarf no longer has to be very close to the Chandrasekhar limit.
For HP Lib, we similarly measure a spectroscopic period   P HP Lib= 1102.8 ± 0.2 s  . This supports the identification of HP Lib's photometric periods found in the literature, and the constraints upon the masses derived from them.  相似文献   

We briefly summarise the observational properties of ultra‐compact binaries called AM CVn stars. We analyse their outbursts originating from the thermal‐viscous instability in helium accretion disc. We present our preliminary results in applying the model of Dwarf Novae outbursts to helium discs. We can calculate models of outbursts of reasonable amplitude of 2 mag with a constant α parameter throughout the calculation. Setting the mass transfer rate close to its upper critical value produces model lightcurves that resemble short superoutbursts (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The Sloan Digital Sky Survey has been instrumental in obtaining a homogeneous sample of the rare AM CVn stars: mass-transferring binary white dwarfs. As part of a campaign of spectroscopic follow-up on candidate AM CVn stars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, we have obtained time-resolved spectra of the   g = 20.2  candidate SDSS J155252.48+320150.9 on the Very Large Telescope of the European Southern Observatory. We report an orbital period   P orb= 3376.3 ± 0.3 s  , or 56.272 ± 0.005 min, based on an observed 'S-wave' in the helium emission lines of the spectra. This confirms the ultracompact nature of the binary. Despite its relative closeness to the orbital period minimum for hydrogen-rich donors, there is no evidence for hydrogen in the spectra. We thus classify SDSS J1552 as a new bona fide AM CVn star, with the second-longest orbital period after V396 Hya  ( P = 65.5 min)  . The continuum of SDSS J1552 is compatible with either a blackbody or helium atmosphere of   T eff= 12 000–15 000 K  . If this represents the photosphere of the accreting white dwarf, as is expected, it puts the accretor at the upper end of the temperature range predicted by thermal evolution models. This suggests that SDSS J1552 consists of (or formerly consisted of) relatively high-mass components.  相似文献   

Comparison of five X-ray observations of the intermediate polar FO Aqr reveals that the morphology of the X-ray light curve changes considerably with time. In particular, power spectra of the 1988 Ginga   and 1993 ASCA   data reveal strong sideband and orbital variations, whereas the 1990 Ginga   observation does not. This suggests that the amount of stream-fed accretion varies with epoch, and the system was accreting predominantly from a disc in 1990.   In contrast to other intermediate polars, the X-ray spin-pulse profiles show significant variations between observations, ranging from relatively sinusoidal to sawtooth-shaped at medium energies. During the 1988 and 1990 observations a notch is visible at spin phase zero, due to the presence of an interpulse at phase 0.85, which is absent during the other observations. At lower energies a narrow pulse of emission is seen at spin phase 0.2.   We interpret the pulse profile from the 1990 Ginga   observation using a model for accretion from a disc on to a dipolar magnetic field, the axis of which is offset from the white dwarf centre by ∼ 0.15 white dwarf radii. In order to account for the later occurrence of the hardness-ratio maximum in 1988 and 1993, we suggest that the accretion-rate profile changes so that accretion is favoured along the field lines which trail the magnetic pole. This also accounts for the disappearance of the interpulse and notch in 1993.  相似文献   

The Stokes imaging technique of Potter, Hakala & Cropper is applied to the polarized emission from the AM Her system ST LMi. For the first time, the cyclotron emission region on the surface of the white dwarf is mapped in terms of optical depth/density in an analytical and objective manner. The region is found to consist of a less dense region leading a higher density region in orbital phase. It is demonstrated that the emission region needs to have a multi-temperature structure in order to explain the spectral slope and the general morphology of the cyclotron humps observed in the IR during the bright phase in ST LMi.
Furthermore, it is shown that a secondary emission region, fed by the same magnetic field lines that feed the main emission region, could be responsible for the positive circular polarization in the IR, the position angle variation and the excess flux during the faint phase of the white light observations which cannot be accounted for with a single emission region.  相似文献   

We describe a spectroscopic survey designed to uncover an estimated ∼40 AM Canum Venaticorum (AM CVn) stars hiding in the photometric data base of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We have constructed a relatively small sample of about 1500 candidates based on a colour selection, which should contain the majority of all AM CVn binaries while remaining small enough that spectroscopic identification of the full sample is feasible.
We present the first new AM CVn star discovered using this strategy, SDSS J080449.49+161624.8, the ultracompact binary nature of which is demonstrated using high-time-resolution spectroscopy obtained with the Magellan telescopes at Las Campanas Observatory, Chile. A kinematic 'S-wave' feature is observed on a period   P orb= 44.5 ± 0.1 min  , which we propose is the orbital period, although the present data cannot yet exclude its nearest daily aliases.
The new AM CVn star shows a peculiar spectrum of broad, single-peaked helium emission lines with unusually strong series of ionized helium, reminiscent of the (intermediate) polars among the hydrogen-rich cataclysmic variables. We speculate that SDSS J0804+1616 may be the first magnetic AM CVn star. The accreted material appears to be enriched in nitrogen, to N/O ≳ 10 and N/C > 10 by number, indicating CNO cycle hydrogen burning, but no helium burning, in the prior evolution of the donor star.  相似文献   

We describe fits to the Ginga LAC and ASCA GIS and SIS X-ray spectra of the intermediate polar V1223 Sgr using a multi-temperature emission model and including reflection from the white dwarf surface. Shock temperatures of and were obtained for the Ginga LAC, ASCA GIS and SIS instruments, respectively, giving a mean value of The data reveal significant amounts of reflection as well as a heavy metal underabundance by a factor of 2.
Multiple absorption components are required to successfully model the observed X-ray spectra at low energies, suggesting the presence of complex intrinsic absorption. All data sets reveal a low-energy spectral hardening at the minimum in the spin cycle caused by an increase in the amount of absorption at this phase. The requirement of such complex absorption is becoming increasingly common in the good quality X-ray spectra from magnetic cataclysmic variables.  相似文献   

RXTE observations confirm that the X-ray light curve of V2400 Oph is pulsed at the beat cycle, as expected in a discless intermediate polar. There are no X-ray modulations at the orbital or spin cycles, but optical line profiles vary with all three cycles. We construct a model for line-profile variations in a discless accretor, based on the idea that the accretion stream flips from one magnetic pole to the other, and show that this accounts for the observed behaviour over the spin and beat cycles. The minimal variability over the orbital cycle implies that (1) V2400 Oph is at an inclination of only ≈10°, and (2) much of the accretion flow is not in a coherent stream, but is circling the white dwarf, possibly as a ring of denser, diamagnetic blobs. We discuss the light that this sheds on disc formation in intermediate polars.  相似文献   

Following a recent report that AO Psc has broad iron Kα emission lines we have looked at the ASCA spectra of 15 magnetic cataclysmic variables. We find that half of the systems have Kα lines broadened by ∼ 200 eV, while the remainder have narrow lines. We argue that the Doppler effect is insufficient to explain the finding and propose that the lines originate in accretion columns on the verge of optical thickness, where Compton scattering of resonantly trapped line photons broadens the profile. We suggest that the broadening is a valuable diagnostic of conditions in the accretion column.  相似文献   

We present K -band spectra of the short-period dwarf novae YZ Cnc, LY Hya, BK Lyn, T Leo, SW UMa and WZ Sge, the nova-like variables DW UMa, V1315 Aql, RW Tri, VY Scl, UU Aqr and GP Com, and a series of field dwarf stars with spectral types ranging from K2 to M6.
The spectra of the dwarf novae are dominated by emission lines of H  i and He  i . The large velocity and equivalent widths of these lines, in conjunction with the fact that the lines are double-peaked in the highest inclination systems, indicate an accretion disc origin. In the case of YZ Cnc and T Leo, for which we obtained time-resolved data covering a complete orbital cycle, the emission lines show modulations in their equivalent widths that are most probably associated with the bright spot (the region where the gas stream collides with the accretion disc). There are no clear detections of the secondary star in any of the dwarf novae below the period gap, yielding upper limits of 10–30 per cent for the contribution of the secondary star to the observed K -band flux. In conjunction with the K -band magnitudes of the dwarf novae, we use the derived secondary star contributions to calculate lower limits to the distances to these systems.
The spectra of the nova-like variables are dominated by broad, single-peaked emission lines of H  i and He  i – even the eclipsing systems we observed do not show the double-peaked profiles predicted by standard accretion disc theory. With the exception of RW Tri, which exhibits Na  i , Ca  i and 12CO absorption features consistent with a M0V secondary contributing 65 per cent of the observed K -band flux, we find no evidence for the secondary star in any of the nova-like variables. The implications of this result are discussed.  相似文献   

The long white-dwarf spin periods in the magnetic cataclysmic variables EX Hya and V1025 Cen imply that if the systems possess accretion discs then they cannot be in equilibrium. It has been suggested that instead they are discless accretors in which the spin-up torques resulting from accretion are balanced by the ejection of part of the accretion flow back towards the secondary. We present phase-resolved spectroscopy of V1025 Cen aimed at deducing the nature of the accretion flow, and compare this with simulations of a discless accretor. We find that both the conventional disc-fed model and the discless-accretor model have strengths and weaknesses, and that further work is needed before we can decide which applies to V1025 Cen.  相似文献   

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