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在马里亚纳海沟"蛟龙号"载人深潜器海试区约7000m水深的海底,发现了硅藻化石软泥沉积物,为中国首次在此大深度船载采集到硅藻化石软泥。室内硅藻化石分析显示,重力柱状样顶部约10cm厚的软泥为大筛盘藻Ethmodiscus rex硅藻软泥。化石主要由大筛盘藻组成,呈碎片状,数量巨大,并伴生有Azpeitia等热带远洋浮游种类。硅藻化石软泥发育表明,本区曾发生过E.rex勃发事件,具有重要的古海洋学和古生物学研究意义。  相似文献   

海斗深渊是海洋中最深的区域,由水深范围在6000~11000 m范围内的深部海沟组成,以极端的物理化学条件为特征,其沉积物以深海黏土为主。基于目前关于马里亚纳海沟及其沉积物的研究进展,总结了海斗深渊的地貌、物理化学和水动力等方面的特征;归纳了海斗深渊沉积物的粒度特征、矿物组成和古生物特征;探讨了海斗深渊沉积物的物质来源及主要分析方法。海斗深渊沉积物的物质来源具有多源性,综合多种方法示踪是准确揭示其物质物源的关键。  相似文献   

为探究雅浦海沟北部深渊、超深渊沉积物的组成、来源和形成特征,以1 cm分层对采自该海域不同深度的五根柱状沉积物样品的0~8 cm沉积层进行了扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察和X射线能谱(EDS)分析,并且分析了这些样品的含水率,锰结核含量, Al、Ca、Fe、Mn、Ti、Mg等6种常量金属和Ba、Co、Cr、Ni、Pb、Sr、V、Cu、Zn等9种微量金属元素含量,以及总有机碳(TOC)含量等参数。结果表明,研究区域沉积物主要为深海软泥沉积,是不同年代沉积物的复杂混合,包含以盘星石为代表的颗石藻、海绵骨针、放射虫和硅藻等多种微体古生物化石以及辉石、重晶石、钛铁矿、长石等多种矿物。沉积组分主要来自生物源、火山源、陆源和海底热液,其中陆源沉积出现于海沟东侧深渊区。海沟西侧崖壁的沉积物比东侧崖壁的沉积物更容易发育锰结核。研究区域沉积物含水率较高并且颗粒较大,其含水率随深度增加呈减少趋势。研究区域超深渊站位沉积物的TOC和微体古生物化石含量均高于深渊站位,存在明显的漏斗效应。整体上海沟西侧崖壁沉积物含水率和TOC含量低于东侧崖壁的沉积物。自更新世以来,雅浦海沟北部的碳酸钙补偿深度(CCD)线从4 568 m以深变为4 435 m至4 568 m之间。研究区域的沉积环境为氧化环境,其0~8 cm沉积层的古老沉积物与现代沉积物发生了混合和再沉积作用,形成年代跨度极大。研究区域沉积物的形成受到海沟坡度、水动力环境、重力滑塌、浊流沉积、火山活动、漏斗效应等多种因素的显著影响。  相似文献   

崩滑堰塞湖沉积物(层)是在特定地质环境下形成的第四系堆积层。5.12地震在四川形成了大量的堰塞湖,随着时间推移会形成堰塞湖沉积物,在水利水电工程建设中如何利用这些沉积物,需研究其工程地质特性和工程地质问题。以四川丹巴县关州水电站为例,在对河床闸坝堰塞湖沉积物形成机制研究基础上,对堰塞沉积物的分层、物理特性、压缩、抗剪及承载力等工程特性进行研究;最后对利用堰塞沉积物作为闸坝地基面临的主要工程地质问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

通过对城--闵行地区-完整的古河道剖面内的溺谷相沉积物的特征分析,论述了研究区内古河道溺谷相沉积物的沉积过程、年代及分层依据,指出本区中全新世古溺谷沉积具有阶段性,沉积环境具有继承性,并按沉积相的层序组合分成二个区域,分别对其桩基持力层选择进行了分析与评价。  相似文献   

天津滨海新区位于渤海湾西岸泥质海岸带地区,中晚更新世以来历经海陆变化,形成了海相和陆相交替出现的地层。本文通过对30余眼钻孔岩心的沉积相分析和沉积物物理力学性质测试,讨论了天津滨海新区南部海岸带地区中晚更新世以来不同沉积相沉积物的物理力学性质,并对其工程地质特性进行了评价。结果显示,研究区中晚更新世以来沉积地层中,陆相地层致密硬塑,具有含水率低、孔隙比低、压缩性小、承载力高的特点;海相地层中粉土或粉砂层段也有孔隙比低、压缩性小的特点,但粘性土层段大多有含水率高、孔隙比高、压缩性大、承载力低的特点。  相似文献   

张家口宣化地区存在大量具有潜在危险的松散矿渣堆积体,文章以该地区具有代表性的响水沟松散矿渣堆积体为研究对象,对矿渣的颗粒组成、矿物成分、力学性质等进行详细的室内试验研究,结果表明:矿渣堆积体属砾质砂土,粘粒含量少,且级配不良,松散易流动。同一干密度下,随含水率增加,矿渣抗剪强度先增大后减小,当含水率为15%时,其粘聚力最低,表明响水沟矿渣堆积体失稳启动下滑的界限含水率可能在15%左右。综合以上分析结果,拟合得到粘聚力与含水率关系公式,初步预测矿渣碎屑流启动下滑的临界含水率。这一认识对该区矿渣堆积体的稳定性评价及碎屑流灾害预警有重要意义。   相似文献   

松-嫩平原苏打型盐渍土强度特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于青春  孙婉  陈波  杨立森  张国辉 《岩土力学》2008,29(7):1793-1796
用干燥法和滴水法研究了松嫩平原苏打型盐渍土在失水和吸水过程中抗剪强度参数c、φ随含水率的变化关系,提出了这两种情况下,苏打型盐渍土随含水率变化的抗剪强度公式并给出其强度参数及含水率的强度曲面,得出了不同应力水平下的临界含水率。分析了苏打型盐渍土在失水和吸水条件下抗剪强度随含水率的变化机制。其研究结果为松嫩平原地区的苏打型盐渍土工程的设计与建设提供参考。  相似文献   

We retrieved samples of peridotite from a dredge haul (KH92-1-D2) collected during Cruise KH92-1 undertaken by the research vessel (R/V) Hakuho in 1992 at the landward trench slope of the southern Mariana Trench (11°41.16′N, 143°29.62′E; depth 6594–7431 m), which is the deepest ocean in the world. Ten of 30 retrieved samples possessed both a foliation and lineation, as assessed from 46 thin sections of various orientations and observations of hand samples. The samples showed marked variation in microstructure, ranging from coarse (> 5 mm) equigranular and intensely elongated textures to finer (< 1 mm) porphyroclastic and fine-grained equigranular textures. Olivine fabrics also varied among the different samples, with (010)[100] and (010)[001] patterns (termed A- and B-type, respectively) observed in samples with coarse textures and no clear patterns observed in samples with fine textures. Even though the peridotite samples were retrieved from a single dredge site, some contain primary tectonic microstructures and some contain secondary microstructures. Recent bathymetric and topographic analyses indicate that the lithosphere in this region is as thin as 20 km. Such a thin lithosphere may have been intensely deformed, even perhaps in the ductile regime, during fore-arc extension; consequently, the observed variations in microstructure within the peridotite samples probably reflect the complex tectonic evolution of the southern Mariana region.  相似文献   

The surface sediments collected from the southern Mariana Trench at water depths between ca. 4900 m and 7068 m were studied using lipid biomarker analyses to reveal the origin and distribution of organic matters. For all samples, an unresolved complex mixture (UCM) was present in the hydrocarbon fractions, wherein resistant component tricyclic terpanes were detected but C27–C29 regular steranes and hopanes indicative of a higher molecular weight range of petroleum were almost absent. This biomarker distribution patterns suggested that the UCM and tricyclic terpanes may be introduced by contamination of diesel fuels or shipping activities and oil seepage elsewhere. The well-developed faults and strike-slip faults in the Mariana subduction zone may serve as passages for the petroleum hydrocarbons. In addition, the relative high contents of even n-alkanes and low Carbon Preference Indices indicated that the n-alkanes were mainly derived from bacteria or algae. For GDGTs, the predominance of GDGT-0 and crenarchaeol, together with low GDGT-0/Crenarchaeol ratios (ranging from 0.86 to 1.64), suggests that the GDGTs in samples from the southern Mariana Trench were mainly derived from planktic Thaumarchaeota. However, the high GDGT-0/crenarchaeol ratio (10.5) in sample BC07 suggests that the GDGTs probably were introduced by methanogens in a more anoxic environment. Furthermore, the n-alkanes C19–C22 and the n-fatty acids C20:0–C22:0 were depleted in 13C by 3‰ compared to n-alkanes C16–C18 and the n-fatty acids C14:0–C18:0, respectively, which was interpreted to result from the preferential reaction of fatty acid fragments with carbon “lighter” terminal carboxyl groups during carbon chain elongation from the precursors to products. The abundance of total alkanes, carboxylic acids, alcohols and total lipids were generally increased along the down-going seaward plate, suggesting the lateral organic matter inputs play an important role in organic matter accumulation in hadal trenches. The extremely high contents of biomarkers in sample BC11 were most likely related to trench topography and current dynamics, since the lower steepness caused by graben texture and proximity to the trench axis may result in higher sedimentation rate. This paper, for the first time, showed the biomarker patterns in surface sediments of the Mariana Trench and shed light on biogeochemistry of the hardly reached trench environment.  相似文献   


The Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) current plays a crucial role in storing and transporting heat, water, and nutrients around the world. However, it is impossible to monitor AABW in the Plio-Pleistocene by direct measurement. Hence, abyssal erosion was usually chosen as an effective indicator of the presence of the AABW in the Indian and Eastern Pacific Oceans during that period. Here, we report a high-resolution magnetostratigraphy of a gravity core, the JL7KGC-01A from the south of the Mariana Trench, northwest Pacific Ocean. The main results are as follows: (1) polarity data suggest that the sequence recorded the late Gauss chron to the early Brunhes chron, including the Jaramillo, Cobb Mountain, and Olduvai normal subchrons; (2) the sedimentary processes in the study area since 2.9 Ma show three stages of sedimentation: 83 cm/Ma during 2.9–1.2 Ma, 183 cm/Ma during 1.2–0.7 Ma, and no sedimentation since ~0.7 Ma; (3) the area south of the Mariana Trench experienced a significant change in the deposition rate at 1.2 Ma, which could be correlated with the intensified desertification in inland Asia, and experienced a prominent depositional hiatus since the early middle Pleistocene, which likely resulted from the enhanced/expanded AABW. Based on these new polarity data and comparisons with previous studies around the Pacific Ocean, we therefore propose that the AABW experienced a notable change during the early–mid Pleistocene transition.  相似文献   

刘汉东  戴菊英  李继伟 《岩土力学》2006,27(11):2045-2049
黄河西霞院工程电站厂房地基为上第三系洛阳组黏土岩类地层。现场勘察揭示该黏土岩具有特殊的工程地质性质,在开挖或遇水时风化分解较快,由岩石的性质转变为土的性质。为了更好地了解洛阳组黏土岩的工程特性,进行了一系列室内试验和现场大型剪切试验。该黏土岩的黏土含量最高达53.7 %,黏土矿物成分以蒙脱石为主,含量在28 %~38 %,岩体的膨胀率为0.6 %~4.9 %,单轴抗压强度为0.11~1.04 MPa,凝聚力为132.2 kPa,内摩擦角为22.29°。研究表明洛阳组黏土岩具有典型的软岩硬土特征。  相似文献   

Suspended particulate materials and bottom sediments from the Cariaco Trench were analysed for lipid content to investigate the diagenesis of organic matter in an anoxic water column and sediment. Distributions of fatty acids, sterols, and the acyclic isoprenoid hydrocarbons, lycopane and 2,6,10,15,19-pentamethyleicosane, support the hypothesis that alteration of organic matter usually attributed to sedimentary diagenesis occurs in the water column. Typical indicators of diagenetic processes, including preferential loss of unsaturated fatty acids, increased abundances of branched fatty acids, stenol-to-stanol conversion, and abundant acyclic isoprenoids, were observed in the water column across the oxic/anoxic interface in the Cariaco Trench. Lipid distributions in the sediment were remarkably uniform with depth. We conclude that organic material delivered to the sediment has been extensively altered in the water column, but that which is buried is preserved without much additional alteration.  相似文献   

在地球各大陆上工程地质条件水平和垂直上的变化反映出它们的区域性,它受控于该地区的热量、湿度及其比率。这就是在类似地质结构的地区中,不同的纬度和海拔高度形成了不同的工程地质条件的原因。引入工程地质区这个概念的目的在于说明工程地质条件的区域性。工程地质区一词的意义是指一个大的工程地质地区或省,在其中主要由水的形态决定的岩土状态是均一的并从工程地质观点来看具有区域稳定性。已经确定了以下工程地质区类型:永久性的多年冻土区域、多年冻土和融化沉积共存区域,以及融化和不冻岩石区域,它们再细分为亚区。工程地质条件区域性概念要考虑的主要问题有:分区原则、工程地质区域的类型和种类、地球各大陆上工程地质区域的空间分布规律性、“理想”大陆上的分布模型。  相似文献   

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