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Permian to Cretaceous mélange of the McHugh Complex on the Kenai Peninsula, south-central Alaska includes blocks and belts of graywacke, argillite, limestone, chert, basalt, gabbro, and ultramafic rocks, intruded by a variety of igneous rocks. An oceanic plate stratigraphy is repeated hundreds of times across the map area, but most structures at the outcrop scale extend lithological layering. Strong rheological units occur as blocks within a matrix that flowed around the competent blocks during deformation, forming broken formation and mélange. Deformation was noncoaxial, and disruption of primary layering was a consequence of general strain driven by plate convergence in a relatively narrow zone between the overriding accretionary wedge and the downgoing, generally thinly sedimented oceanic plate. Soft-sediment deformation processes do not appear to have played a major role in the formation of the mélange. A model for deformation at the toe of the wedge is proposed in which layers oriented at low angles to σ1 are contracted in both the brittle and ductile regimes, layers at 30–45° to σ1 are extended in the brittle regime and contracted in the ductile regime, and layers at angles greater than 45° to σ1 are extended in both the brittle and ductile regimes. Imbrication in thrust duplexes occurs at deeper levels within the wedge. Many structures within mélange of the McHugh Complex are asymmetric and record kinematic information consistent with the inferred structural setting in an accretionary wedge. A displacement field for the McHugh Complex on the lower Kenai Peninsula includes three belts: an inboard belt of Late Triassic rocks records west-to-east-directed slip of hanging walls, a central belt of predominantly Early Jurassic rocks records north–south directed displacements, and Early Cretaceous rocks in an outboard belt preserve southwest–northeast directed slip vectors. Although precise ages of accretion are unknown, slip directions are compatible with inferred plate motions during the general time frame of accretion of the McHugh Complex. The slip vectors are interpreted to preserve the convergence directions between the overriding and underriding plates, which became more oblique with time. They are not considered indicative of strain partitioning into belts of orogen-parallel and orogen-perpendicular displacements, because the kinematic data are derived from the earliest preserved structures, whereas fabrics related to strain partitioning would be expected to be superimposed on earlier accretion-related fabrics.  相似文献   

The Talaud Islands lie at the northern margin of the collision zone between the Sangihe and Halmahera island arc systems. Rock units on Talaud are Neogene marine strata, basalt and andesite, tectonic mélange, and ophiolite. The units are exposed in N–S trending belts that are commonly separated by faults. The marine strata consist of tuffaceous siltstone, sandstone, shale and marl. They are strongly deformed by west-verging folds with wavelengths of 20–500 m. Volcanic rocks of island arc affinity are exposed on the east coast of Karakelang Island and appear to be interbedded with the lowermost marine strata. Tectonic mélanges contain blocks of serpentinite, gabbro, basalt, red middle Eocene chert and limestone, and greywacke turbidites. The blocks range in length from a few millimetres to hundreds of metres, and are enclosed in a scaly clay matrix. Several mappable slabs of ophiolite are separated by Tertiary strata or mélange. The dismembered ophiolites consist of serpentized peridotite, gabbro, spilites and cherts. Locally, the mélanges and ophiolites are thrust over the younger sedimentary rocks along east-dipping faults. The dominant eastward dips of mélange foliation, the westward vergence of structures in the Neogene strata, the Eocene ages of the cherts, and the Miocene age of the strata overlying the ophiolite slabs suggest that the ophiolites are pieces of Eocene or older oceanic crust (derived from a mid-ocean ridge or back-arc basin) and upper mantle that were emplaced as thrust slices into the lower slope of a west-facing arc during the Miocene and have been uplifted during arc—arc collision.  相似文献   

The Ballantrae ophiolite in southern Scotland includes a NEE–SWW-trending serpentinite mélange that contains blocks of mafic blueschist and high-pressure, granulite facies, metapyroxenite (Sm–Nd metamorphic age: 576 ± 32 and 505 ± 11 Ma). Tectonic blocks of mafic schist are less than 3 × 3 m in size, and have greenschist, blueschist or epidote amphibolite facies assemblages corresponding to the high-pressure intermediate-type metamorphic facies series.Adjacent rocks of the serpentinite mélange are hydrothermally-altered MORB-like ophiolitic basalt (prehnite–pumpellyite facies), dolerite (actinolite–oligoclase sub-facies) and gabbro (amphibolite facies), all with assemblages that are diagnostic of the low-pressure metamorphic facies series.The difference in metamorphic facies series and parageneses of minerals between the high-pressure mafic blocks and the adjacent, low-pressure ophiolitic meta-basic rocks suggests that the former were exhumed from > 25 km depth within a cold subducted slab, and were juxtaposed with the latter, the bottom of a MORB-like ophiolite in the hanging wall of a trench. An ENE–WSW-trending, 501 ± 12 Ma volcanic arc belt extends for 3 km south of the serpentinite mélange. We suggest that ridge subduction associated with a slab window created arc-related gabbro (483 ± 4 Ma) at Byne Hill and within-plate gabbro (487 ± 8 Ma) at Millenderdale. Final continental collision created the duplex structure of the Ballantrae complex that includes the HP blocks and serpentinite mélange. These relations define diapiric exhumation in the Caledonian orogen of SW Scotland.  相似文献   

We reconstructed the accretion process related to Paleo-Tethys subduction recorded in northern Thailand, based on mélange and thrust structures, and metamorphic temperatures derived from illite crystallinity data. Mélange formation was characterized by hydrofracturing and cataclastic deformation, with mud injection under semi-lithified conditions followed by shear deformation and pressure solution. Illite crystallinity data suggest metamorphic temperatures below 250 °C during mélange formation. The combined structural and metamorphic data indicate that during mélange formation, the accretionary complex related to Paleo-Tethys subduction developed at shallow levels within an accretionary prism. Asymmetric shear fabrics in mélange indicate top-to-south shear. After correction for rotation associated with collision between the Indian and Eurasian continents, the trend of the Paleo-Tethys subduction zone is estimated to have been N80 °E. We conclude that the Paleo-Tethys was subducted northward beneath the Indochina Block from the Permian to Triassic.  相似文献   

Accretionary complexes record the histories of changes in physical properties of sediments from unlithified sediments to lithified rocks through the deformation processes along subduction interface. The trench sediment suffered various deformation of particulate flow, pressure solution deformation and cataclastic faultings from ductile to brittle regime during accretion in subduction zone. Tectonic mélange is a characteristic rock in on-land accretionary complexes. The dominant deformation mechanism of tectonic mélange formation is pressure solution on the basis of microscopic observation. However, brittle slickenlines are also commonly observed on mélange foliations at the outcrop scale. Although the slickenlines as a brittle failure is common on the surface of the pressure solution foliation, the relationship of their kinetic are still uncertain. Detailed observations of slickenlines suggest that they are formed by reactivation of the mélange foliations, which indicates that the slickenlines are developed after formation of block in matrix texture characterized in mélange. In addition, mélange foliations are cut by faults related to underplating of oceanic materials. Therefore, formation of slickenlines occur before underplating in a relatively deep portion along subduction interface. On the basis of P-T conditions reported from other parts of the Cretaceous Shimanto Belt, the mélange formation and underplating is inferred to have occurred around the seismic front or within the seismogenic zone. The change in deformation mechanisms from pressure solution to brittle failure may be the first change in physical properties from plastic to brittle around seismic front.  相似文献   

SHRIMP U–Pb zircon dating of gabbro, anorthosite, trondhjemite and granodiorite from the Jinshajiang ophiolitic mélange of southwestern China provides geochronological constraints on the evolution of Paleo-Tethys. The ophiolitic mélange is exposed for about 130 km along the Jinshajiang River where numerous blocks of serpentinite, ultramafic cumulate, gabbro, sheeted dikes, pillow lavas and radiolarian chert are set in a greenschist matrix. A cumulate gabbro-anorthosite association and an amphibole gabbro have ages of 338 ± 6 Ma, 329 ± 7 Ma and 320 ± 10 Ma, respectively, which constrain the time of formation of oceanic crust. An ophiolitic isotropic gabbro dated at 282–285 Ma has the same age as a trondhjemite vein (285 ± 6 Ma) cutting the gabbro. These ages probably reflect a late phase of sea-floor spreading above an intra-oceanic subduction zone. At the southern end of the Jinshajiang belt, a granitoid batholith (268 ± 6 Ma), a gabbro massif (264 ± 4 Ma), and a granodiorite (adakite) intrusion (263 ± 6 Ma) in the ophiolitic mélange constitute a Permian intra-oceanic plutonic arc complex. A trondhjemite dike intruded serpentinite in the mélange at 238 ± 10 Ma and postdates the arc evolution of the Jinshajiang segment of Paleo-Tethys.  相似文献   

The Mitsuishi ultramafic rock body in Hokkaido, Japan, consists mainly of serpentinized peridotites that originated from a depleted mantle. This study aims to show new evidence of small-scale mélange fabric of serpentinite matrix in the rock body. Each serpentinite block in the serpentine matrix shows large and stable intensities of natural remanent magnetization (NRM). However, the directions of serpentinite blocks' NRM in the matrix are randomly scattered. A Curie temperature (Tc) of 580 °C corresponding to pure magnetite was also observed. Additionally, there is no evidence of heating over 580 °C after serpentinization. The blocks in the matrix must have obtained crystallization remanent magnetization (CRM) during serpentinization. The directions of the blocks' characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) are also scattered. It shows that serpentinite blocks were magnetized prior to uplifting. The results of the study indicate that the magnetic carrier of the serpentinite blocks in the matrix is mainly composed of magnetite, and it can keep original magnetization before uplifting. The results also imply that the scattering directions of NRM indicate the presence of small-scale mélange fabric of serpentinite matrix.  相似文献   

The Aladag region of eastern Taurides, Turkey, is characterized by an imbricated thrust structure developed during late stage emplacement of the Pozanti-Karsanti ophiolite onto the Menderes-Taurus block in the late Cretaceous. The mid to late Cretaceous dynamothermal metamorphic sole and the underlying unmetamorphosed mélange, here named the Aladag accretionary complex, were accreted to the base of the Pozanti-Karsanti ophiolite during intra-oceanic subduction, transport and final obduction of the ophiolite onto the Menderes-Taurus block.In the dynamothermal metamorphic sole, intensity of deformation and degree of metamorphism increase from the base to the top, and at least three episodes of foliation, lineation and fold development are recognized. The asymmetry of quartz c-axis fabrics, tightness and asymmetry of folds of the same generation, and curvature of fold hinge lines increase from base to top, indicating that non-coaxial progressive deformation prevailed during the development of the metamorphic sole. The mélange is divided into three major thrust fault-bounded tectonic slivers, each of which is characterized by distinctive types of matrix and block lithologies, structures and deformation style. Kinematic analyses of the dynamothermal metamorphic sole and the mélange reveal that the tectonic transport direction of the Pozanti-Karsanti ophiolite during its emplacement was from north-northwest to south-southeast, suggesting that the Pozanti-Karsanti ophiolite was derived from a Neo-Tethyan ocean to the north of the Menderes-Taurus block.  相似文献   

New field, geochronological, geochemical and biostratigraphical data indicate that the central and northern parts of the Cordillera Occidental of the Andes of Ecuador comprise two terranes. The older (Pallatanga) terrane consists of an early to late (?) Cretaceous oceanic plateau suite, late Cretaceous marine turbidites derived from an unknown basaltic to andesitic volcanic source, and a tectonic mélange of probable late Cretaceous age. The younger (Macuchi) terrane consists of a volcanosedimentary island arc sequence, derived from a basaltic to andesitic source. A previously unidentified, regionally important dextral shear zone named the Chimbo-Toachi shear zone separates the two terranes. Regional evidence suggests that the Pallatanga terrane was accreted to the continental margin (the already accreted Cordillera Real) in Campanian times, producing a tectonic mélange in the suture zone. The Macuchi terrane was accreted to the Pallatanga terrane along the Chimbo-Toachi shear zone during the late Eocene, probably in a dextral shear regime. The correlation of Cretaceous rocks and accretionary events in the Cordillera Occidental of Ecuador and Colombia remains problematical, but the late Eocene event is recognised along the northern Andean margin.  相似文献   

In the Ladakh–Zanskar area, relicts of both ophiolites and paleo-accretionary prism have been preserved in the Sapi-Shergol mélange zone. The paleo-accretionary prism, related to the northward subduction of the northern Neo-Tethys beneath the Ladakh Asian margin, mainly consists of tectonic intercalations of sedimentary and blueschist facies rocks. Whole rock chemical composition data provide new constraints on the origin of both the ophiolitic and the blueschist facies rocks. The ophiolitic rocks are interpreted as relicts of the south Ladakh intra-oceanic arc that were incorporated in the accretionary prism during imbrication of the arc. The blueschist facies rocks were previously interpreted as oceanic island basalts (OIB), but our new data suggest that the protolith of some of the blueschists is a calc-alkaline igneous rock that formed in an arc environment. These blueschists most likely originated from the south Ladakh intra-oceanic arc. This arc was accreted to the southern margin of Asia during the Late Cretaceous and the buried portion was metamorphosed under blueschist facies conditions. Following oceanic subduction, the external part of the arc was obducted to form the south Ladakh ophiolites or was incorporated into the Sapi-Shergol mélange zone. The incorporation of the south Ladakh arc into the accretionary prism implies that the complete closure of the Neo-Tethys likely occurred by Eocene time.  相似文献   

The Jurassic Bangong Lake ophiolite, NW Tibet, is a key element within the western part of the Bangong–Nujiang suture zone, which marks the boundary between the Lhasa and Qiangtang blocks. It is a tectonic mélange consisting of numerous blocks of peridotite, mafic lavas and dikes. The mantle peridotites include both clinopyroxene-bearing and clinopyroxene-free harzburgites. The Cpx-bearing harzburgite contains Al-rich spinel with low Cr#s (20–25), resembling peridotites formed in mid-ocean ridge settings. On the other hand, the Cpx-free harzburgite is highly depleted with Cr-rich spinel (Cr# = 69–73), typical of peridotites formed in subduction zone environments. Mafic rocks include lavas of N-MORB and E-MORB affinity and boninites. The N-MORB rocks consist of pillow lavas and mafic dikes, whereas the E-MORB rocks are brecciated basalts. The boninites have high SiO2 (53.2–57.9 wt%), MgO (6.5–12.5 wt%), Cr (166–752 ppm) and Ni (63–213 ppm) and low TiO2 (0.22–0.37 wt%) and Y (5.34–8.10 ppm), and are characterized by having U-shaped, chondrite-normalized REE patterns. The N-MORB and E-MORB lavas probably formed by different degrees of partial melting of primitive mantle, whereas the boninites reflect partial melting of depleted peridotite in a suprasubduction zone environment. The geochemistry of the ophiolite suggests that it is a fragment of oceanic lithosphere formed originally at a mid-ocean ridge (MOR) and then trapped above an intraoceanic subduction zone (SSZ), where the mantle peridotites were modified by boninitic melts. The Bangong–Nujiang suture zone is believed to mark the boundary between two blocks within Gondwanaland rather than to separate Gondwanaland from Eurasia.  相似文献   

Structural studies in the Schistes lustrés nappe west of Bastia, Corsica, demonstrate the existence of a tectonic mélange in which km-scale blocks and smaller lozenges of basement granite gneiss, thick-layered marble and dismembered Mesozoic ophiolite are enveloped in a matrix of calc-schist and blueschist. The main (S1) foliation is developed in both block and matrix and is concordant with lithologie contacts. Blueschist facies metamorphism was syn-kinematic with the main foliation.The S1 in the Schistes lustrés was refolded about ENE-WSW trending, tight similar and monoclinal fold axes (F2). These second folds verge to the southeast and show km-scale axial culminations and depressions that are reflected by topography and residual Bouguer gravity anomalies.Parautochthonous Hercynian basement (Tenda-Corte complex) beneath the western edge of the Schistes lustrés nappe contains a mylonitic foliation which is concordant with the main foliation in the Schistes lustrés. The intensity of deformation in the basement decreases away from this contact and undeformed granites are found 3 km to the west.Whole rock samples of the deformed basement immediately beneath the Schistes lustrés yield an Rb-Sr isochron diagram (n = 4) which has an age of 105 ± 8 Ma (1σ) and initial ratio of 0.7228 ± 0.0005 (1σ). This result is more precise than our preliminary age and initial ratio estimate of 98 ± 14 and 0.7296 ± 0.0068, respectively (Cohen et al., 1979). It is similar to a recently published mid-Cretaceous (90 Ma) 40Ar-39Ar age from glaucophane mineral separates. We interpret this date as the age of a metamorphic overprint related to the emplacement of the Schistes lustrés nappe and associated ophiolites, the formation of the main foliation and blueschist facies metamorphism.These results indicate that the mid-Cretaceous blueschist facies metamorphism documented in the Western Alps formerly extended farther south of its present terminus. The data are consistent with mid-Cretaceous obduction of Tethyan oceanic crust onto the present-day eastern continental margin of Corsica. We postulate that during Eocene—early Oligocene time a polarity flip occurred outboard of the obducted crust and a new, southfacing subduction zone developed. This change in polarity was responsible for the development of southeast-vergent second folds and for the resetting of 40Ar−39Ar and K-Ar geochronologic clocks described in the literature.  相似文献   

Xenoliths from the upper mantle and lower crust are abundant in Plio–Pleistocene alkali basalts of the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (NGVF; northern Pannonian Basin, northern Hungary/southern Slovakia), representing a valuable ‘probe’ of lithospheric structures and processes. Ultramafic xenoliths have been divided into two groups: (1) Type-I, composed mostly of olivine with subsidiary orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and spinel, and (2) Type-II, containing mostly Al- and Ti-rich clinopyroxene with subordinate olivine, spinel and plagioclase. Both types often contain amphibole and, to a lesser extent, mica. The refractory character of Type-I xenoliths suggests they represent mantle depleted by prior episodes of partial melting. In contrast, Type-II series (wehrlites, olivine clinopyroxenites, clinopyroxenites and plagioclase-bearing ultramafic lithologies), on the basis of their textural features, thermobarometric histories and major and trace element variation, appear to have formed as magmatic cumulates. Petrologic and geochemical studies of Type-II xenoliths from Nógrád-Gömör suggest they crystallized from basaltic melts emplaced within the lithospheric mantle and lower crust, prior to the onset of Plio–Pleistocene volcanic activity. After their consolidation, metasomatic agents reacted with the anhydrous cumulate phases producing amphiboles and micas at the expense of olivine and clinopyroxene. The metasomatic agents appear to have been adakitic rather than basaltic in composition, possibly linked to a retreating arc–forearc system. Large-scale contamination of the lithospheric mantle can therefore be attributed to fluid and melt fractions related to subduction beneath the outer Carpathian arc.  相似文献   

We present new regional petrologic, geochemical, Sr–Nd isotopic, and U–Pb geochronological data on the Turonian–Campanian mafic igneous rocks of Central Hispaniola that provide important clues on the development of the Caribbean island-arc. Central Hispaniola is made up of three main tectonic blocks—Jicomé, Jarabacoa and Bonao—that include four broad geochemical groups of Late Cretaceous mafic igneous rocks: group I, tholeiitic to calc-alkaline basalts and andesites; group II, low-Ti high-Mg andesites and basalts; group III, tholeiitic basalts and gabbros/dolerites; and group IV, tholeiitic to transitional and alkalic basalts. These igneous rocks show significant differences in time and space, from arc-like to non-arc-like characteristics, suggesting that they were derived from different mantle sources. We interpret these groups as the record of Caribbean arc-rifting and back-arc basin development in the Late Cretaceous. The> 90 Ma group I volcanic rocks and associated cumulate complexes preserved in the Jicomé and Jarabacoa blocks represent the Albian to Cenomanian Caribbean island-arc material. The arc rift stage magmatism in these blocks took place during the deposition of the Restauración Formation from the Turonian–Coniacian transition (~ 90 Ma) to Santonian/Lower Campanian, particularly in its lower part with extrusion at 90–88 Ma of group II low-Ti, high-Mg andesites/basalts. During this time or slightly afterwards adakitic rhyolites erupted in the Jarabacoa block. Group III tholeiitic lavas represent the initiation of Coniacian–Lower Campanian back-arc spreading. In the Bonao block, this stage is represented by back-arc basin-like basalts, gabbros and dolerite/diorite dykes intruded into the Loma Caribe peridotite, as well as the Peralvillo Sur Formation basalts, capped by tuffs, shales and Campanian cherts. This dismembered ophiolitic stratigraphy indicates that the Bonao block is a fragment of an ensimatic back-arc basin. In the Jicomé and Jarabacoa blocks, the mainly Campanian group IV basalts of the Peña Blanca, Siete Cabezas and Pelona–Pico Duarte Formation, represent the subsequent stage of back-arc spreading and off-axis non-arc-like magmatism, caused by migration of the arc toward the northeast. These basalts have geochemical affinities with the mantle domain influenced by the Caribbean plume, suggesting that mantle was flowing toward the NE, beneath the extended Caribbean island-arc, in response to rollback of the subducting proto-Caribbean slab.  相似文献   

The Hamadan area is characterised by various metamorphic rocks where the slates yielded Jurassic fossils. The entire column, representing the Mesozoic from at least the Jurassic to the Mid-Cretaceous, has been affected by tectono-metamorphic events and the emplacement of Late Cretaceous granitic rocks. A timing of these events is based on the 40K–40Ar ages carried mainly on separated amphiboles, biotites and muscovites, and interpreted as the ages of their isotopic closure. Results are ranging between 91 and 70 Ma. To cite this article: A. Baharifar et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).


La région de Hamadan expose des roches métamorphiques dont les termes les moins transformés contiennent des fossiles jurassiques. Au cours du Crétacé supérieur, elle a été affectée par un événement tectono-métamorphique régional et elle a été le siège d'une activité plutonique. Les résultats des datations 40K–40Ar des amphiboles et des micas séparés des roches métamorphiques et plutoniques qui s'étagent entre 91 et 70 Ma montrent l'importance de ces événements et leur étalement au cours du Crétacé supérieur. Pour citer cet article : A. Baharifar et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

The southern contact of the Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone ophiolitic belt is marked by a highly sheared serpentinite mélange containing ultramafic blocks. These peridotites can be divided into three main groups. (1) Lherzolites and Cpx-harzburgites contain brownish spinel with Mg# of 0.7–0.75 and Cr# of 0.15–0.27. They resemble fertile abyssal peridotites with generally smooth LREE-depleted and fairly flat MREE–HREE profiles. (2) Transitional harzburgites contain reddish spinels with Mg# of 0.57–0.66 and Cr# of 0.35–0.46. They resemble depleted abyssal or supra-subduction zone peridotites in that MREE–HREE profiles have positive slopes indicative of high degrees of partial melting. LREE profiles vary from depleted to slightly enriched, consistent with some interacting melt. (3) Harzburgites and dunites contain dark reddish spinels with Mg# of 0.47–0.68 and Cr# of 0.40–0.63. They have U-shaped profiles characteristics of interaction between LREE-enriched melt and REE-depleted mantle residues. Fractional melting modelling indicates that Cpx-harburgites may be the residues from 5 to 15% melting, transitional harzburgites from 15 to 23% melting, and harzburgites and dunites from 22 to 29% melting. The South Sandwich arc-basin system is considered a modern analog of the initial geodynamic setting.  相似文献   

The Bay of Islands Ophiolite was emplaced onto the continental margin of North America during the mid-Ordovician Taconic orogeny, when tectonic slices of continental margin sediments were accreted to the moving allochthon. Tectonic slices grade into and are surrounded by mélange. Early fracture in sandstones formed without grain breakage and allowed penetration of liquid petroleum along fracture planes. Other fractures involved cataclastic flow and were sometimes re-activated during formation of later pressure solution cleavage. Shear-fracture and extension-fracture boudinage affect competent strata; extensional veins cut cement in limestone beds and are filled by shale, quartz, calcite and bitumen. Folds also formed, at a time when siltstone and sandstone were at least partially lithified. Mélange matrix shows abundant shear and extension fractures in a variety of orientations.Coaxial extension responsible for disruption of bedding can be explained by a brittle accretionary wedge model in which high fluid pressures resulted from tectonic dewatering of shales. Surface slope decreased as fluid pressure rose beneath the ophiolite, causing horizontal extension of the wedge. After escape of excess water the surface slope steepened again as renewed stacking occurred.  相似文献   

The first ammonite discovered at the base of the Ghomrassène Member of the Tataouine Formation belongs to a species of Pachyerymnoceras from the Latest Callovian (Solidum Zone) of the Arabian province. The underlying Krechem el Miit Member is also dated Late Callovian, with a fauna of Pachyerymnoceras from the Lower Athleta Zone in Algeria. The associated faunas (echinids, brachiopods) are the same, as well as the faunas of the overlying Ksar Haddada Member, which is dated also Late Callovian, referring to the brachiopods faunal succession in Saudi Arabia. Correlations with other areas in Tunisia, Saudi Arabia and Middle East underline the same sedimentary evolution during a second-order transgressive half-cycle. To cite this article: R. Enay et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 1157–1167.


La première ammonite découverte à la base du membre Ghomrassène de la formation Tataouine est un Pachyerymnoceras de la partie supérieure du Callovien supérieur (Zone à Solidum) de la province arabique. Le membre Krechem el Miit sous-jacent est aussi daté du Callovien supérieur par des Pachyerymnoceras connus dans la partie inférieure de la Zone à Athleta en Algérie. La faune associée (échinides, brachiopodes) est la même que celle du membre Ksar Haddada sus-jacent, daté également du Callovien supérieur par référence à la succession des brachiopodes en Arabie Saoudite. Les corrélations avec les autres régions de Tunisie, l'Arabie Saoudite et le Moyen-Orient mettent en évidence une même évolution sédimentaire au cours d'un demi-cycle transgressif de deuxième ordre. Pour citer cet article : R. Enay et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 1157–1167.  相似文献   

The Huaiyu and Jiuling terranes in the central Jiangnan belt, south China, are separated by the Dongxiang-Shexian shear zone. An Upper Proterozoic ophiolite-bearing mélange is dispersed along the contact. Isotopic ages of mafic and ultramafic rocks within the mélange cluster around 1000 Ma (Sm-Nd method). Glaucophanes from blueschist yield an isotopic age of 866 Ma (K-Ar method), interpreted to date the timing of collision. The mélange and terranes underwent regional metamorphism during the Late Proterozoic. The resulting foliation was later crosscut by a Late Proterzoic sinistral oblique normal shear along the suture zone. Clastic sediments were unconformably deposited over both terranes during the Sinian (latest Proterozoic).  相似文献   

The western cordilleras of the Northern Andes (north of 5°S) are constructed from allochthonous terranes floored by oceanic crust. We present 40Ar/39Ar and fission-track data from the Cordillera Occidental and Amotape Complex of Ecuador that probably constrain the time of terrane collision and post-accretionary tectonism in the western Andes. The data record cooling rates of 80–2 °C/my from temperatures of 540 °C, during 85 to 60 Ma, in a highly tectonised mélange (Pujilí unit) at the continent–ocean suture and in the northern Amotape Complex. The rates were highest during 85–80 Ma and decelerated towards 60 Ma. Cooling was a consequence of exhumation of the continental margin, which probably occurred in response to the accretion of the presently juxtaposing Pallatanga Terrane. The northern Amotape Complex and the Pujilí unit may have formed part of a single, regional scale, tectonic mélange that started to develop at ~85 Ma, part of which currently comprises the basement of the Interandean Depression. Cooling and rotation in the allochthonous, continental, Amotape Complex and along parts of the continent–ocean suture during 43–29 Ma, record the second accretionary phase, during which the Macuchi Island Arc system collided with the Pallatanga Terrane. Distinct periods of regional scale cooling in the Cordillera Occidental at 13 and 9 Ma were synchronous with exhumation in the Cordillera Real and were probably driven by the collision of the Carnegie Ridge with the Ecuador Trench. Finally, late Miocene–Pliocene reactivation of the Chimbo–Toachi Shear Zone was coincident with the formation of the oldest basins in the Interandean Depression and probably formed part of a transcurrent or thrust system that was responsible for the inception and subsequent growth of the valley since 6 Ma.  相似文献   

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