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The possibility that a series of explosions of the galactic nuclei every 5×106 yr can cause a substantial flux of cosmic ray particles at the vicinity of the Earth is investigated. The steady flux of cosmic radiation forces the conclusion that there have been explosions back to 109 yr if this is a dominant source of cosmic rays.  相似文献   

The dependence of the maximum energy cosmic rays can reach via diffusive shock acceleration in AGN jets on flow speeds is discussed. It is shown that in highly inclined termination shocks where the speed of the de Hoffman-Teller frame is crucial, a good independent knowledge of the jet speed is required to properly assess the extent of the cosmic ray spectrum.  相似文献   

The propagation of radioactive nuclei of cosmic rays in a flat diffusion galactic model (sources and the main gaseous mass are concentrated in the galactic disc) is considered. The corresponding results are not reducible to the results of a simple homogeneous model. It is shown that the recent data on the Be10 nuclei abundance in cosmic rays do not contradict the occurrence of a large cosmic ray halo.  相似文献   

The upper main sequence is home to a diverse family of chemically peculiar stars, including λ Boo, Am-Fm, Bp-Ap, HgMn, He-weak, and He-rich varieties. This paper presents an informal review of the physical properties of these objects, including their location in the H-R diagram, frequency of incidence, rotation, binarity, magnetic fields, and variability. Part of the discussion is devoted to describing the bizarre surface compositions encountered in chemically peculiar stars, with an emphasis on insights provided by a generation of ultraviolet observations obtained with theIUE satellite. The paper concludes with an overview of the radiative diffusion mechanism which has been proposed as an explanation of the chemically peculiar phenomenon.  相似文献   

Uryson  A. V. 《Astronomy Letters》2004,30(12):816-823
Astronomy Letters - We computed the energy spectra of the incident (on an air shower array) ultrahigh-energy (E&;gt;4×1019eV) cosmic rays (CRs) that were accelerated in nearby Seyfert...  相似文献   

Relative abundances in the region 74Z83 (W to Bi) are determined for 73 Dra, HR 4072, and some other Ap stars. Abundance peaks occur at atomic massesA=191±2 on 73 Dra, atA=201±3 on HR 4072, atA=199±5 on other main group Ap stars, and atA=201±2 on Mn stars. Pb has a relatively low abundance on Ap stars and also in cosmic rays which have an abundance peak atA=193±3. The abundance peaks on main group Ap stars are due to the cyclicr-process which occurred in explosions of former companion stars. Fission products of transuranic elements are recycled by further rapid neutron captures. At the end of ther-process, the high neutron flux decreases gradually so that the final -decays take place in a neutron-rich environment; superheavy elements (Z110) formed in ther-process may be partly destroyed by neutron-induced fission. The pulsar remnants of the explosions accelerater-process elements to cosmic-ray energies. The peak atA 201 on Mn stars is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the highest-energy cosmic rays might be protons resulting from collapsing cosmic strings in the Universe. We point out that this mechanism, although attractive, has important shortcomings, notably the fact that gamma rays produced along with the protons and those produced by the protons in their interactions with the cosmic background radiation generate cascades in the Universe and result in unacceptably high fluxes of cosmic gamma rays in the region of hundreds of MeV.  相似文献   

We consider the galactic population of gamma-ray pulsars as possible sources of cosmic rays at and just above the “knee” in the observed cosmic ray spectrum at 1015–1016 eV. We suggest that iron nuclei may be accelerated in the outer gaps of pulsars, and then suffer partial photo-disintegration in the non-thermal radiation fields of the outer gaps. As a result, protons, neutrons, and surviving heavier nuclei are injected into the expanding supernova remnant. We compute the spectra of nuclei escaping from supernova remnants into the interstellar medium, taking into account the observed population of radio pulsars.

Our calculations, which include a realistic model for acceleration and propagation of nuclei in pulsar magnetospheres and supernova remnants, predict that heavy nuclei accelerated directly by gamma-ray pulsars could contribute about 20% of the observed cosmic rays in the knee region. Such a contribution of heavy nuclei to the cosmic ray spectrum at the knee can significantly increase the average value of lnA with increasing energy as is suggested by recent observations.  相似文献   

During three balloon flights of a 1 m2 sr ionizationchamber erenkov counter detector system, we have measured the atmospheric attenuation, flux, and charge composition of cosmic-ray nuclei with 16Z30 and rigidity greater than 4.5 GV.The attenuation mean-free-path in air of VH (20Z30) nuclei is found to be 19.7±1.6 g cm–2, a value somewhat greater than the best previous measurement. The attenuation mean-free-path of iron is found to be 15.6±2.2 g cm–2, consistent with predictions of geometric cross-section formulae.We measure an absolute flux of VH nuclei 10 to 20% higher than earlier experiments at similar geomagnetic cutoff and level of solar activity. The relative abundances of evencharged nuclei are found to be in good agreement with results of other recent high-resolution counter experiments.We calculate that our observed cosmic ray chemical composition implies relative abundances at the cosmic-ray source of Ca/Fe=0.12±0.04 and S/Fe=0.14±0.05. The results are consistent with all other elements of charge between 16 and 26 being absent at the source and being produced by cosmic-ray fragmentation in interstellar hydrogen. The results show the ratios A/Fe and S/Fe to be significantly lower in the cosmic-ray source than in the solar system.  相似文献   

The case is made for most cosmic rays having come from galactic sources. ‘Structure’, i.e. a lack of smoothness in the energy spectrum, is apparent, strengthening the view that most cosmic rays come from discrete sources, supernova remnants being most likely.  相似文献   

Our observations with the 6-m telescope revealed six new magnetic chemically peculiar (CP) stars among objects with large depressions in the continuum: HDE 293764, BD+17°3622, HD 169887, HDE 231054, HDE 338226, and HDE 343872. The presence of a magnetic field is suspected in several other CP stars. The maximum longitudinal field component B e exceeds 1.5 kG for all six stars; in HDE 293764 and HDE 343872, it reaches 3.8 kG. For each object, we present our magnetic-field measurements and published data on previous studies. The method of searching for magnetic stars based on an analysis of spectrophotometry shows its efficiency.  相似文献   

Abundances of primary cosmic-ray nuclei from neon to iron, in the energy interval 200 to 650 MeV n–1, have been determined using a balloon exposed cellulose nitrate plastic detector. These abundances have been extrapolated back to the source regions using various models of cosmic ray interstellar propagation. Some aspects of cosmic-ray propagation and origin have been discussed in the light of results of the present experiment.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that extrasolar Earth-like planets in close-in habitable zones around M-stars are weakly protected against galactic cosmic rays (GCRs), leading to a strongly increased particle flux to the top of the planetary atmosphere. Two main effects were held responsible for the weak shielding of such an exoplanet: (a) For a close-in planet, the planetary magnetic moment is strongly reduced by tidal locking. Therefore, such a close-in extrasolar planet is not protected by an extended magnetosphere. (b) The small orbital distance of the planet exposes it to a much denser stellar wind than that prevailing at larger orbital distances. This dense stellar wind leads to additional compression of the magnetosphere, which can further reduce the shielding efficiency against GCRs. In this work, we analyse and compare the effect of (a) and (b), showing that the stellar wind variation with orbital distance has little influence on the cosmic ray shielding. Instead, the weak shielding of M star planets can be attributed to their small magnetic moment. We further analyse how the planetary mass and composition influence the planetary magnetic moment, and thus modify the cosmic ray shielding efficiency. We show that more massive planets are not necessarily better protected against galactic cosmic rays, but that the planetary bulk composition can play an important role.  相似文献   

On the theory that peculiar A stars were once secondaries in binary systems in which the primaries exploded as type II supernovae, the nucleosynthesis during the final stages of evolution of massive stars is investigated. For heavy elements (Z>30) the observed abundances in peculiar. A stars reflect the composition of material ejected by the exploding primaries. Peculiar A stars are divided into two groups, the main group and the Mn group, and abundances in each group are summarised. During the explosions of the primaries, rapid (n, ) or (, n) reactions operate on the abundance peaks previously formed by the s-process during the giant phase. In the main group primaries (n, ) reactions predominate, and rare-earths are formed from the Ba peak. In the Mn group primaries (, n) reactions operate on the Sr, Ba and Pb peaks to form Kr, Xe and Hg.  相似文献   

Light-element abundances are compiled for six peculiar A stars (3 CenA, 2 CVn, HR 1732,v For, Cnc, and 112 Her) with Heilines very weak for their colours. The abundances are interpreted on the theory that peculiar A stars were once secondaries in binary systems in which the primaries exploded as type II supernovae. During the explosions of the primaries, protons were accelerated to high energies (>20 MeV) in shock waves at the secondaries, and spallation of He, C, N, and O occurred. This was followed by the arrival of heavier elements from the primaries. Abundances on 2 CVn, HR 1732, andv For were subsequently modified by surface nuclear reactions involving protons and -particles accelerated to lower energies (10 MeV), probably by magnetic fields. Successive (, ) reactions formed Si28 from Ne20, and (p, ) reactions acting on A40 and Ca40 may have contributed to the excesses of Cl observed on 2 CVn and HR 1732. These proposals have interesting implications with regard to the relative abundances of the iron-peak elements found on peculiar A stars and in the Solar System.  相似文献   

Abstract— Gamma rays from radioactive byproducts of cosmic nucleosynthesis are direct messengers from nuclear processes taking place in various cosmic sites, and can be measured with telescopes operated in space. Due to low detector sensitivity, up until now, only a handful of sources have been detected in that electromagnetic window. Cobalt lines from SN1987A and 44Ti lines from the Cassiopeia A (Cas A) supernova remnant offer unique constraints on the properties of the innermost regions of core collapse supernovae. Diffuse gamma‐ray lines from the decay of radioactive 26Al and the annihilation of positrons are bright enough for mapping the Milky Way in the MeV regime, and are both measured by recent spaceborne spectrometers with unprecedented precision. This constrains the sources of Al production and the state of interstellar gas in the vicinity of these sites: the total mass of 26Al produced by stellar sources throughout the Galaxy is estimated to be ~3 M per Myr, and the interstellar medium near those sources appears to be characterized by velocities of ~100 km s?1. Positron annihilation must occur in a modestly ionized, warm phase of the interstellar medium, but at present the major positron production site(s) remain unknown. The spatial distribution of the annihilation gamma‐ray emission constrains positron production sites and positron propagation in the Galaxy. 60Fe radioactivity has been clearly detected recently; the flux ratio relative to 26Al of about 15% is on the lower side of predictions from massive star and supernova nucleosynthesis models. Those views at nuclear and astrophysical processes in and around cosmic sources by space‐based gamma‐ray telescopes offer invaluable information on cosmic nucleosynthesis.  相似文献   

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