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The aerodynamic classification of the resistance laws above solid surfaces is based on the use of a so-called Reynolds roughness number Re s =h s u */, whereh s is the effective roughness height, -viscosity,u *-friction velocity. The recent experimental studies reported by Toba and Ebuchi (1991), demonstrated that the observed variability of the sea roughness cannot be explained only on the basis of the classification of aerodynamic conditions of the sea surface proposed by Kitaigorodskii and Volkov (1965) and Kitaigorodskii (1968) even though the latter approach gains some support from recent experimental studies (see for example Geernaertet al. 1986). In this paper, an attempt is made to explain some of the recently observed features of the variability of surface roughness (Toba and Ebuchi, 1991; Donelanet al., 1993). The fluctuating regime of the sea surface roughness is also described. It is shown that the contribution from the dissipation subrange to the variability of the sea surface can be very important and by itself can explain Charnock's (1955) regime.  相似文献   

A theory is offered for the drag and heat transfer relations in the statistically steady, horizontally homogeneous, diabatic, barotropic planetary boundary layer. The boundary layer is divided into three regionsR 1,R 2, andR 3, in which the heights are of the order of magnitude ofz 0,L, andh, respectively, wherez 0 is the roughness length for either momentum or temperature,L is the Obukhov length, andh is the height of the planetary boundary layer. A matching procedure is used in the overlap zones of regionsR 1 andR 2 and of regionsR 2 andR 3, assuming thatz 0 L h. The analysis yields the three similarity functionsA(),B(), andC() of the stability parameter, = u */fL, where is von Kármán's constant,u * is the friction velocity at the ground andf is the Coriolis parameter. The results are in agreement with those previously found by Zilitinkevich (1975) for the unstable case, and differ from his results only by the addition of a universal constant for the stable case. Some recent data from atmospheric measurements lend support to the theory and permit the approximate evaluation of universal constants.  相似文献   

A numerical model of airflow above changes in surface roughness and thermal conditions is extended to include cases with stable thermal stratification within the internal boundary-layer. The model uses a mixing-length approach with empirical forms for M and H.Results are presented for some basic cases and an attempt is then made to compare results given by the model with the experimental results of Rider, Philip and Bradley. Tolerable agreement is achieved. The importance of roughness change and thermal stability effects in the diffusion of heat and moisture near a leading edge is emphasised.Notation A Refers to Taylor (1970) - B Businger-Dyer constant (= 16.0) in forms for M and H - C Constant in form for in stable case - c p Specific heat at constant pressure - E Scaled absolute humidity - g Acceleration due to gravity - H Upward vertical heat flux - H 0, H 1 Surface heat fluxes for x <0, x0 - H E Upward latent heat flux - k Von Kármán's constant (= 0.4) - K H K W Eddy transfer coefficients for heat and water vapour - L Monin-Obukhov length - L H Latent heat of evaporation for water - m Ratio of roughness lengths ( = z 1/z 0) - RPB Refers to Rider et al. (1964) - RL* Non-dimensional parameter (see Equations (9), (20a), (22a), (24a)) - R* Net radiation less ground heat flux (see Equations (15), (16)) - T Scaled temperature - T 1 Downstream scaled surface temperature - u 0 u 1(x) Surface friction velocities for x <0, x0 - U, W Horizontal and vertical mean velocities - x, z Horizontal and vertical co-ordinates - Z i Local roughness length - z 0, z i Roughness lengths for x < 0, x 0 - Temperature - 0, 1 Surface temperatures for x<0, x0 - E Non-dimensional absolute humidity gradient - H Non-dimensional temperature gradient of heat flux - M Non-dimensional wind shear - = M = H = E an assumption used in stable conditions - Air density - Absolute humidity - w Density of water - Kinematic shear stress - Logarithmic height scale (= ln(z+z 1)/z 1)  相似文献   

Summary The relative strength of the stabilizing effect of buoyancy and the destabilizing effect of velocity shear in a stratified shear flow, such as a stable atmospheric boundary layer, is measured by the gradient Richardson number, Rig. The boundary layer static stability, as described by the buoyancy frequency, N, can be calculated from the virtual potential temperature gradient derived from RASS temperature profiles. The mean wind profiles from a sodar can be used to calculate the mean vertical velocity shear. In combination these profilers are potentially a powerful tool for the remotely sensing the dynamic stability of the boundary layer. However, experience shows that the combinations of two experimentally derived quantities, like N and shear, may give highly variable results. On the other hand, a simple sensitivity analysis shows that reasonable estimates of Rig are achievable over a range of conditions in the stable nocturnal boundary layer. To test this conclusion, high spatial and temporal resolution temperature and velocity soundings were obtained above 50m in the stable nocturnal boundary layer using a 920MHz continuous wave Radio Acoustic Sounding System (RASS) and 1.875kHz and 5.00kHz Doppler sodars. Examples of the evolution of Rig are presented from 24 hours of observations of the boundary layer in Canberra, on the tablelands in south- eastern Australia. Most of the boundary layer had Rig between 0.1 and 1. Thus, it was marginally dynamically stable, even with the gradient Richardson number calculated from finite differences over a vertical interval of 68m. A comparison of the results from the two sodars showed that the velocity shear increased significantly when the vertical differencing interval was decreased from 68m to 20m.  相似文献   

A review of flux-profile relationships   总被引:33,自引:5,他引:33  
Flux-profile relationships in the constant flux layer are reviewed. The preferred relationships are found to be those of Dyer and Hicks (1970), namely, H = W =(1–16(z/L))–1/2, M =(1–16(z/L))–1/4 for the unstable region, and H = W = M = 1+5(z/L) for the stable region.The carefully determined results of Businger et al. (1971) remain a difficulty which calls for considerable clarification.  相似文献   

The second of two experimental studies of the TKE budget conducted on sites of different roughness is described, and results are compared. The first took place within a shallow layer above a small field of mostly bare, cultivated soil; the second was carried out above a roughness sublayer of significant depth on an extensive plain of tall dry grass. Budget terms observed in the second study were scaled with a modified u which compensated for effects of an unusually large stress gradient and ensured that the m functions would be collinear. By showing that the modification becomes negligible in smaller gradients, it is demonstrated that in normal conditions, budgets observed above significant roughness sublayers should be normalized by scaling in terms of the unreduced Reynolds stress at the sublayer's upper surface. This procedure is shown to be consistent with the expectation that TKE budgets in layers near the surface all scale in fundamentally the same way.Other findings include: (1) the fact that most m functions previously reported are not quite collinear is attributed to a type of overspeeding known to affect three-cup anemometers; (2) revised m functions, collinear and largely free of the effects of overspeeding, are determined from a well-established characteristic of the linear m relation for the stable case; (3) data that define collinear m functions can also be represented with single hyperbolic curves; (4) dissipation is found to be 10 to 15% too small to balance total TKE production in unstable and neutral conditions and to decrease with increasing z/L in thestable regime; and (5) new relations for based on the observed behaviour of the dissipation deficit provide an improved closure for the set of equations that express the budget terms as functions of m and z/L.  相似文献   

The influence of an internal boundary layer and a roughness sublayer on flux–profile relationships for momentum and sensible heat have been investigated for a closed beech forest canopy with limited fetch conditions. The influence was quantified by derivation of local scaling functions for sensible heat flux and momentum (h and m) and analysed as a function of atmospheric stability and fetch. For heat, the influences of the roughness sublayer and the internal boundary layer were in agreement with previous studies. For momentum, the strong vertical gradient of the flow just above the canopy top for some wind sectors led to an increase in m, a feature that has not previously been observed. For a fetch of 500 m over the beech forest during neutral atmospheric conditions, there is no height range at the site where profiles can be expected to be logarithmic with respect to the local surface. The different influence of the roughness sublayer on h and m is reflected in the aerodynamic resistance for the site. The aerodynamic resistance for sensible heat is considerably smaller than the corresponding value for momentum.  相似文献   

It is well known that if turbulent mass convection is modelled as diffusion, errors result unless trajectories from the source (ath) to the point of observation (z p ) comprise many statistically-independent segments (Taylor, 1921). We show that this is not guaranteed merely by the Lagrangian timescale () at the source being small (e.g., source at ground), but that a better criterion istmax[(h), (z p )], wheret is a typical travel time toz p .  相似文献   

It is shown that the observationally determined roughness relation z 0 = u * 2/g in which g is the acceleration of gravity, u *, is the friction velocity in air, and = 0.0185 (Wu, 1982) for the wind profile over the sea surface relative to the surface current, is consistent with the existence of a Richardson Number criterion at the air-sea interface in which the critical Richardson Number, Ric = 1, such that all the shear energy is converted into potential energy.  相似文献   

Past work on analyzing ground-source diffusion data in terms of surface-layer similarity theory is reviewed; these analyses assume that z /L orh/L is a function of u * x/L (where h = Q/ dy). It is argued that an alternative scaling, h */L versus x/L, is nearly as universal in that it is very weakly influenced by surface roughness, except for a modest influence in the free convective case (h * = Q/u * dy); the advantage of this scaling is that it eliminates the need to reassess as vertical diffusion progresses. The Prairie Grass data set is adjusted for the difference in source and sampling heights, and is plotted with this scaling. Simple analytic equations are suggested that fit the resultant data plots for stable and unstable conditions, and suggestions are made towards practical application of these results.On assignment from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce.  相似文献   

Several formulations and proposals to determine the value of the radiometric scalar roughness for sensible heatz 0h,r are tested with respect to their performance in the estimation of the sensible heat flux by means of the profile equations derived from Monin-Obukhov similarity theory. The equations are applied to the data set of spatially averaged surface skin temperature and profiles of wind speed and temperature observed in a pasture field during a growing season. The use of a physical model developed for a dense canopy to estimate scalar roughness for sensible heatz 0h,r produced sensible heat fluxH with a correlation coefficientr=0.884, the ratio of means being H s /H=1.19 in a comparison with reference values ofH s . In comparison, a proposal for a fixed value ofz 0h yieldedr=0.887, H s /H=0.879. In both cases, the validity ofz 0h =z 0h,r was assumed. All expressions derived to estimatez 0h,r from a multiple linear regression with such predictors as leaf area index, solar radiation and the ratio of solar radiation to extraterrestrial radiation, were found to produce a better result, withr better than 0.90 and H s /H around 1.0. However, when the constantsc andf of a linear regression equationHs=cH+f are used to evaluate the equations, a marked difference in performance of each formulation appeared. In general, equations with smaller numbers of predictors tend to produce a biased result, i.e., an overestimation ofH at largeH s . These values ofH are used in conjunction with the energy balance equation to derive values of the latent heat fluxLE, which are shown to be in good agreement with the reference valuesLE s , withr greater than 0.97.  相似文献   

On the determination of the height of the Ekman boundary layer   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The heighth of the Ekman turbulent boundary layer determined by the momentum flux profile is estimated with the aid of considerations of similarity and an analysis of the dynamic equations. Asymptotic formulae have been obtained showing that, with increasing instability,h increases as ¦¦1/2 (where is the non-dimensional stratification parameter); with increasing stability, on the other hand,h decreases as –1/2. For comparison, a simple estimate of the boundary-layer heighth u determined by the velocity profile is given. As is shown, in unstable stratification,h u behaves asymptotically as ¦¦–1, i.e., in a manner entirely different from that ofh .  相似文献   

Functional forms of the universal similarity functions A, B (for wind components parallel and normal to the surface stress), and C (for potential temperature difference) are determined based on the generalized theory of the resistance laws for the Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL). The similarity-profile functions for the surface layer are matched with the velocity and temperature-defect profiles that are assumed to have shapes modified by certain powers of nondimensional height z/h, where h is the PBL height. The powers of the outer-layer profile functions are determined, so that the functions become negligible in the surface layer. To close the temperature defect law, an assumption that the temperature gradient across the top of the PBL is continuous with the stratification of the overlying atmosphere is used. The result of this assumption is that nondimensional momentum and temperature profiles in the PBL can be described in terms of four basic ratios: (1) roughness ratio = /h (2) scale-height ratio =|f|h/u*, (3) ambient stratification parameter =h/*, and (4) stability parameter =h/L, where L is the Monin-Obukhov length, z0 is the surface roughness, is the upper-air stratification, u * is the friction velocity, and * is the temperature scale at the surface. For stable conditions, the scale-height ratio can be related to the atmospheric stability and the upperair stratification, and the generalized similarity and Rossby number similarity theories become identical. Under appropriate boundary conditions, function A is explicitly dependent on the stability parameter , while B is a function of scale-height ratio , which in turn depends on the stability. Function C is shown to be dependent on the stability and the upper-air stratification, due to the closure assumption used for the temperature profile.The suggested functional forms are compared with other empirical approximations by several authors. The general framework used to determine the functional forms needs to be tested against good boundary-layer measurements.  相似文献   

Stability correction functions which combine the exponent of z/L, and a linear term in z/L, are proposed for the unstable case. The functions provide a reasonably close fit to the m and h results of Dyer and Hicks (1970) for 0 < –z/L 1, but they cannot be extended to cases of strong instability. Attractive features are the ability to integrate the expressions directly in terms of z/L, and a particularly close fit of the integrated result to experimentally derived m values.  相似文献   

A Field Study of the Mean Pressure About a Windbreak   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To provide additional field data for assessingwindbreak flow models, mean ground-level pressurehas been measured upstream and downstream from along porous fence (height H = 1.25 m, resistancecoefficient k r = 2.4). Measurements were madeduring periods of near-neutral stability and near-normallyincident flow, with the fence standing on bare soil(roughness length, z 0 0.8 cm;H/z 0 160), or within a plant canopy. The mean pressure field,measured far from the ends of the fence, was foundto be quite insensitive to mean wind direction( , zero for perpendicular flow), for| | less than about 25°.In the absence of a canopy, during each measurementperiod the minimum pressure occurred at the closestsampling location to leeward of the windbreak, thepressure-gradient in most cases beingmaximally-adverse in the immediate lee, and decayingwith increasing downwind distance (x). On one day ofmeasurements, however, the pressure gradient over2 x/H 6 (H = windbreak height) resembled theleeward plateau identified by Wang and Taklein their numerical studies. Perhaps thisoccasional feature was only due to instrumenterror. Nevertheless a plateau of sorts wasindicated in similar measurements by Judd andPrendergast (with H = 1.92 m, z 0 1.2 cm;H/z 0 160, k r 3). Therefore,existence of a leeward pressure plateau behind athin fence cannot be definitely ruled out.When the windbreak was placed in a canopy, minimumsurface pressure was displaced downwind. Thisagrees with the wind-tunnel study of Judd, Raupach and Finnigan,and is consistent with a simple simulation reported here.  相似文献   

Previous results of non-dimensional wind and temperature profiles as functions of ( = z/L) show systematic deviations between different experiments. These discrepancies are generally believed not to reflect real differences but rather instrumental shortcomings. In particular, it is clear that flow distortion has not been adequately treated in most previous experiments. In the present paper, results are presented from a surface-layer field experiment where great care was taken to remove any effects from this kind of error and also to minimize other measuring errors. Data from about 90 30-min runs with turbulence measurements at three levels (3, 6, and 14 m) and simultaneous profile data have been analysed to yield information on flux-gradient relationships for wind and temperature.The flux measurements themselves show that the fluxes of momentum and sensible heat are constant within ± 7% on average for the entire 14 m layer in daytime conditions and when the stratification is slightly stable. For more stable conditions, the flux starts to decrease systematically somewhere in the layer 6 to 14 m. From a large body of data for near-neutral conditions (¦¦ 0.1), values are derived for von Kármán's constant: 0.40 ± 0.01 and for h at neutrally, 0.95 ± 0.04. The range of uncertainty indicated here is meant to include statistical uncertainty as well as the effect of possible systematic errors.Data for m and h for an extended stability range (1 > > – 3) are presented. Several formulas for m and h appearing in the literature have been used in a comparative study. But first all the formulas have been modified in accordance with the following assumptions: = 0.40 and ( h ) = 0 = 0.95; deviations from this result in the various studies are due to incomplete correction for flow distortion. After new corrections are introduced, the various formulas were compared with the present measurements and with each other. It is found that after this modification, the most generally used formulas for m and h for unstable conditions, i.e., those of Businger et al. (1971) and Dyer (1974) agree with each other to within ± 10% and with the present data. For stable conditions, the various formulas still disagree to some extent. The conclusion in relation to the present data is not as clear as for the unstable runs, because of increased scatter. It is, however, found that the modified curve of Businger et al. (1971) for h fits the data well, whereas for m , Dyer's (1974) curve appears to give slightly better agreement.  相似文献   

Source/sink distributions of heat, water vapour andCO2 within a rice canopy were inferred using aninverse Lagrangian dispersion analysis and measuredmean profiles of temperature, specific humidity andCO2 mixing ratio. Monin–Obukhov similarity theorywas used to account for the effects of atmosphericstability on w(z), the standard deviation ofvertical velocity and L(z), the Lagrangian timescale of the turbulence. Classical surface layer scaling was applied in the inertial sublayer (z > zruf)using the similarity parameter = (z - d)/L, where z is height above ground, d is the zero plane displacementheight for momentum, L is the Obukhov length,and zruf 2.3hc, where hc iscanopy height. A single length scale hc, was usedfor the stability parameter 3 = hc/L in the height range 0.25 < z/hc < 2.5. This choice is justified by mixing layer theory, which shows that within the roughness sublayer there is one dominant turbulence length scaledetermined by the degree of inflection in the windprofile at the canopy top. In the absence of theoretical or experimental evidence for guidance,standard Monin–Obukhov similarity functions, with = hc/L, were used to calculate the stabilitydependence of w(z) and L(z) in the roughness sublayer. For z/hc < 0.25 the turbulence length and time scales are influenced by the presence of the lowersurface, and stability effects are minimal. With theseassumptions there was excellent agreement between eddycovariance flux measurements and deductions from theinverse Lagrangian analysis. Stability correctionswere particularly necessary for night time fluxes whenthe atmosphere was stably stratified.The inverse Lagrangian analysis provides a useful toolfor testing and refining multilayer canopy models usedto predict radiation absorption, energy partitioningand CO2 exchanges within the canopy and at thesoil surface. Comparison of model predictions withsource strengths deduced from the inverse analysisgave good results. Observed discrepancies may be dueto incorrect specification of the turbulent timescales and vertical velocity fluctuations close to theground. Further investigation of turbulencecharacteristics within plant canopies is required toresolve these issues.  相似文献   

Plume dispersion in the convective boundary layer (CBL) is investigated experimentally in a laboratory convection tank. The focusis on highly-buoyant plumes that loft near or become trapped in the CBL capping inversion and resistdownward mixing. Such plumes are defined by dimensionless buoyancy fluxes F* 0.1, where F* = Fb/(U w* 2 zi), Fb is the stack buoyancy flux,U is the mean wind speed, w* is the convective velocity scale, and zi is the CBL depth. The aim is to obtain statistically-reliable mean (C) and root-mean-square (rms, c) concentration fields as a function of F* and the dimensionless distance X = w*x/(U zi), where x is the distance downstream of the source.The experiments reveal the following mainresults: (1) For 3 X 4and F* 0.1, the crosswind-integrated concentration (CWIC) fields exhibit distinctly uniform profiles below zi with a CWIC maximum aloft, in contrast to the nonuniform profiles obtained earlier by Willis and Deardorff. (2) The lateral dispersion (y) variation with X is consistent with Taylor's theory for * 0.1 and a buoyancy-enhanced dispersion, y/zi F* 1/3X2/3, forF* = 0.2 and 0.4. (3) The entrapment, the plume fraction above zi, has a mean (E) that follows a systematic variationwith X and F*, and a variability (e/E) that is broad ( 0.3 to 2) near the source but subsides to 0.25 far downstream. (4) Vertical profiles of the concentration fluctuation intensity (c/C) are uniform for z < zi and X > 1.5, but exhibit significant increases: (a) at the surface and close to the source (X 1.5), and(b) in the entrainment zone. (5) The cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) of the scaled concentration fluctuations (c/c) separate into mixed-layer and entrainment-layer CDFs for X 2, with the mixed-layer group collapsing to a single distribution independent of z.These are the first experiments to obtain all components of the lateral and vertical dispersion parameters (rms meander, relative dispersion, total dispersion) for continuous buoyant releases in a convection tank. They also are the first tank experiments to demonstrate agreement with field observations of: (1) the scaled ground-level concentration along the plume centreline, and (2) the dimensionless lateral dispersion _y/z_i of buoyant plumes.  相似文献   

Turbulence and mean flow variables under unstable conditions are examined with special emphasis on the consequences of roughness and surface elevation change. An interpolation formula for w 2, between neutral and free convection, is shown to bring order to the data. The spectral distribution of vertical wind variance is found to be in good agreement with results over horizontal homogeneous terrain, both with respect to form and position. In particular, the length scale m corresponding to the maximum of nS w(n) is unchanged. Another turbulent length scale, (k/)z, is found to be substantially reduced in the disturbed zone of the internal boundary layer. To a first approximation, the flow-acceleration effect on the non-dimensional wind shear can be separated from the diabatic effect.  相似文献   

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