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Five transects across the NW Iberian margin were studied in the framework of the EU-funded Ocean Margin EXchange II (OMEX II) project, to determine and establish recent sediment and organic carbon transport and accumulation processes and fluxes.On the Galician shelf and shelf edge, resuspension of sediments resulting in well-developed bottom nepheloid layers was observed at all stations, but transport of suspended sediment appears largely confined to the shelf. On the continental slope, only very dilute bottom nepheloid layers were present, and intermediate nepheloid layers were only occasionally seen. This suggests that cross-slope transfer of particles is limited by the prevailing northerly directed shelf and slope currents.Optical backscatter and ADCP current measurements by the BOBO lander, deployed at 2152 m depth on the Galician slope, indicated that particles in the bottom boundary layer were kept in suspension by tidal currents with highest speeds between 15–25 cm s−1. Net currents during the recording period August 6th–September 10th 1998, were initially directed along-slope toward the NNW, but later turned off-slope toward the SW.The separation of the water masses on the slope from the sediment-laden shelf water by the along-slope current regime is reflected in the recent sedimentary deposits of the Galician shelf and slope. Apart from compositional differences, shelf deposits differ from those on the slope by their higher flux of excess 210Pb (0.57–5.37 dpm cm−2y−1 versus 0.11–3.00 dpm cm−2y−1), a much higher sediment accumulation rate (315.6–2295.9 g m−2y−1 versus 10.9–124.7 g m−2y−1) and organic carbon burial rate (1.01–34.30 g m−2y−1 versus 0.01–0.69 g m−2y−1).In contrast to the observations on the Galician margin, pronounced nepheloid layers occurred in the Nazaré Canyon, which extended to considerably greater water depths. This indicates that significantly greater transport of fine-grained particles in both the INL and the BNL was occurring within the canyon, as reflected in the exceptionally high 210Pb excess flux (up to 34.09 dpm cm−2y−1), mass accumulation rates (maximum 9623.1 g m−2y−1) and carbon burial fluxes (up to 180.91 g m−2y−1) in the sediment. However, radioisotope fluxes in the lower canyon were only slightly higher than at comparable depths on the Galician margin. This suggests that transport and rapid accumulation is focused on the upper and middle part of the canyon, from where it is episodically released to the deep sea. Compared to the Galician margin, the Nazaré Canyon may be considered as an important organic carbon depocenter on short time-scales, and a major conduit for particulate matter transport to the deep sea on >100 y time-scales.  相似文献   

A simple technique for studying near-bed hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics is presented. The method combines the use of (1) a benthic tripod hosting a series of electromagnetic current meters, and (2) a newly developed near-bed multi-level water-sediment mixture sampler. The instrument package was deployed successfully at a shallow water station in the eastern English Channel. The currents at elevation 0.9 m above the bottom were asymmetrical, the flood current peak being slightly stronger than the ebb current peak. At elevation 0.3 m above the bottom, the ebb/flood current peak asymmetry vanished. The observed SSCs (suspended sediment concentrations) were tidally modulated, with a contrasting vertical distribution over the ebb and flood phases of the tidal current: the profile was uniform in the ebb phase whereas a stratification appeared in the flood phase. The depth dependence and time evolution of the SSCs are attributable to a combination of local resuspension and advection-dispersion of remotely suspended fine sediment by ebb currents. Suspended sediment fluxes were uniform during the ebb phase and increased with elevation above the bottom during the flood phase.  相似文献   

近底层悬沙时空变化对于理解河口冲淤变化有着至关重要的作用。然而,长期以来河口近底层水体悬沙浓度的连续变化大都是基于单点观测数据或水样处理获取。基于此,本研究利用光学仪器边界层悬浮物剖面测量仪(Argus Surface Meter IV,ASM-IV)获得长江口南槽近底层进行连续10 d的实测数据,探讨ASM-IV仪器监测悬沙浓度精度的有效性。结果表明:(1)传统仪器布设方法所获取的数据,相对误差高于基于ASM-IV所测误差,在大、中及小潮期间的平均误差值分别为24.15%、17.31%和16.18%;越靠近底部河床,相对误差从距底52 cm向下随距底距离的减小而逐渐增大;(2)对于近底层单宽悬沙通量测量结果而言,传统测量仪器布设方法所测量数值一般偏小;(3)大潮时期近底层1 m内的水体悬沙分布均匀,分层不明显;在中、小潮时期,与近底层1 m内平均悬沙浓度相差最大的点皆位于距底20~50 cm附近。因而,近底层悬沙浓度测量时间在大潮时期或越靠近底层,利用ASM-IV监测近底层悬沙浓度值更为准确。中、小潮时期利用单点或采集水样测量时,选取0.8H层水体悬沙浓度代替近底层悬沙浓度较最底部水体悬沙浓度更为准确。  相似文献   

《Coastal Engineering》2002,45(2):75-87
In the past few years, two-phase models have been developed to describe the detail behaviour of fluid/sediment interactions and transport under the sheet flow conditions. Due to the complexity of the governing equations and uncertainties in the formulations of various stress terms, few complete solutions of these equations are known and the validations are thus far limited to only a few experimental data. In this paper, the numerical predictions of the behaviour of sheet flows using an improved version of an earlier two-phase flow model [Coastal Eng. 36(2) (1999) 87] are described. Although the general structure of the model was retained, a number of improvements had been made to give better account the underlying physics of the flow in areas very close to the stationary bed. All key flow parameters have been predicted and analysed in order to gain insight into the processes. Calculated time-dependent as well as time-averaged concentrations are compared with experimental data from purely oscillatory flows and oscillatory flow plus a current. Good qualitative agreements between predictions and measurements were achieved for the time-dependent concentrations while the time-averaged concentrations are quantitatively accurate as well.  相似文献   

Seabed distributions of 234Th excess (Thxs) were determined in the upper centimetres of 38 sediment cores from the north-western Iberian Margin, sampled from 41–44°N and from 9–12°E during five OMEX II cruises. Three main areas, a northern, and at 42°38 and 42°N, were investigated during representative seasons (winter, spring and summer). Low 234Thxs activities in summer 1998 (18–252 Bq per kg) were similar to those measured in summer 1997. In winter 234Th also showed moderate excess. The highest values were observed in spring with surface 234Thxs values up to 402 Bq kg−1. Maximum penetration depths of 234Thxs ranged from a few mm to 3 cm. 234Thxs activities always showed a smooth decrease with depth, without any evidence of non-local mixing. Thus particle mixing on a short time scale can be described as an eddy diffusive process, and bioturbation rates, calculated on this basis, range from 0.02 to 3.07 cm2 per year. Data (activities, inventories, bioturbation rates) are discussed in order to relate the observed surface and down-core variations to spatial and seasonal trends. Using 234Thxs data in sediment as a substitute for sediment trap estimates, particle fluxes were calculated from 234Thxs inventories. The range of 234Th-derived particle fluxes for the north-western Iberian Margin is 16–1418 mg.m−2.d−1. Mean values indicate a gradual decrease of mass fluxes from the shelf to the open ocean. On a 100-day scale, the northern area (43–44°N) represents a low sedimentation regime. Further south, around 42°–43°N, particle inputs are more important. On the middle slope, around 1000 to 2000 m depth, high inventories and bioturbation rates indicate enhanced, and probably organic-rich, particle fluxes to the seafloor, particularly in spring.  相似文献   

Meiofauna and macrofauna communities and several sediment characteristics were compared between a slope situated far from the coast (Goban Spur) and two transects across the Iberian Margin with steep slopes and close to the shore. The northern Galician transect (off La Coruña) was situated in an area subjected to wind-induced upwelling events. The western Galician transect was also subjected to upwelling, was additionally influenced by outflows of water rich in organic matter from the Rías Bajas. This transect also included the Galicia Bank. Macrofauna density decreased exponentially from the shelf edge (154 m) to the abyssal plain (4951 m) and different communities occurred on the shelf, the upper- and lower slope and on the abyssal plain. Apart from two extremely low-density stations on the Iberian Margin, there were no significant differences in the meiofauna between the Goban Spur and the Iberian Margin. Along the La Coruña-transect a station where meiofaunal densities were low occurred at a depth of 1522 m, where the sediment was characterised by having a high median-grain size, ripple structures, a low Corg and total N content. There were relatively high numbers of macrofaunal filter-feeders but low numbers of crustaceans, indicating a high current velocity regime. On top of the Galicia Bank (˜770 m) the sediment consisted mainly of shells of pelagic foraminifers, and had low contents of Corg and N. The macrofauna was dominated by filter-feeding and carnivorous taxa. At both these stations meiofauna densities were low. Meiofauna densities and community structure differed between the Goban Spur and the Iberian Margin. Meiofauna densities on the Galician shelf were more than double those on the Goban Spur shelf. The two deep stations on the La Coruña transect and the deepest station on the Galicia Bank transect all contained meiofaunal densities that were higher than found at similar depths off the Goban Spur. The meiofaunal densities were inversely correlated with %CaCO3 content and, excluding the shelf stations, were positively correlated with both %Corg and total N at the Iberian Margin. Neither upwelling nor the enriched outflows from the rias affected the macrofauna, but meiofaunal densities were greatly enhanced.  相似文献   

Satellite derived sea surface temperature (SST) and chlorophyll data are used to characterise the period of upwelling during a cruise on which two Lagrangian drift experiments were conducted off the Iberian Atlantic coast in August 1998. During the cruise there was a prolonged period of equator-ward winds which favour upwelling; three distinct maxima were observed in the meteorological data interspersed with periods of relaxation. The SST and chlorophyll imagery show upwelling to be active with distinct offshore filaments that are cooler and of higher chlorophyll concentration than the surrounding oceanic water; these filaments represent an important cross-shelf transport mechanism. A front detection methodology has been applied to satellite images and suggests that these filaments are distinct, long-lived features, characterised by enhanced primary production.  相似文献   

In OMEX-II-II, 9 cruises gathered optical data, principally by transmissometer. The distribution of optical turbidity caused by concentration of particulate matter (PMC) in the water column over the northern Iberian margin shows several features related to hydrography. It is concluded that a signal of PMC seen in Mediterranean Water (MW) found north of 42°N is not carried from its source at the Gibraltar Sill and Gulf of Cadiz because it is shown, using intermediate stations, that this turbid plume decays, mainly by fall out but also partly by mixing, to very low levels around southern Portugal. PMC maxima sometimes seen in MW on the northern Iberian margin are thus most likely to result from intermittent local resuspension by MW interacting with slope sediments. The highest turbidity is found over the upper slope and is the result of (i) shelf edge resuspension and off-shelf flow of turbid plumes, mainly between 100 and 300 m depth, and (ii) resuspension under the slope current aided by internal waves, in the depth range 500–800 m where the density gradient between ENACW and MW is maximal. Below the MW, flows are generally slow, and turbidity is low. The bottom nepheloid layer in deep water is also weak with PMC values <100 mg m-3. The focus of resuspension activity on the upper slope means that the region is an efficient exporter to the ocean of sediment that either escapes from the shelf or sinks to the bed from surface production. This accounts for upper slope sediments recorded in other studies as sandy or in places as rocky bottom.  相似文献   

Multibeam bathymetry, high resolution multi-channel, and very high resolution single-channel (3.5 kHz) seismic records were used to depict the complex geomorphology that defines the Galicia Bank region (Atlantic, NW Iberian Peninsula). This region (≈620–5,000 m water depth) is characterized by a great variety of features: structural features (scarps, highs, valleys, fold bulges), fluid dynamics-related features (structural undulations and collapse craters), mass-movement features (gullies, channels, mass-flow deposits, slope-lobe complexes, and mass-transport deposits), bottom-current features (moats, furrows, abraded surface, sediment waves, and drifts), (hemi)pelagic features, mixed features (abraded surfaces associated to mixed sediments) and bioconstructions. These features represent architectural elements of four sedimentary systems: slope apron, contouritic, current-controlled (hemi)pelagic, and (hemi)pelagic. These systems are a reflection of different sedimentary processes: downslope (mass transport, mass flows, turbidity flows), alongslope (bottom currents of Mediterranean Outflow Water, Labrador Sea Water, North Atlantic Deep Water, and Lower Deep Water), vertical settling, and the interplay between them. The architectural and sediment dynamic complexities, for their part, are conditioned by the morphostructural complexity of the region, whose structures (exposed scarps and highs) favor multiple submarine sediment sources, affect the type and evolution of the mass-movement processes, and interact with different water masses. This region and similar sedimentary environments far from the continental sediment sources, as seamounts, are ideal zones for carrying out submarine source-to-sink studies, and can represent areas subject to hazards, both geologic and oceanographic in origin.  相似文献   

This contribution to this special volume represents the first attempt to comprehensively describe regional contourite (along-slope) processes and their sedimentary impacts around the Iberian margin, combining numerically simulated bottom currents with existing knowledge of contourite depositional and erosional features. The circulation of water masses is correlated with major contourite depositional systems (CDSs), and potential areas where new CDSs could be found are identified. Water-mass circulation leads to the development of along-slope currents which, in turn, generate contourite features comprising individual contourite drifts and erosional elements forming extensive, complex CDSs of considerable thickness in various geological settings. The regionally simulated bottom-current velocities reveal the strong impact of these water masses on the seafloor, especially in two principal areas: (1) the continental slopes of the Alboran Sea and the Atlantic Iberian margins, and (2) the abyssal plains in the Western Mediterranean and eastern Atlantic. Contourite processes at this scale are associated mainly with the Western Mediterranean Deep Water and the Levantine Intermediate Water in the Alboran Sea, and with both the Mediterranean Outflow Water and the Lower Deep Water in the Atlantic. Deep gateways are essential in controlling water-mass exchange between the abyssal plains, and thereby bottom-current velocities and pathways. Seamounts represent important obstacles for water-mass circulation, and high bottom-current velocities are predicted around their flanks, too. Based on these findings and those of a selected literature review, including less easily accessible ??grey literature?? such as theses and internal reports, it is clear that the role of bottom currents in shaping continental margins and abyssal plains has to date been generally underestimated, and that many may harbour contourite systems which still remain unexplored today. CDSs incorporate valuable sedimentary records of Iberian margin geological evolution, and further study seems promising in terms of not only stratigraphic, sedimentological, palaeoceanographic and palaeoclimatological research but also possible deep marine geohabitats and/or mineral and energy resources.  相似文献   

研究利用铱(Ir)作为信号元素制备示踪沙,在长江口北槽深水航道维护困难区段开展示踪沙的现场投放及回收试验。利用火试金法对回收的泥沙样品进行痕量铱金属的提炼,并将其富集在微小铅珠中;再将铅珠压成薄片,并作为原子反应堆照射靶样进行中子活化分析,检测铱的含量。实验结果表明,在位于北槽深水航道北侧的3#坑投放示踪沙,北槽试验区所有泥沙样品中均检测出铱含量,其中位于深水航道南侧滩地上泥样中铱含量最高。因此,北侧3#贮泥坑流失的泥沙存在着跨越航道进入南侧边滩的情况,这对北槽中段航道回淤的影响较大,为改善北槽深水航道困难段的维护条件需要改进该处的抛吹泥工艺或限制抛泥活动。  相似文献   

A long-range side-scan sonar (GLORIA) survey of the entire West Iberian slope and rise has provided the first overview of the interrelationship between structure and sedimentation patterns on a continental margin. The results emphasize the importance of slope-following contour currents as a depositional mechanism in fashioning this continental rise. Terrigenous sediments transported down-canyon by-pass the rise which does not consist of a series of coalescing fans. The sedimentation patterns identified on the sonographs can be interpreted in terms of facies models and caution must be exercised against over-emphasis of downslope processes in models for the construction of lower slopes and rises.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1998,21(2):131-143
The eastern Atlantic barotropic dynamics (in a region spanning from 20° N to 48° N and 34° W to 0°) are studied through numerical modelling and in situ measurements. The main source of data is the tidal gauge network REDMAR, managed by Clima Marítimo (Puertos del Estado). The numerical model employed is the HAMSOM, developed both by the Institut für Meereskunde (Hamburg University) and Clima Marítimo.In this paper, tidal and storm surge dynamics are studied for the region, focusing particularly on the nonlinear transfer of energy between the different forcings.The results of tidal simulations show good agreement between semidiurnal harmonic components and the values obtained from the tidal gauges (both coastal and pelagic) and current metres. The nonlinear transfers of energy from semidiurnal to higher order harmonics, such as M4 and M6, were mapped. Those transfers were found to be important in only two areas: The French continental shelf in the Bay of Biscay and the widest part of the African shelf, south of Cabo Bojador. The modelled diurnal constituents show larger relative differences with measurements than semidiurnal harmonics, especially in data concerning the phase.A method to isolate the nonlinear transfers of energy between tidal and atmospheric forcing during a storm surge was developed. These transfers were found to be significant in the same areas where tidal nonlinear activity was present. The effect of short period wind generated waves on sea surface elevation was also investigated. The magnitude of the spatial derivatives of radiation stress was compared with wind-induced stress. As a result of this comparison, we found the inclusion of a forcing term that depends on radiation stress in ocean model simulations at this scale and resolution to be not essential. The effect of computing wind-induced stresses, with a formulation that explicitly depends on sea state, was also explored by means of a coupled run of the HAMSOM and the spectral wave model WAM for a storm surge event in the Spanish coast. This formulation was not found to be an improvement over a classical parameterisation which only depends on wind fields.  相似文献   

Based on a wave bottom boundary layer model and a sediment advection-diffusion model, seven turbulence schemes are compared regarding their performances in prediction of near-bed sediment suspension beneath waves above a plane bed. These turbulence algorithms include six empirical eddy viscosity schemes and one standard two-equation k-ε model. In particular, different combinations of typical empirical formulas for the eddy viscosity profile and for the wave friction factor are examined. Numerical results are compared with four laboratory data sets, consisting of one wave boundary layer hydrodynamics experiment and three sediment suspension experiments under linear waves and the Stokes second-order waves. It is shown that predictions of near-bed sediment suspension are very sensitive to the choices of the empirical formulas in turbulence schemes. Simple empirical turbulence schemes are possible to perform equally well as the two-equation k-ε model. Among the empirical schemes, the turbulence scheme, combining the exponential formula for eddy viscosity and Swart formula for wave friction factor, is the most accurate. It maintains the simplicity and yields identically good predictions as the k-ε model does in terms of the wave-averaged sediment concentration.  相似文献   

High resolution seafloor images in the Gulf of Cadiz, Iberian margin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the Gulf of Cadiz, the hydrodynamic process acting on particle transport and deposition is a strong density-driven bottom current caused by the outflow of the saline deep Mediterranean water at the Strait of Gibraltar: the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW). New high resolution acoustic data including EM300 multibeam echo-sounder, deep-towed acoustic system SAR and very high resolution seismic, completed by piston cores collected during the CADISAR cruise allow to improve the understanding of the hydrodynamics of the MOW in the eastern part of the Gulf of Cadiz. Interpretation of data corrects the previous model established in this area and allows, for the first time, the accurate characterization of various bedforms and erosive structures along the MOW pathway and the precise identification of numerous gravity instabilities. The interaction between the MOW, the seafloor morphology and the Coriolis force is presently the driving force of the sedimentary distribution pattern observed on the Gulf of Cadiz continental slope.  相似文献   

A total of 445 pockmarks were observed on the upper continental slope of the northwest corner of the Iberian Peninsula (the Ortegal Spur area) by swath bathymetric and ultrahigh resolution seismic data. The pockmarks are U-, V- and W-shaped and have terraces or indentations in cross-section, and are dish-shaped (circular to oval) in plan view. They occur on the surface of the seabed and buried within the Plio-Quaternary and Neogene sediments. Four types of pockmarks were identified and mapped on the basis of their plan-view and cross-section morphology: regular, irregular, asymmetric and composite. The concentration of pockmarks is attributed to seepage of fluids migrating up-dip from deeper parts of the sedimentary basin. A linear high-density concentration with a NNW to N, NE and ESE trend of pockmarks is observed above inferred basement faults that do not affect the Quaternary succession. These pockmarks are thus caused by seepage of thermogenic gas and/or other pore fluids from deeper Late Cretaceous units, and their distribution may help to improve our understanding of the fluid system and migration regime in this part of the Galicia continental margin.  相似文献   

In May of 2005, an observational program was carried out to investigate the along channel hydrodynamics and suspended sediment transport patterns at North Inlet, South Carolina. Along channel variability, which is important in establishing sediment transport pathways, has not been characterized for this system. Measurements of water column currents, salinity, bed sediment, suspended sediment concentration, and particle size distribution were obtained over a complete tidal cycle along the thalweg of the inlet entrance. Along channel currents, shear stress and bed sediment distributions vary significantly in space and time along a 3 km section bracketing the inlet throat. Most of the variability is consistent with geomorphic controls such as bed elevation variability and channel width. The highest velocities, shear stresses, suspended sediment concentration and bed sediment grain size are observed in the narrowest section of the inlet throat. Magnitudes systematically decrease along the channel toward the marsh as changes in channel geometry and branching reduces flow energy. Due to tidal asymmetry, the ebb phase contains significantly higher currents and associated sediment transport. Over the complete tidal cycle, depth integrated transport is directed towards the marsh landward of the intersection of Town and Debidue Creek. In contrast, net transport is out of the inlet seaward of this intersection. Sediment grain size distributions show 35% more material less than 63 μm on flood, suggesting net landward transport of fines.  相似文献   

It is well known that wave induced bottom oscillations become more and more negligible when the water depth exceeds half the wavelength of the surface gravity wave. However, it was experimentally demonstrated for regular waves that the bottom pressure oscillations at both first and second wave harmonic frequencies could be significant even for incoming waves propagating in deep water condition in the presence of a submerged plate [16]. For a water depth h of about the wavelength of the wave, measurements under the plate (depth immersion of top of plate h/6, length h/2) have shown bottom pressure variations at the wave frequency, up to thirty times larger than the pressure expected in the absence of the plate. In this paper, not only regular but also irregular wave are studied together with wave following current conditions. This behavior is numerically verified by use of a classical linear theory of waves. The wave bottom effect is explained through the role of evanescent modes and horizontally oscillating water column under the plate which still exist whatever the water depth. Such a model, which allows the calculation of the velocity fields, has shown that not only the bottom pressure but also the near bed fluid velocity are enhanced. Two maxima are observed on both sides of the location of the plate, at a distance of the plate increasing with the water depth. The possible impact of such near bed dynamics is then discussed for field conditions thanks to a scaling based on a Froude similarity. It is demonstrated that these structures may have a significant impact at the sea bed even in very deep water conditions, possibly enhanced in the presence of current.  相似文献   

Under the action of marine currents, non-cohesive sediments evolve by bed-load, by saltation or suspension depending on their granulometry. Several authors have considered that the movement of sediment...  相似文献   

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