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The oscillating peak model of basin and crater formation proposed by Murray is analysed mathematically. The results could be compared with some basins in order to confirm the basic ideas of this model.  相似文献   

Charles A. Wood 《Icarus》1973,20(4):503-506
The heights of central peaks in lunar craters are directly proportional to crater diameters, implying that peak height is a function of crater-forming energy. A similar relationship exists for terrestrial meteorite and TNT craters whose uplifts are of rebound origin. A rebound origin for lunar central peaks implies an impact origin for central peak craters. Correlation of peak heights and crater depths provides direct evidence for lava filling of crater floors.  相似文献   

Material is ejected from impact craters in ballastic trajectories; it impacts first near the crater rim and then at progressively greater ranges. Ejecta from craters smaller than approximately 1 km is laid predominantly on top of the surrounding surface. With increasing crater size, however, more and more surrounding surface will be penetrated by secondary cratering action and these preexisting materials will be mixed with primary crater ejecta. Ejecta from large craters and especially basin forming events not only excavate preexisting, local materials, but also are capable of moving large amounts of material away from the crater. Thus mixing and lateral transport give rise to continuous deposits that contain materials from within and outside the primary crater. As a consequence ejecta of basins and large highland craters have eroded and mixed highland materials throughout geologic time and deposited them in depressions inside and between older crater structures.Because lunar mare surfaces contain few large craters, the mare regolith is built up by successive layers of predominantly primary ejecta. In contrast, the lunar highlands are dominated by the effects of large scale craters formed early in lunar history. These effects lead to thick fragmental deposits which are a mixture of primary crater material and local components. These deposits may also properly be named regolith though the term has been traditionally applied only to the relatively thin fine grained surficial deposit on mare and highland terranes generated during the past few billion year. We believe that the surficial highland regolith - generated over long periods of time - rests on massive fragmental units that have been produced during the early lunar history.  相似文献   

The study of peak-ring basins and other impact crater morphologies transitional between complex craters and multi-ring basins is important to our understanding of the mechanisms for basin formation on the terrestrial planets. Mercury has the largest population, and the largest population per area, of peak-ring basins and protobasins in the inner solar system and thus provides important data for examining questions surrounding peak-ring basin formation. New flyby images from the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft have more than doubled the area of Mercury viewed at close range, providing nearly complete global coverage of the planet's surface when combined with flyby data from Mariner 10. We use this new near-global dataset to compile a catalog of peak-ring basins and protobasins on Mercury, including measurements of the diameters of the basin rim crest, interior ring, and central peak (if present). Our catalog increases the population of peak-ring basins by ∼150% and protobasins by ∼100% over previous catalogs, including 44 newly identified peak-ring basins (total=74) and 17 newly identified protobasins (total=32). A newly defined transitional basin type, the ringed peak-cluster basin (total=9), is also described. The new basin catalog confirms that Mercury has the largest population of peak-ring basins of the terrestrial planets and also places the onset rim-crest diameter for peak-ring basins at , which is intermediate between the onset diameter for peak-ring basins on the Moon and those for the other terrestrial planets. The ratios of ring diameter to rim-crest diameter further emphasize that protobasins and peak-ring basins are parts of a continuum of basin morphologies relating to their processes of formation, in contrast to previous views that these forms are distinct. Comparisons of the predictions of peak-ring basin-formation models with the characteristics of the basin catalog for Mercury suggest that formation and modification of an interior melt cavity and nonlinear scaling of impact melt volume with crater diameter provide important controls on the development of peak rings. The relationship between impact-melt production and peak-ring formation is strengthened further by agreement between power laws fit to ratios of ring diameter to rim-crest diameter for peak-ring basins and protobasins and the power-law relation between the dimension of a melt cavity and the crater diameter. More detailed examination of Mercury's peak-ring basins awaits the planned insertion of the MESSENGER spacecraft into orbit about Mercury in 2011.  相似文献   

Abstract— The geometry of simple impact craters reflects the properties of the target materials, and the diverse range of fluidized morphologies observed in Martian ejecta blankets are controlled by the near‐surface composition and the climate at the time of impact. Using the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) data set, quantitative information about the strength of the upper crust and the dynamics of Martian ejecta blankets may be derived from crater geometry measurements. Here, we present the results from geometrical measurements of fresh craters 3–50 km in rim diameter in selected highland (Lunae and Solis Plana) and lowland (Acidalia, Isidis, and Utopia Planitiae) terrains. We find large, resolved differences between the geometrical properties of the freshest highland and lowland craters. Simple lowland craters are 1.5–2.0 times deeper (≥5s?o difference) with >50% larger cavities (≥2s?o) compared to highland craters of the same diameter. Rim heights and the volume of material above the preimpact surface are slightly greater in the lowlands over most of the size range studied. The different shapes of simple highland and lowland craters indicate that the upper ?6.5 km of the lowland study regions are significantly stronger than the upper crust of the highland plateaus. Lowland craters collapse to final volumes of 45–70% of their transient cavity volumes, while highland craters preserve only 25–50%. The effective yield strength of the upper crust in the lowland regions falls in the range of competent rock, approximately 9–12 MPa, and the highland plateaus may be weaker by a factor of 2 or more, consistent with heavily fractured Noachian layered deposits. The measured volumes of continuous ejecta blankets and uplifted surface materials exceed the predictions from standard crater scaling relationships and Maxwell's Z model of crater excavation by a factor of 3. The excess volume of fluidized ejecta blankets on Mars cannot be explained by concentration of ejecta through nonballistic emplacement processes and/or bulking. The observations require a modification of the scaling laws and are well fit using a scaling factor of ?1.4 between the transient crater surface diameter to the final crater rim diameter and excavation flow originating from one projectile diameter depth with Z = 2.7. The refined excavation model provides the first observationally constrained set of initial parameters for study of the formation of fluidized ejecta blankets on Mars.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the physics of meteoroid breakup in the atmosphere and its implications for the observed features of strewn fields. There are several effects which cause dispersion of the meteoroid fragments: gravity, differential lift of the fragments, bow shock interaction just after breakup, centripetal separation by a rotating meteoroid, and possibly a dynamical transverse separation resulting from the crushing deceleration in the atmosphere. Of these, we show that gravity alone can produce the common pattern in which the largest crater occurs at the downrange end of the scatter ellipse. The average lift-to-drag ratio of the tumbling fragments must be less than about 10?3, otherwise small fragments would produce small craters downrange of the main crater, and this is not generally observed. The cross-range dispersion is probably due to the combined effects of bow shock interaction, crushing deceleration, and possibly spinning of the meteoroid. A number of terrestrial strewn fields are discussed in the light of these ideas, which are formulated quantitatively for a range of meteoroid velocities, entry angles, and crushing strengths. It is found that when the crater size exceeds about 1 km, the separation between the fragments upon landing is a fraction of their own diameter, so that the crater formed by such a fragmented meteoroid is almost indistinguishable from that formed by a solid body of the same total mass and velocity.  相似文献   

Abstract— The recent Carancas meteorite impact event caused a worldwide sensation. An H4–5 chondrite struck the Earth south of Lake Titicaca in Peru on September 15, 2007, and formed a crater 14.2 m across. It is the smallest, youngest, and one of two eye‐witnessed impact crater events on Earth. The impact violated the hitherto existing view that stony meteorites below a size of 100 m undergo major disruption and deceleration during their passage through the atmosphere and are not capable of producing craters. Fragmentation occurs if the strength of the meteoroid is less than the aerodynamic stresses that occur in flight. The small fragments that result from a breakup rain down at terminal velocity and are not capable of producing impact craters. The Carancas cratering event, however, demonstrates that meter‐sized stony meteoroids indeed can survive the atmospheric passage under specific circumstances. We present results of a detailed geologic survey of the crater and its ejecta. To constrain the possible range of impact parameters we carried out numerical models of crater formation with the iSALE hydrocode in two and three dimensions. Depending on the strength properties of the target, the impact energies range between approximately 100–1000 MJ (0.024–0.24 t TNT). By modeling the atmospheric traverse we demonstrate that low cosmic velocities (12–14 kms?1) and shallow entry angles (<20 °) are prerequisites to keep aerodynamic stresses low (<10 MPa) and thus to prevent fragmentation of stony meteoroids with standard strength properties. This scenario results in a strong meteoroid deceleration, a deflection of the trajectory to a steeper impact angle (40–60 °), and an impact velocity of 350–600 ms?1, which is insufficient to produce a shock wave and significant shock effects in target minerals. Aerodynamic and crater modeling are consistent with field data and our microscopic inspection. However, these data are in conflict with trajectories inferred from the analysis of infrasound signals.  相似文献   

Abstract— We present numerical simulations of crater formation under Martian conditions with a single near‐surface icy layer to investigate changes in crater morphology between glacial and interglacial periods. The ice fraction, thickness, and depth to the icy layer are varied to understand the systematic effects on observable crater features. To accurately model impact cratering into ice, a new equation of state table and strength model parameters for H2O are fitted to laboratory data. The presence of an icy layer significantly modifies the cratering mechanics. Observable features demonstrated by the modeling include variations in crater morphometry (depth and rim height) and icy infill of the crater floor during the late stages of crater formation. In addition, an icy layer modifies the velocities, angles, and volumes of ejecta, leading to deviations of ejecta blanket thickness from the predicted power law. The dramatic changes in crater excavation are a result of both the shock impedance and the strength mismatch between layers of icy and rocky materials. Our simulations suggest that many of the unusual features of Martian craters may be explained by the presence of icy layers, including shallow craters with well‐preserved ejecta blankets, icy flow related features, some layered ejecta structures, and crater lakes. Therefore, the cratering record implies that near‐surface icy layers are widespread on Mars.  相似文献   

Abstract— Crater‐ejecta correlation is an important element in the analysis of crater formation and its influence on the geological evolution. In this study, both the ejecta distribution and the internal crater development of the Jurassic/Cretaceous Mjølnir crater (40 km in diameter; located in the Barents Sea) are investigated through numerical simulations. The simulations show a highly asymmetrical ejecta distribution, and underscore the importance of a layer of surface water in ejecta distribution. As expected, the ejecta asymmetry increases as the angle of impact decreases. The simulation also displays an uneven aerial distribution of ejecta. The generation of the central high is a crucial part of crater formation. In this study, peak generation is shown to have a skewed development, from approximately 50–90 sec after impact, when the peak reaches its maximum height of 1‐1.5 km. During this stage, the peak crest is moved about 5 km from an uprange to a downrange position, ending with a final central position which has a symmetrical appearance that contrasts with its asymmetrical development.  相似文献   

Claim for periodicity in the crater formation rate is reinvestigated using a criterion proposed by Broadbent, and data sets of Rampino and Stothers and of Grieve are shown to satisfy the periodicity criterion (P 30 Myr).On the other hand, currently observed impactors are mainly asteroids, while long and short periodic comets whose fluxes may vary by external disturbances occupy only a small fraction. Using a Monte Carlo simulation, constraints are obtained for the dispersion Q(Myr) from an exact periodicity and for the periodic components (F tp) in the signals for their periodicity to be detected. It is found that for = 5, 6 and 7 Myr, F tp, would have to be 40% or greater, 60% or greater and 80% or greater, respectively. These constraints are used to discuss whether the giant molecular cloud perturbations can give rise to the periodicity in the impact events. The amplitude of the solar Z-motion need to be some 100pc for = 6 Myr, which requires the periodic component (SP and LP comets, if the former originate from the latter) to be 60%, while for = 7 Myr, the periodic component need to be 80%. The GMC perturbation model consistent with the periodicity appears to be the one where the amplitude is 100pc and the periodic component - 60% of the impactors. If SP comets mainly originate from a source such as the hypothetical Kuiper belt, the GMC perturbation would not be consistent with the periodicity.  相似文献   

An important cause of the activation and development of active processes on the surface of a cometary nucleus is direct solar radiation illuminating a part of the surface that is not shielded by dust. The intensity of solar radiation near the surface of a cometary nucleus depends on the thickness of the dust cloud above the active area. If the size of the dust cloud noticeably changes, the intensity considerably depends on time. In the present paper, we consider the nonlinear equation of radiative transfer in a dust cloud growing towards the incident wave front with a constant velocity. The change in the intensity of direct solar radiation along the dust jet originating from the active surface area of a cometary nucleus has been found. For the sake of comparison, the linear equation of radiative transfer was solved in the framework of this task. It turns out that the linear approach to the solution of the considered problem suggests a noticeable loss in the amount of direct radiation participating in the dust-jet formation. This loss is comparable with the intensity of solar radiation incident to the active area of a cometary nucleus after scattering in the cometary atmosphere.  相似文献   

Abstract— We examine the morphology of central peak craters on the Moon and Ganymede in order to investigate differences in the near‐surface properties of these bodies. We have extracted topographic profiles across craters on Ganymede using Galileo images, and use these data to compile scaling trends. Comparisons between lunar and Ganymede craters show that crater depth, wall slope and amount of central uplift are all affected by material properties. We observe no major differences between similar‐sized craters in the dark and bright terrain of Ganymede, suggesting that dark terrain does not contain enough silicate material to significantly increase the strength of the surface ice. Below crater diameters of ?12 km, central peak craters on Ganymede and simple craters on the Moon have similar rim heights, indicating comparable amounts of rim collapse. This suggests that the formation of central peaks at smaller crater diameters on Ganymede than the Moon is dominated by enhanced central floor uplift rather than rim collapse. Crater wall slope trends are similar on the Moon and Ganymede, indicating that there is a similar trend in material weakening with increasing crater size, and possibly that the mechanism of weakening during impact is analogous in icy and rocky targets. We have run a suite of numerical models to simulate the formation of central peak craters on Ganymede and the Moon. Our modeling shows that the same styles of strength model can be applied to ice and rock, and that the strength model parameters do not differ significantly between materials.  相似文献   

Abstract— It has been suggested that the formation of the 22 km diameter lunar crater Giordano Bruno was witnessed in June 1178 A.D. To date, this hypothesis has not been well tested. Such an impact on the Earth would be “civilization threatening”. Previous studies have shown that the formation of Giordano Bruno would lead to the arrival of 10 million tonnes of ejecta in the Earth's atmosphere in the following week. I calculate that this would cause a week‐long meteor storm potentially comparable to the peak of the 1966 Leonids storm. The lack of any known historical records of such a storm is evidence against the recent formation of Giordano Bruno. Other tests of the hypothesis are also discussed, with emphasis on the lack of corroborating evidence for a very recent formation of the crater.  相似文献   

Abstract— Given that the Earth's surface is covered in around two‐thirds water, the majority of impact events should have occurred in marine environments. However, with the presence of a water layer, crater formation may be prohibited. Indeed, formation is greatly controlled by the water depth to projectile diameter ratio, as discussed in this paper. Previous work has shown that the underlying target material also influences crater formation (e.g., Gault and Sonett 1982; Baldwin et al. 2007). In addition to the above parameters we also show the influence of impact angle, impact velocity and projectile density for a variety of water depths on crater formation and projectile survivability. The limiting ratio of water depth to projectile diameter on cratering represents the point at which the projectile is significantly slowed by transit through the water layer to reduce the impact energy to that which prohibits cratering. We therefore study the velocity decay produced by a water layer using laboratory, analytical and numerical modelling techniques, and determine the peak pressures endured by the projectile. For an impact into a water depth five times the projectile diameter, the velocity of the projectile is found to be reduced to 26–32% its original value. For deep water impacts we find that up to 60% of the original mass of the projectile survives in an oblique impact, where survivability is defined as the solid or melted mass fraction of the projectile that could be collected after impact.  相似文献   

Abstract The pattern of radial and concentric offset dikes at Sudbury strongly resembles fracture patterns in certain volcanically modified craters on the Moon. Since the Sudbury dikes apparently formed shortly after the impact event, this resemblance suggests that early endogenic modification at Sudbury was comparable to deformation in lunar floor-fractured craters. Although regional deformation has obscured many details of the Sudbury Structure, such a comparison of Sudbury with lunar floor-fractured craters provides two alternative models for the original size and surface structures of the Sudbury basin. First, the Sudbury date pattern can be correlated with fractures in the central peak crater Haldane (36 km in diameter). This comparison indicates an initial Sudbury diameter of between 100 and 140 km but requires loss of a central peak complex for which there is little evidence. Alternatively, comparison of the Sudbury dikes with fractures in the two-ring basin Schrödinger indicates an initial Sudbury diameter of at least ~ 180 km, which is in agreement with other recent estimates for the size of the Sudbury Structure. In addition to constraining the size and structure of the original Sudbury crater, these comparisons also suggest that crater modification may reflect different deformation mechanisms at different sizes. Most lunar floor-fractured craters are attributed to deformation over a shallow, crater-centered intrusion; however, there is no evidence for such an intrusion at Sudbury. Instead, melts from the evolving impact melt sheet probably entered fractures formed by isostatically-induced flexure of the crater floor. Since most of the lunar floor-fractured craters are too small (<100-km diameter) to induce significant isostatic adjustment, crater modification by isostatic uplift apparently is limited to only the largest of craters, whereas deformation over igneous intrusions dominates the modification of smaller craters.  相似文献   

Abstract— Hypervelocity impact involves the near instantaneous transfer of considerable energy from the impactor to a spatially limited near‐surface volume of the target body. Local geology of the target area tends to be of secondary importance, and the net result is that impacts of similar size on a given planetary body produce similar results. This is the essence of the utility of observations at impact craters, particularly terrestrial craters, in constraining impact processes. Unfortunately, there are few well‐documented results from systematic contemporaneous campaigns to characterize specific terrestrial impact structures with the full spectrum of geoscientific tools available at the time. Nevertheless, observations of the terrestrial impact record have contributed substantially to fundamental properties of impact. There is a beginning of convergence and mutual testing of observations at terrestrial impact structures and the results of modeling, in particular from recent hydrocode models. The terrestrial impact record provides few constraints on models of ejecta processes beyond a confirmation of the involvement of the local substrate in ejecta lithologies and shows that Z‐models are, at best, first order approximations. Observational evidence to date suggests that the formation of interior rings is an extension of the structural uplift process that occurs at smaller complex impact structures. There are, however, major observational gaps and cases, e.g., Vredefort, where current observations and hydrocode models are apparently inconsistent. It is, perhaps, time that the impact community as a whole considers documenting the existing observational and modeling knowledge gaps that are required to be filled to make the intellectual breakthroughs equivalent to those of the 1970s and 1980s, which were fueled by observations at terrestrial impact structures. Filling these knowledge gaps would likely be centered on the later stages of formation of complex and ring structures and on ejecta.  相似文献   

We model the fluids involved in the alteration processes recorded in the Sheepbed Member mudstones of Yellowknife Bay (YKB), Gale crater, Mars, as revealed by the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover investigations. We compare the Gale crater waters with fluids modeled for shergottites, nakhlites, and the ancient meteorite ALH 84001, as well as rocks analyzed by the Mars Exploration rovers, and with terrestrial ground and surface waters. The aqueous solution present during sediment alteration associated with phyllosilicate formation at Gale was high in Na, K, and Si; had low Mg, Fe, and Al concentrations—relative to terrestrial groundwaters such as the Deccan Traps and other modeled Mars fluids; and had near neutral to alkaline pH. Ca and S species were present in the 10?3 to 10?2 concentration range. A fluid local to Gale crater strata produced the alteration products observed by Curiosity and subsequent evaporation of this groundwater‐type fluid formed impure sulfate‐ and silica‐rich deposits—veins or horizons. In a second, separate stage of alteration, partial dissolution of this sulfate‐rich layer in Yellowknife Bay, or beyond, led to the pure sulfate veins observed in YKB. This scenario is analogous to similar processes identified at a terrestrial site in Triassic sediments with gypsum veins of the Mercia Mudstone Group in Watchet Bay, UK.  相似文献   

Almost every meteorite impact occurs at an oblique angle of incidence, yet the effect of impact angle on crater size or formation mechanism is only poorly understood. This is, in large part, due to the difficulty of inferring impactor properties, such as size, velocity and trajectory, from observations of natural craters, and the expense and complexity of simulating oblique impacts using numerical models. Laboratory oblique impact experiments and previous numerical models have shown that the portion of the projectile’s kinetic energy that is involved in crater excavation decreases significantly with impact angle. However, a thorough quantification of planetary-scale oblique impact cratering does not exist and the effect of impact angle on crater size is not considered by current scaling laws. To address this gap in understanding, we developed iSALE-3D, a three-dimensional multi-rheology hydrocode, which is efficient enough to perform a large number of well-resolved oblique impact simulations within a reasonable time. Here we present the results of a comprehensive numerical study containing more than 200 three-dimensional hydrocode-simulations covering a broad range of projectile sizes, impact angles and friction coefficients. We show that existing scaling laws in principle describe oblique planetary-scale impact events at angles greater than 30° measured from horizontal. The displaced mass of a crater decreases with impact angle in a sinusoidal manner. However, our results indicate that the assumption that crater size scales with the vertical component of the impact velocity does not hold for materials with a friction coefficient significantly lower than 0.7 (sand). We found that increasing coefficients of friction result in smaller craters and a formation process more controlled by impactor momentum than by energy.  相似文献   

Peak-ring basins represent an impact-crater morphology that is transitional between complex craters with central peaks and large multi-ring basins. Therefore, they can provide insight into the scale dependence of the impact process. Here the transition with increasing crater diameter from complex craters to peak-ring basins on Mercury is assessed through a detailed analysis of Eminescu, a geologically recent and well-preserved peak-ring basin. Eminescu has a diameter (∼125 km) close to the minimum for such crater forms and is thus representative of the transition. Impact crater size-frequency distributions and faint rays indicate that Eminescu is Kuiperian in age, geologically younger than most other basins on Mercury. Geologic mapping of basin interior units indicates a distinction between smooth plains and peak-ring units. Our mapping and crater retention ages favor plains formation by impact melt rather than post-impact volcanism, but a volcanic origin for the plains cannot be excluded if the time interval between basin formation and volcanic emplacement was less than the uncertainty in relative ages. The high-albedo peak ring of Eminescu is composed of bright crater-floor deposits (BCFDs, a distinct crustal unit seen elsewhere on Mercury) exposed by the impact. We use our observations to assess predictions of peak-ring formation models. We interpret the characteristics of Eminescu as consistent with basin formation models in which a melt cavity forms during the impact formation of craters at the transition to peak ring morphologies. We suggest that the smooth plains were emplaced via impact melt expulsion from the central melt cavity during uplift of a peak ring composed of BCFD-type material. In this scenario the ringed cluster of peaks resulted from the early development of the melt cavity, which modified the central uplift zone.  相似文献   

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