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We critically review the current null results on a varying fine-structure constant, α, derived from Very Large Telescope (VLT)/Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph (UVES) quasar absorption spectra, focusing primarily on the many-multiplet analysis of 23 absorbers from which Chand et al. reported a weighted mean relative variation of  Δα/α= (−0.06 ± 0.06) × 10−5  . Our analysis of the same reduced data , using the same fits to the absorption profiles , yields very different individual  Δα/α  values with uncertainties typically larger by a factor of ∼3. We attribute the discrepancies to flawed parameter estimation techniques in the original analysis and demonstrate that the original  Δα/α  values were strongly biased towards zero. Were those flaws not present, the input data and spectra should have given a weighted mean of  Δα/α= (−0.44 ± 0.16) × 10−5  . Although this new value does reflect the input spectra and fits (unchanged from the original work – only our analysis is different), we do not claim that it supports previous Keck/High Resolution Echelle Spectrograph (HIRES) evidence for a varying α: there remains significant scatter in the individual  Δα/α  values which may stem from the overly simplistic profile fits in the original work. Allowing for such additional, unknown random errors by increasing the uncertainties on  Δα/α  to match the scatter provides a more conservative weighted mean,  Δα/α= (−0.64 ± 0.36) × 10−5  . We highlight similar problems in other current UVES constraints on varying α and argue that comparison with previous Keck/HIRES results is premature.  相似文献   

Comparison of quasar (QSO) absorption spectra with laboratory spectra allows us to probe possible variations in the fundamental constants over cosmological time-scales. In a companion paper we present an analysis of Keck/HIRES spectra and report possible evidence suggesting that the fine-structure constant, α , may have been smaller in the past:     over the redshift range     . In this paper we describe a comprehensive investigation into possible systematic effects. Most of these do not significantly influence our results. When we correct for those which do produce a significant systematic effect in the data, the deviation of     from zero becomes more significant. We are led increasingly to the interpretation that α was slightly smaller in the past.  相似文献   

We present the results of a search for strong H α emission line galaxies (rest frame equivalent widths greater than 50 Å) in the z ≈0.23 cluster Abell 2390. The survey contains 1189 galaxies over 270 arcmin2, and is 50 per cent complete at M r ≈−17.5+5 log  h . The fraction of galaxies in which H α is detected at the 2 σ level rises from 0.0 in the central regions (excluding the cD galaxy) to 12.5±8 per cent at R 200. For 165 of the galaxies in our catalogue, we compare the H α equivalent widths with their [O  ii ] λ 3727 equivalent widths, from the Canadian Network for Observational Cosmology (CNOC1) spectra. The fraction of strong H α emission line galaxies is consistent with the fraction of strong [O  ii ] emission galaxies in the CNOC1 sample: only 2±1 per cent have no detectable [O  ii ] emission and yet significant (>2 σ ) H α equivalent widths. Dust obscuration, non-thermal ionization, and aperture effects are all likely to contribute to this non-correspondence of emission lines. We identify six spectroscopically 'secure' k+a galaxies [ W 0(O  ii )<5 Å and W 0(H δ )≳5 Å]; at least two of these show strong signs in H α of star formation in regions that are covered by the slit from which the spectra were obtained. Thus, some fraction of galaxies classified as k+a based on spectra shortward of 6000 Å are likely to be undergoing significant star formation. These results are consistent with a 'strangulation' model for cluster galaxy evolution, in which star formation in cluster galaxies is gradually decreased, and is neither enhanced nor abruptly terminated by the cluster environment.  相似文献   

We present time-series spectroscopy of the rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) star HR 3831. This star has a dominant pulsation period of 11.7 min and a rotation period of 2.85 d. We have analysed 1400 intermediate-resolution spectra of the wavelength region 6100–7100 Å obtained over one week, using techniques similar to those we applied to another roAp star, α  Cir.
We confirm that the H α velocity amplitude of HR 3831 is modulated with rotation phase. Such a modulation was predicted by the oblique pulsator model, and rules out the spotted pulsator model. However, further analysis of H α and other lines reveals rotational modulations that cannot easily be explained using the oblique pulsator model. In particular, the phase of the pulsation as measured by the width of the H α line varies with height in the line.
The variation of the H α bisector shows a very similar pattern to that observed in α Cir, which we have previously attributed to a radial node in the stellar atmosphere. However, the striking similarities between the two stars, despite the much shorter period of α Cir (6.8 min), argues against this interpretation unless the structure of the atmosphere is somewhat different between the two stars. Alternatively, the bisector variation is a signature of the degree ℓ of the mode and not the overtone value n .
High-resolution studies of the metal lines in roAp stars are needed to understand fully the form of the pulsation in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Quasar (QSO) absorption spectra provide an extremely useful probe of possible cosmological variation in various physical constants. Comparison of H  i 21-cm absorption with corresponding molecular (rotational) absorption spectra allows us to constrain variation in     , where α is the fine-structure constant and g p is the proton g -factor. We analyse spectra of two QSOs, PKS 1413+135 and TXS 0218+357, and derive values of     at absorption redshifts of     and 0.6847 by simultaneous fitting of the H  i 21-cm and molecular lines. We find     and     respectively, indicating an insignificantly smaller y in the past. We compare our results with other constraints from the same two QSOs given recently by Drinkwater et al. and Carilli et al., and with our recent optical constraints, which indicated a smaller α at higher redshifts.  相似文献   

We present deep multifrequency observations using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) at 153, 244, 610 and 1260 MHz of a field centred on J0916+6348, to search for evidence of fossil radio lobes which could be due to an earlier cycle of episodic activity of the parent galaxy, as well as haloes and relics in clusters of galaxies. We do not find any unambiguous evidence of episodic activity in a list of 374 sources, suggesting that such activity is rare even in relatively deep low-frequency observations. We examine the spectra of all the sources by combining our observations with those from the Westerbork Northern Sky Survey (WENSS), NRAO (National Radio Astronomy Observatories) VLA (Very Large Array) Sky Survey (NVSS) and the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-Centimeters Survey (FIRST). Considering only those which have measurements at a minimum of three different frequencies, we find that almost all sources are consistent with a straight spectrum with a median spectral index,  α∼ 0.8 [S(ν) ∝ν−α  ], which appears steeper than theoretical expectations of the injection spectral index. We identify 14 very steep-spectrum sources with  α≥ 1.3  . We examine their optical fields and discuss the nature of some of these sources.  相似文献   

We present observations between 14.2 and 17.9 GHz of 16 Galactic H  ii regions made with the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager. In conjunction with data from the literature at lower radio frequencies we investigate the possibility of a spinning dust component in the spectra of these objects. We conclude that there is no significant evidence for spinning dust towards these sources and measure an average spectral index of  α= 0.15 ± 0.07  (where   S ∝ν−α  ) between 1.4 and 17.9 GHz for the sample.  相似文献   

We present new high- and low-resolution spectroscopic and photometric data of nine members of the young association CMa R1. All the stars have circumstellar dust at some distance, as could be expected from their association with reflection nebulosity. Four stars (HD 52721, HD 53367, LkH α  220 and LkH α  218) show H α emission and we argue that they are Herbig Be stars with discs. Our photometric and spectroscopic observations of these stars reveal new characteristics of their variability. We present first interpretations of the variability of HD 52721, HD 53367 and the two LkH α stars in terms of a partially eclipsing binary, a magnetic activity cycle and circumstellar dust variations, respectively. The remaining five stars show no clear indications of H α emission in their spectra, although their spectral types and ages are comparable with those of HD 52721 and HD 53367. This indicates that the presence of a disc around a star in CMa R1 may depend on the environment of the star. In particular we find that all H α emission stars are located at or outside the arc-shaped border of the H  ii region, which suggests that the stars inside the arc have lost their discs through evaporation by UV photons from nearby O stars, or from the nearby (<25 pc) supernova, about 1 Myr ago.  相似文献   

The Australia Telescope 20-GHz (AT20G) Survey is a blind survey of the whole southern sky at 20 GHz (with follow-up observations at 4.8 and 8.6 GHz) carried out with the Australia Telescope Compact Array from 2004 to 2007.
The Bright Source Sample (BSS) is a complete flux-limited subsample of the AT20G Survey catalogue comprising 320 extragalactic     ) radio sources south of  δ=−15°  with      Jy. Of these, 218 have near simultaneous observations at 8 and 5 GHz.
In this paper we present an analysis of radio spectral properties in total intensity and polarization, size, optical identifications and redshift distribution of the BSS sources. The analysis of the spectral behaviour shows spectral curvature in most sources with spectral steepening that increases at higher frequencies (the median spectral index α, assuming   S ∝να  , decreases from  α8.64.8= 0.11  between 4.8 and 8.6 GHz to  α208.6=−0.16  between 8.6 and 20 GHz), even if the sample is dominated by flat spectra sources (85 per cent of the sample has  α208.6 > −0.5)  . The almost simultaneous spectra in total intensity and polarization allowed us a comparison of the polarized and total intensity spectra: polarized fraction slightly increases with frequency, but the shapes of the spectra have little correlation. Optical identifications provided an estimation of redshift for 186 sources with a median value of 1.20 and 0.13, respectively, for QSO and galaxies.  相似文献   

We explore the dependence of the subhalo mass function on the spectral index n of the linear matter power spectrum using scale-free Einstein-de Sitter simulations with   n =−1  and −2.5. We carefully consider finite volume effects that may call into question previous simulations of   n < −2  power spectra. Subhaloes are found using a 6D friends-of-friends algorithm in all haloes originating from high-σ peaks. For   n =−1  , we find that the cumulative subhalo mass function is independent of the parameters used in the subhalo finding algorithm and is consistent with the subhalo mass function found in Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) simulations. In particular, the subhalo mass function is well fit by a power-law with an index of  α=−0.9  , that is the mass function has roughly equal mass in subhaloes per logarithmic interval in subhalo mass. Conversely, for   n =−2.5  , the algorithm parameters affect the subhalo mass function since subhaloes are more triaxial with less well-defined boundaries. We find that the index α is generally larger with  α≳−0.75  . We infer that although the subhalo mass function appears to be independent of n so long as   n ≳−2  , it begins to flatten as   n →−3  . Thus, the common practice of using  α≈−1.0  may greatly overestimate the number of subhaloes at the smallest scales in the CDM hierarchy.  相似文献   

We use high-quality echelle spectra of 24 quasi-stellar objects to provide a calibrated measurement of the total amount of Lyα forest absorption (DA) over the redshift range  2.2 < z < 3.2  . Our measurement of DA excludes absorption from metal lines or the Lyα lines of Lyman-limit systems and damped Lyα systems. We use artificial spectra with realistic flux calibration errors to show that we are able to place continuum levels that are accurate to better than 1 per cent. When we combine our results with our previous results between  1.6 < z < 2.2  , we find that the redshift evolution of DA is well described over  1.6 < z < 3.2  as   A (1 + z )γ  , where   A = 0.0062  and  γ= 2.75  . We detect no significant deviations from a smooth power-law evolution over the redshift range studied. We find less H  i absorption than expected at   z = 3  , implying that the ultraviolet background is  ∼40  per cent higher than expected. Our data appears to be consistent with an H  i ionization rate of  Γ∼ 1.4 × 10−12 s−1  .  相似文献   

We present JHKL ' photometry of a complete sample of steep-spectrum radio-loud quasars from the revised 3CR catalogue in the redshift range 0.65 z <1.20. After correcting for contributions from emission lines and the host galaxies, we investigate their spectral energy distributions (SEDs) around 1 μm. About 75 per cent of the quasars are tightly grouped in the plane of optical spectral index, α opt, versus near-infrared spectral index, α IR, with the median value of α opt close to the canonical value, and the median α IR slightly flatter. We conclude that the fraction of moderately obscured, red quasars decreases with increasing radio power, in accordance with the 'receding torus' model which can also explain the relatively flat median near-infrared spectra of the 3CR quasars. Two of the red quasars have inverted infrared spectral indices, and we suggest that their unusual SEDs might result from a combination of dust-scattered and transmitted quasar light.  相似文献   

We present a simple metallicity estimator based on the logarithmic [N  ii ]   λ 6584/H α   ratio, hereafter N2, which we envisage will become very useful for ranking galaxies in a metallicity sequence from redshift survey-quality data even for moderately low spectral resolution.
We have calibrated the N2 estimator using a compilation of H  ii galaxies having accurate oxygen abundances, plus photoionization models covering a wide range of abundances. The comparison of models and observations indicates that both primary and secondary nitrogen are important for the relevant range of metallicities.
The N2 estimator follows a linear relation with log(O/H) that holds for the whole abundance range covered by the sample, from approximately  1/50th  to twice the Solar value  [7.2<12+log(O/H)<9.1]  . We suggest that the ([S  ii ]   λλ 6717,6731/H α )  ratio (hereafter S2) can also be used as a rough metallicity indicator. Because of its large scatter the S2 estimator will be useful only in systems with very low metallicity, where [N  ii ] λ 6584 is not detected or in low-resolution spectra where [N  ii ] λ 6584 is blended with H α .  相似文献   

We present low–medium resolution optical spectroscopy of the eclipsing AM Her system MN Hya (RX J0929–24). We determine the magnetic field strength at the primary accretion region of the white dwarf to be 42 MG from the spacing of cyclotron features visible during π ∼ 0.4–0.7. From spectra taken during the eclipse we find that the secondary has an M3–4 spectral type. Combined with the eclipse photometry of Sekiguchi, Nakada &38; Bassett and an estimate of the interstellar extinction we find a distance of ∼300–700 pc. We find unusual line variations at π ∼ 0.9: Hα is seen in absorption and emission. This is at the same point in the orbital phase at which a prominent absorption dip is seen in soft X-rays.  相似文献   

Signatures of warm absorbers are seen in soft X-ray spectra of about half of all type 1 Seyfert galaxies observed and in some quasars and blazars. We use the thermal equilibrium curve to study the influence of the shape of the ionizing continuum, density and the chemical composition of the absorbing gas on the existence and nature of the warm absorbers. We describe circumstances in which a stable warm absorber can exist as a multiphase medium or one with continuous variation in pressure. In particular, we find the following results: (i) the warm absorber exists only if the spectral index of the X-ray power-law ionizing continuum  α > 0.2  and has a multiphase nature if  α∼ 0.8  , which interestingly is the spectral index for most of the observed type 1 Seyfert galaxies; (ii) thermal and ionization states of highly dense warm absorbers are sensitive to their density if the ionizing continuum is sufficiently soft, i.e. dominated by the ultraviolet; (iii) absorbing gas with super-solar metallicity is more likely to have a multiphase nature and (iv) the nature of the warm absorber is significantly influenced by the absence of iron and associated elements which are produced in the later stages of star formation history in Type Ia supernovae.  相似文献   

We present a semi-analytical model of star formation which explains simultaneously the observed ultraviolet (UV) luminosity function (LF) of high-redshift Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) and LFs of Lyman α emitters. We consider both models that use the Press–Schechter (PS) and Sheth–Tormen (ST) halo mass functions to calculate the abundances of dark matter haloes. The Lyman α LFs at   z ≲ 4  are well reproduced with only ≲10 per cent of the LBGs emitting Lyman α lines with rest equivalent width greater than the limiting equivalent width of the narrow band surveys. However, the observed LF at   z > 5  can be reproduced only when we assume that nearly all LBGs are Lyman α emitters. Thus, it appears that  4 < z < 5  marks the epoch when a clear change occurs in the physical properties of the high-redshift galaxies. As Lyman α escape depends on dust and gas kinematics of the interstellar medium (ISM), this could mean that on an average the ISM at   z > 5  could be less dusty, more clumpy and having more complex velocity field. All of these will enable easier escape of the Lyman α photons. At   z > 5  , the observed Lyman α LF are well reproduced with the evolution in the halo mass function along with very minor evolution in the physical properties of high-redshift galaxies. In particular, up to   z = 6.5  , we do not see the effect of evolving intergalactic medium opacity on the Lyman α escape from these galaxies.  相似文献   

Circumstellar structure of RU Lupi down to au scales   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have used the technique of spectro-astrometry to study the milliarcsecond scale structure of the emission lines in the T Tauri star RU Lupi. The wings of the H α emission are found to be displaced from the star towards the south-west (blue wing) and north-east (red wing) with angular scales of 20–30 mas. This structure is consistent with a bipolar outflow from the star. From a study of the variability of the intensity and position spectra, we argue that a combination of magnetically driven bipolar outflow and accreting gas contributes to the H α emission. On the other hand, the [O  i ] and [S  ii ] emission are displaced from the star to the south-west but at much larger distances than the H α , hundreds of milliarcseconds for the high-velocity component (HVC) and down to 30 mas for the low-velocity components (LVCs). The presence of both redshifted and blueshifted outflows in H α but only a blueshifted outflow in the forbidden lines can be explained if the disc obscures the redshifted forbidden line outflow, but a disc gap with outer radius 3–4 au allows the redshifted H α to be seen. This gap could be induced by an unseen companion.  相似文献   

NGC 4649 (M60) is one of a handful of giant Virgo ellipticals. We have obtained Gemini/GMOS (Gemini North Multi-Object Spectrograph) spectra for 38 globular clusters (GCs) associated with this galaxy. Applying the multi-index  χ2  minimization technique of Proctor and Sansom with the single stellar population models of Thomas, Maraston and Korn, we derive ages, metallicities and α-element abundance ratios. We find several young (2–3 Gyr old) supersolar metallicity GCs, while the majority are old (>10 Gyr), spanning a range of metallicities from solar to  [Z/H]=−2  . At least two of these young GCs are at large projected radii of 17–20 kpc. The galaxy itself shows no obvious signs of a recent starburst, interaction or merger. A trend of decreasing α-element ratio with increasing metallicity is found.  相似文献   

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