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The spatial and temporal variability and size fractionation of chlorophyll a(Chl a) were investigated in the tropical and subtropical Pacific Ocean during four survey cruises from 2005 to 2009.The surface Chl a(S-Chl a) concentration ranged from 0.002 to 0.497 mg/m 3 and was obviously higher in the eastern Pacific than in the western and central Pacific.The vertical distribution of Chl a displayed a single peak pattern,and the maximum Chl a layer(MCL) was observed at a shallower depth in the eastern Pacific than in the western Pacific.All three size fractions of Chl a measurements in the surface water showed a similar distribution to total Chl a and were found in higher concentrations in the eastern Pacific than in the western and central Pacific.Picoplankton dominated the phytoplankton in the surveyed tropical and subtropical Pacific Ocean.Furthermore,pico-Chl a(0.2-2 μm) accounted for a larger percentage of the total Chl a in the central Pacific than it did in the western Pacific and eastern Pacific.In the western Pacific,there seemed to be a latitudinal variability in the phytoplankton community composition where small-sized phytoplankton(<2 μm) were more dominant in the tropical than in the subtropical western Pacific.The spatial and temporal variability and size fractionation of Chl a were controlled by hydrological and chemical characteristics and climate events,such as El Nin o and La Nin a.  相似文献   

By using the upper layer data(downloaded from the web of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography ),the interannual variability of the heat storage of upper layer(from surface to 400 m depth) and the mixed layer depth in the tropical Pacific Ocean are investigated. The abnormal signal of the warm event comes from the central and west Pacific Ocean, whereas it is regarded that the abnormal signal of the warm event comes from the east Pacific Ocean in the popular viewpoint. From the viewpoint on the evolution of the interannual variability of the mixed layer depth and the heat storage of the whole upper layer, the difference between the two types of E1Nino is so small that it can be neglected. During these two E1Nino/La Nina events( 1972/1973 and 1997/1998), other than the case of the heat storage or for the mixed layer depth, the abnormal signal propagates from the central and west Pacific Ocean to the east usually by the path along the equator whereas the abnormal signal propagates from the east to the west by the path northern to the equator. For the interannual variability, the evolution of the mixed layer depth corresponds to that of the heat storage in the upper layer very well. This is quite different from the evolution of seasonality.  相似文献   

The existing high-resolution hydrographic data in the western tropical Pacilit; Ocean are used to explore the spatial distribution and primary characteristics of thermohaline intrusions in the thermocline. Statistics show that the vertical scales of intrusions are 20-40 m in the upper thermocline (22.0-26.0δ0) and 40-80 m in the lower thermocline (26.0-27.2δ0). In the upper thermocline, the most intensive intrusions exist at the equatorial front (EF) where north/sonth Pacilic water masses converge, anti Ihe westward spreading of the north Pacilic tropical waler (NPTW) in the Philippines Sea also produces patches of intrusions surrounding its high-salinity tongue. In the lower thermocline, intrusions are also strong at the tropical front (TF) which is the boundary between the north Pacilic subtropical/tropical waters. At the bottom of the thermocline (at about 27.0δ0), intrusions mainly exist near the western boundary, which are produced by intermediate water convergence through the advection of subthermocline western boundary Ilows. Most strikingly a "C"-shape distribution of intrusions at around 26.4δ0 is revealed, covering the vicinity of the EF the TE and the Mindanao Current (MC), i.e., tile western boundary pathway ol the norlh Pacilic subtrnpical cell (STC). Synoptic section analysis reveals that intrusions are more prominent on the warm/sally flank ot the fronts, implying more cross-front tongues of cold/fresh water. Among the intrusions, those at the EF are of best lateral coherence which implies a unique driving mechanism involving near-inertial velocity perturbations near the equator.  相似文献   

通过统计方法利用一套海洋同化数据分析了热带太平洋次表层的盐度变化特征.结果表明次表层盐度的年际变化与ENSO相关,且次表层盐度信号区域呈东西方向“跷跷板”的分布.对影响这些次表层的盐度信号区域平均的纬向平流、经向平流、垂直运动和淡水通量异常等因素进行了分析,并且与影响表层盐度年际变化模态的影响因素差异进行了比较,结果表明,纬向平流的异常对表层盐度的异常变化影响较大,而对次表层盐度异常有较大影响的是海水的垂直运动异常.  相似文献   

为进一步揭示热带太平洋海气系统要素场之间的非线性相关特征,基于Hadley提供的海温场资料和美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP)和美国国家大气研究中心(NCAR)提供的海面风场和海面气压场资料,采用经验正交(EOF)分解和非线性典型相关分析法(NLCCA),分析了海温、海面风场和海面气压场三要素场之间的非线性相关性。结果表明,西太平洋暖池的异常暖状态和热带太平洋的西风异常与ENSO的非线性之间存在着密切关联。进一步引入奇异值分解方法(SVD),将其与NLCCA方法相结合,分析了热带太平洋海温场与海面风场、海面气压场耦合变化的关键影响区及其异性相关的分布特征。分析表明,热带太平洋西风异常和西太副高与ENSO循环之间存在较好的相关性。具体表现在:海温在中东太平洋地区出现异常增暖时,有助于加强东南亚地区的对流发展,促使东南亚地区季风的提前爆发;而东北太平洋副热带高压强度变化对北太平洋中部Nam ias海区海温距平的东西向振荡具有重要作用。研究为ENSO循环的非线性特性提供了有力的证明,也为ENSO的预测研究奠定了相关基础。  相似文献   

应用太平洋次表层海温距平资料构造了一个立体的西低东高的四级阶梯模型,使用EOF方法对此模型进行时空分解,重点讨论了分解结果与ENSO循环的关系,并对Nino 3距平指数进行试预报,结果表明,用 EOF分解的第一主分量代表暖池-厄尔尼诺(拉尼娜)模态,第二主分量代表次表层温度距平的东西运移模态,厄尔尼诺事件正是东西运移模态突变的结果.时滞相关分析估算,一次ENSO循环的平均周期约为41个月,厄尔尼诺、拉尼娜模态与温度距平的东西运移模态的位相差平均约为9.7个月.应用逐步回归方法得到超前Nino 3距平指数3、6和12个月的3个预报方程.预报结果表明,第一、第二时间系数对Nino 3距平指数均具有一定的预报价值,预报时效可达1 a左右.  相似文献   

用59年Ishii再分析温度资料,讨论了热带西南印度洋(SWTIO)上升流区的季节和年际变化以及与上升流区有关的温度距平的变化,同时分析了其与热带印太海气系统的关系,结果显示SWTIO 上升流在南半球冬、夏季比较强,春季最弱。它的范围在5°~1°S,在东西向从50°E可以伸展到90°E。该上升流区的变化与温跃层的温度距平有密切的关系,并存在明显的5 a振荡周期。SWTIO上升流区温度距平的5 a周期振荡是由热带东印度洋温度距平在最大垂直温度距平曲面(MTAL)上向西沿着11.5°~6.5°S传播过来的,它与热带太平洋的温度距平传播方式不同。SWTIO上升流是热带印太海气系统的一个重要组成部分,印度洋偶极子 超前SWTIO上升流区温度变化5个月,最大相关系数达到0.57,NINO3区指数超前SWTIO上升流区指数2个月达到0.49。当热带印太区域的大气风场改变,影响热带太平洋和印度洋表层SSTA,出现ENSO和DIPOLE,进一步向西传播到SWTIO次表层,导致SWTIO上升流区出现改变。  相似文献   

为了探明热带西太平洋海区砂壳纤毛虫的多样性、垂直分布及纬向变化,我们于2012年11-12月在该海区四个断面采集了0-200 m的水样。共检出砂壳纤毛虫39属124种,多数种类喜好生活在表层和次表层。砂壳纤毛虫种丰富度、丰度以及多样性指数的高值主要出现在比叶绿素浓度最大值稍浅的位置,与温度和叶绿素浓度显著正相关,与盐度和采样深度显著负相关。多数优势种与环境因子间的相关性不显著。热带西太平洋海区砂壳纤毛虫多样性极高,各站种丰富度在25-52之间。在从表层至75 m处的多数采样点香农指数均大于3。该海区砂壳纤毛虫冗余种的比例很高,占砂壳纤毛虫总种类数的87.90%,贡献了砂壳纤毛虫60.38%的丰度,表明热带西太平洋海区砂壳纤毛虫群落对饵料组成和摄食压力改变的应对能力很强,稳定性很高。  相似文献   

We have investigated interannual-scale variations of oceanic and atmospheric anomaly fields, such as upper ocean heat content (OHC), sea surface temperature (SST), latent heat flux (LHF) through the sea surface, sea level pressure (SLP) and wind stress curl (WSC) in the tropical Pacific and their relationships to El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events. The results reported here show that the OHC and SST anomalies are almost in phase and lead LHF anomalies in the western tropical Pacific (WTP) region, which are preferable to the generation of subsequent atmospheric anomalies in the WTP. We also describe linear relationships between the amplitudes of these variables in the WTP. In addition, the results show that the both WSC and LHF anomalies are in phase with the temporal trend of OHC anomalies in the WTP, and suggest a combined effect of the local WSC and LHF anomaly in the WTP and ENSO-related, off-equatorial, westward propagating OHC anomaly to generate a large OHC anomaly in the WTP. In contrast to the WTP, OHC and SST anomalies are not in phase to the east of the WTP. The results also indicate that OHC anomalies in the WTP have a potential effect on the generation of an equatorial OHC anomaly via both a reflection of waves at the western boundary and atmospheric variations, which force the enhancement of western equatorial OHC anomaly. Therefore, the WTP is a key region where ENSO events are significantly modulated, and OHC anomalies in the WTP play an important role in the subsequent ENSO event.  相似文献   

利用SODA(Simple Ocean Data Assimilation)的海温资料和Unisys Weather的热带气旋资料,研究了1960-2008年期间北太平洋上层150 m的热含量分布特征及其与西北太平洋热带气旋发生频次的关系。考虑了纬度的变化对热含量的影响后,北太平洋热含量的高值中心位于10°N左右,与上层海温结构相符,计算结果更加符合物理意义。北太平洋热含量与西北太平洋热带气旋频数年际相关性研究表明在北太平洋中高纬度大洋内区和赤道东太平洋热带不稳定波发生区呈现出前期冬季正相关性。此相关性存在显著年代际的变化,在1970-1975年和1984-2008年期间最强,1976-1983年期间较弱。在北太平洋中高纬度大洋内区,同期春夏秋季同样存在强正相关。在西太平洋暖池区,同期秋季负相关最为显著。赤道中太平洋区域在夏季呈显著的正相关,秋季减弱。赤道东太平洋海域的相关性前期冬季负相关最为显著,春季负相关性减弱,夏季和秋季无显著相关。  相似文献   

This study quantifies uncertainties in closing the seasonal cycle of diabatic heat storage (DHS) over the Pacific Ocean from 20°S to 60°N through the synthesis of World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) reanalysis products from 1993 to 1999. These products are DHS from Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO); near-surface geostrophic and Ekman currents from Earth and Space Research (ESR); and air-sea heat fluxes from Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (COADS), National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), and European Center for Mid-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). With these products, we compute residual heat budget components by differencing long-term monthly means from the long-term annual mean. This allows the seasonal cycle of the DHS tendency to be modeled. Everywhere latent heat flux residuals dominate sensible heat flux residuals, shortwave heat flux residuals dominate longwave heat flux residuals, and residual Ekman heat advection dominates residual geostrophic heat advection, with residual dissipation significant only in the Kuroshio-Oyashio current extension. The root-mean-square (RMS) of the differences between observed and model residual DHS tendencies (averaged over 10° latitude-by-20° longitude boxes) is <20 W m−2 in the interior ocean and <100 W m−2 in the Kuroshio-Oyashio current extension. This reveals that the residual DHS tendency is driven everywhere by some mix of residual latent heat flux, shortwave heat flux, and Ekman heat advection. Suppressing bias errors in residual air-sea turbulent heat fluxes and Ekman heat advection through minimization of the RMS differences reduces the latter to <10 W m−2 over the interior ocean and <25 W m−2 in the Kuroshio-Oyashio current extension. This reveals air-sea temperature and specific humidity differences from in situ surface marine weather observations to be a principal source of bias error, overestimated over most of ocean but underestimated near the Intertropical Convergence Zone.  相似文献   

热带西太平洋海域上层海洋热含量的CSEOF分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于月平均Argo温、盐度剖面、纬向风和Ni o3.4指数等资料,利用循环平稳经验正交函数(CSEOF)分解法、最大熵谱分析和相关分析等方法,研究了热带西太平洋海域上层(0—700m)海洋热含量的时空变化特征,并探讨了其年际变化的可能原因。结果表明,热带西太平洋海域上层海洋热含量距平场具有显著的东-西向反位相振荡,且这种振荡除了具有较明显的季节变化外,还存在着较强的准2a振荡。此外,热含量距平场还存在着负-正-负的三极式经向模态,该模态除了具有明显的季节变化外,还存在着显著的准4a振荡。进一步分析表明,热含量的准2a振荡与ENSO事件的发生有着非常密切的联系,并对赤道西太平洋纬向风异常有1—2月的滞后响应。  相似文献   

利用1986/1987ENSO事件前后的深水CTD资料,计算了热带西太平洋(141°~165°E,10°N~10°S)相对于不同等压面的势能空间分布和时间变化。结果表明,ENSO期间热带西太平洋单位面积上水柱的势能明显减小,而热带西太平洋势能的经向变化明显大于纬向变化。经向变化的特征是赤道外势能大于赤道上的势能。势能最大值位于4°N和4°S,而最大年际变化则发生于7°N,远大于赤道附近。最后,还分析了热带西太平洋势能分布的地域性特征,并指出了这些特征与海洋水文特征的联系。  相似文献   

热带太平洋活性微生物菌株的筛选和鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从热带太平洋的生物、海水、沉积物样品中分离到细菌、酵母和霉菌共475株.选择8个指示菌并采用圆形纸片法对分离菌株的发酵液进行抗菌和抗肿瘤活性筛选,获得20个具有抗菌和/或抗肿瘤活性的微生物菌株.细菌、酵母和霉菌活性菌株的筛选得率都比较低,分别为5.4%、2.2%和3.4%,其原因可能与纸片的发酵液的添加量较少和菌株发酵条件的控制有关.同时采用分子生物学方法鉴定了活性菌株,除4株未有结果外,其余菌株分归为9个属,其中芽孢杆菌属7株、占活性菌株的35%,盐单胞菌属2株、占10%,其它菌属各1株、占5%.抑菌谱分析表明,大多数活性菌株对革兰氏阳性细菌具有抑制作用,而来源于鱼体的菌株抑菌谱较广,对细菌、真菌均有拮抗作用,另外还发现一株酵母(Rhodosporidium toruloides)可抑制金黄色葡萄球菌.作者提出“活性指示(activity index)”参数,对活性菌株的抗菌谱和活性强度进行综合评估,也表明源于鱼体的菌株的活性指示值较高.这4株芽孢杆菌尤其是DY-Y-11A1A菌株,具有潜在的后续开发价值.  相似文献   

从2001年春、秋季于热带太平洋区采集到的深海样品中共分离到110株微生物,从中挑取31株进行形态特征和对环境理化因子适应特征的研究,同时利用Biolog微生物自动鉴定系统进行菌种鉴定和碳源代谢分析.结果表明:31株微生物中2株为酵母,21株为革兰氏阳性细菌,8株为革兰氏阴性细菌,来自底质的细菌菌株阳性菌占优势,而海水、蓝藻中阴性菌居多;温度、盐度、pH适应性试验表明,严格意义上的狭适性微生物不到总数的1/3,而具有较宽生态幅的广适性微生物占有相当大的比例.另一方面,耐冷菌、中度嗜盐菌和抗碱菌在这些微生物中的比例很高,同时,来自蓝藻的菌株大多数在4℃下不生长,而来自上覆水和底质的菌株可在4℃生长,这些都体现了微生物对生存环境的响应.31株微生物经Biolog鉴定12株得出鉴定结果.15株革兰氏阳性细菌对95种碳源的利用能力分析表明,不同菌株可利用碳源的数目从3种到46种不等,差异很大,体现了深海微生物营养类型的极大多样性;同时,发现有8种碳源可被一半以上的受试菌株所利用,这些碳源均是微生物各类代谢途径中的重要中间代谢物.  相似文献   

使用1982—2014年美国国家海洋和大气管理局(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,NOAA)最优插值(1/4)°逐日海温分析资料、美国国家海洋数据中心(National Oceanographic Data Center,NODC)提供的海洋上层700 m热含量数据和美国联合台风警报中心(Joint Typhoon Warning Center,JTWC)的热带气旋(tropical cyclone,TC)最佳路径资料,分析西北太平洋地区(0°~30°N,105°~155°E)TC活动的时空分布特征,探讨TC与海洋上层热状态之间的关系。结果表明:TC频数具有显著的年代际变化特征:1982—1992年和2003—2014年皆为低频期,而1993—2002年则为高频期,33年来TC发生频数表现为缓慢增加—快速增加—减少的特征。最近15年(2000—2014年),TC数量呈现明显下降的趋势。在西北太平洋,TC有3个明显的源地,分别为源地1(10°~22°N、110°~120°E);源地2(8°~20°N、125°~145°E);和源地3(5°~20°N、145°~155°E)。源地1、源地2的频数呈上升趋势,而源地3呈下降趋势。海洋上层热状态的变化给TC带来的影响是多方面的,TC频数对上层热含量(heat content)的响应较明显,而海表面温度(sea surface temperature,SST)不是影响TC数量变化的主要因素。伴随着海洋上层的增暖,TC的年持续时间有减少趋势,TC强度正在增强。在全球变暖背景下,TC活动给西北太平洋沿岸国家带来的潜在威胁极有可能加剧。  相似文献   

基于2005—2018年日本气象厅的6 h主观预报数据,分析西北太平洋热带气旋路径预报偏差的方位分布特征,探讨路径预报偏差与副热带高压的可能关系。统计结果表明,以东、南、西、北方位划分预报偏差空间分布,路径预报偏差以偏向东北向和西南向为主,24、48、72 h预报中东北 西南向偏差分别占61.62%、64.02%、66.94%。分析东北 西南偏差空间特征,发现西南向的预报偏差主要发生在热带气旋路径密集区的北部海域(24°N附近),而东北向的预报偏差主要发生在南部海域(16°N附近)。进一步分析这种东北 西南偏差和副热带高压的关系,发现大部分东北偏差出现在副热带高压的西南侧,且对应的偏副热带高压脊线位置更靠北、西脊点更靠西、面积更大;而西南偏差出现在副热带高压的西北侧,副热带高压脊线位置则更靠南、西脊点更靠东、面积更小。即副热带高压引导的西行台风,路径预报易偏东北;北折台风,路径预报倾向偏西南。  相似文献   

2016年秋季热带西太平洋网采浮游植物群落结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈卓  孙军  张桂成 《海洋科学》2018,42(7):114-130
作者于2016年9月27日~10月25日对热带西太平洋(0°~20°N, 120°~130°E)10个站位的网采浮游植物群落结构进行了采样调查。应用Uterm?hl方法对调查海域浮游植物的物种组成、细胞丰度、优势物种以及群落多样性等相关生态特征进行了分析。希望为热带西太平洋提供一些基础的背景资料,为以后的研究奠定基础。结果表明, 鉴定出浮游植物共计4门、66属、243种(包括变种、变型), 含硅藻门(Bacillariophyta)34属、103种, 甲藻门(Pyrrophyta)28属、133种, 金藻门(Chrysophyta)2属、4种,蓝藻门(Cyanophyta)2属、3种。浮游植物细胞丰度1 965.573×103 细胞/m3 , 其中蓝藻的细胞丰度为1 945.169×103 细胞/m3 , 决定了浮游植物的分布格局, 占总细胞丰度的98.96%, 高值区分布在0°N130°E-10°N130°E的4个站位(E130-13、E130-15、E130-17、E130-19); 硅藻丰度在20°N断面N20-4站位存在高值区; 甲藻丰度在130°E断面的3个站位(E130-10、E130-13、E130-15)存在高值区。本次调查的优势种依次为铁氏束毛藻(Trichodesmium thiebaultii)、扁形原甲藻(Prorocentrum compressum)、扁豆原甲藻(Prorocentrum leniculatum)、胞内植生藻(Richelia intracellularis)、菱形海线藻(Thalassionema nitzschioides)、细弱海链藻(Thalassiosira subtilis)、具边线形圆筛藻(Coscinodiscus marginato-lineatus)、科氏角藻(Ceratium kofoidii)、鲁比膝沟藻(Gonyaulax lurbynaii)、中华半管藻(Hemiaulus sinensis)、霍氏半管藻(Hemiaulus hauckii)、小等刺硅鞭藻(Dictyocha fibula)。Shannon-Weiner多样性指数的均值为2.440,Pielou 均匀度指数的均值为0.163。相关分析结果显示浮游植物空间分布主要受PO4-P、NH4-N的影响,且由蓝藻的相关性决定的。聚类分析得出群落结构分为大洋群聚和近岸群聚两种类型(其中大洋群聚的站位又划分为0°~10°N纬度范围聚集和10°~20°N纬度范围聚集)。  相似文献   

本文利用Argo海水盐度资料、海流同化数据和同期大气再分析数据,探讨热带太平洋盐度趋势变化和相关动力过程。Argo资料显示,2015?2017年热带太平洋出现显著的盐度异常(SAE),这是改变长期趋势的主要原因,表现为表层显著淡化和次表层咸化特征。这种盐度异常具有明显的区域性特征和垂直结构的差异,体现在热带太平洋北部海区(NTP)和南太平洋辐合区(SPCZ)表层淡化,盐度最大变幅为0.71~0.92,淡化可以达到混合层底;热带太平洋南部海区(STP)次表层咸化,最大变幅为0.46,主要发生在温跃层附近,期间盐度异常沿着等位密面从西向东扩展。平流和挟卷是与SAE密切相关的海洋动力过程,两者在NTP淡化海域有着持续而较为显著的影响,在SPCZ淡化、STP咸化海域后期贡献也较大,其中盐度平流对热带太平洋海区盐度变化起主要贡献。NTP淡化海区表层淡水通量和STP咸化海区密度补偿引起的混合也是SAE的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

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