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Platinum-group elements in porphyry copper deposits: a reconnaissance study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Sulphide and flotation concentrates from 33 porphyry copper deposits have been investigated for platinum-group elements (PGE), Au, Cu and platinum-group minerals (PGM). The major sulphides in the samples studied are chalcopyrite and pyrite. Bornite is less frequent and molybdenite occurs in traces only. PGM (merenskyite, sperrylite and an unidentified Pd-Sb telluride) have been found as inclusions in chalcopyrite.Pd and Pt are present in concentrations above the analytical detection limit (> 8 ppb) in 70% respectively 30% of the deposits studied. The contents of Os, Ir, Ru and Rh are below detection limits in all samples. The analytical results show that 7 deposits (six of island arc and one of continental margin setting) reveal relatively high Pd contents (130–1900 ppb) which are associated with high Au contents (1–28 ppm). In five of them discrete PGM can be identified in accordance with elevated levels of Pd. Correlations of Au, Pd and Pt point towards a common origin.Even though the data base is relatively small, a trend is obvious, suggesting that Au-rich island arc porphyry copper deposits might host more Pd and Pt than the continental margin type ones. Other aspects of intrusive rocks, such as geological age, chemical composition and magma type do not seem to influence PGE contents.
Platingruppen-Elemente in porphyrischen Kupfer Lagerstätten: eine Überblicksstudie
Zusammenfassung Es wurden Sulfid- und Flotationskonzentrate aus 33 Porphyry Kupfer Lagerstätten: auf Platingruppenelemente (PGE), Au, Cu and Platingruppenminerale (PGM) untersucht. Die Hauptsulfide im untersuchten Probenmaterial sind Chalkopyrit und Pyrit. Bornit ist weniger häufig and Molybdänit tritt nur in Spuren auf. An PGM wurden Merenskyit (in den Lagerstätten: Elacite, Majdanpek and Skouries), Sperrylith und ein nicht näher identifizierbares Pd-Sb- Tellurid (in der Lagerstätte Mamut) als Einschlüsse in Chalkopyrit festgestellt.Pd ist in 70% and Pt in 30% der untersuchten Lagerstätten: nachweisbar (> 8 ppb), während die Gehalte von Os, Ir, Ru and Rh in allen Proben unterhalb der Nachweisgrenze liegen. In 7 Lagerstätten: (davon sechs vom Inselbogen- und eine vom Kontinentalrandtyp) wurden relativ hohe Pd-Konzentrationen (130–1900 ppb) festgestellt, die auch durch hohe Au-Gehalte (1–28 ppm) gekennzeichnet sind. In 5 Lagerstätten: sind entsprechend den hohen Pd-Gehalten PGM nachweisbar.Geochemische Korrelationen zwischen Au, Pd and Pt weisen auf eine gemeinsame Herkunft dieser Metalle hin. Obwohl der Datenbestand noch relativ klein ist, ist ein Trend bereits sichtbar, daß Au-reiche Inselbogenporphyries Where Pd- und Pt- Gehalte erwarten lassen als der Kontinentalrand-Typ. Andere Aspekte wie geologisches Alter, Magmentyp and Chemismus der betreffenden Intrusivgesteine spielen bei der PGEFührung offensichtlich keine Rolle.

With 8 Figures  相似文献   

All platinum-group metals (PGM) in ashed plant tissues, from an area of platinum mineralization in Saskatchewan, have been measured by neutron activation analysis of a NiS fire assay bead. Concentrations of up to 1350 ppb (ng/g) Pd, 880 ppb Pt, 49 ppb Rh, 37 ppb Ru, 24 ppb Ir, and 15 ppb Os occur in ashed twigs of black spruce (Picea mariana), indicating that the ratios of PGM uptake are about the same as those occurring in the bedrock. Plants growing on drift-covered diabase, known to have about 100 ppb PGM, contain up to 77 ppb Pt in ash, demonstrating the potential value of biogeochemical methods in helping to delineate platiniferous zones. Twigs of black spruce, jack pine, and labrador tea appear to be the optimum sample media in this environment.A rapid multi-element neutron activation analysis by direct irradiation of tissue permits measurement of 0.05 ppb Ir in dry material, or 2 ppb Ir in ashed samples. In view of the normally very low concentrations of Ir in plants, any detectable Ir probably indicates enrichment of PGM in the substrate.Comparison of several wet-chemical analytical methods indicates that the optimum (cost-effective) technique for detecting 1–2 ppb Pt, Pd, or Rh in 2-g samples of ash is by Te co-precipitation (following fusion and dissolution), and analysis by ICP-MS with sample introduction by electrothermal vaporization. However, care must be taken to ensure complete dissolution of all PGMs in the ash.  相似文献   

中亚造山带中斑岩铜钼矿的Re,Pt,Pd和Au含量   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Precious metal(Pt,Pd and Au)and Re contents in rocks,ores and flotation concentrates of Siberian(Russia)andMongolian porphyry Cu-Mo and Mo-Cu deposits were studied.The following deposits are discussed:Early Devonian porphyry Mo-CuSora deposit(Kuznetsk Alatau Mountains,Russia)and porphyry Cu-Mo Aksug deposit,(northeastern Tuva,Russia);Triassicporphyry Cu-Mo Erdenetiin Ovoo deposit(northern Mongolia).The samples analyzed include unaltered host rocks of plutons,porphyryrocks of ore-bearing series,different types of altered rocks,mineral separate analyses of molybdenite,chalcopyrite and magnetite,aswell as flotation concentrates.Pt,Pd,Au and Re contents were determined using ICP/MS,AAS and inversion voltammetric analysis.PGE abundances in rocks and poorly mineralized samples span a large range from below detection limit to 65 ppb Pt and 74 ppbPd.Re concentrations in whole rock samples range from below detection limit to 89 ppb.Molybdenite has been shown to be the majorhost phase for Re.The results presented show that Aksug deposit reveals elevated PGE and Au contents in ore minerals and flotationconcentrates.High Pd contents in ores of the Aksug deposit are in accordance with the presence of palladium mineralization in the formof palladium telluride merenskyite(Pd,Pt)Te_2.The variety of precious metals and Re contents in the studied deposits could be caused by a complex interplay of several factors,including importance of primary metal concentrations derived from the source,transport of metals to the deposition area,physicochemical properties of the fluid(fo_2,pH,fs,T,P),and depositional conditions.Higher Re contents in molybdenite andchalcopyrite separates are typical for copper-rich Aksug and Erdenetiin Ovoo deposits.Rhenium concentration in sulfides frommolybdenum-rich Sora deposit is significantly lower.Highly oxidized,Cl-rich fluid style at Aksug and Erdenetiin Ovoo was favorable forhigh rhenium solubility and transport to depositional area.The occurrence of significant precious metals contents at Aksug were likelydue to:1)PGE and Au enriched source,2)favorable fluid style(high fo_2,high Cl-activity),promoting high solubility andtransportation of precious metals in ore-forming fluid as chloride complexes;3)moderately reducing depositional conditions from PGE-bearing solutions containing As and Te,facilitating PGM deposition.As for the porphyry systems at the Sora and Erdenetiin Ovoodeposits,they were probably devoid of precursors favorable for the enrichment in PGE and Au or the role of such precursors wasinsignificant.  相似文献   

Platinum-Group Minerals from the Durance River Alluvium,France   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Summary Platinum-group minerals were discovered, during gold recovery, in the Durance river alluvium, near Peyrolles (Bouches-du-Rhône). The PGM grains (average size 130 microns) are strongly flattened (average thickness 64 microns). The PGM concentrate consists primarily of (Pt, Fe) alloys (92%), (Os, Ir, Ru) alloys (3.5%), and native gold and (Au, Cu, Ag) alloys (4.5%). The following minerals were observed: isoferroplatinum, ferroan platinum, native osmium, native iridium, iridosmine, rutheniridosmine, osmiridium, ruthenian osmium, osmian ruthenium, cuprorhodsite, guanglinite, shandite, tetrauricupride, native gold, bornite, heazlewoodite, (Pt, Pd)2Cu3, Pt(Cu, Au), (Ni, Pt)Sn, (Cu, Fe)1–x (Pd, Rh, Pt)2+xS2, (Pt, Pd)4–xCu2As1–x. Isoferroplatinum contains numerous inclusions of alloys, sulphides, arsenides, Pd-tellurides, and partly devitrified silicate glass droplets. Most of the non-silicate inclusions also exhibit a drop-like shape indicating their original entrapment in a liquid state.Cuprorhodsite crystals (up to 20 microns) are associated with bornite included in Pt3Fe. Rarely, Pd- and Cu-sulphides, and Pd-tellurides appear in this association. Complex droplet-like arsenide inclusions in isoferroplatinum are composed of Pt bearing guanglinite and (Pt,Pd)4+xCu2As1–x. Native iridium shows exsolutions of Ir-bearing isoferroplatinum and (Pt,Pd)2Cu3. In places, concentrations of Sn (up to 3 wt.%) were observed in (Au, Cu) alloys. Shandite and (Ni, Pt)Sn inclusions occur in (Au, Cu, Ag) alloys. Silicate-glass inclusions are TiO2-poor and occasionally K-rich (plotting in the shoshonitic field). Taking into account mineralogical and chemical pecularities of the PGM association occurring in the studied concentrate, it seems highly probable that its primary source should be an Alaskan-type intrusion.
Platingruppen Minerale aus dem Alluvium der Durance, Frankreich
Zusammenfassung Minerale der Platingruppe wurden im Zuge von Goldgewinnung im Alluvium der Durance in der Nähe von Peyrolles (Bouches-du-Rhône) entdeckt. Die PGM Körner (durchschnittliche Korngröße 130m) sind flach gepreßt (durchschnittliche Dicke 64m). Die PGM Konzentrate bestehen vorwiegend aus (Pt, Fe) Legierungen (92%); (Os, Ir, Ru) Legierungen (3,5%), sowie gediegen Gold und (Au, Cu, Ag) Legierungen (4,5%). Folgende Minerale wurden beobachtet:Isoferro-Platin, Fe-Platin, gediegen Osmium, gediegen Iridium, Iridosmium, Rutheniridosmium, Osmiridium, Ru-Osmium, Os-Ruthenium, Cuprorhodsit, Guanglinit, Shandit, Tetrauricuprit, gediegen Gold, Bornit, HeazIewoodit, (Pt, Pd)2 Cu3, Pt(Cu, Au), (Ni, Pt)Sn, (Cu, Fe), (Pd, Rh, Pt)2+xS2, (Pt, Pd)4+xCu2As1–x.Isoferro-Platin enthält zahlreiche Einschlüsse von Legierungen, Sulfiden, Arseniden, Pd-Telluriden und teilweise devitrifzierte Silikatglaströpfchen. Die meisten nichtsili katischen Einschlüsse sind ebenfalls tröpfchenförmig. Dies weist darauf hin, daß sie in flüssigem Zustand eingeschlossen wurden.Cuprorhodsitkristalle (bis zu 20m) sind gemeinsam mit Bornit in Pt3 Fe einge schlossen. Selten sind Pd- und Cu-Sulfide, sowie Pd-Telluride mit diesen vergesellschaftet. Bei den komplexen tröpfehenförmigen Arsenideinschlüssen im Isoferro-Platin handelt es sich um Pt-führenden Guanglinit und (Pt, Pd)4+xCu2 As1–x. Gediegen Iridium zeigt Entmischung von Ir-führendem Isoferro-Platin und (Pt, Pd)2Cu3. Stellenweise wurden Konzentrationen von Sn (bis zu 3%) in den (Au, Cu) Legierungen beobachtet. Shandit und (Ni, Pt) Sn Einschlüsse kommen in (Au, Cu, Ag) Legierungen vor. Silikatische Glaseinschlüsse sind TiO2-arm und manchmal K-reich (im Shoshonitfeld liegend).Auf Grund der mineralogischen und chemischen Eigenheiten der untersuchten PGM Konzentrate ist eine Intrusion des Alaska-Typs als primäre Quelle sehr wahrscheinlich.

With 4 Figures and 2 Plates  相似文献   

The distribution of platinum group elements (PGEs) in massive sulfides and hematite–magnetite±pyrite assemblages from the recently discovered basalt-hosted Turtle Pits hydrothermal field and in massive sulfides from the ultramafic-hosted Logatchev vent field both on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge was studied and compared to that from selected ancient volcanic-hosted massive sulfide (VHMS) deposits. Cu-rich samples from black smoker chimneys of both vent fields are enriched in Pd and Rh (Pd up to 227 ppb and Rh up to 149 ppb) when compared to hematite–magnetite-rich samples from Turtle Pits (Pd up to 10 ppb, Rh up to 1.9 ppb). A significant positive correlation was established between Cu and Rh in sulfide samples from Turtle Pits. PGE chondrite-normalized patterns (with a positive Rh anomaly and Pd and Au enrichment), Pd/Pt and Pd/Au ratios close to global MORB, and high values of Pd/Ir and Pt/Ir ratios indicate mafic source rock and seawater involvement in the hydrothermal system at Turtle Pits. Similarly shaped PGE chondrite-normalized patterns and high values of Pd/Pt and Pd/Ir ratios in Cu-rich sulfides at Logatchev likely reflect a similar mechanism of PGE enrichment but with involvement of ultramafic source rocks.  相似文献   

铂族元素矿物共生组合(英文)   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
CHEN Yuan 《现代地质》2001,15(2):131-142
由于铂族元素能有效地降低汽车尾气的污染 ,其需求量日益增加 ,对铂族元素矿床的寻找已是当务之急。着重从矿物矿床学角度对铂族元素的矿物共生特点进行了探讨。铂族元素可呈独立矿床产出 ,主要产于基性超基性层状侵入体、蛇绿岩套及阿拉斯加式侵入体中。铂族元素也伴生于铜镍矿床中 ,该类铜镍矿床主要与苏长岩侵入体、溢流玄武岩及科马提岩有关。产于基性超基性层状侵入体中的铂族矿物有铂钯硫化物、铂铁合金、钌硫化物、铑硫化物、铂钯碲化物、钯砷化物及钯的合金。这些铂族矿物可与硫化物矿物共生 ,也可与硅酸盐矿物共生 ,还可与铬铁矿及其他氧化物矿物共生。产于蛇绿岩套中的铂族矿物主要是钌铱锇的矿物 ,而铂钯铑的矿物则较少出现 ,这些铂族矿物可呈合金、硫化物、硫砷化物以及砷化物 4种形式出现。产于阿拉斯加式侵入体中的铂族矿物主要有铂铁合金、锑铂矿、硫铂矿、砷铂矿、硫锇矿及马兰矿等少数几种 ,其中铂铁合金与铬铁矿及与其同时结晶的高温硅酸盐矿物共生 ,而其他的铂族矿物则与后来的变质作用及蛇纹岩化作用中形成的多金属硫化物及砷化物共生。产于铜镍矿床中的铂族矿物主要是铂和钯的矿物。产于基性超基性层状侵入体、蛇绿岩套及阿拉斯加式侵入体中的铂族矿物的共同特点是它们均与铬铁矿?  相似文献   

Contents of Pt and Pd were determined in weakly mineralized rocks, ores, and flotation concentrates of the Aksug porphyry Cu-Mo deposit, northeastern Tuva. In all studied samples they are above the detection limits: Pt = 17–96 ppb and Pd = 9–924 ppb. These elements are unevenly distributed throughout the rocks and ores, with Pd/Pt varying from 0.5 to 37. Study of Pd-rich ores (up to 924 ppb, Pd/Pt = 37) on a JEOL JSM 5600 scanning electron microscope revealed finest (2–5 μm) merenskyite inclusions (25.20% Pd, 1.21% Pt, 72.31% Te) in chalcopyrite. The calculated crystallochemical formula of merenskyite from ores of the Aksug deposit is (Pd0.862Pt0.023Cu0.026Fe0.025)Te2.064. The merenskyite is associated with electrum (79.92% Au, 18.96% Ag), monazite, cobaltite, tennantite, and Sr-containing barite (4.6–18.0% Sr). Palladium mineralization occurs in massive chalcopyrite veinlets in zones of intensely propylitized rocks. The Devonian Aksug ore-bearing porphyry complex developed in the field of Early-Middle Cambrian intrusions of gabbro-diorite-plagiogranites associated with basalt-andesite effusions of island-arc complex. This might have led to high PGE contents in the Aksug rocks. The deposit formation proceeded with the participation of ore-bearing Cl-enriched fluids favoring the concentration and transport of PGE in porphyry copper systems.  相似文献   

Summary The podiform chromitites investigated in the course of this study occur in intensely serpentinized dunites and peridotites of unknown age (paleozoic or older) within a metamorphic complex consisting of gneisses, amphibolites and marbles. Concentrations of platinum group elements (PGE) and the distribution of platinum group minerals (PGM) have been investigated in the chromitite occurrences of Dobromirci and Pletene.PGE concentrations in chromitites vary from 787 to 891 ppb (Dobromirci). The highest value was recorded in chromite ore from Pletene (1274 ppb). The enrichment is due to high contents of Os, Ir and Ru, whereas the contents of Rh, Pt and Pd are relatively low. The Ru-contents (480-600 ppb) are remarkable and correspond to the average content in chondrite Cl. Chondrite-normalized PGE distribution patterns of chromitites of both localities reveal a distinctly negative trend from Ru to Pd, which is typical for chromites from ophiolites.Irrespective of their chemical composition, most chromites carry numerous PGM inclusions which have formed during the magmatic stage at high sulphur fugacity (fs2). In addition to laurite, the main mineral, there are sulpharsenides of Ru-Ir-Os (ruarsite, irarsite, osarsite).Textural aspects and the results of chemical analyses show that the concentration of PGE is not caused by substitution in the lattice of chromite, but by magmatic formation of discrete PGM before or contemporaneously with chromite. All PGM apparently remained unaltered. No evidence for remobilization or redistribution of PGE by serpentinization has been found.
Minerale der Platinggruppe in Chromititen des Ultramafit-Komplexes des Ost-Rhodopen Massivs, Bulgarien
Zusammenfassung Die untersuchten podiformen Chromite tretey in stark serpentinisierten Duniten und Peridotiten unbekannten Alters (paläozoisch oder älter) innerhalb eines hochmetamorphen Komplexes auf, der aus Gneisen, Amphiboliten und Marmoren besteht. In den Chromitit-Vorkommen von Dobromirci und Pletene wurden Konzentrationen der Elemente der Platingruppe (PGE) und die Verteilung der Minerale der Platingruppe (PGM) untersucht.Die PGE-Konzentration der Chromitite variiert zwischen 787 und 891 ppb (Dobromirci). Die höchste Konzentration wurde im Chromiterz aus Pletene (1274 ppb) gefunden. Die Anreicherung geht auf hohe Beteiligung von Os, Ir und Ru zurück, da die Gehalte an Rh, Pt und Pd relativ niedrig sind. Auffallend hoch sind die Ru-Gehalte (480-600 ppb), die dem mittleren Gehalt im Chondrit Cl entsprechen. Chondritnormalisierte PGE-Verteilungsmuster von Chromititen beider Lokalitäten zeigen einen stark negativen Trend von Ru zu Pd, der für Ophiolith-Chromite typisch ist.Unabhängig von ihrem Chemismus führen die meisten Chromite zahlreiche PGME-Einschlüsse, die sich magmatisch bei hoher Schwefelfugazität (fS2) gebildet haben. Neben dem Hauptmineral Laurit, wurden Sulfarsenide von Ru-Ir-Os (Ruarsit, Irarsit, Osarsit) festgestellt.Texturelle Merkmale der PGM und Ergebnisse der chemischen Analysen führen zu der Schlußfolgerung, daß die Konzentration der PGE nicht auf eine Substitution in Chromit, sondern auf die Frühbildung der selbständigen PGM vor oder gleichzeitig mit den Chromiten zurückzuführen ist. Die PGM zeigen keine Alterationserscheinungen. Es wurden keine Hinweise für eine Remobilisation oder Umsetzung der PGE durch Serpentinisierung gefunden.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   

We studied primary ore samples from Kalmakyr, a giant Cu–Au–Mo porphyry deposit in eastern Uzbekistan. Disseminated and stockwork-type high-grade Cu–Au–Mo mineralization showed average concentrations of 55 ppb Pd, 5.5 ppb Pt, 0.95 ppb Rh, 0.49 ppb Ir, and 4.1 ppm Au (n = 8). This type of mineralization is characterized by the presence of pyrite, chalcopyrite, molybdenite, and gold. A peak Pd content of 292 ppb was determined in a base-metal-rich quartz vein in granodiorite porphyry, which contains galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite, and gold. Palladium correlates with Cu, Ag, Se, and S. Mineralogical and laser ablation ICP-MS study confirmed that Pd is homogeneously distributed in chalcopyrite, which contains up to 110 ppm Pd, and tetrahedrite, containing up to 20 ppm Pd. An assessment of the Pd and Pt budget at Kalmakyr showed the potential of approximately 17 t of Pd and 1.7 t of Pt.  相似文献   

Summary This study reports the first documented occurrence of platinum group-minerals (PGM) in the vicinity of the Voisey’s Bay magmatic sulfide ore deposit. The PGM are present in a sulfide poor, hornblende gabbro dyke in the Southeast Extension Zone of the massive sulfide Ovoid deposit. The dyke has somewhat elevated concentrations of platinum-group elements (PGE) and gold (up to 1.95 g/t Pt, 1.41 g/t Pd, and 6.59 g/t Au), as well as Cu, Pb, Ag, Sn, Te, Bi and Sb. The PGM formed by magmatic processes and were little disturbed by subsequent infiltration of an externally-supplied hydrothermal fluid. To date, no similar PGM occurrences have been discovered in the Ovoid deposit itself. Whole rock REE patterns indicate that the dyke is geochemically related to the main conduit troctolites, which carry the bulk of the massive sulfide mineralization at Voisey’s Bay. The PGE mineralization is Pt- and Pd-rich, where the Pt and Pd occur predominantly as discrete PGM with minor Pd in solid solution in galena (average=1.8 ppm) and pentlandite (average=2 ppm). The discrete PGM are predominantly hosted by disseminated base-metal sulfides (bornite, chalcopyrite, and galena) (56 vol%) and are associated with other precious metal minerals (13 vol%) with only ∼3 vol% of the PGM hosted by silicate minerals. In whole rock samples, the PPGE (Pt, Pd, and Rh) correlate with abundances of chalcopyrite, bornite, galena, and other precious metal minerals (PMM), whereas the IPGE (Ir, Ru, and Rh) correlate with pyrrhotite and pentlandite. There are no correlations of the PGE with chlorine. Lead isotope compositions of galena associated with the PGE mineralization in the Southeast Extension Zone are broadly similar to those for galena in the Ovoid. The lead isotope compositions are much different from those in the Voisey’s Bay Syenite, which is a potential external hydrothermal fluid source. The observed Cu-rich, Pb-rich sulfide compositions and associated Pt-Pd-Au-Ag-Sn-Te-Bi-Sb assemblage in the dyke can be produced magmatically as late ISS differentiates (e.g., Prichard et al., 2004). Melting temperatures of the PGM are also consistent with a magmatic origin. Following crystallization of PGM from magmatic sulfide, an external REE-enriched hydrothermal fluid was introduced to the system, producing secondary amphibole and locally remobilizing the Pb and Sn from the sulfides hosting the PGM. Author’s address: M. A. E. Huminicki, Department of Earth Sciences, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL, Canada A1B 3X5  相似文献   

In the Great Dyke mafic/ultramafic layered intrusion of Zimbabwe, economic concentrations of platinum-group elements (PGE) are restricted to sulfide disseminations in pyroxenites of the Main Sulfide Zone (MSZ). Oxidized ores near the surface constitute a resource of ca. 400 Mt. Mining of this ore type has so far been hampered due to insufficient recovery rates. During the oxidation/weathering of the pristine ores, most notably, S and Pd are depleted, whereas Cu and Au are enriched. The concentrations of most other elements (including the other PGE) remain quite constant. In the oxidized MSZ, PGE occur in different modes: (1) as relict primary PGM (mainly sperrylite, cooperite, and braggite), (2) in solid solution in relict sulfides (dominantly Pd in pentlandite, up to 6,500 ppm Pd and 450 ppm Pt), (3) as secondary PGM neoformations (i.e., Pt–Fe alloy and zvyagintsevite), (4) as PGE oxides/hydroxides that replace primary PGM as the result of oxidation, (5) hosted in weathering products, i.e., iron oxides/hydroxides (up to 3,600 ppm Pt and 3,100 ppm Pd), manganese oxides/hydroxides (up to 1.6 wt.% Pt and 1,150 ppm Pd), and in secondary phyllosilicates (up to a few hundred ppm Pt and Pd). In the oxidized MSZ, most of the Pt and Pd are hosted by relict primary and secondary PGM; subordinate amounts are found in iron and manganese oxides/hydroxides. The amount of PGE hosted in solid solution in sulfides is negligible. Considerable local variations in the distribution of PGE in the oxidized ores complicate a mineralogical balance. Experiments to evaluate the PGE recovery from oxidized MSZ ore show that using physical concentration techniques (i.e., electric pulse disaggregation, hydroseparation, and magnetic separation), the PGE are preferentially concentrated into smaller grain size fractions by a factor of 2. Highest PGE concentrations occur in the volumetrically insignificant magnetic fraction. This indicates that a physical preconcentration of PGE is not feasible and that chemical, bulk-leaching methods need to be developed in order to successfully recover PGE from oxidized MSZ ore.  相似文献   

The mineral and chemical composition of the carbon-bearing rocks of the Late Permian Pionerskaya Formation containing the Degdekan gold deposit has been studied. The bulk contents of Au, Ag, Pt, and Pd in the black shales and their light, sulfide, and electromagnetic fractions were determined by electrothermal atomization. The mineral composition and the phase analysis of the rocks were studied using a scanning electron microscope. Gold is present as fine xenomorphic grains of high fineness with an Fe admixture of up to 4 at %, as well as intergrowths of kustelite and electrum. The Au and Pt contents in the black shales and ores vary in a wide range (g/t): Au 0.01–13.12, Pt 0.001–1.34. The highest Au contents (up to 1748 g/t) were noted in the sulfide fraction. The Pt-bearing phases were not found, whereas a Pt content of about 0.61 wt % was determined using an electron microscope in a carbonaceous matrix. The initial rocks have a steady and low Pt content (less than 0.007 g/t). A stable even Au distribution in the studied rocks was established within 1.14–2.46 g/t. The chemical analysis of the soluble fraction of the carbonaceous matter extracted from the black shales showed the presence of Au 0.375, Ag 3.68, Pt 0.147, and Pd 0.052 g/t. It has been concluded that the carbon-bearing rocks of the Pionerskaya Formation play a resource role in the accumulation of noble metals, whereas economic concentrations of the latters are formed in the course of the superimposed metamorphic-hydrothermal processes.  相似文献   

The 2.7 Ga Kambalda Sequence comprises a mafic to ultramafic dominated volcanic rock sequence of the Kalgoorlie Terrane, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia. The Sequence is divided into Lower and Upper Units separated by the Kambalda Komatiite Formation. Five basalt suites of the Lower Unit are tholeiitic where MgO spans 5-10 wt.% MgO, with minor assimilation-fractional crystallization (AFC), whereas six volcanic suites identified in the Upper Unit are tholeiitic to komatiitic-basalts with MgO 24-5 wt.% having generally greater degrees of AFC. Upper suites plot at Al2O3/TiO2 (17-26) close to the primitive mantle ratio of 21, and Pt + Pd (19-31 ppb), whereas the PGE-depleted Lower basalts plot at generally lower Al2O3/TiO2 (<16) and Pt + Pd (<10 ppb). Most suites have an average Pt/Pd ratio of 1.11, despite large variations in MgO contents, broadly consistent with the Pt/Pd ratio in the primitive mantle. On primitive mantle-normalised PGE plots, Upper suites generally display less fractionated patterns of the IPGE (Os, Ir, Ru and Rh) from the PPGE (Pt and Pd) relative to the Lower basalts. Most suites exhibit patterns with positive slopes reflecting relative enrichment of Pd, Pt, Au and Cu relative to Ni and IPGE. In suites of both Units, the concentrations of Ir and Ru fall with decreasing MgO contents, indicating their broadly compatible behaviour during magmatic evolution that involved AFC. Platinum and Pd behave as incompatible elements in the high-MgO suites, whereas Pt and Pd behave compatibly during crystallisation of the Lower basalt magmas, an interpretation consistent with progressively higher Cu/Pt and Cu/Pd ratios at decreasing MgO contents, and with falling Pt/Ti, collectively due to sulphur saturation induced by AFC as recorded in an antivariance of Pd/Ir with Nb/Th, a monitor of AFC.Collectively, the data suggest that several of the Lower Basalt suites crystallised under sulphide-saturated conditions, whereas most of the Upper Basalt Sequences remained sulphur undersaturated during magmatic evolution. Alteration, and fractional crystallisation of silicate and oxide phases, can be ruled out as factors governing PGE distribution in these mafic-ultramafic suites. Instead, the data suggest that discrete PGE-bearing phase (s) fractionated from the magmas. Such phases could be platinum group minerals (PGM; e.g., laurite) and/or alloys, or discrete PGE-rich nuggets or sulphides.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Fengshan porphyry-skarn copper–molybdenum (Cu–Mo) deposit is located in the south-eastern Hubei Province in east China. Cu–Mo mineralization is hosted in the Fengshan granodiorite porphyry stock that intruded the Triassic Daye Formation carbonate rocks in the early Cretaceous (~140 Ma), as well as the contact zone between granodiorite porphyry stock and carbonate rocks, forming the porphyry-type and skarn-type association. The Fengshan granodiorite stock and the immediate country rocks are strongly fractured and intensely altered by hydrothermal fluids. In addition to intense skarn alteration, the prominent alteration types are potassic, phyllic, and propylitic, whereas argillation is less common. Mineralization occurs as veins, stock works, and disseminations, and the main ore minerals are chalcopyrite, pyrite, molybdenite, bornite, and magnetite. The contents of palladium, platinum and gold (Pd, Pt and Au) are determined in nine samples from fresh and mineralized granodiorite and different types of altered rocks. The results show that the Pd content is systematically higher than Pt, which is typical for porphyry ore deposits worldwide. The Pt content ranges from 0.037 to1.765 ppb, and the Pd content ranges between 0.165 and 17.979 ppb. Pd and Pt are more concentrated in porphyry mineralization than skarn mineralization, and have negative correlations with Au. The reconnaissance study presented here confirms the existence of Pd and Pt in the Fengshan porphyry-skarn Cu–Mo deposit. When compared with intracontinent and island arc geotectonic settings, the Pd, Pt, and Au contents in the Fengshan porphyry Cu–Mo deposit in the intracontinent is lower than the continental margin types and island are types. A combination of available data indicates that Pd and Pt were derived from oxidized alkaline magmas generated by the partial melting of an enriched mantle source.  相似文献   

Precious metals (Ag, Au, Pt, Pd, Rh) were determined by flameless absorption atomic spectrornetry. Aqua regia sample decomposition followed by Te coprecipitation was employed to preconcentrate the precious metals in geological materials. With 5 g sample take-up, the limits of determination were 1-2 ppb for Au, Pd and Rh, 5 ppb for Ag and 10-20 ppb for Pt. These elements were determined in some geochemical standards.  相似文献   

Summary Three types of mineralization are found in high-temperature lherzolite massifs of Southern Spain and Northern Morocco: (Cr) chromite, (Cr-Ni) chromite-nickel arsenide, (S-G) sulphide-graphite. The ore veins are distributed in this order from the plagioclase-lherzolite core to the garnet-lherzolite border of the massifs. These hightemperature ore assemblages (1200-600°C) have cumulate textures including orthopyroxene and/or cordierite as main silicate minerals.High average PGE concentrations are present in the Cr-Ni ores (2000 ppb) in relation to the Ni-arsenide abundance. The Cr ores have only 900 ppb PGE, and the S-G ores are PGE-poor (350 ppb). Gold roughly follows the PGE distribution: 13,000 ppb in Cr-Ni ores, 570 ppb in Cr ores, and only 88 ppb in S-G ores. The chondrite normalized PGE patterns of the Cr-Ni ores are chondritic, whereas those of the Cr and S-G ores have respectively negative and positive slopes. The Pd/Ir ratio strongly increases from the Cr ores (0.39) to the Cr-Ni and the S-G ores (2.7 and 3.4)). There are some (Os, Ru)S2 inclusions in the chromite of the Cr ores. In the Cr-Ni ores, some minute Au, Au-Cu, and Au-Bi-Te grains are observed. No PGM have been found, except in a weathered Cr-Ni ore sample where abundant PGM (PtAs2, IrAsS) are present., suggesting that PGE may be hidden as solid solution in the Ni-arsenide.The ore-forming magma probably has a mantle source-rock. The earliest chromites (Cr ores) contain Os-Ir-Ru mineral inclusions, whereas most of the gold and the remaining PGE with higher Pd/Ir ratio were partitioned into an immiscible As-S-liquid, which fractionated later into an earliest PGE-Au-rich NiAs-phase (Cr-Ni ores) and then a PGE-Au-poor MSS-phase (S-G ores).
Abtrennung und Fraktionierung von Edelmetallen in magmatischen Erzen der LherzolitMassive von Ronda und Beni Bousera (Spanien, Marokko)
Zusammenfassung In den Hochtemperatur-Lherzolit Massiven von Süd-Spanien und Nord-Marokko kommen drei Typen von Vererzung vor: (Cr) Chromit, (Cr-Ni) Chromit-Nickelarsenid, (S-G) Sulfid-Graphit. Die Erzgänge sind in dieser Abfolge vom Plagioklas-Lherzolit Kern zum Granat-Lherzolit Rand der Massive angeordnet. Diese Hochtemperaturparagenesen (1200°-600° C) haben Kumulattexturen mit Orthopyroxen und/oder Cordierit als Hauptsilikatminerale.Hohe Durchschnittsgehalte an PGE kommen in den Cr-Ni Erzen (2000 ppb) vor, und diese stehen in Beziehung zur Häufigkeit der Nickel-Arsenide. Die Cr-Erze führen nur 900 ppb PGE und die S-G Erze sind PGE-arm (350 ppb). Gold folgt in ungefähr der PGE-Verteilung: 13000 ppb in Cr-Ni Erzen, 570 ppb in Cr Erzen, und nur 88 ppb in S-G Erzen. Die Chondrit-normalisierten PGE Verteilungen der Chrom-Nickel Erze sind chondritisch, während jene der Cr- und S-G Erze negative, bzw. positive Neigungen zeigen. Das Pd/Ir Verhältnis nimmt von den Cr-Erzen (0, 39) zu den Cr-Ni und den S-G Erzen (2,7 und 3,4) deutlich zu. Es gibt einige (Os, Ru)S2 Einschlüsse in den Chromiten der Cr Erze. In den Cr-Ni Erzen, kommen winzige Einschlüsse von Au, Au-Cu und AuBi-Te Körnern vor. Keine PGM konnten nachgewiesen werden, mit Ausnahme eines verwitterten Cr-Ni Erzes wo reichlich PGM (PtAs2,1rAsS) vorliegen. Dies weist darauf hin, daß PGE in fester Lösung in den Nickel-Arseniden gebunden sein könnten.Das erzbildende Magma dürfte dem Mantel entstammen. Die am frühesten gebildeten Chromite (Cr-Erze) enthalten Einschlüsse von Os-Ir-Ru Mineralen, während ein Großteil des Goldes und der verbleibenden PGE mit höheren Pd/Ir Verhältnissen in eine nicht mischbare As-S fluide Phase gingen; die letztere fraktionierte später in eine frühe PGE-Au-reiche NiAs-Phase (Cr-Ni Erze) und dann in eine PGE-Au-arme MSS-Phase (S-G Erze).

With 6 Figures  相似文献   

Several pilot studies were made in a PGE-mineralized area of central Madagascar in order to compare Pt,Pd halos in heavy mineral concentrates and to select the most suitable stream-sediment fractions, sampling densities and anomaly thresholds for regional PGE surveys. Results show low anomaly thresholds for Pt (30 ppb) and Pd (20 ppb) in the −63 μm fractions of the active sediment, with restricted halos of nearly 300 m for Pt and nearly 500 m for Pd. Using a slightly coarser fraction (−125 μm) increases the anomaly contrast. The Pt anomalies in heavy mineral pan concentrates are considerably enhanced (400–1,000 ppb) but occur further downstream in residual terraces. A regular increase in the weight of the heavy mineral concentrate for a given volume of sediment is noticed downstream. A simple weight correction of the raw Pt grade in the heavy mineral concentrate gives a better definition of the mineralized source upstream. Assessment of the corrected heavy mineral concentrate Pt anomalies together with Pt,Pd anomalies in the finest stream-sediment fraction produces the optimum definition of the target. Optical determination and scanning electron microscope studies of the PGM show sperrylite to be the major Pt-bearing mineral in the stream sediment, whereas the Pd mineralogy remains unresolved. Pt dispersion appears to be a predominantly mechanical process and Pd dispersion a chemical process with deposition controlled mainly by MnO scavenging.  相似文献   

Summary The Jinchuan deposit is a platinum group element (PGE)-rich sulfide deposit in China. Drilling and surface sampling show that three categories of platinum group element (PGE) mineralization occur; type I formed at magmatic temperatures, type II occurs in hydrothermally altered zones of the intrusion, and type III in sheared dunite and lherzolite. All ore types were analyzed for Os, Ir, Ru, Rh, Pd, Pt and Au, as well as for Cu, Ni, Co and S. Type I ore has (Pt + Pd)/(Os + Ir + Ru + Rh) ratios of <7 and relatively flat chondrite-normalized noble metal patterns; the platinum group minerals (PGM) are dominated by sperrylite and moncheite associated with chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite and pentlandite. Type II has (Pt + Pd)/(Os + Ir + Ru + Rh) ratios from 40 to 330 and noble metal distribution patterns with a positive slope; the most common PGM are sperrylite and Pd bismuthotelluride phases concentrated mostly at the margins of base metal sulfides. Type III ores have the highest (Pt + Pd)/(Os + Ir + Ru + Rh) ratios from 240 to 710; the most abundant PGM are sperrylite and phases of the Pt–Pd–Te–Bi–As–Cl system. It is concluded that the Jinchuan deposit formed as a result of primary magmatic crystallization followed by hydrothermal remobilization, transport, and deposition of the PGE.  相似文献   

Small bodies of pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, minor pentlandite, and magnetite occur at the peripheries of podiform bodies of chromite in ultramafic ophiolitic rocks at Tsangli, Eretria, central Greece. Banding of magnetite and sulfide within the bodies is reminiscent of magmatic banding. A magmatic origin has been proposed for similar sulfide masses in the Troodos ophiolite (Panayiotou, 1980). The compositions of the host rocks, chromite, and of the sulfides have been investigated. On average, the sulfide mineralization, recalculated to metal content in 100% sulfide, contains 0.55% Ni, 5.15% Cu, 0.29% Co, 9 ppb Pd, 179 ppb Pt, 16 ppb Rh, 112 ppb Ru, 31 ppb Ir, 58 ppb Os, and 212 ppb Au. These metal contents, particularly the high Cu/(Cu+Ni) ratio of 0.78 and the Pt/(Pd+Pt) ratio of 0.95, are inconsistent with the sulfides having reached equilibrium with their Ni rich host rocks at magmatic temperatures and accordingly it is concluded that they are not of magmatic origin. The average 34S value of the sulfide bodies is +2 while that of a sample of pyrite from country-rock schist is –15.6. These values are inconclusive as to the origin of the sulfur. It is suggested that the sulfides have been precipitated by hydrothermal fluids, possibly those responsible for the serpentinization of the host rocks. The source of the metals may have been the host rocks themselves.  相似文献   

Summary In the serpentinizedophiolitic rocks from Skyros island, two distinct assemblages of base metal sulphides (BMS) and platinum-group minerals (PGM) occur. The first (early) generation is associated with chromitites which are enriched in platinum-group elements (PGE). The highest values were recorded in samples from Achladones (Ru 1210, Ir 780, Os 630, Rh 228, Pt 208, Pd 22; all values in ppb). Mineral inclusions in chromite consist of Ni-Fe sulphides and Os-rich laurite, and crystallized at high sulphur fugacity (fS2) during chromite formation. The second (late) generation is closely associated with Au-rich, PGE-poor magnetite ores which host a complex assemblage of inclusions consisting mainly of graphite, Cu-Fe- and pure Cu sulphides, sperrylite and tetraauricupride. Their accompanying hydrous silicates are Cl-bearing. It is assumed that this mineral assemblage was deposited by hydrothermal processes during serpentinization.
Minerale der Platingruppe und Tetraauricuprid in Ophiolithen der Insel Skyros, Griechenland
Zusammenfassung In den serpentinisierten Ophiolithen der Insel Skyros wurden zwei unterschiedliche Bildungsgenerationen von Sulfiden (BMS) und Platinmineralen (PGM) festgestellt. Die erste (frühere) Generation ist an Chromitite gebunden, die hohe Gehalte an Elementen der Platingruppe (PGE) aufweisen. Die höchsten PGE-Kontzentrationen wurden in den Proben der Lokalität Achladones gefunden (Ru 1210, Ir 780, Os 630, Rh 228, Pt 208, Pd 22; alle Gehalte in ppb). Die Einschlüsse in Chromit bestehen aus Ni-Fe Sulfiden und Os-reichem Laurit. Diese Minerale kristallisierten bei hoher Schwefelfugazität (fS2) während der Bildung der Chromite. Die zweite (spätere) Generation ist eng assoziiert mit Au-reichen und PGE-armen Magnetiten. Sie führen eine komplexe Einschluß-Paragenese bestehend aus Graphit, Cu-Fe- und reinen Cu Sulfiden sowie Sperrylith und Tetraauricuprid. Die begleitenden Hydrosilikate sind Cl-haltig. Die Bildung dieser Mineralparagenese wird durch hydrothermale Prozesse während der Serpentinisierung erklärt.

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