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FREY  MARTIN 《Journal of Petrology》1978,19(1):95-135
The unmetamorphosed equivalents of the regionally metamorphosedclays and marls that make up the Alpine Liassic black shaleformation consist of illite, irregular mixed-layer illite/montmorillonite,chlorite, kaolinite, quartz, calcite, and dolomite, with accessoryfeldspars and organic material. At higher grade, in the anchizonalslates, pyrophyllite is present and is thought to have formedat the expense of kaolinite; paragonite and a mixed-layer paragonite/muscovitepresumably formed from the mixed-layer illite/montmorillonite.Anchimetamorphic illite is poorer in Fe and Mg than at the diageneticstage, having lost these elements during the formation of chlorite.Detrital feldspar has disappeared. In epimetamorphic phyllites, chloritoid and margarite appearby the reactions pyrophyllite + chlorite = chloritoid + quartz+ H2O and pyrophyllite + calcite ± paragonite = margarite+ quartz + H2O + CO2, respectively. At the epi-mesozone transition,paragonite and chloritoid seem to become incompatible in thepresence of carbonates and yield the following breakdown products:plagioclase, margarite, clinozoisite (and minor zoisite), andbiotite. The maximum distribution of margarite is at the epizone-mesozoneboundary; at higher metamorphic grade margarite is consumedby a continuous reaction producing plagioclase. Most of the observed assemblages in the anchi-and epizone canbe treated in the two subsystems MgO (or FeO)-Na2O–CaO–Al2O3–(KAl3O5–SiO2–H2O–CO2).Chemographic analyses show that the variance of assemblagesdecreases with increasing metamorphic grade. Physical conditions are estimated from calibrated mineral reactionsand other petrographic data. The composition of the fluid phasewas low in XCO2 throughout the metamorphic profile, whereasXCH4 was very high, particularly in the anchizone where aH2Owas probably as low as 0.2. P-T conditions along the metamorphicprofile are 1–2 kb/200–300 °C in the anchizone(Glarus Alps), and 5 kb/500–550 °C at the epi-mesozonetransition (Lukmanier area). Calculated geothermal gradientsdecrease from 50 °C/km in the anchimetamorphic Glarus Alpsto 30 °C/km at the epi-mesozone transition of the Lukmanierarea.  相似文献   

Thin strips of calc-silicate gneiss occurring within the Moinianpelites of Fannich Forest were analysed and examined petrologically.They usually consist of zoisite, plagioclase, quartz, calcicalmandine, and hornblende or biotite, and although rich in calcium,are depleted in magnesium and potassium. In some of the rocksstudied, biotite is replacing hornblende, and zoisite is replacingplagioclase, and the timing of these reactions, and the finalstate of equilibrium achieved, is apparently controlled by boththe CaO/Al2O2 ratio in the rock, and the metamorphic grade.The reactions observed in the calc-silicates indicate that thefinal metamorphic event in Fannich was retrogressive. Comparisonwith calc-silicates from Morar showing similar retrogressivereactions hints that a widespread retrogressive metamorphicevent may have affected a large area of the Moinian of westernScotland.  相似文献   

Within the western Sierra Nevada metamorphic belt, linear bodiesof alpine-type ultramafic rock, now composed largely of serpentineminerals, parallel the regional strike and commonly coincidewith major fault zones. Within this metamorphic belt, east ofSacramento, California, ultramafic rocks near a large maficintrusion, the Pine Hill Intrusive Complex, have been emplacedduring at least two separate episodes. Those ultramafic rocks,evidently unaffected by the Pine Hill Intrusive Complex andcomposed largely of serpentine minerals, were emplaced alonga major fault zone after emplacement of the Pine Hill IntrusiveComplex. Those ultramafic rocks, contact metamorphosed by thePine Hill Intrusive Complex, show a zonation of mineral assemblagesas the igneous contact is approached: olivine+antigorite+chlorite+tremolite+Fe-Cr spinel olivine+talc+chlorite+tremolite+Fe-Crspinel olivine+anthophyllite+chlorite+tremolite+Fe-Cr spinel olivine+orthopyroxene+aluminous spinel+hornblende+Fe-Cr spinel.Superimposed on these mineral assemblages are abundant secondaryminerals (serpentine minerals, talc, chlorite, magnetite) whichformed after contact metamorphism. Correlation of observed mineralassemblages with the experimental systems, MgO-SiO2-H2O andMgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O suggests an initial contact temperature of775±25 °C for the Pine Hill Intrusive Complex assumingPtotal Pfluid PH2O. The pressure acting on the metamorphic rockduring emplacement of the intrusion is estimated to be a minimumof 1.5 kb.  相似文献   

On the pseudobinary join CaO:3MgO:Al2O3:2SiO2:xH2O–CaO:1.25MgO:2.75 Al2O3: 0.25SiO2:xH2O clintonite mixed crystals Ca(Mg1+ xAl2 – x) (Al4 – xSixO10)(OH)2 with x rangingfrom 0.6 to 1.4 occur in the temperature range 600–830?C, 2 kb fluid pressure. On the MgSirich side clintonites coexistwith chlorite, forsterite, diopside, and calcite (due to smallamounts of CO2 in the gas phase) and, at lower temperatures,also with idocrase, hydrogrossularite, and aluminous serpentine.Decomposition of clintonite over a divariant temperature rangeoccurs above 830 ?C, 2 kb; clintonite-free subsolidus assemblagescomprising three or four solid phases are formed in the temperatureranges 890 ?–1120 ?C. The subsolidus assemblages can berepresented in a polyhedron defined by the corners forsterite,diopside, melilite, spinel, anorthite, corundum, and calciumdialuminate. Above 1120 ?C partial melting occurs. The upper thermal stability limits of three selected compositionshave been reversed in the P-T range 0.5–20 kb and 730–1050 ?C, respectively. Below some 4 kb breakdown is dueto the divariant reactions: (1)Ca(Mg2.25Al0.75)(Al2.75)(Si1.25O10)(OH)2 spinel+diopsidess+forsterite+clintonitess+vapor, (2)Ca(Mg2Al)(Al3SiO10)(OH)2 spinelx002B;melilitess+anorthite+clintonitess+vapor, (3)Ca(Mg1.75Al1.25)(Al3.25)(Si0.75O10)(OH)2 spinel+melilitess+corundum+clintonitess+vapor, At the terminations of the divariant temperature ranges (1)melilitess, (2) diopsidess, and (3) anorthite enter those assemblagesand clintonitess disappears completely. The reactions can berepresented by the following equations (1)log,H2O = 10.2879–8113/T+0.0856(P–1)/T, (2)log = 9.5852–7325/T+0.0794(P–1)/T, (3)log = 7.8358–5250/T+0.077(P–1)/T, with P expressed in bars and Tin ?K. Above 4 kb the upper thermalstability limit of clintonite is defined by incongruent melting,with grossularite participating at pressures above 9 kb. Thesecurves exhibit a very steep, probably even negative slope inthe P-T diagram. There is a close correspondence between natural clintonite-bearingassemblages and thosefound experimentally. The rarity of clintonitein nature is not due to special conditions of pressure and temperaturebut rather due to special bulk compositions of the rocks.  相似文献   

Four natural peridotite nodules ranging from chemically depletedto Fe-rich, alkaline and calcic (SiO2=43?7–45?7 wt. percent, Al2O3=1?6O–8?21 wt. per cent, CaO=0?70–8?12wt. per cent,alk=0?10–0?90 wt. per cent and Mg/(Mg+Fe2+)=0?94–0?85)have been investigated in the hypersolidus region from 800?to 1250?C with variable activities of H2O, CO2, and H2. Thevapor-saturated peridotite solidi are 50–200?C below thosepreviously published. The temperature of the beginning of meltingof peridotite decreases markedly with decreasing Mg/(Mg+Fe)of the starting material at constant CaO/Al2O3. Conversely,lowering CaO/Al2O3 reduces the temperature at constant Mg/(Mg+Fe)of the starting material. Temperature differences between thesolidi up to 200?C are observed. All solidi display a temperatureminimum reflecting the appearance of garnet. This minimum shiftsto lower pressure with decreasing Mg/(Mg+Fe) of the startingmaterial. The temperature of the beginning of melting decreasesisobarically as approximately a linear function of the mol fractionof H2O in the vapor (XH2O). The data also show that some CO2may dissolve in silicate melts formed by partial melting ofperidotite. Amphibole (pargasitic hornblende) is a hypersolidus mineralin all compositions, although its P/T stability field dependson bulk rock chemistry. The upper pressure stability of amphiboleis marked by the appearance of garnet. The vapor-saturated (H2O) liquidus curve for one peridotiteis between 1250? and 1300?C between 10 and 30 kb. Olivine, spinel,and orthopyroxene are either liquidus phases or coexist immediatelybelow the temperature of the peridotite liquidus. The data suggest considerable mineralogical heterogeneity inthe oceanic upper mantle because the oceanic geotherm passesthrough the P/T band covering the appearance of garnet in variousperidotites. The variable depth to the low-velocity zone is explained byvariable aH2O conditions in the upper mantle and possibly alsoby variations in the composition of the peridotite itself. It is suggested that komatiite in Precambrian terrane couldform by direct melting of hydrous peridotite. Such melting requiresabout 1250?C compared with 1600?C which is required for drymelting. The genesis of kimberlite can be related to partial meltingof peridotite under conditions of (). Such activities of H2Oresult in melting at depths ranging between 125 and 175 km inthe mantle. This range is within the minimum depth generallyaccepted for the formation of kimberlite.  相似文献   

Petrogenetic grids in the system NCKFMASH (Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O)and the subsystems NCKMASH and NCKFASH calculated with the softwareTHERMOCALC 3.1 are presented for the PT range 7–30kbar and 450–680°C, for assemblages involving garnet,chloritoid, biotite, carpholite, talc, chlorite, kyanite, staurolite,paragonite, glaucophane, jadeite, omphacite, diopsidic pyroxene,plagioclase, zoisite and lawsonite, with phengite, quartz/coesiteand H2O in excess. These grids, together with calculated compatibilitydiagrams and PT and TXCa and PXCa pseudosectionsfor different bulk-rock compositions, show that incorporationof Ca into the NKFMASH system leads to many of the NKFMASH invariantequilibria moving to lower pressure and/or lower temperature,which results, in most cases, in the stability of jadeite andgarnet being enlarged, but in the reduction of stability ofglaucophane, plagioclase and AFM phases. The effect of Ca onthe stability of paragonite is dependent on mineral assemblageat different PT conditions. The calculated NCKFMASH diagramsare powerful in delineating the phase equilibria and PTconditions of natural pelitic assemblages. Moreover, contoursof the calculated phengite Si isopleths in PT and PXCapseudosections confirm that phengite barometry in NCKFMASH isstrongly dependent on mineral assemblage. KEY WORDS: phase relations; metapelites; NCKFMASH; THERMOCALC; phengite geobarometry  相似文献   

The terrane in the Panamint Mountains, California, was regionallymetamorphosed under low-pressure conditions and subsequentlyunderwent retrograde metamorphism. Prograde metamorphic isogradsthat mark the stability of tremolite + calcite, diopside, andsillimanite indicate a westward increase in grade. The studywas undertaken to determine the effects of the addition of Caon the types of assemblages that may occur in pelitic schists,to contribute to the understanding of the stability limits inP – T – aH2O – XFe of the pelitic assemblagechlorite + muscovite + quartz, and to estimate the change inenvironment from prograde to retrograde metamorphism. Peliticassemblages are characterized by andalusite + biotite + stauroliteand andalusite + biotite + cordierite. Within a small changein grade, chlorite breaks down over nearly the entire rangein Mg/(Mg + Fe) to biotite + aluminous mineral. Chlorite withMg/(Mg + Fe) = 0.55 is stable to the highest grade, and thegeneralized terminal reaction is chlorite + muscovite + quartz= andalusite + biotite + cordierite + H2O. Calcic schists arecharacterized by the assemblage epidote + muscovite + quartz+ chlorite + actinolite + biotite + calcite + plagioclase atlow grades and by epidote + muscovite + quartz + garnet + hornblende+ biotite + calcite + plagioclase at high grades. Epidote doesnot coexist with any AFM phase that is more aluminous than garnetor chlorite. Lithostatic pressure ranged from 2.3 kb to 3.0kb. During prograde-metamorphism temperatures ranged from lessthan 400° to nearly 700°C, and XH2O (assuming PH2O +PCO3 = Ptotal) is estimated to be 0.25 in siliceous dolomite,0.8 in pelitic schist, and 1.0 in calcic schist. Temperatureduring retrograde metamorphism was 450° ± 50°C,and all fluid were H2O-rich. A flux of H2O-rich fluid duringfolding is believed to have caused retrograde metamorphism.The petrogenetic grid of Albee (1965b) is modified to positionthe (A, Cd) invariant point relative to the aluminosilicatetriple point, which allows the comparison of facies series thatinvolve different chloritoid-reactions.  相似文献   

Detailed laboratory study has been made on pre-Tertiary coarse-grainedglaucophane schist, garnet-epidote amphibolite, and epidoteamphibolite in the eastern slope of the Central Mountain Range,Taiwan. These petrotectonic assemblages are considered to beexotic tectonic blocks emplaced within the feebly metamorphosedin situ graphite and quartzose schists of the Yuli belt. Thinlenses of Mn-rich metamorphosed tuff are intercalated withinthe metabasaltic rocks. Such high MnO (2 wt. per cent) and lowMgO (3–4 wt. per cent) tuffaceous rocks are similar inbulk composition to some volcanic clays collected in deep oceanbasins. They consist of the characteristic assemblage Mn-bearinggarnet (5–7 wt. per cent MnO and 30 volume per cent inthe rock)+muscovite+epidote+hornblende+quartz+ albite+rutile?pyrite. Successive stages of conversion of garnet-epidote amphiboliteto blueschist assemblages were noticed. The most recrystallizedschists display abundant Mn-bearing garnet, zoned amphibole,phengite, zoned epidote, stilpnomelane, chlorite, quartz, minoralbite, magnetite, and sphene. The recrystallization processis nearly isochemical except the glaucophane schists appearto be more oxidized and contain more Na2O than the relict amphibolites.Intimately associated amphibolites of basaltic composition,in contrast, contain the assemblage hornblende+paragonite+epidote+chlorite+quartz+albite+rutile. Microprobe analyses of the coexisting minerals in glaucophaneschists, garnet-epidote amphibolites and epidote amphibolitesyield the following results: (1) garnets, consisting of almandine,spessartine, and grossular components, are less Mn and Mg-richcompared to those in in situ metabasalts of the Franciscan;(2) rim epidotes of the glaucophane schists are more pistastic(XFe=0?27–0?30) than that of the garnet-epidote amphibolite(0?2–0?22) implying higher fO2 values for the glaucophanization;(3) phengitic micas of the glaucophane schist have less Al2O3content (29 wt. per cent) than those of the garnet-epidote amphibolite(32 wt. per cent) whereas micas of epidote amphibolites areparagonites with K/(K+Na) ratio of 0?04; (4) the zoned amphibolesshow glaucophane occurring marginal to cores of calcic amphibole.Sodic amphiboles with Al2O3 of 6-? to 10?4 wt. per cent arecrossite-glaucophane whereas all calcic amphiboles analyzedare barroisite-pargasite (Al2O3 greater than 10 wt. per cent). The garnet-epidote-rutile bearing glaucophane schist of Taiwanprobably recrystallized at temperatures above 350 ?C (the epidotezone) whereas the lawsonite-sphene glaucophane schists of theFranciscan equilibrated below 350 ?C (the lawsonite zone). TheMn-rich basaltic tuffs and their associated flows appear tohave been metamorphosed at profound depths and at the relativelyhigh temperatures of the epidote amphibolite facies, succeededlater by glaucophane schist facies metamorphism at lower temperatures.  相似文献   

The Cazadero blueschist allochthon lies within the Central MelangeBelt of the Franciscan assemblage in the northern Coast Rangeof California. Mineral compositions and assemblages of morethan 200 blueschists from Ward Creek were investigated. Theresults delineate lawsonite-, pumpellyite-, and epidote-zones.The lawsonite and pumpellyite zones are equivalent to the TypeII metabasites of Coleman & Lee (1963) and are characterizedby well-preserved igneous textures, relict augite, and pillowstructures, whereas epidote zone rocks are equivalent to theType III strongly deformed and schistose metabasites. Chlorite,phengite, aragonite, sphene, and minor quartz and albite areubiquitous. The lawsonite zone metabasites contain lawsonite ( < 3 wt.per cent Fe2O3), riebeckite-crossite, chlorite, and Ca-Na-pyroxene;some rocks have two distinct clinopyroxenes separated by a compositionalgap. The clinopyroxene of the lowest grade metabasites containsvery low Xjd. In pumpellyite zone metabasites, the most commonassemblages contain Pm + Cpx + Gl + Chl and some samples withhigher Al2O3 and/or Fe2O3 have Pm + Lw + Cpx + Chl, Actinolitejoins the above assemblage in the upper pumpellyite zone wherethe actinolite-glaucophane compositional gap is well defined.The epidote zone metabasites are characterized by the assemblagesEp + Cpx + two amphiboles + Chl, Lw + Pm + Act + Chl, and Ep+ Pm + two amphiboles + Chl depending on the Fe2O3 content ofthe rock. In the upper epidote zone, winchite appears, Fe-freelawsonite is stable, pumpellyite disappears and omphacite containsvery low Ac component. Therefore, the common assemblages areEp + winchite + Lw, and Lw + Omp + winchite. With further increasein metamorphic grade, epidote becomes Al-rich and lawsoniteis no longer stable. Hence Ep + winchite + omphacite ? garnetis characteristic. Mineral assemblages and paragenetic sequences delineate threediscontinuous reactions: (1) pumpellyite-in; (2) actinolite-in;and (3) epidote-in reactions. Using the temperatures estimatedby Taylor & Coleman (1968) and phase equilibria for Ca-Na-pyroxenes,the PT positions of these reactions and the metamorphicgradient are located. All three metabasite zones occur withinthe aragonite stability field and are bounded by the maximumpressure curve of Ab = Jd + Qz and the maximum stabilities ofpumpellyite and lawsonite. The lawsonite zone appears to bestable at T below 200?C with a pressure range of 4–6?5kb; the pumpellyite zone between 200 and 290?C and the epidotezone above 290?C with pressure variation between 6?5 and 9 kb.The metamorphic field gradient appears to have a convex naturetowards higher pressure. A speculative model of underplatingseamounts is used to explain such feature.  相似文献   

The pressure-temperature-compositional (P-T-X) dependence ofthe solubility of Al2O3 in orthopyroxene coexisting with garnethas been experimentally determined in the P-T range 5–30kilobars and 800–1200 ?C in the system FeO—MgO—Al2O3—SiO2(FMAS). These results have been extended into the CaO—FeO—MgO—Al2O3—SiO2(CFMAS) system in a further set of experiments designed to determinethe effect of the calcium content of garnet on the Al2O3 contentsof coexisting orthopyroxene at near-constant Mg/(Mg + Fe). Startingmaterials were mainly glasses of differing Mg/(Mg + Fe) or Ca/(Ca+ Mg + Fe) values, seeded with garnet and orthopyroxene of knowncomposition, but mineral mixes were also used to demonstratereversible equilibrium. Experiments were performed in a piston-cylinderapparatus using a talc/pyrex medium. Measured orthopyroxene and corrected garnet compositions werefitted by multiple and stepwise regression techniques to anequilibrium relation in the FMAS system, yielding best-fit,model-dependent parameters Goy= –5436 + 2.45T cal mol–1,and WM1FeA1= –920 cal mol–1. The volume change ofreaction, Vo, the entropy change, So970 and the enthalpy changeHo1,970, were calculated from the MAS system data of Perkinset al. (1981) and available heat capacity data for the phases.Data from CFMAS experiments were fitted to an expanded equilibriumrelation to give an estimate of the term WgaCaMg = 1900 ? 400cal/mole cation, using the other parametric values already obtainedin FMAS. The experimental data allow the development of a arnet-orthopyroxenegeobarometer applicable in FMAS and CFMAS: where This geobarometer is applicable to both pelitic and metabasicgranulites containing garnet orthopyroxene, and to garnet peridoditeand garnet pyroxenite assemblages found as xenoliths in diatremesor in peridotite massifs. It is limited, however, by the necessityof an independent temperature estimate, by errors associatedwith analysis of low Al2O3 contents in orthopyroxenes in high-pressureor low-temperature parageneses, and by uncertainties in thecomposition of garnet in equilibrium with orthopyroxene. Ananalysis of errors associated with this formulation of the geobarometersuggests that it is subject to great uncertainty at low pressuresand for Fe-rich compositions. The results of application ofthis geobarometer to natural assemblages are presented in acompanion paper.  相似文献   

Four natural peridotite nodules ranging from chemically depletedto Fe-rich, alkaline and calcic (SiO2 = 43.7–45.7 wt.per cent, A12O3 = 1.6O–8.21 wt. per cent, CaO = 0.70–8.12wt. per cent, alk = 0.10–0.90 wt. per cent and Mg/(Mg+Fe2+)= 0.94–0.85) have been investigated in the hypersolidusregion from 800? to 1250?C with variable activities of H2O,CO2, and H2. The vapor-saturated peridotite solidi are 50–200?Cbelow those previously published. The temperature of the beginningof melting of peridotite decreases markedly with decreasingMg/(Mg+SFe) of the starting material at constant CaO/Al2O3.Conversely, lowering CaO/Al2O3 reduces the temperature at constantMg/(Mg+Fe) of the starting material. Temperature differencesbetween the solidi up to 200?C are observed. All solidi displaya temperature minimum reflecting the appearance of garnet. Thisminimum shifts to lower pressure with decreasing Mg/(Mg + Fe)of the starting material. The temperature of the beginning ofmelting decreases isobarically as approximately a linear functionof the mol fraction of H2O in the vapor (XH2Ov). The data alsoshow that some CO2 may dissolve in silicate melts formed bypartial melting of peridotite. Amphibole (pargasitic hornblende) is a hypersolidus mineralin all compositions, although its P/T stability field dependson bulk rock chemistry. The upper pressure stability of amphiboleis marked by the appearance of garnet. The vapor-saturated (H2O) liquidus curve for one peridotiteis between 1250? and 1300?C between 10 and 30 kb. Olivine, spinel,and orthopyroxene are either liquidus phases or co-exist immediatelybelow the temperature of the peridotite liquidus. The data suggest considerable mineralogical heterogeneity inthe oceanic upper mantle because the oceanic geotherm passesthrough the P/T band covering the appearance of garnet in variousperidotites. The variable depth to the low-velocity zone is explained byvariable aHjo conditions in the upper mantle and possibly alsoby variations in the composition of the peridotite itself. Itis suggested that komatiite in Precambrian terrane could formby direct melting of hydrous peridotite. Such melting requiresabout 1250?C compared with 1600?C which is required for drymelting. The genesis of kimberlite can be related to partial meltingof peridotite under conditions of XH2Ov = 0.5–0.25 (XCO2v= 0.5–0.75). Such activities of H2O result in meltingat depths ranging between 125 and 175 km in the mantle. Thisrange is within the minimum depth generally accepted for theformation of kimberlite.  相似文献   

WATERS  D. J. 《Journal of Petrology》1986,27(2):541-565
Sapphirine occurs with cordierite, phlogopite, spinel, sillimanite,corundum, orthopyroxene, and gedrite in granulite facies Mg-and Al-rich paragneisses within the low P, high T NamaqualandMetamorphic Complex. The gneisses reveal a three-stage texturalhistory. Sapphirine appeared during a second stage of progrademineral growth which produced nodular structures and intergrowthsinvolving spinel, corundum, and sillimanite, pseudomorphingan earlier generation of coarse, amphibolite facies minerals.A third generation of coarse, cross-cutting, mainly hydrousminerals (gedrite, kornerupine, phlogopite) is sporadicallydeveloped. The wide variety of cofacial mineral assemblages allows thedelineation of the stable mineral associations of sapphirinein the system K2O-MgO-FeO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O under P-T conditionsindependently estimated at about 5 kb, 750–800 °C.The natural assemblages provide constraints which, taken togetherwith existing thermodynamic and experimental data, allow theestimation of P-T slopes of sapphirine equilibria. The mineraltextures thus indicate sapphirine growth under increasing T,decreasing a(H2O), and constant or slightly increasing P. The preservation of prograde reaction textures during fine-grainedmineral growth probably results from the reduced importanceand/or more CO2-rich composition of the metamorphic fluid undergranulite facies conditions in these refractory rocks. Aqueousfluids were locally reintroduced after the metamorphic peak.  相似文献   

The upper Triassic Karmutsen metabasites from northeast VancouverIsland, B.C., are thermally metamorphosed by the intrusion ofthe Coast Range Batholith. The amygdaloidal metabasites developedin the outer portion of the contact aureole show a progressivemetamorphism from zeolite to prehnite-pumpellyite facies. Thesize of an equilibrium domain is extremely small for these metabasites,and the individual amygdule assemblages are assumed to be inequilibrium. Two major calcite-free assemblages (+chlorite+quartz)are characteristic: (i) laumontite+pumpellyite+epidote in thezeolite facies and (ii) prehnite+pumpellyite+epidote in theprehnite-pumpellyite facies. The assemblages and compositionsof Ca-Al silicates are chemographically and theoretically interpretedon the basis of the predicted P-T grid for the model basalticsystem, CaO-MgO-A12O3-Fe2O3-SiO2-H2O. The results indicate:(1) local equilibrium has been approached in mineral assemblagesand compositions; (2) the XFe3+ values in the coexisting Ca-Alsilicates decrease from epidote, through pumpellyite to prehnite;(3) with increasing metamorphic grade, the Fe3+ contents ofepidotes in reaction assemblages decrease in the zeolite facies,then increase in the prehnite-pumpellyite facies rocks. Suchvariations in the assemblages and mineral compositions are controlledby a sequence of continuous and discontinuous reactions, andallow delineation of T-XFe3+ relations at constant pressure.The transition from the zeolite to prehnite-pumpellyite faciesof the Karmutsen metabasites is defined by a discontinuous reaction:0·18 laumontite+pumpellyite+0·15 quartz = 1·31prehnite+ 0·78 epidote+0·2 chlorite+ 1·72H2O, where the XFe3+ values of prehnite, pumpellyite and epidoteare 0·03, 0·10 and 0·18, respectively.These values together with available thermodynamic data andour preliminary experimental data are used to calculate theP-T condition for the discontinuous reaction as P = 1·1±0·5 kb and T = 190±30°C. The effectsof pressure on the upper stability of the zeolite facies assemblagesare discussed utilizing T-XFe3+ diagrams. The stability of thelaumontite-bearing assemblages for the zeolite facies metamorphismof basaltic rocks may be defined by either continuous or discontinuousreactions depending on the imposed metamorphic field gradient.Hence, the zeolite and prehnite-pumpellyite facies transitionboundary is multivariant.  相似文献   

The enthalpy of drop-solution in molten 2PbO·B2O3 of synthetic and natural lawsonite, CaAl2(Si2O7)(OH)2·H2O, was measured by high-temperature oxide melt calorimetry. The enthalpy of formation determined for the synthetic material is (fHOxides=-168.7Dž.4 kJ mol-1, or (fH0298=-4,872.5dž.0 kJ mol-1. These values are in reasonable agreement with previously published data, although previous calorimetric work yielded slightly more exothermic data and optimisation methods resulted in slightly less exothermic values. The equilibrium conditions for the dehydration of lawsonite to zoisite, kyanite and quartz/coesite at pressures and temperatures up to 5 GPa and 850 °C were determined by piston cylinder experiments. These results, other recent phase equilibrium data, and new calorimetric and thermophysical data for lawsonite and zoisite, Ca2Al3(SiO4)(Si2O7)O(OH), were used to constrain a mathematical programming analysis of the thermodynamic data for these two minerals in the chemical system CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O (CASH). The following data for lawsonite and zoisite were obtained: (fH0298 (lawsonite)=-4,865.68 kJ mol-1 , S0298 (lawsonite)=229.27 J K-1 mol-1 , (fH0298 (zoisite)=-6,888.99 kJ mol-1 , S0298 (zoisite)=297.71 J K-1 mol-1 . Additionally, a recalculation of the bulk modulus of lawsonite yielded K=120.7 GPa, which is in good agreement with recent experimental work.  相似文献   

The Upper Triassic Karmutsen Subgroup of northeastern VancouverIsland exhibits a clear-cut contact metamorphism of basalticflows, pillows, and pillow breccias in the aureoles of the CoastRange Intrusions. The thermal effect is superimposed upon prehnite-pumpellyitefacies regional metamorphic rocks. The metamorphism of flowsis nearly isochemical except for H2O. Aquagene tuffs and pillowbreccias, which have undergone extensive chemical alterationthrough diagenesis and burial metamorphism, involve considerablemetasomatism (gain of Si, Na, and Ca and loss of Fe, Mg, andTi) and approach the original basaltic composition in the contactzone. Two prograde metamorphic zones are recognized: an actinolite-chlorite-epidote-albitezone, about 2600 m wide; and a hornblende-calcic plagioclase(An>20) zone, about 900 m wide. Microprobe analyses indicatethat (1) amphibole increases in Al2O3, TiO2, and Na2O and chloritein Al2O3 with progressive metamorphism; (2) the pistacite contentof epidote decreases from Ps = 30 in the prehnite-pumpellyitezone to Ps = 25 in the epidote-actinolite zone; and (3) theAn content of plagioclase jumps from An0004 for the outerthermal zone to An 2070 for the inner zone with a compositionalgap between An04 and An20. The following evidence suggests a low-pressure contact metamorphiccondition and therefore a shallow level of the intrusion: (1)the occurrence of prehnite-actinolite-chlorite and absence ofpumpellyite-actinolite-chlorite in the outer thermal zone; (2)wide compositional gaps in both amphibole and plagioclase acrossthe metamorphic zones; (3) absence of an albite-epidote-hornblendeassemblage in transition zone; and (4) the thickness of thesection (Quatsino-Bonanza) overlying the Karmutsen. Mineralparageneses and inferred phase relations suggest that the transitionfrom the prehnite-pumpellyite zone to the epidoteactinolitezone occurs at about 350 ?C and from the epidote-actinolitezone to the plagioclase-hornblende zone at about 470–500?C at relatively high fo2 conditions.  相似文献   

Mineral assemblages and textures are described from clinopyroxene-bearingmeta-syenites and related rocks from a small area in the PenninicBasement Complex of the south-east Tauern Window. Evidence from mineral textures, mineral compositions and geobarometryindicate that the clinopyroxene, a sodic salite, crystallizedas part of an equilibrium albite-epidote-amphibolite faciesparagenesis in the 35–40 Ma meso-Alpine metamorphic event.Phase relations in co-facial quartz + albite + K-feldspar +sphene-bearing meta-syenites and meta-granites are examinedusing a projection from these minerals onto the plane (A12O3+ Fe2O3)-CaO-(MgO + FeO + MnO). The projection demonstratesthat salitic clinopyroxene can only be a stable phase in suchrocks if the bulk-rock Al/Na + K ratios are low. This is confirmedby comparing the whole-rock analyses of clinopyroxene-bearingmeta-syenites with those of clinopyroxene-free meta-syenitesand meta-granites. Mineral assemblages in a variety of lithologies from the south-eastTauern Window are used to construct a generalized AKM diagramfor magnesian albite + epidote + quartz-bearing rocks of thealbite-epidote-amphibolite facies. Thermochemical calculations indicate that the meta-syeniteswere metamorphosed at temperatures close to 500 C and at a pressureof 6+2 –4 kb. Fluids in equilibrium with meta-syeniteand meta-granite mineral assemblages had XH2O values of 0–95,assuming XH2O + XCO2O= 1.0.  相似文献   

Metamorphism in the Adirondacks: II. The Role of Fluids   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
Quantitative estimates of metamorphic fluid speciation, stableisotopic analyses, and studies of fluid inclusions all documentthe local complexity of fluids in the deep crustal rocks exposedin the Adirondack Mountains, NY. Estimates of the activity ofH2O in the granulite facies are substantially lower than inthe amphibolite facies gneisses. The onset of low water activitiesin semi-pelitic gneisses generally correlates with migmatitictextures in the uppermost amphibolite facies, suggesting thatpartial melts absorbed H2O at the peak of metamorphism. In granulitefacies marbles and calc-silicates, conditions varied from extremelyundersaturated in H2O-CO2 fluid to fluid saturated, and H2Oand CO2 show sharp gradients within single outcrops. Low valuesof fO2 and fH2O, or of fCO2, and fH2O indicate fluid-absentconditions for some orthogneisses and marbles, which are inferredto have been ‘dry’ rocks before and during granulitefacies recrystallization. Wollastonite is preserved from earlycontact metamorphism and serves as an index mineral for fluid-absentconditions in granulites where H2O is low. Values offO2 rangefrom near the hematite + magnetite buffer in metamorphosed ironformation to substantially below the quartz + magnetite + fayalitebuffer in some orthogneisses. The anorthosite suite is moreoxidized than some associated granitic gneisses. Halogens (Fand Cl) substitute extensively for OH in micas and amphiboles,extending their stability, although F2, Cl2, HCl, and HF areminor components in any fluid. Oxybiotite-type exchanges involvingO for OH are also important, extending the stability of biotite.Stable isotopic ratios of O and C demonstrate that premetamorphicwhole-rock compositions are commonly preserved whereas mineralcompositions generally reflect equilibration at the peak ofmetamorphism. The Marcy Anorthosite Massif was intruded as ahigh 18O magma. The combination of mineral equilibria, stable isotope data,and fluid inclusions is used to identify and to distinguishamong pre-orogenic contact metamorphic/hydrothermal events,peak metamorphic events, and retrograde/postmetamorphic events.Polymetamorphism is documented at skarn zones adjacent to anorthosite,where large volumes of hydrothermal fluid were channeled duringearly, shallow contact metamorphism and where conditions werefluid poor during subsequent regional metamorphism. Peak metamorphicevents are inferred to have been caused primarily by magmaticprocesses of intrusion and anatexis. Partial melting has causedlow values of H2O in many rocks, but in other cases low valuesof H2O are recorded in orthogneisses derived from H2O-poor magmas.Isotopic studies show that maximum fluid/rock ratios were <0?land possibly 0?0 for infiltrating fluids at the peak of metamorphismin many localities. No evidence of pervasive, regional infiltrationby a fluid at the peak of metamorphism has been substantiatedin the Adirondacks. Fluid inclusions containing high-densityCO2 or CO2 + H2O represent conditions from after the peak ofmetamorphism and document isobaric cooling, in agreement withestimates from garnet zoning. Fine-scale retrograde veins arecommon and are associated with high-density CO2-rich fluid inclusions.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic calculations based on addition of mass balanceequations to the Gibbs Method (Spear, 1986) are used to modelthe cordierite-producing reaction in pelitic gneiss from theMcCullough Range, southern Nevada. Calculations which treatthe model paragenesis as a system open to transfer of H2O areconsistent with textural relations. Results indicate that cordieritegrew by the continuous net-transfer reaction: 0?76 BIO+1?72 SILL+3? 55 QTZ+0?27 PLG+0?005 GRT +0?06Al2R2+–1Si–1[BIO]1?02 KSP+0?76 H2O +0?30 FeMg–1[CRD]+0?15FeMg–1[BIO]+0?0005 FeMg–1[GRT] +0?005 CaNaAl–1Si–1[PLG] with decreasing P, decreasing T, and increasing aH2O The steepretrograde dP/dT path for these low-pressure granulites contrastswith isobaric cooling paths typical of higher pressure granulites,and suggests uplift and erosion were active during Proterozoicgranulite-grade metamorphism in this area.  相似文献   

LIOU  J. G. 《Journal of Petrology》1971,12(2):379-411
Hydrothermal investigation of the bulk composition CaO.Al2O3.4SiO2+excessH2O has been conducted using conventional techniques over thetemperature ranges 200–450 °C and 500–6000 barsPfluid. A number of reactions have been studied by employingmineral mixtures consisting of reactants and products in about9: 1 and 1: 9 ratios. The phase relations were deduced fromrelatively long experiments by observing which seeded assemblagedisappeared or decreased markedly in one of the paired run charges. Laumontite was synthesized in the laboratory, probably for thefirst time. Laumontite was grown from seeded wairakite to over99 per cent using a weak NaCl solution. The refractive indicesof the synthetic material are about = 1.504 and = 1.514. Theaverage unit cell dimensions are a0 = 14.761±0.005 Å;b0 = 13.077±0.005 Å; c0 = 7.561±0.003 Å;and ß = 112.02°±0.04°. Within the errorof measurement, the optical properties and cell parameters arein good agreement with those of natural laumontite. The equilibriumdehydration of laumontite involves two reactions: (1) laumontite= wairakite+2H2O, passing through about 230 °C at 0.5 kb,255±5 °C at 1 kb, 282±5 °C at 2 kb, 297±5°C at 3 kb and 325±5 °C at 6 kb; and (2) laumontite= lawsonite+2 quartz+2H2O, taking place at about 210 °Cat 3 kb and 275 °C at 3.2 kb. Above 300 °C, the equilibriumcurve for the solid-solid reaction (3) lawsonite+2 quartz =wairakite passes through 305 °C, 3.4 kb and 390 °C,4.4 kb. Equilibrium has been demonstrated unambiguously forthe above three reactions. The hydrothermal decomposition ofnatural laumontite above its own stability limit appears tobe a very slow process. Combined with previously published equilibria determined hydrothermallyfor wairakite, the phase relations are further investigatedby chemographic analysis interrelating the phases, laumontite,wairakite, lawsonite, anorthite, prehnite+kaolinite, and 2 pumpellyite+kaolinitein the system CaAl2Si2O8-SiO2-H2O. This synthesis allowed theconstruction of a semiquantitative petrogenetic grid applicableto natural parageneses and the delineation of the physical conditionsfor the various low-grade metamorphic facies in low µCO2environments. The similar stratigraphic zonations, consistentlyfound in a variety of environments, are recognized to be a functionof burial depth, geothermal gradient, and mineralogical andchemical composition of the parental rocks. Departures fromthe normal sequences are believed to be due to the combinationsof mineralogical variations, availability of H2O, differencesin the ratio µCO2/µH2O, and the rate of reaction.The possible P-T boundaries for diagenesis, the zeolite facies,the lawsonite-albite facies, the prehnite-pumpellyite facies,and the adjacent metamorphic facies are illustrated diagrammatically.  相似文献   

The mineral assemblages of greenschist to amphibolite faciesmetabasites may usually be represented in a system of principalcomponents: CaO–Al2O3–(Fe2O3)–FeO–MgO–Na2O–SiO2–CO2–H2O Assemblages co-existing with quartz, ‘albite’, ‘epidote’and a fluid of restricted composition, may be shown by projectionin a CAFM subsystem from ‘epidote’ onto an extendedAFM plane. This projection is analogous to the Thompson projectionfor pelites and is particularly useful in displaying the effectsof Fe/Mg and Al substitution in the silicates as well as incorporatingCaO; it is illustrated by plotting assemblages from the SouthernAlps of New Zealand and the Scottish Highlands and demonstrateschanges occurring with grade in the assemblages. Some commonisograds and facies boundaries are seen to be strongly dependenton bulk rock composition. In some cases MnO must be consideredas an additional component. A model of Psolids=Pfluid, where the fluid is composed of CO2+H2Ois consistent with many greenschist to amphibolite facies metabasicassemblages. Natural assemblages indicate this fluid phase tohave restricted mobility. Theoretical consideration of mineralreactions resulting from increasing Xco2, in conjunction withdata from natural mineral assemblages, leads to the distinctionof five principal types of assemblage which may be expectedas a function of varying XCo2. Recognition of these assemblagetypes provides a useful guide to relative XCo2 during metamorphism. * Present Address: Department of Geology, University of California, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90024.  相似文献   

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