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论江西“鸣山层”   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
李文恒 《地质科学》1975,10(1):49-55
“鸣山层”一名为刘季辰(1925)所命名,标准地点在江西乐平西南七公里之鸣山,当时定其时代为石炭纪。此后黄汲清、高平等采到Lyttonia而将其时代改为晚二迭世。自此“鸣山层”一名在江西被广泛采用,甚至邻省亦有采用者。  相似文献   

何宇彬 《地质科学》1975,10(3):279-284
“相对隔水层”这一术语在我国水文地质界已广泛使用。在碳酸盐岩层分布地区寻找微弱的岩溶化岩层作为相对隔水层,对大比例尺水电工程地质测绘是具有实际意义的。例如广西红水河流域,大面积分布着厚层石灰岩及白云岩,很少见到碎屑岩夹层;从而寻找相对隔水层对论证水库、坝址渗漏是有特殊意义的。但是,如何确定相对隔水层?这个问题尚未得到解决。  相似文献   

“四川运动”之否定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
李玉文 《地质科学》1979,14(4):374-377
“四川运动"的由来“四川运动”一名,为谭锡畴、李春昱1929-1931年在四川及原西康进行地质调查时所拟,其调查报告《四川西康地质志》文字部分于1959年出版,在这之前,李春昱等(1943,1948)”、侯德封等(1945)已引用了这一名称,但正式命名和论述是在1950年。  相似文献   

论震旦系划分与对比问题   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
1922年葛利普根据我国早期地质工作者的资料和要求,把“震旦系”作为一个时间地层单位古生界的第一个系提出来,而其含义过于笼统而广泛,可以装进大量的、时间范围很长的地层。1924年李四光在长江峡东区确定了一个厚不过800米,时间范围较小的“震旦系”。1934年高振西等在河北蓟县又确定了一个厚达10000米,时间长达10多亿年的大“震旦系”。  相似文献   

“西康系”的时代问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
1930年譚錫畴和李春昱在四川西部(原西康省)进行地貭調查吋,曾将康定以西的一套黑灰色板岩、頁岩和砂岩,以及綠灰色板岩和砂岩的地层命名为“西康系”,并在雅江以西地区采得植物化石。化石多为Podozamites,故将“西康系”与香溪煤系对比,并将它划归侏罗紀(見譚錫畴、李春昱,1959:四川西康地貭志)。黄汲清在1945年所著的“中国主要地貭构造单位”一书中,曾列举了五点証据,否定“西康系”为侏罗紀地层,并认为主要属古生代。在1955年所出的“康藏路线地貭图”中,将“西康系”地层另命名为“札科系”,将其时代定为二迭紀。1958年甘孜地貭队将它划为石炭二迭紀,另外亦有人将它定为石炭紀。总之,这套地层的时代,长期以來是爭論不休的。  相似文献   

岩冰 《地质科学》1977,12(1):1-5
一九七二年以来,自然科学领域刮起了一股反“理论风”的妖风,其矛头直接对准伟大领袖毛主席和敬爱的周总理。这股妖风的风源,盖出于王张江姚“四人帮”反党集团。一九七二年,毛主席对一位科学家关于加强自然科学基础理论研究和教学的意见,表示了称赞。周总理根据毛主席的革命科技路线,做了重要的指示和部署。“四人帮”心怀叵测,借以发端。  相似文献   

从总结陆相侏罗-白垩纪地层界线的研究成果和工作方法,结合国际地层委员会“修订准则”和国际地层指南的规定,论述了建立“陆相层型”的紧迫性、理论和方法。我国陆相地层极为发育,但研究明显滞后于海相地层,主要问题是缺乏划分对比标准。目前以海相地层研究建立的层型尚不能应用于陆相地层,况且一些地质断代还未建立层型。陆相地层研究要先建立自己的标准。与海相地层比较,陆相地层在同位素测年、磁性地层划分和事件地层学研究方面具备建立层型的优势,同样可以找到分布广泛和利于大范围地层对比的化石门类。建立陆相层型的关键是找到沉积连续、化石丰富和暴露完全的剖面。陆相层型可以“单位层型”与“界线层型”建立并举,有条件的地质断代还是要重视建立“界线层型”。生物地层学研究一定要以恢复演化谱系或发生序列为基础,界线化石标志应该选在其“首现”层位。“陆相层型”的建立应强调多学科、多门类、多方法的综合研究。  相似文献   

李达明 《地质科学》1963,4(1):42-49
概述雷公墨是一种天然玻璃,常称为“玻璃陨石”,因为自古以来多认为是从天空陨落的。“雷公墨”这个名称最早为十世纪中叶唐朝刘恂所采用。现在雷州半岛的群众都称之为“雷公屎”,可能是因为常在雷雨冲刷之后暴露于地表之故。  相似文献   

江苏宁镇山脉仑山灰岩的新认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
许汉奎 《地质科学》1976,11(3):235-245
“仑山灰岩”标准地点在江苏南部句容县的仑山。1933年,俞建章在研究“仑山灰岩”中的头足类动物群时,曾指出:“仑山灰岩”的时代应属于早、中奥陶世。1935年,李捷等在系统研究宁镇山脉地质时,对“仑山灰岩”重新进行划分,把上部含鞘角石(Vaginoceras)动物群的灰岩归入中奥陶统,称汤山灰岩。  相似文献   

西藏南部拉孜-江孜一带的白垩系   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
白垩纪,在西藏南部地质历史上,是一个重要的阶段,发生了剧烈的火山喷发、岩浆侵入以及褶皱运动。沿雅鲁藏布江一线,以大规模的超基性岩带为标志,又是一条重要的地质界线,被称为“断块缝合线”或“板块缝合线”,近年来受到广泛的重视。在超基性岩带两侧,拉孜-江孜一带,最广泛发育的是白垩纪地层,厚度巨大,岩相极其复杂,而且含有可采煤层。因此,对这一带白垩系的研究,具有重要的经济价值和理论意义。  相似文献   

Described in paper is the principle of optimal partitioning method for stratigraphic division and correlation.The Nihewan Beds are taken for example to show how to apply this approach in stratigraphic division and correlation.The semiquantitative spectral analysis data on aggregate trace elements in 324 samples taken from the nine sections in the Nihewan Basin are treated with multivariate statistical method for stratigraphic division and correlation.First ,the data from all the sections are respectively calculated by the optimal partitioning method to establish the stratigraphic boundaries.The optimal partitioning method has proved itself to be applicable to stratigraphic division and correlation. In our practice the Nihewan Beds are divided into five zones (I-V).Zone I includes subzones Ia and Ib,Zones Ia,Ib,II and III are considered to be corresponding to the Pliocene(N2),the early Early Pleistocene,the late Early Pleistocene,and the Middle Pleistocene,respectively .Zones IV and V are probably Late Pleistocene in age.This indicated that sediments deposited con-temporaneous in the sections of the same basin are similar in geochemical characteristics,although dif-ferent in geographical location.However,the sediments also show some variations ,with a transitional relationship from one section to another .For example ,in Zone II,the sediments of the Xiaodukou section show not only the characteristics of the Nangou-Hongya and Hutouliang sections,but also those of the Xiashagou,Shixiaxi,Shixiadong and Wulitai sections.It can be seen from the above that the zones can be characteristically correlated with one another.In addition the feasibility of the optimal partitioning method is also described in the present paper.  相似文献   

孙家 《地质科学》1985,(4):354-363
米士(1942)根据滇中澄江组与昆阳群之间的不整合面命名为晋宁运动,刘鸿允(1963)又提出以晋宁运动导致的不整合面作为震旦系的底界,这些意见曾被地质界普遍采纳。  相似文献   

震旦系质疑及有关上元古界地层问题   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
1975年全国震旦系讨论会,根据近年来地层、古生物和同位素年龄的研究成果,认为南方震旦系和北方震旦系是上、下关系;并暂定南方震旦系(三峡层型剖面)称震旦系,北方震旦系(蓟县层型剖面)另建长城系、蓟县系、青白口系,与上述震旦系合称震旦亚界,归入上元古界。1976年出版的中华人民共和国地质图和亚洲地质图的元古代地层图例,即根据此方案编制的。这个方案虽是过渡性的,它对确定我国震旦亚界的地层层序,推动前寒武纪地层的深入研究,还是起了一定的积极作用。 不容讳言,对上述方案,有许多地质工作者曾表示不便反对,也不敢赞同。希望多做些工作,以求在实践中逐步统一认识,解决存在的问题。  相似文献   

区域变质作用过程中,矿物受到热力与动力作用,相应地发生结晶、重结晶与变形两个方面的变化,产生出多种型式的变质结构。依据变质结构的特点,矿物本身的变化和共生矿物之间的相互关系,可以分析多期变质作用的期次、顺序,也可以鉴别结晶作用与变形作用的先后关系,因此能够通过这种研究来复原变质地体的变质变形历史。本文研究河北省迁西县太平寨地区及附近各地的古老变质地体的变质结构特点,并研讨其地质意义。  相似文献   

MASS ACCUMULATION IN THE CENOZOIC HOH XIL BASIN,NORTHERN TIBET1 BarronEJ,WashingtonWM .Theroleofgeographicvariablesinexplainingpaleoclimates:ResultsfromCretaceousclimatemodelsensitivitystudies[J] ..JournalofGeophysicalResearch ,1984 ,89:12 6 7~ 12 79. 2 HayWW ,ShawCA ,WoldCN .Mass balancedpaleogeographicreconstructions[J] ..GeologischeRundschau,1989,78( 1) :2 0 7~ 2 4 2 . 3 LiuZhifei,WangChengshan .FaciesanalysisanddepositionalprocessesofCenozoicsed…  相似文献   

A lead isotope study of mineralization in the Saudi Arabian Shield   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
New lead isotope data are presented for some late Precambrian and early Paleozoic vein and massive sulfide deposits in the Arabian Shield. Using the Stacey Kramers (1975) model for lead isotope evolution, isochron model ages range between 720 m.y. and 420 m.y. Most of the massive sulfide deposits in the region formed before 680 m.y. ago, during evolution of the shield. Vein type mineralization of higher lead content occurred during the Pan African event about 550 m.y. ago and continued through the Najd period of extensive faulting in the shield that ended about 530 m.y. ago. Late post-tectonic metamorphism may have been responsible for vein deposits that have model ages less than 500 m.y. Alternatively some of these younger model ages may be too low due to the mineralizing fluids acquiring radiogenic lead from appreciably older local crustal rocks at the time of ore formation.The low207Pb/204Pb ratios found for the deposits in the main part of the shield and for those in north-eastern Egypt, indicate that the Arabian craton was formed in an oceanic crustal environment during the late Precambrian. Involvement of older, upper-crustal material in the formation of the ore deposits in this part of the shield is precluded by their low207Pb/204Pb and208Pb/204Pb characteristics.In the eastern part of the shield, east of longitude 44°20E towards the Al Amar-Idsas fault region, lead data are quite different. They exhibit a linear207Pb/204Pb-206Pb/204Pb relationship together with distinctly higher208Pb/204Pb characteristics. These data imply the existence of lower crustal rocks of early Proterozoic age that apparently have underthrust the shield rocks from the east. If most of the samples we have analyzed from this easterly region were mineralized 530 m.y. ago, then the age of the older continental rocks is 2,100±300 m.y. (2).The presence of upper crustal rocks, possibly also of early Proterozoic age, is indicated by galena data from Hailan in South Yemen and also from near Muscat in Oman. These data are the first to indicate such old continental material in these regions.  相似文献   

The petrologic and isotopic-geochronologic study of basement rocks that were penetrated by a deep borehole in the marginal part of the East European Platform revealed that its section overlain by the Vendian-Paleozoic sedimentary cover is Early Proterozoic in age and largely consists of aluminous migmatized biotite, biotite-cordierite, and biotite-cordierite-sillimanite gneisses, which are intruded by granites, plagiogranites, and metatonalites. The lower part of the section is dominated by amphibole schists and amphibolites with subordinate nonmetamorphosed dolerite dikes and pegmatite veins. By metamorphism parameters (T = 630–680°C, P = 2–4 kbar), the metamorphic complex may be considered as the shallowest one, compared with other Early Proterozoic complexes, developed at least in the southwestern part of Fennoscandia. The progressive decrease in the mineral-formation pressure observed in the Lower Proterozoic metamorphic rocks southward, away from the Karelian Craton is likely explained by the tectonic transport (thrusting) of the Svecofennides over the margin of the Karelian Craton and their subsequent deeper erosion near the craton. The magmatic crystallization of metamorphic palgiogranites, penetrated at depths of 925–928 and 1004 m, is estimated by the U-Pb ID-TIMS method on zircons to occur 1860 ± 9 Ma ago. It is shown that by their age, the REE composition, and isotopic-geochemical characteristics, these rocks are close to the plagiogranites formed in the southeastern extremity of the Svecofennnian belt in the present-day northern Ladoga region and the Karelian Isthmus. No rocks, which could be correlated by their lithology with the Archean rocks of the Karelian Craton, are found.  相似文献   

金成伟  周云生 《地质科学》1978,13(4):297-312
国内外广泛地认为,处于喜马拉雅和冈底斯弧形山系之间的雅鲁藏布江-噶尔河谷地是一条印度板块和欧亚板块之间的缝合线带。由于印度板块自中生代以来的向北漂移,及其与欧亚板块的接近和相互之间的碰撞,先后造成了冈底斯和喜马拉雅弧形山系。  相似文献   

甘肃龙首山区及马衔山区前震旦纪地层简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
甘肃省前震旦系主要分布于祁连山及阿拉善区,可分南北两带。北带分布于龙首山及北大山一带,前人称“阿拉善群”,1967年,我队在区域地质调查时将其改为龙首山群,向西出露在三危山至东巴兔山一带的前震旦系称“敦煌群”;南带分布于阿尔金山及中祁连山一带,向东出露在兰州马衔山一带的前震旦系称“马衔山群”。此外,在北山区的洪格尔吉山及雅布赖西山等地尚有零星出露。  相似文献   

我国几个地区浊积岩系的特征   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,由于找寻沉积矿床、研究沉积环境和大地构造的需要,浊积岩(在构造意义上称为复理石)的研究有相当快的发展。作者对东北某地早第三纪浊积岩、秦岭中段三迭纪浊积岩和浙西奥陶纪浊积岩进行了野外观察和室内工作。本文就它们的识别特征、沉积环境和构造环境进行概要的讨论,可能对区测填图和普查找矿等方面工作有所俾益。  相似文献   

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