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本文主要根据《沈阳活断层探测与地震危险性评价》项目中跨断层探测工作的结果,对穿过沈阳市区的主要目标断层——长白乡—观音阁断裂的活动性予以阐述。通过对断层两个钻孔岩芯的地层对比及年代学研究,建立跨断层柱状剖面,获得各主要地层的形成年代,并取得以下认识:长白乡—观音阁断层在沈水湾公园场地没有错断到晚更新世地层,中更新世晚期以来断层没有活动。  相似文献   

以《中国地震活动断层探测技术系统技术规程》为依据,结合沈阳、抚顺的实际情况,设计了沈阳市活断层探测的思路。沈阳市活断层探测划分为沈阳、抚顺两个目标区,确定沈阳目标区6条、抚顺目标区2条共8条断裂为目标断层。活断层探测实际上包括初查与目标断层地震危险性评价、详查与主要目标断层地震危害性评价两大阶段的工作内容,具体按照初查阶段目标断层的综合探测、深部地震构造环境探测、目标断层地震危险性综合评价、主要目标断层详细探测、地震危害性评价及活断层信息管理系统建设等几个步骤实施。目标断层的探测手段选取地球化学、地球物理(浅层地震、多道直流电法和探地雷达等)、钻孔探测等,同时结合高分辩率遥感、地震地质调查等方法,各种探测方法和手段根据其探测精度和适宜性分别应用于初查、详查等不同的探测阶段中,探测技术参数的选取在不同阶段也具有差异性,目的是为了实现各个阶段的探测目标。  相似文献   

电阻率层析成像在沈阳市地震活断层探测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了在沈阳市活断层探测中应用电阻率层析成像方法取得的结果。,认为应用该方法在目标区可以较准确地探测断层的几何结构和物理特征,为沈阳市活断层探测与地震危险性评价研究提供了准确可靠的物探依据。  相似文献   

地震易损性分析是进行场地抗震性能划分的一种有效方法。根据沈阳市浑南新区的地震、地质和地貌特点 ,选取场地地基土、断层、地表地震动参数、地下水埋深和第四系厚度作为场地地震易损性分析的因素 ,并采用灰色统计方法对专家意见进行分析以确定易损性指数系数。计算结果表明 ,浑南新区的大部分地区属于抗震有利地段 ,占总面积的 81 6 8% ,抗震不利地段只占 1 8 32 %。  相似文献   

库尔勒断层氡气观测及观测资料分析初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王艳  李德成 《内陆地震》1998,12(1):73-77
简要介绍了库尔勒断层氡气测孔周围的地质构造条件及仪器设置,并对两年多的观测资料进行分析。认为A道较好地记录到1995年3月19日和硕Ms5.1级地震及5月2日乌苏Ms5.8级地震前的突跳异常;同时利用B道氡资料与气温,气压作了多元回归分析,认为B道连续两年多出现的长时间,大幅度变化的异常现象主要是受气温,气压季节性变化的影响。  相似文献   

对本台地磁低点位移异常与1988年以来祁连山西段ML≥5.0级地震相对应的震例进行了分析研究,并讨论了2003年4月17日青海德令哈6.6级地震前本台断层气氡资料的异常变化。结果表明,该地区的地震活动和地磁低点位移异常都与其构造活动有着密切的联系。  相似文献   

宿迁城市活动断层探测多方法技术运用的典型案例   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
城市活动断层是城市潜在危害之一,而对城市隐伏活动断层的准确定位及其最新活动时代的判定,一直是活动断层探测的难题。文中以宿迁市合欢路隐伏活动断层探测为例,通过地质地貌调查和浅层地震勘探初步确定断层位置。依据对折定位法原理,实施钻孔联合剖面探测,把断层上断点限定在平面5m、深度4.4~6.1m的范围内。再通过开挖探槽,精确查明断层近地表位置以及断层最新一次活动时间。利用多层次,多手段综合探测方法,在合欢路场地对安丘-莒县断裂宿迁段的断层精定位和活动性研究中取得了很好的效果。合欢路场地探测结果显示,断层最新一次事件发生在(5.9±0.3)ka BP以后,属于全新世活动断层。  相似文献   

通过野外地质调查、浅层地震勘探和钻孔联合剖面探测等方法,对废黄河断裂的第四纪活动性进行了研究。浅层地震勘探结果表明,废黄河断裂由南北两条主干断裂组成,南支断裂倾向NE,北支断裂倾向SW,总体为一地堑形式,断裂宽度为1~2km。在地震剖面上,废黄河断裂的各个断点都是以断错基岩面为特征,并未断错第四系内部层位。钻孔联合剖面探测结果显示,废黄河断裂断错了中更新统层位,但未断错其顶面。在凤山一带发现1条废黄河断裂的次级断层出露,结合断层泥胶结程度、测年结果和地貌特征等判断,该断层最新活动为中更新世中期。综合以上研究工作成果,判断废黄河断裂早期为左旋活动,第四纪以来表现为张性活动,其最新活动时代为中更新世中期。受构造背景的控制,徐州地区发育的NW向断裂明显较相邻的鲁西南地区的NW向断裂活动性弱。  相似文献   

The Gudian Fault in the southwest of Songyuan is an important fault in the central depression of the Songliao Basin. It was recognized from the petroleum exploration data. Based on the data, we conducted shallow seismic exploration, drilling exploration, age determination(OSL) and topography measurement. The fault features and its motion characteristics are analyzed with the results of shallow seismic exploration. With stratigraphic correlation and optical stimulated luminescence dating, the latest active age of the fault is determined. The surface relief of the region to the southeast of the drilling site is relatively larger than surrounding places. An 800m long section across the fault was measured by GPSRTK, and the deformation amount across the zone was calculated. Four conclusions are drawn in this paper:(1) The Gudian Fault is arcuate in shape and shows a property of inverse fault with a length of about 66km in the reflection interface T1(bottom of the upper Cretaceous Nenjiang Group). (2) The middle part of the fault rupture is wider than the ends, narrowing or dying out outwards. According to this feature and the rupture of the bottom of the fourth segment of the upper Cretaceous Nenjiang Group, the fault can be divided into three segments, e.g. Daliba Village-Gaizijing-Guyang segment, Guyang-Shenjingzi-Julongshan Village segment and Julongshan Village-Caiyuanzi segment. (3) The yellow silt layer at the base of the upper Pleistocene series ((33.66±3.27) ka BP~50ka BP) is offset by the Gudian Fault, while the upper tawny silt layer is not influenced by the fault. Thus, the fault belongs to late Pleistocene active fault. (4) The amount of geomorphic deformation around Shenjingzi is 9m. The depth of the bottom of the upper Pleistocene series is 11m and the Huangshan Group of the mid Pleistocene series exposes to the southeast of the deformation zone. Therefore, the throw of the bottom of the upper Pleistocene series is about 20m at the sides of the deformation zone. In addition, the Qianguo M6(3/4) earthquake occurred in Songyuan area in 1119 AD. Though some studies have been done, arguments still exist on the seismogenic structure of the Qianguo M6(3/4) earthquake. Combined with others studies, Gudian Fault is considered as the seismogenic structure of the Qianguo M6(3/4) earthquake.  相似文献   

滨海附近地区GPS和断层形变与地震关系研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
简要介绍了环勃海及华北部分地区跨断层形变资料的分析结果,同时介绍了1992年至1995年首都圈两期GPS测量资料处理分析的初步结果。通过比较,二者所显示的地壳活动趋势存在性质上的差异,主要是因观测时段的不一致而引起;在同时段资料的对比分析中,因测点和断层空间分布差异的存在,有44.8%的流动资料难以判定其与GPS资料的一致性,但在可判定的33项资料中,有89%是一致的,证明二者从不同的侧面反映了近  相似文献   

渭河盆地是环鄂尔多斯地块周缘大型断陷盆地之一。在环鄂尔多斯地块的4个边中,渭河盆地的现代地震活动属于最弱的一边,表现为环鄂尔多斯地块最大的地震空段。渭河盆地内部由多个次级断块组成,但它们对盆地内的现代地震活动控制却不明显。作为青藏高原东北缘紧邻的一个大型外侧盆地,盆地内的现代地震活动与青藏高原的大震活动存在着一定的响应,表现为伴随着青藏高原的大震活动,盆地内部的地震活动也明显增强。  相似文献   

断层活动是地壳应力释放等的一种表现。其主要应力一般通过区域性断层释放,小断层除释放剩余应力外也可是前者活动时的牵动。因此,在一个局部地区内断层活动时间常具有同步性特点。对化稍营地区大、小断层的研究表明,传统法确认油房断层被上更新统复盖,其最后一次活动时间在晚更新世以前;应用热释光、铀系法与显微构造分析结合,研究发育在基岩中的壶流河断层、F_(207)断层、F_(214)断层和F_(213)断层,确定其最后一次较强烈活动为距今20~30万年前。两者结果的吻合,证明了断层活动时间的同步性特点。  相似文献   

Running across the urban areas of Changzhou, Wuxi and Suzhou, the NW-trending Su-Xi-Chang Fault is an important buried fault in Yangtze River Delta. In the respect of structural geomorphology, hilly landform is developed along the southwest side of the Su-Xi-Chang Fault, and a series of lakes and relatively low-lying depressions are developed on its northeast side, which is an important landform and neotectonic boundary line. The fault controlled the Jurassic and Cretaceous stratigraphic sedimentary and Cenozoic volcanic activities, and also has obvious control effects on the modern geomorphology and Quaternary stratigraphic distribution. Su-Xi-Chang Fault is one of the target faults of the project "Urban active fault exploration and seismic risk assessment in Changzhou City" and "Urban active fault exploration and seismic risk assessment in Suzhou City". Hidden in the ground with thick cover layer, few researches have been done on this fault in the past. The study on the activity characteristics and the latest activity era of the Su-Xi-Chang Fault is of great significance for the prevention and reduction of earthquake disaster losses caused by the destructive earthquakes to the cities of Changzhou, Wuxi and Suzhou. Based on shallow seismic exploration and drilling joint profiling method, Quaternary activities and distribution characteristics of the Su-Xi-Chang Fault are analyzed systematically. Shallow seismic exploration results show that the south branch of the Su-Xi-Chang Fault in Suzhou area is dominated by normal faulting, dipping to the north-east, with a dip angle of about 60° and a displacement of 3~5m on the bedrock surface. The north branch of the Su-Xi-Chang Fault in Changzhou area is dominated by normal faulting, dipping to the south, with a dip angle of about 55°~70° and a displacement of 4~12m on the bedrock surface. All breakpoints of Su-Xi-Chang Fault on the seismic exploration profiles show that only the bedrock surface was dislocated, not the interior strata of the Quaternary. On the drilling joint profile in the Dongqiao site of Suzhou, the latest activity of the south branch of Su-Xi-Chang Fault is manifested as reverse faulting, with maximum displacement of 2.9m in the upper part of Lower Pleistocene, and the Middle Pleistocene has not been dislocated by the fault. The fault acts as normal fault in the Pre-Quaternary strata, with a displacement of 3.7m in the Neogene stratum. On the drilling joint profile in the Chaoyang Road site of Changzhou, the latest activity of the north branch of Su-Xi-Chang Fault is manifested as reverse faulting too, with maximum displacement of 2.8m in the bottom layer of the Middle Pleistocene. The fault acts as normal fault in the Pre-Quaternary strata, with a displacement of 10.2m in the bedrock surface. Combining the above results, we conclude that the latest activity era of Su-Xi-Chang Fault is early Middle Pleistocene. The Su-Xi-Chang Fault was dominated by the sinistral normal faulting in the pre-Quaternary period, and turned into sinistral reverse faulting after the early Pleistocene, with displacement of about 3m in the Quaternary strata. The maximum magnitude of potential earthquake on the Su-Xi-Chang Fault is estimated to be 6.0.  相似文献   

抚顺城区段浑河断裂现今活动性研究的述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对以往关于抚顺城区段浑河断裂现今构造活动性的主要文献所采用的地壳形变测量资料及其结论的科学性作了述评,认为得出的抚顺城区段浑河断裂现今构造活动明显或不明显的结论尚缺乏充分的依据,提出了进一步研究该断裂现今构造活动性的建议与方法。  相似文献   

High-precision and high-resolution topography are the basis of quantitative study of active tectonics. Traditional methods are mainly interpreted from the remote sensing image and can only obtain two-dimensional, medium-resolution DEM(5~10m grid unit)or local three-dimensional surface deformation characteristics. A combination of offset and micro-relief information is essential for understanding the long-term rupture pattern of faults, such as in seismic hazard evaluation. The recently developed high-resolution light detection and ranging(LiDAR)technology can directly carry out high-precision and omni-directional three-dimensional measurement of the landform, and provide fine geomorphologic data for the study of active tectonics, which is helpful to deepen the understanding of surface rupture process and fault activity characteristics. In this study, we take part of the Xiaohongshan Fault, the western segment of Xiangshan-Tianjingshan Fault located in Gansu Province(NE Tibet), as an example of how LiDAR data may be used to improve the study of active faults. Using the airborne LiDAR technology, we obtain the three-dimensional surface deformation characteristics with high accuracy and establish the three-dimensional topographic model of the fault geomorphic. A high-resolution digital elevation model(DEM)of the Jingtai-Xiaohongshan Fault was extracted based on high-precision LiDAR data. Then the faulted geomorphic markers(gullies, ridges and terraces)were measured in detail along the fault, and different offset clusters and long-term sliding vector of different segments of the fault were finally acquired. We obtained the 82 horizontal displacements and 62 vertical displacements of geomorphic markers. According to the offset amounts, we observed peaks in the histogram by using the method of cumulative offset probability density and interpreted that each peak may represent an earthquake that ruptured the Xiaohongshan Fault. The results show that the horizontal and vertical displacements fall into five clusters, and the smallest cluster may indicate the coseismic slip of the most recent earthquake, while the other clusters may represent the slip accumulation of multiple preceding earthquakes. The sliding vectors constrained by the horizontal and vertical displacement of several typical geomorphic markers show obvious differences on different segments of the fault. The results show that the fault segment is divided into three segments from west to east, which indicates that the fault activity is not uniform along the fault.  相似文献   

主要研究沈阳地震台SSQ-2型水平摆倾斜仪的年、月、日形态特征及数字化资料映震性能分析。检验理论固体潮与实际观测的潮汐因子、相对误差,排除气压、天气等对形变观测的干扰因素,识别形变观测中异常特征,提高利用形变观测的监测效能。  相似文献   

A. Das Gupta 《Ground water》1989,27(6):874-881
Abstract. A procedure is described for the analysis of step- drawdown pumping test data. The method uses the general form of the drawdown equation during a step with the superposition of the effects of incremental pumping between steps. An interactive computer code based on this procedure is developed to estimate aquifer characteristics and well-loss factor from the observed time-drawdown data at different discharge rates. Analysis of specific step-drawdown data indicates the adaptability of the code for practical application.  相似文献   

兰州市孔家崖断裂活动特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
主要根据调查资料及电测深、钻探资料论述了孔家崖断裂的展布以及第四纪以来不同地质时期活动特征.早更新世以来该断裂的平均倾滑速率为0.17~0.21mm/a,全新世以来平均倾滑速率为0.2mm/a.根据该断裂的展布及活动特征对某场区的工程建设提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

山东莒县深井电阻率资料分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对山东莒县深井电阻率1989年-2008年的数据进行分析,认为莒县深井电阻率变化曲线的“趋势性下降-转折回升”与沂沭带4级左右中强地震具有较好的对应关系;对两种不同观测方式所产生的数据进行了对比分析,表明第一种观测方式的资料更易于判断地震异常。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市区断层附近原地应力测量研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用水压致裂原地应力测试技术,在乌鲁木齐市区碗窑沟断裂东段、雅玛里克断裂东段和西山断裂带中、东段开展了断层附近原地应力测量研究,得到了地表浅部构造应力的大小、方向和分布特征。钻孔HFZK3位于碗窑沟断裂东段的南侧,孔深62.13m;钻孔HFZK5位于雅玛里克断裂东段的南侧,孔深30.00m;钻孔HFZK9和HFZK12都位于西山断裂带的中、东段,孔深分别为34m和54.5m。根据实测的地应力资料,断层附近最大水平主压应力方向为NE—NEE向,与区域构造应力SN—NNE向主压方向有一些差异,说明受断层活动影响,断层附近的应力状态与区域应力场明显不同。利用地应力实测资料研究了断层的活动性,在测量深度域内水平和垂直应力的关系为σH>σh>σV,该应力状态有利于逆断层活动,与地质资料反映的以逆断层活动为主基本一致。利用库仑摩擦滑动准则,摩擦强度取0.6~1.0进行分析,断层附近的现今地应力状态达到或超过产生逆断层摩擦滑动的临界值,表明测区现今构造活动以逆断层为主。研究区的3条断层不具备发生走滑断层活动的可能性,其中雅玛里克断裂东段、西山断裂带中段和东段具有发生逆断层活动的可能性,相比而言,西山断裂带中段危险性更大  相似文献   

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