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We have constructed a one-dimensional model of the nightside ionosphere of Venus in which it is assumed that the ionization is maintained by day-to-night transport of atomic ions. Downward fluxes of O+, C+ and N+ in the ratios measured on the dayside at high altitudes are imposed at the upper boundary of the model (about 235 km). We discuss the resulting sources and sinks of the molecular ions NO+,CO+,N2+,CO2+ and O2+. As the O+ flux is increased, the peak density of O+ increases proportionally and the altitude of the peak decreases. The O2+ peak density is approximately proportional to the square root of the O+ flux and the peak rises as the O+ flux increases. NO+ densities near the peak are relatively unaffected by changes in the O+ flux. If the ionosphere is maintained mostly by transport, the ratio of the peak densities of O+ and O2+ indicates the downward flux ofO+, independent of the absolute magnitudes of the densities. The densities of mass-28 ions are, however, still considered to be the most sensitive indicator of the importance of electron precipitation. We examine here the inbound and outbound portions of six early nightside orbits with low periapsis and use data from the Pioneer Venus orbiter ion mass spectrometer, the retarding potential analyzer and the electron temperature probe to determine the relative importance of ion transport and electron precipitation. For most of the orbits, precipitation is inferred to be of low to moderate importance. Only for orbit 65, which was the first nightside orbit published by Taylor et al. [J. geophys. Res. 85, 7765 (1980)] and for the inbound portion of orbit 73 does the ionization structure appear to be greatly affected by electron precipitation.  相似文献   

A study of the dawn-dusk asymmetry of the Venus nightside ionosphere is conducted by examining the configuration of the ionospheric trans-terminator flow around Venus and also the dawn-ward displacement of the region where most of the ionospheric holes and the electron density plateau profiles are observed (dawn meaning the west in the retrograde rotation of Venus and that corresponds to the trailing side in its orbital motion). The study describes the position of the holes and the density plateau profiles which occur at neighboring locations in a region that is scanned as the trajectory of the Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) sweeps through the nightside hemisphere with increasing orbit number. The holes are interpreted as crossings through plasma channels that extend downstream from the magnetic polar regions of the Venus ionosphere and the plateau profiles represent cases in which the electron density maintains nearly constant values in the upper ionosphere along the PVO trajectory. From a collection of PVO passes in which these profiles were observed it is found that they appear at neighboring positions of the ionospheric holes in a local solar time (LST) map including cases where only a density plateau profile or an ionospheric hole was detected. It is argued that the ionospheric holes and the density plateau profiles have a common origin at the magnetic polar regions where plasma channels are formed and that the density plateau profiles represent crossings through a friction layer that is adjacent to the plasma channels. It is further suggested that the dawn-dusk asymmetry in the position of both features in the nightside ionosphere results from a fluid dynamic force (Magnus force) that is produced by the combined effects of the trans-terminator flow and the rotational motion of the ionosphere that have been inferred from the PVO measurements.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2006,54(13-14):1482-1495
Venus has no internal magnetic dynamo and thus its ionosphere and hot oxygen exosphere dominate the interaction with the solar wind. The solar wind at 0.72 AU has a dynamic pressure that ranges from 4.5 nPa (at solar max) to 6.6 nPa (at solar min), and its flow past the planet produces a shock of typical magnetosonic Mach number 5 at the subsolar point. At solar maximum the pressure in the ionospheric plasma is sufficient to hold off the solar wind at an altitude of 400 km above the surface at the subsolar point, and 1000 km above the terminators. The deflection of the solar wind occurs through the formation of a magnetic barrier on the inner edge of the magnetosheath, or shocked solar wind. Under typical solar wind conditions the time scale for diffusion of the magnetic field into the ionosphere is so long that the ionosphere remains field free and the barrier deflects almost all the incoming solar wind. Any neutral atoms of the hot oxygen exosphere that reach the altitude of the magnetosheath are accelerated by the electric field of the flowing magnetized plasma and swept along cycloidal paths in the antisolar direction. This pickup process, while important for the loss of the Venus atmosphere, plays a minor role in the deceleration and deflection of the solar wind. Like at magnetized planets, the Venus shock and magnetosheath generate hot electrons and ions that flow back along magnetic field lines into the solar wind to form a foreshock. A magnetic tail is created by the magnetic flux that is slowed in the interaction and becomes mass-loaded with thermal ions.The structure of the ionosphere is very much dependent on solar activity and the dynamic pressure of the solar wind. At solar maximum under typical solar wind conditions, the ionosphere is unmagnetized except for the presence of thin magnetic flux ropes. The ionospheric plasma flows freely to the nightside forming a well-developed night ionosphere. When the solar wind pressure dominates over the ionospheric pressure the ionosphere becomes completely magnetized, the flow to the nightside diminishes, and the night ionosphere weakens. Even at solar maximum the night ionosphere has a very irregular density structure. The electromagnetic environment of Venus has not been well surveyed. At ELF and VLF frequencies there is noise generated in the foreshock and shock. At low altitude in the night ionosphere noise, presumably generated by lightning, can be detected. This paper reviews the plasma environment at Venus and the physics of the solar wind interaction on the threshold of a new series of Venus exploration missions.  相似文献   

The electric currents induced in the atmosphere of a non-magnetic planet such as Venus by the interaction of the solar wind satisfy a generalized Ohm's Law relationship with tensor conductivity. The distribution of these currents within the planetary ionosphere may be calculated by a variational technique which minimizes the Joule heating over the ionospheric volume. In this paper, we present the development of the variational technique, and apply it to a model of the solar wind interaction with Venus.Potential and current distributions are shown, and the use of these distributions in determining convective transport patterns of planetary ions is discussed.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the viscous transport of solar wind momentum to the upper layers of the Venus ionosphere with that occurring within the trans-terminator flow leads to estimates of the ratio of the viscosity coefficients that are applicable to both cases. Support for viscous forces between the solar wind and the ionospheric plasma in the trans-terminator flow derives from the momentum flux balance between the momentum flux in the latter flow and the deficiency of solar wind momentum along the flanks of the ionosheath. By comparing the relative width of the viscous boundary layer in the Venus ionosheath and the width of the trans-terminator flow we find that the transport of momentum within the upper ionosphere proceeds at a rate similar to that at which momentum is delivered to the upper ionosphere from the solar wind. Comparable values are obtained for the viscosity coefficient of the solar wind that streams over the ionosphere and that implied from momentum transport within the ionospheric trans-terminator flow. It is further suggested that despite the different nature of the processes that give place to the viscous transport of the solar wind momentum to the upper ionosphere (wave-particle interactions) and those responsible for its distribution within the ionosphere (through coulombian collisions) there is a similar response in the behavior of both plasmas to momentum transport. Calculations show that with comparable values of the viscosity coefficient in the ionosheath and in the upper ionospheric plasma the mean free path suitable to wave-particle interactions in the ionosheath is of the same order of magnitude as the mean free path of the planetary O+ ions that interact through coulombian collisions in the upper ionosphere. The effects of this similarity are considered in the discussion.  相似文献   

Across the nightside of Venus, daily measurements from the PV Orbiter Ion Mass Spectrometer often indicate an ionosphere of relatively abundant concentration, with a composition characteristic of the dayside ionosphere. Such conditions are interspersed by other days on which the ionosphere appears to largely “disappear” down to about 200 km, with ion concentrations at lower heights also much reduced. These characteristics, coupled with observations of strong day to night flows of O+ in the upper ionosphere, support arguments that ion transport from the dayside is important for the maintenance of the nightside ionosphere. Also, U.S. and Soviet observations of nightside energetic electron fluxes have prompted consideration of impact ionization as an additional nightside ion source. The details of the ion and neutral composition at low altitudes on the nightside provide an important input for further analysis of the maintenance process. In the range 140–160 km, strong concentrations of O2+ and NO+ indicate that the ionization peak is at times composed of at least two prominent ion species. Nightside concentrations of O2+ and NO+ as large as 105 and 104/cm3, respectively, appear to require sources in addition to that provided by transport. The most probable sources are considered briefly, and no satisfactory explanation is yet found for the observed NO+ concentrations. Further analysis beyond the scope of this paper is required to resolve this issue.  相似文献   

The electrodynamic model for the solar wind interaction with non-magnetic planets. (Cloutier and Daniell, Planet. Space Sci.21, 463, 1973; Daniell and Cloutier, Planet. Space Sci.25, 621, 1977) is modified to include the effects of non-ohmic currents in the upper ionosphere. The model is then used to calculate convection patterns induced by the solar wind in the ionospheres of Mars and Venus. For Mars the observations of the neutral mass spectrometer or Vikings 1 and 2 provided the neutral atmosphere. Model calculations reproduced the retarding potential analyzer data and indicate that the ionosphere above about 200 km is probably controlled by convection rather than chemistry or diffusion. For Venus a model atmosphere based on Dickenson and Ridley, J. Atmos. Sci.32, 1219 (1975) and Mayr et al., J. geophys. Res.83, 4411 (1978) was used. The resulting model calculations were compared to radio occultation data from Mariners 5 and 10 and Venera 9 which represent extremes in the variability of the upper Cytherean ionosphere. The model calculations are shown to fall within this variation. These results represent the state of the theory immediately prior to the Pioneer-Venus encounter.  相似文献   

Instruments on the Pioneer Venus Orbiter have detected a substantial ionosphere on the nightside of Venus during most orbits. However, during some orbits the nightside ionosphere seems to have almost disappeared, existing only as irregular patches of low-density plasma. The solar wind dynamic pressure on these occasions is greater than average. We have correlated data from several instruments (Langmuir probe, ion mass spectrometer, retarding potential analyzer, magnetometer, and plasma analyzer) for a number of orbits during which the nightside ionosphere had disappeared. The magnetic field tends to be coherent, horizontal, and larger than usual, and the electron and ion temperatures are much larger than they usually are on the nightside. We suggest mechanisms which might explain the reasons for the disappearance of the ionosphere when the solar wind dynamic pressure is large.  相似文献   

Relationships between the velocity of the solar wind and the electron density of the F2-layer are shown. A significant correlation-coefficient is found only forday-time data. Typical storm phenomena occur with high wind velocities.  相似文献   

Using a quasi-two-dimensional model of the Venus ionosphere, we calculated the ion number densities and horizontal ion bulk velocities expected for a range of solar zenith angles near the terminator (80 to 100°), and compared them with data obtained from the Pioneer Venus Orbiter retarding potential analyzer. The calculated ion bulk velocity arises entirely from the solar EUV-induced plasma pressure gradient and has a magnitude consistent with observations; ionization by suprathermal electrons is neglected in those computations. We find that while photoionization is the dominant source of ionospheric plasma for solar zenith angles less than 92°, plasma transport from the dayside is the dominant plasma source for solar zenith angles greater than 95°. We also show that the main nightside plasma peak at approximately 140 km altitude is of the F2 type (i.e., is diffusion controlled). Its altitude and shape are thus quite insensitive to the altitude of the ion source.  相似文献   

R.F. Stein  R.S. Wolff 《Icarus》1982,51(2):296-301
The effects on the upper dayside Venus ionosphere of a slow increase in solar wind dynamic pressure are simulated numerically with a 1-dimensional (spherically symmetric) Lagrangian hydrodynamical code. The simulation is started with an extended ionosphere in pressure equilibrium with the solar wind at the ionopause. The pressure at the ionopause is gradually increased to five times the initial pressure with rise times of 5, 15, and 30 min. It is found that, for rise times greater than about 10 min, the compression of the ionopause is nearly adiabatic, with the ionopause moving downward at velocities of ~1?2 km/sec until it reaches a maximally compressed states, at which time the motion reverses. For short rise times the compression produces a shock wave similar to that occuring in the case of a sudden increase in pressure. The global implications of these processes are discussed within the context of Pioneer Venus observations and future theoretical work on this problem is outlined.  相似文献   

Venera 9, 10 measurements of the nightside ionospheric profile and the night airglow were used for investigating ionosphere formation processes. The upper ionospheric layer may be formed by HeI 584 Å radiation; the lower layer by meteorite ionization. Upper limits on the electron energy flux, <4 × 108eV cm−2 s−1, the helium ion flux <107 cm−2 s−1, the nitric oxide mixing ratio, <1.5 × 10−4 and the atomic sulphur mixing ratio, <10−6, are deduced for ionospheric altitudes.  相似文献   

Orbiter ion mass spectrometer measurements, as available in the UADS data files are used to study the response of dayside Venus ions at various altitudes to solar wind dynamic pressure, P sw. Ion densities below about 200 km are not affected by changes in P sw. At altitudes above 200 km the ions get abruptly depleted with increase in P sw, and this abrupt depletion occurs at lower altitudes when P sw is high. At lower P sw, the depletion occurs at higher altitudes. The effect is similar for all ions. These results are also compared with the empirical relationship observed by Brace et al. (1980) between the ionopause altitude and P sw from electron density measurements on orbiter electron temperature probe.  相似文献   

A dynamical model of the Venus ionosphere reported in an earlier paper has been modified to yield better agreement between predictions and observations. The results are interpreted with respect to changes in the ionopause height and neutral atmosphere structure.  相似文献   

A model has been developed for the currents induced in the ionospheres of Venus and Mars by the flowing magnetized solar wind in a previous paper (Cloutier and Daniell, 1973). The altitudes of the ionopauses on both planets, determined from the electrodynamical models of the previous paper, are used here to calculate the total rates of atmospheric mass loss to the solar wind for Venus and Mars. These loss rates are compared to the rates calculated by Michel (1971) based upon the limit of mass loading of the solar wind flow determined from hydrodynamic constraints. The distributions of planetary ions in the downstream wakes of Venus and Mars are calculated, and the interpretation of ion spectrometer measurements from close planetary encounters is discussed.  相似文献   

The flow of plasma on the sunward side of a comet is investigated by means of an axialsymmetric model based on hydrodynamics modified by source terms. The model assumes a given curvature of the isobaric surfaces, which corresponds to paraboloids around the nucleus of the comet. The flow on the axis can be represented by a solution of a system of seven ordinary differential equations (respectively five in case of pure photo-ionization). The flow pattern always contains a widely detached bow shock and a contact discontinuity separating a cavity with purely cometary plasma from the transition region containing also solar wind ions. The model is applied to the special case where the cometary gas is ionized by the solar UV radiation only. Numerical solutions are integrated for five levels of production of neutral gas by the comet and for seven typical situations in the undisturbed solar wind. The results imply standoff distances of the stagnation point from the nucleus of the order of 10 000 km or more, and distances of the bow shock of the order of 106–107 km.  相似文献   

Galactic cosmic ray bombardment provides a permanent background ionosphere in planetary atmospheres. A transport technique is used to compute the cosmic ray ionization rate profile in a model of the Venusian atmosphere at altitudes between 55 and 100 km. These ionization rates are then applied to a model of ion chemistry to predict equilibrium electron and ion density profiles. Ionization rates for typical solar flare proton events are available from earlier calculations and have been included.  相似文献   

Jane L. Fox 《Icarus》2011,216(2):625-639
We have modeled the near and post-terminator thermosphere/ionosphere of Venus with a view toward understanding the relative importance of EUV solar fluxes and downward fluxes of atomic ions transported from the dayside in producing the mean ionosphere. We have constructed one-dimensional thermosphere/ionosphere models for high solar activity for seven solar zenith angles (SZAs) in the dusk sector: 90°, 95°, 100°, 105°, 110°, 115° and 125°. For the first 4 SZAs, we determine the optical depths for solar fluxes from 3 Å to 1900 Å by integrating the neutral densities numerically along the slant path through the atmosphere. For SZAs of 90°, 95°, and 100°, we first model the ionospheres produced by absorption of the solar fluxes alone; for 95°, 100°, and 105° SZAs, we then model the ion density profiles that result from both the solar source and from imposing downward fluxes of atomic ions, including O+, Ar+, C+, N+, H+, and He+, at the top of the ionospheric model in the ratios determined for the upward fluxes in a previous study of the morphology of the dayside (60° SZA) Venus ionosphere. For SZAs of 110°, 115° and 125°, which are characterized by shadow heights above about 300 km, the models include only downward fluxes of ions. The magnitudes of the downward ion fluxes are constrained by the requirement that the model O+ peak density be equal to the average O+ peak density for each SZA bin as measured by the Pioneer Venus Orbiter Ion Mass Spectrometer. We find that the 90° and 95° SZA model ionospheres are robust for the solar source alone, but the O+ peak density in the “solar-only” 95° SZA model is somewhat smaller than the average value indicated by the data. A small downward flux of ions is therefore required to reproduce the measured average peak density of O+. We find that, on the nightside, the major ion density peaks do not occur at the altitudes of peak production, and diffusion plays a substantial role in determining the ion density profiles. The average downward atomic ion flux for the SZA range of 90–125° is determined to be about 1.2 × 108 cm−2 s−1.  相似文献   

Strong ultraviolet radiation from the Sun ionizes the upper atmosphere of Venus, creating a dense ionosphere on the dayside of the planet. In contrast to Earth, the ionosphere of Venus is not protected against the solar wind by a magnetic field. However, the interaction between charged ionospheric particles and the solar wind dynamic and magnetic pressure creates a pseudo-magnetosphere which deflects the solar wind flow around the planet (Schunk and Nagy, 1980). The combination of changing solar radiation and solar wind intensities leads to a highly variable structure and plasma composition of the ionosphere. The instrumentation of the Venus Express spacecraft allows to measure the magnetic field (MAG experiment) as well as the electron energy spectrum and the ion composition (ASPERA-4 experiment) of the upper ionosphere and ionopause. In contrast to the earlier Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) measurements which were conducted during solar maximum, the solar activity was very low in the period 2006-2009. A comparison with PVO allows for an investigation of ionospheric properties under different solar wind and EUV radiation conditions. Observations of MAG and ASPERA have been analyzed to determine the positions of the photoelectron boundary (PEB) and the “magnetopause” and their dependence on the solar zenith angle (SZA). The PEB was determined using the ELS observations of ionospheric photoelectrons, which can be identified by their specific energy range. It is of particular interest to explore the different magnetic states of the ionosphere, since these influence the local plasma conductivity, currents and probably the escape of electrons and ions. The penetration of magnetic fields into the ionosphere depends on the external conditions as well as on the ionospheric properties. By analyzing a large number of orbits, using a combination of two different methods, we define criteria to distinguish between the so-called magnetized and unmagnetized ionospheric states. Furthermore, we confirm that the average magnetic field inside the ionosphere shows a linear dependence on the magnetic field in the region directly above the PEB.  相似文献   

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