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Air sparging is a relatively new technique for the remediation of ground water contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons. In this technique, air is injected below the water table, beneath the contaminated soil. Remediation occurs by a combination of contaminant partitioning into the vapor phase and enhanced biodegradation. The air is usually removed by vacuum extraction in the vadose zone.
The efficiency of remediation from air sparging is a function of the air flow pattern, although the distribution of the injected air is still poorly understood. Cross-borehole resistivity surveys were performed at a former service station in Florence, Oregon, to address this unknown. The resistivity measurements were made using six wells, one of which was the sparge well. Data were collected over a two-week period during and after several air injections, or sparge events. Resistivity images were calculated between wells using an algorithm that assumes axially symmetric structures. The movement of the injected air through time was defined by regions of large increases in resistivity, greater than 100 percent from the background. During early sparge times, air moved outward and upward from the injection point as it ascended to the unsaturated zone. At later sparge times, the air flow reached a somewhat stable cone-shaped pattern radiating out and up from the injection point. Two days after sparging was discontinued, a residue of entrained air remained in the saturated zone, as indicated by a zone of 60 to 80 percent water saturation.  相似文献   

Air sparging has been used for several years as an in situ technique for removing volatile compounds from contaminated ground water, but few studies have been completed to quantify the extent of remediation. To gain knowledge of the air flow and water behavior around air injection wells, laboratory tests and model simulations were completed at three injection flow rates (62, 187, and 283 lpm) in a cylindrical reactor (diameter - 1.2 m, depth = 0.65 m). Measurements of the air flux distribution were made across the surface of the reactor at 24 monitoring locations, six radial positions equally spaced along two orthogonal transects. Simulations using a multiphase flow model called T2VOC were completed for a homogeneous, axisymmetric configuration. Input parameters were independently measured soil properties. In all the experiments, about 75 percent of the flow injected exited the water table within 30 cm of the sparge well. Predictions with T2VOC showed the same. The averages of four flux measurements at a particular distance from the sparge well compare satisfactorily with T2VOC predictions. Measured flux values at a given radius varied by more than a factor of two, but the averages were consistent between experiments and agreed well with T2VOC simulations. The T2VOC prediction of the radial extent of sparging coincided with the distance out to which air flow from the sparge well could not be detected in the reactor. The sparging pattern was relatively unaffected by the air injection rate over the range of conditions studied. Changes in the injection rate resulted in nearly proportional changes in flux rates.  相似文献   

Horizontal air sparging (HASP) wells offer several potential advantages compared to linear arrays of vertical air sparging wells. For some of these advantages to be realized, however, HASP wells must be able to deliver air uniformly along the length of the well. HASP wells can fail to deliver air uniformly for either engineering or geological reasons.
A 58 m (190-foot) long HASP well, with a 15 m (50-foot) long screen interval, was designed, installed, and tested in eolian dune sand. The relative uniformity of the geologic medium allowed specific evaluation of the impact of the well design on air delivery. A variety of monitoring approaches were used during a six-day pilot test. Pressure drop within the sparge well was found to be negligible through the screen interval of the well. Soil gas pressure and ground water mounding responses were very similar at both ends of the well screen, suggesting relatively uniform air delivery throughout. Electrical resistance tomography results confirmed that airflow in the formation was similar at both ends of the screen interval and that the principal region of airflow was within 1.5 m (5 feet) of the axis of the well. Increased dissolved oxygen was primarily limited to a region within 2.3 m (7.5 feet) of the well and occurred throughout the length of the screen interval. These monitoring results show that HASP wells, properly constructed and installed, can supply air in a generally uniform manner along their length.  相似文献   

Air sparging was evaluated for remediation of tetrachloroethylene (PCE) present as dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) in aquifers. A two-dimensional laboratory tank with a transparent front wall allowed for visual observation of DNAPL mobilization. A DNAPL zone 50 cm high was created, with a PCE pool accumulating on an aquitard. Detailed process control and analysis yielded accurate mass balances and insight into the mass-transfer limitations during air sparging. Initial PCE recovery rates were high, corresponding to fast removal of residual DNAPL within the zone influenced directly by air channels. The vadose zone DNAPL was removed within a few days, and the recovery in the extracted soil vapors decreased to low values. Increasing the sparge rate and pulsing the air injection led to improved mass recovery, as the pulsing induced water circulation and increased the DNAPL dissolution rate. Dissolved PCE concentrations both within and outside the zone of air channels were affected by the pulsing. Inside the sparge zone, aqueous concentrations decreased rapidly, matching the declining effluent PCE flux. Outside the sparge zone, PCE concentrations increased because highly contaminated water was pushed away from the air injection point. This overall circulation of water may lead to limited spreading of the contaminant, but accelerated the time-weighted average mass removal by 40% to 600%, depending on the aggressiveness of the pulsing. For field applications, pulsing with a daily or diurnal cycling time may increase the average mass removal rate, thus reducing the treatment time and saving in the order of 40% to 80% of the energy cost used to run the blowers. However, air sparging will always fail to remove DNAPL pools located below the sparge point because the air will rise upward from the top of a screen, unless very localized geological layers force the air to migrate horizontally. Unrecognized presence of DNAPL at chlorinated solvent sites residual and pools could potentially hamper success of air sparging cleanups, since the presence of small DNAPL pools, ganglia or droplets can greatly extend the treatment time.  相似文献   

Vapor extraction (soil venting) has been demonstrated to be a successful and cost-effective remediation technology for removing VOCs from the vadose (unsaturated) zone. However, in many cases, seasonal water table fluctuations, drawdown associated with pump-and-treat remediation techniques, and spills involving dense, non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLS) create contaminated soil below the water table. Vapor extraction alone is not considered to be an optimal remediation technology to address this type of contamination.
An innovative approach to saturated zone remediation is the use of sparging (injection) wells to inject a hydrocarbon-free gaseous medium (typically air) into the saturated zone below the areas of contamination. The contaminants dissolved in the ground water and sorbed onto soil particles partition into the advective air phase, effectively simulating an in situ air-stripping system. The stripped contaminants are transported in the gas phase to the vadose zone, within the radius of influence of a vapor extraction and vapor treatment system.
In situ air sparging is a complex multifluid phase process, which has been applied successfully in Europe since the mid-1980s. To date, site-specific pilot tests have been used to design air-sparging systems. Research is currently underway to develop better engineering design methodologies for the process. Major design parameters to be considered include contaminant type, gas injection pressures and flow rates, site geology, bubble size, injection interval (areal and vertical) and the equipment specifications. Correct design and operation of this technology has been demonstrated to achieve ground water cleanup of VOC contamination to low part-per-billion levels.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of river stage and waste water discharge on the unconfined aquifer near the N nuclear reactor on the U.S. Department of Energy-operated Hanford site in Washington State. River levels were statistically correlated with water-level data from 12 wells.
During the course of this study, water table elevations declined in the study area primarily as a result of a significant decrease in discharge to waste water disposal facilities, A minor contributing factor was the regional decline of the water table caused by decreasing waste water discharges upgradient of the study area.
High-frequency river-level fluctuations (e.g., short-term daily fluctuations) had good correlation with water-level variations in a well approximately 750 feet inland. Low-frequency river-level fluctuations (e.g., long-term seasonal fluctuations) had good correlation with water-level variations in a well approximately 1000 feet from the river shore. Time lags and attenuation generally increased with distance from the river as expected, with the exception of two northern wells. These two wells were relatively more responsive to river-level fluctuations at a greater distance inland from the river. This suggests that hydraulic properties (e.g., hydraulic conductivity) are a control on the aquifer reponses.
During peak river stage in June, the river level rose above water table elevations in several wells implying a temporary reversal in ground water flow direction near the river.  相似文献   

A confined aquifer may become unconfined near the pumping wells when the water level falls below the confining unit in the case where the pumping rate is great and the excess hydraulic head over the top of the aquifer is small. Girinskii's potential function is applied to analyze the steady ground water flow induced by pumping wells with a constant-head boundary in a mixed confined-unconfined aquifer. The solution of the single-well problem is derived, and the critical radial distance at which the flow changes from confined to unconfined condition is obtained. Using image wells and the superposition method, an analytic solution is presented to study steady ground water flow induced by a group of pumping wells in an aquifer bounded by a river with constant head. A dimensionless function is introduced to determine whether a water table condition exists or not near the pumping wells. An example with three pumping wells is used to demonstrate the patterns of potentiometric surface and development of water table around the wells.  相似文献   

A large-scale air sparging/soil vapor extraction (AS/SVE) project constructed within coastal plain sediments in New Jersey has demonstrated substantial progress toward remediating ground water through removal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Potential concerns identified prior to project implementation regarding hydraulic mounding, reduction in hydraulic conductivity, development of air channels, and the absence of hydraulic containment were assessed and addressed through testing and operational features incorporated into the project. At the project site, AS/SVE has successfully reduced the presence of many VOCs to undetectable levels, while reducing the concentrations of the remaining VOCs by factors of two to 500. The physical agitation caused by air sparging, and incomplete transformation from sorbed and nonaqueous phases to the vapor phase, appears to temporarily increase VOC concentrations and/or mobility of dense nonaqueous phase liquids (DN APLs) within source areas at the project site, but this is addressed in terms of subsequent removal of VOCs by properly placed downgradient treatment lines and VOCs by properly placed downgradient treatment lines and DNAPL recovery wells. This case study identifies and evaluates project-specific features and provides empirical data for potential comparison to other candidates AS/SVE sites.  相似文献   

Bair ES  Metheny MA 《Ground water》2002,40(6):657-668
Remediation of ground water and soil contamination at the Wells G & H Superfund Site, Woburn, Massachusetts, uses technologies that reflect differences in hydrogeologic settings, concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and costs of treatment. The poorly permeable glacial materials that overlie fractured bedrock at the W.R. Grace property necessitate use of closely spaced recovery wells. Contaminated ground water is treated with hydrogen peroxide and ultraviolet (UV) oxidation. At UniFirst, a deep well completed in fractured bedrock removes contaminated ground water, which is treated by hydrogen peroxide, UV oxidation, and granular activated carbon (GAC). The remediation system at Wildwood integrates air sparging, soil-vapor extraction, and ground water pumping. Air stripping and GAC are used to treat contaminated water; GAC is used to treat contaminated air. New England Plastics (NEP) uses air sparging and soil-vapor extraction to remove VOCs from the unsaturated zone and shallow ground water. Contaminated air and water are treated using separate GAC systems. After nine years of operation at W.R. Grace and UniFirst, 30 and 786 kg, respectively, of VOCs have been removed. In three years of operation, 866 kg of VOCs have been removed at Wildwood. In 15 months of operation, 36 kg of VOCs were removed at NEP. Characterization work continues at the Olympia Nominee Trust, Whitney Barrel, Murphy Waste Oil, and Aberjona Auto Parts properties. Risk assessments are being finalized that address heavy metals in the floodplain sediments along the Aberjona River that are mobilized from the Industri-Plex Superfund Site located a few miles upstream.  相似文献   

The basic physics of air flow through saturated porous media are reviewed and implications arc drawn for the practical application of air sparging. A conceptual model of the detailed behavior of an air sparging system is constructed using elements of multiphase flow theory and the results of recent experimental work. Implications of the conceptual model on air sparging topics are discussed. The meaning of radius of influence in the context of air sparging is found to be ambiguous. The hydrodynamic effects of air sparging such as mounding of ground water and flow impedance are explored. Limitations on rates of remediation and operational strategics for improving sparging effectiveness are examined.  相似文献   

The ultimate specific yield, i.e. the specific yield under steady‐state condition, is generally dependent on the water table depth in the shallow groundwater systems. This paper presents a new expression to describe this relationship. The expression is based on the relationship between soil water content–soil depths below ground surface near the saturation zone, i.e. water content profile, which can be fitted by the van Genuchten model. Because this model is highly nonlinear, a Taylor series expansion was used to solve the integral equation for specific yield in our study. The new expression was verified by a drainage experiment, and the results demonstrated that the new expression is reliable for eolian sand when the range of water table fluctuation is less than 30 cm. The expression is easily applicable because knowledge of the water content profile near the saturation zone is the only requirement. Compared with the expression obtained from the Brooks–Corey model, the new expression can be used for a variety of aquifer and soil media. The improved accuracy of the specific yield provides a better estimate of discharge rates in shallow groundwater systems with water table fluctuations. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The soil and ground water at a General Motors plant site were contaminated with petroleum products from leaking underground storage tanks. Based on the initial assessment, the site was complex from the standpoint of geology (clay layers), hydrology (a recharge zone with a perched water table), and contaminant (approximately 4800 gallons of mixed gasoline and oil). After a thorough study of remedial alternatives, a synergistic remedial approach was adopted including pump and treat, product removal, vapor extraction, and bioventing. The system was designed and implemented at the site through 22 dual-extraction wells. Over a 21-month period, 4400 gallons of gasoline and oil were removed from the system, including 59 percent by vapor extraction, 28 percent by bioventing, and 13 percent by pump and treat. Synergism between the various remedial methods was demonstrated clearly. Ground water pump and treat lowered the water table, allowing air to flow for vapor extraction. The vacuum applied for vapor extraction increased the ground water removal rate and the efficiency of pump and treat. The vapor extraction system also added oxygen to the soil to stimulate aerobic biodegradation.  相似文献   

In situ air sparging is used to remediate petroleum fuels and chlorinated solvents present as submerged contaminant source /ones and dissolved contaminant plumes, or to provide barriers to dissolved contaminant plume migration. Contaminant removal occurs through a combination of volatilization and aerobic biodegradation: thus, the performance at any given site depends on the contaminant and oxygen mass transfer rates induced by the air injection. It has been hypothesized that these rates are sensitive to changes in process flow conditions and site lithology, but no data is available to identify trends or the magnitude of the changes. In this work, oxygenation rates were measured for a range of air injection rates, ground water flow rates, and pulsing frequencies using a laboratory-scale two-dimensional physical model constructed to simulate a homogeneous hydrogeologic setting. Experiments were conducted with water having low chemical and biochemical oxygen demand. Results suggest the following: that there is an optimum air injection rate: advective How of ground water can be a significant factor when ground water velocities are > 0.3 m/d: and pulsing the air injection had little effect on the oxygenation rate relative lo the continuous air injection case.  相似文献   

Unlined municipal waste stabilization lagoons are potential sources of ground-water contamination. Fourteen monitoring wells were installed around the Mc Ville, North Dakota lagoon, a site at which the impoundment is excavated into permeable sediments of an unconfined glacio-fluvial aquifer with a shallow water table. One cell at the site, Cell I, retains waste water continuously, while another, Cell II, is used for periodic overflow discharges from Cell I. Seepage through the bottom of Cell I passes through a strongly reducing organic sludge layer. Sulfate in the waste water is reduced to sulfide and possibly precipitated as sulfide minerals in or below this sludge layer. In the unsaturated or shallow saturated zone beneath the pond, the infiltrating waste water reduces ferric iron in iron oxide minerals to more soluble ferrous iron. Proximal down-gradient well analyses indicate high iron concentrations and very low sulfate levels. Downgradient wells near the lagoon have very high ammonium concentrations. The source of the ammonium is either rapid infiltration from Cell II or denitrification of the nitrate present in ground water upgradient from the lagoon. About 300 feet downgradient from Cell I, ammonium concentrations decline to near zero. The most likely mechanism for this decrease is cation  相似文献   

Lighter-than-water Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (LNAPLs), such as jet fuels or gasolines, are common contaminants of soils and ground water. However, the total volume and distribution of an LNAPL is difficult to accurately determine during a site investigation. LNAPL that is entrapped in the saturated zone due to fluctuating water table conditions is particularly difficult to quantify. Yet, the amount of entrapped product in the saturated zone is theoretically higher, per volume of soil, than the residual product in the unsaturated zone, and small amounts of LNAPL in the saturated zone can contaminate large volumes of ground water.
The only method currently available to quantify the amount of LNAPL is direct soil-core sampling combined with laboratory analysis of the fluid extracted from the soil cores. However, direct sampling of saturated ground water systems with conventional samplers presents a number of problems. In this study, a new sampler was developed that can be used to retrieve undisturbed soil and pore fluid samples from below the water table in cohesionless soils. The sampler uses carbon dioxide to cool the bottom of a saturated soil sample in situ to near freezing. Results of a field study where a prototype sampler was tested demonstrate the usefulness of a cryogenic sampler and show that the amount of LNAPL entrapped below the water table can be a significant part of the total LNAPL in the soil.  相似文献   

An in situ instrumentation bundle was designed for inclusion in monitoring wells that were installed at the Wasatch Trailer Sales site in Layton, Utah, to evaluate in situ air sparging (IAS) and in-well aeration (IWA). Sensors for the bundle were selected based on laboratory evaluation of accuracy and precision, as well as consideration of size and cost. SenSym pressure transducers, Campbell Scientific Inc. (CSI) T-type thermocouples, and dissolved oxygen (DO) probes manufactured by Technalithics Inc. (Waco, Texas), were selected for each of the 27 saturated zone bundles. Each saturated zone bundle also included a stirring blade to mix water near the DO probe. A Figaro oxygen sensor was included in the vadose zone bundle. The monitoring wells were installed by direct push technique to minimize soil disruption and to ensure intimate contact between the 18 inch (46 cm) long screens and the soil. A data acquisition system, comprised of a CSI 21X data logger and four CSI AM416 multiplexers, was used to control the stirring blades and record signals from more than 70 in situ sensors. The instrumentation performed well during evaluation of IAS and IWA at the site. However, the SenSym pressure transducers were not adequately temperature compensated and will need to be replaced.  相似文献   

Analytical Model for Contaminant Mass Removal by Air Sparging   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An analytical model was developed lo predict the removal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from ground water by air sparging (AS). The model treats the air sparging zone as a completely mixed reactor subject to the removal of dissolved contaminants by volatilization, advection, and first-order decay Nonequilibrium desorption is approximated as a first-order mass transfer process. The model reproduces the tailing and rebound behavior often observed at AS sites, and would normally require the estimation of three site-specific parameters. Dimensional analysis demonstrates that predicted tailing can be interpreted in terms of kinetic desorption or diffusion of aqueous phase contaminants into discrete air channels. Related work is ongoing to test the model against field data.  相似文献   

Methyl tert -butyl ether (MTBE) and benzene have been measured since 1993 in a shallow, sandy aquifer contaminated by a mid-1980s release of gasoline containing fuel oxygenates. In wells downgradient of the release area, MTBK was detected before benzene, reflecting a chromatographic-like separation of these compounds in the direction of ground water flow. Higher concentrations of MTBE and benzene were measured in the deeper sampling ports of multilevel sampling wells located near the release area, and also up to 10 feet (3 m) below the water table surface in nested wells located farther from the release area. This distribution of higher concentrations at depth is caused by recharge events that deflect originally horizontal ground water flowlines. In the laboratory, microcosms containing aquifer material incubated with uniformly labeled 14C-MTBE under aerobic and anaerobic. Fe(III)-reducing conditions indicated a low but measurable biodegradation potential (<3%14C-MTBW as 14CO2) after a seven-month incubation period, Tert -butyl alcohol (TBA), a proposed microbial-MTBE transformation intermediate, was detected in MTBE-contaminated wells, but TBA was also measured in unsaturated release area sediments. This suggests that TBA may have been present in the original fuel spilled and does not necessarily reflect microbial degradation of MTBE. Combined, these data suggest that milligram per liter to microgram per liter decreases in MTBE concentrations relative to benzene are caused by the natural attenuation processes of dilution and dispersion with less-contaminated ground water in the direction of flow rather than biodegradation at this point source gasoline release site.  相似文献   

A large chromium plume that evolved from chromium releases in a valley near the Mojave River was studied to understand the processes controlling fate and migration of chromium in ground water and used as a tracer to study the dynamics of a basin and range ground water system. The valley that was studied is naturally arid with high evapotranspiration such that essentially no precipitation infiltrates to the water table. The dominant natural hydrogeologic processes are recharge to the ground water system from the Mojave River during the infrequent episodes when there is flow in the river, and ground water flow toward a playa lake where the ground water evaporates. Agricultural pumping in the valley from the mid-1930s to the 1970s significantly altered ground water flow conditions by decreasing water levels in the valley by more than 20 m. This pumping declined significantly as a result of dewatering of the aquifer, and water levels have since recovered modestly. The ground water system was modeled using MODFLOW, and chromium transport was simulated using MT3D. Several innovative modifications were made to these modeling programs to simulate important processes in this ground water system. Modifications to MODFLOW include developing a new well package that estimates pumping rates from irrigation wells at each time step based on available drawdown. MT3D was modified to account for mass trapped above the water table when the water table declines beneath nonirrigated areas and to redistribute mass to the system when water levels rise.  相似文献   

Water and cation budgets were calculated for two sub-basins within a small low relief watershed in South-Central Ontario during a period of ephemeral runoff which was initiated by spring snow melt. The hydrology of one (upland) sub-basin was strongly influenced by seasonal fluctuations in the level of regional ground water. Saturated contributing areas formed in low lying regions adjacent to the stream channel where the water table rose to the surface, and stream discharge was a mixture of ground water and saturation overland flow. In the second sub-basin a wetland provided a large and spatially less variable saturated contributing area. Clay soils underlying the wetland resulted in a shallow perched water table, poorly drained and highly organic soils, and greatly reduced inputs of regional ground water. Stream discharge was largely the result of surface runoff from the wetland and adjacent areas of saturated soil.Inter-basin variations in water export were by far greater than variations in stream chemistry. As a result, inter-basin variations in cation export strongly reflected variations in water export over the time interval in which the majority of a given ion was lost from the watershed. Spatial differences in water export were least at the onset of runoff when basin saturation was greatest and overland flow made large contributions to the discharge from both sub-basins. Potassium and hydrogen had high concentrations at this time which caused these ions to show only small spatial differences in export. With decreases in the areal extent of soil saturation, and increases in the storage capacity of the wetland, the hydrologic contrast between sub-basins increased. Greater water loss from the upland area resulted from a greater discharge of regional ground water, and a more rapid expansion of the saturated contributing areas during storm events. Calcium, magnesium, and sodium concentrations increased steadily during the first 3 weeks of runoff, so that the peak export of these cations occurred later in the runoff period at times of higher concentration, but lower and spatially more variable discharges. Consequently, spatial differences in the loss of these ions was great and favoured the upland sub-basin, since the majority of export occurred when the hydrologic contrast between sub-basins was largest.  相似文献   

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