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The Trivandrum Granulite Block (TGB), southern India records evidence for three distinct stages of evolution (M1–;M3) during the Pan-African high grade metamorphism, with possible temperature gradient from north to south of the terrain as detected from mineral phase equilibria thermobarometry in three classic localities, namely Nuliyam, Kunnanpara and Nellikkala. The charnockites, both incipient and massive, were formed during the first stage (M1) at temperatures higher than their host rocks, and at appreciably lower pressures. Charnockite formation was dominantly controlled by an increase in partial pressure of CO2, along structural locales during subisothermal decompression, although an increase of potash activity could have also been an important factor in this process. The charnockites at Nellikkala in the northern margin of TGB were formed under appreciably more H2O-rich conditions (XH2O = 0.53±0.03) than those at Nuliyam (XH2O = 0.25±0.02) in the southern margin. It is inferred that during the period between the metamorphic stages M1 and M2, the terrain experienced subisobaric cooling. Comparison of results from thermobarometry with data on absolute age determinations from geochronology of the metamorphic rocks in TGB allows the interpretation that the M1 metamorphic event took place during 540–;600 Ma, M2 at about 530 Ma and M3 in the interval of 440–;470 Ma. Mineralogic and thermobarometric evidence for earlier high-grade metamorphic processes, if any, have been erased from these rocks. The processes of charnockite formation and post-peak retrograde metamorphism in the TGB took place under high geothermal gradients (40–;150°/km). This probably testifies to the existence of a local heat source, either magmas at depth or mantle (plume) beneath the region. The general metamorphic cycle in the TGB is estimated to be ca. 100–;160 Ma, which is much shorter in time span than that in the other regions of southern Peninsular India such as the Karnataka Craton and the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt. During this period, the terrain experienced rapid exhumation of approximately 6–;7 cm/year, with the total amplitude of vertical movements estimated to be about 16–;17 km.  相似文献   

Understanding Neoproterozoic crustal evolution is fundamental to reconstructing the Gondwana supercontinent, which was assembled at this time. Here we report evidence of Cryogenian crustal reworking in the Madurai Block of the Southern Granulite Terrane of India. The study focuses on a garnet-bearing granite–charnockite suite, where the granite shows in situ dehydration into patches and veins of incipient charnockite along the contact with charnockite. The granite also carries dismembered layers of Mg–Al-rich granulite. Micro-textural evidence for dehydration of granite in the presence of CO2-rich fluids includes the formation of orthopyroxene by the breakdown of biotite, neoblastic zircon growth in the dehydration zone, at around 870°C and 8 kbar. The zircon U–Pb ages suggest formation of the granite, charnockite, and incipient charnockite at 836 ± 73, 831 ± 31, and 772 ± 49 Ma, respectively. Negative zircon εHf (t) (?5 to ?20) values suggest that these rocks were derived from a reworked Palaeoproterozoic crustal source. Zircon grains in the Mg–Al-rich granulite record a spectrum of ages from ca. 2300 to ca. 500 Ma, suggesting multiple provenances ranging from Palaeoproterozoic to mid-Neoproterozoic, with neoblastic zircon growth during high-temperature metamorphism in the Cambrian. We propose that the garnet-bearing granite and charnockite reflect the crustal reworking of aluminous crustal material indicated by the presence of biotite + quartz + aluminosilicate inclusions in the garnet within the granite. This crustal source can be the Mg–Al-rich layers carried by the granite itself, which later experienced high-temperature regional metamorphism at ca. 550 Ma. Our model also envisages that the CO2 which dehydrated the garnet-bearing granite generating incipient charnockite was sourced from the proximal massive charnockite through advection. These Cryogenian crustal reworking events are related to prolonged tectonic activities prior to the final assembly of the Gondwana supercontinent.  相似文献   

Gold mineralization in Southern Granulite Terrain (SGT) of India has close spatial relationship with the shear zones (Moyar–Bhavani) present in Cauvery Suture Zone. Gold is found to be associated with primary quartz veins, placers and laterites. The gold prospects in SGT can be broadly grouped into three provinces i) Wynad-Nilgiri, ii) Malappuram and iii) Attappadi. The auriferous quartz veins are within the deformed biotite/hornblende bearing gneisses and amphibolite. Wall rock alteration is conspicuous around the mineralized veins and gives an assemblage of muscovite–calcite–ankerite–chlorite–biotite–pyrite related to fluid–rock interaction at the time of vein formation. Fluid inclusion studies of vein quartz gives an idea of the nature of the ore forming fluids, the fluid involved in gold mineralization is of low saline and aqueous-carbonic in composition and quite similar to the orogenic lode gold deposits reported world-wide. Micro-thermometric data indicates fluid immiscibility (phase separation) during trapping of fluid inclusions and this must have played an important role in gold deposition. Geochronological studies of mineral separates from Wynad-Nilgiri province using Rb–Sr and Sm–Nd isochron methods of the auriferous quartz veins gave an age of approximately 450 Ma for the vein formation. The present studies on SGT gold mineralization indicate 1. During the Pan-African orogeny, extensive fluid influx from mantle and metamorphism extracted gold from a mafic source and were focused along major structural discontinuities of Moyar–Bhavani Shear Zone, 2. The aqueous–carbonic ore fluid interacted with rocks of the upper crust and triggered a set of metasomatic changes responsible for the dissolved components such as Ca, Si and Fe and finally precipitating in the veins and 3. The mineralizing fluid with dissolved gold in sulphide complex got destabilized due to fluid immiscibility and wall rock alteration leading to the deposition of gold with associated sulphide minerals in the vein system.  相似文献   

The South Indian Craton is composed of low-grade and high-grade metamorphic rocks across different tectonic blocks between the Moyar–Bhavani and Palghat–Cauvery shear zones and an elongated belt of eastern margin of the peninsular shield. The Madras Block north of the Moyar–Bhavani shear zone, which evolved throughout the Precambrian period, mainly consists of high-grade metamorphic rocks. In order to constrain the evolution of the charnockitic region of the Pallavaram area in the Madras Block we have undertaken palaeomagnetic investigation at 12 sites. ChRM directions in 61 oriented block samples were investigated by Alternating Field (AF) and Thermal demagnetization. Titanomagnetite in Cation Deficient (CD) and Multi Domain (MD) states is the remanence carrier. The samples exhibit a ChRM with reverse magnetization of Dm = 148.1, Im = + 48.6 (K = 22.2, α95 = 9.0) and a palaeomagnetic pole at 37.5 °N, 295.6 °E (dp/dm = 7.8°/11.8°). This pole plots at a late Archaean location on the Indian Apparent Polar Wander Path (APWP) suggesting an age of magnetization in the Pallavaram charnockites as 2600 Ma. The nearby St. Thomas Mount charnockites indicate a period of emplacement at 1650 Ma (Mesoproterozoic). Thus the results of Madras Block granulites also reveal crustal evolution similar to those in the Eastern Ghats Belt with identical palaeopoles from both the areas.  相似文献   

Graphite from deposits occurring in the high-grade metamorphic rocks and their larteritized equivalents of the Thodupuzha-Kanjirappally Belt in Madurai Granulite Block, southern India is structurally fully ordered (crystallite size, Lc(002) ranging from 469 to 749 Å), possess high degree of graphitization (DG value ranging from 105 to 267 Å) and reflect crystallization at high temperature (700±100°C). Raman spectra of graphite display profiles corresponding to high crystallinity and high structural ordering. The high temperature crystallinity characteristics of graphite were not obliterated during retrogression of granulites to amphibolite facies gneisses. Preliminary carbon stable isotope results show a spread in isotope values from —11.8 to —26.8 %, which suggest more than one sources for carbon. The lighter carbon isotope values are suggestive of biogenic origin, whereas the heavier ones are probably fluid precipitated graphite.  相似文献   

The Cauvery Shear Zone (CSZ) is a crustal-scale shear system within the Southern Granulite Terrain along the southern margin of the Archaean Dharwar craton. Structural interpretation of satellite data and field observations reveal four major shear zones within the CSZ system. They show dextral shear kinematics synchronous with a major Neoproterozoic tectono-metamorphic event (D2) associated with intracrustal melting and migmatisation. The disposition, geometry and contemporaneity of shear fabrics of the CSZ system are modelled in terms of a crustal-scale flower structure akin to transpressional and collisional orogens. In the light of recent seismic evidence for a displaced Moho structure and a mid- to lower-crustal low velocity zone, the flower structure across the CSZ may extend to mantle depths.  相似文献   

In situ radioelemental (K, U and Th) analysis and heat production estimates have been made at 59 sites in the Kerala Khondalite Block (KKB) of the Southern Granulite Province (SGP) of India. Together with the in situ analyses on granulites and gneisses previously reported from 28 sites, and heat production estimated from the published geochemical analyses on granites and syenites of the KKB, the new data set allows good characterization of heat production for the major granulite facies rocks and granitoids of the KKB. Garnet biotite gneisses are characterized by high levels of Th and U, with mean values of 60 and 3 ppm, respectively. Khondalites, leptynites and charnockites have slightly lower levels of Th (23, 20 and 22 ppm, respectively) and U (2.9, 2.4 and 0.9 ppm, respectively). The mean K, U, Th abundances for the granites, leucogranites and granitic gneisses ranges from 3.9 to 4.3%, 2.6 to 4.3 ppm, 22 to 50 ppm respectively, and for the syenites 4.8%, 2 ppm and 5.7 ppm. Mean radiogenic heat production values for garnet–biotite gneiss, khondalite, leptynite and charnockite are 5.5, 2.7, 2.4 and 2.2 μW m−3, respectively. For the granites, leucogranites, granitic gneisses and syenites it is 2.6, 3.4, 4.6 and 1.4 μW m−3, respectively. Heat production of granulite facies rocks, which are the most abundant rocks in KKB, correlate well with Th, but less with U, suggesting that variation is caused by Th and U bearing accessory minerals such as monazite and zircon. The high heat production of the KKB granulites are in contrast to the low heat production of the Late Archaean granulites of the Northern Block (NB) of the SGP which are highly depleted in radioelements and also the granulites of Madurai Block (MB) that have higher radioelemental abundances than in the granulites of the NB. The high heat production of the KKB granulites could be due to the nature of protoliths and/or metasomatism associated with Neoproteroic- to- Pan African alkaline magmatic activity represented by alkali granite and syenite–carbonatite emplacements and emplacement of pegmatites.  相似文献   

Granitoid intrusions occur widely in the Southern Granulite Terrain (SGT) of India, particularly within the Cauvery Suture Zone (CSZ), which is considered as the trace of the Neoproterozoic Mozambique ocean closure. Here we present the petrological and geochemical features of 19 granite plutons across the three major tectonic blocks of the terrain. Our data show a wide variation in the compositions of these intrusions from alkali feldspathic syenite to granite. The whole rock geochemistry of these intrusions displays higher concentrations of \(\hbox {SiO}_{2}\), FeO*, \(\hbox {K}_{2}\hbox {O}\), Ba, Zr, Th, LREE and low MgO, \(\hbox {Na}_{2}\hbox {O}\), Ti, P, Nb, Y and HREE’s. The granitoids are metaluminous to slightly peraluminous in nature revealing both I-type and A-type origin. In tectonic discrimination plots, the plutons dominantly show volcanic arc and syn-collisional as well as post-collisional affinity. Based on the available age data together with geochemical constrains, we demonstrate that the granitic magmatism in the centre and south of the terrain is mostly associated with the Neoproterozoic subduction–collision–accretion–orogeny, followed by extensional mechanism of Gondwana tectonics events. Similar widespread granitic activity has also been documented in the Arabian Nubian shield, Madagascar, Sri Lanka and Antarctica, providing similarities for the reconstruction of the crustal fragments of Gondwana supercontinent followed by Pan-African orogeny.  相似文献   

A detailed study of the structure and petrology of the rocks bordering the Kabbaldurga-type charnockites provides important constraints on the origin of these charnockites. The structural elements register three phases of deformation and show a uniform pattern in the larger area, a pattern consistent with the regional structure of the Precambrian of Southern Karnataka. In the Kabbaldurga area, however, some of the earlier structures are poorly preserved. Yet there are vestiges of early folds described by banded/layered charnockites as in the neighbouring Kodamballi area, and a consistent development of dilatant structures which can be related to the kinematics of deformation in the larger terrain. At Kabbaldurga the pegmatitic charnockites occur as veins of diverse orientation; but they rarely follow the shear - generated structures.

The metamorphic reactions invoked by previous workers to explain in situ transformation of gneiss to charnockite were based on chemical similarity of some close pairs. But the petrographic and chemical variations in the pegmatitic charnockites and the Peninsular gneisses at Kabbaldurga quarry are compelling features which cannot be explained by the hypothesis of in situ transformation. We have argued, on the basis of rock and mineral chemistry, that derivation of the pegmatitic charnockites by dehydration melting in metabasites offers a better explanation. Pressure-temperature values (at least 850° to 900° C, 7 kbar) obtained by us for the granulites of this area, viewed against the results of experimental dehydration melting in basic rocks with hornblende and/or biotite, provide strong support for this model. In the field leucosomes within the basic granulites of Kabbaldurga are not uncommon. The compositions of the pegmatitic charnockites (tonalitic and granitic) match those of the melts produced in experiments. Further, the pattern of variation in the composition of hornblende and plagioclase in the basic granulites of the Kabbaldurga area is compatible with extraction of melts. This alternative model for the origin of the Kabbaldurga charnockites is petrologically feasible and does not require either in situ transformation or structurally controlled growth, which, incidentally, are not ubiquitous at Kabbaldurga  相似文献   

Through the application of remote sensing techniques followed by field checks, the exact extension and nature of Suruli shear zone in Madurai block of southern granulite terrain (SGT) in south India is brought out for the first time in this work. The dominant rock type exposed in this area is charnockite intruded by granites. The Suruli ductile shear zone extends from just west of Kadaiyanallur in the south to Ganguvarpatti in the north over a length of 150 km. Between Kadaiyanallur and Kambam, the shear zone extends roughly in N-S direction. From Kambam, it swerves towards NE and then towards ENE near Ganguvarpatti. The strongly developed transposed foliation and mylonite foliation within the shear zone dip towards east only and so the eastern block (Varushanad hills) is the hanging wall and the western block (Cardamom hills) is the footwall of the shear zone. In the eastern block, three distinct phases of regional scale folding (F1, F2 and F3) are recognized. In complete contrast, the western block recorded only the last phase (F3) regional scale folding. As the more deformed eastern block (older terrain) moved over the relatively less deformed western block (younger terrain) along the Suruli shear zone, it is proposed that this shear zone is a thrust or reverse fault, probably of Proterozoic age. As there are evidences for decreasing displacement from north to south (i.e., from Ganguvarpatti to Kadaiyanallur), the Suruli shear zone could be a rotational thrust or reverse fault with the pivot located close to Kadaiyanallur. As the pivot is located near Achankovil shear zone which trends WNW-ESE (dip towards SSW), the Suruli shear zone could be splaying (branching) out from Achankovil shear zone. In a nutshell, the Suruli shear zone could be a splay, rotational thrust or reverse fault.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2001,4(3):359-366
Geikielite and titanoclinohumite in association with Fo-Mg.Al.Spl-Ap-Phl-An-fassaitic Cpx-Chu-Cal-Dol assemblage, are being reported for the first time from a marble quarry in the vicinity of Rajapalaiyam town. This locality forms part of the Madurai block of the 550 Ma Southern Granulite Terrain and exhibits metamorphic P-T conditions ranging from 7–9 Kbars at 800–1000°C as deduced from the Sil-Opx-Grt-Crd-Bt bearing pelitic assemblages.The role of CO2 in the formation of the granulites has been dealt with most of the papers, but, only recently, attention is being paid to the role of F rich halogenated fluids, in the formation of humite bearing minerals and in the migration of elements like Ti, Zr and REE. The metamorphic fluid activity which led to the formation of the above unique Fo-Spl-Ap-Chu assemblage including the geikielite and titanoclinohumite minerals can be associated with intrusive granites. The charnockitic pods in the deformed calcitic marble zone may also have helped in providing Ti, P, and Zr. K-rich halogenated fluid activity seems to be common to the 550 Ma eastern Gondwana segments.  相似文献   

A body of komatiitic amphibolite, an enclave within the Archean high-grade orthogneisses in southern India, shows mild chemical weathering under semiarid conditions. Along fractures, chemical weathering has advanced (Chemical Index of Alteration &sqbl0;CIA&sqbr0;=53; CIA of fresh rock approximately 26) to the extent that secondary Mg-Fe-Al clay minerals have formed and the rock has turned brownish red, soft, and fine grained. The weathering process has resulted in the mobilization and redistribution of the so-called immobile elements Fe, Al, Ti, and REE effected by the nature of secondary mineral formation (talc vs. aluminous clay minerals) and also possibly by soil microbes. In the initial stages of secondary mineral formation, there is a small loss of Fe, Al, and REE (noticeably Eu). However, in the fracture zone as well as in the incipiently altered zone, there is significant REE enrichment, probably affected by a different precipitation mechanism. Mobilized REE may have come from a minor alteration of clinopyroxene.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(1):190-203
Peninsular India forms a keystone in Gondwana, linking the East African and Malagasy orogens with Ediacaran–Cambrian orogenic belts in Sri Lanka and the Lützow Holm Bay region of Antarctica with similar aged belts in Mozambique, Malawi and Zambia. Ediacaran–Cambrian metamorphism and deformation in the Southern Granulite Terrane (SGT) reflect the past tectonic setting of this region as the leading vertex of Neoproterozoic India as it collided with Azania, the Congo–Tanzania–Bangweulu Block and Kalahari on one side and the Australia/Mawson continent on the other. The high-grade terranes of southern India are made up of four main tectonic units; from north to south these are a) the Salem Block, b) the Madurai Block, c) the Trivandrum Block, and d) the Nagercoil Block. The Salem Block is essentially the metamorphosed Dharwar craton and is bound to the south by the Palghat-Cauvery shear system — here interpreted as a terrane boundary and the Mozambique Ocean suture. The Madurai Block is interpreted as a continuation of the Antananarivo Block (and overlying Palaeoproterozoic sedimentary sequence — the Itremo Group) of Madagascar and a part of the Neoproterozoic microcontinent Azania. The boundary between this and the Trivandrum Block is the Achankovil Zone, that here is not interpreted as a terrane boundary, but may represent an Ediacaran rift zone reactivated in latest Ediacaran–Cambrian times.  相似文献   

The Southern Granulite Terrain with exposed Archean lower crustal rocks is studied using various geophysical tools. The crustal structure derived from seismic reflection and refraction/wide-angle reflection studies is used to understand the tectonic evolution of the region. Deep seismic reflection section along the Kolattur–Palani segment shows an oppositely dipping reflection fabric near the Moyar–Bhavani shear zone, which is interpreted as a signature of collision between the Dharwar craton and another crustal block in the south. The thickened crust due to collision was delaminated during the orogenic collapse and modified the central part, covering the Cauvery Shear Zone system, located between the Moyar–Bhavani and Karur–Oddanchatram shear zones. The delaminated lower crust is altered by magmatic underplating as evidenced by the high velocity layer just above the Moho. The velocity model of the region indicates crustal thickening at the boundary of the Dharwar craton and Moyar–Bhavani shear zone and thinning further south. Back-scattered seismic wave field with negative moveout and the Moho-offset indicate the spatial location and strike-slip nature of the shear zones. Present study suggests that the late Archean collision and suturing of the Dharwar craton with the southern crustal block at the Moyar–Bhavani shear zone may be responsible for the evolution of late Archean granulites. Late Neoproterozoic rifting is observed along the paleo-fault zones. The seismic studies constrained by gravity, magnetic and magnetotelluric data suggest that the Moyar–Bhavani and Karur–Oddanchatram shear zones of the Cauvery Shear Zone system mark terrane boundaries/suture zones.  相似文献   

The small granite plutons occurring at the contact of the Singhbhum-Orissa Iron Ore craton (IOC) to the north and the Eastern Ghat Granulite Belt (EGGB) to the south in eastern Indian shield are characterised by the presence of enclaves of the granulites of EGGB and the greenschist facies rocks of IOC. These granites also bear the imprints of later cataclastic deformation which is present at the contact of the IOC and the EGGB. In situ Pb-Pb zircon dating of these granites gives minimum age of their formation 2.80 Ga. A whole-rock three point Rb-Sr isochron age of this rock is found to be 2.90 Ga. Therefore, the true age of formation of these granites will be around 2.90–2.80 Ga. These granitic rocks also contain xenocrystic zircon components of 3.50 Ga and show a later metasomatic or metamorphic effect 2.48 Ga obtained from the analyses on overgrowths developed on 2.80 Ga old zircon cores. The presence of granulitic enclaves within these contact zone granite indicates that the granulite facies metamorphism of the EGGB is 2.80 Ga or still older in age. The cataclastic deformations observed at the contact zone of the two adjacent cratons is definitely younger than 2.80 Ga and possibly related to 2.48 Ga event observed from the overgrowths. As 2.80 Ga granite plutons of small dimensions are also observed at the western margin of the IOC; it can be concluded that a geologic event occurred 2.80 Ga over the IOC when small granite bodies evolved at the marginal part of this craton after its stabilisation at 3.09 Ga.  相似文献   

Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology - In charnockites and host garnet-biotite gneisses of the Trivandrum Granulite Block (TGB), southern India, fluid inclusions are mainly represented by...  相似文献   




The Karimnagar Granulite Belt (KGB) and the Bhopalpatnam Granulite Belt (BGB) occur along both flanks of the Pranhita-Godavari (PG) rift basin. We present a state-of-the-art overview on the geochronological and tectonic aspects of these belts and surrounding geologic domains, and report new age data on zircon, monazite and uraninite recovered from granulite facies assemblages from KGB and BGB based on electron microprobe analyses (EPMA). Zircons from KGB charnockites show core ages of up to 3.1 Ga mantled by rims of 2.6 Ga. Zircons from BGB have 1.9 Ga cores mantled by 1.7 Ga rims. Zircons with core ages of 1.6 to 1.7 Ga in BGB rocks suggest new growth at this time. Monazites and uranitite from KGB show clear peaks with well-defined ages in the narrow range between 2.42±0.08 Ga and 2.47°0.03 Ga. Rims of monazite show mean age of 2.21±0.08 Ga. Monazites from BGB define sharp linear trend in PbO vs. ThO2* diagram delineating a clear isochron with age of 1.59±0.03 Ga. Age data from KGB and BGB presented in this report negate current models linking these terrains to "Godavari Granulite Belt" and considering them as single and contemporaneous entity. The mid-Archaean to early Palaeoproterozoic signature recognized from KGB is totally missing in BGB. On the other hand, KGB rocks do not record any evidence for major Mesoproterozoic thermal regime. The two granulite belts shouldering the PG rift basin have therefore evolved in different times under distinct P-T conditions and thermal regimes. Our results have important implications in evaluating models of supercontinent assemblies, particularly the older assemblies of Ur, Columbia and Rodinia. While tectonothermal events in KGB broadly match with those of East Dharwar, we propose that BGB represents a 1.6 Ga collisional mobile belt between the Bastar and the Dharwar cratons. The 1.6 Ga collisional mobile belt at the southern margin of the Bastar craton was superposed by rift activity along the PG basin at 1.5 Ga. This sequence of events goes against the existence of a 3.0 Ga old contiguous assembly of Ur but closely matches with the history of accretion and break-up of the Columbia. Further, parts of the PG basin located away from the influence of the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt, neither recorded any Grenville ages (1.0 Ga) corresponding to the Rodinia accretion nor late Pan-African ages (ca. 550 Ma) relating to the Gondwana amalgamation, indicating that the region did not witness any of these younger tectonic events.  相似文献   

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