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We present the analytic and numerical models of the 'cluster wind' resulting from the multiple interactions of the winds ejected by the stars of a dense cluster of massive stars. We consider the case in which the distribution of stars (i.e. the number of stars per unit volume) within the cluster is spherically symmetric, has a power-law radial dependence, and drops discontinuously to zero at the outer radius of the cluster. We carry out comparisons between an analytic model (in which the stars are considered in terms of a spatially continuous injection of mass and energy) and 3D gasdynamic simulations (in which we include 100 stars with identical winds, located in 3D space by statistically sampling the stellar distribution function). From the analytic model, we find that for stellar distributions with steep enough radial dependencies, the cluster wind flow develops a very high central density and a non-zero central velocity, and for steeper dependencies, it becomes fully supersonic throughout the volume of the cluster (these properties are partially reproduced by the 3D numerical simulations). Therefore, the wind solutions obtained for stratified clusters can differ dramatically from the case of a homogeneous stellar distribution (which produces a cluster wind with zero central velocity, and a fully subsonic flow within the cluster radius). Finally, from our numerical simulations, we compute predictions of X-ray emission maps and luminosities, which can be directly compared with observations of cluster wind flows.  相似文献   

X-rays from massive OB stars: thermal emission from radiative shocks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chandra grating spectra of a sample of 15 massive OB stars were analysed under the basic assumption that the X-ray emission is produced in an ensemble of shocks formed in the winds driven by these objects. Shocks develop either as a result of radiation-driven instabilities or due to confinement of the wind by a relatively strong magnetic field, and since they are radiative, a simple model of their X-ray emission was developed that allows a direct comparison with observations. According to our model, the shock structures (clumps, complete or fractional shells) eventually become 'cold' clouds in the X-ray sky of the star. As a result, it is expected that for large covering factors of the hot clumps, there is a high probability for X-ray absorption by the 'cold' clouds, resulting in blueshifted spectral lines. Our analysis has revealed that such a correlation indeed exists for the considered sample of OB stars. As to the temperature characteristics of the X-ray emission plasma, the studied OB stars fall in two groups: (i) one with plasma temperature limited to ∼0.1–0.4 keV and (ii) the other with X-rays produced in plasmas at considerably higher temperatures. We argue that the two groups correspond to different mechanisms for the origin of X-rays: in radiation-driven instability shocks and in magnetically confined wind shocks, respectively.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the wind–wind collision in massive stellar binaries are investigated using 3D hydrodynamical models which incorporate gravity, the driving of the winds, the orbital motion of the stars and radiative cooling of the shocked plasma. In this first paper, we restrict our study to main-sequence O+O binaries. The nature of the wind–wind collision region is highly dependent on the degree of cooling of the shocked plasma, and the ratio of the flow time-scale of the shocked plasma to the orbital time-scale. The pre-shock wind speeds are lower in close systems as the winds collide prior to their acceleration to terminal speeds. Radiative inhibition may also reduce the pre-shock wind speeds. Together, these effects can lead to rapid cooling of the post-shock gas. Radiative inhibition is less important in wider systems, where the winds are accelerated to higher speeds before they collide, and the resulting collision region can be largely adiabatic. In systems with eccentric orbits, cold gas formed during periastron passage can persist even at apastron, before being ablated and mixed into its surroundings and/or accelerated out of the system.  相似文献   

Theoretical X-ray line profiles from colliding wind binaries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present theoretical X-ray line profiles from a range of model colliding wind systems. In particular, we investigate the effects of varying the stellar mass-loss rates, the wind speeds and the viewing orientation. We find that a wide range of theoretical line profile shapes is possible, varying with orbital inclination and phase. At or near conjunction, the lines have approximately Gaussian profiles, with small widths  (HWHM ∼ 0.1 v )  and definite blueshifts or redshifts (depending on whether the star with the weaker wind is in front or behind). When the system is viewed at quadrature, the lines are generally much broader  (HWHM ∼ v )  , flat-topped and unshifted. Local absorption can have a major effect on the observed profiles – in systems with mass-loss rates of a few times  10−6 M yr−1  the lower energy lines  ( E  ≲ 1 keV)  are particularly affected. This generally results in blueward-skewed profiles, especially when the system is viewed through the dense wind of the primary. The orbital variation of the linewidths and shifts is reduced in a low-inclination binary. The extreme case is a binary with   i = 0°  , for which we would expect no line profile variation.  相似文献   

We study the influence of X-rays on the wind structure of selected O stars. For this purpose we use our non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) wind code with inclusion of additional artificial source of X-rays, assumed to originate in the wind shocks.
We show that the influence of shock X-ray emission on wind mass-loss rate is relatively small. Wind terminal velocity may be slightly influenced by the presence of strong X-ray sources, especially for stars cooler than   T eff≲ 35 000 K  .
We discuss the origin of the   L X/ L ∼ 10−7  relation. For stars with thick wind this relation can be explained assuming that the cooling time depends on wind density. Stars with optically thin winds exhibiting the 'weak wind problem' display enhanced X-ray emission which may be connected with large shock cooling length. We propose that this effect can explain the 'weak wind problem'.
Inclusion of X-rays leads to a better agreement of the model ionization structure with observations. However, we do not find any significant influence of X-rays on P  v ionization fraction implying that the presence of X-rays cannot explain the P  v problem.
We study the implications of modified ionization equilibrium due to shock emission on the line transfer in the X-ray region. We conclude that the X-ray line profiles of helium-like ions may be affected by the line absorption within the cool wind.  相似文献   

Using a time-dependent multifluid, magnetohydrodynamic code, we calculated the structure of steady perpendicular and oblique C-type shocks in dusty plasmas. We included relevant processes to describe mass transfer between the different fluids, radiative cooling by emission lines and grain charging, and studied the effect of single- and multiple-sized grains on the shock structure. Our models are the first of oblique fast-mode molecular shocks in which such a rigorous treatment of the dust grain dynamics has been combined with a self-consistent calculation of the thermal and ionization structures including appropriate microphysics. At low densities, the grains do not play any significant rôle in the shock dynamics. At high densities, the ionization fraction is sufficiently low that dust grains are important charge and current carriers and, thus, determine the shock structure. We find that the magnetic field in the shock front has a significant rotation out of the initial upstream plane. This is most pronounced for single-sized grains and small angles of the shock normal with the magnetic field. Our results are similar to previous studies of steady C-type shocks showing that our method is efficient, rigorous and robust. Unlike the method employed in the previous most detailed treatment of dust in steady oblique fast-mode shocks, ours allow a reliable calculation even when chemical or other conditions deviate from local statistical equilibrium. We are also able to model transient phenomena.  相似文献   

In this paper we present the results of time-dependent simulations of the dipolar axisymmetric magnetospheres of neutron stars carried out within the frameworks of both relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and resistive force-free electrodynamics. The results of force-free simulations reveal the inability of our numerical method to accommodate the equatorial current sheets of pulsar magnetospheres, and raise a question mark about the robustness of this approach. On the other hand, the MHD approach allows us to make significant progress. We start with a non-rotating magnetically dominated dipolar magnetosphere and follow its evolution as the stellar rotation is switched on. We find that the time-dependent solution gradually approaches a steady state that is very close to the stationary solution of the pulsar equation found in 1999 by Contopoulos, Kazanas & Fendt. This result suggests that other stationary solutions that have the Y-point located well inside the light cylinder are unstable. The role of particle inertia and pressure on the structure and dynamics of MHD magnetospheres is studied in detail, as well as the potential implications of dissipative processes in the equatorial current sheet. We argue that pulsars may have differentially rotating magnetospheres which develop noticeable structural oscillations, and that this may help to explain the nature of the subpulse phenomena.  相似文献   

We present improved timing parameters for 13 millisecond pulsars (MSPs), including nine new proper motion measurements. These new proper motions bring to 23 the number of MSPs with measured transverse velocities. In light of these new results we present and compare the kinematic properties of MSPs with those of ordinary pulsars. The mean transverse velocity of MSPs was found to be 85±13 km s−1, a value consistent with most models for the origin and evolution of MSPs and approximately a factor of 4 lower than that of ordinary pulsars. We also find that, in contrast to young ordinary pulsars, the vast majority of which are moving away from the Galactic plane, almost half of the MSPs are moving towards the plane. This near-isotropy would be expected of a population that has reached dynamic equilibrium. Accurate measurements of MSP velocities have allowed us to correct their measured spin-down rates for Doppler acceleration effects, and thereby derive their intrinsic magnetic field strengths and characteristic ages. We find that close to half of our sample of MSPs have a characteristic age comparable to or greater than the age of the Galactic disc.  相似文献   

We present a model for empirically reproducing line profiles of molecular hydrogen emission in bow shocks. The model takes into account bow velocity, dissociation limit, a cooling function, viewing angle, bow shape and a limited form of extinction. Our results show that both geometrical factors and shock physics can significantly affect the profile morphology. In a companion paper we will apply this model to Fabry–Perot observations of bow shocks in the Orion BN–KL outflow.  相似文献   

We calculate the X-ray emission from both constant and time-evolving shocked fast winds blown by the central stars of planetary nebulae (PNe) and compare our calculations with observations. Using spherically symmetric numerical simulations with radiative cooling, we calculate the flow structure and the X-ray temperature and luminosity of the hot bubble formed by the shocked fast wind. We find that a constant fast wind gives results that are very close to those obtained from the self-similar solution. We show that in order for a fast shocked wind to explain the observed X-ray properties of PNe, rapid evolution of the wind is essential. More specifically, the mass-loss rate of the fast wind should be high early on when the speed is  ∼300–700 km s−1  , and then it needs to drop drastically by the time the PN age reaches ∼1000 yr. This implies that the central star has a very short pre-PN (post-asymptotic giant branch) phase.  相似文献   

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