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Calculations based on approximately 350 new measurements (CaT-PCO2) of the solubilities of calcite, aragonite and vaterite in CO2-H2O solutions between 0 and 90°C indicate the following values for the log of the equilibrium constants KC, KA, and KV respectively, for the reaction CaCO3(s) = Ca2+ + CO2?3: Log KC = ?171.9065 ? 0.077993T + 2839.319T + 71.595 log TLog KA = ?171.9773 ? 0.077993T + 2903.293T +71.595 log TLog KV = ?172.1295 ? 0.077993T + 3074.688T + 71.595 log T where T is in oK. At 25°C the logarithms of the equilibrium constants are ?8.480 ± 0.020, ?8.336 ± 0.020 and ?7.913 ± 0.020 for calcite, aragonite and vaterite, respectively.The equilibrium constants are internally consistent with an aqueous model that includes the CaHCO+3 and CaCO03 ion pairs, revised analytical expressions for CO2-H2O equilibria, and extended Debye-Hückel individual ion activity coefficients. Using this aqueous model, the equilibrium constant of aragonite shows no PCO2-dependence if the CaHCO+3 association constant is Log KCahco+3 = 1209.120 + 0.31294T — 34765.05T ? 478.782 log T between 0 and 90°C, corresponding to the value logKCahco+3 = 1.11 ± 0.07 at 25°C. The CaCO03 association constant was measured potentiometrically to be log KCaCO03 = ?1228.732 ? 0.299444T + 35512.75T + 485.818 log T between 5 and 80°C, yielding logKCaCO03 = 3.22 ± 0.14 at 25°C.The CO2-H2O equilibria have been critically evaluated and new empirical expressions for the temperature dependence of KH, K1 and K2 are log KH = 108.3865 + 0.01985076T ? 6919.53T ? 40.45154 log T + 669365.T2, log K1 = ?356.3094 ? 0.06091964T + 21834.37T + 126.8339 log T — 1684915.T2 and logK2 = ?107.8871 ? 0.03252849T + 5151.79/T + 38.92561 logT ? 563713.9/T2 which may be used to at least 250°C. These expressions hold for 1 atm. total pressure between 0 and 100°C and follow the vapor pressure curve of water at higher temperatures.Extensive measurements of the pH of Ca-HCO3 solutions at 25°C and 0.956 atm PCO2 using different compositions of the reference electrode filling solution show that measured differences in pH are closely approximated by differences in liquid-junction potential as calculated by the Henderson equation. Liquid-junction corrected pH measurements agree with the calculated pH within 0.003-0.011 pH.Earlier arguments suggesting that the CaHCO+3 ion pair should not be included in the CaCO3-CO2-H2O aqueous model were based on less accurate calcite solubility data. The CaHCO+3 ion pair must be included in the aqueous model to account for the observed PCO2-dependence of aragonite solubility between 317 ppm CO2 and 100% CO2.Previous literature on the solubility of CaCO3 polymorphs have been critically evaluated using the aqueous model and the results are compared.  相似文献   

Graphical analysis of free-energy relationships involving binary quadruple points and their associated univariant equilibria in the system CO2-H2O suggests the presence of at least 2 previously unrecognized quadruple points and a degenerate binary invariant point involving an azeotrope between CO2-rich gas and liquid. Thermodynamic data extracted from the equilibrium involving clathrate (hydrate), gas, and ice (H = G+I) are employed along with published data to calculate the P-T range of the 3-ice equilibrium curve, S+I = H, where S is solid CO2. This equilibrium curve intersects the H = G+I curve approximately where the latter curve intersects the S+H = G curve, thus confirming the existence of one of the inferred quadruple points involving the phases S, G, H, and I. Recognition of some binary equilibria probably have been hampered by extremely low mutual solubilities of CO2 and H2O in the fluids phases which, for example, render the S+H = G virtually indistinguishable from the CO2-sublimation curve.To make the published portion of the L(liquid CO2)-G-H equilibrium “connect” with the other new quadruple point involving S, L, G, and H, it is necessary to change the sense of the equilibrium from L = G+H at higher pressures to L+H = G at lower pressures by positing a L = G azeotrope at very low concentrations of H2O. At the low-pressure origin of the azeotrope, which is only a few bars above the CO2-triple point, the azeotrope curve intersects the 3-phase curve tangentially, creating a degenerate invariant point at which the 3-phase equilibrium changes from L+H = G at lower pressures to L = G+H at higher pressures. The azeotrope curve is offset at slightly lower temperature from the L = G+H curve until the 3-phase equilibrium terminates at the quadruple point involving G, L, H, and W (water). With further increase in pressure the azeotrope curve tracks the L = G+W equilibrium and apparently terminates at a critical end point in close proximity to critical endpoints for the CO2-saturation curve and the L = G+W curve.Thermodynamic data for clathrate extracted from the slope of the H = G+I curve are consistent with a solid-state phase transformation in CO2-clathrate between 235 and 255 K. Published work shows that the type-I clathrate phase, whose atomic structure is a framework of water molecules with CO2 molecules situated in large “guest” sites within the framework, is variable in composition with ∼1 guest site vacancy per unit cell at the high-temperature limit of its stability; the number of water molecules, however, remains constant. The formula (CO2)8-y·46H2O, where y is the number of vacancies per unit cell, is in keeping with the atomic structure, whereas the traditional formula, CO2·nH2O, where n (hydration number) = 5.75, is misleading.Ambient P-T conditions in the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets are compatible with sequestering large amounts of carbon as liquid CO2 and/or clathrate.  相似文献   

A thermodynamic model for concentrated brines has been developed which is capable of predicting the solubilities of many of the common evaporite minerals in chloro-sulfate brines at 25°C and 1 atm. The model assumes that the behaviour of the mean stoichiometric ionic activity coefficient in mixtures of aqueous electrolytes can be described by the Scatchard deviation function and Harned's Rule. In solutions consisting of one salt and H2O, the activity coefficient is described by the expression logλ4plusm;=-|z+z? √ 1/c1+a?B √ I) + 2(V+V?/v)Bi?l where a? and B? salt specific parameters obtained from data regression. In a mixture of n electrolytes and H2O, B? for the ith component is given by Bi?i=B i?i+σ αijyj where αij is a (constant) mixing parameter characterizing the interaction of the i and j components and yj is the ionic strength fraction of the jth component. The activity of H2O is obtained from a Gibbs-Duhem integration and does not require any additional parameters or assumptions. In this study, parameters have been obtained for the systems NaCl-KCl-MgCl2-CaCl2-H2O and NaCl-MgSO4-H2O at 25°C and 1 atm. Computed solubility curves and solution compositions predicted for invariant points in these systems agree well with the experimental data. The model is flexible and easily extended to other systems and to higher temperatures.  相似文献   

We report new measurements of equilibrium relative humidities for stable and metastable hydration-dehydration equilibria involving several magnesium sulfates in the MgSO4·nH2O series. We also report a comprehensive thermodynamic treatment of the system including solution properties and experimental data from the published literature, i.e. solubilities, heat capacities and additional decomposition humidities. While for some magnesium sulfate hydrates solubility data in the binary system MgSO4-H2O are sparse, there is a reasonable database of solubility measurements of these hydrates in the ternary MgCl2-MgSO4-H2O and the quaternary reciprocal Na+-Mg2+-Cl-SO42-H2O systems. To make these data suitable for the determination of solubility products, we parameterized a Pitzer ion interaction model for the calculation of activity coefficients and water activities in mixed solutions of these systems and report the ion interaction parameters for the Na+-Mg2+-Cl-SO42-H2O system. The model predicted solubilities in the reciprocal system are in very good agreement with experimental data. Using all available experimental data and the solution model an updated phase diagram of the MgSO4-H2O system covering the whole temperature range from about 170 to 473 K is established. This treatment includes MgSO4·H2O (kieserite), MgSO4·4H2O (starkeyite), MgSO4·5H2O (pentahydrite), MgSO4·6H2O (hexahydrite), MgSO4·7H2O (epsomite) and MgSO4·11H2O (meridianiite). It is shown that only kieserite, hexahydrite, epsomite and meridianiite show fields of stable existence while starkeyite and pentahydrite are always metastable. Due to sluggish kinetics of kieserite formation, however, there is a rather extended field of metastable existence of starkeyite which makes this solid a major product in dehydration reactions. The model predicted behavior of the magnesium sulfates is in excellent agreement with observations reported in the literature under terrestrial temperature and relative humidity conditions. We also discuss the implications of the new phase diagram for sulfates on Mars.  相似文献   

Correlations presented by Spycher et al. (2003) to compute the mutual solubilities of CO2 and H2O are extended to include the effect of chloride salts in the aqueous phase. This is accomplished by including, in the original formulation, activity coefficients for aqueous CO2 derived from several literature sources, primarily for NaCl solutions. Best results are obtained when combining the solubility correlations of Spycher et al. (2003) with the activity coefficient formulation of Rumpf et al. (1994) and Duan and Sun (2003), which can be extended to chloride solutions other than NaCl. This approach allows computing mutual solubilities in a noniterative manner with an accuracy typically within experimental uncertainty for solutions up to 6 molal NaCl and 4 molal CaCl2.  相似文献   

Evaluating the feasibility of CO2 geologic sequestration requires the use of pressure-temperature-composition (P-T-X) data for mixtures of CO2 and H2O at moderate pressures and temperatures (typically below 500 bar and below 100°C). For this purpose, published experimental P-T-X data in this temperature and pressure range are reviewed. These data cover the two-phase region where a CO2-rich phase (generally gas) and an H2O-rich liquid coexist and are reported as the mutual solubilities of H2O and CO2 in the two coexisting phases. For the most part, mutual solubilities reported from various sources are in good agreement. In this paper, a noniterative procedure is presented to calculate the composition of the compressed CO2 and liquid H2O phases at equilibrium, based on equating chemical potentials and using the Redlich-Kwong equation of state to express departure from ideal behavior. The procedure is an extension of that used by King et al. (1992), covering a broader range of temperatures and experimental data than those authors, and is readily expandable to a nonideal liquid phase. The calculation method and formulation are kept as simple as possible to avoid degrading the performance of numerical models of water-CO2 flows for which they are intended. The method is implemented in a computer routine, and inverse modeling is used to determine, simultaneously, (1) new Redlich-Kwong parameters for the CO2-H2O mixture, and (2) aqueous solubility constants for gaseous and liquid CO2 as a function of temperature. In doing so, mutual solubilities of H2O from 15 to 100°C and CO2 from 12 to 110°C and up to 600 bar are generally reproduced within a few percent of experimental values. Fugacity coefficients of pure CO2 are reproduced mostly within one percent of published reference data.  相似文献   

This work reports the application of thermodynamic models, including equations of state, to binary (salt-free) CH4-H2O fluid inclusions. A general method is presented to calculate the compositions of CH4-H2O inclusions using the phase volume fractions and dissolution temperatures of CH4 hydrate. To calculate the homogenization pressures and isolines of the CH4-H2O inclusions, an improved activity-fugacity model is developed to predict the vapor-liquid phase equilibrium. The phase equilibrium model can predict methane solubility in the liquid phase and water content in the vapor phase from 273 to 623 K and from 1 to 1000 bar (up to 2000 bar for the liquid phase), within or close to experimental uncertainties. Compared to reliable experimental phase equilibrium data, the average deviation of the water content in the vapor phase and methane solubility in the liquid phase is 4.29% and 3.63%, respectively. In the near-critical region, the predicted composition deviations increase to over 10%. The vapor-liquid phase equilibrium model together with the updated volumetric model of homogenous (single-phase) CH4-H2O fluid mixtures (Mao S., Duan Z., Hu J. and Zhang D. (2010) A model for single-phase PVTx properties of CO2-CH4-C2H6-N2-H2O-NaCl fluid mixtures from 273 to 1273 K and from 1 to 5000 bar. Chem. Geol.275, 148-160), is applied to calculate the isolines, homogenization pressures, homogenization volumes, and isochores at specified homogenization temperatures and compositions. Online calculation is on the website: http://www.geochem-model.org/.  相似文献   

The solvus in the system CO2-H2O-2.6 wt% NaCl-equivalent was determined by measuring temperature of homogenization in fluid inclusions which contained variable CO2H2O but the same amount of salt dissolved in the aqueous phase at room temperature. The critical point of the solvus is at 340 ± 5°C, at pressures between 1 and 2 kbar; this is about 65°C higher than for the pure CO2-H2O system. The solvus is assymetrical, with a steeper H2O-rich limb and with the critical point at mole fraction of water between 0.65 and 0.8.  相似文献   

Larryn W. Diamond   《Lithos》2001,55(1-4):69-99
Aqueous solutions that contain volatile (gas) components are one of the most important types of fluid in the Earth's crust. The record that such fluids have left in the form of fluid inclusions in minerals provides a wealth of insight into the geochemical and petrologic processes in which the fluids participated. This article reviews the systematics of CO2–H2O fluid inclusions as a starting point for interpreting the chemically more complex systems. The phase relations of the binary are described with respect to a qualitative PTX model, and isoplethic–isochoric paths through this model are used to explain the equilibrium and non-equilibrium behaviour of fluid inclusions during microthermometric heating and cooling. The PTX framework is then used to discuss the various modes of fluid inclusion entrapment, and how the resulting assemblage textures can be used to interpret the PT conditions, phase states, and evolution paths of the parent solutions. Finally, quantitative methods are reviewed by which bulk molar volume and composition of CO2–H2O fluid inclusions can be determined from microthermometric observations of phase transitions.  相似文献   

The carbonato and hydrogencarbonato complexes of Mg2+ were investigated at 25 and 50° in solutions of the constant ClO4? molality (3 M) consisting preponderantly of NaClO4. The experimental data could be explained assuming the following equilibria: Mg2+ + CO2B + H2O ag MgHCO+3 + H+, log 1β1 = ?7.644 ± 0.017 (25°), ?7.462 ± 0.01 1 (50°), Mg2+ + 2 CO2g + 2 H2Oag Mg(HCO3)02 ± 2 H+, log 1β2 = ?15.00 ± 0.14 (25°), ?15.37 ± 0.39 (50°), Mg2+ + CO2g + H2Oag MgCO03 + 2 H+, log 1k1 = ?15.64 ± 0.06 (25°),?15.23 ± 0.02 (50°), with the assumption γMgCO30 = γMg(HCO3)02, ΔG0(I = 0) for the reaction MgCO03 + CO2g + H2O = Mg(HCO3)02 was estimated to be ?3.91 ± 0.86 and 0.6 ± 2.4 kJ/mol at 25 and 50°C, respectively. The abundance of carbonate linked Mg(II) species in fresh water systems is discussed.  相似文献   

An end member of the tourmaline series with a structural formula □(Mg2Al)Al6(BO3)3[Si6O18](OH)4 has been synthesized in the system MgO-Al2O3-B2O3-SiO2-H2O where it represents the only phase with a tourmaline structure. Our experiments provide no evidence for the substitutions Al → Mg + H, Mg → 2H, B + H → Si, and AlAl → MgSi and we were not able to synthesize a phase “Mg-aluminobuergerite” characterized by Mg in the (3a)-site and a strong (OH)-deficiency reported by Rosenberg and Foit (1975). The alkali-free tourmaline has a vacant (3a)-site and is related to dravite by the □ + Al for Na + Mg substitution. It is stable from at least 300°C to about 800°C at low fluid pressures and 100% excess B2O3, and can be synthesized up to a pressure of 20 kbars. At higher temperatures the tourmaline decomposes into grandidierite or a boron-bearing phase possibly related to mullite (“B-mullite”), quartz, and unidentified solid phases, or the tourmaline melts incongruently into corundum + liquid, depending on pressure. In the absence of excess B2O3 tourmaline stability is lowered by about 60°C. Tourmaline may coexist with the other MgO-Al2O3-B2O3-SiO2-H2O phases forsterite, enstatite, chlorite, talc, quartz, grandidierite, corundum, spinel, “B-mullite,” cordierite, and sinhalite depending on the prevailing PTX-conditions.The (3a)-vacant tourmaline has the space group R3m with a =15.90 A?, c = 7.115 A?, and V = 1557.0 A?3. However, these values vary at room temperature with the pressure-temperature conditions of synthesis by ±0.015 A? in a, ±0.010 A? in c, and ±4.0 A?3 in V, probably as a result of MgAl order/disorder relations in the octahedral positions. Despite these variations intensity calculations support the assumed structural formula. Refractive indices are no = 1.631(2), nE = 1.610(2), Δn = 0.021. The infrared spectrum is intermediate between those of dravite and elbaite. The common alkali and calcium deficiencies of natural tourmalines may at least partly be explained by miscibilities towards (3a)-vacant end members. The apparent absence of (3a)-vacant tourmaline in nature is probably due to the lack of fluids that carry boron but no Na or Ca.  相似文献   

Subsolidus and vapor-saturated liquidus phase relations for a portion of the system CaO-MgO-SiO2-H2O, as inferred from experimental data for the composition regions CaMgSi2O6-Mg2SiO4-SiO2-H2O and CaMgSi2O6-Mg2SiO4-Ca3MgSi2O8 (merwinite)-H2O, are presented in pressure-temperature projection. Sixteen invariant points and 39 univariant reactions are defined on the basis of the 1 atm and 10 kbar (vapor-saturated) liquidus diagrams. Lack of experimental control over many of the reactions makes the depicted relations schematic in part.An invariant point involving orthoenstatite, protoenstatite, pigeonite, and diopside (all solid solutions) occurs at low pressure (probably between 1 and 2 kbar). At pressures below this invariant point, orthoenstatite breaks down at high temperature to the assemblage diopside + protoenstatite; with increasing temperature, the latter assemblage reacts to form pigeonite. At pressures above the invariant point, pigeonite forms according to the reaction diopside + orthoenstatite = pigeonite, and the assemblage diopside + protoenstatite is not stable. At 1 atm, both pigeonite and protoenstatite occur as primary liquidus phases, but at pressures above 6–7 kbar orthoenstatite is the only Ca-poor pyroxene polymorph which appears on the vapor-saturated liquidus surface.At pressures above approximately 10.8 kbar, only diopside, forsterite, and merwinite occur as primary liquidus phases in the system CaMgSi2O6-Mg2SiO4-Ca3MgSi2O8-H2O, in the presence of an aqueous vapor phase. At pressures between 1 atm and 10.2 kbar, both akermanite and monticellite also occur as primary liquidus phases. Comparison of the 1 atm and 10 kbar vapor-saturated liquidus diagrams suggests that melilite basalt bears a low pressure, or shallow depth, relationship to monticellite-bearing ultrabasites.  相似文献   

Traditionally, the application of stable isotopes in Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) projects has focused on δ13C values of CO2 to trace the migration of injected CO2 in the subsurface. More recently the use of δ18O values of both CO2 and reservoir fluids has been proposed as a method for quantifying in situ CO2 reservoir saturations due to O isotope exchange between CO2 and H2O and subsequent changes in δ18OH2O values in the presence of high concentrations of CO2. To verify that O isotope exchange between CO2 and H2O reaches equilibrium within days, and that δ18OH2O values indeed change predictably due to the presence of CO2, a laboratory study was conducted during which the isotope composition of H2O, CO2, and dissolved inorganic C (DIC) was determined at representative reservoir conditions (50 °C and up to 19 MPa) and varying CO2 pressures. Conditions typical for the Pembina Cardium CO2 Monitoring Pilot in Alberta (Canada) were chosen for the experiments. Results obtained showed that δ18O values of CO2 were on average 36.4 ± 2.2‰ (1σ, n = 15) higher than those of water at all pressures up to and including reservoir pressure (19 MPa), in excellent agreement with the theoretically predicted isotope enrichment factor of 35.5‰ for the experimental temperatures of 50 °C. By using 18O enriched water for the experiments it was demonstrated that changes in the δ18O values of water were predictably related to the fraction of O in the system sourced from CO2 in excellent agreement with theoretical predictions. Since the fraction of O sourced from CO2 is related to the total volumetric saturation of CO2 and water as a fraction of the total volume of the system, it is concluded that changes in δ18O values of reservoir fluids can be used to calculate reservoir saturations of CO2 in CCS settings given that the δ18O values of CO2 and water are sufficiently distinct.  相似文献   

Recent isopiestic studies of the Fe2(SO4)3-H2SO4-H2O system at 298.15 K are represented with an extended version of Pitzer’s ion interaction model. The model represents osmotic coefficients for aqueous {(1 − y)Fe2(SO4)3 + yH2SO4} mixtures from 0.45 to 3.0 m at 298.15 K and 0.0435 ? y ? 0.9370. In addition, a slightly less accurate representation of a more extended molality range to 5.47 m extends over the same y values, translating to a maximum ionic strength of 45 m. Recent isopiestic data for the system at 323.15 K are represented with the extended Pitzer model over a limited range in molality and solute fraction. These datasets are also represented with the usual “3-parameter” version of Pitzer’s model so that it may be incorporated in geochemical modeling software, but is a slightly less accurate representation of thermodynamic properties for this system. Comparisons made between our ion interaction model and available solubility data display partial agreement for rhomboclase and significant discrepancy for ferricopiapite. The comparisons highlight uncertainty remaining for solubility predictions in this system as well as the need for additional solubility measurements for Fe3+-bearing sulfate minerals. The resulting Pitzer ion interaction models provide an important step toward an accurate and comprehensive representation of thermodynamic properties in this geochemically important system.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal experiments were conducted to evaluate the kinetics of H2(aq) oxidation in the homogeneous H2-O2-H2O system at conditions reflecting subsurface/near-seafloor hydrothermal environments (55-250 °C and 242-497 bar). The kinetics of the water-forming reaction that controls the fundamental equilibrium between dissolved H2(aq) and O2(aq), are expected to impose significant constraints on the redox gradients that develop when mixing occurs between oxygenated seawater and high-temperature anoxic vent fluid at near-seafloor conditions. Experimental data indicate that, indeed, the kinetics of H2(aq)-O2(aq) equilibrium become slower with decreasing temperature, allowing excess H2(aq) to remain in solution. Sluggish reaction rates of H2(aq) oxidation suggest that active microbial populations in near-seafloor and subsurface environments could potentially utilize both H2(aq) and O2(aq), even at temperatures lower than 40 °C due to H2(aq) persistence in the seawater/vent fluid mixtures. For these H2-O2 disequilibrium conditions, redox gradients along the seawater/hydrothermal fluid mixing interface are not sharp and microbially-mediated H2(aq) oxidation coupled with a lack of other electron acceptors (e.g. nitrate) could provide an important energy source available at low-temperature diffuse flow vent sites.More importantly, when H2(aq)-O2(aq) disequilibrium conditions apply, formation of metastable hydrogen peroxide is observed. The yield of H2O2(aq) synthesis appears to be enhanced under conditions of elevated H2(aq)/O2(aq) molar ratios that correspond to abundant H2(aq) concentrations. Formation of metastable H2O2 is expected to affect the distribution of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) owing to the existence of an additional strong oxidizing agent. Oxidation of magnetite and/or Fe++ by hydrogen peroxide could also induce formation of metastable hydroxyl radicals (•OH) through Fenton-type reactions, further broadening the implications of hydrogen peroxide in hydrothermal environments.  相似文献   

A suite of six hydrous (7 wt.% H2O) sodium silicate glasses spanning sodium octasilicate to sodium disilicate in composition were analyzed using 29Si single pulse (SP) magic angle spinning (MAS) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, 1H-29Si cross polarization (CP) MAS NMR, and fast MAS 1H-NMR. From the 29Si SPMAS data it is observed that at low sodium compositions dissolved water significantly depolymerizes the silicate network. At higher sodium contents, however, dissolved H2O does not affect a significant increase in depolymerization over that predicted based on the Na/Si ratio alone. The fast MAS 1H-NMR data reveal considerable complexity in proton environments in each of the glasses studied. The fast MAS 1H-NMR spectra of the highest sodium concentration glasses do not exhibit evidence of signficantly greater fractions of dissolved water as molecular H2O than the lower sodium concentration glasses requiring that the decrease in polymerization at high sodium contents involves a change in sodium solution mechanism. Variable contact time 1H-29Si cross polarization (CP) MAS NMR data reveal an increase in the rotating frame spin lattice relaxation rate constant (T*) for various Qn species with increasing sodium content that correlates with a reduction in the average 1H-29Si coupling strength. At the highest sodium concentration, however, T* drops significantly, consistent with a change in the Na2O solution mechanism.  相似文献   

Based on our previous study of the intermolecular potential for pure H2O and the strict evaluation of the competitive potential models for pure CH4 and the ab initio fitting potential surface across CH4-H2O molecules in this study, we carried out more than two thousand molecular dynamics simulations for the PVTx properties of pure CH4 and the CH4-H2O mixtures up to 2573 K and 10 GPa. Comparison of 1941 simulations with experimental PVT data for pure CH4 shows an average deviation of 0.96% and a maximum deviation of 2.82%. The comparison of the results of 519 simulations of the mixtures with the experimental measurements reveals that the PVTx properties of the CH4-H2O mixtures generally agree with the extensive experimental data with an average deviation of 0.83% and 4% in maximum, which is equivalent to the experimental uncertainty. Moreover, the maximum deviation between the experimental data and the simulation results decreases to about 2% as temperature and pressure increase, indicating that the high accuracy of the simulation is well retained in the high temperature and pressure region.After the validation of the simulation method and the intermolecular potential models, we systematically simulated the PVTx properties of this binary system from 673 K and 0.05 GPa to 2573 K and 10 GPa. In order to integrate all the simulation results and the experimental data for the calculation of thermodynamic properties, an equation of state (EOS) is developed for the CH4-H2O system covering 673-2573 K and 0.01-10 GPa. Isochores for compositions <4 mol% CH4 up to 773 K and 600 MPa are also determined in this paper. The program for the EOS can be downloaded from www.geochem-model.org/programs.htm.  相似文献   

Mechanical disintegration by crystal growth of salts in pores is generally considered as an important mechanism of rock breakdown both on Earth and on Mars. Crystal growth is also a major cause of damage in porous building materials. Sodium sulfate is the most widely used salt in accelerated weathering tests of natural rocks and building materials. This paper provides an updated phase diagram of the Na2SO4-H2O system based on a careful review of the available thermodynamic data of aqueous sodium sulfate and the crystalline phases. The phase diagram includes both the stable phases thenardite, Na2SO4(V), and mirabilite, Na2SO4·10H2O, and, the metastable phases Na2SO4(III) and Na2SO4·7H2O. The phase diagram is used to discuss the crystallization pathways and the crystallization pressures generated by these solids in common laboratory weathering experiments and under field conditions. New crystallization experiments carried out at different temperatures are presented. A dilatometric technique is used to study the mechanical response of sandstone samples in typical wetting-drying experiments as in the standard salt crystallization test. Additional experiments with continuous immersion and evaporation were carried out with the same type of sandstone. Both, the theoretical treatment and the results of the crystallization experiments confirm that the crystallization of mirabilite from highly supersaturated solutions is the most important cause of damage of sodium sulfate in porous materials.  相似文献   

The solubility of hematite in chloride-bearing hydrothermal fluids was determined in the temperature range 400–600°C and at 1000 and 2000 bars using double-capsule, rapid-quench hydrothermal techniques and a modification of the Ag + AgCl buffer method (Frantz and Popp, 1979). The changes in the molalities of associated hydrogen chloride (mHCl0) as a function of the molality of total iron in the fluid at constant temperature and pressure were used to identify the predominant species of iron in the hydrothermal fluid. The molality of associated HCl varied from 0.01 to 0.15. Associated FeCl20 was found to be the most abundant species in equilibrium with hematite. Determination of Cl/Fe in the fluid in equilibrium with hematite yields values approximately equal to 2.0 suggesting that ferrous iron is the dominant oxidation state.The equilibrium constant for the reaction Fe2O3 + 4HCl0 + H2 = 2FeCl20 + 3H2O was calculated and used to estimate the difference in Gibbs free energy between FeCl20 and HCl0 in the temperature range 400–600°C at 1000 and 2000 bars pressure.  相似文献   

At T > 100°C development of thermodynamic models suffers from missing experimental data, particularly for solubilities of sulfate minerals in mixed solutions. Solubilities in Na+-K+-Ca2+-Cl-SO42−/H2O subsystems were investigated at 150, 200°C and at selected compositions at 100°C. The apparatus used to examine solid-liquid phase equilibria under hydrothermal conditions has been described.In the system NaCl-CaSO4-H2O the missing anhydrite (CaSO4) solubilities at high NaCl concentrations up to halite saturation have been determined. In the system Na2SO4-CaSO4-H2O the observed glauberite (Na2SO4 · CaSO4) solubility is higher than that predicted by the high temperature model of Greenberg and Møller (1989), especially at 200°C. At high salt concentrations, solubilities of both anhydrite and glauberite increase with increasing temperature. Stability fields of the minerals syngenite (K2SO4 · CaSO4 · H2O) and goergeyite (K2SO4 · 5 CaSO4 · H2O) were determined, and a new phase was found at 200°C in the K2SO4-CaSO4-H2O system. Chemical and single crystal structure analysis give the formula K2SO4 · CaSO4. The structure is isostructural with palmierite (K2SO4 · PbSO4). The glaserite (“3 K2SO4 · Na2SO4”) appears as solid solution in the system Na2SO4-K2SO4-H2O. Its solubility and stoichiometry was determined as a function of solution composition.  相似文献   

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