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Summary The performance of evaporation schemes with and approach and their combination within resistance representation of evaporation from bare soil surface is discussed. For this purpose nine schemes, based on different functions of or , on the ratio of the volumetric soil moisture content and its saturated value are used.The quality of the chosen schemes has been evaluated using the results of time integration by the coupled soil moisture and surface temperature prediction model, BARESOIL, using in situ data. A sensitivity analysis was made using two sets of data derived from the volumetric soil moisture content of the top soil layer. One with values below the wilting point (0.17 m3m–3) and the second with values above 0.20m3m–3. Data sets were obtained at the experimental site Rimski anevi, Yugoslavia, from the bare surface of a chernozem soil.With 4 Figures  相似文献   

Turbulence measurements from a 30 m tower in the stably stratifiedboundary layer over the Greenland ice sheet are analyzed. The observationsinclude profile and eddy-correlation measurements at various levels. Atfirst, the analysis of the turbulence data from the lowest level (2 m aboveground) shows that the linear form of the non-dimensional wind profile(m) is in good agreement with the observations for z/L <0.4, whereL represents the Obukhov length. A linear regression yieldsm=1+5.8z/L. The non-dimensional temperature profile (h) at the2m level shows no tendency to increase with increasing stability. The datafrom the upper levels of the tower are analyzed in terms of both localscaling and surface-layer scaling. The m and the h values show atendency to level off at large stability (z/>0.4) where represents the local Obukhov length. Hence, the linear form of the functions is no longer appropriate under such conditions. The bestcorrespondence to the data can be achieved when using the expression ofBeljaars and Holtslag for m and h. The vertical profiles of theturbulent fluxes, the wind velocity variances and temperature variance arealso determined. The momentum flux profile and the profiles of wind speedvariances are in general agreement with other observations if a welldeveloped low-level wind maximum occurs, and the height of this maximum isused as a height scale.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In der synoptischen Praxis, insbesondere bei der Konstruktion von Vorhersagekarten, hat sich die Methode, Intensitätsänderungen des Bodendruckfeldes aus der geometrischen Konfiguration der Isopotentialen höher gelegener isobarer Flächen abzuschätzen, vornehmlich mittels derScherhagschen Divergenztheorie, vielfach bewährt, wenngleich mitunter auch erhebliche Abweichungen vomScherhagschen Konzept zu vermerken sind. Bei Annahme einer weitgehend stationären Höhenströmung folgt aus der Tendenzgleichung in Verbindung mit der Vorticitygleichung, daß ein Beitrag zur Bodendruckänderung nur dann von der betreffenden Schicht geliefert wird, wenn die (absolute) Vorticity ein entsprechendes Gefälle stromabwärts aufweist. Bei einem idealisierten Stromlinienverlauf im Bereich von Frontalzonen zeigt sich, daß die Vorticity im Zentralbereich hauptsächlich infolge Windscherung, im Delta und Einzugsgebiet dagegen vor allem durch das Verhältnis der Windgeschwindigkeit zum Krümmungsradius gegeben ist. Ohne daher auf die im allgemeinen zeitraubende Konstruktion der Linien gleicher absoluter Vorticity zurückgreifen zu müssen, läßt sich für die Praxis die Regel angeben, daß im Delta nur dann Druckfall zu erwarten ist, wenn das Verhältnis von Windgeschwindigkeit zum Krümmungsradius daselbst kleiner ist als die Windscherung im Zentralbereich. Es gibt daher auch einen Grenzfall für die Krümmung im Auffächerungsgebiet, bei dem keine Divergenz mehr auftritt. Dies dürfte im wesentlichen bei der als Blocking Action bekannten Aufspaltung einer zonalen Strömung in zwei nach Norden und Süden reichende Äste der Fall sein. Die hier abgeleitete Regel deckt sichnicht mit derScherhagschen Auffassung, daß für die Größe des im Delta auftretenden Druckfalles die Differenz der Geschwindigkeitsquadrate zwischen Zentrum und Delta maßgebend sei. Vor allem läßt sich bei dieser Anschauung niemals der eben erwähnte Grenzfall erkennen. Die theoretischen Betrachtungen werden an Hand einer Wetterlage überprüft und im wesentlichen als richtig befunden.
Summary In synoptic procedures mainly as regards the construction of forcast maps the method frequently is used to estimate changes of surface pressure tendencies considering the shape of contours of upper constant pressure surfaces according toScherhag's well known Divergence Theory, though some cases may show serious divergences withScherhag's theory. Assuming a stationary upper flow the tendency equation combined with the vorticity equation shows that a contribution to surface pressure changes from the level under consideration can only be expected if the (absolute) vorticity decreases downstream. Considering the shape of streamlines (which practically coincide with the contours) in the vicinity of a frontal zone we may recognize that the vorticity in the central zone is mainly given by the wind shear, whereas in the entrance and exit area the quotient of wind velocity to radius of curvature prevails against the windshear. From this the conclusion is drawn that pressure fall in the exit or delta of a frontal zone can only be expected in practice if the quotient of wind velocity to radius of curvature in this area is less than the wind shear in the center. Furthermore these considerations show that there exists a limit value for the radius of curvature in the delta where actually no divergence and therefore no contribution to pressure fall occurs. This case may be realized in the so called Bloking action where contours show a well marked split of an originally zonal current towards south and north and where usually no pressure fall below is observed. The here derived rule cannot be brought into accordance withScherhag's idea that the magnitude of pressure fall in the delta of a frontal zone is given by the square of wind velocity in the center minus that in the delta. Finally the theoretical considerations are checked in an actual weather situation and found to be useful for short range forecast procedures.

Résumé Dans la pratique synoptique, en particulier par le dessin de cartes de prévision, la méthode consistant à estimer l'importance des variations de pression au sol à partir de la configuration géométrique des isopotentielles des surfaces isobares d'altitude, cela surtout au moyen de la théorie de la divergence deScherhag, a été employée avec succès même s'il a fallu parfois s'écarter passablement du concept primitif de son auteur. En admettant un courant stationnaire d'altitude, l'équation de tendance combinée avec celle de vorticity montre qu'il y a effet de la couche considérée sur la variation de pression au sol seulement lorsque la vorticity (absolue) présente un gradient dirigé vers l'aval du vent. Au sein d'un système de lignes de courant idéalisées dans le domaine de zones frontales, on constate que la vorticity dans la partie centrale résulte essentiellement du cisaillement du vent, mais par contre du rapport du vent au rayon de courbure dans le delta et dans la région d'alimentation. Au lieu de recourir au tracé pénible des lignes d'égale vorticity absolue, on peut dans la pratique se fonder sur la règle qu'il n'y aura baisse de pression dans le delta que lorsque le rapport de la vitesse du vent au rayon de courbure y est plus petit que le cisaillement dans la zone centrale. Il y a donc aussi un cas limite pour la courbure des lignes de courant pour lequel il n'y a plus de divergence. Cela doit se produire lors du partage (blocking action) d'un courant zonal en deux branches dirigées vers le Nord et vers le Sud. La règle énoncée ici ne correspond pas à la conception deScherhag selon laquelle la grandeur de la baisse de pression du delta dépend de la différence des carrés des vitesses au centre et au delta; selon ce point de vue, le cas limite mentionné n'apparaît pas. Ces considérations théoriques sont vérifiées par un exemple.

Mit 4 Textabbildungen.  相似文献   

Six locations across mainland Portugal were selected for exposing Parmelia sulcata, for a one-year period (8 months for one site), with simultaneous measurement of total (dry + wet) deposition (one-month periods). The exposed lichens and the total (dry + wet) deposition were analysed for cobalt contents by INAA (instrumental neutron activation analysis) and ICP-MS (inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy), respectively. The designated wet deposition was evaluated through the collected water volume; the designated dry deposition was assessed after the (dried) residual mass of the wet deposition. An excellent agreement between Co contents in exposed lichens and the cumulative (1) Co contents in the dry deposition, (2) dry deposition, and (3) wet deposition has been found for the locations with alternate drought and precipitation months, high dry deposition, and high Co contents in the latter. Continuous rainfall was found to hinder the Co accumulation in the lichen due to its release from the lichen and/or lower Co contents in the dry deposition. At three locations, P. sulcata Co contents, after subtraction of the background (before exposure), equalled or exceeded the Co contents in the cumulative dry deposition at the end of the exposure time. The optimal exposure period for this species likely depends on the exposure conditions.  相似文献   

A liquid jet of 90 m diameter and variable length has been utilized to determine absorption rates and, hence, mass accommodation coefficients , of atmospheric trace gases. The compounds investigated are HCl (0.01), HNO3 (0.01), N2O5 (0.005), peroxyacetyl nitrate (>0.001), and HONO (0.005). It is concluded that the absorption of these trace gases by liquid atmospheric water is not significantly retarded by interfacial mass transport. The strengths and limitations of the liquid jet technique for measuring mass accommodation coefficients are explored.  相似文献   

Summary In a project ALPEX-Simulation, sponsored by the Österreichischer Fond zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF), all eight cases of ALPEX-SOP cyclones were numerically simulated with a fine mesh isentropic model of the atmosphere. These numerical simulations in six-hourly intervals allow a deeper insight into the synoptics and dynamics of the cyclogeneses in the Western Mediterranean, especially into the genesis of the two basic types of cyclones: the so-called Überströmungs-type and Vorderseiten-type. In the first phase of cyclogenesis of the Überströmungs-type, the blocking and flow splitting of the cold air due to the Alps and the canalization between the Alps and the Massif Central are important. Cold air flows cyclonically around the western part of the Alps, creating a vorticity maximum at the south western edge of the Alpine, bow and leads also to an enhanced PV. In connection with warm air in the Mediterranean, a strong baroclinic zone is generated. The interaction between the arriving PV maximum in the upper troposphere and the enhanced PV at the bottom leads to cyclogenesis in the Western Mediterranean. In the case of the Vorderseiten-type warm air advection dominates with the exception of a shallow layer of cold air in the inner Po-Valley, which is shielded by the Alpine ridge. A well-pronounced PV maximum builds up and couples with the PV maximum arriving at upper levels, even before the cold air, coming from the north-west, has surrounded the Alps. The cold air only intensifies the development by raising the baroclinity. Therefore, the Vorderseiten-cyclogenesis is an orographically modified cyclogenesis, in the course of which the cyclonic development is triggered by the Alps, whereas the Überströmungs-cyclogenesis is an orographically induced cyclogenesis i.e. a true lee cyclogenesis.With 14 FiguresDied in a tragic traffic accident on June 6, 1993.  相似文献   

Summary Interannual modes are described in terms of three-month running mean anomaly winds (u,v), outgoing longwave radiation (OLR), and sea surface temperature (T * ). Normal atmospheric monsoon circulations are defined by long-term average winds (u n,v n) computed every month from January to December. Daily winds are grouped into three frequency bands, i.e., 30–60 day filtered winds (u L,v L); 7–20 day filtered winds (u M,v M); and 2–6 day filtered winds (u S,v S). Three-month running mean anomaly kinetic energy (signified asK L , K M , andK S , respectively) is then introduced as a measure of interannual variation of equatorial disturbance activity. Interestingly, all of theseK L , K M , andK S perturbations propagate slowly eastward with same phase speed (0.3 ms–1) as ENSO modes. Associated with this eastward propagation is a positive (negative) correlation between interannual disturbance activity (K L , K M , K S ) and interannualu (OLR) modes. Namely, (K L , K M , K S ) becomes more pronounced than usual nearly simultaneously with the arrival of westerlyu and negativeOLR (above normal convection) perturbutions. In these disturbed areas with (K L , K M , K S >0), upper ocean mixing tends to increase, resulting in decreased sea surface temperature, i.e.T * 0. Thus, groups (not individual) of equatorial disturbances appear to play an important role in determiningT * variations on interannual time scales. HighestT * occurs about 3 months prior to the lowestOLR (convection) due primarily to radiational effects. This favors the eastward propagation of ENSO modes. The interannualT * variations are also controlled by the prevailing monsoonal zonal windsu n, as well as the zonal advection of sea surface temperature on interannual time scales. Over the central Pacific, all of the above mentioned physical processes contribute to the intensification of eastward propagating ENSO modes. Over the Indian Ocean, on the other hand, some of the physical processes become insignificant, or even compensated for by other processes. This results in less pronounced ENSO modes over the Indian Ocean.With 10 FiguresContribution No. 89-6, Department of Meteorology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii.  相似文献   

Meteorological measurements taken at the Näsudden wind turbine site during slightly unstable conditions have been analyzed. The height of the convective boundary layer (CBL) was rather low, varying between 60 and 300 m. Turbulence statistics near the ground followed Monin-Obukhov similarity, whereas the remaining part of the boundary layer can be regarded as a near neutral upper layer. In 55% of the runs, horizontal roll vortices were found. Those were the most unstable runs, with -z i/L > 5. Spectra and co-spectra are used to identify the structures. Three roll indicators were identified: (i) a low frequency peak in the spectrum of the lateral component at low level; (ii) a corresponding increase in the vertical component at mid-CBL; (iii) a positive covariance {ovvw} together with positive wind shear in the lateral direction (V/z) in the CBL. By applying these indicators, it is possible to show that horizontal roll circulations are likely to be a common phenomenon over the Baltic during late summer and early winter.  相似文献   

Summary The latitudinal variation of tropospheric temperature lapse rate is examined on the basis of recently published data for the northern hemisphere. In January, the lapse rate systematically decreases from 6.4°C/km. for the equator to 3.6°C/km. for 70°N; in July, the lapse rate is nearly constant in respect of latitude between the equator and 50°N, but decreases from the latter poleward. The average January–July lapse rate decreases systematically from 6.3°C/km. for the equator to 4.7°C/km. for 70°N. This variation is closely described by the equation =6.25–2 sin4, where is the lapse rate, in °C/km, for latitude . For the north pole, the equation gives a lapse rate of 4.25°C/km.
Zusammenfassung Die Änderung des vertikalen Gradienten der Troposphärentemperatur mit der geographischen Breite wird auf Grund neuen Zahlenmaterials für die Nordhemisphäre untersucht. Im Januar nimmt der Temperaturgradient allmählich von 6.4°C/km am Äquator bis zu 3.6°C/km in 70°N Breite ab; im Juli ist der Temperaturgradient in den Breiten zwischen dem Äquator und 50°N Breite fast gleich und nimmt von hier aus polwärts ab. Der mittlere Temperaturgradient für Januar–Juli nimmt allmählich von 6.3°C/km am Äquator bis auf 4.7°C/km in 70°N Breite ab. Die Breitenabhängigkeit läßt sich gut durch die Gleichung =6.25–2 sin4 darstellen, in der der Temperaturgradient in °C/km in der Breite ist. Für den Nordpol ergibt die Gleichung einen Temperaturgradienten von 4.25°C/km.

Résumé La variation latitudinale du gradient thermique vertical de la température troposphérique est examinée en se basant sur des données publiées récemment d'une valeur de 6.4°C/km pour l'équateur à 3.6°C/km pour 70°N; en juillet le gradient est presque constant pour les latitudes situées entre l'équateur et 50°N, mais il diminue d'ici vers le pôle. Le gradient moyen janvier/juillet diminue systématiquement de 6.3°C/km pour l'équateur à 4.7°C/km pour 70°N. Cette variation peut être représentée par l'équation =6.25–2 sin4 où est le gradient en °C/km pour la latitude . Pour le pôle nord, l'équation donne un gradient de 4.25°C/km.

Airborne measurements made during August 1985 over Greenland and its environs show that both accumulation-mode (0.1 m D2.0 m) and giant (D2 m) particles were present in relatively high concentrations in arctic haze layers and that the accumulation-mode particles dominated light scattering. Particles with diameters (D) between 1 and 4 m consisted predominately of mixed materials, small and dense inclusions, and probably organic compounds containing sulfur. Many of the particles from 0.1 to 1 m in diameter were also of mixed composition, with sulfuric acid, ammonium sulfate and organics probably the dominant constituents.  相似文献   

Résumé Après avoir rappelé quelques notions de calcul tensoriel et les équations de la dynamique atmosphérique en coordonnées généralisées, l'auteur établit l'équation fondamentale de la rotationnelle absolue de l'air. Diverses formes de cette équation sont mentionnées. La première de ces formes est celle d'un bilan qui permet de définir le transport et le taux de production de la rotationnelle absolue de l'air. De la forme particulière de ce transport, il résulte que ce bilan se réduit à un bilan dans un espace à deux dimensions. Deux exemples illustrent les formules générales, le premier, en coordonnées sphériques (, ,r), le second, en coordonnées (, , ) où est un scalaire quelconque (pression atmosphérique, température potentielle, ...). Une autre forme de l'équation fondamentale est celle qui donne le taux d'accroissement individuel d'une composante de la rotationnelle absolue. Cette forme conduit à l'équation d'Ertel. En terminant, l'auteur généralise l'invariant d'Ertel-Rossby.
Summary Having recalled some results of the tensor analysis and the equations of atmospheric motion in general coordinates, the writer establishes the fundamental equation of the absolute vorticity. Different forms of this equation are mentioned. One of these is the equation of balance from which it is possible to deduce the definition of transport and production of vorticity. It is shown that the equation of balance of the absolute vorticity may be reduced to an equation of balance in two-dimensional space. Two examples illustrate the general equations and formulas: the first example, in spherical coordinates (, ,r), the second one in the coordinates (, , ) where is an arbitrary single-valued scalar quantity (pressure, potentiel temperature, ...). Another form of the absolute vorticity equation expresses the individual change of an arbitrary component of the absolute vorticity. This form leads toErtel's equation. Finally, the writer generalizes theErtel-Rossby invariant.

Zusammenfassung Nach einer Rekapitulation einiger Resultate der Tensorrechnung und der atmosphärischen Bewegungsgleichungen in generalisierten Koordinaten wird die absolute Wirbelgleichung aufgestellt und es werden verschiedene Formen dieser Gleichung erwähnt. Eine derselben ist die Bilanzformel, aus der die Definition des Wirbeltransports und der Anteil der Wirbelbildung abgeleitet werden können. Es wird gezeigt, daß die Bilanzgleichung des absoluten Wirbels auf eine Bilanzgleichung im zweidimensionalen Raum reduziert werden kann. Die allgemeinen Formeln werden durch zwei Beispiele erläutert: das erste in Kugelkoordinaten (, ,r), das zweite in den Koordinaten (, , ), wo eine beliebige skalare Größe (luftdruck, potentielle Temperatur usw.) darstellt. Eine andere Form der absoluten Wirbelgleichung gibt die individuelle Zunahme einer beliebigen Komponente der absoluten Wirbelstärke wieder; diese Form führt zurErtelschen Gleichung. Zum Schlusse wird dieErtel-Rossbysche Invariante verallgemeinert.

Parameterization of evaporation from a non-plant-covered surface is very important in the hierarchy strategy of modelling land surface processes. One of the representations frequently used in its computation is the resistance formulation. The performance of the evaporation schemes using the , , and their combination resistance approaches to parameterize evaporation from bare soil surfaces is discussed. For that purpose, the nine schemes, based on a different dependence of and on volumetric soil moisture content and its saturated value, are used.The tests of performances of the considered schemes are based on time integrations by the land surface module (BARESOIL) using observed data. The 23 data sets at a bare surface experimental site in Rimski anevi, Yugoslavia on chernozem soil, were used for the resistance algorithm evaluation. The quality of the schemes was compared with the observed values of the latent heat flux using several statistical parameters.  相似文献   

Summary Koshava is a gusty wind of moderate to strong intensity, blowing from the south-eastern direction, over the area of the Republic of Serbia. It is caused by the interaction between the synoptic circulation and the orography of the Carpathian and the Balkan mountains. The Koshava wind can damage buildings, factories and industrial plants or city infrastructure. Therefore it is important to estimate its gust and the gustiness factor on the basis of the measured data.This paper discusses a statistical analysis of wind data in the maximum influence area of the Koshava wind in the periods of maximum duration of Koshava. The focus of the paper is the examination of urban and suburban effects on Koshava wind and the correlation between the instantaneous maximum wind speed and the hourly mean wind speed. The best fitting with various empirical distributions is proposed.With 10 Figures  相似文献   

Summary A simple parameterization for the estimation of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) and momentum flux profiles under near-neutral stratification based on sodar measurements of the vertical velocity variance has been tested using data from the LINEX-2000 experiment. Measurements included operation of a phased-array Doppler sodar DSDPA.90 and of a sonic anemometer USA-1 mounted at a meteorological tower at a height of 90m. Good agreement has been found between the TKE and momentum flux values derived from the sonic and sodar data (with correlation coefficients r>0.90 and a slope of the regression lines of about 1.01.1) suggesting the possible use of sodar measurements of w 2 to derive turbulence parameter profiles above the tower range.  相似文献   

The effect of changes in zonal and meridional atmospheric moisture transports on Atlantic overturning is investigated. Zonal transports are considered in terms of net moisture export from the Atlantic sector. Meridional transports are related to the vigour of the global hydrological cycle. The equilibrium thermohaline circulation (THC) simulated with an efficient climate model is strongly dependent on two key parameters that control these transports: an anomaly in the specified Atlantic–Pacific moisture flux (Fa) and atmospheric moisture diffusivity (Kq). In a large ensemble of spinup experiments, the values of Fa and Kq are varied by small increments across wide ranges, to identify sharp transitions of equilibrium THC strength in a 2-parameter space (between Conveyor On and Off states). Final states from this ensemble of simulations are then used as the initial states for further such ensembles. Large differences in THC strength between ensembles, for identical combinations of Fa and Kq, reveal the co-existence of two stable THC states (Conveyor On and Off)—i.e. a bistable regime. In further sensitivity experiments, the model is forced with small, temporary freshwater perturbations to the mid-latitude North Atlantic, to establish the minimum perturbation necessary for irreversible THC collapse in this bistable regime. A threshold is identified in terms of the forcing duration required. The model THC, in a Conveyor On state, irreversibly collapses to a Conveyor Off state under additional freshwater forcing of just 0.1 Sv applied for around 100 years. The irreversible collapse is primarily due to a positive feedback associated with suppressed convection and reduced surface heat loss in the sinking region. Increased atmosphere-to-ocean freshwater flux, under a collapsed Conveyor, plays a secondary role.  相似文献   

Summary ¶In order to better understand land-atmosphere interactions and increase the predictability of climate models, it is important to investigate the role of forest representation in climate modeling. Corresponding to the big-leaf model commonly employed in land surface schemes to represent the effects of a forest, a so called big-tree model, which uses multi-layer vegetation to represent the vertical canopy heterogeneity, was introduced and incorporated into the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) regional climate model RegCM2, to make the vegetation model more physically based. Using this augmented RegCM2 and station data for China during 1991 Meiyu season, we performed 10 experiments to investigate the effects of the application of the big-tree model on the summer monsoon climate.With the big-tree model incorporated into the regional climate model, some climate characteristics, e.g. the 3-month-mean surface temperature, circulation, and precipitation, are significantly and systematically changed over the model domain, and the change of the characteristics differs depending on the area. Due to the better representation of the shading effect in the big-tree model, the temperature of the lower layer atmosphere above the plant canopy is increased, which further influences the 850hPa temperature. In addition, there are significant decreases in the mean latent heat fluxes (within 20–30W/m2) in the three areas of the model domain.The application of the big-tree model influences not only the simulated climate of the forested area, but also that of the whole model domain, and its impact is greater on the lower atmosphere than on the upper atmosphere. The simulated rainfall and surface temperature deviate from the originally simulated result and are (or seem to be) closer to the observations, which implies that an appropriate representation of the big-tree model may improve the simulation of the summer monsoon climate.We also find that the simulated climate is sensitive to some big-tree parameter values and schemes, such as the shape, height, zero-plane displacement height and mixing-length scheme. The simulated local/grid differences may be very large although the simulated areal-average differences may be much lower. The area-average differences in the monthly-mean surface temperature and heat fluxes can amount to 0.5°C and 4W/m2, respectively, which correspond to maximum local/grid differences of 3.0°C and 40W/m2 respectively. It seems that the simulated climate is most sensitive to the parameter of the zero-plane displacement among the parameters studied.  相似文献   

Summary An analysis of the report of the (U.S.) National Academy of Sciences (NAS) on atmospheric effects of a nuclear exchange leads to conclusions that differ from those of the NAS and of the earlier TTAPS and AMBIO studies. Any cooling of the earth's surface is likely to beshort-lived because of rapid removal of the smoke clouds originating from nuclear burst-initiated fires, andminor because of appreciable green-house effects due to several distinct physical causes. (One of these, neglected in prior analyses, is the infrared absorption from cirrus clouds produced directly by the nuclear bursts.) Taken together, these effects may even induce slight surface warming (nuclear summer) instead of cooling (nuclear winter). The consequences to atmospheric ozone are similarly ambiguous; depending on the detailed nuclear scenario, the net ozone content may increase-rather than decrease as argued by TTAPS. Experiments could settle some uncertainties.With 2 Figures  相似文献   

Summary Mechanisms associated with Alpine lee cyclogenesis during the early phase of their generation are investigated using a variational quasigeostrophic filter technique. It was possible to extract the quasigeostrophic signal from the available analyzed real data set.The results presented here are for the 11–12 March 1982, an example of so-called orographically induced lee cyclogenesis. Non-quasigeostrophic fields, calculated as a difference between observations and the quasigeostrophic fields, show significant magnitudes indicating the possible importance of non-quasigeostrophic processes. A dipole structure in the residual geopotential field was observed, similar to the results of numerical model experiments. Also, a strong upper-level non-quasigeostrophic divergence was found in the Alpine region 24 hours prior to lee cyclogenesis, lasting for 6–12 hours. On the other hand, quasigeostrophic results indicate only a local effect of mountain slopes, suggesting possibly a dominant role of the low-level blocking. A hypothetical scenario of Alpine lee cyclogenesis is proposed, based on results obtained here.With 14 Figures  相似文献   

Summary The sign of the vector representing the atmospheric electric field has recently been subject of debate. For the sake of clarity, it is recommended to refer only to a normal or reversed clear-weather potential gradient.
Zusammenfassung Eine in letzter Zeit entstandene Diskussion darüber, welches Vorzeichen dem Vektor des atmosphärisch-elektrischen Feldes bzw. des Potentialgefälles zuerkannt werden soll, erscheint wenig sinnvoll. Zur Vermeidung künftiger Unklarheiten wird empfohlen, bei der atmosphärischen Elektrizität nur von normaler Schönwetterrichtung und umgekehrter Schönwetterrichtung des Feldes bzw. des Potentialgefälles zu sprechen.

Résumé Une récente discussion a porté sur le signe qui devait être attribué au vecteur du champ électrique atmosphérique respectivement de son gradient de potentiel. On recommande, pour éviter à l'avenir toute confusion, de ne parler en électricité atmosphérique et quand il s'agit du champ ou du gradient de potentiel, que de «direction normale de beau temps» et de «direction inversée de beau temps».

Dedicated to Dr.W. Mörikofer on the occasion of his 70th birthday.  相似文献   

Influence of heterogeneous land surfaces on surface energy and mass fluxes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Land-surface heterogeneity affects surface energy fluxes. The magnitudes of selected land-surface influences are quantified by comparing observations with model simulations of the FIFE (First ISLSCP Field Experiment) domain. Several plausible heterogeneous and homogeneous initial and boundary conditions are examined, although soilmoisture variability is emphasized. It turns out that simple spatial averages of surface variation produced biased flux values. Simulated maximum latent-heat fluxes were approximately 30 to 40 W m–2 higher, and air temperatures 0.4 °C lower (at noon), when computations were initialized with spatially averaged soil-moisture and leaf-area-index fields. The planetary boundary layer (PBL) height and turbulent exchanges were lower as well. It additionally was observed that (largely due to the nonlinear relationship between initial soil-moisture availability and the evapotranspiration rate), real latent-heat flux can be substantially less than simulated latent-heat flux using models initialized with spatially averaged soil-moisture fields. Differences between real and simulated fluxes also vary with the resolution at which real soil-moisture heterogeneity is discretized.With 8 Figures  相似文献   

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