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空间观测技术在地震监测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨林章  申旭辉 《地震》2005,25(3):129-133
当前地面地震监测系统主要观测单点的相对变化,由于观测台站密度低,观测资料覆盖面小,不能满足地震预测所需的信息。空间观测技术的发展提供了新的地震监测技术和方法,卫星空间监测技术具有覆盖面广、信息量大、动态性好以及分辨率高等优势,因而可提供更为丰富的地震前兆信息。岩石实验的结果和一些应用研究的结果显示,空间观测技术在地震监测中具有优越的应用前景。  相似文献   




Only recently, medium intensity inflow events into the Baltic Sea have gained more awareness because of their potential to ventilate intermediate layers in the Southern Baltic Sea basins. With the present high-resolution model study of the Western Baltic Sea a first attempt is made to obtain model based realistic estimates of turbulent mixing in this area where dense bottom currents resulting from medium intensity inflow events are weakened by turbulent entrainment. The numerical model simulation which is carried out using the General Estuarine Transport Model (GETM) during nine months in 2003 and 2004 is first validated by means of three automatic stations at the Drogden and Darss Sills and in the Arkona Sea. In order to obtain good agreement between observations and model results, the 0.5×0.50.5×0.5 nautical mile bathymetry had to be adjusted in order to account for the fact that even at that scale many relevant topographic features are not resolved. Current velocity, salinity and turbulence observations during a medium intensity inflow event through the Øresund are then compared to the model results. Given the general problems of point to point comparisons between observations and model simulations, the agreement is fairly good with the characteristic features of the inflow event well represented by the model simulations. Two different bulk measures for mixing activity are then introduced, the vertically integrated decay of salinity variance, which is equal to the production of micro-scale salinity variance, and the vertically integrated turbulent salt flux, which is related to an increase of potential energy due to vertical mixing of stably stratified flow. Both measures give qualitatively similar results and identify the Drogden and Darss Sills as well as the Bornholm Channel as mixing hot spots. Further regions of strong mixing are the dense bottom current pathways from these sills into the Arkona Sea, areas around Kriegers Flak (a shoal in the western Arkona Sea) and north–west of the island of Rügen.  相似文献   


珠江三角洲位于华夏板块南部, 虽然已发现多个水热型地热田, 但地热研究仍然较为薄弱.岩石热物性研究是地热研究中最为基础和重要的工作之一.本研究采集并测量了珠江三角洲与周边典型地区100块地表岩石的密度、热导率、热扩散率, 以及50块岩浆岩的U、Th、K2O含量, 并分别计算了体积热容和放射性生热率.实测结果表明, 碎屑岩中细砂岩的热导率最高(3.94±0.92 W·(m·K)-1), 页岩的热导率最低(2.68±0.55 W·(m·K)-1).岩石热导率和热扩散率具有明显的正相关性.结合地层厚度建立了地层热物性柱, 其中古近系的热导率最低, 地层热物性与沉积环境有关.岩浆岩中玄武岩的热导率最低(2.17±0.13 W·(m·K)-1), 花岗岩平均热导率为3.87±0.59 W·(m·K)-1.花岗岩放射性生热率在0.36~14.23 μW·m-3之间, 平均值为5.23±3.03 μW·m-3, 属于高产热花岗岩.结合前人对研究区岩石放射性元素含量的测试结果, 我们发现, 相对于K2O, U、Th与生热率具有更强的相关性, 并对产热的贡献更高.相对于花岗岩, 玄武岩的生热率较低, K2O对产热的贡献较高.新的资料为区域热流的确定和地热资源评价提供了新的视角.模拟和计算结果表明, 三水盆地沉积层能对深部热量起到聚集和保存的作用, 并在基底附近形成高温区(>150 ℃); 上地壳中花岗岩体产生的热流超过45 mW·m-2, 占地表热流的一半以上.盆地和花岗岩体均具有形成高温地热资源的地质条件.此外, 酸性岩浆岩放射性生热率随时间逐渐降低的特征与幔源基性岩浆的混合作用有关.


地震前海平面异常变化和机理研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据国内外沿海大地震前后海平面变化的实例,分析海平面变化的前兆意义。资料证实,大部分近海大地震前存在局部海域可以识别的海平面异常变化。19世纪以来,世界各地的验潮站记录了大量与地震有关的海平面变化实例,为定量分析提供了可能。最有代表的标准震例是1941年11月葡萄牙亚速尔群岛8.3级大地震,我国渤海1969年7月在8日7.4级地震前后烟台站的验潮记录也显示出显著异常。海域构造环境和地震发生机制不同  相似文献   

紫坪铺水库地震监测预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
紫坪铺水库微震台网已经运行逾6年,强震台网已经运行逾3年,水库蓄水逾4年。2006年10月水磨突发ML1.4级微小地震群,库区及附近和库坝区地震活跃,依据监测研究较准确预测了2006年11月至2007年2月的水磨ML2.5级地震群。研究认为ML2.5级地震群是蓄水初期诱发的一些浅表卸荷型或岩溶塌陷型小地震。2008年5月12日汶川8级特大天然地震发生在微震台网监测范围内,水库微震台网和强震台阵的运行正常,为政府抗震救灾有效决策提供了科学依据,为稳定社会发挥了作用。  相似文献   

海洋热流数据是开展海洋地球动力学研究和油气资源评价的基础数据.为深入认识琼东南盆地的地热特征,本文首先利用耦合沉积作用与岩石圈张裂过程的数值模型分析了张裂型盆地主要地热参数的垂向变化特征;并通过钻孔资料的详细分析,获得了琼东南盆地44口钻孔的热流数据;结合海底地热探针获取的热流数据,对琼东南盆地地热特征及其主要影响因素进行了简要分析.结果表明:沉积作用的热披覆效应对表层热流有较明显的抑制作用,由于沉积物生热效应与披覆效应的共同作用,同一钻孔处海底表层热流与钻孔深度3000~4000 m处热流或与海底间的平均热流差异很小,可以一起用于分析琼东南盆地的热流分布特征;莺歌海组、乐东组热导率随深度变化小于黄流组及其下地层热导率的变化,钻孔沉积层平均热导率约为1.7 W·(m·K)-1,钻孔地层生热率一般低于2.5 μW·m-3,平均生热率为1.34 μW·m-3,平均地温梯度主要介于30~45 ℃/km,热流介于50~99 mW·m-2,陆架区热流主要集中于60~70 mW·m-2,深水区钻孔具有较高的地温梯度和热流值;从北部陆架与上陆坡区往中央坳陷带,热流值从50~70 mW·m-2,增高为65~85 mW·m-2,并且往东有升高趋势,在盆地东部宝岛凹陷、长昌凹陷与西沙海槽北部斜坡带构成一条热流值高于85 mW·m-2的高热流带.进一步分析认为,琼东南盆地现今热流分布特征是深部热异常、强烈减薄岩石圈的裂后冷却作用、晚期岩浆热事件、地壳与沉积层的生热贡献以及沉积作用的热披覆效应等多种主要因素综合作用的结果.  相似文献   

位于四川省甘孜藏族自治州康定市内大渡河干流的长河坝—黄金坪水电站,为大渡河流域开发中,以长河坝、大岗山、瀑布沟等形成主要梯级格局开发方案中,"三库22级"水电站中的第10和11级电站,其地震监测台网也采用梯级设计方式,长河坝—黄金坪上下游水库地震监测台网统一设计、建设及监测,共享同一地震监测能力。通过对监测设备的技术指标、台基地噪声水平和震级—频度对数关系的分析,结果表明,长河坝—黄金坪水库区域地震固定台站建成后,地震监测能力达到并优于设计的理论监测能力,地震监测震级达到下限为ML 0.5的设计要求。  相似文献   

Matrix bound phosphine (MBP), a kind of chemically reduced phosphorus, has received limited attention in prevailing modeling of the phosphorus biogeochemical cycle. MBP has been found to occur in marine sediments. MBP in the sediments of the Yellow Sea and its coastal areas was measured by gas chromatography from 2004 to 2007. MBP levels in surface sediments were 0.19–38.24 ng kg−1 in the shelf of the Yellow Sea, 0.34–17.15 ng kg−1 in the Jiaozhou Bay, 2.11–71.79 ng kg−1 in the Sanggou Bay and 0.28–319.32 ng kg−1 in the rivers around the Jiaozhou Bay. High levels of MBP occurred in the northern and middle areas of the Yellow Sea. Obvious seasonal variation of MBP was observed in surface sediments of the Sanggou Bay, with the highest MBP level occurring in summer and the lowest in winter. MBP in surface sediments of the inner Jiaozhou Bay was higher than those in the outer region. MBP levels increased with depth in the top 5–10 cm sediments of the Jiaozhou Bay and on the intertidal flats. Environmental factors such as type of sediments, temperature, organic matter and human activity were found to affect the concentrations and distribution of MBP in marine sediments.  相似文献   

The orientations of 368 gorgonian and antipatharian sea fans were measured using video taken with a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) within five study areas on the Mississippi/Alabama continental shelf. Sea fans were oriented nonrandomly and exhibited a strongly preferred direction of orientation at each of the five study sites. Orientations corresponded closely to the mean direction of the time-averaged current flow measured synoptically from 11 current meters in the vicinity of the study sites.  相似文献   

基于2009年和2011年采集的海底地震仪数据,辅以多道地震数据,对南海西南次海盆北缘的地壳结构进行了探索.利用二维射线追踪的反演方法建立测线上的模型.利用声学基底面的反射波,下地壳顶界面的反射波和莫霍面的反射波走时的反演勾绘了地层中的不连续界面,利用自声学基底面下的折射波和来自上地幔的首波来反演整条测线的P波速度结构...  相似文献   

Two diagnostic models, reproducing circulation generated in a marginal sea by variable density, have been developed. The models’ domain is a 2D transverse section for which analytical solutions have been obtained. They describe the winter situation in the northern Adriatic, with a strong vertical mixing present and the density maximum dominating the centre of the basin. Both models employ Boussinesq-type parametrisation of friction and linear slip at the bottom. The first model allows for frictional departure from hydrostatic equilibrium and includes vertical friction only. The second one is hydrostatic but allows for lateral friction as well. The results obtained by the two models are similar and to some extent dependent on the vertical and bottom friction. They reproduce several well known characteristics of the Adriatic circulation (cyclonic surface flow, downwelling in the central and larger part of the basin compensated by upwelling in the coastal zone) but also predict some phenomena that are still not well understood. A conspicuous feature of the model results are coastal jets, which were observed in the Adriatic on several occasions. The present models show that the distance of jets from the coasts depends on lateral friction: it is found to vary from 1 up to 10 km on the Italian side and between 2 and 15 km on the Croatian side. Both models reproduce the west–east asymmetry, with the wider current on the east side of the basin. The asymmetry is a subject on which conflicting empirical results exist in the Adriatic. In the two models cyclonic flow occupies the whole water column, which disagrees with some recent theoretical findings of the near-bottom anticyclonic flow and thus leaves the issue open.  相似文献   

利用山东数字地震台网和青岛数字地震台网的地震波形资料,基于单次散射模型的尾波小波包分析方法,计算了青岛地区4个台站附近的尾波Q值,拟合得到青岛地区及附近海域尾波Q值随频率的变化关系为:Q=123.5×f^0.9;并对2003年6月青岛市王哥庄的4级震群序列的Q值进行计算分析,结果表明,在震群期间Q值变化不大。  相似文献   

浑善达克沙地是我国主要的沙尘暴源区之一,近代浑善达克沙地的生态环境脆弱,沙化日益严重,已成为困扰北京沙尘的主要源头之一,严重影响了京津、乃至整个华北地区的生态安全以及当地生态、社会和经济的可持续发展,这一问题引起广泛的关注。DInSAR技术是重要的监测沙漠高程变化的技术,本文利用DInSAR技术,在对比分析6景ERS-2和EnviSat雷达图像基础上,对2004年10月26日和2005年10月11日两幅EnviSatASAR影像进行了干涉处理,经过配准、平地效应改正、滤波、相位解缠和地理编码,得到高程形变模型。根据研究结果,大部分地区高程是降低的,少数地区高程是升高的,这与2005年春天沙尘暴高强度发生的情况相一致,推广利用DInSAR技术实现沙漠地表形变监测具有重要作用。  相似文献   

We apply a combination of earthquake early warning system (EEWS) and real-time strong motion monitoring system (RSMS) to emergency response for a high-rise building; The Kogakuin University has a 29-story high-rise building in Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo. The proposed strategy is based on the Plan, Do, Check, Action (PDCA) Cycle to brush up the systems and the users: in the “Plan” stage, we apply EEWS and RSMS to the building, where EEWS predicts not only short-period strong ground motions but also long-period ground motions [1]. The system is built into a building announcement system, an emergency elevator control system, and an email message system, which quickly send emails to the emergency response team. Meanwhile, RSMS provides information on seismic intensities at each floor of the building via the web browser in real time using the existing network in the building. In addition, the building response and structural damage can be estimated based on this information. The network system is impervious to the earthquake damage, because the network cable has extra length, there is, however, possible that a network system does not work due to power outage. Thus, we develop the network system that has uninterruptible power-supply system (UPS) and apply it to EEWS and RSMS. The high-rise building has the emergency call units to the security control center in the building on every floor. The emergency call line, however, will be busy promptly, because it is able to use only one line. Therefore, we installed IP telephone which uses the network system on main floors. UPS will work about 30 min after a major earthquake, it is supposed to be enough time for gathering the damage information about the building during initial response. In the “Do” stage, we prepare emergency response instruction manuals and educate the faculty members and students to carry out promptly emergency response. In the “Check” stage, the validity of the proposed systems are verified by carrying out an earthquake drill in an actual high-rise building. The earthquake drill confirmed that our proposed approach is valid. In the final “Action” stage, we improve these systems and emergency response manual and educate people in the building how to use effectively these systems.  相似文献   

On data of the Barents Sea and some regions of the Kara, White, Norwegian and Greenland Seas transregional study, carried out in 1991–1992, concentrations of various contaminants in benthic algae and invertebrates are defined. According to the results of two-way ANOVA the conclusion about the absence of spatial variability in concentrations of POP, TM and K-40 in the investigated shelf biota is done. Concentrations of the analysed substances in organisms and the differences in contaminant bioaccumulation by plants and animals of various taxons are presented in a form of a table. In spite of the discrepant information about the background level of contamination, given by different authors, the obtained data to a greater degree corresponds to the idea of the background concentration of contaminants in biota, than testify to the man-induced pollution of the investigated area.  相似文献   

王彦林  阎贫 《地球物理学报》2009,52(9):2282-2290
多次深地震探测结果表明南海北部陆缘地壳结构在走向和倾向上都有明显的变化.在一些相隔很近的测线上,探测的深部地壳结构却相差较大,为了分析这些探测结果中差异的原因和地壳结构变化的可靠性,本文以东沙东侧海域测线和东沙西侧海域测线为例,对采集的海底地震仪记录进行了时间、位置校正和初至波走时拾取,利用有限差分地震走时层析成像进行了走时反演,获得所在剖面的地壳速度结构,并分析了模型的横向分辨率,剔除模型中短波长的横向速度变化.分辨率检测结果表明,模型的横向分辨率随着深度快速下降,0~8 km深度范围可以分辨10 km的横向变化,8~17 km的范围能够分辨10~40 km,而17~33 km的范围只能分辨40~80 km.因此,折射波的横向分辨能力不高,在地壳深部难以分辨较小的横向速度变化,前人探测的南海北部6 km宽、延伸至莫霍面的滨外断裂带并不能清晰的识别.  相似文献   

地震监测人工源极低频电磁技术(CSELF)新试验   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
2009年利用大功率人工源极低频电磁技术(CSELF)在位于华北、华南、东北、西北和西南的12个地震台站和几个流动观测点进行了连续30天新的观测试验.结果表明,利用CSELF技术可以在1700 km之外测量到人工源电磁场信号,计算得到的电、磁场功率谱密度和视电阻率与天然源信号相比,抗干扰能力更强,观测信号更稳定,特别有利于识别和捕捉地震等诱发的电磁异常现象,在地震预测监测中具有很大的研究应用潜力.试验还发现,各地震台站和流动测点观测的CSELF信号的强度,与台站或者测量的电、磁场分量相对于发射源的距离、方位有明显的关系;发现在离开发射源的相对近区,场强随距离的衰减,比在相对远区更快;发现接收磁场信号比电场信号较易获得更高信噪比的数据.  相似文献   

根据山西静乐井 1986年至 2 0 0 0年每年 1月至 6月的水位日均值变化曲线和 10 a来晋北、晋冀蒙交界地区发生的 6次 5 .0级以上中强地震的对应关系 ,得出静乐井是山西水网中一口较理想的地震观测井的结论。指出该井每年 1月至 6月水位日均值的变化动态可以用来监视晋北、晋冀蒙交界地区的中强地震  相似文献   

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