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In order to describe and explain the effect of bowing of marble facade panels, neutron time-of-flight diffraction was applied to determine residual macro- and microstrain on the calcite mineral phase. The measurements were combined with investigations of the crystallographic preferred orientation (texture) measurements by neutron diffraction, macroscopic measuring of the bowing on marble building stones, as well as microfabric analyses. Three samples were investigated to explain the bowing effect: a fresh broken sample, a good conditioned facade panel and a strongly deformed facade panel. Residual intracrystalline strain was detected in all investigated samples, which differed in the degree of bowing. For the first time, the preferred orientation and the residual strain were found to be related. The results show that different strain magnitudes are reflected by residual strains, which differ significantly in magnitude and direction. Furthermore, different Bragg peak widths have been detected as an indication of microscopic strain. The observed residual strain values in the samples are related with the grain shape and texture properties. 相似文献
Attempts to use rock deformation experiments to examine the elastic and plastic behaviour of polymineralic rocks are hampered by the fact that usually only whole sample properties can be monitored as opposed to the separate contribution of each phase. To circumvent this difficulty, room-temperature, uniaxial compression experiments were performed in a neutron beam-line on a suite of calcite + halite samples with different phase volume proportions. By collecting diffraction data during loading, the elastic strain and hence stress in each phase was determined as a function of load to bulk strains of 1–2%. In all cases, the calcite behaved elastically while the halite underwent plastic yielding. During the fully elastic part of the deformation, the composite elastic properties and the within-phase stresses are well-described both by recent shear lag models and by analyses based on Eshelby's solution for the elastic field around an ellipsoidal inclusion in a homogeneous medium. After the onset of yielding, the halite in situ stress/total strain curve may be reconstructed using the rule of mixtures. At calcite contents of greater than 30%, the in situ halite response may be significantly weaker or stronger than that obtained at lesser calcite contents. The results highlight the potential that such techniques offer for developing an explicitly experimental approach for determining the influence of microstructural variables on the mechanical properties of polymineralic rocks. 相似文献
对于砂岩文物,成分不同、结构不同,表面变化过程和变化结果也不同。以中国三处(石门山、云冈石窟、乐山大佛)砂岩文物为例,联合使用肉眼鉴定与灰度阈值法得到了砂岩文物CT图像中不同矿物成分的实际分布,分析了不同位置切片图像的成分特点与结构特点,研究了砂岩内部结构数字图像特征参数的变化规律,探讨了三处砂岩文物数字图像特征参数的区别及其与岩样外观表现的关系。结果表明,三处砂岩文物样品主要成分均为石英和长石,石英含量大小顺序是石门山砂岩>云冈石窟砂岩>乐山大佛砂岩;乐山大佛砂岩形状变化最小,云冈石窟砂岩次之,石门山砂岩形状最不规则;石门山砂岩纹理最复杂,乐山大佛砂岩最为简单;乐山大佛砂岩表面风化严重、但随深度增加变化不明显,云冈石窟砂岩距表面越深、风化越弱,石门山砂岩风化变化比较复杂。研究结果对石质文物保护具有重要的参考价值。 相似文献
地震载荷是影响复杂结构斜坡塌滑的一个重要因素。本文以汶川震区一边坡为实例,利用有限差分法FLAC-3D对地震动力下斜坡进行了数值模拟。并且在用FLAC-3D进行斜坡动力分析时探讨了边界条件设置、动力时程的合成以及输入和转化。从位移场与速度场进行了详细的动力分析,获得该斜坡地震载荷下位移场、速度场的变化规律,指出山体斜坡在非连续介质状态下软弱面区域位移和速度最大,为后续进行复杂的山体破坏力学研究提供理论依据。 相似文献
Recordings from downhole accelerometer arrays offer unique insight into soil behavior and ground response during earthquakes. In this paper we present a scheme for interpolating displacement and acceleration measurements to provide approximations for subsurface shear strain and stress as continuous functions of time. Our suggested interpolating functions are constructed in such a way that the free surface boundary condition will always be satisfied and the interpolated displacement and acceleration remain finite for all depths. We also show how the functions can be adapted to represent layered soil profiles. Depending on the number of instruments in the downhole array, a truncated series of functions can be derived so that each represents a modal shape for the layered soil profile. The resulting approximations for strain and stress are considered more accurate and robust than previous approximations. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Nicholas J. Milton 《Tectonophysics》1980,64(1-2)
An ellipsoid is defined by, and may be re-constructed from, any three sections through it. In the field, calculation of the strain ellipsoid from general sections (two-dimensional strain ellipses determined from measured strain markers) is complicated by the fact that, due to experimental error and/or strain inhomogeneity, the three ellipses may not come from the same ellipsoid. The ellipses must first be adjusted to make them compatible. A method is suggested by which an adjustment ellipse is determined analytically for each of the three sections. Application of these adjustment ellipses makes the three sections compatible, and the strain ellipsoid may be determined. The principal axes of the ellipsoid are derived from the ellipsoid matrix by eigenvector analysis. Examples are given of practical applications of this method. 相似文献
We have measured P- and S-wave velocities on two amphibolite and two gneiss samples from the Kola superdeep borehole as a function of pressure (up to 600 MPa) and temperature (up to 600 °C). The velocity measurements include compressional (Vp) and shear wave velocities (Vs1, Vs2) propagating in three orthogonal directions which were in general not parallel to inherent rock symmetry axes or planes. The measurements are accompanied by 3D-velocities calculations based on lattice preferred orientation (LPO) obtained by TOF (Time Of Flight) neutron diffraction analysis which allows the investigation of bulk volumes up to several cubic centimetres due to the high penetration depth of neutrons. The LPO-based numerical velocity calculations give important information on the different contribution of the various rock-forming minerals to bulk elastic anisotropy and on the relations of seismic anisotropy, shear wave splitting, and shear wave polarization to the structural reference frame (foliation and lineation). Comparison with measured velocities obtained for the three propagation directions that were not in accordance with the structural frame of the rocks (foliation and lineation) demonstrate that for shear waves propagating through anisotropic rocks the vibration directions are as important as the propagation directions. The study demonstrates that proper measurement of shear wave splitting by means of two orthogonal polarized sending and receiving shear wave transducers is only possible when their propagation and polarization directions are parallel and normal to foliation and lineation, respectively. 相似文献
The appearance of shear banding in granular materials has been investigated intensively during the last decades and is still of ongoing importance in terms of understanding the stress–strain behaviour of the material, the localization phenomena and the interaction between soil and structure. Only less attention has been paid to the occurrence of systems of shear bands although such systems can be identified in geotechnical structures as well as in geological formations. In this paper we present results of experiments on sand specimens under extensional load in natural gravity as well as in increased gravity in the centrifuge where the influence of the stress level on the geometry of a shear band pattern, specified by the spacing of the shear bands and the angle between failure surfaces and minor stress direction, has been investigated. X‐ray technique has been used to visualize the failure zones inside the specimen, an optical measurement system called Digital Image Correlation has been applied to identify and observe the appearing deformation mechanism on the sides of the specimens in natural gravity as well as during the flight in the centrifuge. It can be shown that the geometry of the shear band pattern is sparsely influenced by the change of the stress level. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
加载速率对裂隙岩体的力学性质及变形破坏均有重要影响。利用二维颗粒流程序PFC2D开展了不同倾角非贯通单裂隙砂岩试件的单轴压缩试验,研究了中等应变率对裂隙砂岩应力-应变曲线特征、裂隙尖端应力状态、特征应力状态、岩体损伤及裂隙扩展等力学响应的影响规律。裂隙岩体应力-应变曲线呈现明显的波动性,定义应力突变指标 对应力突变型波动剧烈程度进行了定量统计分析:随应变率的增加,曲线应力突变波动越剧烈,且峰后明显大于峰前;随裂隙倾角的增大,波动幅度峰前增大,而峰后减小。裂隙尖端破裂应力随应变率增大均有所提高,随裂隙倾角的增大,切向剪应力 总体上呈增加变化,而法向应力 明显减小。尖端破裂时岩样加载应力 、岩样临界扩容应力 及峰值应力 均随应变率增大而增大。裂隙尖端的破裂可立即引起岩体扩容,一般应变率越低,岩体裂隙尖端破裂点 和扩容点 越接近峰值强度 。随着应变率的提高,损伤裂纹及宏观裂隙类型越多,岩体试件损伤破裂程度越强,特别是试件端部效应愈显著。裂隙首先以I型翼裂纹在其尖端起裂,而I型翼裂纹的扩展长度与加载速率与裂隙倾角具有较强的相关性。 相似文献
超长钻孔桩竖向承载性状的试验研究 总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11
利用工程桩作为锚桩,并在反力系统中充分应用预应力技术,建立了大吨位静载试验装置。分析了超长桩的承载性能和荷载传递机理,结果表明:超长桩的荷载-沉降曲线没有明显破坏点。其竖向荷载主要依靠桩侧摩阻力进行传递,桩侧摩阻力的发挥存在最佳深度范围。超长桩的承载性能还受土体特性、施工工艺等因素影响。 相似文献
根据饱和土比奥理论与最小势能原理及薄板理论,采用子结构法,把上部结构、基础和地基作为一个共同作用的整体,在接触界面上满足变形协调条件,建立移动荷载作用下饱和土体地基-筏板-上部结构共同作用的积分方程。对积分方程的数值求解和相应的Fourier逆变换,得到任意时刻上部结构、筏板的内力和位移以及地基反力。最后通过数值计算,分析了饱和土体参数、移动荷载的速度等对上部结构水平、垂直方向的振动的影响特点。数值结果表明:上部结构各层的水平位移、竖向位移都随荷载速度增大而增加;竖向位移随楼层增加变化不大,当荷载速度较低时,水平位移随上部结构高度的变化曲线平滑少弯折,说明振动较稳定。但当荷载速度较高时,水平位移随楼层变化曲折越明显,层间差异大 相似文献
地震作用下加筋土坡临界高度研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以塑性极限分析理论为基础,假定破裂面为对数螺旋面,考虑加筋机理和地震力的作用,提出了加筋土坡临界高度的计算模型。应用该计算模型,不仅能考虑地震力的作用,而且能考虑不同的加筋机理对临界高度的影响。通过与前人静力试验结果的对比发现,基于复合加筋机理得到的临界高度比基于单一加筋机理得到的临界高度要偏大,且更接近于实测值,表明了该理论及其求解方法的有效性和可靠性。通过对地震作用下加筋边坡的临界高度分析表明,地震力作用下摩擦加筋机理对临界高度基本没有影响,主要是准粘聚力机理在起作用。该方法可对加筋边坡临界高度的设计提供有益的指导和参考。 相似文献
近海风机结构和基础长期承受着巨大的水平向环境荷载。在风机的服役周期中,地震荷载与水平环境荷载会有大概率同时空作用于风机基础上。研发了初始水平环境施加装置,设计了砂土地基中的近海风机单桩基础超重力动力模型试验,从物理模型尺度初步实现了考虑初始水平环境荷载与地震荷载联合作用的单桩基础动力试验。通过超重力振动台试验发现,联合工况下干砂地基和饱和砂地基中风机单桩基础的震后桩身弯矩值要大于初始弯矩值。在饱和地基中部分深度处的震后桩身弯矩是初始弯矩值的4倍。此外桩顶水平位移在施振过程中出现了震荡累加的现象,在饱和地基中震后桩顶水平位移是初始位移的1.3倍。初始水平环境荷载与地震荷载联合作用下风机单桩基础表现出的这种耦合效应对风机的安全服役产生了巨大的挑战,在风机基础设计中值得关注。 相似文献
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering - An indirect scheme to measure radial strains on competent rock cylinders and joint deformations in jointed specimens subjected to conventional triaxial... 相似文献
单轴压缩下岩石应变局部化的应变梯度塑性解 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
通过在屈服函数中引入材料内部长度建立应变梯度塑性增量本构关系,对岩石材料在单轴压缩条件下应变局部化的二维情况进行了研究。首先,建立了在Mises屈服准则下平面应变情况的岩石材料应变局部化带的带宽与其倾角的关系式,讨论了其带宽的分布范围和最大值与最小值形成的条件,给出岩石材料破坏Ⅰ, Ⅱ类变形的条件,并推出破坏的临界角度;其次,对岩石材料Ⅰ类变形进行了详细地分析,讨论了在不同泊松比 和 条件下材料应变局部化带的倾角的变化范围;最后,利用所得的结论同材料破坏的库仑准则进行对比研究,对内摩擦系数给予了合理的解释。 相似文献
低应变下变阻抗薄壁管桩动力响应频域解析解 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
管桩低应变完整性检测时,桩顶一点受到瞬态集中荷载的作用,其动力响应问题是一个三维波动问题。基于三维波动理论,建立了任意段变阻抗薄壁管桩动力响应的计算模型和波动方程,结合初边值条件,采用Laplace变换法求得了该波动方程的频域解析解,采用Fourier逆变换求得了时域响应。将计算结果与三维有限元结果进行了对比分析,解析解的计算结果和三维有限元结果较为接近,两者在入射波峰、缺陷反射峰和桩底反射峰处都较为吻合,两种方法位移响应曲线基本相同。给出了桩顶不同点的动力响应,并探讨了高频干扰问题。对变截面桩和变模量桩的动力响应特性进行了分析。 相似文献
土体小应变剪切模量在基坑、隧道等地下工程的计算分析中有着重要作用,越来越受到人们的关注。虽然上海地区地下工程项目的建设规模不断扩大,但关于上海典型黏土层的小应变剪切模量的研究相对较少。分别采用现场波速测试和室内弯曲元试验对上海典型黏土层的初始剪切模量进行了研究。试验结果表明:在减小土样扰动、保持土样应力状态与原位土体等效的基础上,弯曲元试验得到的初始剪切模量与现场波速测试相一致;考虑了土体应力状态和孔隙比的经验公式能够合理地描述上海典型黏土层初始剪切模量的变化规律,并给出了各土层的经验参数。试验结果可为上海地区地下工程计算分析中小应变剪切模量的估算提供参考。 相似文献