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The Early-Middle Devonian Shugouzi Formation in the Quruqtagh block consists mainly of clastic rocks.However,their provenance has been scarcely studied since it was named.Geochemistry of clastic rocks was commonly used to interpret the provenance.Detrital heavy mineral analyses help frame the U-Pb age from zircon grains,integrated with geochemical data from detrital tourmaline and spinels.These techniques were used to characterize components of the sediment flux and define erosion areas in the Qurugtagh block,further providing evidence about the tectonic evolution of the South Tianshan and Tarim plate.The maximum depositional age constrained by detrital zircon dating was Early-Middle Devonian.Multiple diagrams for sedimentary provenance using major and trace elements indicate that continental island arc-related felsic rocks were the major source rocks for the Shugouzi Formation.Detrital tourmalines are dravite and schorl.The results of detrital tourmaline electron probe microanalysis(EPMA)show that the source rocks are mainly metasedimentary rocks and granitoids.The detrital chromian spinels within the sediments are characterized by high chroumium(Cr#)and varying magnesium(Mg#).The discrimination plots reveal that these spinels were sourced from island arc magmatic rocks.The laser ablation inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry(LA-ICP-MS)U-Pb chronology of detrital zircons suggests that the sediments were derived mainly from 414-491 Ma and 744-996 Ma magmatic rocks.Paleocurrent restoration,sandstone geochemistry,EPMA,and detrital zircon geochronology indicate that the source rocks were predominantly derived from Late Ordovician and Devonian magmatic rocks and subordinately from recycled Neoproterozoic magmatic rocks.Comprehensive analyses of the source areas suggest that a remnant arc still existed in the Early Devonian and the Shugouzi Formation was deposited in a passive continental margin.  相似文献   

TheMiddleandUpper~aninNorthCabhasbeenextenSiVelystudiedfor~yearSinbiostratigraphy(LuandDong,1953;Xiangatal.,1981;An,1982;Met,1993a,1993b).Ho~,thelithOStratigraphictntSwereunfortunatelydefinedbytrilobitezonesotherthanlithologitalcriteria,owingtothecomplicatedChangeSandt~itioninlithofades.CbnseqUentiy,thebio--,litho~andchronostrstigraphictntS~confuSed,asPOintedOuttosomeextentbyLuetal.(1994).Nevertheless,thezoningfossilsoftrilobiteSoCCUrredatthehorizonsSeparatedfromeachotherinseveralt…  相似文献   

Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous Sequence Stratigraphy of South China   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
SequencestratigraphyhashopaidmoreattentionforitSrelativelycompletetheoreticalsyStemandgreatsuchesinpracticesinceitwasadvancedinthe197ds.Integratingonthedataofbiostratiglaphy,lithostratigraphy,seismicstfstigraphy,geochendstryandsedirnentology,sequencestratigraphyattemptStoestablishachronostratigraphicframeworkandcormectsdepositionalsequencewithglobalsealevelchange,andhencemakeSitpossibletOpreciselycorrelatethestrataindifferentfactesareasoveraconsiderabledistance,evenovertheworld.TheUpperDevon…  相似文献   

This study provides a comprehensive sedimentologic analysis of the J2 prospective horizon (Middle–Late Bathonian) in the central West Siberian Basin. Based on the extensive dataset, it was established that structural complexity of this horizon is largely caused by a variety of depositional environments. Sedimentary facies of this horizon pass upward from widespread continental at the base, through deltaic or coastal-continental, to marginal-marine at the top. Change in the paleohypsometry of the study area reflects the distribution of depositional environments, in terms of the proportions of continental, transitional, and marine deposits. The study also shows that facies variability and change in depositional settings can have a significant control on reservoir quality, as well as its vertical and lateral distribution. Using a combination of detailed GDE reconstructions, structure contour mapping on the top and base of the J2 horizon, analyses of well test data, probability of reservoir presence, distribution of average porosity and permeability within different subenvironments, a composite map showing variations in the reservoir effectiveness in the J2 horizon was generated.  相似文献   

The central Fujian Province, situated on the juncture of paleo-uplift of Wuyishan, Yongmei Late Paleozoic depression and the eastern volcanic rift-fanlting zone, is mainly composed of the outcropped metamorphic basements in the Middle-Late and Early Proterozoic, which constitute two upper and lower giant thick formations of Precambrian volcanic-sedimentary cycles, respectively. The formation of Dongyan Group is an important Middle-Upper Proterozoic component, and the Dongyan Group is directly related to massive sulfide deposit in this area. In recent years, plenty of lead, zinc, copper, silver and gold deposits have been found and explored. The Precambrian paleorift setting of the central Fujian Province served as a favorite metallogenic background for the formation of large- and superlargescale volcanic massive sulfide (VMS) lead and zinc polymetal deposits. The Dongyan Group consists chiefly of a set of ancient volcanic sedimentary formations that are composed mainly of greenschist. Its major lithologic types comprise greenschist, marble, quartzite and granofels class including various components. The metamorphic rocks of Dongyan Group are the main composition of Middle and Upper Proterozoic volcanic-sedimentary cycle. The original rock of Dongyan Group, a stable rock association, is volcanic sedimentation and normal marine sedimentation. But the original volcanic rocks, basic and acid, are bimodal. The volcanic rocks were formed in the extensional continental rift setting.  相似文献   

The Middle to lower Upper Devonian succession of the Rügen Depression in NE Germany consists of largely clastic sediments, whereas the Upper Devonian deposits are mixed carbonate and clastic. Petrographic and geochemical data suggest that the sediments were deposited in a cratonic or recycled setting. Deposition was largely confined to a fault-bounded basin, located between two structural highs. During the Devonian, the Rügen area underwent evolution from a continental and marginal marine area during the Eifelian-early Frasnian to a deeper marine environment during the late Frasnian-early Famennian. By the latest Famennian, an open-shelf carbonate-facies environment was established.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION The Ordos basin belongs to the marginal terraceof North China ancient land,extendingtothe QinlingSea before the Mesozoic . The basin was formed dur-ing the Middle Triassic because of the extrusionfromwest to east onthe western margin of the North Chi-na plate .It was gradually depressedinto a lake basinphase in the Middle and Late Triassic ,to form thedeeper southwestern part and shallower northeasternpart lacustrine-delta clastic sedi ments of over 1 000m,known as the Y…  相似文献   

Reef frameworks and building models of the Early-Middle Permian in the eastern Kunlun Mountains have been verified through studies of reef-building communities, palaeoecology and carbonate facies. The eastern Kunlun reefs are built mainly by 6 reef-building communities, which include 11 major categories of frame-building organisms and 6 categories of reef-associated organisms. Eight types of reef-frames have been distinguished and eleven kinds of rocks identified to belong to 6 reef facies. Three sorts of reefs classified by previous researchers, namely mudmounds, knoll reefs and walled reefs, are well developed in the study area. Such reef-facies association and reef distribution show that there are 4 models of reef growth and development, i.e. the tidal-bank knoll-reef model, the plateau-margin wall-reef model, the composite wall-reef model and the deep-water mudmound model. The reefs are mainly constructed by calcareous sponge and calcareous algae, which are similar to all Permian reefs in other area  相似文献   

Toumaline is widespread in the host strata of strata-bound base metal sulphide deposits in the Devonian metallogenic district around Shanyang-Zhashui in eastern Qinling. As a member of the schorl-dravite series, the tourmaline is characterized by Mg > Fe and Na > Ca, showing apparent chemical zonation which records the geochemistry during its formation and subsequent regional metamorphism and hydrothermal overprint. The close similarity in chemical and isotopic constitutions between the tourmaline of the main metallogenic epoch in this district [FeO/(FeO + MgO)=0.34 − 0.39 and δ11B=−7.6‰ − − 8.8‰] and those related to massive sulphide deposits typical of submarine (exhalative) hydrothermal sedimentation may add further support to a similar mechanism of mineralization for the strata-bound deposits in the district. Supported by the Foundation for Young Scientists under the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Caiziyan Middle and Upper Devonian boundary section is located approximately 30 km northeast of Guilin. It hosts relatively abundant benthic and common–rare pelagic fossils, including brachiopods, corals, tentaculites, and conodonts, which may serve as a better suitable section for pelagic and neritic stratigraphic correlation. In this section, 10 “standard” conodont zones are recognized across the Givetian–Frasnian boundary, including, in descending order, the Lower hassi Zone, punctata Zone, transitans Zone, the Upper falsiovalis Zone, the Lower falsiovalis Zone, disparilis Zone, the Upper hermanni–cristatus Zone, the Lower hermanni–cristatus Zone, the Upper varcus Zone, and the Middle varcus Zone, all of which are defined by the first occurrence of their defining conodont species. The Middle–Upper Devonian (Givetian–Frasnian) boundary is defined by the first occurrence of Ancyrodella pristina in accordance with the Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP), which is assigned at 6.2m above the base of bed 19 in the Caiziyan section.  相似文献   

Existing facies models for Devonian reef systems can be divided into high‐energy and low‐energy types. A number of assumptions have been made in the development of these models and, in some cases, criteria that distinguish important aspects of the models are poorly defined. The Upper Devonian Alexandra Reef System contains a variety of reef fabrics from different depositional environments and is ideal for studying the range of environments in which stromatoporoids thrived and the facies from these different environments. A wide variety of stromatoporoid growth forms including laminar, tabular, anastamosing laminar and tabular, domal, bulbous, dendroid, expanding conical, concave‐up whorled‐laminar, concave‐up massive tabular and platy‐multicolumnar are present in the Alexandra Reef System. The whorled‐laminar and massive tabular concave‐up growth forms are virtually undocumented from other Devonian reefs but were common in the reef front of the Alexandra, where they thrived in a low‐energy environment around and below fair‐weather wave base. In contrast, high‐energy parts of the reef margin were dominated by bioclastic rubble deposits with narrow ribbon‐like discontinuous bodies of laminar stromatoporoid framestone. In the lagoon, laminar stromatoporoids formed steep‐sided sediment‐dominated bioherms in response to sea‐level rise and flooding. Relying mostly on the different reef facies in the Alexandra system, a new classification scheme for Devonian reef fabrics has been developed. Devonian reef fabrics can be classified as being: (i) sediment‐laden metazoan dominated; (ii) metazoan–microbial dominated (boundstone); (iii) metazoan dominated (framestone); or (iv) metazoan–marine cement dominated. Distinction of these fabrics carries important sedimentary and palaeoecological implications for reconstructing the depositional environment. With examples from the Alexandra Formation, it is demonstrated that reef facies accumulated in a range of depositional environments and that the simple observation of massive stromatoporoids with or without microbial deposits does not automatically imply a high‐energy reef margin, as otherwise portrayed in a number of the existing facies models for these systems.  相似文献   

湖南慈利晚二叠世生物礁成岩作用及成岩相特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王永标  徐桂荣 《沉积学报》1998,16(1):132-136
所谓成岩相是指具有特征的成岩组构的岩体。研究成岩相的目的主要是通过对沉积物中不稳定颗粒在不同的成岩条件下的后生变化特征的研究来弄清其成岩环境的变化。本文通过对湖南慈利晚二叠世生物礁成岩特征的研究,从礁相体系中划分出四种基本的成岩相类型:即海底成岩相、混合成岩相、埋藏成岩相和表生成岩相。部分成岩相又可进一步划分出成岩亚相。  相似文献   

桂中坳陷属于古生代南盘江盆地靠近江南古陆南缘的一个次级沉积坳陷,其后期构造稳定,成藏条件优越,为具有较好潜力的勘探新区.在总结前人研究的基础上,运用野外露头剖面观测、测录井、地震相分析等技术手段,研究了本区层序岩相古地理特征和沉积演化史,分析认为桂中坳陷经历加里东期隆升后,在海西早期(D-C)的拉张背景下,演变为“台—盆”相间的沉积格局,期间沉积多个孤立丘台.孤立丘台发育有生物礁滩,发育时间从中泥盆世早期一直延续至中泥盆世晚期,礁滩发育具有垂向上“三种五期”叠置加积的特征.  相似文献   

西沙群岛西科1井第四纪钙藻及其生态功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对西沙群岛西科1井第四纪地层中的钙藻进行了初步研究, 共鉴定钙藻3科7属, 包括红藻门珊瑚藻科让氏藻属、蟹手藻属、珊瑚藻属、石枝藻属和石孔藻属, 以及绿藻门松藻科仙掌藻属和粗枝藻科伞轴藻属.通过对地层中钙藻形态功能的分析, 西科1井第四纪早期海水较深, 沉积环境为礁前相, 中期外礁坪和内礁坪交替沉积, 至晚期出现短时间的泻湖相之后沉积环境演变为礁后滩相.西科1井第四纪钙藻在造礁功能上主要体现在2个方面: (1)通过自身的钙化作用, 为生物礁的生长供应微小碳酸盐颗粒沉积物; (2)利用自身形成的节片结构和生物捆扎-粘结结构参与造礁.   相似文献   

四川龙门山地区早中泥盆世孢子化石研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄敏  朱怀诚  刘锋 《地质论评》2016,62(6):1533-1548
本文系统研究了四川龙门山地区下泥盆统桂溪组、木耳厂组、观音庙组、关山坡组以及中泥盆统金宝石组的孢子化石,共鉴定孢子41属81种,建立了三个孢子组合带,由下至上分别是:Retusotriletes rotundus—Calamospora panucea(RP)孢子组合、Synorisporites downtoensis—Verrucosisporites scurrus(DS)孢子组合、Densosporites inaequus—Grandispora inculta(Ⅱ)孢子组合。通过与研究较为详细的西欧、北美地区的经典资料,包括老红砂岩大陆、北欧、加拿大等地区,以及国内相关资料的对比,结合特征种的地层分布、重要属种的含量、孢子大小等组合特征,确定RP组合时代为Lochkovian,DS组合时代为Pragian至早Emsian,Ⅱ组合时代为Eifelian中晚期—Givetian早期。这也是首次在金宝石组中发现孢子化石并对其进行研究。另外,通过对孢子直径的统计分析从另一个角度探讨了古植物的演化历程。  相似文献   

分叉波痕在广西上泥盆统钙质浊积岩中的发现及意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
小型不对称分叉波痕(简称分叉波痕)发现于桂林杨堤剖面上泥盆统弗拉斯阶linguiformis牙形石带,桂林碳酸盐台地东南缘斜坡相钙质浊积岩鲍马序列C段。波长7.5~8.0cm,波高0.5~0.8cm,波痕指数15~10;向流面长5.0~7.0cm,背流面长2.5~4.0cm,波痕对称指数2.0~1.8;背流面向东倾;波脊较圆滑、缓曲,且具明显的分叉现象。是浊流流速减缓,密度流转化为牵引流后在低流态条件下,并叠加有推进型风暴浪作用形成的复合成因波痕。根据该波痕和寄主地层特征,推断含分叉波痕的阳朔碳酸盐盆地的最大水深约100m,极限水深小于200m。这一估计值应能代表广西乃至华南板块泥盆纪广泛发育的含牙形石动物群和钙质浊积岩碳酸盐沉积盆地的定量水深,可能也代表了弗拉斯阶一法门阶之交受集群绝灭事件重创的浅水海相生物与基本未受影响的深水海相生物的水深分界线。  相似文献   

桂林泥盆纪碳酸盐台地礁组合的层序地层研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
桂林的泥盆系以发育碳酸盐台地和礁组合沉积为特征,岩相多样,地层对比和时代确定的难度较大。本文应用层序地层学原理,结合生物地层和岩石地层特征,研究桂林泥盆系露头的相结构及碳酸盐台地礁组合不同亚相的9个剖面中的不整合界面,识别出该区中、晚泥盆世地层的5个层序界面:(1)牙形刺下varcus亚带和中varcus亚带之间;(2)牙形刺hermmani-cristatus带和disparilis带之间;(3)牙形刺下rhenane亚带和上rhenane亚带之间;(4)牙形刺expansa带内部;(5)牙形刺praesulcata带和sulcata带之间。这些层序界面在岩石学上的特征为具有生物铸模溶孔的白云岩和不同规模的暴露溶蚀面。比较明显的大的海泛面有2次:(1)牙形刺ensensis带和varcus带之间;(2)牙形刺linguiformis带和下triangularis亚带之间。  相似文献   

Growth Dynamics of the Middle Devonian Jukoupu Bioherm,Xinshao, Hunan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The growth process, palaeoecological features and the function of organisms in reef-building of the Jukoupu bioherm in Hunan are discussed in detail. The bioherm is divided into 10 microfacies. Organisms are very abundant in the reef. Thirty-two genera Belonging to 7 phyla have been recognized. They make up 5 communities composed mainly of stromatopoids, Corals and algae, each of which has its own salient ecological features. An analysis of all communities shows that the organic functions are very complex. The same organisms may possess diverse functions simultaneously as the reef growth enters the late stage. The growth process of the reef may involve five stages' (l)biostrome stage, (2) stabilization stage, (3) frame-type reef-building stage, (4) binding and covering-type reef-building stage, and (5) baffle- type reef -building stage.  相似文献   

The middle Cretaceous Kazhdumi Formation,with a thickness of 222 m,belongs to the Bangestan Group and occurs in the Zagros folded zone in southwest Iran.The lower boundary with the Dariyan Formation is disconformable,which is recognized by iron oxides and glauconite.The recognized microfossils are Valvulammina sp.,Scandonea sp.,Daxia cenomana,Choffatela sp., Pseudolituonella reicheli and calcareous algae-Lithocodium aggregation(which belongs to the Sarvak Formation),representing the beginning of Cenomani...  相似文献   

Subaerial unconformities are used widely for palaeoenvironmental and palaeogeographic reconstructions, sequence stratigraphy and petroleum reservoir assessments. Recognition and interpretation of these unconformities, particularly those with associated palaeosols, may be problematic in Lower and Middle Palaeozoic carbonate successions because of the collective effect of limited land plant development, superficial similarities between some pedogenic and marine features, and overprinting by later diagenesis. The isolated Judy Creek reef complex in the Lower Frasnian Swan Hills Formation in west‐central Alberta, Canada, contains two subaerial unconformities, R0.5 and R4, which formed as a consequence of relative sea‐level falls of at least regional scale. Deposits beneath these unconformities have distinctive palaeosol and palaeokarst features. The lower unconformity, R0.5, occurs at the top of a progradational reefal phase of stromatoporoid rudstones–floatstones and peloidal packstones–grainstones and has been recognized in at least one other isolated Swan Hills reef complex (Snipe Lake). Palaeosol–palaeokarst profiles beneath this unconformity extend as deep as ca 2 m below the unconformity. These profiles are characterized by the presence of small rhizoliths, laminar calcretes, ferroan dolomite glaebules, desiccation cracks, breccias, green shale and solution vugs. The upper unconformity, R4, occurs at the top of a backstepping phase of reef growth and has been correlated widely between isolated reefs and carbonate banks on both the western and eastern shelves of the Central Alberta Basin. Palaeosol–palaeokarst profiles, extending as deep as ca 9·5 m beneath the R4 unconformity, are distinguished by abundant, sub‐horizontal desiccation cracks filled with green shale, occurring in peloidal wackestones–packstones. Comparison of the R0.5 and R4 profiles indicates that the major intrinsic controls on the development and modification of the profiles are parent‐material lithology, particularly the prior degree of induration and particle size; the low topographic relief at the top of the reef interior; and limited vegetation of the exposed reef top due to unfavourable growth conditions and geographic isolation. In addition to climate, the major extrinsic controls are the extent of relative sea‐level fall, estimated to be 2·5 to 3 m and 13 to 14 m associated with the R0.5 and R4 unconformities, respectively, and the degree of shoreface erosion during the ensuing marine transgression, estimated to be up to 3 m. This study highlights the complex interplay of mainly physical and chemical processes influencing the formation of subaerial unconformities in carbonate environments during the Devonian, before major evolutionary innovations among vascular land plants led to more intense pedogenesis.  相似文献   

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