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The temporal evolution of North American kimberlites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
North American kimberlite magmatism spans a period of time in excess of 1 billion years from Mesoproterozoic kimberlites in the Lake Superior and James Bay Lowlands region of Ontario to Eocene kimberlites in the Lac de Gras field, N.W.T. Based on a compilation of more than 150 robust radiometric age determinations, several distinct kimberlite emplacement patterns are recognized. In general, the temporal pattern of kimberlite emplacement in North America can be broadly subdivided into five domains: (1) a Mesoproterozoic kimberlite province in central Ontario, (2) an Eocambrian/Cambrian Labrador Sea Province in northern Québec and Labrador, (3) an eastern Jurassic Province, (4) a central Cretaceous corridor and (5) a western mixed domain that includes two Type-3 kimberlite provinces (i.e. multiple periods of kimberlite emplacement preserved in the Slave and Wyoming cratons). For some provinces the origin of kimberlite magmatism can be linked to known mantle heat sources such as mantle plume hotspots and upwelling asthenosphere attendant with continental rifting. For example, the timing and location of Mesoproterozoic kimberlites in North America coincides with and slightly precedes the timing of 1.1 Ga intracontinental rifting that culminated in the Midcontinent Rift centered in the Lake Superior region. Many of the kimberlites in the Eocambrian/Cambrian Labrador Sea province were emplaced soon after the opening of the Iapetus Ocean at about 615 Ma and may also be linked to mantle upwelling associated with continental rifting. The eastern Jurassic kimberlites record an age progression where magmatism youngs in a southeast direction from the 200 Ma Rankin Inlet kimberlites to the 155–126 Ma Timiskaming kimberlites. The location of several kimberlite fields and clusters in Ontario and Québec lie along a continental extension of the Great Meteor hotspot track and represents one of the best examples in the world of kimberlite magmatism triggered by mantle plumes. The central Cretaceous (103–94 Ma) corridor extends for more than 4000 km from Somerset Island in northern Canada through the Fort à la Corne field in Saskatchewan to the kimberlites in central USA. This is the first recognized corridor of kimberlite magmatism of this magnitude. The possible westward younging of Cretaceous to Eocene corridors of kimberlite magmatism could reflect major changes in plate geometry during subduction of the Kula–Farallon plate.  相似文献   

北美地质演化与钾盐成矿   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
齐文 《地质学报》2010,84(11):1576-1584
北美大陆拥有世界上最大的钾盐矿床,北美大陆的钾盐储量占全球已探明钾盐储量的一半数。本文在总结北美大陆地质构造单元划分、地质演化历史的基础上,重点分析了晚古生代地台沉积序列及其与钾盐矿床形成的关系,指出钾盐主要形成于欠补偿的海相地台型盆地,个别形成于海陆交互相的克拉通边缘地堑/裂谷盆地中;钾盐层主要位于海相台地序列的最后一个旋廻(Kaskaskia序列),以及从台地向前陆盆地转化的过渡阶段(Absaroka序列),当海相台地转化为前陆盆地之后,就不再有钾盐矿床的形成。北美晚古生代钾盐大规模集中成矿作用,也与该时期北美大陆古赤道位置密切相关。钾盐矿床的形成是构造-盆地-古气候等多种因素耦合的结果,钾盐找矿是有章可循的。  相似文献   

本文运用盆-山耦合的研究方法,探讨了北淮阳复向斜的形成。石炭纪以后、晚三叠世以前,华北南部的淮南地区和北淮阳地区的沉积特征和构造特征是可以对比的。北淮阳构造带叠加复式向斜和淮南复向斜及“徐宿弧”具有相似的褶皱构造形态、轴迹展布方向和矿物拉伸线理方向,并在统一的应力体制下产生,系北西西向左行走滑作用的强制性褶皱。据此,间接地确定了北淮阳复向斜的形成时间为中—晚三叠世。大别地块的隆升可能是大陆折返过程中“构造挤出”的结果,导致不同类型和不同等级变质岩共存在一起,形成构造加积杂岩。  相似文献   

北美东部被动大陆边缘是世界上最古老的完整被动大陆边缘之一,是研究被动大陆边缘发育演化的天然实验室。本文在大量国外研究成果的基础上,应用盆地构造解析方法,深入研究了北美东部被动大陆边缘盆地群的地质结构和构造演化特征,并揭示了盆地群的油气地质规律。研究认为,北美东部盆地群沉积充填和不整合面发育具有明显的分段性和差异性。以区域不整合面为界,不同段盆地可划分为不同的构造层:南段盆地可划分为两套构造层;中段南部盆地可划分为3套构造层;中段北部盆地可划分为4套构造层;而北段盆地可划分为5套构造层。盆地群整体经历了陆内裂谷—陆间裂谷—被动大陆边缘的演化过程,但不同段盆地的构造演化具有明显的分段性和迁移性:晚三叠世沉降中心位于南段盆地;早侏罗世初期迁移至中段盆地,南段大陆开始裂解;中侏罗世逐渐迁移至北段盆地,中段大陆开始裂解;早白垩世晚期,北段大陆开始裂解。受持续的抬升剥蚀及大西洋岩浆活动省的联合作用,南段盆地和中段大多数盆地缺乏油气保存条件;斯科舍盆地和大浅滩盆地是主要的含油气盆地,以上侏罗统烃源岩为主,主要发育断层—背斜圈闭和盐体刺穿圈闭,整体表现为“自生自储”和“下生上储”的特征。  相似文献   


百年尺度冷、暖背景下不同区域年代际干湿变化的关系是历史气候变化领域的重大问题之一。本研究利用基于历史文献重建的中国华北干湿指数(Dry-wet index)和基于树轮年表重建的北美西南部帕默尔干旱指数(PDSI), 采用100年窗口的滑动相关分析, 计算了两地年代际干湿变化的相关关系, 对比了中世纪气候异常期(MCA)和小冰期(LIA)两地相关关系的差异, 并利用PMIP3和PMIP4共11个模式的过去千年气候变化模拟数据, 诊断了其成因。研究发现: 1)代用资料展示出MCA期间中国华北与北美西南部年代际干湿变化为正相关(r=0.32, p < 0.05), LIA期间则为负相关(r=-0.27, p < 0.05); 2)GISS-E2-R模式基本再现了代用资料揭示的工业革命前两地干湿变化相关关系的变化特征, 尤其是MCA和LIA的差异; 3)MCA期间, 中国华北与北美西南部年代际干湿变化正相关主要是因两地水汽条件同时匮乏所致, 这可能是源于负位相太平洋-北美(PNA)遥相关的影响; LIA期间, 中国华北与北美西南部年代际干湿变化负相关主要是因中国华北水汽匮乏, 而北美西南部水汽充沛所致, 这可能是源于负位相北太平洋涛动(NPO)遥相关的影响。上述结果为深入辨识百年尺度冷、暖背景下中国华北与北美西南部年代际干湿变化之间的关系提供了新证据, 为预估未来全球升温情景下中国或北美年代际干湿特征提供预警信号。


This paper outlines the development of a multi-disciplinary strategy to focus exploration for economic kimberlites on the Ekati property. High-resolution aeromagnetic data provide an over-arching spatial and magnetostratigraphic framework for exploration and kimberlite discovery at Ekati, and hence also for this investigation. The temporal, geomagnetic, spatial and related attributes of kimberlites with variable diamond content have been constrained by judiciously augmenting the information gathered during routine exploration with detailed, laboratory-based or field-based investigations. The natural remanent magnetisation of 36 Ekati kimberlites has been correlated with their age as determined by isotopic dating techniques, and placed in the context of a well-constrained geomagnetic polarity timescale. Kimberlite magmatism occurred over the period 75 to 45 Ma, in at least five temporally discrete intrusive episodes. Based on current evidence, the older kimberlites (75 to 59 Ma) have low diamond contents and are distributed throughout the property. Younger kimberlites (56 to 45 Ma) have moderate to high diamond contents and occur in three distinct intrusive corridors with NNE to NE orientations. Economic kimberlite pipes erupted at 55.4±0.4 Ma along the A154-Lynx intrusive corridor, which is 7 km wide and oriented at 015°, and at 53.2±0.3 Ma along the Panda intrusive corridor, which is 1 km wide and oriented at 038°. The intrusion ages straddle a paleopole reversal at Chron C24n, consistent with the observation that the older economic kimberlites present as aeromagnetic “low” anomalies while the younger economic pipes are characterised as aeromagnetic “highs”. The aeromagnetic responses for these kimberlites are generally muted because they contain volcaniclastic rock types with low magnetic susceptibility. Kimberlites throughout the Ekati property carry a primary natural magnetic remanence (NRM) vector in Ti-bearing groundmass magnetite, and it dominates over vectors related to induced magnetisation. Magnetostratigraphic correlation of Ekati kimberlites may therefore present a powerful adjunct to existing exploration techniques, mainly because the diamond content of Ekati kimberlites apparently is related more to the age of eruption than to any other parameter investigated in this work.  相似文献   

Alpine glacier retreat resulting from global warming since the close of the Little Ice Age in the 19th and 20th centuries has increased the risk and incidence of some geologic and hydrologic hazards in mountainous alpine regions of North America. Abundant loose debris in recently deglaciated areas at the toe of alpine glaciers provides a ready source of sediment during rainstorms or outburst floods. This sediment can cause debris flows and sedimentation problems in downstream areas. Moraines built during the Little Ice Age can trap and store large volumes of water. These natural dams have no controlled outlets and can fail without warning. Many glacier-dammed lakes have grown in size, while ice dams have shrunk, resulting in greater risks of ice-dam failure. The retreat and thinning of glacier ice has left oversteepened, unstable valley walls and has led to increased incidence of rock and debris avalanches.  相似文献   

We present a summary of late Paleoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic mafic magmatism in the Siberian craton, including recently published U–Pb and 40Ar–39Ar dates. These new precise ages suggest that at least some of the previously published K–Ar ages of Siberian mafic bodies should be ignored. The time–space geochronological chart, or the ‘barcode’ of mafic magmatic events shows significant differences between northern and southern Siberia. Both are characterized by ∼1900–1700 Ma magmatic events, but then there was an almost 1 Ga mafic magmatic ‘pause’ in south Siberia until ∼800 Ma. Meanwhile there are indications of multiple mafic magmatic events in North Siberia (Anabar shield and Olenek uplift) between ∼1600 and 1000 Ma. A series of magmatic events probably related to the breakup of Rodinia occurred in southern Siberia after ∼800 Ma. So far, there are no indications of late Neoproterozoic mafic magmatism in North Siberia. Ca. 1000–950 Ma mafic sills were reported from Meso- to Neo-Proterozoic sedimentary successions in the Sette-Daban area on the east side of the Siberian craton, but their tectonic setting is debated. Recent Ar–Ar dates of ∼1750 Ma for NW-trending dykes in the Aldan and Anabar shields, together with similar-age NNE-trending Baikal uplift dykes in south-eastern Siberia suggest the existence of a giant radial dyke swarm possibly related to a mantle plume centred in the Vilyui River area.  相似文献   

Melt inclusions in clinopyroxenes from lherzolitic xenoliths from the deep lithospheric mantle beneath the Slave Craton (Lac de Gras area, Canada) reveal multiple origins for carbonatitic melts. One type of inclusions consists of a series of silicate–carbonate–silicate concentric layers, interpreted to have unmixed under disequilibrium conditions during rapid ascent to the surface. Bulk major- and trace-element compositions are typical of Group 1 kimberlites and quantitative nuclear microprobe imaging of the globules reveals fractionation of related elements (e.g. F–Br, Nb–Ta) between the silicate and carbonate components. The globules probably formed by partial melting of carbonated peridotite, consistent with results of melting experiments and some models for the generation of kimberlite magmas. They provide evidence for a genetic relationship between some carbonate-rich magmas and ultramafic silicate magmas, and for the possibility of unmixing processes of these melts during their evolution.

The second inclusion type comprises carbonate-rich globules interpreted as samples of Mg-carbonatite melt that quenched on ascent to the surface. Bulk major- and trace-element compositions indicate that the melts were derived from a carbonate-rich source and oxygen, carbon, and strontium isotope data are consistent with the involvement of recycled crustal material and suggest that some mantle-derived carbonatites are unrelated to kimberlites.  相似文献   

Mineralogical and chemical relationships indicate that the majority of ilmenites recovered from Group I kimberlites crystallized directly from the kimberlite magma in two contrasting P-T regimes: Ilmenites of the discrete nodule association formed in pegmatitic veins and apophyses surrounding the kimberlite magma at depth. Compositional ranges of the discrete nodule assemblage reflect essentially isobaric crystallization across the thermal aureole about the magma reservoir. Early crystallization of high pressure Cr-rich phases (garnet, clinopyroxene and possibly spinel) could result in later forming megacryst ilmenites being Cr-poor. During ascent of the kimberlite magma (essentially identical to the liquid injected into the pegmatitic veins), crystallization of garnet and clinopyroxene would be inhibited as a result of the expansion of the olivine phase field. The magma would not undergo Crdepletion, with the result that later crystallizing (ground-mass) ilmenites would be Cr-rich relative to associated ilmenite megacrysts.Rare ilmenite inclusions in diamonds show chemical affinities with those of the discrete nodule suite. It is proposed that large Type IIa diamonds may be late-crystallizing members of the discrete nodule assemblage. They are in other words related to the kimberlite event itself, and would represent a third diamond paragenesis, distinctly younger than those related to peridotites and eclogites.The mode of formation of rare MARID suite and metasomatized mantle xenoliths is not clearly understood, although mineralogical and chemical evidence point to a direct or indirect link to the host kimberlite.  相似文献   

Mutual climatic range (MCR) analysis was applied to 15 North American beetle assemblages spanning the interval from > 52 000 to 17 200 yr BP, bracketing a Mid-Wisconsin interstadial interval. The analyses yielded estimates of mean July (TMAX) and mean January (TMIN) temperatures. The oldest assemblage (> 52 ka) yielded TMAX values 7.5–8°C lower than present and TMIN values 15–18°C lower than present. A Mid-Wisconsin interstadial warming dating from 43.5–39 ka was rapid and intense. At the peak of the warming event, about 42 ka, TMAX values were only 1–2°C lower than modern. This level of amelioration apparently lasted only about 2000–3000 yr. By 23.7 ka, TMAX values declined to 11.5–10°C lower than modern, but another, small-scale amelioration is indicated by assemblages dating from 20.5 to 19.7 ka. The interstadial event recorded from the site at Titusville, Pennsylvania closely matches the timing and intensity of the climate change estimated from British beetle faunas in the Upton Warren interstadial. Another warm interval (ca. 31–32.5 ka) has been documented from fossil beetle assemblages in Europe and North America. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Along the margins of continental ice sheets, lakes formed in isostatically depressed basins during glacial retreat. Their shorelines and extent are sensitive to the ice margin and the glacial history of the region. Proglacial lakes, in turn, also impact the glacial isostatic adjustment due to loading, and ice dynamics by posing a marine-like boundary condition at the ice margin. In this study we present a tool that efficiently identifies lake basins and the corresponding maximum water level for a given ice sheet and topography reconstruction. This algorithm, called the LakeCC model, iteratively checks the whole map for a set of increasing water levels and fills isolated basins until they overflow into the ocean. We apply it to the present-day Great Lakes and the results show good agreement (∼1−4%) with measured lake volume and depth. We then apply it to two topography reconstructions of North America between the Last Glacial Maximum and the present. The model successfully reconstructs glacial lakes such as Lake Agassiz, Lake McConnell and the predecessors of the Great Lakes. LakeCC can be used to judge the quality of ice sheet reconstructions. © 2019 The Authors Journal of Quaternary Science Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

The petrology and geochemistry of some new occurrences of Mesoproterozoic diamondiferous hypabyssal-facies kimberlites from the Chigicherla, Wajrakarur-Lattavaram and Kalyandurg clusters of the Wajrakarur kimberlite field (WKF), Eastern Dharwar craton (EDC), southern India, are reported. The kimberlites contain two generations of olivine, and multiple groundmass phases including phlogopite, spinel, calcite, dolomite, apatite, perovskite, apatite and rare titanite, and xenocrysts of eclogitic garnet and picro-ilmenite. Since many of the silicate minerals in these kimberlites have been subjected to carbonisation and alteration, the compositions of the groundmass oxide minerals play a crucial role in their characterisation and in understanding melt compositions. While there is no evidence for significant crustal contamination in these kimberlites, some limited effects of ilmenite entrainment are evident in samples from the Kalyandurg cluster. Geochemical studies reveal that the WKF kimberlites are less differentiated and more primitive than those from the Narayanpet kimberlite field (NKF), Eastern Dharwar craton. Highly fractionated (La/Yb = 108–145) chondrite-normalised distribution patterns with La abundances of 500–1,000 × chondrite and low heavy rare earth elements (HREE) abundances of 5–10 × chondrite are characteristic of these rocks. Metasomatism by percolating melts from the convecting mantle, rather than by subduction-related processes, is inferred to have occurred in their source regions based on incompatible element signatures. While the majority of the Eastern Dharwar craton kimberlites are similar to the Group I kimberlites of southern Africa in terms of petrology, geochemistry and Sr–Nd isotope systematics, others show the geochemical traits of Group II kimberlites or an overlap between Group I and II kimberlites. Rare earth element (REE)-based semi-quantitative forward modelling of batch melting of southern African Group I and II kimberlite source compositions involving a metasomatised garnet lherzolite and very low degrees of partial melting demonstrate that (1) WKF and NKF kimberlites display a relatively far greater range in the degree of melting than those from the on-craton occurrences from southern Africa and are similar to that of world-wide melilitites, (2) different degrees of partial melting of a common source cannot account for the genesis of all the EDC kimberlites, (3) multiple and highly heterogeneous kimberlite sources involve in the sub-continental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) in the Eastern Dharwar craton and (4) WKF and NKF kimberlites generation is a resultant of complex interplay between the heterogeneous sources and their different degrees of partial melting. These observations are consistent with the recent results obtained from inversion modelling of REE concentrations from EDC kimberlites in that both the forward as wells as inverse melting models necessitate a dominantly lithospheric, and not asthenospheric, mantle source regions. The invading metasomatic (enriching) melts percolating from the convecting (asthenosphere) mantle impart an OIB-like isotopic signature to the final melt products.  相似文献   

Seismic reflection techniques are, for the first time, used to image a thin, diamondiferous, kimberlite dyke from subcrop to depths greater than 1300 m. Exploration for vertical kimberlite pipes generally utilizes potential field techniques that often fail to reveal subhorizontal or shallow-dipping intrusions. In contrast, seismic reflection methods are well suited for imaging targets with this geometry. Therefore, in order to evaluate seismic reflection as a tool for subhorizontal kimberlite dyke/sill exploration and mine planning, a feasibility study and subsequent seismic survey were undertaken on the diamondiferous Snap Lake dyke (Northwest Territories, Canada). A substantial drilling program has mapped the dyke as a gently dipping sheet that averages 2–3 m in thickness. The detailed structural and composition data available at Snap Lake provides a unique opportunity to test reflection techniques on a well-sampled deposit. The feasibility study involved measuring P-velocities and densities of cores drilled from the kimberlite and host rocks. These data were used to model reflection amplitudes, evaluate resolution limitations, and determine the acquisition parameters for the reflection survey. Two 2-D lines were acquired that provide comparative datasets for different sources (explosive and vibroseis) and ground types (land and lake ice). In addition, the exploration-scale survey incorporated high fold (40–260 nominal) and long offsets (3260 m). The explosive-source profile recorded on land yielded a superb image of the dyke from depths of 60 m to more than 1300 m over a lateral distance of 5700 m. The seismic image correlates well with adjacent drill hole data and adds considerable detail to the topography of the kimberlite sheet determined by drilling. The vibroseis source also imaged the dyke, but only when sources and geophones were on land; the dyke was not imaged beneath the ice due to reverberation and attenuation effects. The frequency response and unusually strong reflection amplitudes from the dyke indicate the importance of tuning effects and multiples for this type of target and acquisition environment. Apparent correlations between reflection amplitudes and dyke structure (e.g., thickness, feathering, 3-D geometry) suggest that seismic reflection data may be valuable for guiding drilling programs. The results demonstrate that, in the appropriate situation, seismic methods have great potential for use in kimberlite exploration, subsurface mapping, and detailed imaging for mine development purposes.  相似文献   

华北地台金伯利岩岩浆活动时代讨论   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
路凤香  赵磊 《岩石学报》1995,11(4):365-374
华北地台金伯利岩岩浆活动可分为三个时期:(1)中元古代金伯利岩和钾镁煌斑岩岩浆活动期,以鄂尔多斯陆核边缘山西阳高岩区为代表(1649~1811Ma);(2)古生代金伯利岩岩浆活动,以冀鲁辽陆核边缘的铁岭岩区、中部的复县和蒙阴岩区为代表(含矿金伯利岩,457~462Ma);(3)中~新生代金伯利岩岩浆活动时期,以鹤壁和涉县岩区为代表(117~52Ma)。含矿金伯利岩岩浆活动与华北地台中奥陶世晚期的造陆抬升作用有关。这类岩浆形成时必须处于克拉通岩石圈底部有小的热扰动以及流体作用的条件,而过高的地温梯度反而起到破坏金刚石保存的作用。  相似文献   

王素娟 《江苏地质》2004,28(4):207-209
金刚石是发展国民经济和国防尖端工业不可缺少的战略矿产。多年来,我国经济建设所需的天然金刚石70%依靠进口。随着我国经济建设的快速发展,今后对金刚石的需求必将与日俱增。因此,通过对世界金刚石矿床勘查现状的了解和分析,可以为我国在一些有找矿前景的地区如江苏北部地区,加强对大型宝石级金刚石矿床的勘查,产生积极的指导意义。  相似文献   

北美洲降水中稳定同位素的时空分布以及与ENSO的关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
分析了北美洲降水中δ18O的时空分布特征以及与温度、降水量、ENSO的关系.结果表明:无论是在陆地还是在海洋,北美降水中平均δ18O的纬向分布是非常显著的.随着纬度的升高,降水中δ18O迅速减小.整个北美大陆均存在温度效应,并随纬度的增加而加强.不同季节温度效应分布的差异仅表现在其范围和强度的变化上.降水量效应主要出现在低纬度海洋、中低纬度太平洋的东海岸和湾流的西北海岸.在内陆区,降水量效应不存在.不同季节降水量效应分布的差异也仅表现在其范围和强度的变化上.在大陆内部和高纬度地区,对应显著的温度效应,δ18O的季节差异Δδ18O具有较大的正值;在低纬度海洋,对应显著的降水量效应,Δδ18O较小或为负值;在相同的纬度,陆地上的Δδ18O明显大于海洋.代表大陆性特征的渥太华站和代表海洋性特征的中途岛站降水中δ18O与Ni o-4的SST具有显著的正相关关系,其中,尤以5月的δ18O与Ni o-4的SST的连续相关关系最显著,表明ENSO事件的强信号对该时期陆地和海洋降水中稳定同位素的变化具有重要影响.  相似文献   

We present petrography and mineral chemistry for both phlogopite,from mantle-derived xenoliths(garnet peridotite,eclogite and clinopyroxene-phlogopite rocks)and for megacryst,macrocryst and groundmass flakes from the Grib kimberlite in the Arkhangelsk diamond province of Russia to provide new insights into multi-stage metasomatism in the subcratonic lithospheric mantle(SCLM)and the origin of phlogopite in kimberlite.Based on the analysed xenoliths,phlogopite is characterized by several generations.The first generation(Phil)occurs as coarse,discrete grains within garnet peridotite and eclogite xenoliths and as a rock-forming mineral within clinopyroxene-phlogopite xenoliths.The second phlogopite generation(Phl2)occurs as rims and outer zones that surround the Phil grains and as fine flakes within kimberlite-related veinlets filled with carbonate,serpentine,chlorite and spinel.In garnet peridotite xenoliths,phlogopite occurs as overgrowths surrounding garnet porphyroblasts,within which phlogopite is associated with Cr-spinel and minor carbonate.In eclogite xenoliths,phlogopite occasionally associates with carbonate bearing veinlet networks.Phlogopite,from the kimberlite,occurs as megacrysts,macrocrysts,microcrysts and fine flakes in the groundmass and matrix of kimberlitic pyroclasts.Most phlogopite grains within the kimberlite are characterised by signs of deformation and form partly fragmented grains,which indicates that they are the disintegrated fragments of previously larger grains.Phil,within the garnet peridotite and clinopyroxene-phlogopite xenoliths,is characterised by low Ti and Cr contents(TiO_21 wt.%,Cr_2 O_31 wt.% and Mg# = 100 × Mg/(Mg+ Fe)92)typical of primary peridotite phlogopite in mantle peridotite xenoliths from global kimberlite occurrences.They formed during SCLM metasomatism that led to a transformation from garnet peridotite to clinopyroxene-phlogopite rocks and the crystallisation of phlogopite and high-Cr clinopyroxene megacrysts before the generation of host-kimberlite magmas.One of the possible processes to generate low-Ti-Cr phlogopite is via the replacement of garnet during its interaction with a metasomatic agent enriched in K and H_2O.Rb-Sr isotopic data indicates that the metasomatic agent had a contribution of more radiogenic source than the host-kimberlite magma.Compared with peridotite xenoliths,eclogite xenoliths feature low-Ti phlogopites that are depleted in Cr_2O_3 despite a wider range of TiO_2 concentrations.The presence of phlogopite in eclogite xenoliths indicates that metasomatic processes affected peridotite as well as eclogite within the SCLM beneath the Grib kimberlite.Phl2 has high Ti and Cr concentrations(TiO_22 wt.%,Cr_2O_31 wt.% and Mg# = 100× Mg/(Mg + Fe)92)and compositionally overlaps with phlogopite from polymict brecc:ia xenoliths that occur in global kimberlite formations.These phlogopites are the product of kimberlitic magma and mantle rock interaction at mantle depths where Phl2 overgrew Phil grains or crystallized directly from stalled batches of kimberlitic magmas.Megacrysts,most macrocrysts and microcrysts are disintegrated phlogopite fragments from metasomatised peridotite and eclogite xenoliths.Fine phlogopite flakes within kimberlite groundmass represent mixing of high-Ti-Cr phlogopite antecrysts and high-Ti and low-Cr kimberlitic phlogopite with high Al and Ba contents that may have formed individual grains or overgrown antecrysts.Based on the results of this study,we propose a schematic model of SCLM metasomatism involving phlogopite crystallization,megacryst formation,and genesis of kimberlite magmas as recorded by the Grib pipe.  相似文献   

刘亮  翟羿杰  张威  初智豪 《冰川冻土》2022,44(4):1283-1297
对北美洲晚第四纪冰川10Be暴露年代进行汇编与聚集程度置信等级划分,构建了北美洲各区域的冰川演化序列,并进一步对比和分析了冰川演化序列对高分辨率气候事件的响应情况,使用较好和中等聚集程度的暴露年代漂砾组对北美洲各区域进行冰期划分。结果表明:北美洲冰川序列横跨6个深海氧同位素阶段(marine isotope stage,MIS),保守估计至少在MIS 6/5、MIS 4/3、MIS 2时期出现了规模性冰进,其记录可信区间为约150 ka至今。末次冰盛期(Last Glacial Maximum,LGM)之前的冰川演化存在区域性,这可能与劳伦泰德冰盖的大气效应存在一定的相关性。LGM的冰川达到最大范围的时间不同步,揭示了不同地区冰川演化的影响因素不尽相同。LGM以来的冰川作用对于高分辨率气候事件,如海因里希事件1(Heinrich Stadial 1,HS1)、B-A事件(B?lling-Aller?d,B-A)、新仙女木事件(Younger Dryas,YD)的响应存在同步性。对于全新世更高分辨率的邦德事件(Bond),北美洲的冰川10Be暴露年代同样具有很好的对应关系。  相似文献   

Syngenetic inclusions of yimengite K (Cr, Ti, Mg, Fe, Al)12O19, a potassium member of the magnetoplumbite mineral group, have been recorded in an octahedral macrodiamond from the Sese kimberlite (50 km south of Masvingo, Zimbabwe). One yimengite inclusion carries lamellae of chromite suggesting peridotitic diamond paragenesis. The diamond and inclusions were studied in situ in a plate polished parallel to (011). Cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging has shown blue colour and octahedral zonation of the diamond, lack of cracks and the location of five yimengites in different growth zones. Nitrogen (N) contents (at. ppm) in the diamond determined by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) steadily decrease from 576 (core) to 146 (rim). N aggregation (%1aB) is correspondingly 40% in the core and 30% in the rim. Hydrogen (H) content is high in the core, moderate in the intermediate and very high in the rim zones. Four yimengites were dated using the laser 40Ar/39Ar method. Three inclusions yielded total gas ages that agree with, or are younger than, or within error of, the Sese kimberlite eruption age (538±11 Ma) but may be compromised by gas loss. One inclusion, with the highest tapped interface gas yield, gave a total gas age of 892±21 Ma that is a likely minimum yimengite age. Time–T °C constraints from N aggregation systematics give a range of possible ages from kimberlite eruption date back to Archean and do not resolve the variable results of the 40Ar/39Ar dating. Compared with the published chemistry of yimengite from kimberlites, inclusions from the Sese diamond contain higher Al, Mg, and Sr and have lower concentration of Fe3+. The chondrite-normalised REE pattern of the yimengite shows enrichment in LREE and depletion in HREE, but LREE/HREE fractionations are lower than for lindsleyite–mathiasite series mantle titanates and rather similar to the REE concentrations in kimberlite and lamproite rocks. It is suggested that Sese yimengite formed in the lithospheric mantle from metasomatism of chrome spinel by a fluid rich in Ti, K, Ba and LREE.  相似文献   

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