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Equilibrium evaporation beneath a growing convective boundary layer   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Expressions for the equilibrium surface Bowen ratio ( s ) and equilibrium evaporation are derived for a growing convective boundary layer (CBL) in terms of the Bowen ratio at the top of the mixed layer i and the entrainment parameter A R . If AR is put equal to zero, the solution for s becomes-that previously obtained for the zero entrainment or closed box model. The Priestley-Taylor parameter is also calculated and plotted in terms ofA R and i . Realistic combinations of the atmospheric parameters give values of in the range 1.1 to 1.4.  相似文献   

Plume dispersion in the convective boundary layer (CBL) is investigated experimentally in a laboratory convection tank. The focusis on highly-buoyant plumes that loft near or become trapped in the CBL capping inversion and resistdownward mixing. Such plumes are defined by dimensionless buoyancy fluxes F* 0.1, where F* = Fb/(U w* 2 zi), Fb is the stack buoyancy flux,U is the mean wind speed, w* is the convective velocity scale, and zi is the CBL depth. The aim is to obtain statistically-reliable mean (C) and root-mean-square (rms, c) concentration fields as a function of F* and the dimensionless distance X = w*x/(U zi), where x is the distance downstream of the source.The experiments reveal the following mainresults: (1) For 3 X 4and F* 0.1, the crosswind-integrated concentration (CWIC) fields exhibit distinctly uniform profiles below zi with a CWIC maximum aloft, in contrast to the nonuniform profiles obtained earlier by Willis and Deardorff. (2) The lateral dispersion (y) variation with X is consistent with Taylor's theory for * 0.1 and a buoyancy-enhanced dispersion, y/zi F* 1/3X2/3, forF* = 0.2 and 0.4. (3) The entrapment, the plume fraction above zi, has a mean (E) that follows a systematic variationwith X and F*, and a variability (e/E) that is broad ( 0.3 to 2) near the source but subsides to 0.25 far downstream. (4) Vertical profiles of the concentration fluctuation intensity (c/C) are uniform for z < zi and X > 1.5, but exhibit significant increases: (a) at the surface and close to the source (X 1.5), and(b) in the entrainment zone. (5) The cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) of the scaled concentration fluctuations (c/c) separate into mixed-layer and entrainment-layer CDFs for X 2, with the mixed-layer group collapsing to a single distribution independent of z.These are the first experiments to obtain all components of the lateral and vertical dispersion parameters (rms meander, relative dispersion, total dispersion) for continuous buoyant releases in a convection tank. They also are the first tank experiments to demonstrate agreement with field observations of: (1) the scaled ground-level concentration along the plume centreline, and (2) the dimensionless lateral dispersion _y/z_i of buoyant plumes.  相似文献   

Refuge has patchy vegetation in sandy soil. During midday and at night, the surface sources and sinks for heat and moisture may thus be different. Although the Sevilleta is broad and level, its metre-scale heterogeneity could therefore violate an assumption on which Monin-Obukhov similarity theory (MOST) relies. To test the applicability of MOST in such a setting, we measured the standard deviations of vertical (w) and longitudinal velocity (u), temperature (t), and humidity (q), the temperature-humidity covariance (¯tq), and the temperature skewness (St). Dividing the former five quantities by the appropriate flux scales (u*, *, and q*) yielded the nondimensional statistics w/u*, u/u*, t/|t*|, q/|q*|, and ¯tq/t*q*. w/u*, t/|t*|, and St have magnitudes and variations with stability similar to those reported in the literature and, thus, seem to obey MOST. Though u/u* is often presumed not to obey MOST, our u/u* data also agree with MOST scaling arguments. While q/|q*| has the same dependence on stability as t/|t*|, its magnitude is 28% larger. When we ignore ¯tq/t*q* values measured during sunrise and sunset transitions – when MOST is not expected to apply – this statistic has essentially the same magnitude and stability dependence as (t/t*)2. In a flow that truly obeys MOST, (t/t*)2, (q/q*)2, and ¯tq/t*q* should all have the same functional form. That (q/q*)2 differs from the other two suggests that the Sevilleta has an interesting surface not compatible with MOST. The sources of humidity reflect the patchiness while, despite the patchiness, the sources of heat seem uniformly distributed.  相似文献   

The turbulent structure of the lake breeze penetration and subsequent development of the thermal internal boundary layer (TIBL) was observed using a kytoon-mounted ultrasonic anemometer-thermometer. The lake breeze penetrated with an upward rolling motion associated with the upward flow near the lake breeze front. After the lake breeze front passed, the behaviors of the velocity and temperature at the top of the lake breeze layer were similar to those found in convective boundary layers (CBL). Comparing gq/*, u /w * and w /w * between the present observation of TIBL development after the passage of the lake breeze front and CBL data from the literature, the /* values showed reasonable agreement; however, u /w * and w /W* had smaller values in the TIBL than in the CBL at higher altitudes. This is due to the differences in the mean velocity profiles. While the CBL has a uniform velocity profile, the TIBL has a peak at lower elevation due to the lake breeze penetration; the velocity then decreases with height.Present address: The Institute of Behavioral Science, 1-35-7 Yoyogi, Tokyo 151, Japan.  相似文献   

The budgets of water vapor and sensible heat in the convective atmospheric boundary (mixed) layer are analyzed by means of a simple slab approach adapted to steady large-scale advective conditions with radiation and cloud activity. The entrainment flux for sensible heat is assumed to be a linear function of the surface flux. The flux of water vapor at the top of the mixed layer is parameterized by extending the first-order Betts-Deardorff approach, i.e., by adopting linear changes for both the specific humidity and the flux across the mixed layer and across the inversion layer of finite thickness. In this way the dissimilarity of sensible heat and water vapor transport in the mixed layer can be taken into account. The experimental data were obtained from the Air Mass Transformation Experiment (AMTEX). The entrainment constant for sensible heat at the top of the mixed layer was found to have values similar to those observed in other weakly convective situations, i.e., around 0.4 to 0.6. This appears to indicate that the effect of mechanical turbulence was not negligible; however, the inclusion of this effect in the formulation did not improve the correlation. In contrast to the first-order approach, the zero-order approach, i. e., the jump equation commonly used for the flux of a scalar at the inversion, (ovwc ) h = we c (where w e is the entrainment velocity and c the concentration jump across the inversion), was found to be invalid and incapable of describing the data.  相似文献   

Nine profiles of the temperature structure parameter C T 2 and the standard deviation of vertical velocity fluctuations ( w) in the convective boundary layer (CBL) were obtained with a monostatic Doppler sodar during the second intensive field campaign of the First ISLSCP Field Experiment in 1987. The results were analyzed by using local similarity theory. Local similarity curves depend on four parameters: the height of the mixed layer (z i ), the depth of the interfacial layer (), and the temperature fluxes at the top of the mixed layer (Q i ) and the surface (Q o). Values of these parameters were inferred from sodar data by using the similarity curve for C T 2 and observations at three points in its profile. The effects of entrainment processes on the profiles of C T 2 and wnear the top of the CBL appeared to be described well by local similarity theory. Inferred estimates of surface temperature flux, however, were underestimated in comparison to fluxes measured by eddy correlation. The measured values of wappeared to be slightly smaller than estimates based on available parmeterizations. These discrepancies might have been caused by experimental error or, more likely, by the distortion of turbulence structure above the site by flow over the nonuniform terrain at the observation site.  相似文献   

Summary The relative strength of the stabilizing effect of buoyancy and the destabilizing effect of velocity shear in a stratified shear flow, such as a stable atmospheric boundary layer, is measured by the gradient Richardson number, Rig. The boundary layer static stability, as described by the buoyancy frequency, N, can be calculated from the virtual potential temperature gradient derived from RASS temperature profiles. The mean wind profiles from a sodar can be used to calculate the mean vertical velocity shear. In combination these profilers are potentially a powerful tool for the remotely sensing the dynamic stability of the boundary layer. However, experience shows that the combinations of two experimentally derived quantities, like N and shear, may give highly variable results. On the other hand, a simple sensitivity analysis shows that reasonable estimates of Rig are achievable over a range of conditions in the stable nocturnal boundary layer. To test this conclusion, high spatial and temporal resolution temperature and velocity soundings were obtained above 50m in the stable nocturnal boundary layer using a 920MHz continuous wave Radio Acoustic Sounding System (RASS) and 1.875kHz and 5.00kHz Doppler sodars. Examples of the evolution of Rig are presented from 24 hours of observations of the boundary layer in Canberra, on the tablelands in south- eastern Australia. Most of the boundary layer had Rig between 0.1 and 1. Thus, it was marginally dynamically stable, even with the gradient Richardson number calculated from finite differences over a vertical interval of 68m. A comparison of the results from the two sodars showed that the velocity shear increased significantly when the vertical differencing interval was decreased from 68m to 20m.  相似文献   

The variations of and in the drainage flow in the Brush Creek valley of western Colorado are investigated using data from Doppler acoustic sodars and instrumented towers. The data were obtained on two experimental nights during the 1984 ASCOT field study. There is good agreement between the variations derived from low-level observations of the sodars and those derived from the towers located throughout the valley. The observed hourly average and in the nocturnal drainage flow are about 20 ° to 25 ° and 5 °, respectively; these values are much larger than those generally observed over flat terrain during nighttime stable conditions. After sunrise (about 0600 MST), as the valley warms and the flow direction changes to up-valley, these parameters increase sharply to their peak values at about 0800 MST and then decrease to their normal daytime values after about two hours.In the drainage flow, the hourly average varies inversely with wind speed according to the relation u 0.7ms-1. The vertical standard deviation is much less enhanced by complex terrain than the horizontal standard deviation. The observed values are predicted fairly well by the local similarity theory.Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) Summer Research Participant at ATDD in 1987 andOak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) Summer Research Participant at ATDD in 1987 and  相似文献   

Horizontal diffusion in the surface layer is dependent on the standard deviation of wind direction fluctuations . Diurnal variation of this parameter in complex terrain was studied for the July 1979 Geysers, Cal., experiment using data from a network of 11 short meteorological towers in the 25 km2 Anderson Creek watershed Valley side slopes are roughly 20 ° and maximum terrain difference is about 1 km.Values of for wind directions sampled for one hour at a height of 10 m are about 35 ° during the daytime. They slowly decrease to about 20 ° by 8 to 10 p.m. as stability increases but wind speeds are still relatively high. After 10 p.m. the drainage flow sets in at most stations, with speeds of 1 to 2 m s-1, and average increases to about 30° during the period 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. In general, highest values of at night are associated with lowest values of wind speed and greatest static stability. This enhancement of by the terrain suggests that horizontal diffusion at night always conforms to that expected during nearly neutral stabilities. That is, Pasquill class D diffusion applies to the horizontal component all night in complex terrain.  相似文献   

In this paper, the analytical model coupling the convective boundary layer (CBL) with the free atmosphere developed by Qi and Fu (1992) is improved. And by this improved model, the interaction between airflow over a mountain and the CBL is further discussed. The conclusions demonstrate: (1) The perturbation potential temperatures in the free atmosphere can counteract the effect of orographic thermal forcing through entraining and mixing in the CBL. If M > F , the feedback of the perturbation potential temperatures in the free atmosphere is more important than orographic thermal forcing, which promotes the effect of interfacial waves. If M < F , orographic thermal forcing is more important, which makes the interfacial height and the topographic height identical in phase, and the horizontal speeds are a maximum at the top of the mountain. (2) The internal gravity waves propagating vertically in the free atmosphere cause a strong downslope wind to become established above the lee slope in the CBL and result in the hydraulic jump at the top of the CBL. (3) With the CBL deepening, the interfacial gravity waves induced by the potential temperature jump at the top of the CBL cause the airflow in the CBL to be subcritical.  相似文献   

The maintenance of an elevated inversion in steady flow above a cold, rotating surface is shown to be possible for a certain range of the buoyancy number bfV g, where b is the buoyant acceleration appropriate to the density deficiency of the fluid above the inversion, f is Coriolis parameter and V gis geostrophic velocity (so that fV gis also horizontal pressure gradient in kinematic units). The height of the inversion lid is determined by a balance of surface stress and buoyancy, in a way which may be deduced from laboratory experiments. With the aid of such empirical evidence a theory is constructed for the layer below the inversion lid. The cross-isobar angle of ground-level stress is found to increase with the buoyancy number, to a limiting value of 90, by which time the inversion descends to the ground. Under typical conditions, a temperature difference of order 10C is necessary to eliminate the possibility of an equilibrium, elevated inversion lid and reduce ground level wind stress to a vanishingly small value.Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Contribution #3011On leave from the University of Waterloo, Ontario  相似文献   

Impacts of different closure schemes in the Mixed Spectral Finite-Difference model (Beljaarset al., 1987) for neutrally stratified atmospheric surface-layer flow over complex terrain are studied. Six different closure schemes, (Z+z 0), Mixing Length,E–(Z+z 0),E–,E–– andq 2 l are compared. Model results for flow over an infinite series of sinusoidal ridges are examined in the context of the inner and outer layers defined by Jackson and Hunt (1975). Results are compared with rapid distortion estimates of the changes in normal stresses. The effects of streamline curvature are also examined in a qualitative sense.  相似文献   

Daily mean values of the Priestley-Taylor coefficient, ¯, are derived from a simple model of the daily growth of a convective boundary layer. For a particular control set of driving environmental variables, ¯ is related to the prescribed bulk surface resistance, rS by 1/¯ = 1/0 + mrS for parameters 0 and m. The dependence of the parameters 0 and m on weather is explored and a potential use of this linear relation to provide information about regional values of rS is indicated.  相似文献   

Local Similarity Relationships In The Urban Boundary Layer   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
To investigate turbulent structures in an urban boundary layer (UBL) with many tallbuildings, a number of non-dimensional variable groups based on turbulent observationsfrom a 325-m meteorological tower in the urban area of Beijing, China, are analyzedin the framework of local similarity. The extension of surface-layer similarity to localsimilarity in the stable and unstable boundary layer is also discussed. According to localsimilarity, dimensionless quantities of variables: e.g., velocity and temperature standarddeviations i/u*l (i=u,v,w) andT/T*l,correlation coefficients of uw and wT covariance, gradients of wind and temperaturem and h, and dissipation rates of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) andtemperature variance and N can be represented as a functiononly of a local stability parameter z/, where is the local Obukhovlength and z is the height above ground. The average dissipation rates of TKE andtemperature variance are computed by using the u spectrum, and the uw and wTcospectra in the inertial subrange. The functions above were found to be in a goodagreement with observational behaviour of turbulence under unstable conditions, butthere were obvious differences in the stable air.  相似文献   

Several commonly used turbulence closure schemes forthe atmospheric boundarylayer (ABL) are applied to simulate neutral, nocturnal and diurnal cyclesituations in a one-dimensional ABL. Results obtained with the differentschemes, E-, E- and its modified versions, and twoversions ofthe q 2 Level 2.5, are compared and discussed.  相似文献   

When applied to a sea surface, shortcomings are noted for the ordinary classification of drag conditions at rigid underlying surfaces according to the Reynolds roughness number Re s . It is shown that in the case of mobile underlying surfaces, it would be more natural to use the dynamical classification of drag conditions according to the order of magnitude of the ratio ( = /) of the momentum flux toward the waves ( w) to the viscous momentum flux through the surface ( w). The relevant estimates of for the main stages of development of the wind waves indicate that the observed values of the drag coefficient of the sea surface correspond to the case of underdeveloped roughness.  相似文献   

Summary Rainfall in West Africa is examined in relation to monthly mean equivalent potential temperature ( e )at the earth's surface. The study revealed that monthly mean equivalent potential temperature ( e ) and monthly rainfall (R) generally decreased northwards from the equator.A good relationship existed betweenR and e in the northern zone of West Africa (i.e., north of 7.5° N). No definite relationship existed in the southern zone. In the northern zone, the departure of e from its annual mean ( ) first became positive about a month before the onset of the rains. Positive departures from ) generally resulted in more than normal (or average) rainfall in this zone. In general, little or no rainfall occurred in West Africa whenever e was less than 320 K.
Zusammenfassung Der Niederschlag (MonatssummeR) in Westafrika wird in Zusammenhang mit der mittleren monatlichen Äquivalent-temperatur ( e ) an der Erdoberfläche untersucht. Es zeigte sich, daß die Monatswerte beider Elemente im allgemeinen vom Äquator nach Norden abnehmen.ZwischenR und e ergab sich für das nördliche Westafrika (nördlich von 7.5° N) eine gute, für die südliche Zone jedoch keine beweisbare Übereinstimmung. In der nördlichen Zone übertraf e das Jahresmittel erstmals etwa einen Monat vor Beginn der Regenzeit. Positive Abweichungen vom mittleren e hatten immer übernormalen Niederschlag in dieser Zone zur Folge. Dagegen gab es wenig oder keinen Niederschlag in Westafrika, wenn e unter 320 K lag.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   

Convective Profile Constants Revisited   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
This paper examines the interpolation betweenBusinger–Dyer (Kansas-type) formulae,u = (1 -1 6 )-1/4 andt = (1 - 16 )-1/2, and free convection forms. Based on matching constraints, the constants, au and at, in the convective flux-gradient relations, u = (1 - au )-1/3 and t = (1 - at )-1/3, are determined. It isshown that au and at cannot be completely independent if convective forms are blended with theKansas formulae. In other words, these relationships already carryinformation about au and at. This follows because the Kansas relations cover a wide stability range (up to = - 2), which includes a lower part of the convective sublayer (about 0.1 < - < 2). Thus, there is a subrange where both Kansas and convective formulae are valid. Matching Kansas formulae and free convection relations within thesubrange 0.1 < - < 2 and independently smoothing ofthe blending function are used to determine au and at. The values au = 10 for velocity and at = 34for scalars (temperature and humidity) give a good fit. This new approacheliminates the need for additional independent model constants and yields a`smooth' blending between Kansas and free-convection profileforms in the COARE bulk algorithm.  相似文献   

Meteorological measurements taken at the Näsudden wind turbine site during slightly unstable conditions have been analyzed. The height of the convective boundary layer (CBL) was rather low, varying between 60 and 300 m. Turbulence statistics near the ground followed Monin-Obukhov similarity, whereas the remaining part of the boundary layer can be regarded as a near neutral upper layer. In 55% of the runs, horizontal roll vortices were found. Those were the most unstable runs, with -z i/L > 5. Spectra and co-spectra are used to identify the structures. Three roll indicators were identified: (i) a low frequency peak in the spectrum of the lateral component at low level; (ii) a corresponding increase in the vertical component at mid-CBL; (iii) a positive covariance {ovvw} together with positive wind shear in the lateral direction (V/z) in the CBL. By applying these indicators, it is possible to show that horizontal roll circulations are likely to be a common phenomenon over the Baltic during late summer and early winter.  相似文献   

A long 13C chronology was developed from bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva) at the Methuselah Walk site in the White Mountains of California. The chronology represents cellulose from five-year ring groups pooled from multiple radii of multiple trees. The most dramatic isotopic event in the chronology appears from A.D. 1080–1129, when 13C values are depressed to levels ~ 2 below the mean for the period A.D. 925–1654. This isotopic excursion appears to represent a real event and is not an artifact of sampling circumstances; in fact, a similar excursion occurs in a previously-reported, independent 13C chronology from bristlecone pine. By carbon isotope fractionation models, the shift to low 13C values is consistent with abundant soil moisture, permitting leaf stomata to remain open, and allowing ready access of CO2 from which carbon fixation may discriminate more effectively against13C in favor of12C. According to this model, the13C-depleted 50-yr isotopic excursion represents the wettest period in the White Mountains in the past 1000 yr, during which isotope-reconstructed July Palmer Drought Severity Indices averaged ~ +2.2.  相似文献   

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