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We explore the evolution of the early-type galaxy population in the rich cluster Abell 2390 at z=0.23. For this purpose, we have obtained spectroscopic data of 51 elliptical and lenticular galaxies with MOSCA at the 3.5 m telescope on Calar Alto Observatory. As our investigation spans both a broad range in luminosity (–22.3≤MB≤–:19.3)and a wide field of view (10′×10′), the environmental dependence of different formation scenarios can be analysed in detail as a function of radius from the cluster center. In this paper, we present first results on the Faber-Jackson relation and, for a subsample of 14 galaxies with morphological and structural parameters from HST, we also investigate the evolution of the Kormendy relation and the Fundamental Plane. We find a mild luminosity evolution of the early-type galaxies in Abell 2390: our objects are on average brighter by m B∼0.4 mag. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We present multifrequency, multi-epoch radio imaging of the complex radio source B2151+174 in the core of the cluster, Abell 2390  ( z ≃ 0.23)  . From new and literature data, we conclude that the Faranoff–Riley type II (FRII)-powerful radio source is the combination of a compact, core-dominated 'medium-sized symmetric object' (MSO) with a more extended, steeper spectrum mini-halo. B2151+174 is unusual in a number of important aspects. (i) It is one of the most compact and flat spectrum sources in a cluster core known; (ii) it shows a complex, compact twin-jet structure in a north–south orientation; (iii) the orientation of the jets is 45° misaligned with apparent structure (ionization cones and dust disc) of the host galaxy on larger scales. Since the twin-jet of the MSO has its northern half with an apparent 'twist', it might be that precession of the central supermassive black hole explains this misalignment. B2151+174 may be an example of the early stage (103–104 yr duration) of a 'bubble' being blown into the intracluster medium where the plasma has yet to expand.  相似文献   

We present the results of a search for strong H α emission line galaxies (rest frame equivalent widths greater than 50 Å) in the z ≈0.23 cluster Abell 2390. The survey contains 1189 galaxies over 270 arcmin2, and is 50 per cent complete at M r ≈−17.5+5 log  h . The fraction of galaxies in which H α is detected at the 2 σ level rises from 0.0 in the central regions (excluding the cD galaxy) to 12.5±8 per cent at R 200. For 165 of the galaxies in our catalogue, we compare the H α equivalent widths with their [O  ii ] λ 3727 equivalent widths, from the Canadian Network for Observational Cosmology (CNOC1) spectra. The fraction of strong H α emission line galaxies is consistent with the fraction of strong [O  ii ] emission galaxies in the CNOC1 sample: only 2±1 per cent have no detectable [O  ii ] emission and yet significant (>2 σ ) H α equivalent widths. Dust obscuration, non-thermal ionization, and aperture effects are all likely to contribute to this non-correspondence of emission lines. We identify six spectroscopically 'secure' k+a galaxies [ W 0(O  ii )<5 Å and W 0(H δ )≳5 Å]; at least two of these show strong signs in H α of star formation in regions that are covered by the slit from which the spectra were obtained. Thus, some fraction of galaxies classified as k+a based on spectra shortward of 6000 Å are likely to be undergoing significant star formation. These results are consistent with a 'strangulation' model for cluster galaxy evolution, in which star formation in cluster galaxies is gradually decreased, and is neither enhanced nor abruptly terminated by the cluster environment.  相似文献   

The results of B and V photometry of 594 galaxies in the field of A98 cluster are presented. The plates were obtained with the 2.6m telescope of the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory. The galaxy distribution, luminosity function, and color distribution constructed for A98 as a whole and A98S and A98N components show that the A98N component apparently is not an individual cluster as it was suggested earlier but only a condensation of galaxies in the cluster A98 similar to condensations in many other clusters.Published in Astrofizika, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 13–33, January–March, 1994.  相似文献   

通过对近邻星系团Abell 2199中290颗成员星系进行形态分类,研究这些星系的恒星形成率及其与形态和相关物理特性之间的关系.该星系团中星系的特征恒星形成率与Ha等值宽度、星系光谱在4000A处的跃变程度以及星系所包含的恒星质量之间有较强的相关性.这些星系的恒星形成活动没有表现出明显的环境效应,表明该星系团仍处在剧烈的动力学演化阶段,远没有达到动力学平衡.  相似文献   

Abell 85是位于南半天区红移为0.055的cD星系团.基于前人的光谱观测数据和SDSS(Sloan Digital Sky Survey)数据,利用3σ方法筛选出该星系团的370个成员星系,并对其动力学情况进行了分析.从这些成员星系的空间分布和局域视向速度分布中,发现了该星系团含有4个明显的子结构,且正处于两两并合之中.这表明Abell 85处在动力学活跃的状态,远未达到动力学平衡.  相似文献   

Abell 85 is a cD cluster of galaxies with the redshift of 0.055 in the southern hemisphere. Based on the spectroscopic data obtained by predecessors and the data of the SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey), 370 member galaxies of the cluster are sieved by means of the 3σ method and their dynamical states are analyzed. From the spatial distribution and the local line-of-sight velocity distribution of these member galaxies it is found that this cluster of galaxies contains 4 clear substructures and they are just in the process of pairwise coalescence. This shows that the cluster Abell 85 is in the actively dynamical state, far from reaching the dynamical equilibrium.  相似文献   

Through the morphological classifications for 290 member galaxies in the nearby galaxy Abell 2199, the star formation rates and their relations with their morphology and related physical properties are investigated in this paper. It is found that the typical star formation rate in galaxies of this galaxy cluster is strongly correlated with the Hα equivalent width, and the degree of discontinuity of the galaxy spectrum at 4000 Å is also strongly correlated with the stellar mass included in the galaxy. It is also found that star formation activities in these galaxies do not exhibit the obvious circumstance effect. This result indicates that this galaxy cluster is still situated at the stage of the violent dynamical evolution and far from the dynamical equilibrium.  相似文献   

We present spatially resolved X-ray spectroscopy of the luminous lensing cluster Abell 2390, using observations made with the Chandra observatory. The temperature of the X-ray gas rises with increasing radius within the central ∼ 200 kpc of the cluster, and then remains approximately isothermal, with kT =11.5−1.6+1.5 keV , out to the limits of the observations at r ∼1.0 Mpc . The total mass profile determined from the Chandra data has a form in good agreement with the predictions from numerical simulations. Using the parametrization of Navarro, Frenk and White, we measure a scale radius r s∼0.8 Mpc and a concentration parameter c ∼3 . The best-fitting X-ray mass model is in good agreement with independent gravitational lensing results and optical measurements of the galaxy velocity dispersion in the cluster. The X-ray gas to total mass ratio rises with increasing radius with f gas∼21 per cent at r =0.9 Mpc . The azimuthally averaged 0.3–7.0 keV surface brightness profile exhibits a small core radius and a clear 'break' at r ∼500 kpc , where the slope changes from S X   r −1.5 to S X   r −3.6 . The data for the central region of the cluster indicate the presence of a cooling flow with a mass deposition rate of 200–300 M yr−1 and an effective age of 2–3 Gyr .  相似文献   

Abell 85 is a cD galaxy cluster in the southern hemisphere and has a redshift of 0.055. Based on the spectra of 242 member galaxies provided by the Sloan spectral survey data, using the stellar population constituents and star formation history of these member galaxies obtained from the population synthesis software STARLIGHT, we study the regularities of the variations of star formation properties of galaxies (such as the ages, metal abundances and star formation rates of the characteristic stellar populations) with the local surface density of galaxies. As revealed by the results, the galaxies situated in the highdensity environments of the central region of the cluster possess higher population ages and metal abundances, and their rates of star formation are rather low, the recent activities of star formation are obviously suppressed. Besides, the correlations of the galaxy metal abundance and speci?c star formation rate with the stellar mass are asserted.  相似文献   

We present the results of 12CO(1-0) and 12CO(2-1) observations on UGC 1347 obtained with BIMA and the IRAM 30 m telescope. UGC 1347 is a member of the Abell 262 cluster. In Abell 262, a nearby spiral rich cluster, the signs of galaxy interaction and therefore the mechanisms which play an important role in galaxy evolution within clusters can be studied with high spatial resolution. Aside from its bright central region, UGC 1347 features a second prominent source at the southern tip of the bar, which has been identified as region with recent enhanced star formation. The CO observations prove the existence of reservoirs of cold molecular gas at the positions of both bright regions.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of BeppoSAX observations of three clusters of galaxies that are amongst the most luminous in the Universe: RXJ1347−1145, Zwicky 3146 and Abell 2390. Using data from both the Low Energy (LECS) and Medium Energy (MECS) Concentrator Spectrometers, and a joint analysis with the Phoswich Detection System (PDS) data above 10 keV, we constrain, with a relative uncertainty of between 7 and 42 per cent (90 per cent confidence level), the mean gas temperature in the three clusters. These measurements are checked against any possible non-thermal contribution to the plasma emission and are shown to be robust.
We confirm that RXJ1347−1145 has a gas temperature that lies in the range between 13.2 and 22.3 keV at the 90 per cent confidence level, and is larger than 12.1 keV at 3 σ level. The existence of such a hot galaxy cluster at redshift of about 0.45 implies an upper limit on the mean mass density in the Universe, Ωm, of 0.5.
Combining the BeppoSAX estimates for gas temperature and luminosity of the three clusters presented in this work with ASCA measurements available in the literature, we obtain a slope of 2.7 in the L – T relation once the physical properties are corrected from the contamination from the central cooling flows.  相似文献   

We present 21 cm H  i line observations of 5 × 1 deg2 centred on the local Abell cluster 1367 obtained as part of the Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey. One hundred sources are detected (79 new H  i measurements and 50 new redshifts), more than half belonging to the cluster core and its infalling region. Combining the H  i data with Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) optical imaging, we show that our H  i selected sample follows scaling relations similar to the ones usually observed in optically selected samples. Interestingly, all galaxies in our sample appear to have nearly the same baryon fraction independently of their size, surface brightness and luminosity. The most striking difference between H  i and optically selected samples resides in their large-scale distribution: whereas optical and X-ray observations trace the cluster core very well, in H  i there is almost no evidence of the presence of the cluster. Some implications on the determination of the cluster luminosity function and H  i distribution for samples selected at different wavelength are also discussed.  相似文献   

The relations between the kinematics of satellites and the properties of hosts and satellites themselves are investigated in this paper. Our sample of hosts and satellites is selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data by adopting a self-adapted method developed by van den Bosch et al. Consistent with the previous studies, the average velocity dispersion increases with the mass of host galaxy, and is larger for red hosts than for blue hosts. We find that, on average, the velocity dispersion is independent of satellite mass around red hosts, however it increases with the satellite mass around blue hosts, and red satellites have a larger velocity dispersion than their blue counterparts. Our further investigations show that in the same halo, the velocity dispersion is independent of satellite mass, regardless of the host color. Interestingly, around red hosts, the red satellites tend to have a smaller velocity dispersion than the blue ones. It implies some interesting processes. In addition, we also find that if host galaxies only have red or blue (high mass or low mass) satellites, the system with red (high mass) satellites has a larger velocity dispersion than that with blue (low mass) satellites. It suggests that satellite properties are important for the measurement of dark halo mass.  相似文献   

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