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The intersection of the Juan de Fuca ridge and Blanco fracture zone is characterized by unusually high amplitude magnetic anomalies (over 1500 nT) which appear to be associated with a body roughly 50 km in length and 20 km in width aligned along the fracture zone. Simple three-dimensional magnetic models indicate that this anomaly is probably caused by a highly magnetized block of material situated in the western end of the Blanco fracture zone near its intersection with the Juan de Fuca ridge. Rock magnetization studies of tholeiitic basalts dredged from this area confirm the presence of highly magnetized basalts near the ridge crest/transform fault intersection. These tholeiitic basalts are enriched in iron and titanium relative to “normal” oceanic tholeiites, apparently the result of extensive shallow fractionation involving olivine, plagioclase, and clinopyroxene. Magnetic model studies indicate that an average thickness of no more than 500 m of these iron-rich basalts is necessary to produce the observed anomaly pattern. Comparison of these basalts with samples previously dredged from the Juan de Fuca ridge crest suggests that these Fe-rich, highly magnetized basalts probably “leaked” out of the southernmost portion of the Juan de Fuca ridge.  相似文献   

A deposit of Fe-rich, Al-poor, hydrothermal nontronite was recovered from the Juan de Fuca Ridge. Analyses show the deposit to be mineralogically and chemically similar to nontronite described at other oceanic localities. The deposit is located near the tip of a propagating segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. Rare earth elements and Sr isotopes indicate that the nontronite precipitated from seawater. A formation temperature of 57°C is suggested by oxygen isotopic composition. The low-temperature nontronite deposits apparently form from newly established hydrothermal systems associated with the propagating rift segment. More mature hydrothermal systems that deposit sulfide on the seafloor may develop from these low-temperature systems.  相似文献   

 Forty-three volcanoes located along the flanks of the Juan de Fuca Ridge were selected to study relationships between their morphologies and off-axis magmatic processes. The volcanoes occur both in chains consisting of up to seven distinct cones and isolated edifices. Nearly all of the volcanoes are circular, truncated cones with steep flanks and large, relatively flat summit plateaus. In addition, most of these volcanoes also have prominent and distinctly offset calderas or craters. The most striking characteristic of the volcanoes' morphology is that nearly all of their collapse structures are located on the sides of the volcanoes which face the Juan de Fuca Ridge and many are breached with openings toward the ridge. A simple model based on these observations accounts for these ridge-facing features. As plate motion transports a volcano away from its magma source beneath the lithosphere, the volcano's magma supply conduits tend to lag behind. Eventually these conduits are abandoned and ridgeward collapse structures are formed. It can be inferred from the model that, on average, individual volcanoes were active for approximately 50 000 years and that most eruptions took place early in this interval. If most of the cone-building eruptions occurred during the first thousand years or so, associated hydrothermal activity may have temporarily rivaled the present-day yearly time-averaged hydrothermal output along the entire Juan de Fuca ridge axis. Received: 1 September 1996 / Accepted: 13 January 1997  相似文献   

The behaviour of the magnetic field variations over the Juan de Fuca Plate region is studied using a scaled laboratory analogue model. The model includes a simulation of the complex Juan de Fuca Plate subducting the Vancouver Island region. The subducting plate is modelled with a profile of increasing inclination from east to west; horizontal offshore, dipping at 10° under Vancouver Island, and bending further under Georgia Strait to subduct the continent at 30° for the B.C. region and 45° for the Washington-Oregon region. The strike of the bending plate follows the general strike of the continental coastline with an abrupt change in direction (42°) in the Puget Sound area. The model substructure simulates a subducting plate, overplated by a sediment layer several kilometres thick, and underlain by a 30 km thick highly conducting upper asthenosphere. The model source frequencies used simulate periods 5–120 min in the geophysical scale. In-phase and quadrature Hx, Hy, and Hz magnetic field measurements for the modelled region are presented for an approximately uniform overhead horizontal source field for E- and H-polarizations (electric field of the source approximately parallel and perpendicular, respectively, to the west coast of Vancouver Island). The fields for three regions of the model; over Vancouver Island, over the Olympic Peninsula and over a linear portion of the U.S. coastline, are examined in detail. The general conclusion is that the effect of the dipping subducting plates is to significantly attenuate, at short periods, the maxima in the anomalies at the coastlines underlain by the 10° dipping plate, while leading to anomalous vertical and horizontal fields over ranges as large as 500 km inland over a wide period range. Anomalous fields are observed over the offshore and inland knee-bends of the subducting plates at all periods for both E- and H-polarizations. For locations on land, the in-phase induction arrows point seaward and perpendicular to the strikes of the dipping plates for all periods, while the quadrature arrows at short periods point landward and rotate to point seaward for periods greater than 20 min.  相似文献   

A number of mounds each several hundred meters across and up to sixty meters high have been observed with SeaMARC II acoustic imagery and Seabeam bathymetry in the sediment-filled axial valley at the northern end of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. The mounds are located a few kilometers west of the eastern valley-bounding normal fault scarp where the local sediment fill is approximately 300 m thick. All of the mounds are believed to be of hydrothermal origin, and one is associated with anomalously high heat flow in excess of 1 W m−2. A piston core collected from that mound comprises coarse clastic sulfide units interbedded with sulfidic muds. Hydrothermal minerals present in the 2.3 m section include pyrrhotite, pyrite, marcasite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, iss (intermediate solid solution in the CuFeZnS system), chalcopyrrhotite, galena, talc, barite, and amorphous silica. Mineral fabrics of the clasts indicate that the material was precipitated at or near the sea floor by mixing of hot hydrothermal fluids with cold seawater. Low concentrations of Zn, Cu, Cd, and Ag relative to those found in unsedimented ridge hydrothermal deposits, and the presence of pyrrhotite as an early phase mineral indicates that the vent fluids have been modified by reaction with sediments beneath the mound. Rapid sedimentation in a rift valley is clearly conducive to the formation of large hydrothermal mineral deposits like those believed to be present within and beneath these mounds. The relatively impermeable sediment cover insulates the crust, inhibits groundwater recharge, promotes long-lived discharge at a restricted number of sites, provides a substrate for the efficient subsurface precipitation of minerals, and through continued sedimentation, protects surficial deposits from the corrosive effects of seawater. No reliable estimate of the bulk composition of the mounds can be made with existing data, but their size is comparable to major hydrothermal mineral deposits found on land; ancient settings in which many land deposits formed are in many ways similar to the one in which the features described here are currently forming.  相似文献   

A seafloor lava field was mapped within the summit caldera of Axial Volcano, Juan de Fuca Ridge, using SeaMARC I sidescan sonor and submersible observations. By analogy with similar subaerial features, we infer that several volcanic seafloor features here formed by the process of lava flow inflation. Flow inflation occurs within tube-fed lava flows when lava continues to be supplied to the interior of a flow that has ceased advancing, thus uplifting the flow's rigid surface and creating a suite of characteristic surface structures. Inflated lavas require a feeder lava tube or tube system connected to a remote lava source, and therefore we infer that inflated submarine lava flows contain lava tubes. Inflated flow features identified from sidescan sonar images elsewhere on Axial Volcano and within the axial valley of the southern Juan de Fuca ridge suggest that flow inflation is a widespread submarine volcanic process.  相似文献   

Activities of 238U, 228Ra, 226Ra and 210Pb were determined in submarine hydrothermal massive sulfides by nondestructive, gamma-ray spectrometry. The samples were collected by the manned submersible DSRV “Alvin” from active hydrothermal fields on the Endeavour Segment and Axial Seamount of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. 210Pb activities are mostly below the equilibrium level with 226Ra, which is linearly correlated with the concentration of Ba, Sr and Ca in the deposits. The ratios of226Ra to the alkaline earth elements indicate that hydrothermal alteration of the underlying oceanic crust is the dominant source of Ra in the sulfide deposits.The 210Pb/Pb ratios measured in many of the sulfides are higher than the ratio obtained for a basalt source of 210Pb, probably because of 210Pb ingrowth from 226Ra within the sulfide deposits. An isochron approach employing ratios of 210Pb/Pb and 226Ra/Pb yielded an initial 210Pb/Pb ratio in the range of 0–0.57 dpm/μg Pb, implying that the crustal residence time of the hydrothermal fluid in the Endeavour Segment is very short ( < 10 years) and that basalt alteration is the only source of the 210Pb and Pb. For the hydrothermal fluid in Axial Seamount, a residence time of 10–20 years is estimated on the basis of the initial 210Pb/Pb and 228Ra/226Ra ratios of a sulfide chimney. Both residence time estimates are consistent with the results of previous studies. We have estimated the upper limits of sample ages ranging from tens to a hundred years for 12 samples, with the remaining seven samples indicating ages close to or older than 150 years, the practical limit of the 210Pb/Pb dating technique.A concentrically sectioned sulfide chimney from Axial Seamount yielded mean radial growth rates ranging from a few tenths to a few mm/year based on gradients of 210Pb/Pb and 228Ra/226Ra activity ratios, whereas a similarly sectioned chimney from the Endeavour Segment, although collected from the top of an active “black smoker” vent, displayed no 210Pb or 228Ra activity. Our results have implications for the duration and periodicity of hydrothermal circulation and associated mineral deposition at mid-ocean ridges.  相似文献   

Deep CTD/transmissometer tows and water bottle sampling were used during 1985 to map the regional distribution of the neutrally-buoyant plumes emanating from each of two major vent fields on the Southern Symmetrical Segment (SSS) and Endeavour Segment (ES) of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. At both vent fields, emissions from point and diffuse hydrothermal sources coalesced into a single 200-m-thick plume elongated in the direction of current flow and with characteristic temperature anomalies of 0.02–0.05°C and light-attenuation anomalies of 0.01–0.08 m−1 (10–80 μg/l above background). Temperature anomalies in the core of each plume were uniform as far downcurrent as the plumes were mapped (10–15 km). Downcurrent light-attenuation trends were non-uniform and differed between plumes, apparently because different vent fluid chemistries at each field cause significant differences in the settling characteristics of the hydrothermal precipitates. Vent fluids from the SSS are metal-dominated and mostly precipitate very fine-grained hydrous Fe-oxides that remain suspended in the plume. Vent fluids from the ES are sulfur-dominated and precipitate a high proportion of coarser-grained Fe-sulfides that rapidly settle from the plume. The integrated flux of each vent field was estimated from measurements of the advective transport of each plume. Heat flux was 1700 ± 1100 MW from the ES and 580 ± 351 MW from the SSS. Particle flux varied from 546 ± 312 g/s to 204 ± 116 g/s at the ES depending on distance from the vent field, and was 92 ± 48 g/s from the SSS.  相似文献   

Marine magnetic data collected along 37 east-west lines off the Washington and Oregon coast between 42°N and 48°N westward to 144°W have been interpreted. Our interpretation shows that decrease in the offsets of the anomalies across the Surveyor fracture zone and the presence of undisturbed north-south lineations east of it are the result of continuous asymmetric spreading along the Surveyor fracture zone. The survey has delineated the extension of the Blanco fracture zone north-westward to about 133°W. Movement along the Blanco fracture zone was initiated about 15 million years ago. The undisturbed north-south trend of the magnetic anomalies between latitudes 42°N and 48°N and longitudes 133°W and 136°W is interpreted as the interval (22 to 15 my) during which the Juan de Fuca and Gorda rises were one continuous structure. West of 137° the Surveyor, Sedna and three minor fracture zones are mapped.  相似文献   

The Main Endeavour Field, northern Juan de Fuca Ridge, experienced intense seismic activity in June 1999. Hydrothermal vent fluids were collected from sulfide structures in September 1999 and July 2000 and analyzed for the abundance of H2, H2S, CH4, CO2, NH3, Mg and Cl to document temporal and spatial changes following the earthquakes. Dissolved concentrations of CO2, H2, and H2S increased dramatically in the September 1999 samples relative to pre-earthquake abundances, and subsequently decreased during the following year. In contrast, dissolved NH3 and CH4 concentrations in 1999 and 2000 were similar to or less than pre-earthquake values. Aqueous Cl abundances showed large decreases immediately following the earthquakes followed by increases to near pre-earthquake values. The abundances of volatile species at the Main Endeavour Field were characterized by strong inverse correlations with chlorinity. Phase separation can account for 20-50% enrichments of CO2, CH4, and NH3 in low-chlorinity fluids, while temperature- and pressure-dependent fluid-mineral equilibria at near-critical conditions are responsible for order of magnitude greater enrichments in dissolved H2S and H2. The systematic variation of dissolved gas concentrations with chlorinity likely reflects mixing of a low-chlorinity volatile-enriched vapor generated by supercritical phase separation with a cooler gas-poor hydrothermal fluid of seawater chlorinity. Decreased abundances of sediment-derived NH3 and CH4 in 1999 indicate an earthquake-induced change in subsurface hydrology. Elevated CO2 abundances in vent fluids collected in September 1999 provide evidence that supports a magmatic origin for the earthquakes. Temperature-salinity relationships are consistent with intrusion of a shallow dike and suggest that the earthquakes were associated with movement of magma beneath the ridge crest. These data demonstrate the large and rapid response of chemical fluxes at mid-ocean ridges to magmatic activity and associated changes in subsurface temperature and pressure.  相似文献   

利用西南印度洋脊中段Indomed-Gallieni洋段49—51°E区段全覆盖高分辨率多波束水深地形资料,应用构造地貌学分析方法,结合区域地形及其他地球物理等资料,在分段分析49—51°E区段岩浆-构造动力学模式的基础上,进一步探讨了约10 Ma以来Indomed-Gallieni洋段的演化史.28、29洋段目前岩浆供应不足,在轴部不对称深断层的控制之下不对称扩张,属于超慢速扩张洋脊较常见的演化方式.轴部火山建造主要向北翼增生,发育与火山脊相关的火山地貌;南翼构造拉张作用强烈,地貌上可观察到大量断块,拆离断层可能大量存在.而27洋段水深浅、火山密集、轴部缺失裂谷,超慢速扩张下却具有较高的岩浆通量.Indomed-Gallieni洋段地形高地建造于一次岩浆增强事件,但应该不是因为Crozet热点的影响.27洋段为目前仍受该岩浆增强事件影响的唯一区段,但其强度和规模也在逐渐减小;包括28、29洋段在内的Indomed-Gallieni段其他部分,已重新恢复到岩浆供应不足的正常超慢速扩张洋脊演化模式.28、29洋段和27洋段岩浆供应均存在岩浆通量由多至少的周期,周期内岩浆供应较多时期轴部建脊,减少时期轴部火山建造裂离.但27洋段由于仍受岩浆增强事件的影响,与28、29洋段表现形式不同,主要表现为火山建造裂离方式、岩浆供应周期长短以及构造活动强烈程度的不同.  相似文献   

采用室内模型试验研究大圆筒深高比、径高比对码头抗震性能的影响关系,主要针对自振频率、振型、动力放大系数等动力特性进行分析比较。根据试验结果,提出合理的振型、基频建议公式和加速度分布系数建议图形及大圆筒结构适用范围。试验证实,大圆筒码头结构适用于后方填土的软弱地基,从安全经济合理性方面推荐使用浅埋式剪切型大圆筒结构。  相似文献   

The source mechanism of a large (Ms ? 7.2) earthquake that occurred in the oceanic plate at the junction of the Tonga—Kermadec trench systems with the aseismic Louisville ridge is found by inverting long-period vertical-component Rayleigh waves recorded by the IDA network. The solution is an almost-pure normal fault, on a plane striking roughly parallel to the trench axis, with seismic moment of 1.7 × 1027 dyn cm, and thus is among the ten largest documented shallow normal-fault earthquakes. A point-source depth of 20 km for the event is resolved by modeling teleseismic body waves; the actual rupture may have extended deeper, to 30 or 40 km. The earthquake was a multiple event, consisting of two sources separated by 16 s. A rupture velocity of 3.5 km s?1 is inferred. The earthquake can be interpreted as tensional failure in the shallow portion of the downgoing plate caused by the gravitational pull of the slab. The Louisville ridge may be creating a local degree of decoupling of the oceanic plate from the overriding plate, and/or a zone of extension within the slab, which could enhance the effect of the gravitational forces in the shallower part of the downgoing plate. In particular, the earthquake could be associated with the break-up of the leading seamount of the ridge, which is currently right at the trench. Alternatively, the earthquake may have been caused by stresses associated with the bending of the plate prior to subduction.  相似文献   

Between 1 January 1980 and 28 July 1981, a series of large earthquakes with body-wave magnitudes around 7, took place along the western segment of the Alpide belt. The sequence started in the Azores and migrated eastward along the belt at a rate of about 4400 km/yr with consecutive large events in northern Algeria, southern Italy, southern Greece and Iran. Two different methods are employed to identify similar series and corresponding migration velocities during earlier time periods of this century. The data set used contains all earthquakes with body-wave magnitudes larger than 6.3 and covers the time interval 1901–81. The concept of linear migration is tested for eastward and/or westward propagation, considering high migration velocities from 1600 to 11 000 km/yr. Results obtained are not homogeneous with respect to the two opposite migration directions, west-east and east-west, and we interpret this as a net drift of earthquake activity from the west to the east. Our efforts here are concentrated on analysis of observational data and on estabilishing the uniqueness of migration patterns. Because of the complexity of the tectonic system in question, we did not attempt to establish a mechanism explaining the migration of the observed earthquake sequences.  相似文献   

The combined analysis of geological-geophysical characteristics of active faults, morphotectonic features of the relief, and data of satellite measurements and on seismicity in the southeastern Aldan-Stanovoi block (the eastern flank of the Olekma-Stanovoi seismotectonic zone) made it possible to reconstruct the kinematic development of recent falt-block structures with the defining conjugate systems of main seismogenerating faults located in the zone of dynamic influence of three major lithospheric plates: Eurasian, Amur, and Sea of Okhotsk.  相似文献   

龙门山断裂带中北段大震复发特征与复发间隔估计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
汶川MS8.0地震发生在青藏高原东缘著名的龙门山断裂带上,造成了从映秀、北川至南坝长约240km的同震地表破裂带.然而目前关于龙门山断裂带的大震复发特征研究较少.通过地震地质科学考察和断层断错地貌的差分GPS测量,发现第一级河流阶地、河床和河漫滩上的垂直断距大致相当,均代表汶川地震的位错,而第二级河流阶地上的累计位移大致是最新地震垂直位移的2倍.利用断错地貌、地震矩率和滑动速率3种方法,分别估算了龙门山断裂带大地震的复发间隔.结果表明:龙门山断裂带中北段可能发生与汶川大地震相当的地震,大震复发符合特征地震模型;大震复发间隔为3000——6000a.该结果可为龙门山断裂带的大震预测和地震危险性评价等研究提供重要的定量数据.   相似文献   

An up to date literature survey on the dynamics of underground structures is presented briefly. The dynamic response of large three-dimensional underground structures to external or internal dynamic forces or to seismic waves is numerically determined by the frequency domain boundary element method. This method is used to model both the structure and the soil medium, which are assumed to behave as linear elastic or viscoelastic bodies. The full-space dynamic fundamental solution is employed in the formulation and this requires a free soil surface discretization, confined to a finite portion around the area of interest, in addition to soil—structure interface and free structural surface discretizations. The dynamic disturbances can have a harmonic or a transient time variation. The transient case is treated with the aid of numerical Laplace transforms with respect to time. Various numerical examples involving lined cavities and long lined tunnels buried in the full- or the half-space subjected to harmonic or transient external forces or seismic waves are presented to illustrate the method and demonstrate its advantages.  相似文献   

大型复杂结构的两阶段损伤诊断方法   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
综述了用于结构损伤识别的各种方法,提出了进行大型复杂结构损伤诊断所面临的问题,列出了已有的两步法的思路、方法,指出了需要研究的方向,为进行大型复杂结构的损伤诊断提供了参考。  相似文献   

The rocking response of large flexible structures to earthquakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The rocking response of structures subjected to strong ground motions is a problem of ‘several scales’. While small structures are sensitive to acceleration pulses acting successively, large structures are more significantly affected by coherent low frequency components of ground motion. As a result, the rocking response of large structures is more stable and orderly, allowing effective isolation from the ground without imminent danger of overturning. This paper aims to characterize and predict the maximum rocking response of large and flexible structures to earthquakes using an idealized structural model. To achieve this, the maximum rocking demand caused by different earthquake records was evaluated using several ground motion intensity measures. Pulse-type records which typically have high peak ground velocity and lower frequency content caused large rocking amplitudes, whereas non-pulse type records caused random rocking motion confined to small rocking amplitudes. Coherent velocity pulses were therefore identified as the primary cause of significant rocking motion. Using a suite of pulse-type ground motions, it was observed that idealized wavelets fitted to velocity pulses can adequately describe the rocking response of large structures. Further, a parametric analysis demonstrates that pulse shape parameters affect the maximum rocking response significantly. Based on these two findings, a probabilistic analysis method is proposed for estimating the maximum rocking demand to pulse-type earthquakes. The dimensionless demand maps, produced using these methods, have predictive power in the near-field provided that pulse period and amplitude can be estimated a priori. Use of this method within a probabilistic seismic demand analysis framework is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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