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New characteristics of O+ ion velocity distribution functions in a background of atomic oxygen neutrals subjected to intense external electromagnetic forces are presented. The one dimensional (1-D) distribution function along the magnetic field displays a core-halo shape which can be accurately fitted by a two Maxwellian model. The Maxwellian shape of the 1-D distribution function around a polar angle of 21 ± 1° from the magnetic field direction is confirmed, taking into account the accuracy of the Monte Carlo simulations. For the first time, the transition of the O+ 1-D distribution function from a core halo shape along the magnetic field direction to the well-known toroidal shape at large polar angles, through the Maxwellian shape at polar angle of 21 ± 1° is properly explained from a generic functional of the velocity moments at order 2 and 4.  相似文献   

This study compares the Isis II satellite measurements of the electron density and temperature, the integral airglow intensity and volume emission rate at 630 nm in the SAR arc region, observed at dusk on 4 August, 1972, in the Southern Hemisphere, during the main phase of the geomagnetic storm. The model results were obtained using the time dependent one-dimensional mathematical model of the Earth’s ionosphere and plasmasphere (the IZMIRAN model). The major enhancement to the IZMIRAN model developed in this study to explain the two component 630 nm emission observed is the analytical yield spectrum approach to calculate the fluxes of precipitating electrons and the additional production rates of N+2, O+2, O+(4S), O+(2D), O(2P), and O+(2P) ions, and O(1D) in the SAR arc regions in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. In order to bring the measured and modelled electron temperatures into agreement, the additional heating electron rate of 1.05 eV cm−3 s−1 was added in the energy balance equation of electrons at altitudes above 5000 km during the main phase of the geomagnetic storm. This additional heating electron rate determines the thermally excited 630 nm emission observed. The IZMIRAN model calculates a 630 nm integral intensity above 350 km of 4.1 kR and a total 630 nm integral intensity of 8.1 kR, values which are slightly lower compared to the observed 4.7 kR and 10.6 kR. We conclude that the 630 nm emission observed can be explained considering both the soft energy electron excited component and the thermally excited component. It is found that the inclusion of N2(v > 0) and O2(v > 0) in the calculations of the O+(4S) loss rate improves the agreement between the calculated Ne and the data on 4 August, 1972. The N2(v > 0) and O2(v > 0) effects are enough to explain the electron density depression in the SAR arc F-region and above F2 peak altitude. Our calculations show that the increase in the O+ + N2 rate factor due to the vibrationally excited nitrogen produces the 5–19% reductions in the calculated quiet daytime peak density and the 16–24% decrease in NmF2 in the SAR arc region. The increase in the O+ + N2 loss rate due to vibrationally excited O2 produces the 7–26% decrease in the calculated quiet daytime peak density and the 12–26% decrease in NmF2 in the SAR arc region. We evaluated the role of the electron cooling rates by low-lying electronic excitation of O2(a1δg) and O2(b1σg+), and rotational excitation of O2, and found that the effect of these cooling rates on Te can be considered negligible during the quiet and geomagnetic storm period 3–4 August, 1972. The energy exchange between electron and ion gases, the cooling rate in collisions of O(3P) with thermal electrons with excitation of O(1D), and the electron cooling rates by vibrational excitation of O2 and N2 are the largest cooling rates above 200 km in the SAR arc region on 4 August, 1972. The enhanced IZMIRAN model calculates also number densities of N2(B3πg+), N2(C3πu), and N2(A3σu+) at several vibrational levels, O(1S), and the volume emission rate and integral intensity at 557.7 nm in the region between 120 and 1000 km. We found from the model that the integral integral intensity at 557.7 nm is much less than the integral intensity at 630 nm.  相似文献   

High latitude ion outflows mostly consist of upward streaming O+ and He+ emanating from the ionosphere. At heights above 1000 km, these flows consist of cold and hot components which resonantly scatter solar extreme ultraviolet (EUV) light, however, the ion populations respond differently to Doppler shifting resulting from the large relative velocities between the ions and the Sun. The possibility of optical detection of the Doppler effect on the scattering rate will be discussed for the O+ (83.4 nm) ions. We have contrasted the EUV solar resonance images of these outflows by simulations of the 30.4 nm He+ and 83.4 nm O+ emissions for both quiet and disturbed geomagnetic conditions. Input data for the 1000 km level has been obtained from the EICS instrument aboard the Dynamics Explorer satellite. Our results show emission rates of 50 and 56 milli-Rayleighs at 30.4 nm for quiet and disturbed conditions and 65 and 75 milli-Rayleighs at 83.4 nm for quiet and disturbed conditions, respectively, obtained for a polar orbiting satellite and viewing radially outward. We also find that an imager at an equatorial distance of 9 RE or more is in a favorable position for detecting ion outflows, particularly when the plasmapause is depressed in latitude. However, an occultation disk is necessary to obscure the bright plasmaspheric emissions.  相似文献   

This paper presents a numerical model and results for the mid-latitude ionospheric profile below the peak of the F2-layer. The basis of the model is the solving of equations for four ionic species O+, NO+, O+2 and N+2, as well as the meta-stable O+(2D) and O+(2P). Diffusion and wind-induced drifts and 21 photo-chemical reactions are also taken into account. Neutral atmospheric density and temperature are derived from the MSIS86 model and solar extreme ultraviolate irradiance from the EUV91 model. In an effort to obtain a more realistic ionospheric profile, the key point at foF2 and hmF2 is fitted from the simulation to observations. The model also utilizes the vertical drifts derived from ionosonde data with the help of the Servo model. It is shown that the ionospheric height of peak can be reproduced more accurately under the derived vertical drifts from the Servo theory than with the HWM90 model. Results from the simulation are given for Wuchang (30.5°N, 114.4°E) and Wakkanai (45.6°N, 141.7°E), showing the profile changes with season and solar activity, and the E-F valley structure (the depth and the width). This simulation also reveals the importance of meta-stable ions and dynamical transport processes on the formation of the F1-ledge and F1-F2 valley.  相似文献   

We provide two new determinations of the oxygen isotopic composition of seawater during the last glacial maximum (LGM). High-resolution oxygen isotopic measurements were made on interstitial waters from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 1168 and 1170 in the southeast Indian Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean. We use a diffusion-advection numerical model to calculate the glacial-interglacial change in bottom-water δ18Osw from the pore water δ18O profiles; the first such determinations from this part of the oceans. Statistical analyses of the model runs indicate that Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) δ18Osw changed by 1.0-1.1±0.15‰ since the last glacial maximum (LGM). Our results are consistent with a previous calculation from a South Atlantic Southern Ocean location (ODP Site 1093) also situated within CDW. The new values determined in this study, together with previous estimates, are converging on a global average Δδ18Osw of 1.0-1.1‰.Using the calculated bottom-water δ18Osw, we have extracted the temperature component from the benthic foraminiferal δ18O record at Sites 1168 and 1170. Since the LGM, bottom waters at these two sites warmed by 2.6 and 1.9°C, respectively. The absolute temperature estimates for the LGM (−0.5°C [Θ=−0.6°C] at Site 1168 and −0.2°C [Θ=−0.4°C] at Site 1170) are slightly warmer than those reported from previous studies using the same technique, but are consistent with more homogenous deep-ocean temperatures during the LGM relative to the modern.  相似文献   

Volume emission rate profiles of the O(1D-1S) 5577 Å dayglow measured by the WIND imaging interferometer on the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite are analyzed to examine the O(1S) excitation mechanisms in the sunlit lower thermosphere and upper mesosphere. The observed emission profiles are compared with theoretical profiles calculated using a model which takes into account all of the known daytime sources of O(1S). These include photoelectron impact on atomic oxygen, dissociative recombination of O+2, photodissociation of molecular oxygen, energy transfer from metastable N2(A3+u) and three body recombination of atomic oxygen. Throughout most of the thermosphere the measured and modelled emission rates are in reasonably good agreement, given the limitations of the model, but in the region below 100 km, where the oxygen atom recombination source is likely to dominate, the measured emission rates are considerably larger than those modelled using the MSIS-90 oxygen atom densities. This discrepancy is discussed in terms of possible inadequacies in the MSIS-90 model atmosphere and/or additional sources of O(1S) at low altitude.  相似文献   

New results on the information that can be extracted from simulated non-Maxwellian incoherent radar spectra are presented. The cases of a pure ionosphere and of a composite ionosphere typical of a given altitude of the auroral F region are considered. In the case of a pure ionosphere of NO+ or O+ ions it has been shown that the electron temperature and the electron density can be derived from a Maxweilian analysis of radar spectra measured at aspect angles of 0° or 21° respectively; the ion temperature and ion temperature anisotropy can be derived from a non- constraining model such as the ID Raman fitting of a complementary measurement made at an aspect angle larger than 0° for the NO+ ions, or at an aspect angle larger than 21° for the O+ ions. Moreover with such measurements at large aspect angles, the shape of the velocity ion distribution functions can simultaneously be inferred. The case of a composite ionosphere of atomic O+ and molecular NO+ions is a difficult challenge which requires simultaneously a complementary measurement of the electron temperature to provide the ion composition and the electron density from the incoherent radar spectra at a specific aspect angle of 21°; hence, a model dependent routine is necessary to derive the ion temperatures and ion temperature anisotropies. In the case where the electron temperature is not given, a routine which depends on ion distribution models is required first: the better the ion distribution models are, the more accurately derived the plasma parameters will be. In both cases of a composite ionosphere, the 1D Raman fitting can be used to keep a check on the validity of the results provided by the ion distribution model dependent routine.  相似文献   

A model of auroral electron deposition processes has been developed using Monte Carlo techniques to simulate electron transport and energy loss. The computed differential electron flux and pitch angle were compared with in situ auroral observations to provide a check on the accuracy of the model. As part of the energy loss process, a tally was kept of electronic excitation and ionization of the important atomic and molecular states. The optical emission rates from these excited states were computed and compared with auroral observations of (3914 Å), (5577 Å), (7620 Å) and (N2VK). In particular, the roles played by energy transfer from N2(A3+u) and by other processes in the excitation of O(1S) and O2(b1+g) were investigated in detail. It is concluded that the N2(A3+u) mechanism is dominant for the production of OI(5577 Å) in the peak emission region of normal aurora, although the production efficiency is much smaller than the measured laboratory value; above 150 km electron impact on atomic oxygen is dominant. Atomic oxygen densities in the range of 0.75±0.25 MSIS-86 [O] were derived from the optical comparisons for auroral latitudes in mid-winter for various levels of solar and magnetic activity.  相似文献   

This study compares the OV1-10 satellite measurements of the integral airglow intensities at 630 nm in the SAR arc regions observed in the northern and southern hemisphere as a conjugate phenomenon, with the model results obtained using the time-dependent one-dimensional mathematical model of the Earth ionosphere and plasmasphere (the IZMIRAN model) during the geomagnetic storm of the period 15–17 February 1967. The major enhancements to the IZMIRAN model developed in this study are the inclusion of He+ ions (three major ions: O+ H+ and He+ and three ion temperatures), the updated photochemistry and energy balance equations for ions and electrons, the diffusion of NO+ and O+2 ions and O(1D) and the revised electron cooling rates arising from their collisions with unexcited N2, O2 molecules and N2 molecules at the first vibrational level. The updated model includes the option to use the models of the Boltzmann or non-Boltzmann distributions of vibrationally excited molecular nitrogen. Deviations from the Boltzmann distribution for the first five vibrational levels of N2 were calculated. The calculated distribution is highly non-Boltzmann at vibrational levels v > 2 and leads to a decrease in the calculated electron density and integral intensity at 630 nm in the northern and southern hemispheres in comparison with the electron density and integral intensity calculated using the Boltzmann vibrational distribution of N2. It is found that the intensity at 630 nm is very sensitive to the oxygen number densities. Good agreement between the modeled and measured intensities is obtained provided that at all altitudes of the southern hemisphere a reduction of about factor 1.35 in MSIS-86 atomic oxygen densities is included in the IZMIRAN model with the non-Boltzm-ann vibrational distribution of N2. The effect of using of the O(1D) diffusion results in the decrease of 4–6% in the calculated integral intensity of the northern hemisphere and 7–13% in the calculated integral intensity of the southern hemisphere. It is found that the modeled intensities of the southern hemisphere are more sensitive to the assumed values of the rate coefficients of O+(4S) ions with vibrationally excited nitrogen molecules and quenching of O+(2D) by atomic oxygen than the modeled intensities of the northern hemisphere.  相似文献   

Spectra of the O2(a1g) airglow emission band at 1.27 µm have been recorded during twilight at Maynooth (53.2°N, 6.4°W) using a Fourier transform spectrometer. Synthetic spectra have been generated for comparison with the recorded data by assuming a particular temperature at the emitting altitude, and modelling the absorption of each line in the band as it propagates downward through the atmosphere. The temperature used in generating the synthetic spectra was varied until an optimum fit was obtained between the recorded and synthetic data; this temperature was then attributed to the altitude of the emitting layer. Temperatures derived using this technique for 91 twilight periods over an 18-month period exhibit a strong seasonal behaviour with a maximum in winter and minimum in summer. Results from this study are compared with temperatures calculated from the OH(3, 1) Meinel band recorded simultaneously. In winter OH temperatures exceed O2 values by about 10 K, whereas the opposite situation pertains in summer; this result is interpreted in terms of a possible change in the altitude of the mesopause as a function of season. Estimates of the twilight O2(0, 0) total band intensity indicate that its intensity is lower and that its decay is more rapid in summer than in winter, in agreement with earlier observations.  相似文献   

This letter presents some night-time observations of neutral wind variations at F2 layer levels near the dip equator, measured by the Fabry-Perot interferometer set up in 1994 at Korhogo (Ivory Coast, geographic latitude 9.25°N, longitude 355°E, dip latitude -2.5°). Our instrument uses the 630 nm (O1D) line to determine radial Doppler velocities of the oxygen atoms between 200 and 400 km altitude. First results for November 1994 to March 1995 reveal persistent eastward flows, and frequent intervals of southward winds of larger than 50 ms–1 velocity. Compared with the simultaneous ionospheric patterns deduced from the three West African equatorial ionosondes at Korhogo, Ouagadougou (Burkina-Faso, dip latitude +1.5°) and Dakar (Sénégal, dip latitude + 5°), they illustrate various impacts of the thermospheric winds on F2 layer density: (1) on the mesoscale evolution (a few 103 km and a few 100 minutes scales) and (2) on local fluctuations (hundreds of km and tens of minutes characteristic times). We report on these fluctuations and discuss the opportunity to improve the time-resolution of the Fabry-Perot interferometer at Korhogo.  相似文献   

The seasonal dependences of the response of the hydroxyl ((6–2) band) and molecular oxygen O2(b 1Σ g + ) ((0–1) band) emission intensities, temperature, and density indicator in the region of the hydroxyl emission maximum (87 km) to solar activity have been obtained based on the spectral observations of the mesopause emissions at Zvenigorod observatory during 2000–2007. The ratio of the OH (7–3) and (9–4) band intensities, characterizing the behavior of the vibrational temperature, has been used as an indicator of density. It has been established that the response of the studied mesopause characteristics to solar activity is positive in all seasons. In winter the response is maximal in the intensities and temperature and is minimal in the density indicator. The main mechanisms by which solar activity affects the mesopause characteristics have been considered. The behavior of the internal gravity waves with periods of 0.33–7 h depending on solar activity has been studied. It has been noted that these waves become more active at a minimum of the 11-year solar cycle.  相似文献   

Millstone Hill ionospheric storm time measurements of the electron density and temperature during the ionospheric storms (15-16 June 1965; 29–30 September 1969 and 17–18 August 1970) are compared with model results. The model of the Earth’s ionosphere and plasmasphere includes interhemispheric coupling, the H+, O+(4S), O+(2D), O+(2P), NO+, O+2 and N+2 ions, electrons, photoelectrons, the electron and ion temperature, vibrationally excited N2 and the components of thermospheric wind.In order to model the electron temperature at the time of the 16 June 1965 negative storm, the heating rate of the electron gas by photoelectrons in the energy balance equation was multiplied by the factors 5–30 at he altitude above 700 km for the period 4.50-12.00 LT, 16 June 1965. The [O]/[N2] MSIS-86 decrease and vibrationally excited N2 effects are enough to account for the electron density depressions at Millstone Hill during the three storms. The factor of 2 (for 27–30 September 1969 magnetic storm) and the & actor 2.7 (for 16–18 August 1970 magnetic storm) reduction in the daytime peak density due to enhanced vibrationally excited N2 is brought about by the increase in the O++N2 rate factor.  相似文献   

Hyperboloid is a multi-directional mass spectrometer measuring ion distribution functions in the auroral and polar magnetosphere of the Earth in the thermal and suprathermal energy range. The instrument encompasses two analyzers containing a total of 26 entrance windows, and viewing in two almost mutually perpendicular half-planes. The nominal angular resolution is defined by the field of view of individual windows 13° × 12.5°. Energy analysis is performed using spherical electrostatic analyzers providing differential measurements between 1 and 80 eV. An ion beam emitter (RON experiment) and/or a potential bias applied to Hyperboloid entrance surface are used to counteract adverse effects of spacecraft potential and thus enable ion measurements down to very low energies. A magnetic analyzer focuses ions on one of four micro-channel plate (MCP) detectors, depending on their mass/charge ratio. Normal modes of operation enable to measure H+, He+, O++, and O+ simultaneously. An automatic MCP gain control software is used to adapt the instrument to the great flux dynamics encountered between spacecraft perigee (700 km) and apogee (20 000 km). Distribution functions in the main analyzer half-plane are obtained after a complete scan of windows and energies with temporal resolution between one and a few seconds. Three-dimensional (3D) distributions are measured in one spacecraft spin period (120 s). The secondary analyzer has a much smaller geometrical factor, but offers partial access to the 3D dependence of the distributions with a few seconds temporal resolution. Preliminary results are presented. Simultaneous, local heating of both H+ and O+ ions resulting in conical distributions below 80 eV is observed up to 3 Earths radii altitudes. The thermal ion signatures associated with large-scale nightside magnetospheric boundaries are investigated and a new ion outflow feature is identified associated to the polar edge of the auroral oval. Detailed distribution functions of injected magnetosheath ions and ouflowing cleft fountain ions are measured down to a few eVs in the dayside.  相似文献   

The problem of systematic overestimation (20–50%) of the retrieved ozone concentrations in the altitude range of 60–80 km in the TIMED–SABER satellite experiment in the daytime has been solved. The reason for overestimation is the neglect of the electronic vibrational kinetics of photolysis products of ozone and molecular oxygen O2(b1Σg +, ν) and O2(a1Δg, ν). The IR emission band of O2(a1Δg, ν = 0) at 1.27 μm can be correctly used in remote sensing in order to obtain the ozone altitude profile in the altitude range of 50–88 km only with the use of a complete model of electronic vibrational kinetics of O2 and O3 photolysis products (YM2011) in the Earth’s mesosphere and lower thermosphere. Alternative ozone tracers have been considered, and an optimum tracer in the altitude range of 50–100 km such as O2(b1Σg +, ν = 1) molecule emissions has been proposed.  相似文献   

Pulsating of the generalized ion and neutral polar winds   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A three-dimensional, time-dependent model of the ion and neutral polar winds was used to study their dynamic evolution during the May 4, 1998 magnetic storm. The simulation tracked the dynamics of five species (O+, H+, Hs, Os, and electrons) and covered a 9-h period. During the storm, Dst decreased to −210 nT, Ap reached 300, and Kp was elevated. The IMF Bz component was southward at the start of the storm and for several hours thereafter and then turned northward. However, the magnetospheric energy input to the ionosphere exhibited a 50-min oscillation, with the plasma convection and particle precipitation patterns expanding and contracting in a periodic manner. As a consequence, the ion and neutral polar winds pulsated with an approximate 50-min period. The H+ and O+ ions displayed cyclic upflows and downflows in the topside ionosphere as well as a highly structured spatial distribution that varied with time. The vertical flux of the neutral Hs atoms was upward at the top of the ionosphere, but the magnitude varied in a cyclic manner in response to the oscillating stormtime energy input. The vertical flux of neutral Os atoms was downward at the top of the ionosphere and varied significantly with the stormtime energy input. For H+, O+, and Hs, the maximum total (integrated) vertical flux during the storm was upward at the top of the ionosphere, with values of 8–9×1025 particles/s for H+, 2–4×1026 particles/s for O+, and 2–3×1027 particles/s for Hs. The corresponding total vertical Os flux was predominately downward, with only localized areas with positive fluxes.  相似文献   

The paper presents a model of the kinetics of electronically excited O2(c1Σu,v), O2(A′3Δu,v), O2(A3Σu+,v) molecules at heights of the lower thermosphere and mesosphere with allowance for electronic excitation transfer processes during molecular collisions. The model is used to calculate the relative O2(A3Σu+,v) and O2(A′3Δu,v) populations at heights of 80–110 km. The calculated populations are compared with the available literature results on experimental estimates, and good agreement is obtained. It is shown how the increase in the quenching rates of the considered states by oxygen atoms affects the calculation results.  相似文献   

The occurrence of anomalous (nonthermal) profiles of green emission of oxygen atoms detected with a Fabry-Perot spectrometer in auroras with the effect of a rapid decrease in the intensity of the wings of their dissociative component has been investigated. Based on an analysis of these measured profiles, it has been found that the characteristic time of recombination of a molecular oxygen ion at altitudes of 200–400 km is about 5–7 s. It appears that these molecular ions occur in a horizontally limited region of the auroral ionosphere as a result of ionization by a space localized flux of soft electrons with energies of 0.2–0.4 keV penetrating up to altitudes of 200 km. The estimation of the electron flux produces a value of 1010–1013 electrons cm?2 s?1. They generate the excess concentration n(O 2 + ) ~ 5.6 × 105 cm?3.  相似文献   

This study compares the observed behavior of the F region ionosphere over Millstone Hill with calculations from the IZMIRAN model for solar minimum for the geomagnetically quiet period 23–25 June 1986, when anomalously low values of hmF2(<200 km) were observed. We found that these low values of hmF2 (seen as a G condition on ionograms) exist in the ionosphere due to a decrease of production rates of oxygen ions resulting from low values of atomic oxygen density. Results show that determination of a G condition using incoherent scatter radar data is sensitive both to the true concentration of O+ relative to the molecular ions, and to the ion composition model assumed in the data reduction process. The increase in the O+ + N2 loss rate due to vibrationally excited N2 produces a reduction in NmF2 of typically 5–10%, but as large as 15%, bringing the model and data into better agreement. The effect of vibrationally excited NO+ ions on electron densities is negligible.  相似文献   

It has been previously demonstrated that a two-ion (O+ and H+) 8-moment time-dependent fluid model was able to reproduce correctly the ionospheric structure in the altitude range probed by the EISCAT-VHF radar. In the present study, the model is extended down to the E-region where molecular ion chemistry (NO+ and O+2, essentially) prevails over transport; EISCAT-UHF observations confirmed previous theoretical predictions that during events of intense E×B induced convection drifts, molecular ions (mainly NO+) predominate over O+ ions up to altitudes of 300 km. In addition to this extension of the model down to the E-region, the ionization and heating resulting from both solar insolation and particle precipitation is now taken into account in a consistent manner through a complete kinetic transport code. The effects of E×B induced convection drifts on the E- and F-region are presented: the balance between O+ and NO+ ions is drastically affected; the electric field acts to deplete the O+ ion concentration. The [NO+]/[O+] transition altitude varies from 190 km to 320 km as the perpendicular electric field increases from 0 to 100 mV m−1. An interesting additional by-product of the model is that it also predicts the presence of a noticeable fraction of N+ ions in the topside ionosphere in good agreement with Retarding Ion Mass Spectrometer measurements onboard Dynamic Explorer.  相似文献   

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