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We present the stellar and gas kinematics of a sample of 18 nearby late-type spiral galaxies (Hubble types ranging from Sb to Sd), observed with the integral-field spectrograph SAURON at the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope. SAURON covers the spectral range 4800–5380 Å, allowing us to measure the Hβ, Fe, Mg b absorption features and the emission in the Hβ line and the  [O  iii ]λλ4959, 5007 Å  and  [N  i ]λλ5198, 5200 Å  doublets over a  33 × 41-arcsec2  field of view. The maps cover the nuclear region of these late-type galaxies and in all cases include the entire bulge. In many cases the stellar kinematics suggests the presence of a cold inner region, as visible from a central drop in the stellar velocity dispersion. The ionized gas is almost ubiquitous and behaves in a complicated fashion: the gas velocity fields often display more features than the stellar ones, including wiggles in the zero-velocity lines, irregular distributions, ring-like structures. The line ratio [O  iii ]/Hβ often takes on low values over most of the field, probably indicating a wide-spread star formation.  相似文献   

We describe gravitationalN-body simulations to investigate whether various non-Newtonian interactions between the stars of a system could explain the flat rotational curves which are characteristic of actual isolated spiral galaxies. It is shown that replacing the standard Newtonian interaction by the models of Sanders (1984), Kuhn and Kruglyak (1987) and Milgrom (1983), no massive halo (or dark matter) is required to produce the flat rotational curves of the systems under consideration. All models also generate the exponential surface mass density distribution which is in agreement with that observed in disk-shaped galaxies. In relation to the spiral structure of galaxies, we present the evidence that the non-Newtonian interactions can reproduce the multiple armed patterns in stellar disks without dark matter.  相似文献   

The saturation conditions for bending modes in inhomogeneous thin stellar disks that follow from an analysis of the dispersion relation are compared with those derived from N-body simulations. In the central regions of inhomogeneous disks, the reserve of disk strength against the growth of bending instability is smaller than that for a homogeneous layer. The spheroidal component (a dark halo, a bulge) is shown to have a stabilizing effect. The latter turns out to depend not only on the total mass of the spherical component, but also on the degree of mass concentration toward the center. We conclude that the presence of a compact (not necessarily massive) bulge in spiral galaxies may prove to be enough to suppress the bending perturbations that increase the disk thickness. This conclusion is corroborated by our N-body simulations in which we simulated the evolution of near-equilibrium, but unstable finite-thickness disks in the presence of spheroidal components. The final disk thickness at the same total mass of the spherical component (dark halo + bulge) was found to be much smaller than that in the simulations where a concentrated bulge is present.  相似文献   

A rotating disc galaxy is modelled as a composite system consisting of thin stellar and gaseous discs, which are described by a two-fluid modal formalism. The composite disc system is assumed to retain axisymmetry in the background equilibrium. General density-wave perturbations in the two discs are coupled through the mutual gravitational interaction. We study the basic properties of open and tight spiral density-wave modes in such a composite disc system. Within the Lindblad resonances, perturbation enhancements of surface mass density in stellar and gaseous discs are in phase; this is also true during the initial growth phase of density-wave perturbations. Outside the Lindblad resonances, there exists a possible spiral density-wave branch for which perturbation enhancements of surface mass density in stellar and gaseous discs are out of phase. We discuss implications of these results on the critical parameters for global star formation in barred and normal spiral galaxies and on magnetohydrodynamic density waves within the Lindblad resonances.  相似文献   

We analyze the R-and K s-band photometric profiles for two independent samples of edge-on galaxies. The thickness of old stellar disks is shown to be related to the relative masses of the spherical and disk components of galaxies. The radial-to-vertical scale length ratio for galactic disks increases (the disks become thinner) with increasing total mass-to-light ratio of the galaxies, which reflects the relative contribution of the dark halo to the total mass, and with decreasing central deprojected disk brightness (density). Our results are in good agreement with numerical models of collisionless disks that evolved to a marginally stable equilibrium state. This suggests that, in most galaxies, the vertical stellar-velocity dispersion, on which the equilibrium-disk thickness depends, is close to a minimum value that ensures disk stability. The thinnest edge-on disks appear to be low-brightness galaxies in which the dark-halo mass far exceeds the stellar-disk mass.  相似文献   

We present numerical simulations of stellar wind dynamics in the central parsec of the Galactic Centre, studying in particular the accretion of gas on to Sgr A*, the supermassive black hole. Unlike our previous work, here we use state-of-the-art observational data on orbits and wind properties of individual wind-producing stars. Since wind velocities were revised upwards and non-zero eccentricities were considered, our new simulations show fewer clumps of cold gas and no conspicuous disc-like structure. The accretion rate is dominated by a few close 'slow-wind stars' ( v w≤ 750 km s−1), and is consistent with the Bondi estimate, but variable on time-scales of tens to hundreds of years. This variability is due to the stochastic infall of cold clumps of gas, as in earlier simulations, and to the eccentric orbits of stars. The present models fail to explain the high luminosity of Sgr A* a few hundred years ago implied by Integral observations, but we argue that the accretion of a cold clump with a small impact parameter could have caused it. Finally, we show the possibility of constraining the total mass-loss rate of the 'slow-wind stars' using near infrared observations of gas in the central few arcseconds.  相似文献   

We summarize here some ongoing work by our group on the formation and evolution of barred galaxies. We first discuss the evolution of bars in isolated disc galaxies. Then we address the problem of bar destruction during interactions and mergers. Finally we describe work on generation and regeneration of bars in interactions. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In this study, I attempt to apply for a new statistical method and investigate the environmental dependence of stellar mass and stellar velocity dispersion in the CMASS sample of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 9 (SDSS DR9). I divide the CMASS sample with redshifts 0.44 ≤ z ≤ 0.59 into many subsamples with a redshift binning size of Δz = 0.01, and analyze the environmental dependence of stellar mass and stellar velocity dispersion of subsamples in each redshift bin. It is found that stellar mass and stellar velocity dispersions of CMASS galaxies are very weakly correlated with the local environment. (© 2015 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Motivated by the observations on the intracluster light and intergalactic stellar populations, N -body simulations are used to model the galactic merging events as a goal to investigate the production and distribution of gravitational unbound populations (GUPs). Both the parabolic and hyperbolic mergers are considered, and each category includes six models with different relative orientations between two galaxies. Our results show that there are more (about a factor of 2) GUPs after a hyperbolic merging event than after a parabolic one. In general, depending on the relative orientation and also on the relative velocity of the two galaxies in a merging pair, a head-on collision of a galaxy pair would only make a tiny fraction (less than 1 per cent) of the initial stellar mass luminous GUP, but a considerable fraction (8–14 per cent) of the dark matter becomes dark GUP.  相似文献   

We make use of the 'Next Generation' model atmospheres of Allard et al. and Hauschildt, Allard & Baron to compute theoretical models for low- and very-low-mass stars for selected metallicities in the range Z =0.0002 to 0.002. On this basis, we present theoretical predictions covering the sequence of H-burning stars as observed in Galactic globulars from the faint end of the main sequence up to, and beyond, the cluster turn-off. The role played by the new model atmospheres is discussed, showing that present models appear in excellent agreement with models by Baraffe et al. as computed on a quite similar physical basis. One finds that the theoretical mass–luminosity relations based on this updated set of models are in good agreement with the empirical data provided by Henry & McCarthy. Comparison with HST observation discloses that the location on the colour–magnitude diagram of the lower main sequence in Galactic globular clusters appears again in good agreement with the predicted sensitive dependence of these sequences on the cluster metallicity.  相似文献   

In the present investigation, flat rotational curves of the galaxies are considered under the framework of brane-world models where the four-dimensional effective Einstein equation has extra terms which arise from the embedding of the 3-brane in the five-dimensional bulk. It has been shown here that these long-range bulk gravitational degrees of freedom can act as a mechanism to yield the observed galactic rotation curves without the need for dark matter. The present model has the advantage that the observed rotation curves result solely from well-established non-local effects of gravitation, such as dark radiation and dark pressure under a direct use of the condition of flat rotation curves and does not invoke any exotic matter field.  相似文献   

We have used a large sample of low-inclination spiral galaxies with radially resolved optical and near-infrared photometry to investigate trends in star formation history with radius as a function of galaxy structural parameters. A maximum-likelihood method was used to match all the available photometry of our sample to the colours predicted by stellar population synthesis models. The use of simplistic star formation histories, uncertainties in the stellar population models and considering the importance of dust all compromise the absolute ages and metallicities derived in this work; however, our conclusions are robust in a relative sense. We find that most spiral galaxies have stellar population gradients, in the sense that their inner regions are older and more metal rich than their outer regions. Our main conclusion is that the surface density of a galaxy drives its star formation history, perhaps through a local density dependence in the star formation law. The mass of a galaxy is a less important parameter; the age of a galaxy is relatively unaffected by its mass; however, the metallicity of galaxies depends on both surface density and mass. This suggests that galaxy‐mass-dependent feedback is an important process in the chemical evolution of galaxies. In addition, there is significant cosmic scatter suggesting that mass and density may not be the only parameters affecting the star formation history of a galaxy.  相似文献   

Exact radially-dependent particular solutions to the hydrodynamic equations for a disk galaxy are found. The mass density is calculated for a known Schwarzschild distribution function and also a distribution function is calculated from a known mass density.  相似文献   

Young massive stars in the central parsec of our Galaxy are best explained by star formation within at least one, and possibly two, massive self-gravitating gaseous discs. With help of numerical simulations, we here consider whether the observed population of young stars could have originated from a large angle collision of two massive gaseous clouds at   R ≃ 1 pc  from Sgr A*. In all the simulations performed, the post-collision gas flow forms an inner, nearly circular gaseous disc and one or two eccentric outer filaments, consistent with the observations. Furthermore, the radial stellar mass distribution is always very steep,  Σ*∝ R −2  , again consistent with the observations. All of our simulations produce discs that are warped by between 30° and 60°, in accordance with the most recent observations. The three-dimensional velocity structure of the stellar distribution is sensitive to initial conditions (e.g. the impact parameter of the clouds) and gas cooling details. For example, the runs in which the inner disc is fed intermittently with material possessing fluctuating angular momentum result in multiple stellar discs with different orbital orientations, contradicting the observed data. In all the cases the amount of gas accreted by our inner boundary condition is large, enough to allow Sgr A* to radiate near its Eddington limit over ∼105 yr. This suggests that a refined model would have physically larger clouds (or a cloud and a disc such as the circumnuclear disc) colliding at a distance of a few parsecs rather than 1 pc as in our simulations.  相似文献   

Galactic winds and mass outflows are observed both in nearby starburst galaxies and in high-redshift star-forming galaxies. We develop a simple analytic model to understand the observed superwind phenomenon with a discussion of the model uncertainties. Our model is built upon the model of McKee & Ostriker for the interstellar medium. It allows one to predict how properties of a superwind, such as wind velocity and mass outflow rate, are related to properties of its starforming host galaxy, such as size, gas density and star formation rate. The model predicts a threshold of star formation rate density for the generation of observable galactic winds. Galaxies with more concentrated star formation activities produce superwinds with higher velocities. The predicted mass outflow rates are comparable to (or slightly larger than) the corresponding star formation rates. We apply our model to both local starburst galaxies and high-redshift Lyman break galaxies, and find its predictions to be in good agreement with current observations. Our model is simple and so can be easily incorporated into numerical simulations and semi-analytical models of galaxy formation.  相似文献   

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