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沉积盆地构造热演化研究进展:回顾与展望   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
构造热演化模拟是研究沉积盆地的重要手段之一,其模型依赖于沉积盆地的成因机制.裂谷盆地构造热演化的定量模型在描述盆地沉降和热流演化方面取得了极大的成功,实现了构造和热的完美结合.而前陆盆地的定量模型更多关注的是构造沉降,在构造与热的结合方面尚不够完善.关于克拉通盆地目前还没有很成熟的定量模型,构造热演化研究程度远远低于裂谷盆地和前陆盆地.随着我国陆域海相沉积盆地油气勘探的突破,对海相沉积盆地热体制的研究迫在眉睫.而我国陆域海相沉积盆地,如塔里木和四川盆地,演化历史长且复杂,是古生代海相克拉通与中、新生代前陆盆地组成的叠合盆地.现有的关于沉积盆地构造热演化的单一模式难以适应复杂的构造—热历史.对我国陆域海相大型沉积盆地进行深入全面的动力学分析,发展叠合盆地的构造—热演化模型,建立相应的构造热演化模式及模拟方法技术,将是一项具有开拓意义并极具挑战性的工作.  相似文献   

A crustal scalar magnetic anomaly map of Canada and the northern United States is derived using data collected from the MAGSAT satellite. The anomalies are correlated to geological features. Basins associated with failed arms of old rifts have high magnetic anomalies. The Rocky Mountains, the Appalachian Mountains, the suture zone of the Grenville province, modern hotspots and ocean ridges have low magnetic anomalies.  相似文献   

Some remarks on the development of sedimentary basins   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
A simple model for the development and evolution of sedimentary basins is proposed. The first event consists of a rapid stretching of continental lithosphere, which produces thinning and passive upwelling of hot asthenosphere. This stage is associated with block faulting and subsidence. The lithosphere then thickens by heat conduction to the surface, and further slow subsidence occurs which is not associated with faulting. The slow subsidence and the heat flow depend only on the amount of stretching, which can be estimated from these quantities and from the change in thickness of the continental crust caused by the extension. The model is therefore easily tested. Preliminary investigations of the Great Basin, the Aegean, the North Sea and the Michigan Basin suggest that the model can account for the major events in their evolution.  相似文献   

China sedimentary basins present abundant natural gas resource thanks to its unique geological settings.Marine highly-matured hydrocarbon source rocks,widespread coal-measure strata and low temperature Quaternary saline strata,etc.,indicate the wide foreground of China natural gas resources. Up to now,most of the petroliferous basins have been discovered to have wholesale natural gas accumulation from Precambrian,Paleozoic,Mesozoic to Cenozoic in the east,the central,the west and the coast of China.These large and medium-scale gas reservoirs are mainly composed of hydrocarbon gas with big dry coefficient,tiny non-hydrocarbon,wide carbon isotope distribution and varying origin types,the hydrocarbon gas includes coal-formed gas,oil-formed gas,biogenic gas and inorganic gas, etc.Coal-formed gas is the main type of China natural gas resources,in particular several explored large-scale gas fields(>100 billion cubic meter)of Kela 2,Sulige and Daniudi,etc.,they all belong to coal-formed gas fields or the gas fields consisting mostly of coal-formed gas.Oil-formed gas is also abundant in China marine basins,for example marine natural gas of Sichuan Basin generated from crude oil cracking gas.Primary and secondary biogenic gas fields were discovered respectively in the Qaidam Basin and Western Slope of Songliao Basin.In addition,inorganic gases are mainly distributed in the eastern China,in particular the Songliao Basin with abundant carbon dioxide accumulation,indicating that the eastern China present large exploration potential of inorganic gas.  相似文献   

The integrated study of the geological and seismic reflection data from the drilling area of CCSD has discovered that the density and the P-wave velocity of orthogneiss are almost the same as that of the paragneiss in the area; but the orthogneiss and the paragneiss hold different reflection attributes. The strong seismic reflector packes coinciding spatially with the paragneiss suites have implied that the paragneiss buried in the metamorphic crust itself can cause bone-like seismic reflector sets. The P-wave velocity of paragneiss shows little apparent difference with that of the orthogneiss; but its transverse wave velocity is lower, with the Vp/Vs ratios being high. The paragneiss has partially inherited the layering structures and textures of the protolithe of sedimentary rocks, hence shows strong heterogeneity and anisotropy, that is why the paragneiss are able to produce the bone-like reflectors in the upper crust. The low transverse wave velocity of paragneiss often means weak shear resistance, which will further cause cracks or fractures in the rock, consequentially increase its porosity and permeability during tectonic movements, and form the paragneiss reservoirs of low-permeability zones for gases uplifted from the deeper crust. Because the paragneiss in the crustal metamorphic basement can cause the seismic reflectors, seismic reflection sections are able to provide information about the paragneiss under certain prerequisites.  相似文献   

沉积盆地波动过程分析方法是一种较新的盆地分析方法,该方法以物理学中有关波的理论为基础,以波动的观点来分析地壳运动,本文介绍了沉积盆地波动过程分析的基本概念、发展过程、方法原理、研究步骤,从含油气盆地分析的四个主要研究内容论述了波动过程分析法研究现状,并探讨了它的发展趋势.  相似文献   

The variation in the density of sediments with depth in a sedimentary basin can be represented by a hyperbolic function. Gravity anomaly expressions for a 2D vertical prism and an asymmetric trapezium with a hyperbolic density distribution are derived in a closed form. These are used in inverting the gravity anomaly of a sedimentary basin with variable density. Firstly, the basin is viewed as a series of prisms juxtaposed with each other. The initial thickness of each prism is obtained from the gravity anomaly at its centre, based on the gravity anomaly of an infinite slab with a hyperbolic density contrast. These thicknesses are improved, based on the differences between the observed and the calculated anomalies. For an improved rate of convergence of the solution, these thicknesses may alternatively be refined using the well-known ridge regression technique. Secondly, the basin is approximated by an asymmetric trapezium and its anomalies are inverted for the parameters of the trapezium using the ridge regression. Since this approximation serves to oversimplify the floor of the basin, it must be used only when the sediment-basement interface has minor undulations. The results of a hypothetical case and two field cases (the San Jacinto Graben, California and the Godavari Graben, southern India) are presented. In both field cases, the interpreted depths are comparable with the real ones, proving the validity of the assumption of a hyperbolic density distribution of the sediments in the two basins considered.  相似文献   

Correlation coefficients are calculated from the available geothermic data for the sedimentary basins of India to reveal some significant association between: (1) heat flow and thermal conductivity, (2) heat flow and geothermal gradient, (3) geothermal gradient and thermal conductivity, and (4) heat flow and related crustal thickness. The observed negative correlationship between heat flow and thermal conductivity for all Indian sedimentary basins suggests corresponding changes in crustal thickness.  相似文献   




Most thermo-mechanical models for the development of sedimentary basins have assumed that the rifting responsible for the formation of the basin occurred instantaneously and have examined the post-rift development of the basin. This assumption greatly simplifies the mathematical treatment, but is not in accord with what is found in nature, where 10-to 50-m.y. rifting events commonly accompany the formation of sedimentary basins and continental margins. The effects of a finite rifting time on the development of sedimentary basins are examined using an analytic technique which allows an arbitrary rifting history in both time and space and which considers the effects of both vertical and horizontal heat transfer. This technique allows the thermal structure of the lithosphere to be calculated throughout the rifting event and thus permits the subsidence history and surface heat flow of the developing basin to be traced.The effect of a finite-duration extension event is that heat is lost during rifting increasing the syn-rift subsidence at the expense of the post-rift. Lateral heat flow, which was not included in previous studies of the effect of finite rifting times, has a significant effect on the subsidence history, distribution of sediments and thermal history. In particular, the post-rift subsidence is decreased by more than 25% for a 20-m.y. rifting event and by more than 10–15% for a rifting event as short as 10 m.y. This will significantly decrease the subsidence rates in the post-rift stage and implies that inferences concerning the structure, development and thermal history of the basin derived from using “β-curves” to interpret backstripped subsidence can be greatly in error.Variations in syn-rift sediment accumulation and lithospheric thermal structure at the end of rifting resulting from different rifting histories can interact with other factors, such as the flexural response of the lithosphere to sediment loading, to affect the final width of the basin, the total amount of sediments that accumulate and the basin stratigraphy.  相似文献   

包得志  荣棉水  喻烟 《地震工程学报》2021,43(6):1472-1479,1500
盆地效应作为场地效应的一种特殊类型,其对地震动的影响仍在持续研究当中.建立二维梯形沉积盆地模型,模型边界采用透射人工边界,利用显式有限元法作为求解方法.根据Bucking-ham提出的π定理定义了多个影响盆地效应的无量纲参数,包括盆地深宽比、介质波速比、盆地深度与入射波长之比、盆地开口宽度与入射波长之比.以Ricker...  相似文献   

Mountain building and landscape evolution are controlled by interactions between river dynamics and tectonic forces. Such interactions have been extensively studied, however a quantitative evaluation of tectonic/geomorphic feedbacks, which is imperative for understanding sediments routing within orogens and fold‐and‐thrust belts, remains to be undertaken. Here, we employ numerical simulations to assess the conditions of uplift and river incision necessary to deflect an antecedent drainage network during the growth of one, or several, folds. We propose that a partitioning of the river network into internal (endorheic) and longitudinal drainage arises as a result of lithological differences within the deforming crustal sedimentary cover. Using examples from the Zagros Fold Belt (ZFB), we show that drainage patterns can be linked to the non‐dimensional incision ratio R between successive lithological layers, corresponding to the ratio between their relative erodibilities or incision coefficients. Transverse drainage networks develop for uplift rates smaller than 0.8 mm yr?1 and low incision ratios (?10 < R < 10). Intermediate drainage networks are obtained for uplift rates up to 2 mm yr?1 and large incision ratios (R > 20). Parallel drainage networks and the formation of sedimentary basins occur for large values of incision ratio (R > 20) and uplift rates between 1 and 2 mm yr?1. These results have implications for predicting the distribution of sediment depocenters in fold‐and‐thrust belts, which can be of direct economic interest for hydrocarbon exploration. They also put better constraints on the fluvial and geomorphic responses to fold growth induced by crustal‐scale tectonics. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Management of sediment in river basins and waterways has been an important issue for water managers throughout history. The changing nature of sediment issues has meant that water managers today face many complex technical and environmental challenges in relation to sediment management. UNESCO's International Hydrological Programme(IHP) launched the International Sediment Initiative(ISI) in 2002.ISI aims to further advance sustainable sediment management on a global scale. This is achieved through the delivery of a decision support framework for sediment management that provides guidance on legislative and institutional solutions, applicable across a range of socio-economic and physiographic settings in the context of global change. ISI mobilizes international experience on sediment problems and their management through the compilation of a series of case studies representative of a broad range of physiographic and socio-economic conditions, which are made available as guidance for policy makers dealing with water and river basin management. Case studies prepared to date include the basins of the Nile, Mississippi, Rhine, Volga, Yellow, and Haihe and Liaohe rivers. Available in full from the ISI website,these detailed case studies are briefly introduced in this review articles.  相似文献   

The present study deals with the correlation between the geotectonic features of the basement and the internal structure, shape, geologic evolution, etc. of the major sedimentary basins of the South American platform. The Paraná, Parnaíba and Amazonas basins occupy an area of the order of 3.6 × 106 km2, and their sedimentary cratonic sequences were deposited from Silurian to Triassic times. Subsidence rates are estimated around 15 m/Ma in the main depocenters.A geologic study was carried out along the basement features in the surroundings of such basins in order to identify the major structural, geotectonic and geochronological discontinuities. The extension of these basement characteristics towards the interior of the basins are examined. Basement core samples from deep wells were investigated through petrological and geochronological analyses, and pre-existing geophysical and structural maps of those basins were taken again into consideration.It can be concluded that many of the identified basement discontinuities display a direct influence on the depositional history of the basins as well as on their internal subdivisions and external outlines. Basement structures generated during the late Precambrian Brasiliano Cycle turned out to be particularly important.The Paraná and Parnaíba basins are considered to represent cratonic basins, located on rigid lithosphere, tectonically stabilized in the latest Precambrian/early Palaeozoic, and their subsidence is attributed to the establishement of some initial rifted grabens. The Amazonas basin is more complex and includes three large sub-basins with distinct evolutions, each located on a different tectonic segment of the basement.  相似文献   

When a sedimentary basin is formed by extension both the subsidence history and the temperature gradient can be calculated. Hence the time-temperature history of any stratum can be obtained. Three types of behaviour occur. The temperature of material which never reaches depths greater than about 4 km increases at all times. The time-temperature history of material which finally sinks to greater depths reaches a maximum during the subsidence history. The time at which this maximum occurs decreases as the depth increases. At greater depths the maximum temperature occurs at the time the basin is formed. The time-temperature history is then used to calculate Lopatin's maturation index for each stratum as a function of time, and the index plotted as a function of depth and time for different amounts of extension. The maximum temperature at a given depth, and hence Lopatin's index, is almost independent of the amount of extension when the age of the basin is greater than about 150 Ma. Similar calculations taking account of sediment compaction show the same behaviour, though the maturity of the material at a given depth is increased. Because both Lopatin's index and its calibration are empirical it is important to develop new maturation indices based on individual molecular reactions whose activation energies can be determined in the laboratory.  相似文献   

The results of long-term (2001–2009) measurements of fractures in sedimentary rocks of the Badenian and Pannonian age within the Rust-Fertorakos Highland and adjacent areas are presented and interpreted in terms of paleostresses in the study. The Rust-Fertorakos Highland has a nearly north-south trending strike and separates the Vienna and Pannonian Basins. It is expressed not only in the topography but also in the thickness of the sedimentary cover. Faults in the basement of the Rust-Fertorakos Highland have a nearly north-south strike diagonal to the general NE-SW strike of the faults of the basement of the Vienna Basin. The data of measurements of joints made in quarries and on road slopes that were subsequently computer processed using two independent techniques indicate that, along with joint systems, which are orthogonal to the rock bedding and are of a primary lithogenetic origin, joints joining to form systems obliquely oriented to the bedding are quite common in the region. These secondary joint systems have been formed at later stages of development of already lithified rocks under the influence of tectonic paleostresses. Interpreting pairs of secondary systems as conjugated shear joints, the authors have reconstructed the orientations of the axes of the relevant tectonic paleostresses. At some observation points, the identification of conjugated shear systems has been ambiguous. In these cases, two possible solutions for the paleostress axes have been drawn. Despite some ambiguities, all of the solutions obtained have a steady tendency in terms of the orientation of the minimum compression axis T 3. This axis is subhorizontal and is oriented nearly east-west with some variation. The maximum compression axis T 1 and the intermediate principal stress axis T 2 are normally inclined to the horizontal, and the orientation of these axes depends on the observation point.  相似文献   

Uranium deposits in sedimentary basins can be formed at various depths,from near surface to the basement.While many factors may have played a role in controlling the location of mineralization,examination of various examples in the world,coupled with numerical modeling of fluid flow,indicates that the hydrodynamic regime of a basin may have exerted a major control on the localization of uranium deposits.If a basin is strongly overpressured,due to rapid sedimentation,abundance of low-permeability sediments or generation of hydrocarbons,fluid flow is dominantly upward and uranium mineralization is likely limited at shallow depths.If a basin is moderately overpressured,upward moving fluids carrying reducing agents may meet downward moving,oxidizing,uranium-bearing fluids in the middle of the basin,forming uranium deposits at moderate depths.If a basin is weakly or not overpressured,either due to slow sedimentation or dominance of high-permeability lithologies,minor topographic disturbance or density variation may drive oxidizing fluids to the bottom of the basin,leaching uranium either from the basin or the basement,forming unconformity-type uranium deposits.It is therefore important to analyze the hydrodynamic regime of a basin in order to predict the most likely type and location of uranium deposits in the basin.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse the hydrogeologic role of siliciclastic deposits and marly‐clayey‐calcareous successions within the carbonate Apennine chain (southern Italy). The study was carried out along the northern part of the Matese carbonate massif through (1) the hydraulic characterization of siliciclastic rocks in a test site, by means of Lugeon tests, and (2) the identification of the groundwater flow system discharging at an important spring located within a marly‐clayey‐calcareous succession in a second test site, by means of isotopic investigations. The results showed that the investigated siliciclastic deposits and marly‐clayey‐calcareous successions may allow significant groundwater discharge from carbonate aquifers. Thus, they do not everywhere behave as aquitard, contrary to the previous model. Instead, groundwater flows through the upper part of these successions, where stress release fracturing enhanced rock permeability in the near‐surface bedrock. Thus, these successions may locally be a new groundwater source within the southern Apennine chain. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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