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Cosmic-ray-produced26Al (t1/2 = 7.05 × 105 years) has been measured in the Apollo 15 long core (surface to 390 g/cm2—218 cm) for study of galactic cosmic ray production profiles, using accelerator mass spectrometry. The results are in general accord with non-destructive counting data obtained earlier, but systematically lower, and significantly higher precision. From this experiment the half-attenuation length for26Al production can be calculated to be 122 g/cm2 (150–400 g/cm2 region) after normalizing the data to average chemical composition. The53Mn (t1/2 = 3.7 × 106 years) production profile in deep cores was also compiled to date. The half-attenuation length for53Mn production was calculated to be 123 g/cm2 (150–400 g/cm2 region).  相似文献   

Abundances and isotopic compositions of all the stable noble gases have been measured in 19 different depths of the Apollo 15 deep drill core, 7 different depths of the Apollo 16 deep drill core, and in several surface fines and breccias. All samples analyzed from both drill cores contain large concentrations of solar wind implanted gases, which demonstrates that even the deepest layers of both cores have experienced a lunar surface history. For the Apollo 15 core samples, trapped4He concentrations are constant to within a factor of two; elemental ratios show even greater similarities with mean values of4He/22Ne= 683±44,22Ne/36Ar= 0.439±0.057,36Ar/84Kr= 1.60±0.11·103, and84Kr/132Xe= 5.92±0.74. Apollo 16 core samples show distinctly lower4He contents,4He/22Ne(567±74), and22Ne/36Ar(0.229±0.024), but their heavy-element ratios are essentially identical to Apollo 15 core samples. Apollo 16 surface fines also show lower values of4He/22Ne and22Ne/36Ar. This phenomenon is attributed to greater fractionation during gas loss because of the higher plagioclase contents of Apollo 16 fines. Of these four elemental ratios as measured in both cores, only the22Ne/36Ar for the Apollo 15 core shows an apparent depth dependance. No unambiguous evidence was seen in these core materials of appreciable variations in the composition of the solar wind. Calculated concentrations of cosmic ray-produced21Ne,80Kr, and126Xe for the Apollo 15 core showed nearly flat (within a factor of two) depth profiles, but with smaller random concentration variations over depths of a few cm. These data are not consistent with a short-term core accretion model from non-irradiated regolith. The Apollo 15 core data are consistent with a combined accretion plus static time of a few hundred million years, and also indicate variable pre-accretion irradiation of core material. The lack of large variations in solar wind gas contents across core layers is also consistent with appreciable pre-accretion irradiation. Depth profiles of cosmogenic gases in the Apollo 16 core show considerably larger concentrations of cosmogenic gases below ~65 cm depth than above. This pattern may be interpreted either as an accretionary process, or by a more recent deposition of regolith to the upper ~70 cm of the core. Cosmogenic gas concentrations of several Apollo 16 fines and breccias are consistent with ages of North Ray Crater and South Ray Crater of ~50·106 and ~2·106 yr, respectively.  相似文献   

Apollo 15 breccia 15427 and soils 15101, 15261 and 15301 contain abundant spheres and fragments of a green glass that is remarkably constant in composition. The glass is rich in Fe and Mg, and low in Ti, unlike any known lunar basalt, and may be derived from material of pyroxenitic composition in the Apennine Front.  相似文献   

Particle track measurements have been made in nearly 500 individual grains from 13 levels in the 54–80 cm depth range of the Apollo 15 deep core. They reveal a wide range of track densities at all depths and some systematic variations within layers, indicating that both predepositional mixing and subsequent layering are present and that separate sub-layers exist within larger regions where no sub-layers are visible. Minimum track densities are inferred to be useful measures of maximum residence times for undisturbed layers. Using the observed minimum track densities we conclude that the average deposition rate in this section of soil column was ≥ 0.4 cm/million years.  相似文献   

Complex patterns of spreading centers were formed in Mesozoic time during the breakup of Gondwanaland and the Pacific tectonic plate. The approximate locus of each breakup can be identified by paleomagnetism, paleogeography, and plate tectonics. Each coincides with the present location of similarly complex patterns of intense positive gravity anomalies produced by rising and divergent mantle convection. Apparently the convection caused the breakups and the location and intensity of the convective pattern have not changed since Mesozoic time.  相似文献   

Approximately 500 glasses between 1 mm and 125 μm in size have been analyzed from fourteen samples from the Apollo 16 core sections 60002 and 60004. The majority of glasses have compositions comparable to those found in previous studies of lunar surface soils; however, two new and distinct glass compositions that are probably derived in part from mare material occur in the core samples. The major glass composition in all samples is that of Highland Basalt glass, but it also appears that high-K Fra Mauro Basalt (KREEP) glass is more common at the Apollo 16 site than was previously thought. The relative abundance of glasses within the core samples is random in distribution: each sample is characterized by a particular assemblage and distribution of the constituent glass compositions.  相似文献   

Six soil samples from various depths of the Luna 24 drill core column have been analysed for their particle track records and light noble gas compositions. The observed particle track records indicate higher degree of maturity for the upper zone (~1 m) of this regolith column as compared to the soils in the lower zone (~0.4 m). The cosmogenic21Ne concentrations decrease rapidly with depth to 1 m, after which the concentrations level off or increase slightly. These data suggest a multi-stage depositional history for this drill core soil column consisting of: (1) rapid deposition of regolith material, (2) a cratering event about 400 m.y. B.P., leading to excavation to a depth of ~1 m from the present regolith surface, (3) a relatively rapid fill up of the crater with near-surface irradiated material, and (4) in-situ irradiation during the last about 250–300 m.y. Such a depositional sequence can also explain the observed lack of correlation between different surface exposure-correlated maturity indices in these drill core soil samples.  相似文献   

Three Apollo 15 crystalline rocks were used for determining lunar paleointensity at 3.3 AE using a new ARM-method of paleointensity determination. The values were found to be 4900 γ, 2200 γ, and 7600 γ. Thus an average lunar paleointensity of 4900 γ is concluded for this period.  相似文献   

Abstract Characteristics of deformation and alteration of the 1140 m deep fracture zone of the Nojima Fault are described based on mesoscopic (to the naked eye) and microscopic (by both optical and scanning electron microscopes) observations of the Hirabayashi National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED) drill core. Three types of fault rocks; that is, fault breccia, fault gouge and cataclasite, appear in the central part of the fault zone and two types of weakly deformed and/or altered rocks; that is, weakly deformed and altered granodiorite and altered granodiorite, are located in the outside of the central part of the fault zone (damaged zone). Cataclasite appears occasionally in the damaged zone. Six distinct, thin foliated fault gouge zones, which dip to the south-east, appear clearly in the very central part of the fracture zone. Slickenlines plunging to the north-east are observed on the surface of the newest gouge. Based on the observations of XZ thin sections, these slickenlines and the newest gouge have the same kinematics as the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake (Kobe earthquake), which was dextral-reverse slip. Scanning electron microscopy observations of the freeze-dried fault gouge show that a large amount of void space is maintained locally, which might play an important role as a path for fluid migration and the existence of either heterogeneity of pore fluid pressure or strain localization.  相似文献   

Core A179-15 from the southern North Atlantic exhibits one of the best paleoclimatic records for the last 25,000 years. This is because it is a high-sedimentation rate core and because it has been analysed at 1 cm intervals by Ericson and Wollin. The core has been used by Mörner for global climatic correlations. The magnetic measurements show a fairly drastic declination excursion at 12,350 B.P., i.e. exactly at the same age as the end of the Gothenburg Magnetic “Flip”. Therefore, the declination excursion in core A179-15 probably represents the end of the Gothenburg Magnetic “Flip” and Excursion. The excursion and a lithologic boundary verify the chronology earlier applied by Mörner.  相似文献   

A new record of absolute palaeointensity was obtained from drill core Scientific Observation Hole 1 (SOH1) on Kilauea volcano, Hawaii. Kilauea’s high eruption rate resulted in a relatively continuous record and stratigraphic constraints preserved the chronological order. Three hundred and sixty samples were studied with the Thellier-Thellier technique, which gave 195 successful palaeointensity and 271 successful inclination determinations. Three geomagnetic excursions were observed, which exhibited intensity reductions of about 50%. Initial age control from K-Ar and Ar/Ar dating only constrained the total age between 20 and 120 ka. The final age model was obtained by stretching the SOH1 record relative to other Hawaiian palaeomagnetic data. This gave an age range of 0-45 ka for the flows and identified the excursions as the Hilina Pali, Mono Lake and Laschamp events. The SOH1 record of the Hilina Pali event is the most detailed ever, incorporating data from around 40 flows. This age model suggests that Kilauea had a burst of activity at the SOH1 site around 20 ka. All available data was combined to form a composite record of palaeointensity and inclination on Hawaii for 0-45 ka.  相似文献   

A simple fast and straightforward, accurate numerical method is proposed for calculating barotropic non-divergent continental shelf waves, above general shelf profiles. The problem is reduced to a linear eigenvalue problem for the along-stream wavenumber k, that can be solved directly with exponential accuracy, using any standard linear eigenvalue package.  相似文献   

Abstract The internal structures of the Nojima Fault, south-west Japan, are examined from mesoscopic observations of continuous core samples from the Hirabayashi Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ) drilling. The drilling penetrated the central part of the Nojima Fault, which ruptured during the 1995 Kobe earthquake (Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake) ( M 7.2). It intersected a 0.3 m-thick layer of fault gouge, which is presumed to constitute the fault core (defined as a narrow zone of extremely concentrated deformation) of the Nojima Fault Zone. The rocks obtained from the Hirabayashi GSJ drilling were divided into five types based on the intensities of deformation and alteration: host rock, weakly deformed and altered granodiorite, fault breccia, cataclasite, and fault gouge. Weakly deformed and altered granodiorite is distributed widely in the fault zone. Fault breccia appears mostly just above the fault core. Cataclasite is distributed mainly in a narrow (≈1 m wide) zone in between the fault core and a smaller gouge zone encountered lower down from the drilling. Fault gouge in the fault core is divided into three types based on their color and textures. From their cross-cutting relationships and vein development, the lowest fault gouge in the fault core is judged to be newer than the other two. The fault zone characterized by the deformation and alteration is assumed to be deeper than 426.2 m and its net thickness is > 46.5 m. The fault rocks in the hanging wall (above the fault core) are deformed and altered more intensely than those in the footwall (below the fault core). Furthermore, the intensities of deformation and alteration increase progressively towards the fault core in the hanging wall, but not in the footwall. The difference in the fault rock distribution between the hanging wall and the footwall might be related to the offset of the Nojima Fault and/or the asymmetrical ground motion during earthquakes.  相似文献   

Kilauea Iki lava lake formed during the 1959 summit eruption, one of the most picritic eruptions of Kilauea Volcano in the twentieth century. Since 1959 the 110 to 122 m thick lake has cooled slowly, developing steadily thickening upper and lower crusts, with a lens of more molten lava in between. Recent coring dates, with maximum depths reached in the center of the lake, are: 1967 (26.5 m). 1975 (44.2 m), 1976 (46.0 m) and 1979 (52.7 m). These depths define the base of the upper crust at the time of drilling. The bulk of the core consists of a gray, olivine-phyric basalt matrix, which locally contains coarser-grained diabasic segregation veins. The most important megascopic variation in the matrix rock is its variation in olivine content. The upper 15 m of crust is very olivine-rich. Abundance and average size of olivine decrease irregularly downward to 23 m; between 23 and 40 m the rock contains 5–10% of small olivine phenocrysts. Below 40 m. olivine content and average grainsize rise sharply. Olivine contents remain high (20–45%, by volume) throughout the lower crust, except for a narrow (< 6 m) olivine depleted zone near the basalt contact. Petrographically the olivine phenocrysts in Kilauea Iki can be divided into two types. Type 1 phenocrysts are large (1–12 mm long), with irregular blocky outlines, and often contain kink bands. Type 2 crystals are relatively small (0.5–2 mm in length), euhedral and undeformed. The variations in olivine content of the matrix rock are almost entirely variations in the amount of type 1 olivines. Sharp mineral layering of any sort is rare in Kilauea Iki. However, the depth range 41–52 m is marked by the frequent occurrence of steeply dipping (70°–90°) bands or bodies of slightly vuggy olivine-rich rock locally capped with a small cupola of segregation-vein material. In thin section there is clear evidence for relative movement of melt and crystals within these structures. The segregation veins occur only in the upper crust. The most widely distributed (occurring from 4.5–59.4 m) are thin veins (most < 5 cm thick), which cut the core at moderate angles and appear to have been derived from the immediately adjacent wall-rock by filter pressing. There is also a series of thicker (0.1–1.5 m) segregation veins, which recur every 2–3 m, between 20 and 52 m. These have subhorizontal contacts and appear, from similarities in thickness and spacing, to correlate between drill holes as much as 100 m apart. These large veins are not derived from the adjacent wallrock: their mechanism of formation is still problematical. The total thickness of segregation veins in Kilauea Iki is 3–6 m in the central part of the lake, corresponding to 6–11% of the upper crust. Whole-rock compositions for Kilauea Iki fall into two groups: the matrix rock ranges from 20-7.5% MgO, while the segregation veins all contain between 6.0 and 4.5% MgO. There are no whole-rock compositions of intermediate MgO content. Samples from < 12 m show eruption-controlled chemistry. Below that depth, matrix rock compositions have higher Al2O3, TiO2 and alkalies, and lower CaO and FeO, at a given MgO content than do the eruption pumices. The probable causes of this are assimilation of low-melting components from foundered crust, plus removal of olivine, plus removal of minor augite, for rocks with MgO contents of < 8.0%. Given the observed rate of growth of the upper crust, one can infer that significant removal of the type 1 olivine phenocrysts from the upper part of the lake began in 1963 and ceased sometime prior to 1972. The process. probably gravitative settling, appears to have been inhibited earlier by gas streaming from the lower part of the lens of melt. The olivine cumulate zone, which extends into the upper crust, contains relatively few (25–40%) olivine crystals, few of which actually touch each other. The diffuseness of the cumulate zone raises the possibility that the crystals were coated with a relatively visous boundary layer of melt which moved with them. Calculations of the Stokes’ law settling rates of the largest olivine crystals found at the base of the crust in 1975–76 suggest that the «melt» had a viscosity of > 106 poises, and probably had the properties of a Bingham body, rather than a Newtonian fluid, by that date, which was several years after olivine removal ceased.  相似文献   

The production rate profiles of21Ne and22Ne as a function of depth in meteoroids due to spallation by solar flare cosmic rays (SCR) and galactic cosmic rays (GCR) are calculated and their dependence on size and composition of meteoroids has been evaluated. The GCR production rate at a given depth increases with size for radii<25cm and then decreases whereas the22Ne21Ne ratio (NeR) generally decreases with size and depth. The calculated GCR production rates and NeR are consistent with the measurements in several Chondrites. A plot of track production rate vs. NeR shows that some chondrites have NeR values smaller than those expected for their sizes. Thes obeervation suggestsat least a two-stage irradiation for such meteorites; the meteoroid exposure as a small body in the interplanetary space must have been preceded by exposure under deep shielding, possibly in its parent body.  相似文献   

The influx of10Be into a globigerinid ooze core (CH72-02) from the eastern North Atlantic has been studied. This core contains a depositional record of the first 11 δ18O stages covering the last 423 ka. It is shown that the marine deposition of10Be is strongly influenced by the sedimentation of clays. Clay particles appear 10 times more efficient than the carbonate component as a carrier in bringing10Be to the bottom sediments. In core CH72-02, the deposition rates of10Be averaged over each oxygen-isotope stage for the past 11 stages show a scatter of ±40% about the mean value of 6.6 × 108 atoms cm−2 ka−1. However, after correction for changes in lithology, the data show that the production rate of10Be over the same period has varied no more than ±25%, and the variations are not systematic in that high or low10Be production appear to be associated with either cold or warm climates. On the time scale of this investigation (intervals of ca. 50 ka over the last 420 ka, with resolutions as fine as 10 ka for portions of the record), it is unlikely that the shielding effect of the solar wind has deviated by more than ±25% or the geomagnetic field intensity has deviated by more than a factor of 1.6 from their long-term averages.  相似文献   

On the basis of the4He/20Ne ratios in feldspathic particles from Apollo 11, basaltic fragments from Apollo 11, and magnetic separates from Apollo 12 fines, one expects the former to have the highest, and the Apollo 12 material to have the lowest84Kr/132Xe ratios. This is not the case; the84Kr/132Xe ratios from sample 12070 are substantially greater than those from the feldspathic and basaltic fragments in 10084. The trend-reversal in the feldspathic particles could be due to the trapping of genuine primordial lunar Kr and Xe. The reversal in the Apollo 11 basaltic fragments might be due to periodicnear-quantitative loss of the lighter gases by impact heating, with the Apollo 11 fines containing a relatively large proportion of strongly heated fragments.  相似文献   

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