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在新冠疫情的冲击下,国际关系错综复杂、瞬息万变,不稳定性不确定性剧增。全面及时地分析“全球-中国”国际关系变化特征,对于中国的外交发展规划具有重要的参考价值。复杂的国际关系可以分解为一系列事件单元,新闻数据中蕴含了时间、地点、人物、事物等关键信息,是构建事件的最直接、最全面的信息来源。本文以GDELT(Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone)新闻事件数据库为数据源,基于“全球-中国”的视角,利用2020年1—5月全球疫情相关新闻数据,研究新冠疫情事件背景下的国际关系的变化。本文首先以事件数量、事件强度值和事件被提及数作为关键变量,提出了国际关系的分类表达和计算模型,解决了国际关系表达模糊和难以计算的问题。然后从时空可视化角度展示疫情下国际关系的变化特征,并结合疫情期间的国际重要事件,进一步分析引起国际关系变化的原因。研究表明,采用本文方法能精确掌握新冠疫情下“全球—中国”国际关系的发展程度,发现“全球-中国”国际关系的变化规律和变化原因,具有重要的应用价值。本文的研究可以为大数据时代的国际关系研究提供一个新的视角,同时也为新闻数据的分析提供参考。  相似文献   

Ecotourism aims to deliver the philosophy of sustainable development through environmental conservation as well as socio-economic development. Areas with rich biodiversity and scenic beauty, like the Indian Himalayan region, have been one of the major destination centers for nature lovers from historical time. In view of conserving the rich biodiversity and natural heritage of the Himalayan region 92 protected areas have been set aside, of these Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve (NDBR) is a well known world heritage site. Over a period of time establishing NDBR has invited conflicts between the local people and reserve authorities on the management approaches and utilization criteria of the natural resources, especially banning the traditional bio-resource collection rights of local community, expeditions, trekking, and other anthropogenic activities in the core zones. The present study aims to understand and analyze the various people - park conflicts, and also to suggest ways to mitigate such conflicts in view of biodiversity conservation and improvement of economic status of local people by promoting ecotourism. With this view the study further discusses the various aspects of ecotourism, its pros and cons, and the avenues of developing appropriate strategies for promotion of ecotourism in buffer zone areas of NDBR.  相似文献   

空间关系反映了地理现象与其环境间的复杂的关联关系,对于地学问题的求解有着重要的作用。因此,有效地抽取地学现象内蕴的主要空间关系规则,将有利于提高地学问题求解的精度和效率。本文探讨了基于粗糙集的地学空间关系表达以及空间关系规则抽取流程。并以珠江三角洲2000年土地利用为例,抽取2000年深圳、香港城镇用地和农村居民点内蕴的空间关系规则。  相似文献   

通过对汽车销售历史数据进行概化和总结,给出关联规则挖掘算法,并针对具体的事例加以分析,进行各个客户购买属性之间的关联规则的挖掘.可以有效地发掘顾客购买行为和汽车属性之间蕴藏的内在联系.此模型可以用于辅助汽车营销决策.  相似文献   

地图综合本质上是空间相似变换,研究Douglas-Peucker算法及其参数的设置,实质是研究算法的最佳距离阈值与尺度变化间的定量关系,但目前二者关系未知,导致参数设置及化简结果的选择主观性强。为此,提出以多尺度线要素空间相似关系为契合点,利用阈值参数寻优原理确定二者间定量关系,以实现基于DP算法线要素的全自动化简。结果表明:① 二次函数是描述最佳距离阈值与尺度变化间定量关系的最优函数;② 针对来源于相同地理特征区,如长江下游平原,的线要素可行,利用同一最佳距离阈值可实现基于DP算法线要素的全自动化简,且化简结果与已有成果数据吻合度较高;而来源于不同地理特征区域,如长江下游平原和江淮平原,的线要素,用同一最佳距离阈值化简是不合理。因此,应选择不同的最佳距离阈值,以实现不同地理特征区域线要素的DP算法全自动化简。  相似文献   

基于Fisher判别分析法的岩溶塌陷预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了更准确地预测岩溶塌陷,基于Fisher判别分析法,首先选择内聚力、内摩擦角、覆盖层厚度、覆盖层厚度减高水位埋深、覆盖层厚度减低水位埋深5个最主要的影响因素作为判别因子;接着以桂林市20组岩溶塌陷案例为学习样本进行计算,建立相应的Fisher线性判别函数;然后利用回代估计法对上述20组样本的预测结果进行逐一检验,其正确率为100%;随后将上述预测结果与前人运用逐步判别、神经网络判别等方法得到的结果进行比较分析,认为Fisher判别分析法具有不需进行模型和参数的选择以及不受人为因素的影响等优点;最后将建立的Fisher线性判别函数用于另外的10组实际案例进行预测分析,预测结果与实际情况完全吻合。结果表明:用Fisher判别分析法进行岩溶塌陷预测,简易方便,正确率高,实用性好;该方法是岩溶塌陷预测的一种新方法。  相似文献   

Due to global climate change, Dendrolimus pests and diseases seriously threaten the protection of forestry plants and the safety of crops all over the world. This paper aims to discuss the research results and frontier progress of Dendrolimus disasters based on remote sensing monitoring, trying to find the occurrence characteristics of pests. In this paper, bibliometric methods and CiteSpace knowledge graphs were used to analyze the publication trend, highly cited documents, key research institu...  相似文献   

为了研究不同腐蚀条件下的焊缝磁记忆特征信号,对20号钢板状焊缝试件进行残余应力腐蚀、35kN恒拉伸应力腐蚀和35kN静载、25kN动载拉拉腐蚀疲劳对比实验,分析焊缝正、反面磁记忆信号的变化规律,获得焊缝腐蚀发展进程中应力腐蚀与腐蚀疲劳各自对应的磁记忆特征信号.结果表明:在应力腐蚀状态下,不同拉伸载荷对应的磁记忆信号特征不同,35kN恒拉伸应力腐蚀与残余应力腐蚀相比,焊缝区磁记忆信号峰峰值及其梯度更大,磁记忆曲线分布的分散度更大;35kN静载、25kN动载拉拉腐蚀疲劳与35kN恒拉伸应力腐蚀相比,焊缝区磁记忆曲线上下波动多,过零点次数多,磁记忆曲线分布的分散度小.这为磁记忆技术在焊缝工程检测的定性与定量分析提供基础数据.  相似文献   

正交频分复用(OFDM)作为一种可以有效对抗符号间干扰(ISI)的高速传输技术,得到了广泛的应用,而信道估计技术作为其重要技术之一得到了很大的发展.信道估计分为盲信道估计、半盲信道估计和基于导频的信道估计.主要研究基于导频的最小平方(LS)信道估计和线性最小均方误差(LMMSE,Linear Minimum Mean Square Error)信道估计,在不同的信道环境和不同的循环前缀(CP)和导频子载波数下的性能比较并得出结论.  相似文献   

Water vapor in the earth′s upper atmosphere plays a crucial role in the radiative balance, hydrological process, and climate change. Based on the latest moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer(MODIS) data, this study probes the spatio-temporal variations of global water vapor content in the past decade. It is found that overall the global water vapor content declined from 2003 to 2012(slope b = –0.0149, R = 0.893, P = 0.0005). The decreasing trend over the ocean surface(b = –0.0170, R = 0.908, P = 0.0003) is more explicit than that over terrestrial surface(b = –0.0100, R = 0.782, P = 0.0070), more significant over the Northern Hemisphere(b = –0.0175, R = 0.923, P = 0.0001) than that over the Southern Hemisphere(b = –0.0123, R = 0.826, P = 0.0030). In addition, the analytical results indicate that water vapor content are decreasing obviously between latitude of 36°N and 36°S(b = 0.0224, R = 0.892, P = 0.0005), especially between latitude of 0°N and 36°N(b = 0.0263, R = 0.931, P = 0.0001), while the water vapor concentrations are increasing slightly in the Arctic regions(b = 0.0028, R = 0.612, P = 0.0590). The decreasing and spatial variation of water vapor content regulates the effects of carbon dioxide which is the main reason of the trend in global surface temperatures becoming nearly flat since the late 1990 s. The spatio-temporal variations of water vapor content also affect the growth and spatial distribution of global vegetation which also regulates the global surface temperature change, and the climate change is mainly caused by the earth's orbit position in the solar and galaxy system. A big data model based on gravitational-magmatic change with the solar or the galactic system is proposed to be built for analyzing how the earth's orbit position in the solar and galaxy system affects spatio-temporal variations of global water vapor content, vegetation and temperature at large spatio-temporal scale. This comprehensive examination of water vapor changes promises a holistic understanding of the global climate change and potential underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   

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