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The nonlinear amplitude modulation of dust-ion acoustic wave (DIAW) is studied in the presence of nonextensive distributed electrons in dusty plasmas with stationary dust particles. Using the reductive perturbation method (RPM), the nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE) which governs the modulational instability (MI) of the DIAWs is obtained. Modulational instability regions and the growth rate of nonlinear waves are discussed. It is shown that the wave characters are affected by the value of nonextensive parameter and also relative density of plasma constituents.  相似文献   

Progress in understanding the nonlinear features of dust-acoustic waves (DAWs) which accompany a collisional strongly and weakly coupled unmagnetized dusty plasma with Boltzmann distributed electrons, ions and negatively charged dust grains is presented. By using a hydrodynamic model, the Korteweg–de Vries-Burgers (KdV-Burgers) equation is derived. The existence regions of the solitary pulses are defined precisely. Furthermore, numerical calculations reveal that, due to collisions, the DAWs damp waves and the damping rate of the waves depends mainly on the collision frequency. The collisions are found to significantly change the basic properties of the DAWs. The effects of electron-to-ion concentration ratio, and ion-to-electron temperature ratio have important roles in the behavior of the DAWs. The results may have relevance in space and laboratory dusty plasmas.  相似文献   

Based on the kinetic theory, Landau damping of dust acoustic waves (DAWs) propagating in a dusty plasma composed of hybrid nonthermal nonextensive distributed electrons, Maxwellian distributed ions and negatively charged dust grains is investigated using Vlasov-Poisson’s equations. The characteristics of the DAWs Landau damping are discussed. It is found that the wave frequency increases by decreasing (increasing) the value of nonextensive (nonthermal) parameter, \(q\) (\(\alpha \)). It is recognized that \(\alpha \) plays a significant role in observing damping or growing DAW oscillations. For small values of \(\alpha \), damping modes have been observed until reaching a certain value of \(\alpha \) at which \(\omega _{i}\) vanishes, then a growing mode appears in the case of superextensive electrons. However, only damping DAW modes are observed in case of subextensive electrons. The present study is useful in the space situations where such distribution exists.  相似文献   

Propagation of nonlinear dust-acoustic waves in a magnetized collisionless plasma having positively, negatively charged dust grains and nonextensive distributed electrons and ions has been investigated. A reductive perturbation method is used to obtain a nonlinear Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation describing the model. The dynamics of the modulational instability gives rise to the formation of rogue waves that is described by a nonlinear Schrödinger equation. The dependence of rogue waves profiles on positive and negative charged dust cyclotron frequencies, nonextensive parameters of electrons and ions is investigated numerically. The result of the present investigation may be applicable to some plasma environments, such as cometary tails and upper mesosphere.  相似文献   

Nonlinear dust-acoustic (DA) shock waves are addressed in a nonextensive dusty plasma exhibiting self-consistent nonadiabatic charge variation. Our results reveal that the amplitude, strength and nature of the DA shock waves are extremely sensitive to the degree of ion nonextensivity. Significant differences in the potential function occur for very small changes in the value of the nonextensive parameter. Stronger is the ions correlation, more important is the charge variation induced nonlinear wave damping.  相似文献   

Our recent analysis on nonlinear nonextensive dust-acoustic waves (DA) [Amour and Tribeche in Phys. Plasmas 17:063702, 2010] is extended to include self-consistent nonadiabatic grain charge fluctuation. The appropriate nonextensive electron charging current is rederived based on the orbit-limited motion theory. Our results reveal that the amplitude, strength and nature of the nonlinear DA waves (solitons and shocks) are extremely sensitive to the degree of ion nonextensivity. Stronger is the electron correlation, more important is the charge variation induced nonlinear wave damping. The anomalous dissipation effects may prevail over that dispersion as the electrons evolve far away from their Maxwellian equilibrium. Our investigation may be of wide relevance to astronomers and space scientists working on interstellar dusty plasmas where nonthermal distributions are turning out to be a very common and characteristic feature.  相似文献   

Arbitrary amplitude electron acoustic (EA) solitary waves in a magnetized nonextensive plasma comprising of cool fluid electrons, hot nonextensive electrons, and immobile ions are investigated. The linear dispersion properties of EA waves are discussed. We find that the electron nonextensivity reduces the phase velocities of both modes in the linear regime: similarly the nonextensive electron population leads to decrease of the EA wave frequency. The Sagdeev pseudopotential analysis shows that an energy-like equation describes the nonlinear evolution of EA solitary waves in the present model. The effects of the obliqueness, electron nonextensivity, hot electron temperature, and electron population are incorporated in the study of the existence domain of solitary waves and the soliton characteristics. It is shown that the boundary values of the permitted Mach number decreases with the nonextensive electron population, as well as with the electron nonextensivity index, q. It is also found that an increase in the electron nonextensivity index results in an increase of the soliton amplitude. A comparison with the Vikong Satellite observations in the dayside auroral zone is also taken into account.  相似文献   

Ion acoustic shock waves (IASWs) are studied in a plasma consisting of nonextensive electrons and ions. The dissipation is taken into account the kinematic viscosity among the plasma constituents. The Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers (KdV-Burgers) equation is derived by reductive perturbation method. Shock waves are solutions of KdV-Burgers equation. It is shown that acceptable values of q-parameter (where q stands for the electron nonextensive parameter) are more than 3 in a weakly nonlinear analysis. We have found that the amplitude of shock waves decreases by an increasing q-parameter.  相似文献   

The nonlinear properties of small amplitude dust-acoustic solitary waves (DAWs) in a homogeneous unmagnetized plasma having electrons, singly charged ions, hot and cold dust species with Boltzmann distributions for electrons and ions have been investigated. A reductive perturbation method was employed to obtain the Kadomstev-Petviashvili (KP) equation. The effects of the presence of charged hot and cold dust grains on the nature of DAWs were discussed. Moreover, the energy of two temperatures charged dusty grains were computed. The present investigation can be of relevance to the electrostatic solitary structures observed in various space plasma environments.  相似文献   

The nonlinear wave structures of ion acoustic waves (IAWs) in an unmagnetized plasma consisting of nonextensive electrons and thermal positrons are studied in bounded nonplanar geometry. Using reductive perturbation technique we have derived cylindrical and spherical Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers’ (KdVB) equations for IAWs. The presence of nonextensive q-distributed electrons is shown to influence the solitary and shock waves. Furthermore, in the existence of ion kinematic viscosity, the shock wave structure appears. Also, the effects of nonextensivity of electrons, ion kinematic viscosities, positron concentration on the properties of ion acoustic shock waves (IASWs) are discussed in nonplanar geometry. It is found that both compressive and rarefactive type solitons or shock waves are obtained depending on the plasma parameter.  相似文献   

The combined effects of the obliqueness and nonextensive electrons are incorporated in the study of ion acoustic (IA) waves in a magnetized plasma. The propagation properties of two possible modes (in the linear regime) are investigated. It is found that the electron nonextensivity decreases the phase velocities of both two modes. Also obliqueness leads to increase of separation between two modes. The nonlinear evolution of IA solitary waves is governed by an energy-like equation. The influence of electron nonextensivity, obliqueness and electron population on the existence domain of solitary waves and the soliton characteristics are examined. It is shown that the existence domain of the IA soliton and its profile is significantly depended on the deviation of electrons from thermodynamic equilibrium and obliqueness. Interestingly, the present model supports compressive as well as rarefactive IA solitary waves. Our finding should elucidate the nonlinear electrostatic structures that propagate in astrophysical and cosmological plasma scenarios where nonextensive and magnetized plasma can exist; like instellar plasma stellar polytropes, solar neutrino problem, peculiar velocities of galaxy clusters, dark-matter halos, protoneutron stars, hadronic matter, quark-gluon plasma, and magnetosphere, etc.  相似文献   

Using the Sagdeev pseudo-potential technique, further investigation on the effect of nonextensive hot electrons on finite amplitude nonlinear low-frequency electrostatic waves in a magnetized two-component plasma have been reported in detail. The plasma model consists of cold ions fluid and nonextensively distributed electrons. The existence domain for the nonlinear structures have been established analytically and numerically. Apart from the compressive and rarefactive soliton solutions that have been reported earlier, the present investigation shows that double layer structures can be obtained for certain values of nonextensive electrons in the supersonic Mach number regime. The present results may provide an explanation for the observed nonlinear structures in the auroral region of the Earth’s magnetosphere.  相似文献   

This paper presents the study of a nonlinear process in the solar corona where dispersive Alfvén waves (DAWs) may lead to coronal heating. We present the model equations governing the nonlinear excitation of the fast waves (FWs) by DAWs in low-β plasmas (βm e/m i as applicable to the solar corona). By properly considering the ponderomotive nonlinearity, we have derived the equations for the decay waves, namely the FWs and other DAWs. The expressions for the coupling coefficients of the three-wave interaction have been derived. The growth rate of the instability is also calculated; we have found that the value of the decay growth time turns out to be of the order of milliseconds at the pump DAW amplitude B 0y /B 0=10−3. This time scale is much shorter than the observed time scales (a minute or less) for coronal heating, as inferred from images obtained by instruments on board Yohkoh and the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO).  相似文献   

A weakly nonlinear analysis is carried out to derive a Korteweg–de Vries-Burgers-like equation for small, but finite amplitude, ion-acoustic waves in a dissipative plasma consisting of weakly relativistic ions, thermal positrons and nonextensive electrons. The travelling wave solution has been acquired by employing the tangent hyperbolic method. Our results show that in a such plasma, ion-acoustic shock waves, the strength and steepness of which are significantly modified by relativistic, nonextensive and dissipative effects, may exist. Interestingly, we found that because of ion kinematic viscosity, an initial solitonic profile develops into a shock wave. This later evolves towards a monotonic profile (dissipation-dominant case) as the electrons deviate from their Maxwellian equilibrium. Our investigation may help to understand the dissipative structures that may occur in high-energy astrophysical plasmas.  相似文献   

The positron acoustic shock and solitary wave are explored in nonextensive electron-positron-ion plasma. The plasma system under-consideration, consists of a classical positron beam, q distributed electrons and positively charged bulky ions constitute a neutralizing background. The nonlinear Korteweg-de Vries and Burger equations are derived by employing the standard reductive perturbation method. The positron acoustic wave in linear limit is also discussed for dissipative as well as nondissipative cases of nonextensive plasmas. The plasma parameters such as, the concentration of neutralizing ions background, beam velocity, temperature and q parameter of the nonextensive electrons are noticed to significantly affect the positron acoustic shock and solitary waves. Our findings may be helpful in the understanding of laboratory beam plasma interaction experiments as well as the astrophysical nonextensive plasmas interacting with positron beam.  相似文献   

Propagation of the dust-acoustic shock waves (DASWs) in a dusty plasma containing arbitrarily charged dust, positive and negative ions following nonthermal (Cairn’s) distribution, and electrons following q-(nonextensive) distribution, has been investigated. The reductive perturbation technique is used to derive the Burgers equation for dust’s fluid dynamics. The basic features (viz. polarity, amplitude, speed, etc.) of DASWs are found to be significantly modified due to the effects of arbitrarily charged dust, number density and temperatures of heavier/lighter ions, nonextensive electrons, and dust kinematic viscosity. The present investigation can be very effective for understanding the nonlinear characteristics of the DASWs in space and laboratory dusty plasmas.  相似文献   

The combined effects of the obliqueness and nonextensive electrons are incorporated in the study of ion-acoustic (IA) solitary waves in a magnetized electron-positron-ion (e-p-i) plasma. The nonlinear Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation is derived by using the reductive perturbation method. The plasma parameters such as, the degree of nonextensivity, obliqueness, positron concentration and temperature ratio are found to significantly affect the solitary waves characteristics. Also, a critical value of nonextensivity is found for which solitary structures transit from positive to negative potential. Our finding contributes to the physics of the nonlinear electrostatic excitation in astrophysical and cosmological scenarios like magnetosphere, polar cups region of pulsars, neutron stars and white dwarfs, etc., where magnetized e-p-i plasma can exist.  相似文献   

The behavior of dispersive Alfven waves (DAWs) in astrophysical plasmas of finite and high pressure, which have not been considered thus far, is studied in the hydrodynamic approximation. The results are analyzed and compared with those obtained in the kinetic approach. It is shown that one general solution for DAWs in plasmas of finite and high pressure can be obtained using the hydrodynamic approach in contrast to the kinetic one. Kinetic and hydrodynamic solutions correspond to each other very well in a domain with weakly damped DAWs; however, solutions may differ appreciably in some parameter domains, especially in high-pressure plasma. The effect of parameters of the astrophysical medium on the DAW behavior and properties is analyzed. All the main wave characteristics were determined: dispersion, damping, polarization, density perturbations, and charge density perturbations. Since finite-pressure plasma is one of the most frequently encountered states of astrophysical plasma, it is very important to take into account specific features in behavior of these waves for their detecting and a more correct understanding of their behavior and the role they play in different astrophysical processes that occur in space environment.  相似文献   

In a recent paper “Head-on collision of electron acoustic solitary waves in a plasma with nonextensive hot electrons” (Astrophys. Space Sci. 338:271–278, 2012) Eslami, Mottaghizadeh and Pakzad deal with the problem of the head-on collisions between two weakly nonlinear electron-acoustic solitary waves. Unfortunately, their treatment is deficient and leads to erroneous conclusions.  相似文献   

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