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Tidal residual is very important to the transport of water particles, nutrients, plank-ton, etc. in the coastal sea. Eulerian scheme and Lagrangian scheme are two different ways to get the time averaged residual. Solution of the Bohai Sea‘s hydrodynamic system using a semi-implicit layer aver-aged numerical model yielded different direction Eulerian and Lagrangian tidal residuals. The latter were stronger than the former in most sea areas. Their different directions produced different ciretdation pattern in some areas. Compared with the Eulerian residual, the Lagranglan residual seemed to be more in accord with the observation.  相似文献   

In recent years, studies of the environmental hydrodynamics in coastal seas and tidal estuaries have placed focus on the processes which determine the “fate” of longer-term transport. The lagrangian residual current has been recognized as an important factor which affects the longer term transport processes since it is more relevant to use a Lagrangian mean velocity rather than an Eulerian mean velocity to determine the origin of Water masses. In the present paper, an attempt is made to formulate a three-dimensional dynamics on the tideinduced Lagrangian residual current and mass-transport based upon a three-dimensional weakly-nonlinear model of tides. The Lagrangian residual velocity is shown to be the sum of the mass-transport velocity, which is the sum of the Eulerian residual velocity and the Stokes’ drift velocity, and the Lagrangian residual drift velocity which is dependent on the tidal current phase. This reveals that it is the mass-transport velocity which is the tidal cycle Eulerian mean of the Lagrangian residual velocity and that the mass-transport velocity is correct to the second order of approximation rather than to the first order. And then, a new longer-term transport equation which correctly describes the Lagrangian nature of transport processes without introducing the Fickian hypothesis for tidal dispersion is derived. In fact, the convection can be correctly represented by the Eulerian mean of the Lagrangian residual velocity, as the convective velocity in the longer-term transport equation is nothing but the mass-transport velocity. Submitted for IAMAP/IAPSO Joint Assembly, August 5–16, 1985, Honolulu, Hawaii U.S.A.  相似文献   

Surface waves comprise an important aspect of the interaction between the atmosphere and the ocean, so a dynamically consistent framework for modelling atmosphere-ocean interaction must take account of surface waves, either implicitly or explicitly. In order to calculate the effect of wind forcing on waves and currents, and vice versa, it is necessary to employ a consistent formula- tion of the energy and momentum balance within the airflow, wave field, and water column. It is very advantageous to apply sur- face-following coordinate systems, whereby the steep gradients in mean flow properties near the air-water interface in the cross-interface direction may be resolved over distances which are much smaller than the height of the waves themselves. We may account for the waves explicitly by employing a numerical spectral wave model, and applying a suitable theory of wave–mean flow interaction. If the mean flow is small compared with the wave phase speed, perturbation expansions of the hydrodynamic equations in a Lagrangian or generalized Lagrangian mean framework are useful: for stronger flows, such as for wind blowing over waves, the presence of critical levels where the mean flow velocity is equal to the wave phase speed necessitates the application of more general types of surface-following coordinate system. The interaction of the flow of air and water and associated differences in temperature and the concentration of various substances (such as gas species) gives rise to a complex boundary-layer structure at a wide range of vertical scales, from the sub-millimetre scales of gaseous diffusion, to several tens of metres for the turbulent Ekman layer. The bal- ance of momentum, heat, and mass is also affected significantly by breaking waves, which act to increase the effective area of the surface for mass transfer, and increase turbulent diffusive fluxes via the conversion of wave energy to turbulent kinetic energy.  相似文献   

已有的空间方向关系描述模型大都针对空间单个目标,对于群组目标空间方向关系计算模型却鲜有研究和论著。为此,提出适用于群组目标空间方向关系的定性描述与定量计算模型。首先,群组目标空间方向关系定性描述模型利用带约束的Delaunay三角剖分与动态阈值“剥皮”法求得了源目标群分布边界多边形;然后,以方向关系矩阵模型为依据对其方向关系进行了定性描述与建模;其次,运用数学形态变换理论对参考目标群进行“膨胀”,求解“膨胀”后的参考目标群与源目标群的交集;最后,在此基础上结合地学信息图谱相关理论实现了群组目标空间方向关系的定量计算与建模。实验表明,群组目标空间方向关系定性描述模型较好地顾及了群组目标的空间形态对空间方向关系的影响,能够对空间方向关系做出较为准确的定性判断;群组目标空间方向关系定量计算模型实现了群组目标空间方向关系的精确定量描述,且能够以形象直观的方式对群组目标空间方向关系进行可视化表达。2种模型较好地解决了群组目标空间方向关系的描述与计算问题。  相似文献   

ImODUcnONThedeepequatorialoceanhasobvioussignilicantflowapparentlycarryinghacelsa1ongandacrosstheequator(WissCtal.,l985).RmtfloatmsurementSshoWedthattheflowishigh1yvariable(Richardsonetal.,l993).ThomPsonandKawase(l993)pro-posedthatthelargeinstantaneousandfloatvelocitiesasWellasthevariabilitysuggestthatthetracersignaIsreflCCtreCtificationoftimedependentmotionsandniinginsteadofrneanEulerianflow.TheresultSoftheirstudyonthegenerationofmeancurrentSbyperi-odicfordngintheequatorialoceaninasir…  相似文献   

在集群环境下,基于MPI并行编程模型和OGC简单要素规范进行并行多边形合并时,需要处理叠加图层间要素的“多对多”映射关系,由于空间上相邻的多边形在要素序列上并不一定连续,导致无法按要素序列为子节点分配任务,给并行任务映射带来了困难。本文以集群环境下的并行多边形合并算法为研究对象,通过比较叠加分析中两种多边形映射关系对算法并行化带来的影响,基于R树空间索引、MySQL精确空间查询,以及MPI通信机制,提出了6种不同的并行任务映射策略;通过实验分析和比较了6种策略的优劣。结果显示:基于R树预筛选的直接合并策略,在各算法中具有最高的串行计算效率和优秀的并行性能表现。虽然MySQL精确空间查询的预筛选过程较为耗时,但可有效地过滤掉不真正相交的多边形,从而提高合并操作的效率。因此,在集群MPI环境下,基于R树和MySQL精确空间查询的预筛选策略是解决并行任务映射难题,实现图层级多边形并行合并算法的有效途径。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONAsoneofthemethodsenablingnumericalsolutionofdifferentialequations,thefinite differ encemethodiswidelyacceptedinthestudyofphysicaloceanography.Afinite differenceschememusthavepropertiesofconvergence ,consistencyandstabilitytoyieldusefulapproximatesolutionoftherelevantdifferentialequations.However,thepropertiesneednotbeverifiedonebyonebecausethewell knownLaxLawassuresthattheconvergenceisequivalenttothestabilityforafinitediffer enceschemewithconsistence .Twomainmethodsforstudyin…  相似文献   

地理学是一门研究各种地理要素的时空分布、演化过程,以及相互作用机制的综合性学科。随着现实世界从二元空间向三元世界的演进,对地理信息内涵的理解、表达和挖掘亟待进一步加深与扩展。现有以"位置+几何+属性"的地理信息表达模式难以支撑各种地理要素及其规律的表达。本文从地理学视角出发,立足三元世界理念,梳理了信息要素及其转变成地理信息的过程,形成了以时间、地点、人物、事物、事件、现象和场景"七要素"的信息表达体系,并从地理语义、空间位置、几何形态、属性特性、要素关系、演化过程、作用机制7个地理维度上对其进行解读。实现了地理学视角下对地理信息内涵的全方位分类和描述,为面向地理学综合集成研究的地理信息多维描述与计算分析提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

Based on a Lagrangian integral technique and Lagrangian particle-tracking technique,a numerical model was developed to simulate the underwater transport of oil from a deepwater spill. This model comprises two submodels: a plume dynamics model and an advection-diffusion model. The former is used to simulate the stages dominated by the initial jet momentum and plume buoyancy of the spilled oil,while the latter is used to simulate the stage dominated by the ambient current and turbulence. The model validity was verified through comparisons of the model predictions with experimental data from several laboratory flume experiments and a field experiment. To demonstrate the capability of the model further,it was applied to the simulation of a hypothetical oil spill occurring at the seabed of a deepwater oil/gas field in the South China Sea. The results of the simulation would be useful for contingency planning with regard to the emergency response to an underwater oil spill.  相似文献   

Effect of wave-induced Stokes drift on the dynamics of ocean mixed layer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The wave-forcing ’Coriolis-Stokes forcing’ and ’Stokes-vortex force’ induced by Stokes drift affect the upper ocean jointly.To study the effect of the wave-induced Stokes drift on the dynamics of the ocean mixed layer,a new three-dimensional(3D) numerical model is derived using the primitive basic equations and Eulerian wave averaging.The Princeton Ocean Model(POM),a 3D primitive equation ocean model is used with the upper wave-averaged basic equations.The global ocean circulation is simulated using the POM model,and the Stokes drift is evaluated based on the wave data generated by WAVEWATCH III.We compared simulations with and without the Stokes drift.The results show that the magnitude of the Stokes drift is comparable with the Eulerian mean current.Including the Stokes drift in the ocean model affects both the Eulerian current and the Lagranian drift and causes the vertical mixing coefficients to increase.  相似文献   

Based on the MIKE 21 numerical model combined with measured data, a numerical model for the coupling of water and salinity in the Changjiang(Yangtze) River estuary was established, and based on good verification, the influence of the tidal current intensity on the transport and variations of salinity concentrations in saline water from the North Branch to the South Branch was numerically evaluated. The time and space mean root mean square of the tidal current velocity can be expressed as a parabolic function of an adjustment coefficient for the amplitude of the M2 tidal constituent along the open boundaries of the model. Under the advection of runof f and tidal currents, the saline pool is transported downstream in an oscillatory pattern. With the enhancement of tidal current intensity, the oscillatory motion of the saltwater pool is increasingly significant in a tidal cycle forced by rising and falling tides. Along four set paths, the daily average concentrations of the saline core were generally similar, and in the process of transportation downstream, the concentrations of saltwater declined. The decay of the tidal-period-averaged salinity of the saltwater was linearly related to the square of the tidal current. Thus, the tidal current has a significant and direct impact on saltwater transport and diffusion in the Changjiang River estuary.  相似文献   

Effects caused by precipitation on the measurements of three-dimensional sonic anemometer are analyzed based on a field observational experiment conducted in Maoming, Guangdong Province, China. Obvious fluctuations induced by precipitation are observed for the outputs of sonic anemometer-derived temperature and wind velocity components. A technique of turbulence spectra and cospectra normalized in the framework of similarity theory is utilized to validate the measured variables and calculated fluxes. It is found that the sensitivity of sonic anemometer-derived temperature to precipitation is significant, compared with that of the wind velocity components. The spectra of wind velocity and cospectra of momentum flux resemble the standard universal shape with the slopes of the spectra and cospectra at the inertial subrange, following the-2/3 and-4/3 power law, respectively, even under the condition of heavy rain. Contaminated by precipitation, however, the spectra of temperature and cospectra of sensible heat flux do not exhibit a universal shape and have obvious frequency loss at the inertial subrange. From the physical structure and working principle of sonic anemometer, a possible explanation is proposed to describe this difference, which is found to be related to the variations of precipitation particles. Corrections for errors of sonic anemometer-derived temperature under precipitation is needed, which is still under exploration.  相似文献   

大庆萨尔图中部油田主力油层单元间夹层发育特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
经过40多年开发.大庆萨尔图中部油田已进入高含水后期阶段.复杂的地下形式要求了解更加精细的储层特征。在主力油层葡萄花油层Ⅰ组沉积相带图全面绘制完成的情况下,通过应用VFP,AutoCAD计算机技术将精细地质研究成果之一的小层数据库进一步开发利用.得到主力油层单元间夹层图.从而首次实现了对萨尔图中部油田主力油层单元间沉积特征的整体描述.认识了平原相、三角洲内前缘相单元间夹层不同的特征.并指出了单元间夹层的发育、分布受上覆沉积单元河流相空间发育位置控制的规律.为油田高含水期开发、综合调整多提供了一种新的储层图幅资料。  相似文献   

 基于田野考古的原始平剖面数据,面向田野考古快速制图与场景三维重建,以田野考古发掘中的空间平剖面图为研究对象,从分析田野考古现有数据记录方式的特点入手,总结其平剖面数据整合的需求。在对田野考古数据成果的表达和分析的基础上,基于面向对象的思想,确定田野考古平剖面数据整合的规则,并基于GIS技术,设计与实现原始田野考古平剖面数据的基准统一、地层剖面图的拼接与整合。提出数据整合的方法,并结合田野考古数据源类型,阐述了具体的平剖面整合过程。利用真实的田野考古发掘资料,验证了本文提出的平剖面二维数据整合方法,为田野考古快速制图和报告整理提供方法,为实现田野考古遗址三维场景虚拟再现和复原提供数据基础,为解析堆积与遗迹的时空关系提供辅助决策工具和研究支持。  相似文献   

百度等按照时间或焦点的传统新闻检索方式,缺少对新闻事件在时间维度和空间维度及时空发展规律上的组织和表达。鉴此,本文提出了一种在时间和空间维度对在线简易信息聚合(Really Simple Syndication,RSS)新闻进行多维描述和时空可视化的方法,帮助用户全面、直观理解焦点新闻事件的时空发展过程及趋势。该方法从新浪、百度和Google等多家网站的RSS新闻服务中抽取新闻,将新闻报道时间近似为新闻事件发生时间进行时间维度描述,动态解析并识别新闻概要中的中文地名词汇,进行地址匹配和空间定位,完成新闻事件空间维度描述。以H7N9禽流感热点新闻为例,本文通过过度颜色、统计折线图进行时间维可视化表达,以大小渐变的圆形符号进行空间维可视化表达,多维度描述并展示了H7N9禽流感新闻事件的发展过程和趋势。  相似文献   

西北太平洋柔鱼资源与海洋环境的GIS空间分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文根据1995~2001年的西北太平洋地区(35°N~45°N,140°E~170°W)巴特柔鱼资源调查与生产的实际情况对柔鱼渔获量进行了研究,并利用同期遥感反演的海洋表层温度数据(SST)和近表层叶绿素a数据(Chlorophylla),拓展了GIS的空间分析功能,定量地研究了我国远洋柔鱼产量与水温、叶绿素等海洋要素场之间的关系,揭示西北太平洋柔鱼中心渔场的环境特征,以期为我国西北太平洋海区的鱿鱼生产服务。  相似文献   

This paper presents two comparisons or tests for a Lagrangian model of zooplankton dispersion:numerical schemes and time steps.Firstly,we compared three numerical schemes using idealized circulations.Results show that the precisions of the advanced Adams-Bashfold-Moulton(ABM) method and the Runge-Kutta(RK) method were in the same order and both were much higher than that of the Euler method.Furthermore,the advanced ABM method is more efficient than the RK method in computational memory requirements and time consumption.We therefore chose the advanced ABM method as the Lagrangian particle-tracking algorithm.Secondly,we performed a sensitivity test for time steps,using outputs of the hydrodynamic model,Symphonie.Results show that the time step choices depend on the fluid response time that is related to the spatial resolution of velocity fields.The method introduced by Oliveira et al.in 2002 is suitable for choosing time steps of Lagrangian particle-tracking models,at least when only considering advection.  相似文献   

面向汉语的自然语言路径描述方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
自然语言路径描述是运用日常生活中人们习惯的语言方式和思维方式来表达路径信息的。而可视化描述和自然语言描述相结合,可以使电子地图向用户提供图文并茂的路径查询服务。目前,电子地图在移动设备和Internet日益普及,自然语言路径描述成为电子地图大众化和人性化服务的重要标志之一。因此,路径描述中需要重点解决空间关系的自然语言描述问题。自然语言中空间关系描述的语言特征与心理学和认知语言学有着非常密切的关系。本文描述了针对汉语的路径描述词汇库的结构与内容,并根据汉语特点设计了路径描述的单元和复合句法模式,以解决词汇受限和句法模式单一的问题,提出了道路名称、沿途标志性地物和方向判断等路径描述补充信息的获取方法,以增加路径描述的可理解性。并以南京市电子地图为例,开发了电子地图查询原型系统。该系统能够在地图上可视化显示最短路径的同时,自动生成该路径的自然语言描述。  相似文献   

Sea bottom stress is conventionally assumed to be directly proportional to the square of the verticallyaveraged velocity,and the drag coefficient to be dependent on the speed and direction of the wind on the sea surface,the depth and dimension of the sea,the period of the tide and so on. In this paper a three-dimensional numerical model is used to discuss the relation the dragcoefficient and the above-mentioned factors.It can be shown from calculation that the relation, is valid,that the drag coefficient is a constant in a major part of a sea as thought conventionally,andthat there is a small area near the coast where the drag coefficient is far greater.We call it singular area. A number of conclusions on the relation between the drag coefficient and the speed and direction ofthe wind,the sea depth and so on,were obtained.  相似文献   

城市空气质量GIS数据模型及分析系统的集成与应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
城市空气质量模拟是目前环境与健康研究的一个重要领域。本文基于GIS技术,采用准稳态高斯扩散模型建立了城市空气质量模拟系统,着重研究了三维空间城市空气质量模型系统的集成方法,并以福州市为例,采用该模型系统对城市建城区的NO2与SO2年平均浓度场分布进行了模拟。  相似文献   

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