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IntroductionChina is a country suffered frequent earthquake disasters. The investigation on the mechanism of earthquake is of great significance. In the recent decades numerous researchers had carried out a great deal of research works on the theory of seismology and related in-situ observations (DU, SHAO, 1999; JIANG, et al, 1998; JIAO, et al, 1999; ZENG, SONG, 1998). However the mechanism of earthquake and relevant calculations still remain unsolved and problems still exists in pre… 相似文献
A new plastic-damage constitutive model for cyclic loading of concrete has been developed for the earthquake analysis of concrete dams. The rate-independent model consistently includes the effects of strain softening, represented by separate damage variables for tension and compression. A simple scalar degradation model simulates the effects of damage on the elastic stiffness and the recovery of stiffness after cracks close. To simulate large crack opening displacements, the evolution of inelastic strain is stopped beyond a critical value for the tensile damage variable. Subsequent deformation can be recovered upon crack closing. The rate-independent plastic-damage model forms the backbone model for a rate-dependent viscoplastic extension. The rate-dependent regularization is necessary to obtain a unique and mesh objective numerical solution. Damping is represented as a linear viscoelastic behaviour proportional to the elastic stiffness including the degradation damage. The plastic-damage constitutive model is used to evaluate the response of Koyna dam in the 1967 Koyna earthquake. The analysis shows two localized cracks forming and then joining at the change in geometry of the upper part of the dam. The upper portion of the dam vibrates essentially as rigid-body rocking motion after the upper cracks form, but the dam remains stable. The vertical component of ground motion influences the post-cracking response. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
A new finite element model in studying earthquake triggering and continuous evolution of stress field 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
In this paper, a new finite element model (FEM) in consideration of regional stress field and an earthquake triggering factor
C are proposed for studying earthquake triggering and stress field evolution in an earthquake sequence. The factor C is defined
as a ratio between the shear stress and the frictional strength on a slip surface, and it can be used to tell if earthquake
is triggered or not. The new FEM and the factor C are used to study the aftershock triggering of the 1976 Tangshan earthquake
sequence. The results indicate that the effects of the stress field and the heterogeneity of the Tangshan earthquake fault
zone on the aftershock triggering are very important. The aftershocks fallen in the earthquake triggering regions predicted
by the new FEM are more than those fallen in the regions of ΔCFS⩾0 predicted by seismic dislocation theory.
Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40474013 and 40821062) 相似文献
基于已有震害矩阵模拟的群体震害预测方法研究 总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1
本文提出了一种群体震害预测方法,根据已有建筑物震害预测结果或震害统计分析结果,按照影响建筑物抗震能力的主要因素,由普查资料统计出的建筑物各影响因素的建筑面积比例得出模拟震害矩阵与已知矩阵的贴近度,最后进行加权平均,建立具体预测对象群体建筑物的震害矩阵。 相似文献
We calculated the Coulomb failure stress change generated by the 1976 Tangshan earthquake that is projected onto the fault planes and slip directions of large subsequent aftershocks.Results of previous studies on the seismic fail-ure distribution,crustal velocity and viscosity structures of the Tangshan earthquake are used as model constraints.Effects of the local pore fluid pressure and impact of soft medium near the fault are also considered.Our result shows that the subsequent Luanxian and Ninghe earthquakes occurred in the regions with a positive Coulomb fail-ure stress produced by the Tangshan earthquake.To study the triggering effect of the Tangshan,Luanxian,and Ninghe earthquakes on the follow-up small earthquakes,we first evaluate the possible focal mechanisms of small earthquakes according to the regional stress field and co-seismic slip distributions derived from previous studies,assuming the amplitude of regional tectonic stress as 10 MPa.By projecting the stress changes generated by the above three earthquakes onto the possible fault planes and slip directions of small earthquakes,we find that the "butterfly" distribution pattern of increased Coulomb failure stress is consistent with the spatial distribution of follow-up earthquakes,and 95% of the aftershocks occurred in regions where Coulomb failure stresses increase,indicating that the former large earthquakes modulated occurrences of follow-up earthquakes in the Tangshan earthquake sequence.This result has some significance in rapid assessment of aftershock hazard after a large earthquake.If detailed failure distribution,seismogenic fault in the focal area and their slip features can be rapidly determined after a large earthquake,our algorithm can be used to predict the locations of large aftershocks. 相似文献
2008年汶川大地震造成北川断裂、彭灌断裂、小渔洞断裂等多条断裂的破裂,呈现出复杂的破裂过程. 对此,以往地震学的研究没有对于各个发震断层的破裂先后顺序给出充分论证. 本文计算由于断层破裂在其他断层段上造成库仑应力的变化,根据其相互触发关系确定断层可能的破裂顺序. 结果表明,各断裂带可能的发震顺序为:主震在北川断裂南端(小渔洞断裂以南的北川断裂虹口段)起始,造成北川断裂的后续段落龙门山镇—清平段和彭灌断裂同时破裂,进而触发小渔洞断裂发生破裂. 相似文献
在高分辨率遥感图像中, 不同震害损毁程度的建筑物呈现不同的图像特征, 鉴于此本文提出一种利用遥感图像多特征分析建筑物损毁程度的检测方法. 以2015年尼泊尔MS8.1地震为例, 结合震后高分一号卫星全色遥感图像和城市道路矢量数据提供的街区信息, 以建筑物街区为单元进行图像纹理提取和局部空间统计等多类别图像特征参数分析, 并构建多特征分类模型, 将震后建筑物街区划分为基本完好、 部分损毁和严重损毁等3个类别. 试验结果表明, 本文提取的参数能够有效地表征损毁建筑物的图像特征, 而且建筑物震害损毁检测精度较高. 该方法可用于建筑物震害损毁信息的快速提取, 为震后应急救援提供指导; 同时还可为我国自主研发高分卫星遥感数据在地震灾害信息提取中的应用提供技术参考与方法借鉴. 相似文献
基于物理的随机地震动模型研究 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
基于物理联系研究地震动随机性,建立了随机地震动与基底输入傅氏谱、场地固有圆频率和场地等价阻尼比之间的物理关系,从随机傅氏谱函数角度描述了地震动随机过程的随机性本质。结合Ⅳ类工程场地的实测地震动记录资料,由数值方法识别了给出基本随机变量的概率分布参数。与实测记录对比表明,本文建立的随机地震动模型具有明确的物理概念,可充分反映地震动的变异性特征。 相似文献
多因素影响的建筑物群体震害预测方法研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
为了简化震害预测工作,提出了一种多因素影响的建筑物群体震害预测方法。首先,将已有数据库中的资料按不同相似度进行分类,从中选取所需要的样本数据。然后将所选取的样本数据按不同影响因素分类,分别求出考虑各影响因子下的震害矩阵,再由房屋普查资料得出预测区考虑各影响因素时各影响因子下的房屋的建筑面积,并将建筑面积比例作为各影响因子的权重,最终得出预测区某种结构类型整体的震害矩阵。利用文中方法建立了厦门市多层砌体结构的震害矩阵,与厦门市采用单体抽样法得出的震害矩阵相比较,其平均震害指数最大差值不大于0.041,验证了此方法的可行性。 相似文献
本文对直立走滑断层地震提出一个简单的力学模型,用尖角型(Cusp)的突变模型研究了地震过程的机制。从理论上阐明了围岩与断层带的刚度比和远场位移参数在地震过程中的重要作用,得到了地震时断层错距和能量释放值的简单公式。研究结果表明,岩石系统的稳定性首先取决于系统内部的刚度分布;其次在一定的外界条件下,系统才可能从稳定状态进入非稳定状态,而在外界扰动下失稳,于是从整体上深化了对断层地震过程的认识。 相似文献
自1997~2003年,新疆伽师地区相继发生多次强震. 取哈佛大学公布的伽师强震系列CMT(矩心矩张量解)解资料,由滑动矢量拟合法反演区域应力场. CMT解的系统聚类分析表现出3个阶段的时序特征. 分析震源区应力场发现,1997年3月1日至2003年1月4日期间新疆伽师地区的应力场发生变化,2003年2月24日起,又恢复到基本应力场的方向,从而完成从基本应力场-变化应力场-基本应力场一次完整变动过程. 结合区域受力状况和构造背景,讨论了新疆伽师强震系列应力场变化的成因,并且认为伽师强震系列具有体破裂的特征. 相似文献
芦山7.0级强烈地震建筑结构震害调查 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
继2008年汶川8.0级特大地震后,2013年4月20日8点02分在四川省雅安市芦山县又发生了7.0级强烈地震,震源深度13公里,造成大量房屋严重破坏或倒塌.根据不同的结构类型、不同烈度区,文中对应急调查评估的603栋各类房屋结构进行了详细的统计归纳总结,得到了各类结构在不同烈度下的破坏比.在此基础上,主要对钢筋混凝土结构、砌体结构、砖木结构和木结构的震害特征进行了深入剖析,此外还对一栋大跨空间结构和一栋隔震结构的破坏特征进行了分析,最后针对各类结构在地震中尚存在的主要问题,提出了一些改进建议. 相似文献
根据前人对唐山地震破裂分布、地壳波速和粘性结构的研究,考虑局部应力场、孔隙流体压力和断层附近软介质的影响,计算了唐山地震产生的,投影到后续大余震断层面和滑动方向上的库仑破裂应力变化。结果表明,随后发生的滦县地震和宁河地震均发生在唐山地震产生的库仑破裂应力变化为正的区域。为研究唐山地震、滦县地震和宁河地震对后续小震的触发作用,根据前人对该地区构造应力场和地震破裂分布的研究,假定构造应力量值为10 MPa,求得了震源附近各处可能的小震震源机制。将上述3次地震产生的应力变化投影到可能的小震破裂面和滑动方向上,发现唐山地震、滦县地震和宁河地震产生的正库仑破裂应力变化的ldquo;蝴蝶rdquo;形分布与后续小震发生的空间分布具有较好的一致性,95%的余震发生在库仑破裂应力变化增加的区域,说明唐山地震序列中前面的大震对后续小震的发生起到了调制作用。该研究结果对大震后余震的危险性快速评估具有一定意义。如果大地震发生后能够快速确定详细的破裂分布和震源区域详细断层及滑动特性资料,本文方法可用来预测未来大余震的发震位置。 相似文献
本文基于三维孔隙弹性理论,建立了紫坪铺水库及周边地区的有限元模型.根据紫坪铺水库开始蓄水到汶川地震发震时刻的水位变化情况,计算了整个区域的孔隙压力和库仑应力.详细讨论了断层及周围地层的弹性模量和扩散系数对计算结果的影响.计算结果表明:从弹性角度看,断层的弹性模量对汶川地震震源处的库仑应力影响很小;震源处的库仑应力随着断层和周围地层的扩散系数增大而增大.当给定弹性模量和扩散系数代表性值的时候,计算结果表明在汶川地震发震时刻,震源处的库仑应力变化量为+1 kPa左右,这表明紫坪铺水库使得汶川地震发震断层更加危险.是否这个量级的库仑应力就能够触发汶川地震还需要进一步探讨.通过分析库区周边小震的分布,发现小震分布区域均是库仑应力增加的地区,因此紫坪铺水库周边的小震应该与紫坪铺水库蓄水有直接关系. 相似文献
分析1970-2010年鄂尔多斯周缘发生的114次显著地震序列,结果表明,主余型序列占57%,孤立型序列占32%,多震型序列占11%.根据地震类型的空间分布特点,对鄂尔多斯周缘地震进行分区,各分区主余型地震占多数,多震型地震主要集中在鄂尔多斯北缘和东缘中北段,孤立型地震在鄂尔多斯西缘南段、南缘和东缘南段比例较高. 相似文献
Tsunami induced by earthquake is an interaction problem between liquid and solid.Shallow-water wave equation is often used to modeling the tsunami,and the boundary or initial condition of the problem is determined by the displacement or velocity field from the earthquake under sea floor,usually no interaction between them is consid-ered in pure liquid model.In this study,the potential flow theory and the finite element method with the interaction between liquid and solid are employed to model the dynamic processes of the earthquake and tsunami.For model-ing the earthquake,firstly the initial stress field to generate the earthquake is set up,and then the occurrence of the earthquake is simulated by suddenly reducing the elastic material parameters inside the earthquake fault.It is dif-ferent from seismic dislocation theory in which the relative slip on the fault is specified in advance.The modeling results reveal that P,SP and the surface wave can be found at the sea surface besides the tsunami wave.The surface wave arrives at the distance of 600 km from the epicenter earlier than the tsunami 48 minutes,and its maximum amplitude is 0.55 m,which is 2 times as large as that of the sea floor.Tsunami warning information can be taken from the surface wave on the sea surface,which is much earlier than that obtained from the seismograph stations on land.The tsunami speed on the open sea with 3 km depth is 175.8 m/s,which is a little greater than that pre-dicted by long wave theory,(gh)1/2=171.5 m,and its wavelength and amplitude in average are 32 km and 2 m,respectively.After the tsunami propagates to the continental shelf,its speed and wavelength is reduced,but its amplitude become greater,especially,it can elevate up to 10 m and run 55 m forward in vertical and horizontal directions at sea shore,respectively.The maximum vertical accelerations at the epicenter on the sea surface and on the earthquake fault are 5.9 m/s2 and 16.5 m/s2,respectively,the later is 2.8 times the former,and therefore,sea water is a good shock 相似文献