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A detailed molluscan succession from a 10 m thick deposit of Holocene tufa at St Germain‐le‐Vasson, Normandy, provides the most complete record from northern France and has shed new light on the historical biogeography of several species of land snail. The succession has been reconstructed from four profiles and a chronology provided by accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon dating of charcoal, wood and shell. The onset of tufa formation occurred after 9700±90 yr BP and persisted until 4213±77 yr BP. The tufa appears to have accumulated at a remarkably constant rate (14.4–16.5 cm 100 yr?1), except for the upper levels, where the rate increases fourfold. The succession has been divided into six local molluscan zones. An early assemblage consisting of ecologically tolerant species and those indicative of marshy grassland is replaced by a sequence of shade‐demanding taxa, reflecting the encroachment of woodland. Shaded conditions persist until the end of the sequence but the most hygrophilous elements decline after 5422±60 yr BP (zone 5), a change also reflected in the tufa lithology by the development of silty grey horizons. Notable species recovered from the tufa include Acicula fusca, Vertigo substriata, V. alpestris, V. moulinsiana (all rare or unknown living in northern France). Hygromia limbata, a twentieth century introduction to Britain, was previously thought to be a relatively recent arrival in northern France, but its record at St Germain shows that it has been present in Normandy since 6500 yr BP. Azeca goodalli, another shade‐demanding species, appeared at St Germain much later, just after 4420±65 yr BP. Several other species present in the tufa, such as Pomatias elegans, no longer live on the site, adding to the evidence for a distributional decline in Normandy and elsewhere. Perhaps the most noteworthy record is that of Leiostyla anglica, between about 8500 yr BP and 5000 yr BP, because this constitutes its only Holocene occurrence from mainland Europe. Following this discovery it seems likely that further Holocene sites with L. anglica may be found along the western seaboard of Europe connecting populations in Iberia with those of the British Isles. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The major climatic variations that have affected the summit slopes of the higher Apennine massifs in the last 6000 yr are shown in alternating layers of organic matter-rich soils and alluvial, glacial and periglacial sediments. The burial of the soils, triggered by environmental-climatic variations, took place in several phases. For the last 3000 yr chronological correlations can be drawn between phases of glacial advance, scree and alluvial sedimentation and development of periglacial features. During some periods, the slopes were covered by vegetation up to 2700 m and beyond, while in other phases the same slopes were subject to glacial advances and periglacial processes, and alluvial sediments were deposited on the high plateaus. Around 5740-5590, 1560-1370 and 1300-970 cal yr B.P., organic matter-rich soils formed on slopes currently subject to periglacial and glacial processes; the mean annual temperature must therefore have been higher than at present. Furthermore, on the basis of the variations in the elevation of the lower limit reached by gelifraction, it can be concluded that the oscillations in the minimum winter temperatures could have ranged between 3.0°C lower (ca. 790-150 cal yr B.P.) and 1.2°C higher (ca. 5740-5590 cal yr B.P.) than present minimum winter temperatures. During the last 3000 yr the cold phases recorded by the Calderone Glacier advance in the Apennines essentially match basically the phases of glacial advance in the Alps.  相似文献   

渤海湾滨海平原全新统层型剖面地层划分与建组   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
天津市宁河县俵口乡兴坨全新统层型剖面的地层划分与建组,是在近年来1:5万淮淀乡幅(J50E005015)区域地质调查的基础上,经过地质调查,岩性描述,孢粉、软体、微体古生物和重矿物鉴定,^14C,OSL年,古地磁测量、化学分析和粒度分析等系统研究建立起来的。本文从气候、构造、地理等古环境角度对岩石地层、磁性地层、气候地层、生物地层、年代地层、事件地层、化学地层和矿物地层等进行多重地层划分与对比。建组的三分层次明显,符合全国地层委员会有关层型剖面和建组的基本要求。  相似文献   

Volcanic activities can create cataclysmic hazards to surrounding environments and human life not only during the eruption but also by hydrologic remobilisation (lahar) processes after the cessation of eruptive activity. Although there are many studies dealing with the assessment and mitigation of volcanic hazards, these are mostly concentrated on primary eruptive processes in areas proximal to active volcanoes. However, the influence of volcaniclastic resedimentation may surpass the impacts of primary eruptive activity in terms of both extent and persistence, and can ultimately result in severe hazards in downstream areas.Examination of the volcaniclastic successions of non-marine Pliocene–Holocene sedimentary basins in Japan has revealed hydrological volcaniclastic sedimentation in fluvial and lacustrine environments hundreds of kilometres from the inferred source volcano. Impacts on these distal and often spatially separated basins included drastic changes in depositional systems caused by sudden massive influxes of remobilised pyroclastic material. Typical volcaniclastic beds comprise centimetre- to decimetre-thick primary pyroclastic fall deposits overlain by metre- to 10s of metres-thick resedimented volcaniclastic deposits, intercalated in sedimentary successions of non-volcanic provenance. The relatively low component of primary pyroclastic fall deposits in the volcaniclastic beds suggests that: 1) potential volcanic hazards would be underestimated on the basis of primary pyroclastic fall events alone; and 2) the majority of resedimented material was likely derived from erosion of non-welded pyroclastic flow deposits in catchment areas rather than remobilisation of local fallout deposits from surrounding hillslopes.The nature, distribution and sequence of facies developed by distal volcaniclastic sediments reflect the influence of: 1) proximity to ignimbrite, but not directly with the distance to the eruptive centre; 2) ignimbrite nature (non-welded or welded) and volume; 3) temporal changes in sediment flux from the source area; 4) the physiography and drainage patterns of the source area and the receiving basin, and any intervening areas; and 5) the formation of ephemeral dam-lakes and intra-caldera lakes whose potential catastrophic failure can impact distal areas. Models of the styles and timing of distal volcaniclastic resedimentation are thus more complicated than those developed for proximal settings of stratovolcanoes and their volcaniclastic aprons and hence present different challenges for hazard assessment and mitigation.  相似文献   

In the absence of long-term hydrologic and streamflow records an understanding of river morphology (present and past) can help delineate changes in magnitudes of water and sediment discharges. The relict drainage system of Gujarat alluvial plain provides an opportunity to reconstruct the palaeochannel morphology-related discharge estimations. In this paper, based on the geomorphological evidence and channel geometry, an attempt has been made to reconstruct the palaeohydrological condition in the Shedhi River during the Holocene. A comparison of the present day channel of the Shedhi River with that of its palaeo counterpart reveals that the former was carrying much higher bankfull discharge (∼5500m3 s−1) as compared to the present (∼200m3 s−1). This is attributed to a larger drainage area and enhanced precipitation in the Shedhi River basin.  相似文献   

曾方明  杨欢  卞昊昆 《第四纪研究》2018,38(5):1233-1243

青海湖晚第四纪的古环境演化和湖面变化是学术界长期关注的热点问题,争议也较多。我们对青海湖地区种羊场(ZYC)剖面(120 cm厚)全新世风尘堆积的GDGTs(甘油二烷基甘油四醚)化合物相关指标的古环境意义进行了初步研究,以期从一个新的角度对上述问题进行探讨。研究结果表明:1)ZYC剖面的TEX86(由86个碳原子组成的四醚指标)与磁化率正相关,而Ri/b比值(类异戊二烯GDGTs与支链GDGTs丰度的比值)与磁化率负相关。2)ZYC剖面的TEX86指标与湖泊岩芯胖真星介(Eucypris inflata)壳体δ18O指示的7月古水温及长链烯酮(U37K)指示的夏季古水温变化具有相似的变化特征,显示TEX86指标较可靠地指示了青海湖地区的大气温度变化。然而,ZYC剖面的MBT(甲基化指数)和CBT(环化指数)指标在重建古气温方面具有一定的局限性,可能与青海湖地区全新世出现的干旱环境有关。3)ZYC剖面的Ri/b比值与湖泊岩芯E.inflata壳体Sr/Ca比值指示的青海湖湖水的古盐度具有较一致的变化特征,表明Ri/b比值较有效地指示了青海湖地区环境的干湿状况。4)TEX86和Ri/b指标揭示青海湖区在9.5~7.5 ka B.P.为冷干时期;7.5~5.5 ka B.P.为独特的温干阶段,温度在6.2 ka B.P.左右达到最高值;5.5~1.7 ka B.P.为温湿时期;1.7~0 ka B.P.为冷干时期。5)风尘堆积的GDGTs记录表明:7.5~5.5 ka B.P.由于环境干旱,青海湖不太可能出现高湖面;5.5~1.7 ka B.P.由于环境湿润,青海湖很可能出现全新世高湖面;1.7 ka B.P.以来,青海湖地区的气候快速变干。


在新疆伊犁河谷塔克尔莫乎尔沙漠腹地,选择可克达拉剖面进行了光释光年代测定和主量元素含 量分析,根据主量元素组合及其比值变化重建了研究区3.71 Ka BP以来的气候环境变化序列。结果表明,近4Ka BP以来研究区气候环境演变大体经历5个阶段的变化:3.71~3.06Ka BP,冷湿;3.06~2.78Ka BP,暖干; 2.78~2.10Ka BP,凉湿;2.10~0.50Ka BP,冷湿;0.50Ka BP以来,凉干气候为主,最近100 a趋于暖干。研 究区晚全新世以来的气候变化阶段与中国东部季风区以及北半球气候变化阶段有很好的可比性,但各气候变化 阶段的水热组合又具有典型的西风带气候模式特征,并与中高纬度北大西洋区域的气候变化具有很好的遥相关。  相似文献   

浊水溪冲积扇是台湾水资源最为丰富但也是地面沉降最严重地区。近年来该区域的地面沉降因有可能威胁高铁行车安全而备受关注。本文整合历年累积的地下水位及地面沉降等相关监测数据,验证了地下水位变化与含水层补给之机制,探讨了地下水周期性波降条件下土层压缩特性以及高铁路堤与桩基础工程结构的沉降行为。认为对于设置桩基础的线型高架结构而言,区域性地下水位波降不致增加桥墩间的差异沉降,但桩基础若承受邻近局部的额外载重,则可能伴随地下水位波降产生持续性的差异沉降,其长期效应将对线型交通结构物的平整度及安全性造成负面影响。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the surface and Holocene aeolian deposits in the southeastern Mu Us Desert, N. China, systematically analysing the evolution of the geochemical characteristics of aeolian sand–palaeosol sequences and their environmental significance. Our results indicate that the geochemical components of the Holocene aeolian deposits and surface deposits had the similar material sources, sediment transport and deposition processes in the study region, which were dominated by SiO2, Al2O3, and Na2O. In the weathering process of the Jinjie (JJ) profile, the Na, K, and Si presented the slight leaching and migration in general, while the other elements were relatively accumulated. The Holocene aeolian deposits and surface deposits incurred weaker geochemical weathering under cold and dry conditions and were only weakly leached, which implies a relatively arid environment in the Holocene epoch and the modern era. The weathering degree was controlled by the regional temperature and precipitation, and was probably more sensitive to the precipitation changes. In the sedimentary profile, the geochemical parameters and migration of elements demonstrated that there have been several alternating warm–wet and cold–dry intervals in the Mu Us Desert in the Holocene epoch; there were relatively warm and wet conditions prior to 4.6 ka, and it has been cold and dry since then. Six millennial‐scale dry events were recorded during the Holocene, which were not only accordant with the history of palaeoclimatic changes in the different latitudes and archives of the Northern Hemisphere, but also correspond to the millennial‐scale variation of cosmic radiation and solar activity during that period. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate potential effects of tectonics and climate change on the behaviour of the axial Rio Grande in the Rio Grande rift, a 16·5 km stretch of modern floodplain and Holocene terraces were mapped in the tectonically active Palomas half graben, south‐central New Mexico, USA. In addition, 51 cores and natural exposures were logged and 20 radiocarbon dates were obtained from charcoal, bulk organic matter, mollusc shells and pedogenic calcite. The Holocene alluvium comprises four terraces above the modern floodplain, each of which formed by a period of river incision followed by stability and renewed floodplain construction to a level below that of the previous terraces. Estimated times of incision between Terraces I and II, II and III, and III and IV are after 12 400, 8040 to 5310, and 760 to 550 yr bp , respectively, whereas the incision between Terrace IV and the modern floodplain occurred within the last 260 years. Although there is some evidence for tectonic control on river behaviour in the southern part of the basin, terrace formation is interpreted as being related to climate change, with periods of incision corresponding to times of increased aridity and low sediment/water discharge ratio in the Rio Grande. This process may have resulted from a reduction in intensity and magnitude of summer storms which supply sediment to the axial river, coupled with an increase in spring discharge peak caused by snowmelt in upstream mountain catchments.  相似文献   

We present a high‐resolution pollen record of a 695‐cm‐long sediment core from Laguna Loma Linda, located at an altitude of 310 m in the transitional zone between the savannas of the Llanos Orientales and the Amazonian rainforest, about 100 km from the Eastern Cordillera. Based on eight AMS 14C ages, the record represents the last 8700 14C yr BP. During the period from 8700 to 6000 14C yr BP the vegetation was dominated by grass savanna with only a few woody taxa, such as Curatella and Byrsonima, present in low abundance. Gallery forest along the drainage system apparently was poorly developed. Compared with today, precipitation must have been significantly lower and seasonality stronger. During the period from 6000 to 3600 14C yr BP, rainforest taxa increased markedly, reflecting an increase in precipitation. Rainforest and gallery forest taxa such as Moraceae/Urticaceae, Melastomataceae, Alchornea, Cecropia and Acalypha, were abundant, whereas Poaceae were reduced in frequency. From 3600 to 2300 14C yr BP rainforest taxa continued to increase; Moraceae/Urticaceae became very frequent, and Myrtaceae and Myrsine became common. Savanna vegetation decreased continuously. We infer that precipitation was still increasing, and that the length of the annual dry period possibly shortened. From 2300 14C yr BP onwards, grass savanna (mainly represented by Poaceae) expanded and Mauritia palms became frequent. This reflects increased human impact on the vegetation. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Amos Frumkin   《Quaternary Research》2009,71(3):319-328
Trees growing on the Mt. Sedom salt diapir, at the southern Dead Sea shore, were swept by runoff into salt caves and subsequently deposited therein, sheltered from surface weathering. A subfossil Tamarix tree trunk, found in a remote section of Sedom Cave is radiocarbon dated to between  2265 and 1930 BCE. It was sampled in 109 points across the tree rings for carbon and nitrogen isotopes. The Sedom Tamarix demonstrates a few hundred years of 13C and 15N isotopic enrichment, culminating in extremely high δ13C and δ15N values. Calibration using modern Tamarix stable isotopes in various climatic settings in Israel shows direct relationship between isotopic enrichment and climate deterioration, particularly rainfall decrease. The subfossil Tamarix probably reflects an environmental crisis during the Intermediate Bronze Age, which subsequently killed the tree  1930 BCE. This period coincides with the largest historic fall of the Dead Sea level, as well as the demise of the large regional urban center of the 3rd millennium BCE. The environmental crisis may thus explain the archaeological evidence of a shift from urban to pastoral culture during the Intermediate Bronze Age. This was apparently the most severe long-term historical drought that affected the region in the mid-late Holocene.  相似文献   

Heavy metals having both natural and anthropogenic origin are common contaminants in soils and sediments, and can be transferred and bioaccumulated at all levels of the food chain, posing serious environmental concern to the local population. In this paper, agricultural soils from the Province of Ferrara (easternmost part of the Padanian Plain, northern Italy) were investigated to assess the levels of potentially toxic metals in relation to their phytoavailability. Agricultural soils have been sampled in order to identify the origin, mobility and bioavailability of heavy metals, collecting superficial and deeper (depths of 20–30 and 100–120 cm, respectively) horizons. The “total” XRF analyses properly elaborated with a statistical approach reveal that soils evolved from two distinct types of alluvial sediments, in turn related to the Po and Reno rivers; the former type is distinctively enriched in heavy metals (particularly Cr and Ni), reflecting the presence of femic and ultrafemic rocks in the hydrological basin of River Po. The absence of Top Enrichment Factors for Ni, Co, Cr, V, and Pb suggests that the content of these elements is natural and unaffected by contamination, whereas superficial enrichments of Cu (and Zn) is ascribed to anthropogenic inputs related to agricultural activities. Multiple extraction tests using variously aggressive reactants (aqua regia, DTPA, EDTA, NH4NO3, and H2O) analyzed by ICP gave insights on the specific mobility of the distinct elements, which decreases in the following order: Pb > Cu > Cd > Co > >Ni > Cr. Taking into consideration the elements that are inducing the main concerns, Cr appears scarcely mobile, whereas Ni could be more phytoavailable and has to be monitored in the local agricultural products. Cd although scarcely abundant has to be monitored for its mobility and toxicity, whereas Cu although abundant and extremely mobile doesn’t induce concerns as it is not hazardous for the living receptors.  相似文献   

渤海湾西岸全新世沉积速率对河流供给的响应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
渤海湾西岸由北向南获取了3个钻孔,以全新世海相岩心为研究对象,采用AMS14C(Accelerator Mass Spectrometry14C,加速器质谱14C)测年方法建立年代框架并计算平均沉积速率,结合沉积物粒度组成及沿岸古河流三角洲发育历史,探讨了沉积速率对沿岸河流供给变化的时空响应。结果表明,早全新世—中全新世初期(11~6ka),渤海湾西岸整体沉积速率偏低,仅0.03~0.07cm/a,沉积物粒度较粗;中全新世6.43~4.97ka cal BP期间,NP3孔平均沉积速率为0.60~0.93cm/a,高于同期沿岸南部的CH110孔和BT113孔。沉积物组成以粉砂为主,粘土含量低,向上逐渐变粗,具三角洲反粒序特征。该时段的高沉积速率系渤海湾西北岸对潮白河、永定河及滦河沉积物供给的响应;中全新世晚期3.68~2.67ka cal BP期间,BT113孔沉积速率为0.27~1.4cm/a,高于同期沿岸北部CH110孔和NP3孔,沉积物组成以粉砂为主,粘土含量较NP3孔高,向上逐渐变粗,具三角洲反粒序特征。该时段的高沉积速率系渤海湾西岸南部对黄河沉积物供给的响应;晚全新世2.29~0.24ka cal BP期间,沿岸中部CH110孔沉积速率为0.55~0.91cm/a,高于同期沿岸南部的BT113孔和北部的NP3孔,该高沉积速率为渤海湾西岸中部对黄河和海河供给沉积的先后响应。  相似文献   

A phytolith record from Monte Oscuro, a crater lake located 10 m above sea level on the Pacific coastal plain of Panama, shows that during the Late Pleistocene the lake bed was dry and savanna-like vegetation expanded at the expense of tropical deciduous forest, the modern potential vegetation. A significant reduction of precipitation below current levels was almost certainly required to effect the changes observed. Core sediment characteristics indicate that permanent inundation of the Monte Oscuro basin with water occurred at about 10,500 14C yr B.P. Pollen and phytolith records show that deciduous tropical forest expanded into the lake’s watershed during the early Holocene. Significant burning of the vegetation and increases of weedy plants at ca. 7500 to 7000 14C yr B.P. indicate disturbance, which most likely resulted from early human occupation of the seasonal tropical forest near Monte Oscuro and the development of slash-and-burn methods of cultivation.  相似文献   

Grain size and mineral composition of core sediments were used to investigate influences of various terrestrial and marine conditions, which have prevailed on the southwestern Black Sea shelf during the Holocene. Siliciclastic mud with small amounts of sand and gravel from nearby coastal hinterland is the principal sediment type, whereas sediments deposited near the shelf edge and the Istanbul Strait and off the Duru Lake (a paleo-river mouth) constitued large quantities of sand and gravel of both biogenic and terrigenic origin. Variable amounts of aragonite, 1 nmmicas, quartz, feldspars, calcite and dolomite constitute the dominant non-clay minerals in bulk sediments. The clay mineral assemblage in the 〈 2 μm fraction is made up of smectite, illite, kaolinite and chlorite. Aragonite and calcite are mainly derived from benthic accumulations, whereas feldspars (mainly plagioclase) and smectite reflect magmaticvolcanic provenance and the distribution of 1 nm-micas and chlorite correlate with nearby metamorphic sources onland. Nevertheless, grain size and mineral distribution generally indicate a combination of effects of wind and wave climate, longshore and offshore cyclonic currents, changing sea-level stands and nearby source rock and morphological conditions. It is also suggested that at least part of clay minerals could be derived from the northwesterly Danube River input.  相似文献   

The Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve (GSDNPP) in the San Luis Valley, Colorado, contains a variety of eolian landforms that reflect Holocene drought variability. The most spectacular is a dune mass banked against the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, which is fronted by an extensive sand sheet with stabilized parabolic dunes. Stratigraphic exposures of parabolic dunes and associated luminescence dating of quartz grains by single-aliquot regeneration (SAR) protocols indicate eolian deposition of unknown magnitude occurred ca. 1290-940, 715 ± 80, 320 ± 30, and 200-120 yr ago and in the 20th century. There are 11 drought intervals inferred from the tree-ring record in the past 1300 yr at GSDNPP potentially associated with dune movement, though only five eolian depositional events are currently recognized in the stratigraphic record. There is evidence for eolian transport associated with dune movement in the 13th century, which may coincide with the “Great Drought”, a 26-yr-long dry interval identified in the tree ring record, and associated with migration of Anasazi people from the Four Corners areas to wetter areas in southern New Mexico. This nascent chronology indicates that the transport of eolian sand across San Luis Valley was episodic in the late Holocene with appreciable dune migration in the 8th, 10-13th, and 19th centuries, which ultimately nourished the dune mass against the Sangre de Cristo Mountains.  相似文献   

通过对冲绳海槽北部沉积物柱状样S9进行AMS 14C 测年和粒度分析,获取了全新世以来高分辨率的古环境演化记录.结果显示,千年尺度上,S9柱粒度组成呈现明显的两段式变化特征:10.5~8.0ka B.P.,平均粒径逐渐变粗并达到最高值,粉砂含量逐渐增加并达到最高值; 8.0~1.0ka B.P.,沉积物平均粒径呈现递减的趋势,粘土含量相对增加.S9柱粒度千年尺度上变化与区域海平面变化密切相关,显示了海平面对区域物质输运的控制作用.7.5ka B.P. 以来,海平面趋于稳定,粒度特征呈现出百年尺度上波动.S9柱粒度变化参数与源区指示季风降雨量石笋记录的 δ18O具有良好的相关性,7.5ka B.P. 以来持续减小的平均粒径对应持续减弱的区域夏季风降雨.此外,S9柱记录了约8.2ka B.P.,6.5ka B.P.,4.2ka B.P. 以及3.8ka B.P. 等多期粒度显著变细的百年尺度的气候事件,对应了区域季风降雨的减少时期.S9柱粒度组成信息揭示了全新世以来区域海平面变化及季风降雨的强弱对冲绳海槽沉积物组成的影响,同时也为利用海洋沉积物来重建区域季风降雨提供了有力的手段.  相似文献   

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