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Carbonate aeolian deposits are common along arid to semiarid, wind-exposed, present-day coastlines bordered by productive carbonate ramps. Lithified carbonate dunes (aeolianites) have been described around the world in marine terraces of Quaternary age, but these deposits have seldom been identified in the Pre-Quaternary record. Several authors have suggested that this scarcity reflects that these deposits form and are preserved only during icehouse periods characterized by high-amplitude sea-level changes. Others [e.g. McKee and Ward Carbonate Depositional Environments (1983) , AAPG Memoirs, Vol. 33, pp. 131–170] suggest that the scarcity of aeolianites in the Pre-Quaternary record could reflect the ‘great difficulty in recognising wind blown carbonate deposits and in differentiating between them [aeolianites] and other carbonate sands of nearshore environments’. It has been considered that carbonate shoreface/foreshore deposits are very difficult to discriminate petrographically from backshore deposits. This petrographic study of recent sediments from the shoreface to backshore along the northern coast of Chrissi Island, Crete, confirms that carbonate aeolian sands can be very easily misinterpreted as shoreface deposits. Textural examination of thin sections by image analysis techniques indicates, however, that grain orientation patterns differ between facies. Shoreface deposits exhibit a unimodal distribution of grain orientation (flat rose diagram), whereas backshore deposits show a tendency towards a bimodal distribution with a significant proportion of vertical grains. This observation has been confirmed in Pleistocene aeolianites from Tunisia and Western Australia. Grain verticality thus seems to be a reliable criterion for discriminating wind-lain carbonate bodies from shoreface deposits. Vertical grains in aeolian carbonate deposits could reflect gravity effects (e.g. reorientation of grains because of meteoric water percolation and air pull-up). Laboratory experiments conducted on carbonate sands under the action of percolating waters confirm this hypothesis. This reorganization process is preferentially developed in recently deposited and loosely packed sands resulting from grainfall and/or grainflow. In addition, this suggests that the presence of vertical grain orientation might be an indicator of the frequency and intensity of rainfalls during deposition.  相似文献   

Summary ?Gabbro Akarem is a Late-Precambrian concentrically-zoned mafic-ultramafic intrusion located along a major fracture zone trending NE-SW in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. It intruded low-grade metasedimentary rocks, and has a contact metamorphic aureole a few meters wide. This intrusion comprises a dunite core enveloped by clinopyroxene hornblende-bearing lherzolite, olivine-hornblende clinopyroxenite and plagioclase hornblendite. The contacts between the rock types are gradational. They have cumulate textures and the observed crystallization sequence is: olivine ( + cotectic spinel)-orthopyroxene (Opx)-clinopyroxene (Cpx)-hornblende. Mafic minerals from the core of the intrusion are highly magnesian, a consistent increase in the Mg# of olivine (from 69 to 87), Opx (from 62 to 89), Cpx (from 85 to 96) and hornblends (from 62 to 88) is observed from the mafic to the ultramafic units. Spinel has a wide range of Cr# and Mg# ratios. The various rock units define a fractionation trend. The mafic rocks are slightly LREE-enriched relative to the ultramafic units and chondrites. In many aspects, the Gabbro Akarem intrusion is similar to Alaskan-type complexes. Mineralogical and geochemical data suggest that the different rock units were fractionated from a hydrous picritic magma with no apparent crustal contamination. A petrogenetic model involving a rapid rise of hydrous mantle magma along a major fracture zone is proposed. Extensive fractional crystallization led to magma chamber stratification; internal circulation and strong vertical stretching up the center of the rapidly rising diapir increased the rate of magma ascent towards the core. Due to cooling and high viscosity the marginal mafic magma was partly crystallized while the unsolidified core ultramafic magma continued its ascent. As a result, different mineral phases crystallized at different pressure-temperature paths. Field relations, geophysical, petrological and experimental studies support this model which explains many of the characteristics of the Gabbro Akarem and some other concentrically zoned mafic-ultramafic intrusions. Received April 24, 2001; revised version accepted November 20, 2001  相似文献   

Carbonaceous matter (CM) from ca. 3.5 Ga hydrothermal black cherts of the Pilbara Craton of Western Australia and the Barberton Greenstone Belt of South Africa yielded transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images that are suggestive of microbial remains and possible remnants of microbial cell walls. These are compared to a potential modern analogue, the hyperthermophilic Methanocaldococcus jannaschii, derived from an active seafloor hydrothermal environment and cultured under similar conditions. A striking resemblance to the early Archaean forms was evident in wall structure and thermal degradation mode. Cell disintegration of the cultures occurred at 100 °C marking the limits of life. Complete disintegration, deformation and shrinkage occurred at 132 °C. A multidisciplinary approach to the characterisation of the CM was undertaken using organic petrology, TEM coupled with electron dispersive spectral analysis (EDS), high resolution TEM (HRTEM) to determine molecular ordering, and elemental and carbon isotope geochemistry. Reflectance measurements of the CM to determine thermal stress yielded a range of values corresponding to several populations, and pointing to different sources and processes. The δ13C values of Dresser Formation CM (−36.5 to −32.1‰) are negatively correlated with TOC (0.13–0.75%) and positively correlated with C/N ratio (134–569), which is interpreted to reflect the relative abundance of high Ro/oxidised/recycled CM and preferential loss of 12C and N during thermal maturation. TEM observations, inferred carbon isotopic heterogeneity and isotope fractionations of −27 to −32‰ are consistent with the activity of chemosynthetic microbes in a seafloor hydrothermal system where rapid silicification at relatively low temperature preserved the CM.  相似文献   

The fluvial–tidal transition (FTT) is a complex depositional zone, where fluvial flow is modified by tides as rivers approach a receiving marine basin. Variations in the relative importance of tidal versus fluvial processes lead to a distinctive distribution of sediments that accumulate on channel bars. The FTT generally consists of three broad zones: (1) a freshwater-tidal zone; (2) a tidally influenced freshwater to brackish-water transition; and (3) a zone of relatively sustained brackish-water conditions with stronger tides. A very common type of deposit through the fluvial–tidal transition, especially on the margins of migrating channels, is inclined heterolithic stratification (IHS). At present, a detailed account of changes in the character of IHS across the FTT of a paleo-channel system has not been reported, although a number of modern examples have been documented. To fill this gap, we quantitatively assess the sedimentology and ichnology of IHS from seven cored intervals in three geographic areas situated within the youngest paleovalley (“A” Valley) in the Lower Cretaceous McMurray Formation of Alberta, Canada. We compare the data to trends defined along the FTT in the present-day Fraser River in British Columbia, Canada to interpret paleo-depositional position in the ancient fluvial–tidal channels.Analysis determined that the mean mudstone thickness is 8.2 cm in the southern study area (SA). Mean thickness increases to 11 cm in the central study area (CA), and decreases again to 4.4 cm in the northern study area (NA). The proportion of mudstone is 31% in SA, 44% in CA, and 27% in NA. Thickness-weighted mean bioturbation intensity in sands varied from 0.29 in SA and CA, to 0.28 in NA. On the other hand, thickness-weighted mean bioturbation intensity (BI) in mudstone increases from 1.46 in SA, to 1.77 in CA, and is 1.94 in NA. The ichnological diversity also increased from south to north.Sedimentological results show similar trends to those of the Fraser River, enabling the identification of a freshwater to brackish-water transition zone with tidal influence. The interpreted position of the transition is underpinned by the bioturbation intensity and trace-fossil diversity trends, indicating periodic brackish-water conditions throughout SA in the McMurray Formation during low river flow conditions. Together, these data suggest that a broad FTT existed in the “A” Valley, with fluvial-dominated channels to the south that experienced seasonal brackish-water inundation during base flow, and channels experiencing increasing brackish-water influence lying further north towards a turbidity maximum zone. The FTT zone appears to have extended for several hundred kilometers from south to north.Based on the sedimentological and ichnological data, as well as estimations of lateral accretion rates, we refute the commonly applied Mississippi River depositional analogue for McMurray Formation channels. Rather, we show that while not a perfect fit, the tidally influenced Fraser River shows much greater agreement with the depositional character recorded in McMurray Formation IHS. Future work on the McMurray system should focus on characterizing tide-dominated deltaic and estuarine systems, such as the Ganges-Brahmaputra, and on forward-modeling the evolution of tide-dominated and tide-influenced river systems.  相似文献   

Isotopic and elemental analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), principal components analysis (PCA) and two dimensional (2D) correlation analysis, where core depth was used as perturbation, were used to study the diagenesis of organic matter (OM) in Lake Superior sediments. Changes in OM composition were examined at five lake stations over a depth range of 0–10 cm. PCA results show that depth-related changes among sites are similar, leading to an increased contribution from inorganic (and possibly refractory aromatic organic) components at each site, and a loss of contribution from other organic components. Synchronous spectra reveal that aliphatic esters and carbohydrates are degraded significantly with increasing depth, leading to an increased contribution from clay/biogenic silica/inactive carbohydrates. Asynchronous spectra show that, in general, carboxyl groups, including aliphatic ester and amide in protein, are degraded first, followed by a group of carbohydrates and then aromatic compounds and/or the SiO framework in clay and biogenic silica. Site dependent compositional variation occurs and appears to be influenced by topography and geology, e.g. the delivery of a larger load of terrestrial inorganic silicate minerals to certain sites and re-suspension/re-deposition, leading to less intensive down core variation at mid-lake central and eastern basin sites. The study demonstrates the usefulness of FTIR coupled with PCA and 2D correlation approaches for exploring structural changes in sedimentary material during diagenesis.  相似文献   

Diagenetic history of a North Sea chalk   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A study of the petrofabrics of Danian and uppermost Maastrichtian chalk from the North Sea was undertaken to investigate its particulate components and diagenetic history. Danian and Maastrichtian chalks are intensely mottled and burrowed globi-gerinid lime mudstones. The Danian chalk matrix is composed of coccolith and thoracosphaerid debris, whereas the Maastrichtian chalk matrix contains mainly coccoliths. The lower part of the Danian is often argillaceous. Three modes of lithification are evident—a spot-welding of adjacent grains (important in Danian chalk), selective overgrowths (prolific in Maastrichtian chalk), and a sparry calcite pore filling associated with Maastrichtian stylolitization. Not only does the scant cementation of chalk stem from an inadequate source of metastable calcium carbonate in the form of aragonite, but also indirectly in that extensive pressure-solution is impeded by certain pore fluid compositions. Pressure-solution can occur only at point contacts where a threshold linear pressure is exceeded and so allows an increase in calcite solubility. It is proposed that through the formation of spot-welds an initial rigid intergranular framework is constructed in chalk relatively early during diagenesis. Subsequent increases in overburden eventually permit extensive stylolitization and the late diagenetic reprecipitation of a sparry calcite pore filling adjacent to stylolites. The time and genesis of selective overgrowths is less clear.  相似文献   

Morphologic features of bedrock fault scarps are underutilized in studying faulting and weathering history, partly because of a lack of accurate quantitative parameters for topography. The study employs ground-based LiDAR to measure five patches at different levels on the same fault surface and then calculates roughness in the form of power spectral density in directions parallel and perpendicular to the slip. The power spectral density and spatial frequency typically follow a power law for each fault patch, showing approximately linear relationships in a log–log plot. However, due to additional power introduced by weathering, all spectral curves, especially those parallel to the slip, can be divided into two segments, lower-frequency (wavelengths of several centimeters – several meters) and higher-frequency (wavelengths of several centimeters and below) domains. This shows that the topographic features at different spatial scales are dominated by different mechanical processes: faulting abrasion in the lower-frequency domain and the weathering process in the higher-frequency domain. Moreover, we develop two parameters to quantify the degree of weathering of a fault outcrop, which is significant to describe the evolution of the fault-scarp and infer the date of faulting under calibration.  相似文献   

Summary A concept for a kinematic hardening yield surface in stress space for Cordova Cream limestone (Austin Chalk) developed by Celle and Cheatham (1981) has been improved using Ziegler's modification of Prager's hardening rule (Ziegler, 1959). Data to date agree with the formulated concepts. It is shown how kinematic hardening can be used to approximate the yield surface for a wide range of stress states past the initial yield surface. The particular difficulty of identifying the yield surface under conditions of unloading or extension is noted. A yield condition and hardening rule which account for the strain induced anisotropy in Cordova Cream Limestone were developed. Although the actual yield surface appears to involve some change of size and shape, it is concluded that true kinematic hardening provides a basis for engineering calculations.  相似文献   

《Sedimentary Geology》2007,193(1-4):21-31
Three basal-till facies from the Lower Vistula valley were examined. The lowest facies, a sandy diamicton with characteristic sand inclusions forming detached and attenuated folds, is overlain by a bedded till characterized by alternating diamictons and sorted sediment layers. The uppermost till facies is a homogeneous diamicton.The three till facies must have been formed by complex subglacial sedimentary processes during the first Late Weichselian ice advance. The lowest till facies is interpreted as a deformation till, and accumulated during the initial stage of the ice advance. The middle facies represents a stagnation phase during the initial ice advance, and was deposited during recurrent periods of subglacial melt-out followed by meltwater sedimentation. The upper till facies was deposited by direct subglacial melt-out during a stage of stagnant ice.It is suggested that bed deformation and temporarily enhanced basal sliding have been caused by ice streaming at the time of the ice-sheet advance and just before its stagnation.  相似文献   

显生宙的海绿石主要形成于具低沉积速率的外陆架至上斜坡深水环境,而前寒武纪海绿石则多见于具高沉积速率的浅水环境。为揭示导致这种明显差别的主要环境控制因素,本文对华北中元古代铁岭组叠层石礁内发育的海绿石进行了包括野外观察、岩相学和XRD、SEM、EDS、ICP-MS分析在内的综合研究。据海绿石的分布位置和基质孔隙度特征,本文将铁岭组自生海绿石分为3种类型:类型Ⅰ产于孔隙最发育的叠层石柱和微晶基质交接带,类型Ⅱ位于较少孔隙的基质中,类型Ⅲ常见于致密的叠层石柱体内。这三种类型的海绿石都具有高且稳定的K_2O含量(平均8%),指示孔隙水具有高K~+离子浓度。从Ⅲ型至Ⅰ型海绿石,Fe_2O_3含量逐渐升高,而Al_2O_3含量逐渐降低,表明基质孔隙度对海绿石演化具有控制作用,海绿石的成熟度演化需要Fe的持续补充。由于叠层石碳酸盐岩明显缺乏陆源碎屑输入,因此Fe可能主要来自海水,要求存在很浅的Fe氧化还原界面,这也得到了碳酸盐岩中Ce异常证据的支持。我们认为多孔的基质、高K~+浓度以及次氧化海水条件是促进中元古代浅水海绿石沉淀和演化的重要环境因素。  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(12):1841-1851
The lead-lead isochron method, with or without lead-thorium and lead-uranium supplementations, proves to be reasonably satisfactory for determining the absolute age of a variety of genetically different rocks (magmatic, metamorphic, etc.), upon recapitulations of principles of the method (figs. 1–3) and statistical processing of the data (tables 1–3). The method is well adapted even now for genetic differentiations of magmatic and chemogenic formations, for example, pinpointing the dates of the latest metamorphism of repeatedly metamorphosed rocks, and other purposes, with certain qualifications.  相似文献   

Y. Folkman 《Tectonophysics》1981,80(1-4):135-146
The results of a combined analysis of aeromagnetic and gravity data covering the rift and adjacent areas show two different deep structural models: (a) Across the northern and central portions of the rift zone the crustal thickness and the character of the upper mantle remain unchanged. On the other hand, the lithology of the upper crust varies laterally so that the mafic composition of the rock type probably increases from east to west. (b) The southern portion of the rift may be underlain by an anomalous, low-density upper mantle.

Local negative gravity anomalies within the rift zone delineate deep depressions, separated by structural highs. The Dead Sea depression is interpreted to be filled by 7.5 km of young, low-density sediments.

Local magnetic anomalies which cover the northern portion only are interpreted as basalt flows. This approach enables delineation of fault patterns which support the classic view of sinistral strike slip movement along a complicated fault system.  相似文献   

The Mahakam delta (Kalimantan, Indonesia) coals represent all the evolution stages between freshly-deposited plant/peat material, lignites and bituminous coals. The geochemical techniques used to study this coal series included elemental analysis, extraction of humic compounds, infrared spectroscopy and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance of the total coal.The main mechanisms of early maturation in this series are loss of oxygenated compounds, aromatisation and condensation of the organic matter. These changes, which have already been suggested for other coal series and partially reported for sedimentary organic matter, were confirmed and described in more detail for the Mahakam coal series.  相似文献   

Pyrite from the Precambrian lead-zinc deposits of Zawar, West India, shows excellent sedimentary features, viz., composite bedding, lenticular bedding, flame structure etc. which are attributed to turbidites. Early diagenetic pyrite occurs as framboids and isolated euhedral as well as subhedral grains. Most of the isolated grains are probably derived from the breaking of unconsolidated framboids. Diagenetic crystallization of pyrite became operative during an early stage of deposition and continued to modify the initial sedimentary fabrics.  相似文献   

Steppe‐tundra is considered to have been a dominant ecosystem across northern Eurasia during the Last Glacial Maximum. As the fossil record is insufficient for understanding the ecology of this vanished ecosystem, modern analogues have been sought, especially in Beringia. However, Beringian ecosystems are probably not the best analogues for more southern variants of the full‐glacial steppe‐tundra because they lack many plant and animal species of temperate steppes found in the full‐glacial fossil record from various areas of Europe and Siberia. We present new data on flora, land snails and mammals and characterize the ecology of a close modern analogue of the full‐glacial steppe‐tundra ecosystem in the southeastern Russian Altai Mountains, southern Siberia. The Altaian steppe‐tundra is a landscape mosaic of different habitat types including steppe, mesic and wet grasslands, shrubby tundra, riparian scrub, and patches of open woodland at moister sites. Habitat distribution, species diversity, primary productivity and nutrient content in plant biomass reflect precipitation patterns across a broader area and the topography‐dependent distribution of soil moisture across smaller landscape sections. Plant and snail species considered as glacial relicts occur in most habitats of the Altaian steppe‐tundra, but snails avoid the driest types of steppe. A diverse community of mammals, including many species typical of the full‐glacial ecosystems, also occurs there. Insights from the Altaian steppe‐tundra suggest that the full‐glacial steppe‐tundra was a heterogeneous mosaic of different habitats depending on landscape‐scale moisture gradients. Primary productivity of this habitat mosaic combined with shallow snow cover that facilitated winter grazing was sufficient to sustain rich communities of large herbivores.  相似文献   

R. Altherr  M. Okrusch  H. Bank 《Lithos》1982,15(3):191-197
In the Precambrian near Morogoro (East Tanzania) there are anatectic gneisses which are composed of two different domains: (1) Medium grained gneiss with the assemblage (+ rutile + baddeleyite): albite (ab95an03or02) + muscovite + phlogopitess + corundum, and albite (ab88an09or03 + kyanite or sillimanite + phlogopitess. (2) Coarse grained nests of corundum and antiperthite with minor albite, muscovite, phlogopite, rutile, baddeleyite, and tourmaline. The bulk composition of the antiperthite id ab75an02or23, the composition of the Na-phase ab95an03or02, that of the K-phase ab13an00or87. Phase relationship of the rock can be modelled in the Na-rich, Si-undersaturated part of the KNASH system. P-T conditions are close to the intersection of the melting curve muscovitess + H2O = corundum + liquid with the kyanite-sillimanite transition, i.e. 7.7 kb/695°C assuming aH2O = 1.  相似文献   

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