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There are many defects in researches on the relationship of the regional financial development(FD)and economic growth of China,such as simply assuming the causality direction,not highlighting financial institution,us-ing incomplete financial indicator,etc.This article,taking Suzhou City of Jiangsu Province,China as a case,builds a simple model to study the level of FD from three aspects of financial scale,structure and institution.Three original in-dicators of PRIVY(private investment/aggregate investment),DEPTH(aggregate loan/GDP)and FDIVG(FDI/GDP)are used to construct the FD economic indicator through Principal Component Analysis approach.Then we use Granger method to analyze the relationship between the FD and the economic growth of Suzhou.Empirical test results show that the FD of Suzhou is the Granger reason of economic growth,while economic growth is not the reason for FD,because the relationship between the FD and the economic growth of Suzhou is just in the"supply-leading"period.In terms of Suzhou experiences,the local government should strengthen the protection of private investment,improve the institutional environment,and establish the reasonable financial structure.So we can concluded that FD could play a great role in promoting economic growth at the economy takeoff stage.  相似文献   

This paper explores how location could affect economic growth and it has always been omitted in economic analysis. Geographic factors can affect economic activities. Three mechanisms of location affecting economic growth have been studied: consumption, production and migration. The initial superior location will take such advantages as lower transport costs and lower price level, so it could have higher consumption utility, higher productivity, and attract more human capital, then lead higher growth. Those regions with the superior location will have higher utility due to more product varities and the comparative lower price, and higher wage due to the production technology, and it would attract more individuals with higher human capital to move to this location. It is a kind of agglomeration, meaning the superior location will hold more advantages and higher growth rate, otherwise those locations with poor geographic factor will be even worse. Based on Chinese provincial economic growth experiences of these years, this paper does some empirical analysis by regressing on some variables including the geographic ones. In this paper, the dummy variables and population density are used to measure the location factor. And we find evidences supporting the view that dominant locations such as coastal areas grow faster, on the contrary,middle and western provinces grow slower. Location does affect economic growth.  相似文献   

1IN T R O D U C T IO NAs we allknow,China isa countrywith vastpopulationand scarcelandpercapita(Y ANG and LI,2000)."T rea-suringlandverymuch,utilizinlgandrationallaynd pro-tectingthe cultivatedland conscientiously"is funda-mental statepolicyofChina.At the…  相似文献   

Dalian, Shenyang, Changchun and Harbin are the four core cities which play an essential role in terms of promoting the economic development in Northeast China. In this paper, the impact of urban agglomeration on labor productivity is explored by making comparisons among these four cities. The model used for analysis is a classical model derived from previous studies. Some indicators, such as population density and economic density, were selected to examine the impact of urban agglomeration on the labor productivity based on the time-series data for the four cities from 1990 to 2007. The four main conclusions are: 1) The promotion from the growth rate of population density on the growth rate of labor productivity is limited. 2) The negative relationship exists between the growth rate of employment density and the growth rate of labor productivity. 3) Agglomeration effect exists in the four cities, the highest one is Dalian, Shenyang takes the second place, followed by Changchun and Harbin, and the predominant promotion exerted on the labor productivity is the output density.  相似文献   

This paper falls into the broad area of economic geography and economics of creativity,and it presents an alternative approach to explain why total factor productivity(TFP)growth is different across China′s regions.It establishes an empirical model to estimate the spatial agglomeration effects of creative industries on regional TFP growth,using China′s provincial panel data during the period of 2003 to 2010.We found that the creative industries agglomeration(CIA)has significant and positive impact on regional TFP growth.The result also implies that the CIA can facilitate regional TFP growth through promoting regional innovation instead of improving regional efficiency.Therefore,we argue that policy makers should take some measures to retain and establish more creative zones.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Over the past twenty years since the enactment of the Airline Deregulation Act, the major US domestic carriers have developed hub-and-spoke structures for their op- erations. These have been instrumental in helping to reduce the overall costs of air travel to the U.S. public and to increase the travel options that are available. This effect also means that the quantity and quality of air ser- vices vary quite considerably between cities in the United States. The pattern of a…  相似文献   

Taking the development of export-oriented economy (the strength and temporal sequence) as a main line, this paper discusses and analyses the position and role of Wuhan, which is the biggest metropolis in the central China and the middle section of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River basin, in the regional economic macro-strategy of China from a new visual sight. On the basis of the background of a large economic triangle constructed by Hongkong, Wuhan and Shanghai, the paper discusses the relations between Wuhan and Hongkong, Wuhan and Shanghai. The aim of the paper is to provide some new evidences for the development of great regional economy of China under the copropelling of the three great economic pivots. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   


基于ARMA模型的广元市中区经济增长预测分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用广元市市中区1978年到2004年GDP数据,构建了广元市市中区时间序列趋势的ARMA模型.在此基础上,对广元市市中区2006年到2010年未来5年内的GDP进行了预测,并针对该区"十一五"规划的各项目标任务提出了一些对策建议,为广元市市中区未来的发展提供参考依据.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONThere have been many literatures about the regional disparity of economic development in China since the late 1970s. Some scholars argue that disparity of re-gional development in China has been expanded since 1978, but others find it has reduced since 1978. The findings of some scholars show that the evolutionary process of the disparity of regional economic develop-ment in China follows the inverted U shape, but some others do not think so. What is the true tendency, and i…  相似文献   

论文分别以分省和分区(东、中、西部)1992~2004年的面板数据,利用我们修正过的De Mello模型和更为稳健的模型检验方法,研究了我国利用外商直接投资对经济增长的影响作用。研究结果发现,利用分省数据的模型证明了FDI对我国经济增长的正向积极作用,这一点与其他研究结果相同,但是利用分区数据的研究表明,虽然我国西部仍然是FDI作用最弱的区域,但是东部与中部比较,GDP增长率变动对FDI增长率变动的敏感性不明显,有别于中部,这在一定程度上可以说明东部地区存在FDI过密和外商投资产业的过度竞争问题。  相似文献   

Commercial economic region (CER), or commercial geographical region, is the result of socialized production and development of commodity economy, characterized by system holisty, regional independence, interregional openness and relative steadiness. Commercial economic regionalization provides a scientific basis for organizing and building a commodity circulation network system with all directions, multifunction and openness, rational planning the direction of commodity flow. The principles of commercial economic regionalization are as follows: The principle taking a city business center as the core; the optimization principle of integrated function; the difference principle of physical geographical environment; the uniformity principle of human geographical environment; and the order principle of dissipative structure. According to the above-mentioned principles, China's CER can be divided into 4 1evels.  相似文献   

At present, paid urban landuse system is one of the most important economic reform in China. In the other words, landuse right can be transferred and land users must pay the rent to the state according to the quality of land. It is necessary to apply the theory of rent and location to the economic approaisal of urban land. China is vast in territory. Is’s geographical condition and economic development vary from place to place, so does the urban land value. In order to reveal the difference of land value between different cities, the following method is used. (1) Analysing the factors and elements that affect the quality of urban land. Six factors including 17 elements were selected in this paper: macrolocation of a city, benefit of urban aggregation, infrastructure investment, output value of urban land, potential of urban land, and investment intensity. (2) Deciding the weight andvalue of each factor. (3) Appraising each element separately. (4) Accounting the value of all factors and getting the total appraisal score of each city. (5) Grouping the 430 Chinese cities into sevencategories according to the appraisal values. The result shows that all the cities in the category with the highest land output values are in the coast belt, whereas most cities in the inland and outlying areas are belong to the category with low rank. For example, 87% of the cities in the outlying regions are belong to the lowest rank. Although there are some relationship between the size of cities and urban land rank, generally speaking, the larger the city, the higher the urban land rank. In fact, the locational condition is the most important factor which influences the rank of urban land.  相似文献   

Accumulated temperature above 100℃ (Σ t) and minimum annual temperature (Tm) are the major indexes for demarcating agroclimatic thermal zones. The paper calculated the return period (τ) of Σ t and Tm, and the shift ofΣ t-and Tm-isopleths with T. The results show: (1) According to the magnitude of shift of Σ t-and Tm-isopleths, in Northeast China, Inner Mongolia and northern Xinjiang the fluctuation of thermal resources in growing season from year to year is the greatest and strongly impacts the yield of annual thermophilous crops, but in the Changjiang River basin the fluctuation of the low temperature in winter is the greatest and seriously injures the perennial subtropical tree crops. ( 2) In the anomalous cool summer year with t = 30, the northern boundaries of the southern subtropical, northern subtropical and warm temperate zones and the southern boundary of the frigid temperate zone in China could be expected to shift southward 150, 220, 250 and 300 km from their normal positions, respective  相似文献   

This paper, taking Nanhai City of Guangdong Province as an example, focuses on five interrelated aspects of the migrant labour force of China in recent years. Attention is initially paid to the background of the labour migration from inland towards coastal area. Then, the demographic characteristics of the migrant labour force are analysed before turning to the analysis on the reasons for the migration. Fourthly, the impacts of the migrant workers on the socio-economic development of Nanhai City and the problems are examined. Finally, the prospects and some suggestions for the labour migration are put forward. Migrant labour force is sometimes called floating population by both Chinese and western scholars.  相似文献   

碳排放和减碳的社会经济影响与代价评估日益受到学术界和决策者的关注,本文综合分析了全球范围内碳排放与减碳社会经济影响的重要科学问题和国内外研究现状,基于卫星最新观测到的全球CO2非均匀分布的事实,针对温控1.5 ℃和2 ℃阈值情景,探讨了全球二氧化碳非均匀动态分布与地表温度时空关系,全球二氧化碳非均匀动态分布状况下主要国家碳排放空间评价以及温控1.5 ℃和2 ℃阈值情景下中国碳排放和减碳社会经济代价评估等问题可采取的技术模型方案,并提出了构建新气候变化经济学的理论方法与技术体系。本文构建的技术路线和研究方法拟为国家制订各项应对碳排放和减碳战略与对策、减缓气候变化并实现可持续转型、提升中国在应对气候变化领域的国际话语权等方面提供决策支持。  相似文献   

Based on the decomposition model of environmental quality and univariate regression model, the relationships of industrial wastewater drainage with economic scale, economic structure, and technological level in Anshan, a mining city in Northeast China, were studied. The results showed that, due to scale effect, the drainage of three important industrial wastewater pollutants (COD, NH3-N and petroleum) increased 8505t, 671t and 384t, respectively, and due to structure effect, those pollutants drainage increased 3996t, 174t and 120t from 2001 to 2006. While due to technological effect, the drainage of COD, NH3-N and petroleum reduced 4452t, 458t and 331t, and due to cross effect, those pollutants drainage reduced 7270t, 575t and 476t simultaneously. Meantime, the relationships between household consumption structure and domestic sewage discharge were analyzed, and domestic sewage discharges in different income levels were also compared. The results showed that, the domestic sewage discharges would increase 376t with 1000 yuan (RMB) increased in the traffic and communication consumption, and they would be 344t, 219t, 428t, 1873t, respectively, in housing consumption, food consumption, medical consumption, miscellaneous commodity consumption. The proportion of domestic sewage discharge increased for high income residents significantly, but reduced for lower income residents. The industrial wastewater pollutants drainage tends to be reduced by technical progress, while domestic sewage discharge will be a more important factor for urban water environment quality.  相似文献   

Change of Cultivated Land and Its Implications on Food Security in China   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1 Introduction FAO defined food security not only in terms of access to and availability of food, but also in terms of resources distribution to produce food and the purchasing power on food where it is not produced (Shi et al., 1996; Ning, 2004). Obviously, to guarantee everyone adequate food is the primary aim and most important content of food security (Xie et al., 1999). Thus, to increase food supply is a precondition for food security by domestic food production and international food t…  相似文献   

Water samples were collected at 20 sites on 4 occasions in 2009(twice in May,and once in both August and November) along the Jiulong River,South China to examine how nutrient inputs from the Jiulong River could affect the nutrient status of the Xiamen Water.Samples were analyzed for nitrite(NO2-N),nitrate(NO3-N),ammonium(NH4-N),phosphate(PO4-P),silicate(SiO3-Si),salinity,and temperature,to determine the nutrient and trophic status of the river.The results indicate that nutrients are derived mainly from river runoff.NO3-N was the main form of DIN in most parts of the river.In addition,NO3-N,DIN,and SiO3-Si behave conservatively.There is a surplus of DIN and SiO3-Si in the river,and PO4-P is a limitation on phytoplankton growth.The concentration of DIN is typically above 0.60 mg/dm3,and higher than 1.00 mg/dm3in most parts of the river.The concentration of PO4-P is typically above 0.02 mg/dm3,while the concentration of SiO3-Si is higher than 1.00 mg/dm3.Between 2003 and 2008,samples were collected 3 times per year(May,August and November) at 27 sites in the Xiamen Water and analyzed for NO2-N,NO3-N,NH4-N,PO4-P,salinity,and temperature.We discovered that the Jiulong River was the key source of DIN into the Xiamen Water,but not PO4-P,indicating the reason of the N/P molar ratio imbalance in the Xiamen Water.In the future,the effects of high DIN concentrations on the phytoplankton communities and marine ecosystems of the Xiamen Water shall be studied.  相似文献   

A regional multiple-objective water-resource and economic optimization model was developed using a quantitative method of systematic analysis.Input to the model includes indexes of economic structure and development,water-resource utilization,wastewater and pollutant discharge,and investment in wastewater treatment.The model,which consists of producton-structure and industrial-structure optimization modules,was applied to the Guanzhong region in the middle reaches of the Huanghe(Yellow) River basin in China.By evaluating several alternative production and industrialization schemes,the modal indicate that water pollution will get worsen though wastewater treatment improves if the economy continues to develop at the planned speed without structural adjustment.However,the results also show that not only economic goals but also water-resource protection and pollution-control targets can be achieved under an alternative,recommended production and industrial structure.This example illustrates that economic development and environmental protection can be improved coordinately by the regional multiple-objective water-resource and economic optimization model.It provides an operable approach to the simultaneous sustained development of water resources and economic growth.  相似文献   

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