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几种常见数字航摄仪的分析与比较 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
数字航摄仪是直接获取高精度数字影像的重要手段之一。文中介绍当前国际上3种主流数字航摄仪ADS40(Airborne Digital Sensor 40)、DMC(Digital Mapping Camera)及Ultra CamD(UCD),并分析三者的成像原理及关键技术,同时从多个方面对三者进行评估和比较。 相似文献
随着数字成像技术的发展,数字航空摄影仪必将逐步取代胶片航空摄影仪,在胶片航空摄影中取得的一些航摄设计的技术参数将不再适用于数字航空摄影。本文基于数字航摄的特点,从航摄任务出发,就数字航空摄影时如何较合理的选择相应的数字相机和进行航摄设计等问题进行了初步分析和探讨。 相似文献
In this paper, six image-based Relative Radiometric Normalization (RRN) techniques were applied to normalize the bi-temporal Landsat 5 TM data-set. RRN techniques do not require any atmospheric and ground information at the time of image acquisition. The target image for the year 2009 was normalized in such a way that it resembled the atmospheric and sensor conditions similar to those under which the reference image of the same season for the year 1990 was acquired. Among the selected methods applied, it was found that the Iteratively Reweighted Multivariate Alteration Detection (IR-MAD) method performed better, based on the error statistic. The IR-MAD technique was found to be advantageous as it identified a large set of true time-invariant pixels automatically from the change background using iterative canonical component analysis. The technique also stretches the values of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and Normalized Difference Water Index and may help to distinguish different vegetation and water bodies better. 相似文献
对Skyline三维模型重建过程中的数据预处理及建模关键技术进行了研究;并基于该平台,充分利用已有的传统的地理空间数据,将其应用到武汉大学信息学部局部校区的三维模型重建中,取得了较好的效果。 相似文献
针对影响航空摄影测量精度、作业效率和成像质量的各种因素,该文提出了内外方位元素可清晰分离的航摄仪检校场建设方法,实现了航摄仪内方位元素的高精度检校。以此为基础,设计和实践了一种满足现有航测生产要求的高性能宽角航摄仪,该设备具有旁向视场角超过80°、稳定曝光频率2Hz、自动感知飞行速度和地形高、依摄影测量规则自动决定曝光间隔等能力。数万平方千米的生产实践表明:宽角航摄仪影像色彩自然,全局纹理清晰,支持在大速高比环境下航空摄影,其综合作业效率超过当今国际品牌航摄仪2倍以上。 相似文献
本文从土地利用规划管理信息系统(LUPMIS)的业务需求出发,研究了图文工作流的组织模型、过程模型、功能模型与信息模型,分别提出了"地图操作角色"、"图文活动"、"图文功能"以及"图文信息"。针对传统工作流中数据表单和流程处理过程相对固定的缺陷,给出了实现数据表单和业务流程动态定制的关键技术。最后在.NET、ArcObject和Oracle 9.2i平台下,实现了基于图文工作流定制的昆明市LUPMIS。实践表明,基于图文工作流定制的LUPMIS在很好地集成工作流与GIS的同时,减少了业务环节改变带来的开发人员的开发量和系统管理员维护量。 相似文献
Recent research results have shown that the performance of digital surface model extraction using novel high-quality photogrammetric images and image matching is a highly competitive alternative to laser scanning. In this article, we proceed to compare the performance of these two methods in the estimation of plot-level forest variables. Dense point clouds extracted from aerial frame images were used to estimate the plot-level forest variables needed in a forest inventory covering 89 plots. We analyzed images with 60% and 80% forward overlaps and used test plots with off-nadir angles of between 0° and 20°. When compared to reference ground measurements, the airborne laser scanning (ALS) data proved to be the most accurate: it yielded root mean square error (RMSE) values of 6.55% for mean height, 11.42% for mean diameter, and 20.72% for volume. When we applied a forward overlap of 80%, the corresponding results from aerial images were 6.77% for mean height, 12.00% for mean diameter, and 22.62% for volume. A forward overlap of 60% resulted in slightly deteriorated RMSE values of 7.55% for mean height, 12.20% for mean diameter, and 22.77% for volume. According to our results, the use of higher forward overlap produced only slightly better results in the estimation of these forest variables. Additionally, we found that the estimation accuracy was not significantly impacted by the increase in the off-nadir angle. Our results confirmed that digital aerial photographs were about as accurate as ALS in forest resources estimation as long as a terrain model was available. 相似文献
国土资源电子政务中GIS与工作流的集成应用研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
图文一体化已成为电子政务信息化建设的一项基本要求。基于模型级图文一体化的集成方式基本上解决了电子政务建设过程中GIS图形系统和工作流审批系统的开发相对独立的问题。模型级图文一体化的集成方式代表了GIS与工作流技术集成的发展趋势。本文以江苏省国土资源电子政务基础平台中GIS与工作流的集成为实例,研究了该电子政务平台中GIS的体系结构及GIS功能的划分,并从数据集成、用户权限角色集成、功能集成、用户界面集成等四个方面对国土资源电子政务平台实现图文的一体化。并在模型层次对GIS与工作流的集成进行了初步尝试。 相似文献
新一代数字地球平台与“数字中国”技术体系架构探讨 总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21
本文系统分析和总结了Google Earth的四大特点,及为地球科学研究、"数字地球"和"数字中国"的发展所带来的影响和启迪,提出了数字地球平台(DEP)的概念,并针对"数字中国"的建设,提出了建立"数字中国"的数据交换标准(DCML),提出了全新的以地学信息浏览器/空间信息服务器(G/S)结构为主的下一代数字地球、数字中国的技术体系架构,进一步对"数字中国"技术体系架构应遵循的原则进行了论述,对"数字中国"建设和应用服务进行了展望。 相似文献
《International Journal of Digital Earth》2013,6(12):1177-1196
ABSTRACTAn Augmented virtual environment (AVE) is concerned with the fusion of real-time video with 3D models or scenes so as to augment the virtual environment. In this paper, a new approach to establish an AVE with a wide field of view is proposed, including real-time video projection, multiple video texture fusion and 3D visualization of moving objects. A new diagonally weighted algorithm is proposed to smooth the apparent gaps within the overlapping area between the two adjacent videos. A visualization method for the location and trajectory of a moving virtual object is proposed to display the moving object and its trajectory in the 3D virtual environment. The experimental results showed that the proposed set of algorithms are able to fuse multiple real-time videos with 3D models efficiently, and the experiment runs a 3D scene containing two million triangles and six real-time videos at around 55 frames per second on a laptop with 1GB of graphics card memory. In addition, a realistic AVE with a wide field of view was created based on the Digital Earth Science Platform by fusing three videos with a complex indoor virtual scene, visualizing a moving object and drawing its trajectory in the real time. 相似文献
结合广州市城市规划勘测设计研究院GIS基础空间数据生产实际,介绍了将工程测绘系统与掌上电脑测绘系统相结合,完全实现建设工程测绘内外业自动化的全过程,以及按照GIS数据质量标准,实现GIS数据动态更新的系统设计。 相似文献
以GPS为代表的卫星导航系统受定位精度的约束,需外加在地面的伪卫星提供辅助定位信息,确保定位精度。提出了基于软件无线电思想的伪卫星接收机基带部分的设计方案,同时给出了三种硬件实现方式:(1)基于DSP的硬件实现;(2)基于FPGA的硬件实现;(3)基于ACM的硬件实现。同时针对这三种实现方式从硬件资源,算法实现两个角度进行了比较。 相似文献
A. Tsouchlaraki 《国际地球制图》2013,28(3):205-217
This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of three main textural indices for the automatic evaluation and classification of landscape scenic quality using digital ground photographs. Based on the textural indices that are commonly used in landscape ecology, the richness, diversity and dominance indices were selected to be examined, and the results from the application of these indices to a sample of ground photographs are described in this paper. The application of the textural indices to the sample of photographs takes place in two different ways, using a geographic information system (GIS) that aims to describe the general and partial heterogeneity of the landscape appearing in each photograph. Furthermore, we investigate the effectiveness of the indices selected as to the classification of the landscape's scenic quality, with the results being compared to other results derived from a research programme of the National Technical University of Athens. Comments and suggestions are presented for further investigation. The main conclusion of the investigation is that the texture indices are sensitized in the landscape's scenic quality, a fact that is positive and encourages the pursuit of further research. 相似文献
ABSTRACTA method based on workflow technology and Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) specification is proposed to establish a universal workflow conceptual model in the network environment. In this paper, the soil fertility evaluation conceptual model was developed as an evaluation method of soil fertility by analyzing the GIS-based fertility evaluation method and extracting the dynamic variable to verify the feasibility model. This validation process involves determining the instantiation of the conceptual model. The proposed conceptual model achieved the following goals. All data acquisition and processing functions were packaged into an OGC-compliant service model; these service models were organized into a processing chain in a certain order on the workflow platform by Petri-Net; the fertility evaluation was realized on the workflow platform by calling the processing chain. Results showed that processing functions and data can be shared in the network environment, and the network workflow model can be realized by the workflow technology. The successful implementation of fertility evaluation proved the feasibility of the network-based universal workflow conceptual model. In addition, the flexibility of our modeling method is demonstrated by reconstructing the workflow model. 相似文献