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钢框筒结构是空间受力结构,Pushover分析时侧向力直接施加在腹板框架上是否合适和对钢框筒设计安全性的影响需要评估。利用SAP2000软件对2个30层钢框筒结构进行了双向地震弹塑性时程分析和四种侧向力分布方式的Pushover分析,并比较了它们的层间位移角、基底剪力、塑性铰分布,以及分析了高度等效分布中高度影响因子k的影响。研究表明:倒三角分布、多振型组合分布(SRSS分布)和高度等效分布与时程分析的结果存在一定的偏差,不足以考虑大震下剪力滞后效应对结构偏下楼层的柱的影响;均匀分布在大震下的塑性铰分布可在一定程度上预测偏下楼层可能的柱铰和梁铰;高度等效分布在中震或大震下过高估计了高阶振型的影响,可考虑k取1.4来减小这种影响。Pushover方法在钢框筒的初步设计中具有一定的价值,宜优先考虑SRSS分布和均匀分布方式,且应重点关注大震下的塑性铰分布,仍建议在Pushover分析基础上用弹塑性时程分析进行双向或三向大震下的校核。  相似文献   

为了增强传统钢框筒结构(Steel framed-tubed structures, SFT)的抗震性能和震后功能可恢复能力,提出了螺栓拼接连接可更换耗能梁段-钢框筒结构(Steel framed-tubed structures with bolt-splice-connected repairable link beams, SFT-RLB)。首先给出了SFT-RLB结构构件的设计方法;然后基于OpenSEES平台提出了整体结构的弹塑性数值模型建模方法,通过子结构试验结果验证了有限元模型的准确性;继而设计了SFT和SFT-RLB结构算例,对比了2种结构的弹性和弹塑性性能;最后采用IDA方法对结构算例的抗地震倒塌能力进行评估。分析结果表明,SFT-RLB结构主要通过耗能梁段发展塑性耗散地震能量代替裙梁端部形成塑性铰,其耗能能力和变形能力均明显优于SFT结构。大震作用下,裙梁中设置的耗能梁段充分进入塑性耗散地震能量,可以有效地减小结构的基底剪力和层间侧移角,从而降低结构的地震作用,减轻主体构件的损伤程度。SFT-RLB的残余层间侧移角小于试验测得的可允许更换残余侧移角,证明结构具有震后...  相似文献   

基于变轴力柱恢复力模型的钢框筒地震反应分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立了考虑轴力变化影响的钢结构杆件的恢复力模型,介绍了模型构成和经试验比较得到的模型的适用性,采用这一模型,对钢框筒结构进行了多维地震作用下的非线性分析,对这类结构的弹塑性特征进行了考察。  相似文献   

大型支撑框筒结构是巨型桁架体系的主要形式之一。本文对大型支撑框筒结构进行了罕遇地震下的弹塑性时程分析,结果表明,大型斜撑区段端部,即大型斜撑与角柱相交处是大型支撑框筒结构抗震的薄弱环节。总的来说,大型支撑框筒结构的抗震性能优越,是超高层建筑设计中应予优先考虑的一种高效巨型结构体系。  相似文献   

高层钢结构抗震pushover分析的侧向力分布模式及其影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对高层钢结构抗震Pushover分析的适用性和侧向力分布模式的选取等问题,首先,介绍和分析了Pushover分析常用的五种侧向力分布模式及其本质特征;然后,给出了判断侧向力分布模式合理性的准则;最后,通过对比一座15层的平面钢框架结构在Ⅳ类场地的典型地震动下的非线性时程分析和五种侧向力分布下的Pushover分析中的破坏形式和弹塑性反应,研究了高层钢结构抗震Pushover分析的适用性和各侧向力分布模式的合理性;在此基础上,本文给出了高层钢结构Pushover分析时侧向力分布模式的选取建议。  相似文献   

钢结构加层混凝土框架结构Pushover分析侧向力分布研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对钢结构加层混凝土框架结构,考虑地震作用下其层间刚度变化的影响,提出了一种计算侧向力分布的方法——层间刚度侧向力分布法。通过对一钢结构加层混凝土框架结构进行推覆分析,得到各楼层侧移、层间位移角和塑性铰分布情况,并与时程分析结果进行了比较分析。结果表明,文中方法推覆分析得到的楼层侧移和层间位移角与时程分析结果吻合较好,塑性铰分布情况也较一致,并且本方法得到的推覆曲线是推覆计算结果的下限,用于结构的抗震评估更安全。  相似文献   

扭转不规则结构水平侧向力分布模式与pushover分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水平侧向力分布模式的施加问题是合理进行pushover分析的关键环节。对于可以简化为平面模型的结构,传统的水平侧向力分布模式表现出较好的适用性,但对于因扭转不规则而导致必须采用空间模型的结构则并不适用。为此,针对扭转不规则结构的水平侧向力分布模式问题,并基于该类结构的地震响应特征,通过引入水平侧向力调整系数和水平侧向力分配系数,提出了扭转不规则结构改进的水平侧向力分布模式。对一具有典型扭转不规则特性的空间钢框架结构分别进行改进分布模式下的pushover分析和IV类场地典型地震动作用下的弹塑性时程分析,计算结果显示:改进分布模式下的pushover分析体现出扭转效应对结构反应的影响,并在一定程度上反映出更多的结构抗震信息,验证了所提出模式的可行性,说明pushover分析法也同样适用于扭转不规则结构。  相似文献   

由于长周期地震动记录相对缺乏,国内外对长周期地震动作用下高层结构的地震响应研究尚不充分,特别是复杂超限高层结构。从2008年汶川地震记录中选择长周期分量明显的61CAT台站记录作为输入,以一245.60m高超限框筒结构为背景,进行了长周期地震动记录不同设防水准输入下的弹性和弹塑性时程分析,并与相应水准El Centro地震动记录输入下的分析结果进行了对比,对比结果表明长周期地震动记录输入下结构的最大水平位移和层间位移角等指标均显著增大,多遇烈度时算例结构X向、Y向最大层间位移角分别为1/218、1/240,远远超出规范限值。进一步,为了考察消能减震措施对超限高层结构在长周期地震动记录下的减震效果,分别在伸臂桁架水平弦杆、竖向腹杆及及斜撑上布置黏滞阻尼器构成水平型、竖向型及单斜撑型消能伸臂桁架,在长周期地震动记录输入下对带不同阻尼器布置形式的伸臂桁架结构进行了分析,结构的最大水平位移和最大层间位移角等指标明显降低,这一结果表明消能伸臂桁架可以较好地控制结构在长周期地震动记录输入下的地震响应,特别是竖向型阻尼器布置控制效果更好,61CAT记录多遇烈度水准输入下X向和Y向最大层间位移角可减小到1/298和1/312;罕遇烈度水准下X向和Y向最大层间位移角可由原结构的1/58和1/75减小到1/87和1/107。与普通地震动记录输入下的结果相比,长周期地震动输入下消能伸臂桁架发挥的控制作用更加明显。  相似文献   

结构Pushover分析的侧向力分布及高阶振型影响   总被引:52,自引:8,他引:44  
Pushover分析方法是逐渐得到广泛应用的一种评估结构抗震性能的简化方法,已被引入我国新的建筑结构抗震设计规范。侧向力分布的选取是结构Pushover分析中的一个关键问题,尤其高阶振型影响显著时其选取直接影响Pushover分析的结果。本文通过拟合规范反应谱,挑选了适用Ⅱ类场地的4条地震动记录和4条人工波,对比了典型地震动下非线性时程分析和采用5种不同侧向力分布的Pushover分析的5层、10层和15层钢筋混凝土结构在不同地震动强度时的反应。通过结构振型参与系数量化了各个结构的高阶振型的影响。研究发现,随着结构层数的增加和地震动强度的增加高阶振型的影响变大,侧向力的选取变得十分重要。本文对在高阶振型影响下钢筋混凝土框架结构的Pushover分析中侧向力的选取提出了建议。  相似文献   

针对平面不规则混凝土框架结构,考虑地震作用对其产生的附加扭转振动效应,提出了两种计算侧向力分布的方法。通过对一平面不规则框架结构进行推覆分析,得到各楼层侧移、层间问侧移角和塑性铰分布情况,并与时程分析结果进行了比较分析。结果表明,两种方法推覆分析得到的塑性铰分布情况与时程分析得到的情况相符合,楼层侧移和层间位移角与时程分析结果吻合也较好,并且从结果精度上看,分层法的误差要小一些。  相似文献   

Lateral load pattern in pushover analysis   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
The seismic capacity curves of three types of buildings including frame, frame-shear wall and shear wall obtained by pushover analysis under different lateral load patterns are compared with those from nonlinear time history analysis. Based on the numerical results obtained a two-phase load pattern; an inverted triangle (first mode) load pattern until the base shear force reachesβ times its maximum value, Vmax, followed by a (x/H)α form, hereβ and α being some coefficients depending on the type of the structures considered, is proposed in the paper, which can provide excellent approximation of the seismic capacity curve for low-to-mid-rise shear type buildings. Furthermore, it is shown both the two-phase load pattern proposed and the invariant uniform pattern can be used for low-to-mid-rise shear-bending type and low-rise bending type of buildings. No suitable load patterns have been found for high-rise buildings.  相似文献   

Pushover分析方法中各种不同的侧向荷载分布方式的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目前基于性能的抗震设计研究方兴未艾,其中pushover分析方法作为目前主要的可供操作的抗震设计方法得到广泛的研究。在pushover分析方法中,其中一个关键的问题就是侧向荷载分布方式的确定,因此对各种不同荷载分布方式作综合的分析与比较研究非常有必要。总结了前人所提出的各种不同的侧向荷载分布方式,同时提出一种新的瞬时适应性的侧向荷载分布方式,通过两个实例分析比较了各种不同荷载分布方式的适用范围、有效性及其对结构弹塑性分析结果的影响。  相似文献   

目前,关于pushover水平荷载模式的研究成果已经有了很多。然而,已有的研究存在如下几个局限性:1.仅选取结构能力曲线和目标位移(顶端、层间)作为结构的性态指标;2.选取的结构模型多为中低层结构。为了考察pushover方法在高层结构的应用,选取了2个高层钢筋混凝土框架剪力墙结构,以结构的塑性铰分布为性态指标,分别进行不同荷载模式下pushover分析计算,给出了各荷载模式的优劣顺序。  相似文献   

This paper presents the development, experimental testing, and numerical modelling of a new hybrid timber‐steel moment‐resisting connection that is designed to improve the seismic performance of mid‐rise heavy timber moment‐resisting frames (MRF). The connection detail incorporates specially designed replaceable steel links fastened to timber beams and columns using self‐tapping screws. Performance of the connection is verified through experimental testing of four 2/3 scale beam‐column connections. All 4 connection specimens met the acceptance criteria specified in the AISC 341‐10 provisions for steel moment frames and exhibit high strength, ductility, and energy dissipation capacity up to storey drifts exceeding 4%. All of the timber members and self‐tapping screw connections achieved their design objective, remaining entirely elastic throughout all tests and avoiding brittle modes of failure. To assess the global seismic performance of the newly developed connection in a mid‐rise building, a hybrid timber‐steel building using the proposed moment‐resisting connection is designed and modelled in OpenSees. To compare the seismic performance of the hybrid MRF with a conventional steel MRF, a prototype steel‐only building is also designed and modelled in OpenSees. The building models are subject to a suite of ground motions at design basis earthquake and maximum credible earthquake hazard levels using non‐linear time history analysis. Analytical results show that drifts and accelerations of the hybrid building are similar to a conventional steel building while the foundation forces are significantly reduced for the hybrid structure because of its lower seismic weight. The results of the experimental program and numerical analysis demonstrate the seismic performance of the proposed connection and the ability of the hybrid building to achieve comparable seismic performance to a conventional steel MRF.  相似文献   

Inelastic deformation capacity of links is a factor that significantly influences design of steel eccentrically braced frames (EBFs). The link rotation angle is used to describe inelastic link deformation. The link rotation angle is generally calculated by making use of design story drifts that in turn are calculated by modifying the elastic displacements by a displacement amplification factor. This paper presents a numerical study undertaken to evaluate the displacement amplification factor given in ASCE7‐10 for EBFs and the rigid‐plastic mechanism used for calculating link rotation angles. A total of 72 EBFs were designed by considering the number of stories, the bay width, the link length to bay width ratio, and the seismic hazard level as the prime variables. All structures were analyzed using elastic and inelastic time history analyses. The results indicated that the displacement amplification factor given in ASCE7‐10 provides unconservative estimates of the story drifts. On the other hand, the rigid‐plastic mechanism provides conservative estimates of link rotations. Based on the results of the numerical study, a new set of displacement amplification factors that vary along the height of the structure and modifications to the rigid‐plastic mechanism were developed. In light of the proposed modifications, the EBFs were redesigned and analyzed using inelastic time history analysis. The results indicated that the proposed modifications provide improvements for the displacement amplification factor and link rotation angle calculation procedures. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

空腔结构复合填充墙-钢框架抗侧力性能试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过空腔结构复合填充墙-钢框架和同尺寸纯钢框架的对比试验,分析了空腔结构复合填充墙-钢框架的抗侧力性能和滞回性能。研究结果证明空腔结构复合填充墙是一种理想的抗侧力体系,可用于多层或小高层钢结构住宅,作为结构的抗侧力构件。  相似文献   

大跨度钢桁架转换层结构的竖向地震反应分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对某一带钢桁架转换层的复杂高层结构进行了有限元建模,分别采用振型分解反应谱法、时程分析法和《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB50011-2001)的设计反应谱法对大跨高位钢桁架转换层结构的竖向地震响应进行了分析.对采用振型分解反应谱法计算此类结构响应时所要选取的振型数及振型组合方法进行了探讨,并对规范采用10%的重力荷载代表值...  相似文献   

Non-linear finite element models accounting for large displacements have been used to investigate the behavior of steel built-up shear links that had previously been tested using large-scale experiments. The links were designed using steel grades with yield points ranging from high to low strengths. The objectives of the numerical analyses were to further investigate the non-linear behavior and to correlate the numerical results with experimental observations. Elasto-plastic as well as cyclic stress-strain material properties were incorporated to study the influence of material behavior on the overall shear link response. Non-linear monotonic analyses of the shear links incorporating the cyclic stress-strain steel properties resulted in similar trends in the response as the backbone curves recorded from the physical experiments. The numerical models of built-up shear links utilizing structural grade steels closely correlated to the experimentally recorded shear strength.Models utilizing low yield point steels overestimated the shear strength, which was caused by the characteristics of cyclic behavior of those steels. The detailed numerical models also allowed for investigation of the plastic strain demands on the different components of the link. It was shown that finite element models combined with appropriate stress-strain relationship may be used with confidence to check the design of shear links of different steel grades and sectional geometries.  相似文献   

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