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Analysis of diurnal variations of upper winds in summer in Alberta reveals features consistent with the hypothesis of a thermally‐induced wind system resulting from the juxtaposition of the Rocky Mountains and the Prairies. These include diurnal variation of flow that is most pronounced at two levels, one near the surface and one near the level of the mountain tops. Attempts to find a connection between such a system and occurrence of hail were unsuccessful.  相似文献   


利用1961-2015年江西省83个国家级气象观测站逐时降水资料,采用经验正交函数(EOF)和Morlet小波变换等方法,分析江西省短历时强降水时空分布特征,探讨当地短历时强降水与暴雨的关系。结果表明:(1)江西省短历时强降水极值与发生频次分布不匀,呈东多西少分布;全省短历时强降水发生频次变化一致,其中浙赣铁路沿线地区是其频次异常敏感区。(2)近55 a江西短历时强降水频次增加趋势明显,与江西区域性增暖呈正响应关系,该时段短历时强降水频次存在21 a和14 a左右年代际周期变化。(3)江西短历时强降水主要出现在4-9月,6月最多;其日变化4-7月呈双峰型,8-9月呈单峰型,强降水频次在16-17时最多。(4)江西短历时强降水与暴雨空间分布的高频中心相同,其相似系数达0.98;54.6%的短时强降水当日出现暴雨,尤其是凌晨至上午发生的短时强降水当日,暴雨概率高达69.2%~76.9%。


基于2015—2017年6—8月鄱阳湖周边共340个气象站的逐小时气温观测资料和NASA MERRA再分析资料,应用经验正交函数分解(EOF)和热量方程诊断方法,分析了鄱阳湖地区夏季气温的日变化特征及其形成原因。结果表明:受非绝热加热影响(包括地表感热和地表向上的长波辐射),EOF第一特征向量反映鄱阳湖区与周围陆地的气温呈同相变化。04—17时,湖区和周围陆地气温逐渐升高,湖区滞后于周围陆地,湖区为冷源;17时—次日04时,湖区和周围陆地气温逐渐降低,湖区同样滞后于周围陆地,湖区为热源。受热扩散影响,EOF第二特征向量反映鄱阳湖区与周围陆地的气温呈反相变化,因湖区和周围陆地气温分布不均匀,22时—次日11时,湖体表面大气热量向周围陆地表面大气扩散,湖体表面气温降低,陆地表面气温升高;11—22时,反之。因此,鄱阳湖水体的存在对毗邻地区的气温产生影响,在一定程度上改变了局地气候。  相似文献   

A regional climate model (RCM) has been applied to simulate the diurnal variations of the Asian summer monsoon during the early summer period. The ERA40 reanalysis data and the TRMM precipitation data are used to evaluate the performance of the model. The 5-year simulations show that the RCM could simulate well the diurnal cycle of the monsoon circulation over the region. A strong diurnal variation of circulation over the Tibetan Plateau (TP) can be observed at the 500-hPa level, with strong convergence and upward motion in the late afternoon. The diurnal variation of the 500-hPa relative vorticity over the TP associated with the corresponding diurnal variation of convergence may lead to the formation of a prominent plateau-scale cyclonic circulation over the TP during the evening to midnight period. The simulated diurnal variation of precipitation over land is generally better than that over the ocean, particularly over the regions close to the TP such as the Bangladesh region in the southern flank of the TP, where the well-known nocturnal maximum in precipitation is well captured by the RCM. However, the late-afternoon maximum in precipitation over the Southeast Asia region is not well simulated by the RCM. The model results suggest that the diurnal variation of precipitation over the southern flank of the TP is associated with the strong diurnal variation in the circulation over the TP.  相似文献   

梁丽  庞文静  雷勇  王志超  梁存 《气象科学》2019,39(4):515-523
基于国家雷电定位网2010—2014年雷电定位数据和2010—2013年地面气象资料,分析了北京地区各季地闪活动时空分布特征及其与降水量的关系。结果表明,北京地区雷电活动具有明显的日变化特征;雷电发生频次随季节变化明显,负闪和全地闪在秋季变化幅度最大;雷电发生频次最大值和最小值出现时间随季节变化,春季、夏季日循环峰值出现时间在22∶00—23∶00(北京时间),秋季日循环峰值出现时间在01∶00,冬季则为15∶00且不具有显著性;从空间分布上看,可以看出雷电活动分布具有局地性特征,北京地区雷电活动最频繁的地区集中在密云县和平谷区的迎风坡一带、通州区与市辖区交界处,高雷暴日区域位于延庆县、昌平区和平谷西部,延庆县和怀柔区的北部及房山区和门头沟交界处的西部,雷暴发生频次和雷暴日空间分布不完全吻合。通过各季雷电发生频次日变化序列的谐波分析可知,日循环为日变化的主要信号。春季、夏季、秋季雷电发生频次和降水量两者整体变化趋势一致,降水量较雷电发生频次变化缓慢。  相似文献   

Methane emitted into the atmosphere from sources located in the Urengoi natural gas field is estimated from direct methane concentration measurements in the atmospheric boundary layer and modeling. The results of direct profile measurements in the summer-fall season of 2003 are generalized versus the data from the previous field studies and background monitoring of greenhouse gases in the northern polar region. The use of models for calculating the intensity of emission from sources located in the field area together with a set of methane concentration measurements at three altitudes allowed the authors to develop a method of verification of emission from a specific source, a deposit. The method estimates the emission both from part of the field area and from the whole field with an irregular distribution of the intensity of sources across the deposit area.  相似文献   

Increasing reliance on natural gas (methane) to meet global energy demands holds implications for atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Analysis of these implications is presented, based on a logistic substitution model viewing energy technologies like biological species invading an econiche and substituting in case of superiority for existing species. This model suggests gas will become the dominant energy source and remain so for 50 years, peaking near 70 percent of world supply. Two scenarios of energy demand are explored, one holding per capita consumption at current levels, the second raising the global average in the year 2100 to the current U.S. level. In the first (efficiency) scenario concentrations peak about 450 ppm, while in the second (long wave) they near 600 ppm. Although projected CO2 concentrations in a methane economy are low in relation to other scenarios, the projections confirm that global climate warming is likely to be a major planetary concern throughout the twenty-first century. A second finding is that data on past growth of world per capita energy consumption group neatly into two pulses consistent with longwave theories in economics.  相似文献   

天津市夏季降水日变化特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用1954-2007年天津市夏季逐时自记降水资料,分析了天津市夏季降水(包括逐小时降水量、降水频次、降水强度以及不同持续时间降水)日变化规律。结果表明:天津市一日内不同时次的多年累积降水量具有显著的日变化特征,呈明显的双峰型,高值分别出现在午后17时和午夜02时。逐小时降水强度与降水量的变化特征非常一致,而多年累积降水频次在凌晨02时至08时较高,之后至11时逐步降低,11时至24时变化不大。降水量与降水频次及降水强度的关系均达到显著性水平(P < 0.001),但逐小时降水强度与降水量相关性明显高于降水频次,表明降水量变化与降水强度有直接的关系,而降水频次对累积降水量的贡献占较小的权重。持续不同时间降水事件的发生次数在一日内的变化特征明显不同,长时性降水峰值集中在清晨,而短时性降水尤其是1-3 h降水主要以午后为主。  相似文献   

Windsonde data gathered over a nine-year period at three stations in the Southeast U.S. are stratified by season and by time of observation to provide average profiles depicting the diurnal variations in low-level winds. Significant variations are found (especially during the summer months) in wind speed, angle between wind direction and isobars, and the various terms of the kinetic energy budget equation. A qualitative model of the diurnal variations in planetary boundary-layer winds (over land) is developed. From a thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Colorado State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree, Doctor of Philosophy.  相似文献   

Long-term summer temperature variations in the Pyrenees   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Two hundred and sixty one newly measured tree-ring width and density series from living and dry-dead conifers from two timberline sites in the Spanish Pyrenees were compiled. Application of the regional curve standardization method for tree-ring detrending allowed the preservation of inter-annual to multi-centennial scale variability. The new density record correlates at 0.53 (0.68 in the higher frequency domain) with May–September maximum temperatures over the 1944–2005 period. Reconstructed warmth in the fourteenth to fifteenth and twentieth century is separated by a prolonged cooling from ∼1450 to 1850. Six of the ten warmest decades fall into the twentieth century, whereas the remaining four are reconstructed for the 1360–1440 interval. Comparison with novel density-based summer temperature reconstructions from the Swiss Alps and northern Sweden indicates decadal to longer-term similarity between the Pyrenees and Alps, but disagreement with northern Sweden. Spatial field correlations with instrumental data support the regional differentiation of the proxy records. While twentieth century warmth is evident in the Alps and Pyrenees, recent temperatures in Scandinavia are relatively cold in comparison to earlier warmth centered around medieval times, ∼1450, and the late eighteenth century. While coldest summers in the Alps and Pyrenees were in-phase with the Maunder and Dalton solar minima, lowest temperatures in Scandinavia occurred later at the onset of the twentieth century. However, fairly cold summers at the end of the fifteenth century, between ∼1600–1700, and ∼1820 were synchronized over Europe, and larger areas of the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

Methane emissions from livestock enteric fermentation and manure management represent about 40% of total anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions from the agriculture sector and are projected to increase substantially in the coming decades, with most of the growth occurring in non-Annex 1 countries. To mitigate livestock methane, incentive policies based on producer-level emissions are generally not feasible because of high administrative costs and producer transaction costs. In contrast, incentive policies based on sectoral emissions are likely administratively feasible, even in developing countries. This study uses an economic model of global agriculture to estimate the effects of two sectoral mitigation policies: a carbon tax and an emissions trading scheme based on average national methane emissions per unit of commodity. The analysis shows how the composition and location of livestock production and emissions change in response to the policies. Results illustrate the importance of global mitigation efforts: when policies are limited to Annex 1 countries, increased methane emissions in non-Annex 1 countries offset approximately two-thirds of Annex 1 emissions reductions. While non-Annex 1 countries face substantial disincentives to enacting domestic carbon taxes, developing countries could benefit from participating in a global sectoral emissions trading scheme. We illustrate one scheme in which non-Annex 1 countries collectively earn USD 2.4 billion annually from methane emission permit sales when methane is priced at USD 30/t CO2-eq.  相似文献   

银峰  张其林  纪彤彤  姜苏 《气象科学》2015,35(4):480-487
全球雷电活动在地球-电离层空腔中产生的极低频(ELF)信号干涉叠加,在一系列固定频率上产生舒曼共振(SR)。利用2012年5月以色列Mitzpe-Roman(MR)站ELF水平磁场资料,采用频谱变换、时间平均、分析了实测SR日变化信号的时域和频域特征。同时基于全球ELF传播模式,利用OTD/LIS雷电卫星资料模拟了5~30 Hz磁场功率谱日变化情况。结果表明:时域背景信号幅值的均值和偏差满足正态分布的期望和标准差;水平磁场前三阶SR谐振频率非常稳定,月平均下的谐振频率日变化相对8、14、20 Hz理论值的偏移量分别不超过0.3 Hz、0.55 Hz和0.6 Hz。东南亚和美洲地区雷电活动主要响应于南北磁场分量第一阶SR的07—09时和19—22时时段内。而东西磁场分量前三阶SR在12—15时时段内都对非洲地区雷电活动有指示作用。磁场功率谱日变化模拟结果与实测基本一致,表明利用单站正交磁天线的不同阶SR信号能够指示全球不同"热斑"区域的雷电活动。  相似文献   

The global three-dimensional Lagrangian chemistry-transport model STOCHEM has been used to follow changes in the tropospheric distributions of methane CH4 and ozone O3 following the emission of pulses of the oxides of nitrogen NO x . Month-long emission pulses of NO x produce deficits in CH4 mixing ratios that bring about negative radiative forcing (climate cooling) and decay away with e-folding times of 10–15 years. They also produce short-term excesses in O3 mixing ratios that bring about positive radiative forcing (climate warming) that decay over several months to produce deficits, with their attendant negative radiative forcing (climate cooling) that decays away in step with the CH4 deficits. Total time-integrated net radiative forcing is markedly influenced by cancellation between the negative CH4 and long-term O3 contributions and the positive short-term O3 contribution to leave a small negative residual. Consequently, total net radiative forcing from NO x emission pulses and the global warming potentials derived from them, show a strong dependence on the magnitudes, locations and seasons of the emissions. These dependences are illustrated using the Asian continent as an example and demonstrate that there is no simple robust relationship between continental-scale NO x emissions and globally-integrated radiative forcing. We find that the magnitude of the time-integrated radiative forcing from NO x -driven CH4 depletion tends to approach and outweigh that from ozone enhancement, leaving net time-integrated radiative forcings and global warming potentials negative (climate cooling) in contrast to the situation for aircraft NO x (climate warming). Control of man-made surface NO x emissions alone may lead to positive radiative forcing (climate warming).  相似文献   

Data on atmospheric methane concentrations, measured at different levels (20, 30, and 60 m) with a time step of 20 min at an observation point at a distance of 50 km from the Urengoi field, are presented. The NOAA HYSPLIT model was used to identify technogenic emissions, and method of nocturnal accumulation was used to evaluate emissions from wetlands. It is demonstrated that observed short-term increases in methane concentration can be caused by salvo gas emissions during technological operations in the gas field. Mean methane flux density is estimated for the wetland adjoining the observation point.  相似文献   

湖北省夏季降水日变化特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用2001—2014年湖北省77个气象观测站的整点逐时降水数据,通过划分不同区域和三种量级降水的方法,分析了夏季(6—8月)降水日变化特征。结果表明:1)湖北省夏季降水日变化特征非常明显,降水量曲线呈双峰结构,峰值出现在08时和17时(北京时间,下同),降水频次与降水强度均呈现"一主一次"的双峰结构,这主要与青藏高原东移来的天气系统自西向东的滞后性以及局地热力强迫有关,发生在傍晚(15—18时)的降水强度有明显的年际增强趋势。2)湖北省降水日变化特征区域差异显著,鄂西北与鄂西南降水峰值主要出现在傍晚和夜间,谷值出现在正午,鄂东三个区域的降水峰值出现在上午和傍晚,谷值出现在午夜。3)近14 a强度为0~20 mm/h的降水呈现减少趋势,主要发生在鄂西地区。其日变化曲线为"一主一次"的双峰结构,主(次)峰值出现在07(17)时。与之相反,短时强降水(≥20 mm/h)的发生概率东部大于西部,平原大于山区,有增加趋势的站点占总站点数的53.24%,峰(谷)值出现在17(12)时。短时特大强降水(≥50 mm/h)峰值出现在15—20时,03—14时出现概率较低。  相似文献   

1.IntroductionNitrousoxide(N,O)andmethane(CH.)arethemostimportantgreenhousegassesintheatmospherewithitscontributiontoglobalwarmingjustlowerthanCO2.Theirconcentrationsinatmospherehavebeennotedtoincreasecurrentlyattherateof0.25%yr--'andl.02%yr',respectively(IPCC,1995).Atpresent,theincreaseofNZOandCH4intheatmospherehasbeenestimatedtoaccountfor20--25%oftheglobalwarming(FAO&IAEA,1992;Bailes&Bridges,1992).NOdoesnotabsorbradiationdirectlyintheatmosphere,buttheincreasingconcentrationofNOmay…  相似文献   

The regional climate changes in the arid regions in the south of West Siberia for the period of 1936–2010 are estimated by means of the statistical analysis of the series of climatic parameters and complex hydrothermal indices. Revealed is the close correlation between the above characteristics. The periodicity of variations of some climatic parameters and corresponding indices amounting to 8–12 years on average is revealed using the Welch’s method of spectral analysis.  相似文献   

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