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The Qaidam Basin is the one of the three major petroliferous basins in northeastern Tibetan Plateau, which has experienced multiphase superimposition and transformation. The study of thermal history not only plays an important role on revealing the tectonic origin of the Qaidam Basin and the forming mechanism and uplift history of the Tibetan Plateau,but also can provide scientific evidence for the assessment of oil and gas resources. This work used balanced cross-section technique and apatite fission track ages with modeling of fission track length distribution to infer that the eastern Qaidam Basin has experienced significant tectonic movement in the Early Jurassic movement(~200 Ma), which caused the carboniferous uplift and denudation, the geological movement in the Late Cretaceous, characterized by early stretching and late northeast-southwest extrusion; the Himalayan movement in multi-stage development in eastern Qaidam Basin, which can be divided into the early Himalayan movement(41.1–33.6 Ma) and the late Himalayan movement(9.6–7.1 Ma, 2.9–1.8 Ma), and large-scale orogeny caused pre-existing faults reactivated in late Himalayan movement. On the basis of burial history reconstruction, the thermal history of eastern Qaidam Basin was restored. The result shows that the thermal history in eastern Qaidam Basin shows slow cooling characteristics; the paleo-geothermal gradient of eastern Qaidam Basin was 38–41.5℃/km, with an average value of 39.0℃/km in the Late Paleozoic, 29–35.2℃/km, with an average value of 33.0℃/km in the Early Paleogene; the geothermal gradient of the Qaidam Basin increased in the Late Paleogene, which was similar to the present geothermal gradient in the Late Neogene. The characteristics of the tectono-thermal evolution since Paleozoic in the eastern Qaidam Basin are mainly controlled by magmatic thermal events in the study area.  相似文献   

西藏东部早-中三叠世火山-沉积盆地地质特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
:西藏东部存在四条NW-SE向大致平行分布的早-中三叠世地层条带,自东向西分别为普水桥组、瓦拉寺组条带,马拉松多组-加指拉组条带,夏牙村组条带和竹卡群条带.我们通过地层岩性及其自WN向ES均有火山岩减少和沉积岩增多趋势、区域构造特征、盆地延入云南西部中三叠世地层沉积具趋同性等特征,认为藏东四个条带的早-中三叠世地层,在沉积时为统一火山-沉积盆地.早-中三叠世期间,该火山-沉积盆地沉积作用自东向西不断推进,中三叠世盆地范围最大、海水最深,在江达-芒康-线出现半深水-深水复理石沉积.火山活动贯穿盆地发展全过程,其中WN部和WS部火山活动最强烈,火山活动主要为中酸性火山岩及火山碎屑岩,随着中三叠世强烈地火山喷发,于中三叠世拉丁中期结束盆地发展历史.盆地形成和演化过程中,海水从东部侵入.  相似文献   

<正>1 Introduction The North China Craton(NCC)has experienced lithospheric destruction in Mesozoic accompanied with crustal exhumation.Fission track or(U-Th)/He dating of zircon and apatite for the Mesozoic granitoids in the  相似文献   

Four types of apatite have been identified in the Ningwu region.The first type of apatite is widely distributed in the middle dark colored zones(i.e.iron ores) of individual deposits.The assemblage includes magnetite,apatite and actinolite(or diopside).The second type occurs within magnetite-apatite veins in the iron ores.The third type is seen in magnetite-apatite veins and (or) nodules in host rocks(i.e.gabbro-diorite porphyry or gabbro-diorite or pyroxene diorite).The fourth type occurs within apatite-pyrite-quartz veins filling fractures in the Xiangshan Group.Rare earth elements (REE) geochemistry of apatite of the four occurrences in porphyry iron deposits is presented.The REE distribution patterns of apatite are generally similar to those of apatites in the Kiruna-type iron ores,nelsonites.They are enriched in light REE,with pronounced negative Eu anomalies.The similarity of REE distribution patterns in apatites from various deposits in different locations in the world indicates a common process of formation for various ore types,e.g. immiscibility.Early magmatic apatites contain 3031.48-12080×10~(-6) REE.Later hydrothermal apatite contains 1958×10~(-6) REE,indicating that the later hydrothermal ore-forming solution contains lower REE.Although gabbro-diorite porphyry and apatite show similar REE patterns,gabbro-diorite porphyries have no europium anomalies or feeble positive or feeble negative europium anomalies, caused both by reduction environment of mantle source region and by fractionation and crystallization(immiscibility) under a high oxygen fugacity condition.Negative Eu anomalies of apatites were formed possibly due to acquisition of Eu~(2+) by earlier diopsite during ore magma cooling. The apatites in the Aoshan and Taishan iron deposits yield a narrow variation range of ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr values from 0.7071 to 0.7073,similar to those of the volcanic and subvolcanic rocks,indicating that apatites were formed by liquid immiscibility and differentiation of intermediate and basic magmas.  相似文献   

宁芜陶村磁铁矿矿床成矿流体及成矿作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陶村磁铁矿矿床位于长江中下游成矿带宁芜盆地中段,矿床地质特征及岩浆构造背景与Kiruna型磷灰石-铁氧化物矿床相似。本文在野外工作基础上,通过流体包裹体测温和氢氧硫同位素研究,探讨该矿床成矿流体性质、来源及成矿作用。陶村主要矿石类型为浸染状和脉状磁铁矿,脉状矿石形成稍晚。通过包裹体显微测温获得:磷灰石中包裹体的均一温度集中在210~390℃,盐度集中在15%~23%NaCl_(eqv);石英中包裹体的均一温度集中在330~390℃,盐度主要集中在9%~13%NaCl_(eqv),此外还存在部分高盐度原生包裹体。石英的δD为-96‰~-54‰,δ~(18)O_(H2O)除了一个为8.3‰,其余为1.9‰~4.0‰,指示原始成矿流体为岩浆来源,后期有地表水加入。黄铁矿δ~(34)S为4.8‰~9.3‰,平均值为7.4‰,综合中段地区硫同位素资料,认为成矿流体中的硫来自三叠纪膏盐层与岩浆硫的混合。结合矿床地质特征,陶村成矿作用过程可概括为:岩浆出溶形成的高温含矿气液同化三叠纪膏盐层,带入SO_4~(2-)、Cl~-、Na~+等矿化剂;这种高温气液在岩体内以钠质交代形式富集Fe后,于岩体上部形成浸染状磁铁矿,岩体顶部和边部断裂部位形成(网)脉状磁铁矿。  相似文献   

Two processes are suggested to explain how UHP rocks are exhumed from mantle depths. One is removal of the overburden either by erosion or by extension, whereas the other involves the uplifting of the UHP rocks through the overburden. Application of either of these mechanisms to the Dabie Mountains, however, is fraught with difficulty. When combined with previously published data, new studies on metamorphic P-T paths, regional structures, and deep upper-mantle architecture revealed by seismic tomography lend support to a multi-stage exhumation process that operated in the Dabie Mountains.

The first stage (230 to 200 Ma) is characterized by ductile deformation, produced during eclogite-facies recrystallization under a geothermal gradient as low as 10°C/km, implying a synsubduction exhumation. Some of the UHP rocks evidently were exhumed to a depth of ~60 km, as indicated by petrological study of the Shuanghe eclogite. The second stage (200 to 170 Ma) attended ductile deformation and amphibolite-facies retrograde metamorphism. Subduction of the Yangtze block was halted by slab breakoff at a depth of ~200 km. The resultant geothermal gradient recovered to ~20″C/km. Slab breakoff permitted buoyancy-driven ascent of the UHP low-density melange to shallow crustal levels in a diapir structure. When the UHP portion of the mountain root rose, the shallow portion was heated to a temperature higher than that of the peak metamorphic pressure. The third stage (170 to 120 Ma) is characterized by extension and thermal uplift, as well as erosion. Sedimentary basins and volcanic rocks developed on both sides of the Dabie Mountains. Gab-bro-pyroxenite intruded the hanging wall of the UHP terrane, and granite, as well as migmatite, developed in that stage.

Exhumation mechanisms might include corner flow for the first stage, buoyancy-driven squeezing-up for the second stage, and crustal extension, as well as erosion, for the third. Rupture and loss of the subducted lithospheric plate generated the gravity instability that resulted in exhumation of the subducted UHP section.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThe strong Indosinian orogeny that occurred atthe end of the Middle Triassic leads to the end of ma rine sedimentation in the southern part of China. Asa result of this strong orogeny, a continental sedi mentary basin called as th…  相似文献   

陈小华 《江苏地质》2001,25(1):17-22
铜山铁(铜)矿床属接触交代-高温热液型矿床,主要受闪长夺和碳酸盐地层的接触带构造控制,成矿物质来源于岩浆岩,具有典型的地面磁异常、围岩蚀变和矿化分期分期带特征,分析了矿床西部的地层、构造、岩浆岩和磁异常特点,探讨了该区的找矿方向。  相似文献   

宁芜盆地凹山和东山铁矿床流体包裹体和氢氧同位素研究   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
本文对宁芜地区凹山和东山铁矿床中的磷灰石流体包襄体进行了较为系统的测温研究,并测定了不同时期形成的磁铁矿、阳起石和石英的 H、O 同位素组成。凹山和东山铁矿磷灰石含有丰富的流体包裹体,原生气液包裹体包括早期细长管状、针状包裹体(类型Ⅱ)和晚期不规则状包襄体(类型Ⅰ);早期包裹体又可分为单一液相包裹体(类型Ⅱ-a)、气液两相(富气相)包襄体(类型Ⅱ-b)、气液两相(富液相)包裹体(类型Ⅱ-c)和气相、液相及固相多相包裹体(类型Ⅱ-d)四种亚类。包襄体中至少含有五种不同的子矿物。磷灰石包裹体记录了多个峰值温度,从600℃~800℃到~410℃和~270℃,分别对应于磷灰石(磁铁矿 透辉石)、阳起石和石英的形成。流体的盐度随温度的降低而逐渐减小,从高达~80%NaCl equiv。到<20%NaCl equiv。磷灰石形成时流体处于不均匀的状态,流体包裹体为非均一捕获。H、O 同位素研究显示成矿流体早期为演化的初始岩浆(水),在高温下形成了铁矿石;此后,成矿流体有可能与蒸发盆地卤水或大气降水发生混合;晚期则可能有较显著的大气降水加入。  相似文献   

The exhumation of metamorphic domes within orogenic belts is exemplified by the Tauern window in the Eastern Alps. There, the exhumation is related to partitioning of final orogenic shortening into deep-seated thrusts, near-surface antiformal bending forming brachyanticlines, and almost orogen-parallel strike-slip faults due to oblique continental plate collision. Crustal thickening by formation of an antiformal stack within upper to middle crustal portions of the lower lithosphere is a prerequisite of late-stage orogenic window formation. Low-angle normal faults at releasing steps of crustal-scale strike-slip faults accomodate tectonic unloading of synchronously thickened crust and extension along strike of the orogen, forming pull-apart metamorphic domes. Initiation of low-angle normal faults is largely controlled by rock rheology, especially at the brittle-ductile transitional level within the lithosphere. Several mechanisms may contribute to uplift and exhumation of previously buried crust within such a setting: (1) Shortening along deep-seated blind thrusts results in the formation of brachyanticlines and bending of metamorphic isograds; (2) oversteps of strike-slip faults within the wrench zone control the final geometry of the window; (3) unloading by tectonic unroofing and erosional denudation; and (4) vertical extrusion of crustal scale wedges. Rapid decompression of previously buried crust results in nearly isothermal exhumation paths, and enhanced fluid circulation along subvertical tensile fractures (hydrothermal ore and silicate veins) that formed due to overall coaxial stretching of lower plate crust.  相似文献   

根据地层的抬升剥蚀(或沉降沉积)与古地温降低(或升高)之间的关系,通过磷灰石裂变径迹热史模拟的方法和其他地质资料,精确地确定了松辽盆地新生代的不整合和依安组、大安组、泰康组等地层沉积开始和结束的时间。松辽盆地新生代存在3次抬升和3次沉降:65.50~53.49 Ma盆地降温、抬升,产生依安组和白垩系地层之间的不整合面;53.49~40.31 Ma盆地升温、沉降,依安组沉积;40.31~36.18 Ma盆地降温、抬升剥蚀,产生大安组和依安组之间的不整合面;36.18~5.83 Ma盆地升温、持续沉降,大安组沉积;5.83~1.79 Ma盆地降温、抬升剥蚀,产生泰康组与大安组之间的不整合面;1.79~?Ma盆地沉降,泰康组沉积。确定了依安组是始新统早、中期的地层,起止年龄为53.49~40.31 Ma;大安组是始新统末期-中新统的地层,起止年龄为36.18~5.83 Ma;泰康组是更新统的地层,开始年龄为1.79 Ma。  相似文献   

Structural mapping of the Pasupugallu pluton, an elliptical intrusive gabbro-anorthosite body, emplaced into the western contact zone between the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt and the Archaean East Dharwar Craton, along the east coast of India, reveals concentric, helicoidal and inward dipping magmatic and/or tectonic foliations. We identify a <1 km-wide structural aureole characterized by pronounced deflection of regional structures into margin parallel direction, mylonitic foliations with S-C fabrics, sigmoidal clasts, moderately plunging stretching lineations, non-cylindrical intrafolial folds, and stretched elliptical mafic enclaves in the aureole rocks. Our results suggest that the pluton emplacement is syn-tectonic with respect to the regional ductile deformation associated with the terrane boundary shear zone at the western margin of the Eastern Ghats. We present a tectonic model for the emplacement of the pluton invoking shear-related ductile deformation, rotation and a minor component of lateral expansion of magma. The intrusive activity (1450-800 Ma) along the western margin of the Eastern Ghats can be correlated with the significant event of recurring mafic, alkaline and granitic magmatism throughout the global Grenvillian orogens associated with the continent-continent collision tectonics possibly related to the amalgamation and the breakup of the supercontinent Rodinia.  相似文献   

The Xining Basin is located in the northeastern Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau, and its continuous Cenozoic strata record the entire uplift and outgrowth history of the Tibetan Plateau during the Cenozoic. The newly obtained apatite fission track data presented here shows that the Xining Basin and two marginal mountain ranges have experienced multiphase rapid cooling since the Jurassic, as follows. In the Middle–Late Jurassic, the rapid exhumation of the former Xining Basin resulted from collision between the Qiangtang Block and the Tarim Block. During the Early–Late Cretaceous, the former Xining Basin underwent a tectonic event due to marginal compression, causing the angular unconformity between the Upper and Lower Cretaceous. In the Late Cretaceous to the Early Cenozoic, collision between the Qiangtang Block and the Lhasa Block may have resulted in the rapid exhumation of the Xining Basin and the Lajishan to the south. In the Early Cenozoic(ca. 50–30 Ma), collision between the Indian and Eurasia plates affected the region that corresponds to the present northeastern Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. During this period, the central Qilian Block rotated clockwise by approximately 24° to form a wedge-shaped basin(i.e., the Xining Basin) opening to the west. During ca. 17–8 Ma, the entire northeastern Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau underwent dramatic deformation, and the Lajishan uplifted rapidly owing to the northward compression of the Guide Basin from the south. A marked change in subsidence occurred in the Xining Basin during this period, when the basin was tectonically inverted.  相似文献   

宁芜南部成矿模式及对深部找矿的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对长江中下游Fe-Cu-Au多金属重要成矿带的宁芜、大冶铁矿成矿模式和成矿地质背景的分析,按照成矿系列中缺位预测的原则,认为在宁芜盆地南段的岩体存在双层结构,与上层岩体有关的矿床为典型的"玢岩铁矿";深部下层岩体具有"大冶式"铁矿相似的成矿地质环境;在此基础上,提出了在宁芜玢岩铁矿下部有大冶式铁矿存在的认识,并构建了宁芜盆地南段"丰"字型成矿模式。认为采用"模式"类比、立体填图、综合物探方法进行综合探测将具有较好的找矿效果。  相似文献   

<正>The eastern Tianshan has great economic potential with Fe-(Cu)skarn,Cu-Ni-and V-Ti othomagmatic deposits and orogenic Au lodes.In this province the timing relation between Fe-(Cu)skarn-related deposits and the deformation is poorly constrained.This study aims to give argument for the chronology between Fe-(Cu)skarn stage and  相似文献   

对来自苏北盆地盘石山、练山和方山地区新生代玄武岩中的50个橄榄岩包体矿物进行了系统的微区傅立叶变换红外光谱(Micro-FTIR) 分析.结果显示, 所有的单斜辉石和斜方辉石颗粒都含有以OH形式存在的结构水, 盘石山、练山和方山橄榄岩的单斜辉石水含量分别为64×10-6~183×10-6、37×10-6~102×10-6和41×10-6~177×10-6; 斜方辉石水含量分别为16×10-6~61×10-6、13×10-6~45×10-6和21×10-6~74×10-6.几乎所有的橄榄石都没有检测到明显的OH吸收峰, 暗示其水含量低于仪器的检出限(~2×10-6).根据矿物水含量(假设橄榄石的水含量为2×10-6) 和它们的体积分数计算的盘石山、练山和方山橄榄岩全岩的水含量分别为12×10-6~52×10-6、7×10-6~25×10-6和13×10-6~44×10-6.结合已经发表的橄榄岩包体的数据来看, 在岩石圈地幔的物理化学条件下, 单斜辉石与斜方辉石之间水的平衡分配系数大约为2.2±0.4.结合已经发表的安徽女山和河北汉诺坝的橄榄岩数据, 对比世界上其他地区橄榄岩的数据来看, 华北的岩石圈地幔具有低的水含量: 华北橄榄岩的单斜辉石水含量多 < 200×10-6, 而世界上其他地区(包括南非克拉通、美国新墨西哥地区、美国Colorado高原、美国盆岭省地区、墨西哥南部、法国中央地体以及加拿大WestKettle地区) 橄榄岩的单斜辉石水含量多 > 200×10-6; 华北的斜方辉石水含量多 < 100×10-6, 而世界上其他地区多 > 100×10-6; 华北的橄榄岩全岩水含量多 < 50×10-6, 而世界上其他地区多 > 100×10-6.华北岩石圈地幔的低水含量有可能是由于上升软流圈的热侵蚀造成的, 因此目前的华北岩石圈地幔可能大部分都是中生代岩石圈减薄后的残余, 而不是新生地幔.   相似文献   

新疆博格达山晚中生代以来的差异剥露史   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
博格达山山前不同构造带内9个砂岩样品的裂变径迹分析与热史模拟表明,博格达山浅部造山过程以前展式(盖层滑脱带内)与后展式(基底卷入带内)同时发育的逆冲构造扩展模式为特征;博格达山晚中生代以来的多期构造抬升作用主要发生在155~135Ma、90~70Ma、约40Ma和约10Ma等4期,其隆升剥蚀史主要经历了燕山早期的初始整体隆升(剥蚀量为0.83~1.2km)、燕山晚期的缓慢抬升(剥蚀量为0.68~0.83km)和喜马拉雅晚期的急剧差异隆升-剥露(逆冲推覆带的剥蚀量约为5.0km、基底卷入带的剥蚀量为1.82~3.18km、盖层滑脱带的剥蚀量为~2.73km)等3个阶段,其中盖层滑脱带因剥露作用启动的时间较晚而表现为冷却速率快、剥蚀速率高。博格达山晚中生代以来的变形作用与亚洲南缘多期地体的碰撞增生有关。  相似文献   

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