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基于临汾盆地及其周缘的GPS和In SAR观测资料,通过计算最大主应变、最小主应变、面应变等水平形变特征量以及罗云山断裂(南段)上盘雷达视线向形变速率,综合研究汶川M 8.0地震前后临汾盆地及边界断裂现今地壳形变特征。结果显示:汶川M 8.0地震的发生引起临汾盆地及周缘形变场的动态调整,罗云山断裂南段至峨嵋台地北缘断裂应变率场由弱张性活动转为较强的压性活动状态,最大面应变率由1.5×10-8/a变为-3.1×10-8/a,SBAS-In SAR结果同时显示,罗云山断裂(南段)上盘于2009年起由下降转为隆起,在形变场动态调整过程中发生河津M 4.8地震,之后该区域应变率场恢复背景状态;汶川M 8.0地震有利于在山西断陷带南段北东东向断裂间形成压性应变积累,对河津地M 4.8地震的发生可能具有促进作用。  相似文献   

《苏联科学院报告集》1979年第242卷3期刊载了凯列斯布洛克等人的题为《余震通量的增大是强地震的前兆》的文章,摘译如下(文中各图和文献均略):1.引起异常多余震的地震,是另一较强地震的前兆。这个假说产生于对一些地震目录进行研究之后。一般在分析地震序列时,余震作为平凡的现象而被排除。如果我们的假说是正确的,则它们在预报强震时反而很重要。把这个假说格式化。我们将寻找 M≥Mo的地震前兆,这些地震在此被称为强震。余震  相似文献   

通过分析汶川M8.0地震前后山西地震带GPS速度场以及由此计算得到的现今构造应变率场,结果显示:(1)汶川M8.0地震后,山西地震带各区域的运动方向均不同程度向西偏转,太原盆地及其以北的区域由1999—2007年的SW或SSW向转为SWW向,且运动速率由平均约2 mm/a增加到约4 mm/a,太原盆地以南的区域由之前的SSE向转为SW向。(2)汶川M8.0地震后,山西地震带的应变率场显著增强,大同盆地、太原盆地北段和临汾盆地西南段形成了三个压性应变集中区,2010年在这三个区域内分别发生了大同M4.5、阳曲M4.6和河津M4.8地震,可能由于这种压性应变积累的区域应力场环境有利于山西地震带中强地震的孕育和发生。(3)2009—11年,受日本M9.0地震的影响,山西地震带向西运动的速率有所减弱,应变率场张性变化明显,太原盆地及其以北区域平均速率下降为约2~3 mm/a,太原盆地以南的区域由SW向转为整体向南运动的格局,有恢复到1999—2007年背景运动状态的迹象。  相似文献   

通过分析汶川M8.0地震前后山西地震带GPS速度场以及由此计算得到的现今构造应变率场,结果显示:(1)汶川M8.0地震后,山西地震带各区域的运动方向均不同程度向西偏转,太原盆地及其以北的区域由1999—2007年的SW或SSW向转为SWW向,且运动速率由平均约2 mm/a增加到约4 mm/a,太原盆地以南的区域由之前的SSE向转为SW向。(2)汶川M8.0地震后,山西地震带的应变率场显著增强,大同盆地、太原盆地北段和临汾盆地西南段形成了三个压性应变集中区,2010年在这三个区域内分别发生了大同M4.5、阳曲M4.6和河津M4.8地震,可能由于这种压性应变积累的区域应力场环境有利于山西地震带中强地震的孕育和发生。(3)2009—11年,受日本M9.0地震的影响,山西地震带向西运动的速率有所减弱,应变率场张性变化明显,太原盆地及其以北区域平均速率下降为约2~3 mm/a,太原盆地以南的区域由SW向转为整体向南运动的格局,有恢复到1999—2007年背景运动状态的迹象。  相似文献   

在印度西南部有一个从戈伊纳水库向南延伸30km的地震带。在过去的34年里,已经记录到了150多个M≥4的地震和10个M≥5的地震。在1993年8月到1994年12月期间,在新蓄水的瓦尔纳水库区突然发生了一系列地震。震中区在戈伊纳大坝南25km处,两个水库之间,但离新水库近。在1994年,国家地球物理研究所在戈伊纳-瓦尔纳水库地区布设了数字地震仪观测系统。其目的是研究该地区发生地震的物理过程,3个地震台从1994年10月到1995年6月记录到了193个M=1.5~4.7的地震,用它们的横波波谱资料估算了震源参数。对1.5~4.7级的地震作波谱分析之后求得地震矩范围为10~(11)~10~(16)N·m,震源半径范围为94~538m,应力降范围为0.03~19MPa。由观测结果知M≥3地震与2MPa以上的大应力降有关。大能量释放(通过多次M≥3的地震)和高应力降的地震多发生在0~1km和5~10km这个深度范围。1~4km这个深度发生地震的次数少,且应力降也低。这种大能量释放和高应力降现象可能是由于在0~1km这个深度上岩石的低流体静压力条件和5~13km深度上岩石的饱和流体静压力条件下引起的应力高度集中和应力增加。特别值得一提的是,M≥3的高应力降地震,现在很少发生在戈伊纳水库附近,却经常发生在新水库附近。  相似文献   

作为东海地震的前兆会出现多大程度的应变变化呢?对此,日本的岛崎和小木田使用假设的断层模式进行了计算。前兆现象的发生源可能在断层或断层的延长线上,这种想法是切合实际的。但现实中发生的地震是否按设想的机制发生,则令人有点担心。此外,断层模式的参数虽不能说少,但针对东海地震求出的计算结果在直感上也很难原封不动地与其他地区的地震结合起来。为了概括说明各种前兆现象,力武采用了茂木提出的球状震源模式。有  相似文献   

在日本的陆地和海洋工程建设中,软质冲积粘土地基十分常见,这种地基的柔软及高压缩性容易引发沉降和失效。砂质土壤具有相对较好的抗压缩性能,但在地震作用下,松散和饱和状态的砂质土壤也会发生液化。日本每年发生许多地震,如1995年阪神地震及2011年日本东北大地震都引发了人道主义危机,导致了巨大的经济损失。发生在松散和饱和砂层中的液化效应,会引起基础设施的巨大损害。多年来,液化控制对减轻地震灾害的重要性一直被强调,开发了很多基于各种原理的地基加固技术以减轻地震灾害。其中,20世纪70年代,日本开发的深层搅拌法(DMN)作为原位水泥稳定技术之一,经常被用来改进粘性和砂质土壤。近期,网格类型的DMM还被用以防止的土壤液化,其中,网格由稳定的墙柱组成,在地震过程中通过限制土壤颗粒的运动以防止超孔隙压力的产生。改良方法的效果首先在1995年的阪神地震中被验证合理。本文简要介绍了深层搅拌法在防震减灾中的一些应用。  相似文献   

地震引起的房屋倒塌是致命的杀手,这是人们的共识。2003年2月24日发生在新疆巴楚-伽师的6.8级地震,造成近4.5万间房屋倒塌,6 000余人被压埋在废墟中。该震引起了地表液化冒沙现象,震中烈度达到IX~X度。然而,这次地震只造成267人  相似文献   

<正>研究表明,只有当某个地区发生震级足够大的地震,这一地区才有可能产生场地液化现象。震级小于或者等于5.5级的地震,即使极震区烈度为Ⅶ度,其场地液化则难以发生或者说场地液化震害的影响有限。但是,对于7.5级左右的(特)大地震,由于地震动持续时间长,震动次数多,需要考虑远场甚至是Ⅵ~Ⅴ度区内液化的发生及其引起的破坏。因此,要反映地震强度和地震持续时间对液化的确切影响,仅以烈度概括是不够的,应以震级定量化,这样可以为地震现场工作人员评估场地液化震害奠定基础。结合地震震  相似文献   

黄玮琼  曹学锋  金严 《地震学报》1993,15(3):339-346
本文以华北地震区为研究区,研究一个大地震的发生对其周围地区强震的发生起什么样的影响?地震免疫性是否存在?这种免疫性在时空域上有什么样的分布图象?研究结果表明,华北地区 M7地震的发生对其后 M6地震的发生有不同程度的免疫性,其中8级地震的免疫范围比7级地震大得多.就8级地震而言,它对其后7级地震免疫的范围要比对6级地震的免疫范围大.根据以上分析,运用统计方法给出了地震免疫性因子随时空的变化规律.并探讨了它在地震危险性分析中的具体应用.   相似文献   

Sand boiling and liquefaction-induced damage to houses and infrastructures occurred in Minami-Kurihashi, Kuki City, during the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake, Japan. After the earthquake, extensive site investigations were conducted in the affected areas, including 14 borehole surveys and 43 sounding tests, where Piezo Drive Cone penetrometer, a newly developed test method, was used which could be effectively employed in detecting local change of soil profiles. A filled sandy soil layer existed near the ground surface in the affected areas, which originated from reclamation works using dredged materials to construct housing lots. In addition, a Holocene sandy soil layer existed partly at a depth of about 10–13 m. Though these two layers were evaluated to be potentially liquefiable, the liquefaction-induced damage was observed to concentrate in the areas where the reclamation works had been executed, suggesting that the liquefaction of the reclaimed layer caused such damage. It was deduced that possible liquefaction of the Holocene layer did not contribute to the damage and to the occurrence of sand boiling at the ground surface. As countermeasure against future liquefaction, ground water lowering method has been selected, and in-situ tests and numerical analyses were executed to predict the long-term ground settlement. A subsequent study on detailed design of the selected countermeasure is underway as of June 1, 2015.  相似文献   

Foundation soil of the proposed fertiliser complex in Northern India is examined for its susceptibility to liquefaction during an earthquake. Information on geotectonic set up and earthquake occurrences in the region around the site is used for defining the earthquake parameters of the ground motion. The effective peak ground acceleration for the site is estimated to be of the order of 0.15 g. Laboratory tests were carried out on soil samples obtained from the site on a horizontal vibration table. The test results were used in determining the possibility of liquefaction employing the methodology developed at the Department of Earthquake Engineering, University of Roorkee. About 10 m of a thick soil layer below the top 1.5 m stiff clay is likely to liquefy. Remedial measures used at the site to counter the possibility of liquefaction are mentioned.  相似文献   

1976年唐山地震期间,附近一些地区出现了砂土液化现象。本文根据工程勘探中的实例及实验数据,进行了砂土液化作用的统计和综合预测。文章中采用贝叶斯准则下的逐步判别分析方法,对唐山地区已知液化地点和非液化地点,作了五种检验计算,挑选出准确度及可靠性最高的变量模式。从而,对于当地震为Ⅷ度烈度时的砂土液化进行了预测。五种预测结果相同,互相印证,可靠性高,分组最大后验概率大多在0.99以上。在此条件下,外推预测结果可信。工程实践中,迫切需要对砂土液化进行综合性预测,而一般采用地质学或试验方法,仅能对砂土液化作单因素或少量因素下的预测,本文提出了综合性的通用预测方法,为砂土液化统计预测提供了新途径。砂土液化是平原地区的一种重要地震灾害。国内外多次大地震中,都曾因饱水砂土受到地震作用,引起孔隙水压增高及砂粒间的结合力和摩擦力降低,而使砂层发生液化状态的流动,并伴随有地基承载能力降低或失效。1964年以来,新潟地震及阿拉斯加地震时,由砂土液化造成了罕见的灾害。激发了各国、尤其是美国和日本对砂土液化预测的研究。但还多是单因素或少量因素影响下的分析方法。未能进行综合分析及推断。采用数理统计方法,可以综合分  相似文献   

刘汉雄  非明伦 《地震研究》1990,13(3):283-290
如果在昆明及其附近地区发生强烈的破坏性地震,当地震波传播到盘龙江江岸这一特定的场地条件时,对震害会产生怎样的影响?本文根据在强震考察中看到的一些河岸破坏的情况和对盘龙江江岸地区的一些工程水文地质资料及局部地区脉动观测结果分析指出:(1)强震时江岸地区易发生地裂,地陷和塌方等地基失效现象而加大震害。(2)由于江岸地区的土层含有饱和的砂土层,强震时易引起砂土液化导致地基失效而加大震害。(3)由于江岸地形的影响,强震时对振动起放大作用而加大震害。所以在昆明的城市规划建设中,盘龙江两岸在离岸边30米内最好不要建筑任何结构物,以免在强震时造成严重的破坏。  相似文献   

We applied three-dimensional geostatistical interpolation to evaluate the extent of liquefiable materials at two sites that liquefied during the 1994 Northridge Earthquake. The sites were the Balboa Blvd site and the Wynne Ave. site located in the alluvial San Fernando Valley. The estimated peak ground accelerations at the sites are 0.84 g (Balboa Blvd) and 0.51 g (Wynne Ave.). These sites were chosen because surface effects due to liquefaction were not predicted using available techniques based on thickness and depth of liquefiable layers (Ishihara [Ishihara K. Stability of natural deposits during earthquakes. Proceedings of the 11th international conference on soil mechanics and foundation engineering, vol. 1. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: A.A. Balkema; 1985. p. 321–76.]) and the Liquefaction Potential Index (Iwasaki et al. [Iwasaki T, Tatsuoka F, Tokida K, Yasuda S. A practical method for assessing soil liquefaction potential based on case studies at various sites in Japan. In: Proceedings of the second international conference on microzonation, San Francisco; 1978. p. 885–96.]). During the earthquake, both sites experienced surface effects including ground cracking and extension as a result of liquefaction. Foundations and buried utilities were damaged at both sites. The sites were investigated after the event by researchers with the United States Geologic Survey using standard penetration tests (SPT) and cone penetration tests. In this paper, liquefaction potential was estimated for each soil sample using results from SPTs according to the updated Seed and Idriss simplified procedure. The probability of liquefaction was estimated by applying an indicator transform to the results of the liquefaction potential calculation. We compared our results to detailed geologic mapping of the sites performed by other researchers. Using geostatistical interpolation to estimate the probability of liquefaction is a useful supplement to geologic evaluation of liquefaction potential. The geostatistical analysis provides an estimate of the continuous volume of liquefiable soil along with an assessment of confidence in an interpolation. The probability of liquefaction volumes compare well with those predicted using geologic interpretations.  相似文献   

永登5.8级地震中黄土震陷灾害的探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王峻  王兰民  李兰 《地震研究》2005,28(4):393-397
在1995年兰州永登发生的5.8级地震中,震区产生了严重的黄土震陷灾害。为了研究震区黄土震陷灾害的成因,对震区黄土进行了土工试验和土动力学试验,探讨了该区黄土的基本物理力学指标和土动力特性参数与黄土易损性的关系,分析了易损性与震区黄土震陷灾害的关系。经过多指标综合分析研究发现,震区黄土的易损性大,震陷性强。利用黄土震陷试验分析计算预测方法对震区黄土场地的震陷量进行预测研究,所得结果与实际地震的震陷量符合较好。  相似文献   

Observations of pile foundation performance during previous earthquakes have shown that pile failure has been caused by lateral ground movements resulting from soil liquefaction. The recognition that lateral ground movements may play a critical role in pile performance during an earthquake has important implications for design and risk assessment, and requires that analytical models be devised to evaluate these potential problems.In this paper, parametric studies were conducted to estimate the maximum bending moments induced in piles subjected to lateral ground displacement. The results are summarized in charts using dimensionless parameters.The analyses reveal that the existence of a nonliquefiable layer at the ground surface can affect significantly the maximum bending moment of the pile. When a relatively thick nonliquefiable layer exists above a liquefiable layer, neither the material nonlinearity of the soil nor loss of soil stiffness within the liquefiable layer significantly affect the maximum bending moment. When the thickness of the liquefiable soils is greater than about three times that of an overlying intact layer, soil stiffness in the liquefiable layer must be chosen carefully when evaluating the maximum bending moment.  相似文献   

砂土液化深度历来是工程界颇为关心的问题.以往研究砂土液化深度多靠间接或宏观的方法, 因而取得的结果彼此间差别很大, 本文提出一种建立在喷砂同地下砂层直接对比基础上的矿物学方法.唐山地震之后, 作者等收集北京通县的西集、王庄(以上为 Ⅷ 度烈度区), 河北香河县的骡子王、渠口、县城大气所(以上为 Ⅶ 度区)等五个钻孔剖面上的砂样及地表喷砂、并进行矿物与颗粒成分的研究.结果表明, 西集喷砂同地下12.26米砂层类似;王庄喷砂同地下11.02米砂层类似;骡子王喷砂同地下12.3米砂层类似;大气所喷砂同地下9.2米砂层类似;渠口喷砂同地下11.28米砂层类似.据此可以认为, 唐山地震时北京通县与河北香河等地的 Ⅶ 和 Ⅷ 度烈度区的最大液化深度不超过12.30米, 变化在9.2——12.30米之间, Ⅶ 度区有可能更浅些.   相似文献   

The investigation on damages to frozen soil sites during the West Kunlun Mountains Pass earthquake with Ms 8.1 in 2001 shows that the frozen soil in the seismic area is composed mainly of moraine, alluvial deposit, diluvial deposit and lacustrine deposit with the depth varying greatly along the earthquake rupture zone. The deformation and rupture of frozen soil sites are mainly in the form of coseismic fracture zones caused by tectonic motion and fissures,liquefaction, seismic subsidence and collapse resulting from ground motion. The earthquake fracture zones on the surface are main brittle deformations, which, under the effect of sinlstral strike-slip movement, are represented by shear fissures, tensional cracks and compressive bulges. The distribution and configuration patterns of deformation and rupture such as fissures, liquefaction, seismic subsidence and landslides are all related to the ambient rock and soil conditions of the earthquake area. The distribution of earthquake damage is characterized by large-scale rupture zones, rapid intensity attenuation along the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Highway, where buildings distribute and predominant effect of rock and soil conditions.  相似文献   

Approximately 4000 people were killed due to collapse of buildings in downtown Adapazari during the 1999 Izmit, Turkey earthquake (Mw = 7.4). The downtown is located on a deep sedimentary basin, so-called Adapazari basin. We study site effects of the Adapazari basin based on strong- and weak-motion data obtained by a temporary array observation deployed in and around the Adapazari basin after the earthquake. Four moderate-size aftershocks (M4.6–M5.8) are selected in our study. We evaluate the S-wave amplifications in the basin by using the traditional spectral ratio method. The spectral ratios show that the S waves are considerably amplified in the frequency range of 0.5 to about 5 Hz at the basin sites, but are apparently de-amplified at frequencies higher than about 10 Hz. We make a quantitative interpretation of the empirical amplifications based on the S-wave velocity structures at the stiff-soil reference site as well as at the basin sites; these structures were estimated by the microtremor array measurements. Through the interpretation, we confirm that the amplifications at low frequencies are attributed to the thick sedimentary layers in the Adapazari basin and that the apparent de-amplifications at high frequencies are partly due to the reference site response. In addition to the considerable S-wave amplifications, the basin site records show long-period (about 2 sec) later phases after the S-wave arrival; these later phases are basin-transduced surface waves that are originated from the source and transmitted into the basin. The predominant period of these waves apparently depends on the earthquake magnitude. We conclude that heavy damage in downtown Adapazari during the 1999 Izmit earthquake was caused not only by strongly amplified S-waves but also by long-period basin surface waves of long duration.  相似文献   

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