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本文对CCD图象预处理中的本底场、平场、带干涉条纹的天光背景等图象的获得及处理进行了讨论,并介绍了获得背景的中值法。  相似文献   

抚仙湖1 m新真空太阳望远镜(New Vacuum Solar Telescope,简称NVST)是我国新一代地基太阳观测设备之一,其中Hα成像系统是进行太阳色球观测的主要终端.实测Hα观测数据(特别是偏带观测数据)中明显存在由薄膜干涉引起的等厚条纹,而常规平场校正有时无法将其消除,并在后期图像高分辨率重建过程中造成严重影响.为了解决这个问题,利用连续4 h的Hα偏带观测数据对干涉条纹的空间和时间分布特性做了分析并发现:干涉条纹的间距或二维空间分布样式随时间固定不变,但条纹的强度随时间变化明显(4 h左右可见度增加9倍),是导致常规平场校正无法将其消除的主要原因.由此推断造成上述时变特性的主要原因是观测过程中入射光的强度以及入射光与CCD靶面位置的相对角度随时间发生了变化,而且产生条纹的薄膜结构与靶面位置距离较近.尝试了两种降低条纹可见度的方法.首先对探测器(pco.4000型CCD)光敏介质的前封窗进行了改造,通过改造前封窗楔角至2?的方案来调制条纹间距至CCD像元尺度,改造之后小范围视场内可识别出可见度仅为0.6%的少量干涉条纹.其次基于图像滤波技术提取干涉条纹图样并生成所谓条纹平场,分别采用和比较了频域傅里叶变换滤波和空域中值滤波两种方法,结果基本相同.观测数据再次进行条纹平场校正之后,条纹消除效果明显:可见度可降低8倍左右(即由之前的4.7%降低为0.6%以下).同时也指出多幅图像的积分(累加)可以有效降低精细太阳结构在条纹平场提取中的影响,并给出累加时间的经验值约为20 min.  相似文献   

本文给出云台第一、二号簿型CCD的光谱性能及测量方法。测量表明该系统的光谱响应从3300A—11000A。它用作光谱观测可比Kodark照相干板提高1—3个星等以上。干涉条纹的影响与云台第一号簿型CCD的影响相似,用已建立的方法可消除这种影响并可用于光谱观测。  相似文献   

本文讨论了CCD平场改正精度对CCD测光精度的影响。结果表明,CCD平场改正精度对CCD测光精度有很大的影响。因此,在CCD的测光精度范围之内,为了提高观测的极限星等,必须认真做好平场。此外还表明:(1)在同样的平场改正精度下,平场改正精度对CCD测光精度的影响还与视星等有关。星等值越大(天体越暗),影响就越大;(2)在一般情况下,只要被观测对象的视星等亮于18等(包括18~m),平场改正精度对CCD测光精度的影响都小于0.12~m;(3)当被观测对象的视星等暗于19等时,必须提高平场的改正精度,使其平场改正精度高于本文的结果,否则测光精度将太差、结果不能用。  相似文献   

本文以云南天文台CCD-Coude光谱系统中的云台1号CCD系统为例,讨论了CCD等面阵或线阵固体探测器件用于大色散光谱观测引起的噪声及消除的方法,重点讨论了平场的方法。  相似文献   

云南天文台的厚片CCD光谱观测系统筹备于1986年4月,1987年10月正式开题研制。经过两年的艰苦工作,终于研制成功,并于1989年10月在云台一米望远镜折轴摄谱仪上进行试观测,取得了令人满意的效果。该系统读出噪声低,暗流小,无干涉条纹,大大提高观测极限星等,是天文光谱观测研究的理想仪器,也是我国第一套厚片CCD系统。 本文主要从使用者角度出发,描述了仪器的结构、特性及其应用软件,并给出部分观测结果。  相似文献   

探月光学有效载荷系统含CCD立体相机与干涉成像光谱仪两台光学遥感器,CCD立体相机完成的科学目标主要是与激光高度计配合获取月球表面三维立体图像。文章主要叙述了三线阵立体相机的工作原理,定标内容、目的以及CCD裸片像元检测和整机的相对定标和绝对定标过程。  相似文献   

采用Ramsey分离振荡场方法,研究了紧束缚一维强相互作用的超冷玻色气体在Tonks-Girardeau区的Ramsey干涉。在等失谐情况下,干涉条纹宽度随着原子与分离场作用时间和拉比(Rabi)频率的增大而变窄。对量子投影噪声的研究表明,相比二能级Tonks-Girardeau气体,对于三能级模型,通过控制原子总数和调节外场可以降低量子噪声,有效地减少噪声对Tonks-Girardeau气体系统的干扰。原子干涉的探索对提高量子频率标准的精度具有重要理论指导意义。  相似文献   

给出兴隆60cm反射镜主焦CCD系统测光性能的测试结果,内容包括bias和暗流的稳定性测试、平场分析、增益和读出噪声测定等。以期为CCD测光工作提供参考和指导。  相似文献   

2021年6月,使用南京大学本科实验教学的65 cm反射式望远镜系统,对其后端的电荷耦合器件(Charge-Coupled Device, CCD)的性能采用圆顶平场法进行了实际测定,得到了CCD相机的快门函数;同时用平场序列曝光,检测了CCD相机的线性。CCD相机的读出值从0到61 900模数转换单位(Analog-Digital Unit, ADU)非线性小于1%,同时CCD相机的増益为1.02e-/adu,读出噪音为13e-。但对于恒星这样的点光源的观测,当像元的数值高于38 000 adu时产生溢出。因此,在使用本CCD相机做点光源观测研究时,需要选择恰当的曝光时间,避免星像溢出。实际天文观测中,利用此研究得到的快门函数可以对观测图像进行校准,有效提高测光精度。  相似文献   

Summary Recent years have seen an amazing development in our knowledge of the magnetic fields in the universe. The last ten years were crucial in our realization of the importance of the magnetic fields in galaxies. While a lot of the earlier data on our Galaxy depended on optical observations, the bulk of the recent results depend on radio measurements. The radio Zeeman effect gave us new information on magnetic fields in molecular clouds. The mapping of galaxies at several radio frequencies resulted in new knowledge about the large-scale magnetic fields in these basic building blocks of the universe. These exciting observations have led to new theoretical developments. In particular, the dynamo theory of flat objects received much attention since the observed large-scale structures can best be explained through the action of the dynamo effect. This review will attempt to summarise the observational evidence and to give viable explanations for the magnetic fields in galaxies.  相似文献   

描述了采用光学望远镜辅助天马13m射电望远镜进行指向测量以及建立指向误差修正模型的方法. 对于小口径望远镜, 指向校准目标源比较少, 用射电法建立指向模型难以覆盖全天区. 利用上海天文台天马13m射 电望远镜进行光学望远镜辅助射电望远镜指向测量研究, 在13m天线背架上安装一套光学指向系统, 获得了优 于3''的重复测量误差. 此外, 通过对影响天线指向因素的分析, 建立了包含8个误差项的指向误差修正模型以及 光轴和电轴偏差模型. 将指向模型代入天线伺服控制系统, 对校准目标射电源进行十字扫描, 得到指向样本残差约 为5''. 该研究可以为实现高精度指向建模提供一种参考方法.  相似文献   

We model the optical to X-ray continuum spectrum of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy RE J1034+396. We show that the flat optical spectrum is consistent with emission from an irradiated accretion disc. The X-ray emission can be modelled with a disc blackbody and a Comptonized component. The temperature at the inner edge of the disc     Using this constraint, we show that the flat optical spectrum is consistent with emission from the irradiatively heated outer part of the accretion disc. We constrain the outer radius of the optically thick disc     and the inner radius of the irradiation-dominated region     . Our optical and X-ray spectral fits indicate a mass     , and do not rule out a low (i.e. face-on) inclination angle for the system.  相似文献   

We consider a spatially homogeneous and isotropic flat Robertson-Walker model filled with a scalar (or tachyonic) field minimally coupled to gravity in the framework of higher derivative theory. We discuss the possibility of the emergent universe with normal and phantom scalar fields (or normal and phantom tachynoic fields) in higher derivative theory. We find the exact solution of field equations in normal and phantom scalar fields and observe that the emergent universe is not possible in normal scalar field as the kinetic term is negative. However, the emergent universe exists in phantom scalar field in which the model has no time-like singularity at infinite past. The model evolves into an inflationary stage and finally admits an accelerating phase at late time. The equation of state parameter is found to be less than −1 in early time and tends to −1 in late time of the evolution. The scalar potential increases from zero at infinite past to a flat potential in late time. More precisely, we discuss the particular case for phantom field in detail. We also carry out a similar analysis in case of normal and phantom tachyonic field and observe that only phantom tachyonic field solution represents an emergent universe. We find that the coupling parameter of higher order correction affects the evolution of the emergent universe. The stability of solutions and their physical behaviors are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

We describe an archive of high-precision MDI flat fields that can be used to refine most MDI high-resolution continuum data. The archive consists of many flat-field images representing different time ranges over the full operating period of SOHO. The residual flat-field error on the standard level 1.5/1.8 calibrated continuum images represents a significant proportion (25% – 100%) of the true data variation data on the quiet sun. Using the flat fields in this archive will reduce that error by a factor of 10 – 30, greatly increasing the accuracy of any tracking or photometric operations. The access, use and accuracy of these flat fields are described in this paper.  相似文献   

针对太赫兹波段天文点源目标较少, 指向测量相对困难的特点, 研究了利用与太赫兹天线共轴的小型光学望远镜来辅助太赫兹望远镜指向测量以及建立指向误差修正模型的方法. 依托紫金山天文台1.2 m斜轴式太赫兹天线开展了光学辅助指向测量的实验研究, 利用一台安装在天线背架上的100mm口径折射式光学望远镜获得了优于2$''$的指向测量精度. 此外, 通过对斜轴天线的结构分析以及大气折射和本地恒星时(Local Sidereal Time, LST)偏差等误差来源的分析, 建立了包含23个误差项的斜轴式光学指向修正模型, 实现了约3$''$的拟合精度. 最后, 借助高精度数字摄影测量对光电轴一致性进行了标定, 并针对其对指向模型精度的影响进行了讨论. 研究成果将为南极5 m太赫兹望远镜(The 5m Dome A Terahertz Explorer, DATE5)及其他太赫兹望远镜提供指向测量和指向修正模型方面的技术参考.  相似文献   

Slope Detection and Ranging (SLODAR) is a technique for the measurement of the vertical profile of atmospheric optical turbulence strength. Its main applications are astronomical site characterization and real-time optimization of imaging with adaptive optical correction. The turbulence profile is recovered from the cross-covariance of the slope of the optical phase aberration for a double star source, measured at the telescope with a wavefront sensor (WFS). Here, we determine the theoretical response of a SLODAR system based on a Shack–Hartmann WFS to a thin turbulent layer at a given altitude, and also as a function of the spatial power spectral index of the optical phase aberrations. Recovery of the turbulence profile via fitting of these theoretical response functions is explored. The limiting resolution in altitude of the instrument and the statistical uncertainty of the measured profiles are discussed. We examine the measurement of the total integrated turbulence strength (the seeing) from the WFS data and, by subtraction, the fractional contribution from all turbulence above the maximum altitude for direct sensing of the instrument. We take into account the effects of noise in the measurement of wavefront slopes from centroids and the form of the spatial structure function of the atmospheric optical aberrations.  相似文献   

The precise measurement of solar magnetic fields requires an accurate measurement of the Muller matrix of the optical components in the path of the light beam, which again requires a careful measurement of the optical constants of the reflecting surfaces in the case of a 3-mirror coelostat system. Here we present a method to measure the optical constants (the real and imaginary part of the refractive index) to an accuracy of the order of 1% for bulk aluminium. This work is directed towards the measurement of instrumental polarisation at the Kodaikanal solar tower telescope, although it can be used for any metallic coated optics.  相似文献   

LAMOST的光学系统由反射施密特改正板MA 和球面主镜MB 组成 ,MA 和MB 均为对角径 1 .1m的六角形子镜的拼镜面 .本文计算了星在子午圈上时望远镜观测不同的天区零视场和有视场时的光学系统衍射能量分布 ,还计算了MA 不变MB 改为整块的 6m镜以及MA 和MB 均为对角径 1 .5m的六角形子镜的拼镜面的衍射能量分布 .对这些计算结果进行分析 ,论证了六角形子镜尺寸选择的合理性  相似文献   

This paper presents particularly simple mathematical formulas for the calculation of force-free fields of constant α from the distribution of discrete sources on a flat surface. The advantage of these formulas lies in their physical simplicity and the fact that they can be easily used in practice to calculate the fields. The disadvantage is that they are limited to fields of ‘sufficiently small α’. These formulas may be useful in the study of chromospheric magnetic fields by the comparison of high-resolution Hα photographs and photospheric magnetograms.  相似文献   

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