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为了避免速度分析拾取速度参数引起的繁复费时、拾取参数不准确导致的校正效果不佳和传统动校正的拉伸畸变问题,利用速度无关动校正方法进行相关处理。通过数据解构获取局部同相轴斜率,解析斜率数据与速度的关系,由局部斜率可直接获得动校正所需时差参数,其信息足以进行动校正处理。通过模拟和实际数据进行的实验计算,证明此方法优于常规动校正处理效果。  相似文献   

为提高各向异性非双曲速度分析的精度, 以适应大偏移距和复杂介质条件下的速度分析, 通过总结层状介质非双曲线速度参数估计的基本步骤, 同时利用数值模拟及相似度分析方法验证了非双曲线速度分析的可靠性, 反演出的速度结果与理论值的误差为1% ±。同时, 对各向异性参数η进行了误差分析, 发现η对误差相当敏感, 直接反演所得的η值与理论计算值误差高达12.87% , 因此最好进行直接拾取, 以提高速度分析的精度。  相似文献   

井地联合提取VTI介质各向异性参数   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在新疆塔里木盆地某地区的宽方位三维地震数据中,VTI介质火成岩的各向异性和垂向速度变化引起非双曲线时差。通过对实际资料的系统分析,我们不能利用DMO反演法,移动震源VSP反演法和多偏移距VSP初至旅行时反演法提取Thomsen参数用于各向异性地震资料的处理。因此本文提出一个新的方法:运用地震资料和零偏移距VSP井求取火成岩的各向异性参数δ;在比较精确确定火成岩地层深度和厚度的情况下,利用偏移距VSP井,求取了各向异性参数ε,从而获得火成岩的瞬时各向异性参数η;充分考虑VTI介质垂向速度变化对时差曲线的影响,获得了各向异性参数ηeff。最后,利用所提取的各向异性参数,进行VTI介质各向异性速度分析和成像,成像质量得到明显改善。  相似文献   

To identify weak primaries in the presence of strong multiples is a challenge in conventional velocity spectra. Selective-correlation,an approach that can enhance the resolving of velocity analysis,is introduced, and extended to anisotropic media. Noting that the peaks of primaries submerged along the flank of the coherence peak of a strong multiples can be clearly identified in conventional spectrum comparing the velocity spectra obtained by this two approaches on synthetic data ,we conclued that selective-correlation keeps a higher resolution than conventional velocity analysis does. This process not only maintained the advantage of conventional velocity analysis, but also improveed manipulation. It matches the conventional velocity analysis on computational expense.  相似文献   

这里研究了VTI(Vertical Transverse Isotropy)介质隐式有限差分(IFD)波场外推算子和VTI介质平面波偏移。在文中设计了VTI介质IFD波场外推算子,将Taylor分析法求得的差分系数,作为初始解,用非线性优化方法迭代求得算子系数。将设计的外推算子频散曲线和偏移脉冲响应与理论解进行了对比分析,验证出外推算子有较高的精度。从各向同性介质平面波偏移理论出发,结合VTI介质IFD波场外推算子,将平面波偏移推广到VTI介质中。对Hess VTI标准模型拟合数据进行偏移,偏移结果验证了平面波偏移在VTI介质中的有效性,以及在加强特定陡倾界面成像方面的优势。并且,与常规VTI介质叠前深度偏移相比,VTI介质平面波偏移在保证成像质量的前提下,大大减少了计算量,为各向异性偏移成像研究提供了新的技术思路。  相似文献   

现阶段,各向同性介质假设已经不能满足复杂地质构造条件下的成像需求,忽略介质各向异性影响会使速度估计不准确,成像精度降低.为此,笔者从VTI介质一阶速度一应力方程出发,利用Poynting矢量特性对地震波进行方向行波分离,得出了基于上下行波分离的互相关成像条件,并将其应用在复杂VTI介质中.通过层状模型和SEG/EAGE岩丘模型测试验证了该算法的有效性以及在成像上的优越性;另外,当偏移速度不准确时,本文方法仍能够有效压制偏移噪声,成像质量更佳.  相似文献   

用波动方程的有限差分数值解法,模拟了井间地震观测到的VTI介质中传播的波场,合成井间地震共炮点的三分量记录,对比识别了野外实际井间地震三分量观测记录上的快纵波、慢纵波、快横波和慢横波,分析了各类波的传播速度和偏振特性,为井间地震数据的波场分离、不同类型波场的成像以及纵横波和快慢波的联合解释提供依据。   相似文献   

横向各向同性(TI)介质是岩石地球物理中常见的一种现象,研究其井孔声场传播特征对声波测井理论以及为声波测井解释提供依据具有重要意义。针对具有垂直对称轴的横向各向同性(VTI)介质,根据柱坐标系条件下的弹性波波动方程,推导了速度-应力交错有限差分公式,采用时间二阶、空间十阶的交错有限差分算法对VTI介质中的井孔声场进行数值模拟。给出了在均匀介质中井孔声场不同时刻的波场快照,以及不同各向异性系数的VTI介质中的波场快照,计算了井轴上声源激发出的声波全波列波形。结果表明,在其他条件不变的条件下,VTI地层的各向异性系数的增大对横波的传播影响不大,但会使得纵波在纵向上的传播速度相对变小,径向上变化不大。各向异性系数的增大会使声波测井全波列首波信号时差变大,声波幅度略变小。  相似文献   

地震波全波形反演是当今地质构造反演的潮流。在层析成像等为其提供初始模型的预处理中,地震波初至走时是一个非常重要的物理量。因而,高效高精度且稳定的走时计算方法对于各向异性建模具有重要的研究意义。为实现高效高精度且稳定的走时计算,首先利用扰动理论及泰勒公式将具有垂直对称轴的横向各向同性(VTI)介质程函方程展开,得到走时解;然后引入各向同性快速推进法(fast marching method,FMM),运用改进后的迎风差分格式求取差分格式黏滞解获取单点走时。结合窄带推进技术,得到了一种新的基于快速匹配法的VTI介质走时计算方法。通过对均匀弱各向异性模型计算结果和解析值的对比,评估了其误差,相对误差稳定于0.5%以下。针对该方法的有效性和稳定性,对层状介质模型和盐丘模型反射波走时进行了试算,取得了较好的效果。理论分析和模型试算表明,该方法对VTI介质走时计算具有较高的精度,能够应用于各向异性层析成像和全波场偏移等研究中。  相似文献   

The propagation of elastic P-wave in unfavorable geologic structures is a complex process which contains reflex, transmission, and refraction. In this paper, the discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) method is introduced, and the viscous boundary condition and stress wave input way are applied to enable the DDA method to simulate the seismic dynamic response of underground rock mass. The improved DDA program is used to analyze the propagation laws of elastic P-wave in joints and weak interlayer. The results show that (1) for a range of joint stiffness, the difference of transmission coefficient of joint surface between DDA calculation and theoretical solution is small; (2) the lower the joint stiffness, the more obvious the attenuation of the elastic P-wave is; (3) varied joint spacing and joint number play different roles on the attenuation of elastic P-wave; (4) the DDA calculation result is consistent with the theoretical solution for the transmission coefficient of interface; (5) the thickness and elastic modulus of weak interlayer will affect the interference effect of multiple transmission waves; (6) with the increasing weak interlayer thickness H (or a), the attenuation of the elastic P-wave is more obvious; and (7) the lower the wave impedance ratio of weak interlayer, the more obvious the attenuation of the elastic P-wave is.  相似文献   

P-wave delays at Tinemaha, China Lake, Pasadena, Riverside, Hayfield and Barrett, stations of the CIT Southern California seismic network, are measured for three explosions in the Aleutians and six deep-focus earthquakes in the Marianas. Except at Riverside, no change in P-delays exceeding the experimental uncertainty, ± 0.2 sec, is found during the period from 1965 to 1971. At Riverside, however, P-delay in 1971 is at least 0.4 sec smaller than that in 1965, indicating a temporal P-velocity increase beneath Riverside from 1965 to 1971. Evidence supporting this result is obtained from the P-times at Riverside for quarry blasts at Corona (Δ ≈ 20 km). Precise travel-time measurements are made for eight blasts since 1949. The travel time changes as a function of time, ranging from 3.3 to 3.7 sec. This range of variation seems to be larger than the experimental uncertainty. The trend for the period from 1964 to 1969 is consistent with the temporal change in the teleseismic P-delays observed at Riverside. The observed change in P-delays is not related in any obvious way to past seismic activity; rather it might represent a large-scale fluctuation of the property of the crust caused possibly by change in the tectonic stress and fluid-vapor flow, and may be related to future earthquake activity.  相似文献   

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