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ARNICA (ARcetri Near Infrared CAmera) is the imaging camera for the near infrared bands between 1.0 and 2.5 m that Arcetri Observatory has designed and built as a common use instrument for the TIRGO telescope (1.5 m diameter, f/20) located at Gornergrat (Switzerland). The scale is 1 per pixel, with sky coverage of more than 4×4 on the NICMOS 3 (256×256 pixels, 40 m side) detector array. The optical path is compact enough to be enclosed in a25.4 cm diameter dewar; the working temperature of detector and optics is 76 K. We give an estimate of performance, in terms of sensitivity with an assigned observing time, along with some preliminary considerations on photometric accuracy.  相似文献   

A new infrared camera (AIR Camera) has been developed at NASA-Ames Research Center for observations from ground-based telescopes. The heart of the camera is a Hughes 58 × 62 pixel Arsenic-doped Silicon detector array that has the spectral sensitivity range to allow observations in both the 10 and 20 micron atmospheric windows.The U.S. Government right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free licence in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   

ISIS IR is the first attempt to use fibre optics for near infrared spectroscopy (1.8m). It is a field spectrograph (2D spectroscopy), and can work at various resolving powers (up to 25000). It can be transported anywhere, and soon it will be used at CFHT with one NICMOS 3-based camera.Département d'Astrophysique Extragalactique et de Cosmologie  相似文献   

From the LRS spectra of almost 2000 IRAS sources showing the 1612 MHz OH emission we found 9 candidates for OH/IR stars with SiC features in their envelopes. Further study indicates that 6 of these are definitely or very probably carbon star with the 11.3 μm SiC emission feature in addition of being OH/IR stars showing the 1612 MHz OH maser emission.  相似文献   

The water ice and silicate dust bands centered at about 3 and 10 μm, respectively, are simultaneously observed in the spectra of several objects. So far the wavelength dependence of the polarization in both bands has been modeled using two-layer spheroids, with the shape of the silicate core being confocal to that of the ice mantle. We show that nonconfocality of the spheroidal core and mantle boundaries changes fundamentally the wavelength dependence of the polarization within the 10-μm silicate band and affects significantly the polarization within the 3-μm water ice band, while the extinction profiles of these bands remain essentially unchanged. Since the results have been obtained for a theoretical model, we discuss their applicability and significance for cosmic dust grains. Original Russian Text ? M.S. Prokopjeva, V.B. Il’in, 2007, published in Pis’ma v Astronomicheskiĭ Zhurnal, 2007, Vol. 33, No. 10, pp. 784–791.  相似文献   

陈培生  汪洵浩 《天文学报》1999,40(2):174-182
利用IRAS低分辨率光谱(LRS)观测资料,从近2000个具有1612MHzOH发射的IRAS源中,发现9个具有碳化硅特征拱星壳层的OH/IR星的候选者.进一步的研究表明其中的6个确实或极有可能既是显示11.3μm碳化硅发射特征的碳星,也是表现1612MHzOH脉泽发射的OH/IR星  相似文献   

本文计算了一批OH/IR星的绝对K星等Mk,对OH/IR星的Mk和距离d作了讨论。发现当K较亮时,Mk为一常数;当K较暗时,Mk较离散且呈现一定的变化趋势。本文还拟合得到了一个由K星等求距离的经验公式,并由此公式计算了一批OH/IR星的距离。最后,对所得结果进行了解释和讨论。  相似文献   

熊关柱  陈培生 《天文学报》2000,41(2):181-191
利用几种不同的半经验公式计算一批OH/IR星的质量损失率,并通过比较计算结果来讨论所用的公式.在一些情况下,计算质量损失率必须先给定气尘比.通过计算出样品星的气尘比,并讨论气尘比的变化情况,以修正由尘埃质量损失率到总质量损失率的关系式.  相似文献   

In the last years, optical studies of Isolated Neutron Stars (INSs) have expanded from the more classical rotation-powered ones to other categories, like the Anomalous X-ray Pulsars (AXPs) and the Soft Gamma-ray Repeaters (SGRs), which make up the class of the magnetars, the radio-quiet INSs with X-ray thermal emission and, more recently, the enigmatic Compact Central Objects (CCOs) in supernova remnants. Apart from 10 rotation-powered pulsars, so far optical/IR counterparts have been found for 5 magnetars and for 4 INSs. In this work we present some of the latest observational results obtained from optical/IR observations of different types of INSs.  相似文献   

It is found that the mass loss rate derived from S25/S12 is generally greater than that from the OH flux. This suggests an increasing loss rate with time. It is found that the gas-to-dust ratio decreases during the evolution Of OH/IR stars. An empirical relation between the gas-to-dust ratio and the dust mass loss rate is derived, leading to a formula for calculating the total mass loss rate directly from the IRAS 60 μm flux. OH/IR stars with silicate emission have a larger range of mass loss ratio, from 10−7 to 10−5 M/yr; those with silicate absorption, a smaller range between 10−5 and 10−4 M/yr. So a large increase in the mass loss rate takes place during the emission phase.  相似文献   

In this paper, the dust event on 7 April 2001 in northern China is investigated with three MODIS thermal infrared (IR) bands. It is found that for the dust cloud, the observed 11 μm minus 12 μm brightness temperature difference (BTD) is always negative, while the BTD of 8.5 μm minus 11 μm varies from positive to negative depending on the dust concentration. Based on these distinguishing properties, we develop a dust mask algorithm to identify the dust storm occurrence and spatial extent. The algorithm can be used successfully in both the daytime and nighttime. Using the Mie spherical scattering theory, the thermal radiation transfer through the single dust layer is performed with the widely used forward model DISTORT. Our calculations show that the dust-like aerosols can well explain the observed BTD although both of the complex refractive index and particle size of aerosols will significantly influence the BTD. When the complex refractive index is fixed (dust-like aerosols in this paper), then the dust optical thickness and effective radii of dust particles can be retrieved from the brightness temperature (BT) of the 11 μm channel and the BTD of 11 μm minus 12 μm channels, respectively. The integral dust column density can also be derived from the retrieved dust optical thickness and effective radius.  相似文献   

渐近巨星分支恒星 (AGB星 )是一种晚期演化恒星 ,它是恒星作为以核反应释能为发光能源的天体的最后演化阶段。AGB星阶段的恒星具有许多有趣的性质 ,如很大的质量损失率 (因此形成很厚的拱星尘埃气体包层 ) ,光变 ,热脉动 (或He闪耀 ) ,强的红外超量发射 ,分子脉泽发射等 ,弄清AGB星的演化规律是研究恒星演化理论的重要任务。目前人们所知道的AGB星的演化图景是 ,恒星经过漫长的主序演化之后 ,将经过红巨星 (RGB)阶段 ,然后才进入AGB阶段 ,在其演化过程中AGB星的光度和质量损失率要逐渐增大 ,它的光变周期也逐渐变长 ,在其中心星经历了一系列的由He核反应不稳定性引起的热脉动之后 ,它的质量损失很快停止 ,恒星开始向行星状星云 (PN)演化 ,最后行星状星云将会变成一个白矮星 ,这将是许多初始质量不很大的恒星的最终结局。OH/IR星阶段是AGB星演化的一个阶段 ,OH/IR星是那些质量稍大的恒星在AGB阶段后期演化而成的天体。现阶段人们对OH/IR星的具体演化过程还知道得很少。我们利用了球对称包层中的尘埃辐射转移模型来研究OH/IR星的演化性质 ,并且收集了尽量多的具有可靠距离的OH/IR星来研究他们的光度和质量损失率的演化性质。在本文的研究工作中 ,我们主要讨论了OH/IR星在远红外双色图中的分布规律 ,还发现  相似文献   

We present recent radio interferometer measurements of the OH 1612 MHz maser emission from the OH/IR sources OH0.9+1.3 and OH357.31 obtained with the enhanced MERLIN. Some preliminary results are briefly discussed. These results are part of an on-going observational campaign to obtain the best radio maps of bright OH/IR stars with MERLIN, VLA and VLBA, in order to understand the nature and dynamics of their circumstellar matter and evolution.  相似文献   

We report a V band photometry of the SU UMa star IR Gem at quiescence in January 2002. The observations were made with two telescopes spaced - 160° apart in longitude. Several photometric modulations have been found. One gives a period of 98.50(13) min, exactly equal to the orbital period determined spectroscopically. Two others occasionally strengthen and seem to be positive and negative superhumps with periods of 103.6(4) and 95.4(4) min, 5.2% longer and 3.1% shorter than the orbital period, respectively. A signal at - 0.6 c/d in the power spectrum is roughly consistent with the expected period of nodal precession of the disk. There is a puzzling peak at 0.21(3) c/d corresponding to the - 4.3 d sine wave seen in the raw light curve. We suspect it to be a beat frequency between the frequencies of apsidal and nodal precessions of the disk. Quasi-periodic cycles with amplitudes 0.15-0.6 mag can be seen in the light curve. The mechanism underlying this modulation is not clear.  相似文献   

Conor Laver  Imke de Pater 《Icarus》2008,195(2):752-757
We present equivalent width maps of the 1.98 and 2.13 μm SO2 ice absorption bands on the surface of Io. The data were taken on 17 April 2006 with the near-infrared mapping spectrometer, OSIRIS at the W.M. Keck Observatory, Hawaii. The maps show significant regional enhancements of SO2 ice over the Bosphoros, Media, Tarsus and Chalybes Regiones.  相似文献   

The current state of theoretical modelling of the spectra of cool dwarfs and ultracool objects are discussed. Fits of synthetical spectral energy distributions (SEDs) in the optical and IR spectral regions to observed spectra show problems of theoretical modelling. Problems of interpretation of observed spectra are more obvious for the case of L and T dwarfs. Still even for late‐M dwarfs the situation is far from being perfect. Some examples of the .ne analysis of the spectra of ultracool dwarfs are presented. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Fresnel lenses offer the possibility of concentrating the flux of X-rays or gamma-rays flux falling on a geometric area of many square metres onto a focal point which need only be a millimetre or so in diameter (and which may even be very much smaller). They can do so with an efficiency that can approach 100%, and yet they are easily fabricated and have no special alignment requirements. Fresnel lenses can offer diffraction-limited angular resolution, even in a domain where that limit corresponds to less than a micro second of arc.Given all these highly desirable attributes, it is natural to ask why Fresnel gamma ray lenses are not already being used, or at least why there is not yet any mission that plans to use the technology. Possible reasons (apart from the obvious one that nobody thought of doing so) include the narrow bandwidth of simple Fresnel lenses, their very long focal length, and the problems of target finding. It is argued that none of these is a ‘show stopper’ and that this technique should be seriously considered for nuclear astrophysics.  相似文献   

We report laboratory experiments and modeling calculations investigating the effect of a hydrocarbon coating on ammonia ice spectral signatures. Observational evidence and thermochemical models indicate an abundance of ammonia ice clouds in Jupiter's atmosphere. However, spectrally identifiable ammonia ice clouds are found covering less than 1% of Jupiter's atmosphere, notably in areas of strong vertical transport, indicating a short lifetime for the signature of ammonia absorption on condensed ammonia particles [Baines, K.H., Carlson, R.W., Kamp, L.W., 2002. Icarus 159, 74-94]. Current literature has suggested coating of ammonia ice particles by a hydrocarbon haze as a possible explanation for this paradox. The work presented here supports the inference of a coating effect that can alter or suppress ammonia absorption features. In the experiments, thin films of ammonia ices are deposited in a cryogenic apparatus, coated with hydrocarbons, and characterized by reflection-absorption infrared spectroscopy. We have observed the effects on the ammonia ice absorption features near 3 and 9 μm with coverage by thin layers of hydrocarbons. Modeling calculations of these multilayer thin films assist in the interpretation of the experimental results and reveal the important role of optical interference in altering the aforementioned ammonia spectral features. Mie and T-matrix scattering calculations demonstrate analogous effects for ammonia ice particles and investigate the relative effects of ammonia ice particle size, shape, and coating layer thickness on the ice particle spectral signatures.  相似文献   

The employment of a large area Phase Fresnel Lens (PFL) in a gamma-ray telescope offers the potential to image astrophysical phenomena with micro-arcsecond (μ′′) angular resolution [1]. In order to assess the feasibility of this concept, two detailed studies have been conducted of formation flying missions in which a Fresnel lens capable of focussing gamma-rays and the associated detector are carried on two spacecraft separated by up to 106 km. These studies were performed at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Integrated Mission Design Center (IMDC) which developed spacecraft, orbital dynamics, and mission profiles. The results of the studies indicated that the missions are challenging but could be accomplished with technologies available currently or in the near term. The findings of the original studies have been updated taking account of recent advances in ion thruster propulsion technology.  相似文献   

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